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The Logan Republican. [volume] (Logan, Utah) 1902-1924, January 18, 1913, Image 5

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' flHHjl
.iir ii i i M THE LOO AN REPUBLICAN PAGE Five '' 1
jGooftwaiter;wanted'at-once'at Chfr
cgoCle.vOood wages. Advertise-
mentr,!fi 1 -" ' J18
J,Mr. and MraT "Clin'ton G. Smith
have returned from their trip to sou-
fmt-, , .. .
fHqrig&M waaj,t lwt-night?, Don't
lie about it: Get a Thermometer thai
tins.thiitrtlth. 35c. t. fJ.60 at niter
rosDrug Co. Advertisement' tf
j, . ? ,
j LOSTrOne James McMurrin, last
seen of 'him war on his way to Cove
on particular business. Finder re
turn and be rewarded. "The worst
( feared."
I .;' "
' People wishing the best groceries
always go to the Cache Valley Mer
cantile) Co. "The House of Quality."
Phone 73. Advertisement. J18
- .
''Pres. Jos. E. Qulnnoy Jr., will
speak to tho Third ward parents
class Sunday morning. Subject,
"Teaching the Boy how to Handle
Money." Public Invited.
Lost A carving set, left on the
seat of tho street cor. Finder re
turn to this office and bo rewarded.
Advertisement J18
Forester Clinton 0. Smith was a
passenger to Ogden yesterday morn
ing, having gono down on business
connected with tho local forestry
Ward conference will be held in
Logan Seventh word and Providence
First word on Sunday January 19,
1913. Meetings a'. 2 and 7 p. m. A
good attendance is desired.
The game tonight Bhould bo the
best game of the season every lover
of basketball should sco the Utah
Freshmen play against D. Y. C.
Advertisement. J18
Thomas Smart Is at homo again at
tcr a pleasant vacation at Ocean
Prk. Ho reports that weather condi
tions havo been such that tho fruit
of tho state of California is consider-
nMv flnrnflirafl Tl riltl rVl tVln. nnl1 Aft.
Smart's family will remain at the
sea port until early spring. Ho will
roturn and Join tbem the first of
ft tho month.
A delightful nffalr of Ihe week was
'the dinner given Thursday evening
when Mr. and Mrs. A. Thomas en
tertained sonic of tho employees of
tho Amalgamated Sugar company.
Mrs. Thomus was assisted In ser
ving by Misses Inez Thaln aml.AHco
Charles. Tho tabic had for a centcr
pleco a cut glass vase filled with red
carnations. Covers wero laid for Mr.
and Mrs. Fred G. Taylor of Lewis
ton, Messrs W. S. .Incobsen, Seth
Lowe, Jos. K. Qulnney Jr., J. W.
Grocsbcck, Amos Drown, Hert Mc
Cullock, John Stauffer, I. J. Clark,
Charles Glttlns of Ogden.
February 1 low fares, to San Fran
cisco nnd Los Angeles wjth diverse
routes and limit of March 17. Seo
O. S. L. agents for rates and fur
ther particulars. Advertisement fl
Special j
(A Snap)
J 72 Acre Farm
j 50 Acre Plow Land j
I 21 Acre Pasture J
J 1 Acre Orchard J
J Good Water Right, 2 J
J room House, Sheds, Etc. J
! Must go at Once I
I fl"! Cflfl ExCEpT,0NAL i
4U?JUU Terms j
j Will Trade J
Commercial Block I
Phone 58 J
i. Alf Srnurthwalte ba f0r. gale j9j2
field and garden seeds. Opp. Eagle
Lost- lletweeh'S Peterson's Shoe
store and Central Mills, new 'pair of
rubbers and qnoshoe,. Finder return
to thls-,offlce, AdVertlsement! J18
The ga'me!t6nlght brings two of
.thp fastest teams In the state to
gether, theD..JV. C. vs. U. of U.
Dqn't forget 8 o'clock. Advertise
ment. - J18
There has been rumor for somo
time to the effect that Judge Maugh
an and A. A. Law are to form a
law partnership. It Is practically do
elded that there Is to be a disolutlon
of the Jaw firm of Law and Harris.
Attorney M. C. Harris Is unablo to
Btate Just what his future plans aro
with respect to his practice, but ho
will undoubtedly open up an office of
his own.
Tho D. Y. C. dramatic club will
present "Christopher Junior" at Nib
ley Hall, Jan. 24 and 28. Prof. W.
O. Itoblnson has tho play In charge.
President of Chicago Tribune Co.
