OCR Interpretation

The Mercur miner. [volume] (Mercur, Utah) 1895-1913, February 12, 1908, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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H Hbout flMnes, flMnfng,
anb flIMnfng flften
H Write-ups of a few of Utah's Great Camps
B from the Local Papers.
H A Camp with a Good
H Past and Good Future
H (Continued From Last Week)
H Mnrysvalo Courant.
1 Tho past year has boon ono or great
H vicissitudes In tho district, and though
H discouraging at times, thcro has been
H nothing which Bhoiilil work to tho last-
H Ing Injury of the mines or their tilti-
H mato valuo ns mining iiroposltons. On
H tho contrary, theso bid fair In tho near
H futuro to work for tho lasting bencllt
B of all concerned.
H J lloth tho Annlo Liurlo and tho Ho-
vler mines havo panned Into tho hands
f receivers. Tho former property
B has been sold nnd lms passed Into tho
H hands of n set of men who nro hard
H at work upton u program which will,
If followed with sufllclcnt tenacity,
B end In placing tho mlno onco more
among tho great dividend payers of
H tho state. Tho latter Is still Inactive,
B but tbcro are negotiations now under
way which will In tho near futuro put
It hack again In tho actlvo list.
J Tho Annlo Laurie mill has been
J turning out 100 tans a day for somo
J time, nnd a consldoruhlo forco of men
J nro engaged nt tho mine, not only In
J stopelng out tlio ore, hut In developing
tho reserves of tho mine, which aro
J very heavy. Though tho flnaiiclrfi-de-
prcsslon has In a mcasuro retarded
1 tho plans mapped out, thoso who are
H tho best Informed aver that beforo
H tho closo of 1908,, there will bo a new
H mill of S0O tons capacity nt work at
H tho mine, and that from that tlmo on
H tho property will bo worked to Kb full-
H est capacity.
H - Among tho actlvo properties In tho
B district may ha montloucd tho Ool-
H den Treasure This property consists
of twenty-ono claims, and tho com-
j pany at Its back Is pdrsulng a con-
H stant policy of development. Thero Is
B everything to encourage this work,
B and tho managament nro confident
H that oven beforo tho month of Janu-
H nry has passed that tlierc will bo such
H V a showing of oro as will Justify n still
H greater era of activity, Already oro
H which has n valuo of mora than 91,000
H per ton has been encountered In tho
workings of the mine, nnd though tho
M quantity Is small, It in ,n Indication
of whnt may bo cpttfctud when tho
( ground Is nioro fully developed.
Ht Thcro nro many other properties In
' tlio neighborhood of Gold Mountain
which havo been worked during tho
year which has passed. Much of this
t i -v n ri "'"f course has been asscBsmont work,
KV-T "" but In tho nggrcgato It amounts to
. many thousands or dollars.
On tho Mnrysvnlo sldo of tho bill,
tho year has, nil things considered,
been exceedingly quiet. Tho Gold Do-
velopment company, which Is tho sue-
cossor to tho I. A. II. Franklin group
of properties, has been oporatlng dur-
Ing tho year. Though no oro lias been
shipped, tho work has been or a very
satisfactory character. The mnnage-
H ment has determined to follow a ays-
torn of dovolopmont which will, In tho
end, thoroughly demonstrate the valuo
of tho ground. With tlio high miner-
KH nllzatlon which tho torrltory shows
throughout, tliero Is little question,
Hhould thu present policy of tho com-
pany bo fully cnrrled out, that Its
properties will provo as great as any
H In tho Btate.
M Tho Outzen group or claims Is an-
other proporty which tins been under
H development during the year, Tho
M success which has nttended tho labors
H or tho promoters of this property Is
j one of tho most gratifying Incidents
H that can bo recorded In the camp, Sys-
H temntlc work has been going on In
this mlno (or somo time. Tho roward
H haB been tho uncovering or a splendid
H body of oro, which, In tho near futuro,
H will tnnko It n worthy successor to
H tho groat Annlo Laurie, when tho An-
L nlo Laurlo was at Its best. Tho year
M w 1908 will Beo this proporty take Its
H -v placo among tho producing mines of
H tho district.
