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The Logan Republican. [volume] (Logan, Utah) 1902-1924, November 16, 1912, Image 5

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The Woman Makes the Home
' She- makes it best who, looking after the
culinary department, turns her back resolute
ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food
. accessories. She is economical; she knows
that true economy does not consist in the use'
of inferior meat, flour, or baking powder. She
is an earnest advocate of home made, home
baked food, and has proved the truth of the
statements of the experts that the best cook
ing in the world today is done with Royal
Baking Powder.
588Bte" ii in
Mrs. Luther Howell rctruned from
Salt Lake Tuesday.
Highest cash prlco paid for oafs.
Thatcher Coal Co. I'hono 16 and 7C.
.Advertisement.) li
Wanted Four male boarders; closo
In. Apply at this office. nlG
j (Advertisement)
For Rent sis room house near
temple, partly furnished. Call phone
241. tf
A big salo of coats and hats. A
samplo lino Just nrrlved. Mrs. T. D.
Roberts. (Advertisement) tf
-The Thimble Club of -the-Women
of Woodcraft met Thursday with
Mrs. R. M. Stlmpson. The afternoon
was spent In sewing, after which re
freshments were served.
Louis W. Larsen, principal of the
' Richmond high school was In Lo
gan yesterday. Ho came down with
;.' his basketball team to give Coach
' Jensen's team at tho B. Y. College
a practlco gamo.
- v. iE' L- Larsen of Newton was In
"'" Logan yesterday smiling' about tho
drubbing tho Republicans received
In his town on election day.
Dr. S. n. Thatcher has moved his
dental ofllco to tho second floor of
tho Howcll-Cardon Company build
ing, suite formerly occupied by Dr.
O. H. Dudgo. (Advertlsment)
On accouiLof Democratic ratifica
tion next Tuesday, November 19, a
j special train will leavo Cncho Junc-
I tlon at 6:30 p. m. by tho way of
I , Mendon, Wellsvllle, Hyrum and Mill-
1 vlllo returning after tho ratification
I and danco. Faros 2c per mllo each
way. .Advortlsomcnt) nl9
Norman Lloyd, a member of tho
' 1910 class nt tho H. Y. Collego was
visiting In Logan yestorday. Ho
just camo In from Bancroft, Idaho,
' where ho has been farming during
. tho summer. Mr. Lloyd has a homo
at Marlon, Summit County, Utah for
'' which ho will leavo In a fow days.
. A spirited gamo of football was
p,f ployed on tho U. A. C. campus yes-
'' terday afternoon between tho Lowell
'" school team of this city and tho
Wellsvllle High school team. The
j;; gamo resulted In a victory for tho
. 's west oldo lads by tho scoro of 12
' ioG- .
k A . Whilo In Denver, recent'y Investl
" '' gntlng llro engines, Mayor II. G.
' Hayball took oocaslon to oxamlno
various flro fighting apparatus which
ho could find. Among other things
ho brought homo a now nozzlo for
baBomont fires, which the commis
sioners will have until tho first of
tho year op approval, Thoy aro now
on display In tho window of tho Hay.
ball Meicantllo Company. These noz
zles aro among tho latost flro fighting
patents and had this city boon In
possession of such equipment last
' v, spring no ouch flro as the Thatchor
" Dank building flro would have been
John Hurtlg of Newton was a busi
ness visitor In Logan yesterday.
Farm for sale cheap, 13 acres nt
Greenville, at a bargain If taken at
onco. Call on E. R. South at Eagle
Hotel (Advertisement) nl6
Modern houso for rent. Ihqulro of
A. H. Palmer, or phono 464 Red. tf
The B. Y. swimming pool will bo
open to the public today between
the hours of 1 and 9 p. m.
Alex. Maughar. of Hrum wan l:i
town yesterday loo'isns after b isi
ness interests.
Elders Peter Lundstrom and A. A.
