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I i. IBECQWHSWirE CHAPTER XXIII. Continued. As he finally passed beyond tlio en--niy's pickets and felt safe, his thoughts began to turn onco mora towards Lyndlmrst. Ho wondered whether the old darky with his snatl-movlng mule could liae arrived and delivered the note Major Worden . had so kindly written con corning his rate. if so, how would she receive It? Colonel John wanted to bo magnan imous, but ho was deeply Interested here, and ho never In his llfo wished so much for anything as a 6hanco to witness what occurred when that note was delivered. It would possibly, settle Rome little matters In his mind, which were be ginning to worry him. And thinking thus, ho reached the Bato that opened Into tho spacious .srounds of I.yndhurst. Then tho house loomed tip. Lights could still bo seen about the I Iiouse, though tho hour was closo on I to midnight. Ho wondered at this, for they re tired early ns a usual thing. Upon entering the house John felt a deep satUfnctlon over his escape Somehow ho seemed to nssoclntu It with .Molllo why not, when she was tho prlrno cause of his adventure? j Ho advanced to tho library; a voice J fell upon his cars, a volco that was peculiar, and which ho know belonged to tho odd genius of a darky who had driven tho mulo by means of which ; ' "Worden conducted his prisoner of war to tho shell-wrecked house Tho special courier had arrived ahead of him. Colonel John halted Just beyond the door. A mirror In the hall reflected i tho Interior of tho Ilbrnry, and ho could seo that Molllo was alono with Wonlcn'a messenger, who was fum- I bllng In tho pockets of his ragged ' army coat. "I dono speck I lost Mm missy. Do majah ho skin (lis darky allbo if dat bo true. I'd Jest ns soon bo dat Yank -wlf do ropn round his nock ns dls olo I coon. Dar's on'y ono last chance dat I put It In do llnln' ob my hat. Slioro ! nough, do kentry am sabed agin," and ho triumphantly dragged forth tho 1 missive that had been Intrusted to his care. "Is this for me?" sho asked, recclv- j lng It. i "Ho dono Bald so, missy." t "Who gavo It to you?" unfolding It. "Do majah wld do curly mustache I and do flcrco oyes wat mnko a trcm- ( bio como up from old Pomp's shoes." Her oyes wero fixed upon tho page. ! Colonel John moved a step nearer, i and, unobserved by cither, stood In tho j doorway, his gazo fastened upon tho faco of tho Southern girl, his wlfo by tho fortuno of war. It wait as though ho cxpcc!d to read his fata thcro. Over hor usually composed features y thero shot a sudden look of alarm, of oven horror, as sho read Warden's ' messago. "Can It ho posslblo they havo dono I this tcrrlblo 'thing? Why, I saw him hero only a fow hours ago, allvo and 1 -well. At cloven It Is now half past. ! And Worden has dono this ho ex pects to win my esteem by such an act. Colonol John was an. enemy to my country, but an honorablo foe. To mo ho wob a friend. Oh! I cannot bellevo this It Is a dream. Ho can not bo dead that would bo too cruel. I havo seen a cousin and a brother go to battle never to return, and now " tho same fato overtakes this friend." Sho suddenly caught tho darky's arm. "Pomp, wero you present when this tcrrlblo thing was done nnswor me." I , "Deed an' I wasn't, mUsy, but doy had do ropo all roady, an' do Vankeo osslfer ho smoko urn cigar Jest as cool as a cucumbor," returned tho ebony mosscnger, showing his Ivories. Sho wrung her hands In distress. "It is too lato then. Ho has before now suffored tho extremo penalty of the court-martial. If I had only known of It In time I would havo saved him, even ns he did mo from tho burning liouBO. Ohl I shall novor forget tho clasp of his strong arm ns ho bore me -r out of the flames. I awoke then to a knowledgo of tlfo fact that I no longor hated him as formerly " j Sweot words to tho man who stood ' at the door and strained his hearing to catch what she said. Ho Raw her press a small kerchief to hor ej es she was weeping for hlra. Yo godsl how It thrilled John Kldgo way he had never betoro felt tho In fluenco of the dlvlno M'urk, and as Is natural, when a man reaches tho ago of thirty without having given nny time to love mntlcrs, then tho Rhock when It comes has nn Irresistible force. Then her frame seemed shaken with emotion, and tho tears could bo Been 'gUMcnlng In her eyes as sho turned to the negro. "Do ou really bellevo they hung him, Pomp?" she BBked, with a tremor In her voice. "I