Gives Hit Idea of a Newspaper's
Duty to the Public
Seattle, Jan. 15. A paper read to
day before the Newspaper Institute
at the university of Washington, con
tributed by James Keelcy, prest. of
the Chicago Tribune company, said
that the chief development of the
modern newspaper was to bo along
the lines of personal service.
On the subject of newspaper eth
ics Mr. Kecley expressed tho opinion
that "suprcs8lon of news Is more of
a wrong than printing of a piece of
news that might better havo not
been written. Ily Improper suppres
sion of news a newspaper sells Its
soul and betrays Its readers. To my
mind it is the high treason of Jour
nalism. "It Is nt times a difficult position
In which to be placed," Mr. Keeloy
added, "to know that broken heartH
will follow the publication of a cer
tain piece of news, but tho edtltor's
larger duty Is to the community. As
a general ran not mako wnr without
making widows anil orphans so an
editor can not do his whole duty
without causing tears to flow. A
newspaper has fixed duty to Its read
ers. When It Issues a paper It en
ters Into an Implied contract with
thoso who purchase tho paper to tup
ply them with all the news."
February 1 low fares to San Fran
cisco nnd Los Angeles with diverse
routes nnd limit of March 17. Sco
O. S. L. agents for rates and fur
ther particulars. Advertisement fl
t Mi
January 20 to 25, 1913
Stato Horticulture. Convention, .Inn.
20, 21 nnd 22; Stato Dairymen's Con
tention, Jan. 23; Stato Dry Farmers
convention Jan 24; Utah Stato De
velopment league Jnn 21 And 22;
l'uro Food show Jan. 20 to 25 Inclu
sive; Utah Poultry Show Jan. 20 to
2fi Inclusive. Reduced rntes via O.
S. L. from all stations in Utah.
Tickets on snlo Jan. 20 to 23 Inclus
ive Limited to Jan. 27. Sco agents
for rates and further particulars.
Advertisement. J23
PLENTY of money to loan on farms
or good city security. J. Z. Stew
art tf
r ..I i , ..j
WANTED Room or room and
board. Address "Student" caro Re
publican. J18
Wanted A young girl to assist In
genoral housework, and go to school.
Ono who nttonds tho Lowell School
preferred. D. P. niter. tf
on farms or good city socurlty. Stow
art Real Estate & Loan Co. tf
bor of good farms and ranches to
trade for Logan City property. Stew
art Real Estate & Loan Co., It
FOR SALE Four American Im
proved Tlox Rail Bowling Alleys at
a bargain. Address J. T. Rushmor,
2464 Washington avenue, Ogden,
Utah. )St
WMXI '" ", r - -... i .-..
Awards Made at
Poultry Show
Continued from Page One
wood, 1st cock; 2d and 4th pul; 1st
and 2d hen; 1st pen.
Huff Plymouth Hocks R. H. Hay.
cs, 2d ckl; 1st, 3d and 4th pul. Spe
W. K. Robblns, 1st ckl; 1st, 2d and
3d pul; 1st and 2d cock; 1st and 2d
hen; 1st, 2d and 3d pen. Special.
R. Hurst, 3d cock. Jos. Anderson,
2d ckl. Alma Olscn, 3d ckl; H. E.
Nelscn 4th ckl; D. Scott 3d and 4th
hen; 4th pul; 4th pen.
..S. C. Buff Orphlngton J. H. An
derson, 1st ckl; 1st, 2d and 4th pul;
1st and 2d cock; 1st 2d 3d and 4th
hen; 1st and 2d pen. Special.
R. H. Hayes, 3d and 4th ckl; 3d
pul; 3d pen. A. Smurthwalto, 2d ckl
4th pen.
White Orphlngton A. Smurthwalto
1st ckl; 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th hen; 1st
pen, Special. Stewart, 2d nnd 3d ckl
1st, 2d and 3d pul; 2d cock; 2d pen.
Black Orphlngton A. Smurthwalto
2d ckl; 1st pul; Special.
Whlto Wyandottes W. Swinynrd,
1st ckl; 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th pul; 1st
cock; 3d and 4th hen; 1st and 3d
hen; 1st and 3d pen. Special. Thos.
Rowley, 4th ckl; 1st and 2r hen; 4th
Black Langshans Stewart, 1st
cock; 1st hen. Special.
Anconas Harvey Blair, 1st cock;
3d pul; 1st and 2d hen; 1st pen. E.
E. Brictenbucher, 1st, 2d and 4th
pul. Special.