Scheby will1 speak to the Scandina
vians Sunday morning at 10 o'clock
in the newly finished room on tho
Tithing ofllco block. ,
After all there s no beet digger
llko tho Avery, sold by tho Sidney
Stevens Implement Co. tf
' '
Thomas Smart-has returned to tho
city. Ho has bcoii lnlsouthorii'Utah
for a few days where ho.' went with
a train load of sheep to placo on
tho winter range. ,
Carlisle's barber shop Is now lo
cated on Center street, ono door
west of "cosy corner." , nlG
E. R. South says ho has been
successful In disposing of over $17,
000 worth of real estato since elec
tion. Tho Democrats aro not tho
only peoplo who can boast of "land
slides." -
Roller skating at Logan Pavilion
overy Wednesday and Saturday af
ternoon and ovenlngs. Ladles admit
ted free. tf
On Tuesday evening a very plea
sant surprise party was given at
tho homo of Mrs. Eph. Lundberg lu
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Alnloy Ma
coy who wero recently wodded. Twon
ty-elght guests wero present. Tho
evening was spent in music, singing,
and games. Dainty refreshments
wore served nnd all expressed them
selves -"s having had a most enjoy
ablo time. Tho young couplo re
ceived tho best wishes of all present
for a life of happiness nnd prosperity.
Tho city fathers have Just had
printed a card giving the phono num
ber of the city Are department and
ono of theso cards will be placod In
every homo In the city during the
noxt fo.w days . Persons who havo tel"
ephones are requested to havo theso
cards placed over their tolophonoj
for ready use In caso of flro. ,p'iero
probably Is not n jlorson In tho city
who does not know that tho flre da
partmont phono number Is No. 10 at
tho present time, but when a flro
Is started one's memory seems to fall
him and so this precaution Is taken
by tho Mayor as a means of protect
ing property.
For sale A good piano, inquire at
this ofllco
( Advertisement)
Flowers of all kinds. Phone 387Z.
We deliver. Cache Valley Floral Co.
(Advertlsehiont) nlG
Walter Glenn, n student of tho U.
A. C. has received word that his
father wno Is at La Grande, Oregon
Is very 111,
. '
Miss Annls Cooper of the M. Si j
Tel. and Tel. Co., will leave for
Salt Lake City In the morning where
she will attend school at Hcncgar's
Business college.
Mrs. Sarah Harris and family en
tertained on Thursday, evening In
honor of Judge Harris of Ogden. A
delightful musical program was ren
dered. Tho Judgo Is closely rotated
to tho Harris Bros, of this city.
Tho business men on Mnln Btrcct
havo clubbed together and havo had
a six foot concrete crossing placed
across tho street directly" In front
of the Tabernacle at tho place
whero the cars stop.
The Wilson, one of the lesdlng Ho.
tela of Salt Lake City: rates $1.00
per day and upwards. Music during
meal hours, Headquarters for Cache
Valley people.
Dr. Georgo T, Parkinson of Pres
ton was In this city on Thursday
looking after his professional work.
Ho says tho Tellurlde Power Com
pany Is doing considerable work oh
Its proposed power plant nt the nnr
rows In Bear river canyen near Pres
ton. Ono hundred fifty men went to I
work this week nt tho power site.
Mrs. C. M. Christensen was hos
tess at a charming dlnrei Lmrty giv
en Thursday evening at her homo on
South Second East In 'honor of Mr.
Turnbull ,of Donvcr, Colorado. The
houso was tastefully' decorated for
the occasion. Aftor dinner the eve
ning was spent In music and social
pastime. Tho Invited guests wero
tho employes and their wives of the
Spando Furniture. Company.
Tho Richmond high school basket
ball team camo to town yesterday
and went over to tho Brlgham Young
Collego whero the'' played a game
of ball that swept tho local team
completely off their feet. The gamo
ended with tho .coro of 22 to 19 In
favor of tho visiting team. Tho gamo
was fast and Interesting. Tho Rich
mond boys completely outclassing
tho college boys in team work.
