PmJ N . THE LOGAN REPUBLICAN THUR8DAY NOVEMBER 21 1912 - ' IDAHQANS LISTEN' I TO PRES. SMITH HflH ... tf I ' He and Bishop Nlbley Address Large Ix i Audience In Boise Chapel HE ' ' Yesterday Hi Hj Boise, Nov. 18. After tho dcdlca- Hjj Hon of tho Nnmpa chapel yesterday 9 f , i afternoon, which was tho object of PJI . their visit to this district President fl ' Joseph F. Smith and Presiding Illsh- H , op Charles W. Nlbley nt tho urgent 1 ' r 4 !; invitation of President Hcber Q. H' j i ' j Halo of tho Boiso branch ot tho H j Church camo to this city and ad Hi I ' dressed an audience in tho local Hh ! chapel which packed tho building to R(p tho cxtreino limit of its capacity. H,' ' Bishop Nlbley was tho first speaker H; " ;. Ho directed his entlro remarks to PW) i an elucidation of tho office and cnll V.i , ing of a bishop. "This ofUccr," said m IJ tho speaker, "is charged with tho ') M duty of Ipoklng principally after tho i temporal welfaro of tho people. They H J aro hordy men of toll, whoso motto Hj " Is not llvo and let live, but livo and help to llvo." il'res. Smith followed nlong tho samo strain in tho fore part of his address, recounting numerous scones , In connection with tho early History HJ of tho Church, when tho nrst set- tiers In Snlt I.nko valley unacr tho H leadership of President Young, had Hi to ralso their own sheep, card and Hj spin their own wool and make then Hj own cloth and clothing; "and I pride Hj ! myself," said he, "in wearing home- HJ i spuns today; practically nil tho do- HJ j thing I wear when I urn nt homo has HJ i been mado In Utah from Utah prod- HJ- nets and by Utah labor. I am almost ashamed that I havo not my home- Bfl spuns on tonight instead of this shiny HJki broadcloth." HJl - The president went on to show HUj ' what had been accomplished by the HB Church in tho Sandwich Islands In ' H teaching men how to farm nnd build Bf 4 houses as well as to live tho gospel Hr ) of Jesus Christ. Forty thousand Hi i dollars has already been spent In es- Hl , tnbllshlng an educational farm there. Hi No ono can bo wholly converted and HJ II ml happiness and contentment," tho HJ i speaker declared, "who docs not havo HJ 1 enough to cat and drink nnd to make H himself comfortable; so wo teach tho H peoplo how to obtain theso temporal H things." M President But Not-"Ruler" Bj In referring to Church government H President Smith said: "There Is nc J 4 such thing as a ruler In this Church Bj' ' Tho president is a prcsidlnfg officer, Bi. j and If ho rules ho rules in love. Ho Hjll j can be no tyrant, becauso tho poo- plo have tho power to depose him K every six months, when they o:e to jl retain or reject him. I have lieeii B. i sustained for the paBt 11 years. H President Hrlgham Young was sus- H taincd 30 years. But every six Q months comes tho voto nnd tho peo- B ' pie over whom wo preside havo tho H power and the numbers to depose us H if they will. Wo nro governed ns H a church by three presidents and H numerous councilors. Wo nro a Dom- H ocratlc organization with Republican HJ proclivities (this with a glear of hu- H mor.) "They charge me with turn- H Ing Utah to tho Republican ranks. Hj You might just as well chnrgo mo KJ ( with putting Vermont there, a stato Hjj I havo not visited In years. I havo H nothing to do with politics in any H. shape or form. Wo regret to seo H- people unstablo, however, blown H about by every wind of doctrine. H Believe Constitution Inspired Hi "No members of our pcop.o aro H slaves. Thoro aro no people freer. H I bcliove in tho Constitution of tho H i United States and I bcllevo It was HI inspired by the Lord. It is justlco Hj and wisdom, then, for tho peoplo to H bo loyal to the