Newspaper Page Text
BBBBBiZir "' """ ".. iTMBiMBIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB HKM-C . 3E , """-"in L. M. t HIH..JM,. ,. I few Local Gossipings , H' Who Has Come or Gone; the Why and I and Wherefore of It All. H Mrs. Maud Robinson, ill of typhoid H so lonp, Is still unable to be up. H j ' Frank Goodwin's little boy is just H I now recovering from a siege of typhoid. H I Miss Mattle Ilcllcr, of Ocdcn, was H f the guest of Miss Jennie Turner on H J Christmas day. H j Try a box of Sweet's chocolate chop H 1 sticks at Hlter Ilros. Drug Co. 10 and J 21 cents per box I Mr. and Mrs W. T. J'y per came up H from Salt Lake city to spend a few H , days with home folks, the Torgcn- H BBa Little "Hob" Campbell has been Hs quite ill recently with pneumonia. At H j last account the little fellow was get- Hfl ting along fairly well. H i:rlc V. Rybcrg, who Is building the BBJ Garfield smeltcis for a syndicate of H j millionaires, Is in Logan taking a BB much needed rest. J ' Miss Lena Hoffman, of the Fourth H t ward, leaves today for the l'hillplnc BBS Islands, where she expects to stay BBS with Captain Stycr's family for at BBS least onejcai. SB Miss Lulu Carpenter, librarian at BBS the U. of U , Is spending the mid BBS winter vacation with her mother and BBS BBS Joseph 11. Nelson and family came BBS down from Uo7cman, Mont., to spend BBS I Christmas. Mr. Nelson will remain BBS only a few dajs, but Mrs. Nelson and BBS tin children will visit with relatives BBS for some time. BBS Uto Griilln has recently opened a BBS blacksmith and repair shop In I'res- SB I ton. The report is that he is getting JB a'ong very nicely. Mr. .Trillin is an BJB expert machinist and Is sure to gain BBS i a strong foothold as tho Preston people BBS J become better acquainted with him. J' h Street Supervisor Illanchaid and his BBS aids arc making a strenuous cITort to BBS,, I secure itll the poll taxes to which the BBS, city is entitled It's rather hard to BBS, I locate sonic of the evaders of this lit- BBSjf I tic levy, but Hie boys arc halng a BBS I racjfoi their money allrlght.allrlght. BBS)1 ' BBS j 1 Miss Minnie Peterson, who is teach BBS ' ' ing Domestic Science at Rphralm, Is BBS ' j spending her vacation with her pa BBS " r rents, Mr. and Mrs Andreas Peterson. BBS , Miss Peterson sas she Is gcttlngalong BBSfU-- with hci work In a splendid way, en BBS; I joys ittotheilmltandllkesKphralm--BBS still, is glad to get back to this por BBS tlonof .Ion for a few dajs. H$ I Mr. and Mrs O. P. Olofscn are up BBSJ from Ogdcn to spend a few days with (their parents, Mr. and Mrs TCdwIn Pcake. Mr. Peake Is tho enthusiastic ' Modern Woodman of this city and the BBS f I expressman who has secured the con- BSBf f b tract for moving the Agricultural BSBj , I College when tho University bunch BBSjr i f comes up after It. H fc f Hon. Charles W. Able, ex-Governor BSBf ' K L of Kentucky, now Governor of Tiik BBS ; l i Rki-uiimoan's mechanical depart- BBSL ' 1 incut, spent Sunday and Monday In BBB I Salt Lako city with his old pa), Gov- BBSL j' crnor Cutler. They had a jolly good BSBf ) time, and Mr. Able offers the assi.r- BSfl! : ance that the Governor Is most friend- BSB ! ly to Logan and tho A, C just at BBJk i I present. Most of this Is a lib. VJ--' I On Tuesday night, January 8, the BSflj Sixth Klders quorum will give an en- BSBfi tcrtalument at the Fifth ward meet- BBSJt I Ing house. A musical program will BBH f be rendered, a lunch will bo served BBSjr ; and then the time will bo given to a VJf genuine old-fashioned dance, to which BBJl ;- i all the married people- of Greenville BBJI - , , and the Fifth ward are invited. The BBJl ' '- w committee in charge Is composed of BBJj 1 Andrew Nelson, Robert McCullock, BBj I A. J. Hansen and John Moscr. Vfl ' The demand for cut (lowers was so BSBL great this Christmas that the local BBJT ) Flower Store turned down not less BBSt' ! than a hundred orders. It was Impos- BB) ' siblo to secure any quantity of flowers BSHp. h from any of the hot houses cast of the BBJ V Missouri river. The local firm was BBJ. , as greatly disappointed as tho would- BBJ' "t bo buyers and Mr. Carllslo expresses BBJ the hope that a company to put up BBJ . . hot houses here may soon be organ Ill bV BBJ I'r James II. Cochran, of Kllgore, BBJ ,n. ,' : Idaho, has come to Logan for an ex- B( -' (, tended