- M 'The proof of the value of Re- fM I A Lfl .. . . "M W (1 U - , 55.-Etyt. loiyui ltcuulinut. j2- I " " " v - I EIGHT PAGES LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY ITTAfcf THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3. 19)2. TENTH YEAR - S - " - - ... ., , .. , , , ,,.,.. ,, p, .. , , , . . ,..,., . ..,- i....i.. ii. i. .- - ., -i , uHHHHHl I SOME CAMPAIGN REFLECTIONS AND f LOCAL JOTTINGS FROM RICHMOND X Review of Past Conditions in Cache Co. Mooseism Touched up. Town Talk ' And Local Items. Wo will remember the political campaign ot thirteen years ago, when the flrst Kepubllcans were sent from J Cacho to the legislature and elected two county commissioners. What did It? Tho election of McKlnley in 1896, the wheat crops of 1897, 189S, and 1803 sold for 75, 80, 00, and 05 cents per bushel and sold for cash whllo tho crops of 1893, 1894 and 1895 sold for 33, 35, 40, and 45 cents per bushel and tho merchants had to trade much ot it to wholesale mer chants for merchandise, nnd the far mer In turn hpd to take merchandise or due bills for hie wheat. Then It was that Republicans said If you elect us, David Eccles promises to build a sugar factory in Logan. Tho Idea was hooted, and branded political mockery by tho opposition, but the people believed It, tho county went Republican for the first time, and what has been tho result? Not only sugar fartory, smoke stacks at Lo gan, but more, at Lewlston. Conden ser smoke stacks at Richmond, Smith Held, Franklin, Logan, Hyrum and IWellsvllle., and they aro smoke stacks that count, not snioko stacks emit ting' hot air only, Cash on tho spot for every article tho farm produces, at a good price. Water works and electric lights in nearly every city or prominence In Cacho County. Paved sidewalks, cement culverts and grav elled highways. Pianos, plumes, silk drebses, plush coats, hobble, skirts, silk hose and gauzp underwear tn ev ery hamlet in tho land, with more jl automobiles coming our way over If day. To bo sure all tlild Id not A re- suit of Republicans only, but' tho major part of It is a result of wise Republican legislation. Fellow Re publicans and dear citizens, let us weigh carefully tho exact situation before wo conclude to vote for a change, Just for the sake of a change Wo may regret It. It does not take a wise man to tell you or convince you that you aro be ing wronged by the other fellow, but it takes wise men, men of nerve to build smoko stacks, Wy there are dozens of men In thq county poor I ENTRY OF RAILROAD TO TETON JULUELEBRATED Drlggs, Idaho, Oct. 1. The four hour delayed special excursion train arrived at 5 p. m. yesterday' and was received by thousands of valley resi dents, brass bands and shouting citi zens. Notwithstanding tho tlresomo delay the enthusiasm was not damp ened. A procession was at onco formed, headed by President Don C. Drlggs, city officials, and a dozen or more at tractive floats representing the de velopment, Industrially, of tho Teton valley. Tho most striking feature was three Immonso logs drawn by two yoke of sturdy oxen. Tho people B shouted themselves hoarso over tho features of tho parade, and dispersed to tho various attractions baseball, horso racing, nthletlcs, etc. As night came, tho electric lights blazed on tho highway and tho Im """Jirovlsed restaurants nnd places of pleasuro catered to tho demands. Tho arrival ot tho first passenger train In this valley wllL long bo re membered by thOBO participating in tho celobratlon. . 1 ROOSEVELT MEETING AT HICKORY EHDEJETWITH A FIGHT Salisbury, N, O. Oct. 1. A Roose velt mooting at Hickory today endod with a fight In tho crowd and Colonel RooBovolywas. obliged to glvo up tho attempt to make his speech. It was m not tho colouel'o only advonturo dur- H lng his trip across tho North Carol- M Una. Earlier in tho day he was lock- 1 ed out of his car, thinly clad and rodo Eg on tho platform m the sharp air ot 1 oarljr morning for 20 minutes beforo m his plight was discovered, farms, who have utterly failed to make a living for themselves or fam 1 lly who grow eloquent and even pa thetic when they tell how this great government should bo run for the benefit of the people. Every day we havo men whose wives take in wash ing to keep tho family, tell us In most sincere thought and most elo quent language, how wo should run our business if we would succeed, but wo do not caro to accept their advice. Wo fear tho change. f Moose-Isms 1. Burning the chicken ccop to get rid of tho tes would be profound wisdom as compared to the Judgment of the man who would Join tho Bull Moose party togejrld of boss rule 2. If bossfsmMs Pnir sore spot, re member it would be much easier to endure a potmd ot bosslsm than an ounce of Coxylsm. 