Light Brahmas E. E. Brletcnbu
chcr, 1st ckl; 1st and 2d pul; IbI
and 2d hen; 1st pen, Special.
Indian Games Cummlngs, 4th pul.
Silver Spangled Hambergs Hoy
Lewis, 2d and 3d pul; 2d hen. Spe
cial. Golden Spangled WyandotteB It.
H. Hayes, 1st ckl. Special.
A special, ribbon was given for tho
highest scoring bird In each variety.
Special premiums not yet awarded.
January 20 to 25, 1913
Stale Horticulture Convention, Jan.
20, 21 and 22; Stato Dairymen's Con
vention, Jan. 23; Stato Dry Farmers
convention Jan. 24; Utah State De
velopment league Jnn 21 nnd 22;
Pure Food show Jan. 20 to 25 inclu
sive; utan rouitry snow Jan. 20 to
25 Inclusive. Reduced rates via O.
S L. f om all stations In Utah.
Tickets on sale Jan. 20 to 23 Inclus
ive. Limited to Jnn. 27. Seo ngents
for rates and further particulars.
Advertisement. . J23
City Attorney Law
Discusses Merits
Of Liquor Statute
(Continued f'om page ono)
law, to make an lllcgnl sale for ox
ample, nnd fixes tho punishment nt
$1000 fine etc., such amount of line
Is In excess of the Jurisdiction of
city courts by seven hundred dollars
nnd for tho city to prescribe a dif
ferent penalty is urged to bo a min
imizing of tho ofTonso nnd thereto c
Insconslstcnt with tho general law.
and such an ordinance thcrefo e
However, there Is no reason for
such uncertainties, the cities should
bo given tho power to prescrlbo pen
alties to meet conditions as they ex
1st in the particular locality where
the offense Is committed, and should
not ho confined to tho general penal
ty Imposed by tho su.to law tor tho
name oficnso for tho reason that such
offenso may be more Injurious to pub
He moralH f committed In a law
place, a place densely populated,
than In a locality sparsely populated.
Another matter I direct tho atten
tion of the league to Is tho fact that
tho present liquor law, provides
among other things that a certified
copy of the licenses Issued by tho In
ternal Hcvenuo olilcers shall be prl- i
ma facie ovldonco of guilt upon n
prosecution for Illegal sale In dn
Under tim present regulations of
tbo United States Treasury Depart
ment no bulIi certified copy can bo
given by any Internal rovenuo officer
so that part of tho present law Is a
mere nullty, it should be amended to
provide that a certified copy of the
record showing tho paymont of tho !
tax would bo adralssablo In evldenco i
and bo a prima facia caso In all
cases Involving Illegal salo In dry ,
territory. ,
Tho greatest difficulty officers of
tho law bavo In enforcing tho prohi
bition ordinances is the opportunities
afforded tho defendant to dolay tho t
final disposition of tho caso under i
our presont system. I
It may be very difficult to work out I
a satisfactory solution of the prob
lem, but I am convlnoed that until
uch ii done no very great progress
T! (e mndc7ln the enforcement of
Under our present system if a man
Ik charged with murder in this stato
(upon a merely prell.ir.nary hearing
he Is bound over for trial and getB
a trial before a Jury, but if ho hap
pens to be charged with tho commis
sion of a misdemeanor, a violation
of liquor ordinance for instance he
kay demand a Jury trial ln'the Jus
tice .court and If tne verdict is not
satisfactory he may have another
Jury trial In the district court upon
in appeal being taken, In other
words, the man who sells liquor il
legally" ""entitled to two Jury trials
and ihe' man who commits murder is
entitled to but one.
The realvlce of the system how
ever, is in Ibis, that the defendant
may p'urBUc in the lower court all
the devious methods known to the
skillful trial lawyer to delay the tri
al by demurrer, motions, pleas, etc.,
and finally upon n trial he had, and
an unfavorable verdict rendered mny
appeal and go through all the sarao
intricate practise to avoid the com
ing trial in the district court, nnd In
the meantime many months hnve
elnpsed witnesses have become scat
tered, had a change of heart, moved
away or something of the kind, which
prevent a trial tho second time upon
the real merits of tho case.
It Is well known what Information
officers get as to violations of prohi
bition ordinances conies very large
ly from persons who decide to re
form, quit the drinking habit, and
If a final disposition of the cause
could be had while the witness Is
in that mood the facts may be
brought out and a conviction Is prob
able, but If a long delay results be
fore tho case is brought to trial a
great majority of such witnesses fall
from grace, and about the time they
arc needed they will he found In
some dther state or their recollec
tion Is deficient, nnd the result Is
ti dismissal of the case, and the gen
eral impression goes out, that the
law cannot bo enforced In that par
ticular, and the criminal clement re
new th0 Illegal traffic which the ar
rest of the oifendcr temporarily check
ed, but tho effect would be vastly
different If wo couid have a system
adopted which would admit of a
speedy trial and final disposition of
such cases.