Constitution and not H; to go wandering around after every H wind of doctrine. Not a member of H our Church Is held by a slnglo hnlr; H ho Is at liberty to dopart from tho H Church If ho wishes nnd ho Ib then, H through Ills own act oxcommuiilcatedi Hj but It ends there. He Is subject to H, no persecution; w0 do not follow him H In nny way. H' "1 would not speaK as I do tonight H If I were speaking only to my own H people, but I understand that tliere H' aro others huro who do not under- H Bland us. Tho ignorance of tho press HJ regarding our religion Is pltinblo. H t Thoy write volumes and tomes nbout j tho religion of tho Latter-day Saints j every word of which Is untrue. Thoy Hi oven accuse us of not being Chris- Hi tians." Kj HOW TO WATCH H' CHILDREN'S HEALTH H. Parents should have tho teeth ot H their childron examined by a don- HI tlst to mako suro that thoy aro In H R sound, healthy condition. Even tho H; slightest diseased condition of tho Hr,i teeth or gums should bo attended to Hjti "t once. When n tooth begins to do- Hjl CIy havo it filled immediately. Do Hi nt wait until the tooth begins to H acno boforo harlng It attended to, HI ns It Is often too late then to wivo HI ,BBW tlle tuotb' or Rt b",t' tho operation H j) AvH hOmhuMl of having It filled Is far more pain ful than If done beforo tho tooth Is seriously damaged by decay. It Is tho filling of tho small cavity at Its beginning that Is tho greatest scrvlco In tho preservation of tho teeth. It Is a grent mistako to let olio's natural teeth go on to decay and destruction with tho thought In mind of having them pulled and re placed by artiflclol ones. Liver Spots Tho probablo causo of "liver spots" Is chronic derangement or sluggish ness of tho liver. Their prcsenco indicato tho necessity for Improving tho condition of tho alimentary sys tem In goneral and this can usually bo dono best by a diet of buttermilk or apples or grapes for sorao weeks Such a diet must bo adopted gradual" ly nover suddenly. Ono meal should bo changed at a time, and In re turning to tho normal diet tho samo precaution bIiouUI bo taken. It Is Imposslblo to give precise Instruction for any caso without having tho nee essary Information about tho patient and It Is best to consult a physician. Clothes For Cold Weather Don't make tho mlstnko of expos ing tho body when too thinly clad during tho cold weather. Many girls nnd women think since tho low col lar has becomo n favorlto and is be ing worn especially low in front that they can hnrden their system by wcnrlng thin summer underclothing all tho year round. Our changing climate makes tho chango of cloth ing absolutely necessary and tho prudent mako transition gradually by having thrco grades of underclo thing light, medium and a llttlo heavier for tho bitter winter months. Tho face, neck nnd hands will en duro a great dcnl moro than will tho body. Tho slightest chango from warm to cold may sond a chill down ono's back, though tho faco and hands would scarcely note the dif ference. Hardening the Constitution There nro some girls who fancy they can harden their constitutions without deterioration to cuduro tho sovercst of our chnnglng climnto and In tho attempt lay asldo or nover ndopt all the protection nature de mands. All such foolish efforts aro attended by an expenditure of ner vous energy which could bo advan tageously applied to many worthier ambitions. Nervous enorgy Is equiv alent to lifo force, and to endeavor to sustain it without tho aid of prop er clothing Blnmly means grndual or not Infrequently, preclpltato self de struction. When wo consider how many of tho poor yearly succumb to tho ox haustlon of vital force, which has been proved to bo