H But little work, If any, has been ac-
H compllshed nt tho old Dallon. This
j property has been mismanaged almost
H from tho first. As was said nbovo, It
H was tho mlno which first draw tho at-
H tendon of tho mining public to tho dls-
B trict. Thero uro still groat posslhll-
Itlcs In tho old mlno. What the next
year will havo In store for It, It Is
very hard to say. Thero is tall;, how-
cvor, that It will again bo worked.
1 Tho Wedgo Is another mlno which
3 has boon Idlo through ho yoar. Llko
IhmH tho Dalton, It has bcon worked at In-
HH tcrvnls, but never with nny system.
Another property which has been
long Idlo Is tho Deer Trait. There Is,
B within Its slopes already In sight boy-
cral nitllionp or dollars In oro which
havo t lying thoro for years. Tho
death i J. Salisbury, Into whoso
hands tuo. control of tho proporty ro-
llll I I Hill II II 1 1 111 III! Ill
l nJik, rh Columbia phonograph Com-
M esk- at?: u'uK1" a Mum Bt-8au
VAn . ''''If nd m your Fret Trial ana
H , frVu.S!l5rm,nt ott" w,th lll"tr"
mnlncd for n long number of yearn,
has nt last made It possible that It
will pnRg Into other hands, and there
Is stmng talk that Its lnog period of
Inactivity will bo broken In tho near
future. The same may bo snld of tho
property of tho Monto Del Itcy group,
'hough from another cause. This lat
ter mlno In the old days produced a
considerable amount of high grndo
oro. In so many oC tho mines In nnd
around Marysvnle, the work wus done
without system, and though ore was
found everywhere, tho main bodies
havo as yet been undeveloped. Thoro
Is every reason to lillovo that tho
Monto Del Hoy will bo worked during
tho coming year, and that an attempt
will bo mado to develop the mlno nt
Llko over at Klmberly, thero has
been tho usual nmount of assessment
work accomplished on tho Marysvalo
sldo. Somo of this has shown very
satisfactory results, nnd many of the
prospects uro In n fnlr way of becom
ing paying mines at somo futuro day.
Taking all things together, the year
which has Just passed, while It has
shown nothing extraordinary In Its re
sults, Is far from bolng what could ho
called n discouraging ono for tho min
ors of Marysvalo and of Klmberly.
Tho depression In financial circles will
hnvo but little cfToct on tho mines
hero, for tho reason that tho chief
product Is gold, nnd this Is not affect
ed by financial Hurries, ns uro dls:
trlcts which produce tho baser met
ols. Tho day of 'gophering" In tho
district Is nearly over. Men of tho
caliber of Mr. Carr of tho present
Annlo Laurie, aro slowly hut surely
gaining control of Inrgo areas or tho
country round about, nnd with cnpltal
enough to dovolop tho ground nt depth,
will demonstrate Just what tho torrl
tory will produce. Thero aro thus
bright days In Btoro for Maiysvolp.
and unless nil signs fall, tho begin
ning of n now era will dawn ovor tho
district during tho coming year.
Past, Present and Future or the Great
est Metropolis of Southern Utah.
Mllford Times.
Nestling In tho most fertllo and pic
turesque valley of southern Utah, and
completely surrounded by rugged,
snow-capped and richly mineralized
mountains, Is tho bustllk, prosperous
town of Mllford. Alrmfc half a cen
tury ago thp ground wldjh Is now tho
townslto of "Mllford wobJ homes tended
by1 A. M. Stoddard, who Is yot a res
ident of tho llttlo city, nnd a fow
yenra later tho town was born. Slnco
that tlmo Mllford has bad Its ups and
downs, Bomotlmcs prosperous nnd
boaBtlng of n population of several
hundred Inhabitants, while, at other
times things would bo at n standstill
and tho population becomo materially
decreased. However, thoso who had
confidence In tho futuro guided tho
reins of tho llttlo city with firm hnnds
until now It Is on n solid foundation,
with nu exceptionally bright futuro
beforo it. From a hamlet of two or
threo hundred pcoplo, Mllford has
grown to a town of fifteen hundred,
and Is In a most prosperous condition.