specks dey did. missy. Dar was a tool: on do mn J all's face dat mean huslncRi, I dono reckons him goose cooked shuah." "The contemptible wretch, to think tho wny to n womnn's heart Is over tho body of her husband for ho was such to me by law, even If I did say I hated htm. Poor Johnl I did not know prejudlco blinded mo. As for llasll Worden, I shall never speak to htm again. Ho has created an abyss between us that will live forever, and cannot bo bridged. Oh! John, why did j on come to arouso theso strango feel ings In my heart! I thought I Nvas devoted body and fcoul to tho rausc, but now I feel strnngo doubts arising. Wo nro losing tho game perhaps his sldo Is tho right ono after all." Sho Gccmed to sadly muse, and the uiiBecn witness was wondering how ho could dlscloso his presence without giving her too great n shock, when suddenly sho looked directly at him. Ho advanced. Her paltor gavo way to a rosy blush sho oven looked glad for n moment, though quickly allowing a sbado of anger to sweep over her face. "So, you nro allvo after all was this a trick on your part to tinmnsk my feelings? It would bo contempti ble If true," sho Hashed. "What you say Is qulto Just. As It happens I havo Just escaped from your friends, leaving them In tho old house with Home wounds to caro for nnd an empty nooso on their hands. Hence, you seo I don't merit your sarcasm." Sho looked Into his faco eagerly as If desirous of reading tho truth. "Can It ho posslblo jou would not dccelvo mo?" "Why should I? Seo, my six-shooter is empty upon my wrists notico tho marks whero tho cord cut Into my flesh, nnd hero wo havo tho burn Hint Inovltably followed when I ap plied tho nro or my clgur to my bonds at tho Inst mlnuto. To clinch tho mat. tor you havo tho major's message." "It Is true. I am glad you escaped, John IUdgoway," avortlng her eyes. "Is that all, Molllo?" advancing an other step. "Why, what more can 1 Bay?" trem bling. Ho picked up her kerchief. "This Is moist I saw you cry tears shed for mo! Ah, Mollle, I daro not Bay more that oath prevents my making advances they must como from you. I pray you lot no faUo mod esty stand In tho wny to wreck our lives." Slib suddenly held out her hand. "How can I help It, John Illdgeway? I hate you no longor. Wo nro friends yes, you may oven hope. Uot mo go now, pleaso. Rood night, John." CHAPTER XXIV. War In the Mountain Passes. Though strongly tempted to take her In his arms John forbore, and It wns Just as well, for Molllo had not yet realized that sho loved him, this man whom a strango fata had raado her husband. Ho squeozed tho llttlo hand, whllo his eyes eloquently declared tho burn ing language his dumb lips dared not speak, for thoro was no clauso in that contract prohibiting tho languago of the soul. Then ho dropped her hand. "Good night Ood bless you, my dear girl I shall hope, yes, more, I will bellevo that when this cruel war Is over, and tho North and South nro again united as of old, you wilt not deny me the privilege of calling you j by that blessed name of w'fe. I shall sav no more good night " f Sho was gone, nnd Colonel John, left alone In tho library, paced up nnd down for half an hour wrnppod In thought, nnd Judging from tho smile upon his fare, he must havo had pleas nut cogitations. Then he went out to glvo more pos Itle orders to the men on guard, hav ing nn Idea thnt tho venomous Major Worden might make still another at tempt to unhorso him. Morning enmo without further ad venture, and with It n sudden order from hendqtmrtcrs calling for Colonel John's presence. Ho was not oven glfen n chanco to flco Molllo again, but looking back as he galloped down tho nvenuo ho saw a fluttering white kerchief held In n hnnd that protruded from tho shut ters of her room, and raised his cap In answer. ncnchlug Sherman's quarters, ho ro celved Instructions to get his com mand In rendlncss for Immediate ac tion. Already a relief detachment had gono forward to nisumo tho guardian Rhlp of I.yndhurst, nnd John would thus havo all that wns left of his com mand. Upon leaving Atlnnta their courso wns almost directly northwest, through tho rugged defiles of tho grent chain of mouutnlns that guards tho border line between tho threo states, Georgia, Alabama and Tennessee Fow know whither they wero go ing. Sherman kept his secret well. Among tho officers, however, tho fncts wero known. In his march from Chattanooga to Atlnntn tho Kcdcra general had been compelled to fight