Tuesday evening of next week tho
Caclio Coun,ty Democracy' will hold
a big ratification meeting of their
recent victory in county and nation
at the auditorium. Tho committees
in charge of tho affair aro making
an endeavor to havo such notable
characters as S. R. Thurman, Hon.
T. D. Johnson, Hon. Mat. Thomas,
Hon. B. H. Roberts, Judgo W, H
King nnd W. I. Wallace in atten
dance. '
Tho O. S. L. R. R. Company
is erecting a $5000 depot at Benson
ward on tho now cut-off. A promise
wns mado to tho good peoplo bf Ben
son that this cut-off would be com
pleted In tlmo to movo tho crops this
fall, but owing to tho swnmpy condi
tion of tho wost fields It has been
considered safer to make no effort
to run trains until after the ground
' een set by tho fall frosts, when
tho beets which havo been piled near
tho track will be hauled to the factory.
Tho Roberts Coal Company has
sold Its coal business to Hulmo nnd
Austin. Hugh Roberts will now de
voto his tlmo to his farming Inter
ests while R. D. Roberts will look
aftor his private business in tho city.
Mr. Roberts most cheerfully recom
mends his successors to tho confi
dence of tho peoplo. Ho says they
aro men of Integrity, hustlers and de
serving of tho patronago of the old
customors of tho firm nnd nil who
deal with the now Arm can rest as
sured of fair dealing and a good qual
Ity of coal.
That Utah county may havo threo
more sugar factories erected and
running In 1914 Is probable The
Utah-Idaho factory at Nampa will
bo transferred to Spanish Fork nt
once. Tho samo company nnd .lesso
Knight of Provo nro each contemplat
ing building factories at Payson. Tho
sugar company rocontly mado a de
finite proposition to that offect.
All poll taxoa In Lognn City aro
now ovorduo, nnd If not paid at onco
will bo collocted by law. No furth
er notice will bo given.
Street' Supervisor
Ottoman Government Makes One To I
Bulgaria, As Preliminary I
To Peace I
London. Nov. 14. Official confirm- I
ntlon that Klnmll Pasha lms address
ed Kins Fe'dlnond of Bulgaria di
rectly asking for tho conclusion of
nu armistice pending tho negotiation
of pence preliminaries, was received
here from Constantinople this mom
With tho Turkish armies beaten In
every battle during tho month's war
nnd now behind the fo-tlflcntlons at
at Trbatalja dc.cndlng tho capital
the empire, the Ottoman government
hnB nppealcd to Bulgaria for an ar
mistice pending tho opening of nego
tiations for peace, according to nn
ofllclnl d'spntch received from Con
stantinople today. I
What terms, If any, Turkey hns I
proposed havo not been dlsctoscd;
they must, however, In the opinion i
of diplomats, be unlimited, If they
nro to prove acceptable to Bulgaria
With tho last defenses on Constan
tinople almost In her hands. Bulgnrla
Is unlikely to consent to nny nrmls
tlco except on conditions giving her
full military advantage.
'Turkey will have the support of
tho European powers In her request
I for a cessation of hostilities. Tho
I representatives of varloUB nntlons
nt Sofia have now received full In
structions regarding tho proposal of
mediation and thoy held a meeting
at noon today to discuss tho method
to bo adopted for mnklng tho com
munication of the Turkish request
to the Hulgnrlan cnblnet.
The armistice asked for by Turkoy
will nfTect only tho fighting nt tho
Tchatalja fortifications, while tho
step tho European powers havo taken
has the object of putting an end to
tho war In nil parts of tho Balkan
Until tho powers succeed in In
fluencing tho allies In the direction
of pence tho fighting nt Adrlanoplc,
I Monastlr Scutari and In other por
tions of Turkey's vnBt European do
1 mains will continue no mntter how
Bulgaria regards tho appeal mado by
1 Klamil Pasha.
While, therefore, Turkey's recogni
tion of tho realities has smoothed the
path of diplomacy and may result
In Constantinople, the Dardanelles
nnd perhaps some other parts of her
European possessions being left to
her and prevent n scramblo for them
by tho powers, thero still aro somo
serious questions to bo dealt with.