a result of tho lack of proper clothing, It seems not only tho sheerest folly but absolute rebellion against nature to deprlvo ono's self of tho most powerful wea pon In tho strugglo for cxlstcnco with tho expectation of controlling or outwitting nnturo's laws. Stimulate the Circulation Tho presence of clothing stimu lates, by friction, tho circulation and if of nonconducting material, keeps tho skin nt u normal temporaturo and tho blood from bolng driven from tho surfneo of tho body to tho vital organs, thus preventing Inflam mations, congestions, kidney troublo nnd various other ills dependent on tho notion of tho blood and Its ves sels. A human body exposed to cool nir soon begins to Iobo Its heat by threo different processes, viz: by radiation, by evaporation of surfneo molsturo nnd by conduction. Tho nntural heat of tho body Is neces sary to llfo and must bo maintained. DECISION IS EPOCH MAKING Washington, Nov. 18. Tho sup remo court of tho United States to day delivered a death blow nt vlolu tlons of tho Sherman anti-trust law under tho clock of tho protection of tho patent laws, by annulling ns in valid "license agreements," which hold manufacturers of sanitary en ameled Ironwnro together In tho com" bluation known as tho "bath tub trust." JtiBtlco McKcnna delivered tho unanimous opinion of tho court. Ho said that rlghta conferred by patents were extensivo but did not give a unlvcrsnl license ngalnst tho positive proh'bltloiiB of tho Shcrmnn law. Tho decision fully sustained tuo government In Its fight begun over a yenr ago against tho bath tub and enameled ware manufacturers. Don't forget our advertisers m THE WEALTH OF THE SOIL In tho current lssuo of Farm ani Fireside appears tho following: "It Is a fact that thoro Is no de partment of effort from which a lar- j ger return can honestly bo secured than from Intelligent ana painstak ing cultivation of tho soil. Tho sci entific managomenc, as now demon strated, shows that 4ho fertility of Uio avorago soil can bo much Increas" J and made moro profitabio HHHHHHHHJI UNKNOWN WRITES A CONFESSION Buffalo, N. Y. Nov. 18. Tho po lice of Lackawanna yesterday re ceived another letter from tho con fessed murderer of litto Joseph Jo sephs, whoso decomposed body was taken from a cesspool back of a sa loon yesterday. Like somo of tho other letters and postcards received by tho pollco and Qcorgo Josephs, father of tho murdered boy, this ono asserts that tho writer intends to surrender. Tho letter Is dated Friday, Novem ber 15, and was mailed In Boston Saturday morning. It is unsigned nnd tho writer asserts his Intention of giving himself up to tho Lacka wanna pollco Wednesday. Tho police placo no credence In tho promlso of tho wrltor to appear voluntarily. Mr. Joseph recoived ten days ago an unsigned postcard In tlio same handwriting giving revolting details of tho murder of his son. All letters In tho hands of tho po llco undoubtedly were written by the samo man. NOTICE All poll taxes in Logan City are now overdue, and if not paid at once will bo collected by law. No furth er notice will bo given. N. P. JOHNSON, Streot Supervisor o When the chest feels on Aro and tho throat burns, you havo Indiges tion, and you need IIERBINB to get rid of tho dlsagrceablo feeling. It drives out badly digested food, strengthens tho stomach and purifies tho bowels. Price SOc. 861d by Rltcr Bros. Drug Co. (Advertisement) At present prices of pork it would bo imposslblo for any ono to drivo his pigs to a poor market. LONG CHASE AFTER INDIAN BOOTLEGGERS Missoula, Mont, Nov. 18. After a chase in automobiles lasting flvo days and covering 700 miles, 15 men suspected of having sold liquor to Indians wero brought to