rwo TIIE LOGAN REPUBLICAN THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1919 ,. B ,t4Hmi&fflliri$tintFwnr ptrfict condition, m mKBEmmBEff DUT a PJPe m your ace that's filled cheerily brimful of Prince LH ffSHBSSfft l Albert, if you're on the trail of smoke peace I For, P. A. will HI liiHilfiflK sinff yu a sonS of tobacco joy that will make you wish -your H KycsrTSri life job was to see how much of the national joy smoke you B ffiWWWAHHffv could get away with every twenty-four hours 1 M IjjJjJIIlHJMfjll, You can "carry on" with Prince Albert through thick and thin. LH HLKdUM You'll be after laying down a smoke barrage that'll make the 'KiflDiB toys think of the old front line in France! m iBfiflwX P. A. never tires your taste because it has the quality I And, 1 HsWiHwlS le Jt 'P into vour think-tank that P. A. is made by our exclu- LH HmSv dvB patented process that cuts out; bite and parch assurance m jHAbRbB that vo can W smoke-recbrd-highspots seven days out of H WMWHWHl every week without any comeback but real smoke joy i H llilHMillBiP 'RrJ. Reynolds Tobacce- Company. Wrato ."Salem, N. C H QUESTIONABLE INSUR- ANCE FLAN BflflflH M The Inauranco phase of Chairman H Hurler's merchant marina plan does m not Impress marine underwriters as M having been worked out by anyono M familiar with actual earnings of M companies engaged In underwriting H hull insurance. , Ono underwriter says while Idea ' v pt ljavlng tho buyer of snips Insure' B his equity In them Is ound enough, M ,Mt, Hurley 1 not spcpific. This un- 8 dcrwrlter does not ngrco that the H government, can. carry this, insurance' M At 1 per cent less than market rate m and accumulate a roscrvo to build M up a, fund ,for developing trado H routes, etc, Tho government would m not have to pay taxes and expense In M conducting hull insuranco is proba- B bly less than to any other class ot m , marino risks but thcro would bo losu- H ,ca as busslno statistics show, Noth- B lug has been mndo In hull Insuranco H at tho market rate In tho last ov- 1 eral years. H Ship operators of reputation say Hj practical men In ship building and M t- operation, should bo selected to shape H tho policy ot tho future. Tho bust- H ncss needs no charity welfare ox- - ports, but It docs need some one M who will work out a policy that will H havefor Its fundamental basis tho H law ot Bupply and demand. Thcro H' must bo competition among compan- H les If wo are to have a merchant mar- H.. lno in more than name only. AN UNTIMELY DEMAND Tho demand for an Increase ot about tweniy per cent by tho opera tives of tho Portland trolley Lines t seems to tho outsider an untimely one, Tho Portland trolloy lines have narrowly escaped golnu into n receiv ership even on a six-cent faro and aro skating on thin leb at present. Tho demand ot tho operatives of fectlvo April 1st Is for increase from their prcfiorit scficdulo ot wages, now 46, 48 and SOrcents an hour. Tranklln J. Grlllltli, president ot tho company, announced after re cblpt of tho demands that no rurtner rlso In wages at this time could bo granted. Tho present schedule was placed in offoct by tho federal war labor board last October and under tho agreement then signed tho wage ques tion could bo reopened by cither party at six months Interval. Tho first six months expired April 1. Intorurban line's ot tho company aro not affected by tho demands. Remember LENDING? Women SlioiiM Take rpccial care to keep free, from headache, back ache, constipation, weakness and depression. For these recurring ailments and other condi tions peculiar to women, Beecham's Pills are a tested and effectual remedy. They act gently and promptly on the stomach, liver and bowels, and exert a tonic, strengthening effect on the bodily functions. These famous pills ace purely 8 vegetable, contain no. habit-forming drug, and I produce no disagreeable after-effects. Women the world over, find needed help and strength in Beeepanfs Pills H "Larsttt SdU of Any iWcfes fa tht World I sH ,PtS6MIF,?eU1VluWomMi.AwlthEeyBo. I M . JWJfr niluut tb world, la Bow, 10c, Mo. I H . . .-" l- " ? rt. 1 A STRIKE THAT WILL FAIL The International Labor Defense council will sond out ballots to all labor unions to take another strlko voto for Mooney, The International Dcfenco council has raised hundreds ot thousands of' dollars from organized labor to' Ilb- orato Mooney 'ot al. After Mooney and his associated bomb throwers havo exhausted all their rights In the courts under our laws labor Is still to be mado tljr; goat. Twenty thousand labor ulqns aro to bo asked to voto on tho question ot n gcnoral strlko tor Mooney on July 4th. Thrco strikes aro to bo called it tho labor union mcinbors favor thi program to Uborato Mooney, July 4, Labor Day and Kovombcr 1st. Uut loyal American labor will ro turns a negative voto on this propo sition and will uphold Amorlcan converts of law and order. Tho day of tho gcnoral strlko is cndcd--oyon tho proposed strlko based on tho cry No Deer, No Work, started In eastern cities. It may well bo asked,, what has labor gained by theratcned strikes for