almost every foot of tho way. To accomplish this, Indeed, to re main even at Atlanta for months It wns necessary that his lino of com munication with Chattanooga remain Intact. Of course, onco Atlanta fell, the Con federates saw tho chanco to rcduco their victorious enemy, and for tho tlnio their energies wero devoted to tho task of cutting of his lino of com munications. If this could bo dono, Sherman would be In n serious condition indeed. Thoro promised to bo somo lively times on tho scenes of former desper ate battles. Colonel John nnd his regiment hnd been ordered to Join tho column about, to move bnck to the relief of tho brnvo general who hnd been left among tho mountains of Georgia to guard Al toonn Pass, a point of Immcnso vnluo to Sherman In keeping up communi cations with hts base of supplies at Chattanooga. Messages had been received from General Corse, messages that told of overwhelming foes against which ho nnd his llttlo command wero holding out with n bravery born of despcra Hon. So nbrupt wns their departure, ow ing to tho need of haste, that Colonel John wns not given a chanco to havo another Interview with tho girl whom tho fortuno of wnr had mado his wife. Ho sent her a message, however, Jimt ns they wero lenvlng tho city. The march was ono of hasto. Should Altoonn Pass bo taken by the enemy, much of Shcrmnn's hard work must ho dono over again, That meant despcrato fighting, climbing tho granite-faced hills In tho midst of n deadly flro, of awful hand-to-hand fights all this and moro It bravo Corso had been compelled to surrender beforo Sherman arrived to succor him. Thero wero not mnny obstacles in tho way. (To bo continued.) His Prize. A Pittsburg widower, whllo away from homo on n business trip, met and married a lady who, though famed for her goodness of heart, would bo spo ken of oven by her friends as "plain." The man believed that sho would he a kind mother to his two children, howovcr, nnd ns shu was also pos sessed of a fair amount of this world'B goods, was not inclined to expect tho beauty of tho peach In a potato. After his marrlago ho telegraphed to tho eldest of his children, n girl of flftocn: "Hnvo won a prize. Am mnrrlod. Will bo homo to-morrow." When tho brldo nnd groom arrived, tho children wero watching at tho door, and nt sight of their futuro mother, gavo a llttlo gasp of conster nation, Tho second child, n boy, nudged hts sister and whispered: "Say, Noll, that mil' havo been tho consolation prlzo that pa got!" Hor oor's Weekly. Germs. Cupid was showing us through his laboratory. Thoro wero rows and rows of grent Jnra that contained tho gcrmB that thrlvo In klssos. "Show us tho most harmloss gorm," wo Implored. Cupid romoved tho covr from a big green Jnr. "Thoso aro tho most harmless. They aro found In tho kisses of schoolgirls and elderly maidens." "And now tho most dangerous germs." Cautiously Cupid unscrewed tho cover of a steel protected Jar, "Here nro the most dangerous of all. They nro found In tho kisses of chorus girls and grass widows." London's Latest Fad, Tho Anglo-French "entento cordl nlu" has resulted In London trades men labeling goods in their show win dows "tres Jollo," "rochorcho," "bon gout," "la dcrnlcro," etc. Anything Fronchy Is tho correct thing In Lon don now. Too many men who run Into debt don't oven attempt to crawl out Pensioned from Ulrth. Miss Hobb, who recently died In LMInburgh nt tho ,i'o of 91, hnd beon on tho English navy pension roll sluco birth, as she wns tho posthumous child of Capt. llobb, of tho royal navy. Salt Lnke City. Utah, October 3rd, 1S07. Tho business of tho Into John Mo Vlcker. Assnyer, will bo continued by his wife, nt his request, under tho nnmo of John McVlckeY Assay onico at 40 lllchnrds St. Mr. Arthur Solby, for threo years nt tho Union office, will net ns manager, which will bo n guarantee thnt nil work dono nt tho of fice will bo satisfactory. Mrs. McVlcker and Mr. Sclby ask that all old customers coutlnuo their patronage nnd solicit new work from their friends, - - - T I- - - BBTTLK8, MATHEZ A CO., Amy, Chemical and Metallurgical Laboratory. 168 South West Temple Streot. Bait Lake City. Utah. W. Q. KING, MANAGER. W. A. HodrfM. f, llodrfti. E. liodfi, W. A.Hodges Sons u Assaycrs Q Chemists 135 W. 2 S. St., Salt LaKe, City I CRI8MON & NICHOLS. I Assayera and Chemist. 