Among these are, notnbly, thoso of
of tho position of Albania and of tho
Servian ambition to havo a part on
the Adrlatio sea. c
Tho Albanians are taking steps to
make tholr country Independent and
besides publishing a proclamation
i have issued a protest against any at
tempt to Intorfero with tho freedom
and integrity of tho country. Tho
J organization also makes tho charge
that tho Servians havo secretly mur
dered all the Albanian prisoners of
i wnr.
I As tho Adriatic which, according
I to n report from Alcsslo today, tho
Servians havo not yet reached, thero
Is no official change either in tho
Austro-Itallan or the Servian attl
i tudo.
A dispatch from Alleslo confirms
, tho provious reports that tho Monten
egrin nrmy ndvanclng on that town
hns suffered a reverse. The Monten
egrins were unablo to take the town
owing to the Mlrdlto tribesmen Join
ing forces with tho Turks. Tho Mon
tenegrins were driven back as far
as the Ooyana river.
At a special session of the Board
of County Commissioners held Tues
day November 12, an order wns pass
ed granting tho extension of tlmo
for tho paying of county nnd Btato
taxeB to 5 p. m. Thupaday November
, 21, 1912.
1 County Clerk.
m a ...
Don't use harsh physics. Tho -
action weakens the bowels, leads ti
chronic constipation. Get Doan'i
Regulets. They opernto easily, toni
the stomach, euro constipation.
WOOD WANTED Thatcher Coa
Co., 1
Lost One of a pair of largo gate
was removed from fence In Secon
ward. Notify this ofllco.
PLENTY of monoy to loan on farn
or good city security. J. Z. Sto
WANTED Horses to pastun
closo in; good fences and feed. A
ply to C Balling, phono C18.
FOR SALE Farm cheap, 13 acre
at Greenvlllo at n bargain If Uko
nt onco. Call on E. R. South i
Eagle Hotel. nl
Be Sure of Two I
Things li
When you spend your money for i I
clothes, you want to be sure of two ; I
things the latest style and the high- ; I
est quality for the price. SI I
When you're sure of these two H I
things, you know you are getting k I
Your Money's Worth. 1 1
j Wc Positively GUARANTEE That when you buy I
: ! J
Stylepltis 01 7 I
Clothes " I
"The Same Price The World Over." j I
For your new Fall suit or Over- i I
coat, buy a STYLEPLUS, uncon- , I
ditionally guaranteed by the makers. I
You'll find the styles becoming, ' ! I
for they've been cut in the latest , I
fashions by the best designing talent I
in the world. ' I
You'll find all wool or wool and I
silk fabrics in pleasing patterns, and , I
garments beautifully finished and I
You'll find more quality and value I : ': I
than have ever before been offered I i I
at the price in fact, you 11 find -W
best you ever saw at $20 to $25. . jl
You're sure of the latest style, I
you're sure of the highest quality at 1 1
the price, you're sure of not only get- j I
ting your money's worth, but of sav- I , I
$3 to $8 in actual cash. : I
Come in some day soon and let j I
us show you the new Fall models of 1 I
STYLEPLUS Suits and Overcoats ' I
m For Sale in this town at no other store but ours ? H
I Thatcher Clothing Co. I
I Logan, Utah 1 .l
V""" '" "' ' --'- -! -I H
I Men's $1.00 Hood and American lst : ',
Quality Rubbers 75c jl
S Womens 75c Hood and American I i I
lst Quality Rubbers - - - 50c ! !
j We have the largest assortment of I I
I Heavy and Light Rubbers ever shown J ' H
. in Logan. & I
j Buy your Rubber goods of us and ! iH
f save 20 Per Gent M
U ! i H
"" 1 Opposite The Tabernacle ) IH
n I j jH

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