stay with tho Stoops family. !I)r. Cochran Is a retired millionaire whose lovo of naturo led him to seek the beauties of an Idaho ranch high In tho mountains, and there for the past few years ho has remained, ex cept at those occasional times when ho has coino to Logan to Indulge In tho frivolities of tho city's four hun- H , ' drcd. Ho has many warm friends here BBS l I V sSR w" arc over delighted to see him. BBSs l -4i HI Uyiw BBBBBSkowv (hVAVAbv BBBSBBS Jh7b1bBBBBBBm. HBIBBSBBBSBBSBBSBaBBSBBSBBSBB V. G. Danlelson, the machinist and inventor, went to the state metropolis Thursday morning. Win. Sparks and wife, of Smithficld, spent Christmas with their children, Dr. and Mrs. T, II. Cutler. Misses Charlotte Kyle and Kdnah V. Linn, of the New Jersey academy, arc spending apportion of their vaca tion In Ogdcn. When passing Chas McNeil's store In tho Fourth ward call In and refresh j ourselves with a box of Sw eet's candy. Try our pure sugar stick. AqulllaFarr came down from Ilobln, Idaho, first of the week and remained until Thursday with relatives Mrs. Farr will remain for some time yet. President W. J. Kerr and Trustees Thomas Smart and John A. McAllister went to Salt Lake Thursday to attend a meeting of the governing board of the A. C. of U Geo. H. Hoggan, formerly of Provi dence but now In business at Rlgby, Idaho, came down for a few days' visit with his mother. The Hoggans have a splendid harness and saddlery busi ness in Rlgby now. Mrs George DeWltt and daughter May have returned from their visit with friends and relatives back In Nebraska, Mrs. DeWltt brought back with her some of tho famous Nebraska corn, some of tho ears meas uring more than twelye Inches In length. Such as this makes the aver age westerner take notice. A A Olscn, formerly saloonkeeper In this city, Is now doing a thriving business at Proston handling live stock and produce. The llrm Is known as the Preston Produce company, repre sented by Olscn and Lgley They ha e recently shipped socnty the cars of hay and grain to Ogden, also three cars of hogs. The llrm Is well estab lished and has a bright future. A charlng-dlsh supper at the Ostlen home Thursday evening was thorough ly enjoyable but there never was an agalr at that hosnltable homo that wasn't delightful Following tho sup per there was music and conversation. Those present wore Mrs Wing, Misses DeGrair, Kathcrluo Smith, Raymond, Martha and Grace Fisher; Mr. and Mrs, N R Moore, Prof. Arnold and Principal Cathcart, of the N. J. A. On Christmas Kve while S. R Mlt ton and family were out spending the evening with friends a line Newman piano was left at his residence by the Harris Music Co. Upon returning home there were at a loss to know why such a handsome Instrument was there After considerable Inquiry by telephone they ascertained that It was a Xinas present given to their little daughters, Ada and Annie, by their uncle, ex-Mayor Lorenzo Hansen. It was a complete surprise and the gift Is greatly appreciated, as a matter of course. A Christmas surprise for those who rent boxes at the postolllce comes In tho bhapo of an order doubling the price of boxes. After January 1, tho medium-size boxes will cost 75 cents a quarter Instead of CO cents as hereto fore. The why and wherefore of all this is not clearly apparent, but that doesn't cut any Ice-the order Is made by "the government," and If the peo pie desire to use boxes they will have to put up the extra amount. This new order affects all tho postoillces of the country The price of the larger boxes, $1 per quarter, Is not changed, for which the limited few are duly thankful James Nelson, brother of "Pete" and Joseph, Is down from Hozeman, Mont. Mr. Nelson Is president of tho "Copper King" prospect, In which quite a number of local people arc In terested. Ho has unlimited faith In tho prospect, being confident at this time that by tho middle of next sum mcr tho stock will bo soaring some where near thj 810 mark. Owing to the fact that the smelters at Cook City, tho nearest point, are closed down for Improvements, together with tho added fact that the snow In tits mountains Is very deep, no work Is now being done on tho Copper King. However, it has been demonstrated that tho prospect contains an appa rcntly unlimited quantity of oro that doesn't run less than SCO to the ton, and thoso most Interested arc