HP. "w i bbbbbbI I .. .' The MERcilr MKEr.;k, I .r --- . hr- - - - - -.- - v -'i& H P Vol. XIII. Mercur. Utah, Wednesday, February 12, 908, lS2SU?i ".H AC w " " ; THE MERCUR MINER. mm " Publlihed Every Wednesday. THE MINER PRINTING & PUBLISH B INQ COMPANY. Ofllco publication, Contcr Street, Mcr- W cur. Utah. SUBSCRIPTION: One year, $2.60! bIx months, U.GO; , H throe months, $1.09. i ' This paper Is cntcrod as second-class I matter at tho post ofllco at Mercur, Utah. I C. W. 13VBRS..T. .LOCAL MANAOEIL I JAS. T. JAKEMAN.. Managing Editor I " TOOELE COUNTY OFFICERS. ! County Seat, Tooele City. Clerk Ivan AJax. Treasurer E. M. 'Ormo. Recorder P. W. Frailer. Sheriff A. O. Evans. Assessor J. A. MUlward. Attorney J. D. Cordon. ' T v' Surveyor Haines Qrlndley. Commissioners C. Lo Roy Ander son, J. O. Drown and W. J. Ham r, . moni. L , ' U Local & News Ite-ns I RELIGIOUS SERVICES. f Tho L. D. S. Sunday school will convene at 10 o'clock a. m., mooting j at 8 o'clock p. m. every Sunday. Everybody invited. Special Meetings. Deacons' meet ing Monday, evening; teachers, 1 . Wednesday ovenlng; choir practice, . . Friday ovenlng.' J. "W. Loo, Bishop. . - 1 MERCUR NOTE8. 1 ' - NIco weather In Mercur at present. T. M. KoycB of Park City Is visiting in .Mercur. 1 .. J . t , Mm. p. M. King was Jn Salt Lako f' tho latter part of tho week on bus!" j. .. -' ness. - . jt yl 1 Wi T. Janney was In Manning on " business Sunday for (ho Con. Mercur Mining Co. .& liBM re. d., W,' BvorJiti-andJ". daughters Wbi 1 1 7 1 1 Trr"'n vIsIUnE.l n ; 8al tL'Lwi'anttfark' p Hon. Frank Cnffoy returned Satur- , day from a week's nbsenco In ZIon on mining and other business. j J Tho addition to Thlno's Process Is nearly completed, when It will bo n lr.oro complete process than ever be , fore. o I BRIDGE WHIST AT SUPT. DERN'S. Mr. and Mis. O. II. Dcrn entertnlncd t tho card club Friday ovenlng nt bridge . vhlst, flvo ablos being played. Tho 1 ! V following guests woro present: Mr. L nnd Mrs. James Quirk, Mr. and Mrs. , r C. W. Evcrs. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. T. .Tan- ! ' noy, Mr. nnd Mrs. P. E.' Coffey, Mrs. (John I.uft, tho Misses Aiinlo Luft, Cora Brown, Annlo Loiter, Blrdlo Savago, , r Kato Coffoy. Messrs. Prof. McCorklo, I i Br. Tnto, Dr. Cntes Mlldan Orr, P. E. Bollinger. Tho first prizes woro won j by Miss Kate Coffoy and Mr. Ballln- f per, consolations going to Miss Blrdlo Bnvngo and Mr. Evers. After tho card gnmo a delightful lunch wob served by tho charming hostess. Tho card club adjourned to meet nt Mr. nnd Mrs. James Quirk's noxt Thursday ovonlng. o 500 CARD PARTY. Misses Letter and Snvngo gavo a COO card party Saturday evening. Tho fallowing guests woro present: Tho Misses Kato nnd Clara Caffey, Miss Frances Bawllngs, Dr. Tato, Prof. Mo Corklo, Oscar SwenBon, P. Bnlllngcr nnd Mr, Orr. Miss Knto Caffey nnd Mr. Orr won Indies nnd genetlomen's llrst prizes. Aftor tho card gamo tho liofltoss sorved n delightful lunch. 1 n STOCKTON 8HORT STOP8. Tho "Stockton Sentinel," Yho Ben Hnrrlson Bhnft caved In laBt Tuesday, No 0110 happened to lio In tho sbnft nt tho tlmo. . jt Tho stores of our town nil hnvo n nlco lino of vnlcntlncs, Oo nnd got u largo ono for your sweothenrt. If your neighbor bother you about loaning tho Scntlnol. tell them to subscribe nnd get four monthly mag azines for premiums, nil for 1.50. . . Mr, Win. McFarlnno Ilhono Pol I ton nnd John P. Connor nnd family & nttontloil tho funeral of T. J. Connor, m father of John F. Connor, nt Salt take m. Inst Tuesday, who died at tho Holy Be Cross hospital last Sunday, Feb. 2. w .iiii- 1 if-- -- - W T. J. CONOR'S FUNERAL. I W Bturktnn Sontlnel. ) Tho funeral of tho Into Thomas J. K Connor took place nt Snlt Lnkn Tuos- " I day afternoon at 2 o'clock, from tho , chnoel nt O'Donncll'a undei inking cs- B tnbllshment, After tho Impressive 