3. After rtlV bosslsm '. only effect ive organization ,iid your choice Is not between boss and, no Jptfs, but a choice of tho best of 'TIlMbosses: Taft, Uryan and Theodore. ftunan with tho least bit of Republicanism coursing through his veins the choice Is easy. 4. Platform. Well, the cry of thieves, robbers, special Interest, dis honesty nnd corruption is the same old calamity howl, that has been megephoned Into our ears for a whole (Continued on page 8) STRIKE IS CALLED IN ELY MINES Salt Lake, Oct. 2. The striki now existing at Bingham will extenJ ;..U Nevada today. At 9:30 last night Charles H Moy er acting for tho Western Federation of Minors; A. L. Wilde, acting for the steam shovelmen's union,- and Charles Nicholson, acting for tha ma chlntsts, called a strike at El to start at 8 o'clock this morning. The strike is to obtain in all the Eli' cop per district. The Bhovolmen and machinists aro raid to have no grievances and o have Just Bigned an agreement with tho Nevada Consolidated, whereby they received an advance In wages nnd were bound to work for a con siderable length of time without mak ing further demands. Tho county commission at Ely has ordered all ealoons closed. Dispatches from Ely nay that at mass meeting last night the miners voted almost unanimously against a strike. Tho leaders however, insist (Continued on pago 5) DUCK SHOOTING REPORTED GOOD Hundreds ot local sportsmen on Tnesdny again enjoyed tho annual treat of duck shooting, nnd from re ports current -tlioy wero in tho main highly successful. Tho birds aro not so numorous as In some seasons 'past but they are healthy and when bag ged aro considered qulto n prize. Many "Nimrods" brought In tho lim it (25) but no ono, strango to say, killed twonty six. Bateson mlslntcr preed tho law ho says and henco re ported homo at 9 a. m. with tho "lim it" ono beautiful teel. Moeo Cardon .yesterday rendered tho verdtct not guilty, nnd hence Is booked en Ston oy's Ofllclal Sporting hoard with a "gooso egg" opposlto his name. Ho says tho way bo could kill black crows and mud hens was simply mar velous. Moso is going again today, and if necessity requires will prob ably rosort to tho "50 centB per" practlso ot somo ot bin more fortun ate friends, and change his rating. Shooting was really good In most Idealities. A fow, howover, who be gan firing boforo dnyllgnt aro charg ed with, materially Interfering with tho best sport of the day. Continued on Page Four Chief Figures In fetor-Giovanitti Murder Trial Growing Out !of7 filling In Lawrence Strike Riot. 1-1 I J HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHlisl?A 4Mhh mmmBWW p HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHOi& X rtHHHHr 3HHHHH&ffro;$" ETTOR. HAYWOOD. GIOVANITT', CopyriKlil 1912, by Anmrlcun i'ress Aasuclutlon. Aftt-i tlify Imd bi-eii held In Jail without ball for several mouths tln trial of Joseph .1. Eltor and Arthur Ulo vanltll. the 1 V. V. lenders, was set for Monday, Sept. 30, nt Salem. Muss. Tlioy were Indicted as being accessa ries in tlic miinU'r of Aiiim Loplzzo In tho Lawrence strike. Wllllnm D. Haywood. IhmkI of I lie I W. W threatened to call ii mi tlomil itrlkc ni n protest ncnlnst the trial. STOCK RAISING AND DAIRYING IN IRRIGATED REGIONS By Z.BWIJT A.. MEH-RILL The editor ot ono of the largest ag ricultural papersln America was re cently asked the question as to how high priced land should become to make it 'too valuable to be used tor pasture grasses. He replied In effect that land never does become too val uable for forage crops; land never becomes so high priced thnt It can not profitably be used for pasture. Tho argument was made that unless some form ot livestock husbandry be asso ciated with ovory phase of agricul ture It could not be mado permanent. Tho history ot agriculture In the va rious countries of tho world Is re pleto with Illustrations of this fact. Denmark stands out as a uotnble example In this matter. Not many years ago tho agriculture ot that na tion was at a very low ebb; their