content. The report is that magnates have offered largo sums of money for tho Copper King, but It is tho intention of Mia company to finish up tho road under construction and develop the mines themselves It is Mr. Nelson's Intention to remain In Logan for somo time. Kx-Mayor Thomas Orlllln, of Rich mond, was In Logan tlrst of the week with his sons and their families Mr. Orlllln came into this country when there were only a half dozen huts In Logan City and he could not but con trast the recent Christmas with the Chrlstmascs of a half century ago. Then all was desolation, wide stretches of cold weather and an absence of ecn the smull necessities. Today, thanks to the energy and stlck-to-lt-iveness of the early settlers, and those who followed, tho valley has blossomed as tho rose, so much so that radst luxuries are here, and certainly nond are lacking the essentials. In speak ing of Richmond, Mr. Grlllln sajsthe progressive citizens arc striving to knock off a few of the rough corners and arc gradually coming out of the darkness and mud. Tho old town Is working up In good shape and he looks for considerable early progress. It seems more than probable that some In Logan have a wrong concep tion of what may rightly be expected of Undo Sam In the delivery of mall on the Logan-Preston branch. Some who are annoyed by the failure of the morning train to get mall In here be fore noon, or fi o'clock, have expressed the Idea that If Uncle Sam but knew "he would straighten it out in short order " In fact, Tiik Repuiilican labored under that Impression, and with others we hac felt that Post master Odcll ought with little dim culty secure better mail service. It appears, houecr, that Mr. Odell no longer has to make reports as to the arrival of malls, and to all Intents and purposes Uncle Sam no longer cares whether the trains deliver mail on schedule Mine. Then again, Uncle Sam doesn't requires railroads to carry mall on freight trains and the early train from the Junction Is designated a3 naught but a freight train. The mall is carried on this as a sort of ac commodation and tho proper kind of kick would probably result in Logan having but one mall a day. Postmas ter Odell doesn't sec any relief until the railroad chooses to give It Estray Notice. Smlthtleld, Utah. 1 have in my possession the follow ing desciibcd animal, which If not claimed and taken away will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at my corral In Smlthtleld on January 2, 100", at 1 p. m.: One red and white cow about four years old, no brands or ear marks visi ble. Impounded December '22. l'llEI) Gyllhnhmxi, Potindkeeper. Program. Tho following entertaining holiday program will be rendered In the Providence ward hall Sunday evening, December .10, at " o'clock, under the auspices of the Y. M. and Y. L. M. I. A.: Solo Miss Margret Marler. Recitation Miss Ilessle Low. Duet Mesdamcs Mary Fuhrlman and Gertrude Ault. Christmas Story... Mrs. Lula Hansen. Quartett Jos. A. Smith and Co. Arlolln Selection, . . .George Fuhrlman. Recitation .... Miss Vesta Campbell. Violin Solo Ocralnt Smith. New Year'sStory.. Lorenzo E.TIbbltts Quartett.... II. IS. Campbell and Co. Solo truest Kevern. The public Is not only cordially In vited but is urged to attend and get the enjoyment there will undoubtedly be In this program. Landell Writes. In enclosing a check for Tiik Rk i'uiilican, Mr. Gilbert Landell, for merly expert at the Utah Condensed Milk factory at Richmond, writes a few Interesting facts about himself that his many friends In Cache will be glad to read, hence we give his letter space here. Mr. Landell Is now with tho Colorado Condensed Milk company at Fort Lupton, Colo., and In writing says: "I am now Installed as general man ager of this factory and we arc doing a fine business. Our climate and other conditions for producing good milk arc ery similar to those existing In Cache Valley minus jour ever-deepening mud. I'm glad to get back In the mountain country again after two years In tho dampness, heat and the cold winds of winter that curso Hoo stardom. I imagine from the pious tono of your Richmond correspondent that my good friend Dr. Adamson Is no longer the local reporter I am a new daddy since I left Utah, having a nice little boy six months old, 1 don't know whether I caught the habit from the Mormons or the Hooslers-at