1 services of the Cnthollc church, tho I body wns takon to Mt. Calvary for i Z burial. Mnny friends of the ploneor ' H nttonded the services and nccom- lmnled tho rcmnlns to tho grnvo. Tho j inembors of tho family present were V JobnF. Connor of Btockton, Utah.tho ' ' only Burvlvlfg son, nnd Mrs. Ellon 1 ljary nnd Mrs, Mamie Paxton, daugh ters of tho lato Mr. Connor. Reprc8cntnllves of the Knights ot Columbus, of which Mr. Connor was a member, also nttended tho services. Since tho death ot Mr. Connor many stories concerning tho ploneor are re called. Back In tho '70s ho becamo Interest ed In mining for tho first tlmo. Ho financed somo Spaniards In a mlno called tho Sunnysldo, on Lion Hill, In Tooelo county. On tho property there was a splendid showing of horn ttllvcr and Mr. Connor was offorod 1100,000 for tho mlno, which was n largo sum for those early days. Ho haughtily rejected tho offer. His sons woro then engaged In tho mnnngomont of n lumber mill, nnd tho pioneer, bellov Ing that fortune Bmlled upon them, In formed them that tho rise and fall ot lumber would soon ceaso to Interest tho family. But tho Sunnysldo proved to be merely n Burfaco showing and tho pioneer's dream of millions van ished. Mr. Connor was extremely conserv ative about all matters of politics and religion. When tho agitation relatlvo to religious questions wns at Its height In Utah ho refused to take a part, lnslstlng'thnt as long as ho kept on good term's with his own con science ho had fullllled all that could eb expected of him. It was tho Bame In politics. Ho kept on good torms with himself and let others do tho "hurrahing." OPHIR ITEM8. Stockton Sentinel. . L. L. Baker of Tooelo was a vultor Saturday. , , Wo wish tho Buckhorn mlno would resume, as rumored. Dnlton. shipped something llko 25 cars for'tho Ophlr Hill Co. last month. Dr. Z. O. Logan nnd wife nre week end visitors in Salt Lako this week. Wo seo tho Boss fixing up Ills auto. Qucss bo's looking for a February thaw. '" J. II. Gordon, county nttorncy, nnd Snorlff Evans nro visitors In town this week. -T- Ophlr lodge No. 38, I. O. O. F., Conferred tho first degree -on four ap plicants, Tuesday, tho 4th InsU town board to fill tho vacancy caused by tho death of Arklo Wnrron. f f t Tho Ophlr Hill Con. Mining Co. nro Btlll digging In with 100 men. Tho temporary cut In wages has not nf tccted tho town. The ltcbeccns had a special meeting Wednesday, tho Cth. Don't know what took placo, but wo havo a hunch It means a feed. 4- II. A. Wngnor nnd family havo moved to Salt Lake, Mr. Wagner hav ing severed his connection with the Ophlr Morcnntlle. A host of fi lends regret their departure Tho epidemic of measles has about vpent Itself, having run short of chil dren. OPHIR. u Storlei of Undergraduates, A nervous freshman was dining with Thomas Herbert Warren, pres ident of Magdalen college, Oxford. By way of starting conversation tho latter glancod out of tho window and remarked, "Wo havo a little sun to day," but he was astonished to re colvo tho freshman's congratulations coupled with tho hopo that MrB. War ren was doing well. Another Ox ford story: During his undergrade nto days a man who Is now a learned professor was discovered sitting In tho "quad" clothed only in an um brella unfurled nbovo his head. In responso to anxious Inquiries as to what ho was doing ho replied: "Hush, husht Don't you seo I'm a bally mushroom, and I'm growing?" o A Lottery At Best. And those who marry for lovo aro Just as apt to bump up against dis appointment as thoso who marry for inonoy. u - At the Blood Travels. Tho blood thrown out by the heart travels seven miles In an hour, or 4, 2i2,000 miles In a lifetime of 70 venrs. . i.-fl i. A BARGAIN. A flroU. ibs Booming Houso for sale AddriMH or call on J. 8. Nlolson, CO W. Fourth South St., 8alt Lake City. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES OF MER CUR. Meetings. Monday osenlng IlPBoluto Lodgo No. 10, K. of P., Earl Kllngor, C. C. Tuesday ovonlng Mercur Aierlo No. 104, P. O. E., Harvey Dunleavy, W. P.; Richard Danlols, Sec. Wednesday ovenlng Mercur Lodgo No. 25, I. O. O. P.. T. II. Franklin, N. O.: W. T. Jannely, Sec. Thursday ovenlng Masonic, Geo. Hurlburt, W. C; I). U Underwood, Sea. Friday evening Bl-montbly, I. O. T. M., Mrs. II. lllttor, Com.; Mrs. Ad dlo Bracken, Jr. Com.; Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Ilec. Keeper, Friday ovenlng Bi-monthly, Daughters of nobeknh. Mrs. Parley Pratt, N. G.; Mrs. Holena B. Evans, Sec. Saturday ovenlng Italian Society. Sunday evening Western Fed. ot Miners, John Uarrott, Pros.; II. H. Dunloavy, Sec. SALT LAKE AND MERCUR R. R. Westbound Eattbound No. 1. No, 2. Lcavo Arrive 10: G3a.ru ....Fairfield .... 3:08 p.m. 11:30 a.m Manning .... 2:35p.m. 12:20 p.m Summit.... l:55p.m. 12:45 p.m Mercur.... 1:46 p.m. Arrlvo Lcavo Effective Octobor 27, 1907. A. D. SMITH, Gen'I Mgr. NOTICE. U. S. Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Doc. 23, 1907. To Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that tho State- of Utah has -filed In tills ofllco a list of lands, selected by tho said State, under th6 section of tho Act of Congress, approved July 1C, 1891, na follows, to-wltr J S. U of Section 8, T. 9 8- It. G W-? 8. L. M. (List 83 Agricultural Col lege.) A cony of said list, bo far as It re- latcs to' said tracts by descriptive sub divisions, baa bcon conspicuously posted In this office for tho Inspection by any person interested, andi by the public generally. This notice Will bo published for flvo consecutive weeks, nnd during this period, under departmental regu lations ot April 25, 1907, protests or contests against tho claim of tho Statu to. any of tho tracts or subdivisions hfelnbuforo described, on tho ground taat the Bame Is rnoro valuable for minora) than for agricultural purposes, 111 bo received and noted for report to tho Kenoral land o'fce at Washing' tjn. D. C, Failure o to protesv'or oate&t,. within tho Urao upcclflcd, will bo considered sufficient ovldenco ot th netvmliiQrnl character of tho tracts' ahd tho selections thereof, being 0th prjvlso free from objection, will bo recommended for approval, jE. D. It. THOMPSON, Register, ft First publication Jan. 29, 1908. fILast publication Feb, j0, 108. I Dr. L. G. ThayjKv M. PHYSIOIAH AM !tT" aunaaoM,.. fl'Mtln Street Mercur. : ' fUnion Dental Co. '! SALT LAKE CITY. 'i' HONEST WORK. I HONE8T PRICE8. vj Painless Extraction of Teeth ot I'no Pay. All Work Positively Uuarr fantecd. Phones: Bel), 1120OC; l,Ind. 1120. S I 218 South Main. s u , Ask Your Denlor For y a I S&- let ' " " T- "MARBLBRRING3," "' . The PurejTwhlikey. fr ,K BIEGEIt & LIND.L94'. TMstrlbutoriw " M)W :tM i- : , 1 rtiJtinlffii i mi. ! ' .j. X F e Cheapest Line of Good r $ t OENTS' FURN1SWNQS. HATS AND SHOES f J CALL Al I G0L1JEH GMTE Wl & KlBMn CJothUg BnppUtm, ln QnnUt, '& I Hals Street, Mercur. Wm, BILLINGS, gft& o Salt Lake & Mercur R.ailroad o From Ftlrflold to Morour, V(h':Grit Cold Camp. () O Ono train tx. day each way O Connects with San Pedro Ry, 0 ft 5c Greatest enRineerinR leat of the West and crookedest little Jf W railway in the World. Well worlh a ride from Salt Lake to see it. v C L. L. NUNN, A. D SMITH, J O President. General Mgr. f) ft General Office 417 McCornick Dlock, Salt Lake City. Q W J. II. MARSHALL. 50c, 75c, 91. $1.50 C) J MANAGEIt. Yvi.etMS to tmc Mtwy $3.00 Ptr VK. t 44 E. Second South SL lOSSf "lt """" 11 J Ann. WU.on Hotel. 