Tho alleys and tablo land ndjacont
to Mllford Is tho most fertllo nnd pro
ductive of any in southern Utah, and
grain nnd produco can bo grown read
ily and in nbundanco, with tho aid or
Irrigation, while good crops aro ralsod
by tho dry farming mothods. Thoro
Is now a. big Irrigation project on root,
which will bo consummated as soon
as the litigation Is Bottled, and It is
expected that this matter will soon bo
settled and In tho not far distant fu
turo all tho farm lands In this vicin
ity will ho cultivated. Cattlo nnd
sheep raising la also carried on qulto
extensively around Mllford, and this
Industry promises to becomo n potent
factor In the futuro prosperity or tho
town and county,
Tho toworlng mountains on olthor
sldo of tlio town carry largo bodies
of rich minerals, principally copper,
silver and lead, and It only requires
cnpltal and development to mako this
ono or tho p test mineral producing
districts k 'ii to tho mining world.
Wealth Is within easy roach of all
who will Invest In and develop tho
resources offered In theso mlnorallzod
mountains, Mnny mines nro now oper
ating in this district, nnd a largo
amount of rich oro Is being extracted
from mother enrth ovcry day. All
tho properties thut nro now being
worked nro hoavy producors, and nro
monoy-mnkors for tho ownors. Now
properties nro being opened up every
day, und tho coming year promises to
bo tho greatost in tho milling history
of Ilenvcr county,
ArIcIo from tho farming, stockrnls
Ing and mining tributary to Mllford,
H B i , Grand Prize, Paris, 1000; Doubli
H Jkk Grand, 8t Lou It, 1904.
j fail Senn" coupon bolow, filled out, tc
H Emm Vl. our neare8t dealer or to us and eel
H llMlin our Free Trial and Easy Taymont or
H immimmfmlw 'er ,0 responslblo parties any when
l I MW Mm Jl8. 1 Fv ln tho Unltod States. Don't delay
H I jfl WM - .J-UM1 fl jMKt This Is your opportunity to socuro ah
HLwV I IHr tI lutely tho best Talking Machlm
HH1 6 V (V t rrrl miido, on payments that will not bf
HHI I JT xMBcSSnff ,8lt' Wfl Accept old machines In par .
H yf HMNMtfk payment A written guarantoo fron
H jVWWffRH u' I'',,8(i largest and most buccojh
HHI I tl i f'l i) I II I J I llli 1 3r ful maufacturers ot Talking Ms
H .fUfM&Ulili chines ln the entire world.
. pBKHK Columbia Phonograph Co.. Gen'l.
Name ....,..., ...,,,,,,......,
Straat and No, m,i
City ... State .
Tells Tow to Prepare a Simple Mix
ture to Overcome Oread Disease.
To relluvo tho worst forms of Ilhou
matlsm, tnko a tenspoonful of tho fol
lowing mlxturo alter each meal and at
Fluid Gxtract Dandollon, one-half
ounco; Compound Knrgon, ono ounco;
Compound Syrup Sarsapartlla, three
Theso harmless Ingredients can bo
obtained from our homo druggists nnd
nro easily mixed by shaking them well
In a bottle Relief Is generally felt
from tho first row doses.
This prescription, states a well
known authority In a Cleveland morn
ing paper, farces tho clogged-up, In
active kidneys to filter and strain
fro mtho blood tho poisonous wasto
matter nnd uric acid, which causes
As Rheumatism Is not only tho most
painful and torturous dlsoaso, but
dangerous to llfo ,thls slmplo rectpo
will no doubt bo greatly vnluod by
many sufferers hero at homo, who
should nt onco prcparo tho mlxturo To
got this relief.
It Is Bald that a person who would
tnko this prescription regularly, n
doso or two dally, or even n Tow tlmcB
ft week, would novor havo serious
Kidney or Urlnnry disorders or Rheu
matism. Cut this out and preserve. It. Good
Rheumatism proscriptions which real
ly relievo aro scarce, Indeed, nnd
when you need It, you want it badly.