As a partial remedy I would ad
vise an extension of tho present mu
nicipal court system to all second
class cities, ranking a member of the
Special Offer For Mid-winter 1913
This Is the tlm0 when cough's, colds and kindred ailments to jH
which human kind aro heir, mako their apperrance. Hero aro somo H
fine wwonnblo liquors which are used generally In such'tascB. Their H
judicious use gonorally proves beneficial, and hero Is an opportunity H
obtain Jl
ABSOLUTELY FREE One Bottle Fine ChcTry Cordial M
cxpresH prepaid on following: With each order Bent us during Jan- ' H
uaryj February or March, 1913, for 4 .quart, assorted If desired, of H
any of the following: ' , , H
nock and Rye, price per 4 big full quarts... j S4.00
Run, price per 4 big full quarts S4t00 H
Comings Monarch Whiskey, price per 4 big full quarts..,. ,',S4.00
White Corn Whiskey price per 4 big full quarts .'....',! 4.60 ! ' fl
California Applo Jack Brandy, cordlallted, 4 big full quarts 7.S4.00 ' H
California Peach Brandy, cordlallzed price per 4 big quarts ,...A,00 ,
We will includo ono bottlo Cherry Cordial, value .V-S1.00 ' H
- ' in- H
Total value ,, v l.ftS.OO H
Express prepaid ob tho entlro C bottes to your nearest railway H
for $4.00 H
Yoi r order may be assorted, but must consist of 4 full quart bottles
p 524B" RIEGER & L1NDLEY stv'
bar of tho state only ellglblo to hold
the office of municipal Judge. Give
defendants charged with misdemean
or the right of Jury trial In such
court, but If a Jury trlnl were had
or demanded that a record of tho
proceeding be made mid In tho event
of an nppcnl that tho appeal ho al
lowed only upon errors of lnw and
not fact, that Is to say If there was
any evidence to support a verdict
abridge the right of the appcllnto
court to disturb It, and let the appeal
be decided upon tho record of the
lower court.
It would glvo tho municipalities an
even brenk with the criminal ele
ment and provent many miscarriages
of Justlco and It cannot bo said that
such a system would deprive a man
of a fair and Impartial trial before
n Jury of his neighbors.
One other suggestion, uniform or
dinances Bhould bo ndoptcd by all
dry municipalities In tho state. Uni
form ordinances wherever practical
are desirable upon nny subject, but
there Is urgent need for tho eamo In
control of tho liquor traffic In dry
territory, for this reason that when
ever a decision of tho supremo court
wiib had In nny caso Involving tho va
lidity of tho ordlnanco or practise
under tho samo such decision would
bo a precedent each city might then
follow whllo under present conditions
we are all lighting tho causo through
ulng'y and at a disadvantage, with H
greatly Increased cost of money nnd H
labor. A commltteo of city attor- H
neys of tho state should bo appoint- H
ed nt onco tq drnft a uniform city 'H
ordlnanco for all clticB and towns In H
the state where prohibition Is in of- H
One other suggested amendment to H
tho present genernl liquor law, wo H
should havo a provision making It H
prima facia evidence of guilt to have H
Intoxicating liquors In one's posses-
sloii'whero it person la chained with H
keeping for sale Illegally. H
At first thought ono might be In- 'H
cllncd to question the wisdom, of H
such a provision, but In no caso H
would one bo charged with such an H
offenso except there wns probable H
causo to believe him guilty, and tho i H
provision should bo bo framed that H
possession would bo prima facia evl- iH
denco only if unexplained, nnd of 'B
course If tho defendant had only a H
pint or a gallon or some other small H
quantity his explanation would un- H
doubtedly bo entitled to weight H
with n Jury and Ii. such caso unless H
other evldenco wero adduced no con- H
vlctlon would result. H
Such a. stntuto is upon tho book! H
In Iowa, Nebraska nnd a number of H
other stntcs and works very satis- , B
factorliy. Respectfully submitted, B
A. A. LAW. H
Oar January I I
Special Clearing I
Hull $tr ' mi iji
i mi wr m jl 2 ,
Is Now On I
III Reductions In All Departments 111 l
I 87 North Main, - - - - Logan. 1 fl

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