ef forts wero confined largely to wheat growing, their soils were becoming depleted of their fertility, nnd tho outlook was Indeed discouraging. Tho government authorities becamo con cerned and after consideration, estab lished dairy schools throughout tho country nnd offered special Induce ments to farmers to engage In tho dairy business; as a result tho yields of farm crops havo been troubled In many Instances. Denmark's farming lands havo greatly enhanced In val ue and nro becoming moro fertile year by year. Among all tho nations of the world todny, Denmark Is tho peer ot any, as far as agrlculturo Is concerned. Tho history ot tho llttlo Island of Jersey is Instructive along this lino. This Island Is only oleven miles long and four miles wide, yet thoy main tain a rural population of 00,000 peo ple. This Is mado possible simply because of the fnot that dairying oc cupies tho attention of the peoplo of that Island. In this country the fnmo of tho El gin district has gono abroad In the land. Elgin prlceo nro quoted ovory where throughout this country and the Elgin district Is pointed out as the ideal dairy section of the United States. -Thoao ot you who have been tn that section knov that In order to maintain a dairy cow for a pasture season, It is necessary to havo from two to three acres of ground. Their hay costs them from $18 to $25 per ton and their grain costs from $25 to $30 per ton, yet tho price received for butter fat In the Elgin district does not on the average equal the price received for butter fat through out tho Irrigated sections of tho west. It Is n known and demonstrated fact that good Irrigated pasture land will maintain from two to three cows through nn entire season; alfalfa hay one of tho most palatable ot forage crops, can bo raised at a profit and sold for from $8 to $12 per ton. Grain In tho Irrigated section Is usu ally available nt from $20 to $25 per ton; with this comparison lu mind It seems to mo that dairying should be a particularly prolltnblo business and that It Is so has already been demon strated In many sections. It Is unlversnlly conceded that the success and permanency ot any sys tem of ngrlculturo rests upon tho maintenance nnd increase ot tho ele ments in tho soil that aro concerned In the feeding ot plants. Tho ele ments with which tho farmer Is most concerned nro nitrogen, phosphorous nnd potassium. In a ton of alfalfa hay tho nitro gen, potash and phosphoric acid are worth $7.12 If tho alfalfa Is cut whon tho plants aro In full bloom. Theao elements sold on tho market, nt pre vailing prices, would amount to thnt figure, with nitrogen nt 15 to 18 conts per pound; potash, fifteen cents a pound; nnd phosphoric acid, G cents. Using tho npplo crop as an illus tration, wo find that six hundred bu shels of npplos, a fair yield from nn aero .contain 47 pounds ot nitrogen, $7.05; five pounds of phosphorous, CO conts; and G7 pounds ot potassium, $3.42, and those at tho current mar ket prico ot theso elements would make the prlco of tho fertilizers $11.07. So wo ought to add to tho cost ot producing n crop ot apples tho cost ot tho fertility found In tho crop of apples, Now take fifty buahols of wheat to tho aero. We find In the fifty buBh- els of wheat, U pounds ot nitrogen, $10.65; 12 pounds ot phosphorous, $1.44; 13 pounds of potassium, 78 cents; and theso elements, nt tho market price, would mako theso fifty bushels of wheat cost you, in plant food that was taken out, a total of $12.87. Then wo should tako Into account the value ot the straw $6.33 in an av erage crop, and that In tho plant food that tho farmer often burns. I am a friend of tho sugar beet in dustry and reallzo that It succeeds nowhere else so well as In tho Irri gated region but wo must not de lude ourselves with tho notion that wo can grow sugar beets without ex hausting thu fertility of tho farm. 1 know somo farmers who belloved that and thoy have been growing mignt beets after sugar beets, until now thoy nro in tho position ot tho man who has a deposit In tho bank, who Issues checks until tho funds nro ex hausted nnd finally the rnsh'er re turns tho check with tho statement, "no funds on deposit. " Old Mother Naturo does her work In exnetly tho same. way. In tho farmers bank the funds or deposit tiro nitrogen, potash, and phosphoric acid. Every time the farmer plants a crop he Issues a check, and