Missoula lost night by Deputy United States Marshall Miller and posso. Tho officers had conducted a raid over tho old Flathead Indian reser vation, which is BtiU under federal control In so far a3 liquor Is con cerned and soveral of their prisoners nro hotel Keepers of reservation towns. They -will bo arraigned bo- fore tho federal grnnd Jury. Tho deputies camo up with their quarry In a mountain pass, stopping a pack train loaded with "coffeo" cases. Theso wero broken open nnd tho whiskey disclosed was burned. s Advice on choice of vocation Dr. J. T. Miller, editor of Tho Character Builder, gives scientific character readings with advlco on cholco of vocation and solf-culluro nt the .residence of It. Murdock, Jr. 45 West Second North street, from 1 to 7 p. m. dally until Saturday. (Advertisement) IMPORTANT TO TAXPAYER3 At a special session of tho Board of County Commissioners held Tuos day November 12, an order was pass ed granting tho extension of tlmo for tho paying of county and stato taxes to 5 p. m. Thursdny November 21, 1912. R. W. JAMES, County Clerk. (Advertisement) i To feel strong, havo a good ap petite nnd digestion, sleep soundly, and enjoy life, uso Burdock Blood BIttoxs, tho great system tonic and builder. (AdvortlsemonL) NOTICE OF 8ALE OF " CITY REFUNDING BONDS . Notice is hereby given that Logan City proposes to lssuo nnd sell forty Rofunding Bonds date'd December 31 ' 1912, of tho denomination of ono thou ! sand dollars each, bearing interest at tho rato of flvo per cent per an num, payable soml-annually, principle I payablo twenty years after date with- out option of prepayment. All bids must be sealed In an envelope mark ed on tho outsldo "Bid on Bonds." Each bid shall carry with it as a guaranteo of good faith a certified - check on a local bank for five per ) cent Of the amount ot said bid. No qualified bids will bo consider ed. Tho city reserves tho right to refuse any and all bids. Bids must be filed with tho City Recorder not later than flvo o'clock p. m. December 10, 1912. Logan City Corporation, By order of its Board of Commis sioners. MAE BENSON, City Recorder. n30 (Advertisement.) Don't use harsh physics. Tho j notion weakens tho bowels, leads to chronic constipation. Get Doau's Regulets. They oporato easily, tone tho stomach, euro constipation. (Advertisement) i Living Expenses Reduced Don't this Turkey remind L II H you of Thanksgiving Dinner .ggffiBfcv ra fejj buy them at regular prices. "" Wn eg Let Prices talk for you Thanksgiving Sale in B9 ra 16 lbs sugar for - . - $1.00 Groceries g i Bzi 10 1 lb pkgs blue ribbon raisins 1.00 pWJ i 9 1 lb pkgs Currants - - 1.00 20 lbs sugar ..... $1.00 M Jo !uS u " ' " "Inn 6 -cans Tomatoes- - - - SOc gj ) Q3 lo lbs best rice - - - - l.UU 0 . - E3 i 59 20 lbs oat meal ... - - 1.00 3 cans best Peas ' " - - 30c R3 i KS 25 bars Naptha Soap - - 1.00 3 cans best corn - - - - 30c 8 j R8 25 bars Pearl White soap - - 1.00 1 Package Columbia Oats - 35c KB 30 bars Diamond soap - - 1.00 5 lbs nayy beang . . . 30c W UM 100 pounds rnde ot the . ,-,, L1 ... . . M Valley Flour ----- 1.80 5 kgs blue nbbon raisms 50c 59 59 50 lbs Pride of the Valley 4 Pks Currants - - - - 50c E 59 Flour -------- 90c 1 lb Citron or Lemon Peel 25c R8 KB 15 lbs sago - 1.00 ' 4 lDS best Rice - - - - 25c EJ i m 15 lbs Tapioca - -' - - 1.00 3 Cang Mugtard Sardines - 25c H P$ 3 quarts cranberries - 30 3 j E2 10 cans tomatoes - - - 1,00 7 Bars Diamond C Soap - 25c E3 59 10 cans best corn - '- - - 1.00 1 lb- Candy or Nuts - - 25c BS M E3 10 cans June peas - - - - 1.00 T, , . , & An RS ! H 10 pkgs Kelioggs corn flake 1.00 The Above List For only $5.00 El m SALE NOW ON AT THE jj I Henry G. Hayball Merc. Co. Logan