Our druggists hero sny they will
cither supply theso Ingredients or
mnko tho mlxturo ready to tnk If
any of our roadora bo profcr. -
tho San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt
Lake Railroad company hnvo estab
lished a division here, and aro now
employing n largo number of men In
the shops, and Intend to doubIe.v-tha
forco nt onco. Largo and complete
shops hnvo been erected and nro be
ing equipped with tho most modorn
machinery nnd appliances for hand
ling tho work. This road has flno pas
senger nnd freight depots hero nnd
traffic Is heavier at this point than at
any other between Salt Lake nnd Los
Recently Thomas Martin establish
ed a cement block plant In Mllford,
nnd Is now turning out cement blocks
for tho erection of a number of flno
bulldlngB. When tho plnnt Is fully
equipped It will bo capable of manu
facturing cement blocks sufficient to
supply tho demands of tho town, nnd
will employ a number of men In tho
work. This Is only ono or tho Indus
tries which hnvo been established
within tho past yoar. An ico plant,
with a capacity capablo or moro than
supplying tho demands or tho town.
Ib operated by Ocorgo Atkln, and not
only supplies tho trndo lu Mllford with
Ice, but ships Inrgo quantities to towns
along tho railroad, both north nnd
With tho varied resources of Mll
ford and vicinity thero is llttlo doubt
but thnt tho town Is destined to be
come an Important, nnd prominent
point In tho futuro growth fdvdovcl
npment oftho grenj commonwoaJUlf'W
Utah. Mlirord Is liow tho distribut
ing point for n number of Inland
towns ns well as Boveral along tho
lino of railroad. Evory day strings
of teams may bo seen coming to nnd
going from Mllford with freight and
supplies for tho neighboring towns,
Oro Is hauled In from tho mines con
stantly and loaded into enra hero for
Mllford is qulto well represented In
tho different llnca of business, nnd yot
thero aro openings for moro lines.
All the business men aro progressive
and enrry largo stocks of oxcollent
goods. Tho town has a good wator
HyBtem, and will, In a short time, havo
superior electric lights, tho Tollurldo
Power company now preparing to In
stall a plant nnd system horo. Wo
havo excellent graded public schools,
whllo religious denominations aro rep
resented by tho Methodist Episcopal
church tho Latter-day Saints nud tho
Christian Scientists, and wo aro
blossed with a soclablo and progrea
sivo citizenship. w k
To thoso seoklng opportunities In a
section whoro tho cllmato Is unex
celled and tho conditions tho best to
bo found, MIKord and noavor county
oilers tho greatest Inducements In
southern Utah.
Southwestern Utah a Millionaire
That Utah Is destined to becomo ono
suodxa Xq popoauoa 3lioq si uoiun
?JI?,.H' Bw,H"ouini isnu,Di oui to
who hnvo had occasion to study tho
matter op tho ground.
In "specialties." porhnps, Pennsyl
vania or California may Burpass It, but
In nbundnnco nnd vnrloty not ono will
mensnro up to Utah when hor ro
sources nro well developed.
Whorovor tho wnrts and moles and
humps nnd creases on her rocky back
nnd sides nro scratched havo been
found rich deposits of gold and silver,
load, Iron, or coppor. Indeed, so abun
dant aro theso mlnornls that ono has
hut to dig ft hole deep enough on tho
side of almost any hill to mnko n
"strlko." Honco In many parts of tho
Btato theso "scratched patches" havo
doveloped Into mining camps of, great
er or less renown.
Radiating from Salt Lako City as
tho hub of tho Intormotintnln section,
protontlous towns havo sprung up
adding to tho wealth and population
of tho stato, thus Alta, Park City,
Illnghnm nnd others. Of rccont years
tho spirit of push nnd got thoro has
led enterprise Into tho moro romoto
parts of tho stato, thoro to bo ro
warded by prospects that bid fair to
equal U not to exceed any hitherto
discovered. Among theso Is that
rough and tumbled section to tho
southwest fringing tho edgo of tho
desert, extending through Iloavor and
Iron counties.
Tho long continued succoss nt Fris
co and tho more recent ono at New
houso hnvo tempted prospectors Into
thoso hills, whoro today much capital
nnd labor aro employed In foundation
work which will eventuate In a new
crop of millionaires In tho near futuro.
'Who will they hot
Well, tlmo and push will toll. In
i tho meantlmo don't bo afraid to
"hitch your wagon to tho star" of des
tiny that marks southern Utah as tho
coming bonanza district.
Remarkable Discovery Made In Frozen
8lberlan Bog.
Slxty-ono years ago a young Russian
engineer, Denkendorf, saw tho Rlvor
Lena ln Siberia release a dead mam
moth frozen ages ago In tho bog.