5 iOinco nnd Laboratory, 229 S. W.ff Tetnplo Street, 8ALT LAKI3 CITY. S Western Engineering and Construc tion Co., Chemists and Engineers. Experts In testing Oils nnd Minerals. Wo also design mining, irrigation and power plants. Wo finance nnd pro mote nil kinds of logltlmato cntoi prises. Sell all kinds of machinery. Lot us know your wants. 2C1-2C2 Commercial Club Tlldg,, Salt Lako City, Utah. Ii ' vr , " l H. T. RIPPETO, AS3AYER. Samplos by mail or express will receive prompt nttcntlon. 1U-HG West South Temple St., Salt Lako City, Utah. iC;Kn1mt lighting jcouiine systems I 1 OF ALL KINDS. j H 1 Special Lamps for the Home. I H AbRolutoly safo nnd rollnble. COn-candlo power, 34c per hour. bH 9 Full lino of Mantels, Globes, etc Correspondence solicited. H V Send us diagram of your building nnd wo will submit estimate ,M I 8UNI1EAM LIGHT COMPANY. 107 13. Second South Street, ''bUH SALT LAKE CITY. K H f I Don't See ? iWhy other Jowolors don't sell Watches as CHEAP ns 1 H The Carter Jewelry Co. f I 1 sea In their window a I B 17 Jewel Hampden Watch $14.75 a M IS Jowel Hampden Wntah 12,7b f M Thin model mid 20-ycar guarnnteo caso. This looks good I M to mc. I'm going to buy ono right nway. Jh M Carter Jewelry Co., V fl 324 MAIN ST SALT LAKfe C IH Sfo California gfc I fcT& Winter Excursion Tickets now r?t xPU on sale. &JjjS H The Route of the Los Angeles Limited- Utah's Finest Train. H 'Laaafl New Short Line to Goldfield, Nevada, ,H via Las Vegas Now Completed. Leaf es Salt Lake City 7:15 p. m. today; IH Arrives Goldfield 7:05 p. m. tomorrow. - Ask the Agent, or Address J. H. Burtncr, District Passenger M I Agent, Salt Lake City, Utah. M I Turn Dimes I Into Dollars. I Phenomenal Success of ,1 The St. Patrick Mining & Milling I COMPANY OF UTAH (Incorporated). H CUT THIS OUT AND MAIL NOW. B, A. M. Froisctli, Sccty., St. Patrick Mining & Milling Co., Salt Lake City, Utah. I subscribe hereby for , , shares of stock, fully paid and nonassessable, of the "57. Patrick Mining & Milling Co.," at the price of Ten Cents a share, for which I enclose ? , as first payment, balance to be paid in four equal monthly installments. Name Address . . Date Over 15,000 already bought by eager In vestors and we now offer the 35,000 shares remaining of its first block of treasury stock placed upon the market at the low price of ten cents per share. The proceeds of the sale will be judiciously expended to the further development of the property, which is loctaed in Big Cottonwood Mining District, Salt Lake County, The Board of Directors arc A. j. Smith, Presi dent; Hans II. Peterson, Vice-President; B. A. M. Froisctli, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. Lcona F. Smith and David A. Buck. The latter is also super- intendent. THIS REALLY is $1 SECURITY for 10 cts. Remember "Good mines from good prospects grow, Thus wc harvest as we sow." Dont' delay, buy now, and get in on the ground floor. aaaDaaaB-i pflpflpflpflj - - H UNION ASSAY OFFICE. H Ohwnlrta mni Attayera. H M. S. Hanauer. J. V. Sadler fl 101 Weit Temple. H r. O. Bos 1448. Bait Lako City, Utah M Analytical Work a Specialty. H Utah, and consists of six promising mining claims. y M Over fifteen hundred dollars have already been i - H expended in development work since date of incor- H poration, February, 1906, consisting of over 500 ' H feet of tunnels and inclines. Minerals already H found carry values in Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead H and Iron. Wc are now driving the tunnel ahead 'H to cut the mineral vein which is believed to be H an extension of the well known Maxficld mute, thai H has already produced hundred of tlousands o H dollars. H The property is equipped with hoisting ani H pumping engines, ore cars and steel r. Is in tunnel. 'H Our company is capitalized at 250,000 share, ' H of which 100,000 shares arc set aside for working M capital, and the remaining 150,000 shares of stock jH is poolrd until at least one-half or more of its treas- ! IH ury stock is sold. i H Bear in mind that thU stock is unassessable, and H that private property of stockholders is not liable H for corporation indebtedness. H . vflB $ 5.00 down and $5.00 monthly for four months ' H buys 250 shares. H $ 10.00 down and $10.00 monthly for four mouths H buys 500 shares. H $ 20.00 down and $20.00 monthly for four months I buy's 1000 shares. Q $ 30.00 down and $30.00 monthly for four months ,H L ivs 1500 shares. H $ 40.00 down and $40.00 monthly for four nYpnths 'fl buys 2000 shares. H $100.00 down and $100.00 monthly for four months I buys 5000 shares. H J