3g-' -, e .. ,, nt. U EVERY ONE KNOWS USt ST. P baltLaKC City. M WATCHES. DIAMONDS. JEWELRY. Y BOWERS, (JEWELER, Salt Lake City. NOW: 73 Main Street WILD HORSEBACK RflCEFDR BRIDE TWO MONTANA RANCHMEN MAKE HUNDRED-MILE RIDE FOR LICENSE. , -, . .. EACH IGNORANT OF THE OTHER Arrive at Destination at Same Mo ment, Learn of Qlrl'a Duplicity, and Decide Neither tWanta Her. ' ' " f . aloux Cltj) U. How would you llko to ride at' break-neck. ap6ed oa horse back for"100 wiles and arrive at, the UccnBQ clfirH'a offlcf) just' aa. andtber fellow 'was takln out a license, (or tha girl you Intended to marrV? And sup poo tbo other follow bad jlono tho eamo lonc-illstanco rfde, a proviso tnado by tho young woman who had been wooed by both and who had promised to wed both? . This was tliQ situation that coo fronted J, J. Jackso', and 8. T. llrethcrton, rnnohers near llutto, lont They; veVo cbtnlng to fHlGU2 City to marry Mlaa May Florcnco Ilut- "I Want a License to Wed!" torflold, nged 22, pretty, nnd the nlcco or the Into Stato Senator Iluttorflold ot South Dakota. Miss Iluttorflold, who also lives near llutte, was loved by both the young ranchers. Tbolr wooing was ardent nnd continuous, Tho wlnsomo young woman could not decldo which of tho wcBtcrnors she ndmlred host And flnnlly, when alio left homo for a tour ot the cast, sho had half way promised to become tho brldo of both. On her return somo bIio stepped off at Sioux City for n visit. Tlion sho felt tlmt sho wanted to seo her Im petuous lovers. And sho sent each a telegram aaylng sho would marry tho ono that camo to hor nt onco. Out In llutto two young men board ed tbo same train together.' Thoy climbed Into tbo snmu coach, took tlio same scat. Ilut ns such thlngi go ' nolthor dUcussed tho matter closest his heart. And thoy both rode on Into tho night, blissfully Ignorant ot tbo other's Intentions. At Vermillion. 8. I)., thoy had to wait for connections, and horo both young men woro handod telegrams. They read: "Como nt onco. Called homo. Father III." Uoth secmod Im bued with tho Enmo Idea. Thoro would bo no train for flvo hours, Tho trusty saddlo was tho only thing, Horses wore speedily secured and tho raco for a girl bogan, each still Ignor ant of tho othor'a Intentions, Two ronds lead out of Vermillion for tho Missouri river, lloth aro straight and hard, but they diverge until thoy CA8TAWAY LIVED A8 APE. Survivor of Wreck Jumped from Tree to Tree In Forest. llrussols. Through tho efforts of Huron Orynsdanl, tho Norwegian phll nnthropUt, a man who had lived llko an apo for 12 years In tho forests of Dolglum and Franco has boon re turned to his homo In Norway, Ho wus tho only survivor of tho Norwe gian bark Mygroan, which was wrecked In 189E, Ho had lost bis rea son from tho Bhock, When found tho man was In the for est of Solgnlos, whero ho had lived for somo tlmo, and had Inspired tho population In tho neighborhood with fear. Finally It was decided to form a party to capture him. Ho was soon to bo moving along vary quickly, Jumping from branch to branch, Tho men tried to seize him, but ho got away from them and successfully bid himself In the thicket. Another attempt this one success ful was mado by a crowd of villagers who surrounded him. His body was come te a point n at MeCeotc, S. ' D., Jt acrose Uw'Iowa llufl iiOKv horo. No one knows how faat lha men rodo, but both arlvd In "tho , , cpurtyard a few mlnuUa'apart. Their ' pontea were dripping ioam, yet ,th ranchmen hardly iiatleltfae,aatal H as thoy leaped from their, basks and , H ran for tha courthouse. , ' "I want a llcenso to' we4,w hU H Jackson to Clerk Frank TrlfW "I want a license to wed." echoed. Dretherton (o Deputy Clark Snyder. lloth pfllclalfl started to wwply, lmt h when the name' of tha young wowaa ' H was asled Clork Tripp .slad! sha -i H ly at tho other maaadv asked him 7 H to repeat ft. Ho did "as, ' y ' H "Tbja la slrango aWj':lfi."Art . , M yoli gentlemon sure this 'it. nt tba jjH aamu woman yen wltl to mrryT" jl In an Instant both rfi.,bia H "ilcsldos," said Clerk'Tfwite H muBfbrlng tho girl ln-ewfh Wit jH