Thero had been oxcoptlonnlly warm
weather In the north or Siberia, and
tho river, swollen by melting snow
nnd Ico md torrential warm rains,
swept out or Its old channel and carv
ed a now one, cartylng to tho sea vast
quantities or Its former banks and fur
rowing up tho thawing bogs over
which It raced. As ho mado Ills way ln
a steam cutter against tho current
Denkendorf saw tho head ot a mam
moth appear above tho flood. Rush
ujlon rush of water moro and moio
rclrasod tho body. Its hind legs wore
still Imbedded when ho snw It, but
21 hours liberated these. Tho mam
moth had sunk, feet first. Into a bog.
Tho oozo hnd frozen over It; succes
sive tides had heaped soil and vege
tation upon It. Hone and flesh and hair
were perfect. They secured It; they
cut off Kb tusks; they dissected It and
found lu Ua stomach tho last meal It
had eaten, young shoots of tho fir nnd
pine nnd masticated fir cones. They
wore still nt work when tho river,
spreading farther, engulfed them. Tho
men escaped, but tho waters surged
over the mammoth and carried it for
carrion to tho sea.
Two Sure Cures.
"If you want to know n sure cure
for rheumatism," said tho pretty
woman, "tako a long plcco or twine
nnd tlo It n'nund your wnlst, up under
your arms and down ngnln around
your wrist, nnd let It stay thero. In
threo days you will bo pcrrectly
cured." "1 know a better euro than
that," said tho tall, thin boy. "Take a
black cat out to a graveyard on a dark
night nnd cut off both Its cars and n
plcco of Its tall. Put tho cars and
tall an tho roof or tho house to sun,
nnd when there's nothing left of them
you'll quit having rheumatism,"
Raliln-and-Currant Cake.
Crcom ono cup or butter with two
cups of powdered sugar, add a cupful
or milk, six beaten eggs and threo
cupfuls of prepared flour. Stir ln,
lightly, a hair pound each seeded and
quartered raisins and stemmed nnd
cleaned currants, taking enro that tho
fruit Is plentifully dredged with flour.
Add two tablcspoonfuls of brandy or
a tablcspoonrul or roso water, as pre
ferred. Hake In a well greased loaf
Merely Preparatory.
t !'I don't irJnd tolling you," said tho
pretty girl confidentially, "that I want
to tako a thorough courso In cooking
In order to fit myself to bo a good
wife." "You nro doing tho right
thing, my dear," said tho matron In
charge or tho cooking school. "May
I ask how soon you expect to bo mar
ried?" "How should I know?" re
joined tho pretty girl, daintily rolling
up hor alcoves. "I haven't found tho
man yet."
Miss Mary Morgan,
of Nephl
Will bo Ploasod to Havo Her Friends
Call nt tho
Woman's Co-op.
Full and Comploto Lino of
at Reasonable, Prices
20 E. First South Street, Salt Lako
Tho Dost Placo to Oct a Good Hand
Ono That Will Last for TWENTY
YEAR Is nt
139 W. First South Streot, Salt Lake
A Full Line of g
Blanbcts, & Gloves, always
in StocK.
Ca-t the Great Bld
lCU DO a Nerve Tonic.
A Purely Vcgotnblo Compound.
Tested by Years of Experience. Pos
Itlvo Curo for Constipation, Kidney
and Stomach Troubloa,
A Suro Rollef for Rheumatism.
Testimonials furnished on request.
Carbo Medical Company,
60 W. 1st South Street,
Salt Lako City.
. Or, Larojr'i
'&ff' 5?v French Tun:
Aj. JfV Tunletj. An ic
Vfirr IfJL qualntane iviti
S-ff HI VfSI I " tabled wll
T7 MAJW result n a pleni
11 HFiKW nt aurprla tc
ViA ZfJry i"frerln" women
tSr- 2 H'e ladlaa' aafe
" . . In caaei
or painful or sup
Ian THttv mwwB$JVP$ mnatru
...n THjff.aUWj .".P.
ribt? CURTIS
j$& 0f p Wall-Paper,
SS- nf Paints Etc. i
tySf Jr Ssr S !nlntlnB. Oralnlng, Papor-Hnnglng, '
S xq& fftkX P S CalclmlnInB Tinting, Sign Painting.
v-fn$S' r Orders by mnll recelvo prompt at-
217 S. State Street, Salt Lake City.
Phones: Bell 1781K, Ind. 2287.