any rate ho Is In evidence. Give my re gards to any of my Utah friends that you may meet up with. Tell Sam MoKlnnon, should jou see him, that I hope ho has been taught some new stories. With best wishes for a Merry Christ mas and a particularly prosperous new year, I am yours truly, OiMiEitT Landell. rrrr " ' hBbbhhbvHbbPH jsbbbbbUIbI IjHf Mnppn Leading Hotel KLLU of Ogden City Is a model of convenience. The hotel office, 70 x 30 feet, Is the most spacious and comfortable In the West. climbing stairs, Re-furnished throughout. Rooms large, light and clean Steam heated I nrATIfllJ Tlirroliliick fast of Union LUl ttllUH. DUjti city Hall Park op iwiltc on tliowrstr Oraiiil Opera Homo ailjolnlneon thusoulli: UtalinaParkTIic atro across tlio street norlli Tlic electric street railways from all parts of tlio city center at Us doors EUROPEAN PLAN. S,,y anil upwards. Excellent Cafe In connec tion 'I ho Ix-st alue tor tho money In tlio Hatoot Utah Why not come to the Hotel replete witli every comfort when It costs no more money? Reed Motel Co., Props. Hard to Find A belter place to buy or sell Second Hand or new Furni ture You can't llnd A Belter Place In Logan Than the Logan Second Hand Store 24 W. 1st Street North. Upholstering done on short est notice, and guaianteed to be better than elsewhere in town. Call and see our Christmas Toys X P Johnson, Proprietor. jBBSBgiMMBSkj i BSSBBBBa We have the Only Cold Tire Setter In Lo,an and it will Set your tire while you wait And we guarantee that the tires set on this machine will stay tight longer than they will set the old way. Remember, we do all kinds of repair work and wo assure you our charges are reasonable. fly experience we have found the Sweet Rubber Tire tho best and cheapest. Emil E. Nielsen LOGAN, U'lAH $6.00 Per Cord paid for Red Pine Wood Will receive any amount. M. & L. COAL and WOOD CO. E. J. MERRILL Osteopath. Headquarters at Richmond, Utah. 5l5a5H5E5H5H5H5E5g5H5a5H5gSH5a5HSBSaSE5H5a5H5aSaSajB I Gas Costs Money. Jj a When you pay for a ton of s coal you are paying $2.00 to $2.50 JMBHL fl. for ga's, as fully half of the valu- mhmS fl If you would get the benefit PffllSB K of this gas you must have a stove SkH m that will burn it and radiate the HHJH 3 heat into your room. COLE'S PfsnHk P I HOT BLAST is the only stove (ggjjgjy g that will do this. Come in and flHHP 3 1 Have you read our guaran- ffl g Eve t ton & Sons, The Stove Men. 3 I :'"(la7Yo7see TMr""SJlSn i Somo people sec so much frf3tj, tKt HteodM Af frAtfc that others miss. Some folks VMTiJ'1 S f 1 don't even know about the -l?ii f" He itso 5lfd ipor hl WatcN, a 5 line things we have for ' 1MA fidJoJimtfhe ttjd : v I Thp Npw Ypar JfeVriSw lilt WXjVi IfcCJI. 0i You know we hac Glasses i'TVft-iZi S 5 J of all k.nds-that we examine HCTSSSS I ' Glasses for old and j oung. -. a 2 Opera Glasses, Field Glasses, Reading Glasses and Telescopes, They arc useful, pretty and cheap. Z I THE JOHNSON JEWELRY CO. 49 North Main Street. : i fTHERE IS NO QUININE IN IT One of the Reasons Why i RROMO LAV I WmF CONTAINS NO QUININE Jtl E Has Become so Popular. It Cures Colds and Stops Headaches k Quickly, Safely Leaving no Bad After-Effects like I QUININE PREPARATIONS In the Orange Colored Box. All Drug Stores 25 cents. Or by Mall. 6 BROMO CHEMICAL CO., CHICAGO. j Sold and Guaranteed by Riter Bros. Drug Co. I Bank Of Smithfield I SMITHFIELD, UTAH. j Paid Up Capital $20,000.00. I Surplus, $500.00 I We arc prepared to Krant every courtesy and accommodation consistent with Con servative and Progressive Ranking. We solicit accounts of llrms, corporations and Individuals. Call and (jet one of our small saving banks and open up a savings account with us wo pay four per cent Inter est on all time deposits. E. R. Miles Jr., George Y. Smith, I President. Cashier. I) Eat More 1 , Jjj of the most nutritious of flour m " I foods Unooda Biscuit the (I I only perfect soda cracker. Then I W you will be able to yV I Earn More 1 I) because a well-nourished body III g has greater productive capacity. j I Thus you will also be able to fg 1 Save More I M because for value received there jfflt I h no food so economical as I 111 Unooda Biscuit I S5 I5ff In a dust tight, 8 ( moisture proof package, M UL NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY II Start the year right. Subscribe for 1 The Logan Republican. I