Mother Naturo will hon or theso checks until tho fortuity of tho soil is exhausted. When our friend tho sugar beet grower plants a crop of beets they mature, provid ed ho has been ordinarily successful, ho should secure- a yield ot twent) tons per aero; tho twenty tons ot beets represents n loss to the soil of 100 pounds of nitrogen, $15.00 1 pounds of phosphoric ncld, $2.16 151 pounds of potash, $9.42. Theso ele monts nro taken out of tho soil, and at prevailing prices tho total cost o! the crop ot sugar beets to tho sol is $20.58; and this Is ono ot tho thing! wo farmers do not tako Into account I have, seen farmers estimating th cost of plowing tho ground, harrow lng and seeding It, the cost ot irrt gating, thinning, topping and haullnf to the factory, but thoy never tak into account this other factor o (Coutlnued on page 8) UTAH MEN TO I FORE IN DRY FARM WORK Prof. P, V. Cardon, Govern- M ment Expert Points Out M High Position of State in 9 Land Reclamation. Hi Salt Lake City, Oct. 2. Prof. P. lH ' V. Cardon, government expert In nil charge of dry farm Investigations lu il Utnh lu co-operation with tho Utah Ufl experiment statlou, who is in Salt nil Lake attending tho Irrigation con- ll gross, discussed yesterday with a. !t reporter tho question ot dry fnrrng, il anil paid high tribute to Utah's Agrt- 'iiH cultural College, of which ho Is a il graduate, i.r. Cardon said: ll Utah U-ill be prominently ropreseu- il ted nt the International Dry Farming 'iH congress, which Is to bo held at iLifl Lethbrldgc, Canada, October. 19-2G. iH Tho International president ot thnt Iiiih congress is a Utah man, and besides biih that Utah Agricultural College men j will bo representing nine states' ot H the Union when tho congress con- M vencs. These states aro Utah, Idaho, . M Oregon, Wyoming, Nevada, AVTjona,- M Montana, Nebraska, and Kansas. .' M West Will Be Strong H Utah will be represented by Dr. J. A. WldtBoe, International president, I'rof L. A. Merrill and P. V. Car- ipfl don; Idah'o by John Welch, Oregon M by I) E. Stophens, Wyoming by Ed- J ward II. Watson nnd J. W. Jones, M Nevada bj" Ernstus Peterson, Arizona H by Alexander McOmle, Montana by j J. Holden nnd Kansas by Prof. W. M M. Jardlno. Then, tooy-tho United jH States department of agriculture will 'l (Continued on Pago Eight) ,H KAYSVILLE GIRL I DIES IN OGDEN I Ogden, Oct. 2. Miss Efflo Crlddlo H daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Crld- !i dlo of Kaysvlllo, died at the Deo Me- ' jH mortal hospital yesterday afternoon H ot stomach trouble and a complication M of diseases. She had been In 111 iH health for some time and recently H came to ogden for mdlcal treatment. H Miss Crlddlo was born and ralsol JH In Kaysvlllo nnd has a largo circle ot jH friends In the Davis county town. She jH was born November 19, 1889. Besides jH her parents sho leaves a number ot " jH brothers and sisters. Tho body will jH be shipped to Kaysvlllo this morning H whero tho funeral will be held. H Coach Teetzel with his Aggie foot- H ball squad will lcavo for Denvor this H morning. The game will bo played jH Saturday afternoon. A report by H halves will bo booked on Stoney's H "Dope" board at tho Logan Arms & H Sporting Goods Co., H THREE PAINTS DIE AT I STATE MENTAL HOSPITAL I Provo, Oct. 1. Threo deaths occur- jB red at tho state mental hospital here jH yesterday. Edward D. Horton, 35 H years old who was commlttacd from H Salt Lako October 25, 1911, died ot H angina pectoris. He is survived by H his parents, his wlfo and threo chll- H dron. Tho body will bo taken to Wan H ship, Summit county, for Interment. B An aged patient, known nt tho hosplt- M al as "John tho Italian," and with no flj other known name, died ot senllo ox- 9J hntistlon. Ho had boon a patient for H 30 years. Willis Pearsoll, colored 55 9J years old, without relatives, commit- IJ ted from Ogden last spring, died of BJ , n complication ot diseases. M ; TWELVE THOUSAND LAWRENCE I ; STRIKERS RESUME WORK I ' I l Lawrence, Mass., Oct. 1 . Tho HI i strlko of 24 hours declared by the HJ . Industrial Workors of tho World em- H ) ployed In tho toxtlle mills of this HJ city as a protest against tho imprls- Id onmont ot Ettor and Olovannlttl end- 9 ; cd today whon 13,000 operatives who HJ s had romalned away from tho mills QJ t yesterday returnod to work. Somo U minor disturbances wore reported. HJ