UCB3C8." M A fight betwoeti the two you men . ,H was narrowly averted, aaboth irtart- f t , jH ed out to hunt the clHlv.Bridet-be. s H Hut when thoy loft 'tlief, ware ms. ,t ta talklag earnestly tosethar. " X. H ,-jiea JackBon BUd'mtborWa'wro, I ' "bbI scon several hqura later ttieybad evl- v''JilsH dently made up Ihedr inlaws to ,awi H groat dcclWori,' f&rc'iH)th sd tho sHHH beat of friends. ' V . H "Wo dlscuRBedthe ltiaUer pro wtdi ' H con?Ysuld you uk JHt'teoa.VMjilyWA'; .' H concluded that neither ef im ' wmild . i marry the" girl. v , .'' l H "I didn't Intend to marry 4.4thr ot jH the n v anyway," declared MU lHttor- T H field, with a toes of her head. . Mt her "iBsa eyes wor red and there wm a1 quiver H In her olpo. ' .i . -j... J.' 'silllS EXPRESS MESSENGER" STAMPEDED Br BOAR .. -7 :H BRUTE BREAKS OUT Of ORATE 1 AND CREATES. HAVOttJN'' . thar,;,' , H Fort Wayne, lnd. To be eensd H In tho same oar with a'n' angry ;bOar, ialiH Which had broken outiot Its Blender H 6onllnemont. waa i mj'ffijteaae.a tgx-. ?L )ibbbbbbbb! poriencQBt N. l'JtisMByiM'fftW .;-, '-'uJH meslHrer-wtlWraBW'Wlnetaa.- limited, enst-bound, recently, Itlch- jH aidson's homo Is In Detroit, and when jH ho was rescued by trainmen horo from jH his perilous position on tho top of n ,H big pllo or trunks, which ho had IbbbbbbI gained to cscnpo from tho frouzy ot ll tho boar, ho was vory weak and could 'sbbbbbI hardly tell what nn exciting tlmo ha ! had had, i LbbbbbI Tho boar bad been received In o B small Illinois town, nnd wan consigned ' M to somo place In Ohio. At first tbo M animal did not npiioar In nn ugly H mood, but niclmisJn was suspicious H and put tho crato containing It In ono H corner of tho car. It soon began to H ehow eymptoms of ugllneHS, and bit H nt tbo sides of tho crato with great en' fl orgy, Illchardson then placed a largo U pllo of trunks nround It, thinking that M if It did break out tho trunks would U servo as an additional barrlor, Hut M soon tho trunks fell away, nnd tho 'jt boar mado bis apiicnranco with , H streaks of froth covering his cntlro H body. Tho animal bogan to cavort J among tho trunks nnd to sot Itlch- j M ardson running from It, Lsbbbbb! Tbo express messonger soon porchod U htniBulf high upon tbo, trunks which fl ho bad piled together, and ho staid M thoro until tho train reached this city, ,, H ns his cries for help woro drowned Sf3 IbbbbI by tho ronrlng of tho car. His appeals J-ef wnro heard by tho station men here, H and thoy would havo let tho boar cs H enpo from tha car when they oponcd ' tho door had not Itlcbardson called to H thorn. It was soon caught and tied, MH but Itlcbardson rofused to accompany M It nny farther, nnd It awaited a lator ,H H Tho boar Is of flno 1'oland China H stock, and weighs 480 pounds. In Its H career around tbo car It toro open H suvoral trunks and tho garments, jH mostly women's, woro strown ovor tho H hbbbbI covorcd with short hair. Ho had flow. H lng, disorderly locks and u long mat , jH ted board, roscmbllng an ourang M outang. When seized ho shrieked, j1 H hut did not reply to tho questions put ' M to him, Tho bread offered him ho ato I jH ravenously. H Tho man was Identlded by tlio H medal attached to a string around his k""H neck bearing the word "Mygrean." H When ho boarded tha vossol for Nor- H way tho captain addressed him In H Norwegian. Thu nilin was seized with ) H violent emotion and fainted. When H ha recovered ho was able to answer H tho captain's questions sensibly, nnd H told how ho bad lived In tho forests H for a dozen years. H A Funny Man, H Forry Miss Morton told mo that H sho thought you were a humorist, H Hargroaves Iteully, I H Forry At least sho said you were H a funny llttlo man. ,M Develops the Good In Man. H Franklin: To bo thrown upon ono's H own resources la to bo cast Into the; jH vory lap of fortune. H