-,r, xw jo
"I want to go far
n possible via tlio
The arjumeni la (Ma; A SHORT ROUTE) GOOD ROAD BED)
varylhlnj in traveling, 3 9 For information and ratea aca any
Orttfon Short Line A tent or addreaa
D. E. DURLEY. G. P. A. Salt Laka Cily D. S. SPENCER.. A. G. P. A.
fc- CANYON of tho GRANDE
kthree !;; garden of the gods. $
through ;j! . manitou 8prinqs. if
Strains. ?;! the royal gorge.
; i - I ..i.-
?mrfi8 AND IV,r Foyers, Booklets, Etc., Address J
CHICAGO , . -. ,--, . J r
I. A. BENTON, G. A. P. D .
Salt Lako City. u '
I CATARRH Deafness, noso nnd throat
K w troubles, car diseases, bronchial and lung
U f troubles, asthma, stomach, liver and kid- v
Tlij ney ill senses, bladder tioublcs, female
T complnlnts, clironlo diseases of women
i i "ncl children, heart disease, nervous dls
A III fin I II eases, chorea (Ht. Vitus' dance), rickets,
ft HlUlllll spinal trouble, skin diseases, sciatica and
rheumatism, diseases of the bowels, plies,
(ft p- fistula and lectal troubles, goitre (or bit;
Jfc neck), blood diseases, tnpeworm, hay fe
IU ver, hyaterlu, epilepsy, Insomnia, etc., and
I I nil curablo nervous, prlvuto nnd chronlo
DR. A. J. BHOREH diseases.
UNTIL FURTIIKR NOT1CK Drs. Shores & Shores will treat all Catarrhal
Chronlo Diseases of every name and nature for the low fee of S3 a month
modlclnes free, to prove to the afflicted that Drs. Shores' NEW treatment
Is superior to all others, curing In one-fourth the time required under the old
MEN A Special Department for MEN
Drs. Shores havo a Special Department exclusively for thfi i
treatment and curo of nil Private. Disease of Men, whelhei Drs. Shores cure
caused by licnorance, excesses or contagion. Young men who m.oremen tnan a"
havo been led astray by bad companions middle-aged men .,. Fake Medical
who have gone to excesses old men who find their sexual Institutes' and
vigor gone unfortunates who have contracted diseases the quack, companies In
victims of blood poison and all others who need the counsel the city combined,
and aid of experienced and kindly physicians aro cordial!) f" cheap, hired doo
Invlted to consult this department and bo advised FItEH Ot tor.
CIIAIIGB. ' "" ,
So sure Is the cure under DRS. SHORES' MODERN sS9Hksh.
METHODS In all private diseases that you may arrange to QS?IBR.
pay the fee for a cure In small weekly or monthly Install- jWlA
ments, as tho cure progresses, or you may PAY WHEN VtSJlR,
CUKED. No matter whnt your trouble Is. or who has failed WV wbiK
to cure you, consult these Master Specialists, freo of charge, JT nVM
and learn how you can bo cured. B.'MM
Drs. 8 tin res' low rates aro not held out ns an INDUCEt T iCV
MENT to patronlie them they simply make the low rate be- fcv F-
cause it Is right nnd lust but solicit your pntronage SOLE- .XsVi
Home Trentment Cures. Wrllo for Free Symptom List I i?rFjSrf
It you cannot cnll. l:Wm4z, Jfcg'iffZi
OFFICE HOURS! fl a. m, to 5 p. m. Evenings, 7 to 8. W1JJic2Zi!jg2
Sundays nnd holidays, 10 a. m. to 12. Consultation free. DIt Q. W. SHORES,
Drs. Shores & Shores, Expert Specialists, :u Bo- aftni, city.
Sounds Big, bnt it's True 1
If you want to talk with every
town In. Utah,-Idaho. Montana
and Wyoming, yovi MUST havo
the "BELL." Otherwise you
mt Pure Gold Rings hr M18 k" INSIDE. j
4fE " 18 kN Telephones have thu OUTSIDE. i
i '""" '" "' '" " ' """J,"' ' ' ' "" "" ma s i I H

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