tho McNamaras ot Los Angoles, the Mooney anarchist gang ot San Francisco or tho revolution leaders at Seattle. , lu "OA80ABETS" WORK v WHILE YOU SLEEI For Sick Headache, Sour Stomaoh, BluaolshLlver and Bowefo Take Cascareta tonight furred Tonguo, Bad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches omo from a torpid liver and clogged bowels, whloh causo your sf ra ck to becomo filled with undigested food, whloh sours and foments v.'ko gar bage in a awlll barrel, lhat's Uk 'flrst lop to untold mlscry-Indlgcstlon, tal cases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrlUa and nauseating. A Oascarct to-night will gho your constiputed bowels a thorougb ok-anslns and straighten you out L) morning. They work whllo you sleep a 10-ccnt box from your druggist wll' keep you feeling fxal for mouths. tm .. Real Pioneer. Ono of thoQlrst whlto men nntf In nil probability tho first British subject to mnko his nbodo in territory com prised within the boundaries of tho province of Jfew Brunswick, Canada, was John Gyles, who was carried from the southern British colonics to the wilderness of the valley of tho St John rjverjyr maraudlnj bands of In Uu. QUESTIONABLE BANK ING Tho Nonpartisan League now In full control fo tho nffnlrs and fi nances of North Dakota has gone a long way toward establishing a so colallstlc form of government In that state, jNoi th Dakota now has full author ity to enter Into competition with private entorpriso In tho state nnd by offlclal powor and prestigo will drive it to tho wall, State owned under takings naturally will pay no taxes, honco tho general taxpaors must mako up the loflclt together with ad ditional expenso entailed by state op eration. North Dakota's banking scheme, In tho opinion uftho Chicago Dally NowsIs tho "most dubious and start- . ling feature" of tho league program. Tho bill provides that all state, county, township, municipal, school and other public funds as well ns tho funds of penal, Industrial and edu cational Institutions shall bo with drawn from tho national, state and private banks, and placed with tho commonwealth bank. This means tho withdrawal of moro than $50, 000,900 from tho present banks, thus crippling private Institutions. Whethor the political bank man agement Is likely (o bo sound and conservative is a serious question. Partlan and factional politics in tho handling of tho banks funds and de posits will undoubtedly creep In. And In the meantime tho dealings ot customers with the commonwealth bankwlll undoubtedly be open to public Inspection the same as other state business thus doing away with tho confidential relation existing be tween private banks and their pat rons. ' The personal relation between a bapker and his customers will be lacking in ,tho state bank and tho hu mano element will enter about as such as when ono buyB a money or der from a postal clerk. I STOP THE AUTOMOBILE THIEVES Automobiles thieves would be foil ed If the suggestion of H. W. Hyscr, Grand Rapids, "Michigan, is enacted . . . 'S'- - Into law, according to the D. F. Goodrich Rugger company. Hero Is. his plan: Authorize the sec rotary of state to issuo exclusive per mits to owners of atuomoblleo to use certain numbers, names or dovlces to brand certain parts of their cars and the brands to be placed in certain designated spots. Require these marks to be cut, stamped or stained Into tho material 'of the part In such a manner that Ithoy would not be removed or obliter ated without dofacing or mutllaUng tho parts. Make it a crime to drive a car with such markings defaced. Mako tho permit from tho secre tary of state evidence ot ownerships when issued and transferable with . the car by being duly acknowledged N before a notary, theso acknowledge ments to bo "written on the permit, thus forming a chain of title like an abstract. This plan was suggested to Mr. Hy- sor by the Goodrich company's advlco to all motorists to cheat tho tiro thief by branding the inBide of a tire cas 1 lng. His plan seems feasiblo and should be considered by automobile clubs and other agencies acUvo la protection of car owners oEainst bur glary. ti Intematlonallty. Make this our conviction: "I am (not born for one corner of the earth; (my country Is this world." Seneca. 1 I -Just a Little Under I .':v the Price" " .:- I These are times when you'd better look with sus- tL " picion on goods that are priced lower than good lim ' I 1 quality permits. There's no trick, about malting &'3 I clothes; good.fabrics cost a certain amount. If you "toV I pay a little under the price you're pretty likely to get ' J fjk I something under quality -ft aj 1 You can't afford it; especially in clothes buying l iJigV I because clothes have a value beyond just a covering ' KMJl'ff J 1 for the body; they're part of your business force. fetfh WWr I Better be sure of qualityHart, Schaffner Sm v)i I & Marx clothes; all wool, guaranteed. vBEy-' 1 ll'J I THE MEN'S SHOP ffl I The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx, Clothes. H U W Ml' ffl 1 - '. (t rt i iij) J fiUt ft rtowsurt.) - u . . n. Hi-.. .- 1 , " -'