THE GOLDFIELD NEWS AND WEEKLY TRIBUNE 4 vol. 3, xo. 4i. £•,N2 S ^ goldfield. Nevada. Saturday. January io. i9i4. price ten cents . Ctolofieln Weekly TrtDnne. vol 7. .\o. *W JUMBO EX. BOARD RIMES OFFICERS SCHWAIKERT 18 MADE PRESI DENT AND TURNER CON SULTING ENGINEER At a meeting of the newly elected board of directors of the Jumbo Ex tension Mining company, held in Goldfield this week, the following of ficers of the company were chosen to serve for the ensuing year: Presi dent, Harry Schwaikert; vice-presi dent and treasurer, Charles S. Sprague; secretary, Ben Gill. A meeting was also held of the direc tors of the Jumbo Reduction com pany, when the following officers were named: President and treas urer, Charles S. Sprague; vice-presi dent, J. K. Turner; secretary, Ben Gill. The Jumbo Reduction company is a separate corporation, operating the leased mill at Bonnie Clare, which treats the milling ore from the Jum bo Extension property. E. S. Van Dyck, who has been superceded as president of both companies, will continue in the position of general manager but the conduct of mining operations will be largely under the personal direction of J. K. Turner, who has been retained as consulting engineer and is a director in both companies. Charles S. Sprague and Ben Gill re turned from San Francisco in the early part of the week. Mr. Sprague and Mr. Gill, the latter secretary of the Jumbo Extension, went to San Francisco to attend a meeting of the board of directors of the company which was held in the Russ build ing at 11 a. m. Monday. At this meeting, Mr. E. S. Van Dyck, director and president of the Jumbo Extension company, resigned both positions and Messrs. Olney and Newcomer also tendered their resig nations as directors,'whereupon the vacant dltin^otfehipa were filled by the election of mIp Sprague, H. Schwaikert and J. K. Turner. The other directors are T. G. Lockhart and Ben Gill. ‘ ■ Latest returns from two carloads of higher grade material, shipped to the Millers sampler of the Western Ore Purchasing company, were over $92 per ton. Some new work is now being done on the fourth or 920 foot level and the deepest level, at a depth of 1017 feet, is being ex tended to get under the ore opened on the fourth level. --♦ ROUND 10UNTAI1 CO. GETS THE OECISIOU SUPREME COURT REVERSES FINDING AND ALL TITLES ARE NOW CLEARED The supreme court of Nevada has handed down a decision reversing the former finding in the Round Mountain Mining company-Round Mountain Sphinx company litigation, constituting a complete victory for the Round Mountain Mining com pany and establishing its title to the Los Gazabos claim, which has been the bone of contention. In the trial of the case before the district court in Goldfield, before Judge Theron Stevens, the decision was in favor of the Sphinx company. The Round Mountain company took an appeal to the supreme court, which affirmed the decision of the lower tribunal. Subseauently the Round Mountain company applied for a rehearing be fore the supreme court and this re hearing was had some time ago, with the result that the higher court has reversed its former finding and decided in favor of the Round Moun tain company. An injunction was obtained at Tonopah against the lat ter company by the Sphinx company some time ago, prohibiting the for mer from extracting ore from the Los Gazabo claim in the absence of a heavy bond to indemnify the Sphinx company, in the event of its gaining a final decision on the re hearing. This injunction will be dis solved and the recent decision re lieves the Round Mountain company of all litigation. -♦ PRELIMINARY ESTIMATE OF DECEMBER PRODUCTION ► The preliminary estimate of 4 ► production and earnings of the 4 ► Goldfield Consolidated Mines 4 ► company for the month of De- 4 ► cember, 1913, was given out 4 ► today by A. H. Howe, secretary 4 V and treasurer of the company. 4 ► Th? figures follow: 4 ► Total tons mined, 28,799; 4 ► gross value recovered, $336, 4 ► 000; cost of operation. $180,- 4 ► 000; net realization or the 4 ► month, $156,000. ATLANTA OPENS LATITE CONTACT CROSS-CUT ON 1750 LEVEL PEN ETRATES FORMATION FA VORABLE TO MINERALS It is stated by the management of the Atlanta Mines company that the cross-cut, which was driven at a depth of 1750 feet, from the St. Ives shaft of the Merger Mines com pany to the boundary of the Union Jack claim of the Atlanta, was driven forward in Atlanta ground for 140 feet, where it penetrated material marking the contact between the shale and the latite. From this point it has been extended 40 feet in the latite, beyond the line of contact. The latite is now showing a higher degree of siliciflcation and carries a little copper. Some water is now coming in the breast of the cross cut but not sufficient to cause any difficulty in the conduct of the work. In driving this cross-cut, in both properties, the ground passed through has been the heaviest and worst that has been known in the district, ren dering the work slower and more costly than it would otherwise have been. The presence of the latite, with the siliciflcation, the mineralized character of the formation and the appearance of water, are accepted as indicating that the cross-cut is ap proaching the large vein that tra verses the adjoining ground of the Goldfield Consolidated and the ex tension of which it is expected will he penetrated within a comparatively short distance in Atlanta ground. SANDSTORM GETS PUMPING PUNT NEW INSTALLATION WILL FACIL ITATE DEVELOPMENT WORK ON PROPERTY The new compressor for the Sand storm-Kendall Consolidated mine has arrived and is now being installed. It is of ample capacity to afford air for all the machine drills that may be required on the two levels now opened, at depths of 350 and 500 feet, or in any other work that may be undertaken. A pump was in stalled lately on the 500-foot level and is working satisfactorily and readily handling all the water that comes in on and above this level, the f . v having reached at times a vol ume of 150,000 gallons a day. The new pump is a tripjex, electrically driven machine, with a capacity of 200,000 gallons in 24 hours. The manager of the Sandstorm | Kendall states that the drifts on the j 500-foot level are still following the ! foot-wall ore-shoot and material of excellent grade is in sight here, the assays indicating a good average and the pav-seam varying in width from a lew inches to over two test. On the 35 0-foot level the cross-cut is in broken material that indicates the near proximity of the ledge opened on the 500-foot lsvel. Sandstorm Kendall stock has been one of the most active issues on the exchanges recently. MILLARD LEASE GETTING ASSAYS NEW WORK EXPOSES EXTEN SION OP FAULT EAST OP STOPES r'or the first time since operations were started under the present svs tem on the Millard lease, on thej I Diamondfleld Black Butte property, | I just a year ago, results have been j obtained in the past few days that l are regarded as practically insuring the success of the undertaking and ' that have given much encouragement to Lessee Guy Millard and to those j who have been associated with him in i the enterprise. Assays taken at a t point near the old Quartzite stopes have rstunud figures indicating that the true direction of the fault move ! ment has at last been determined and j that the continuation of the famous orebody may be opened up within a short time. During the past year approximate ly 700 linear feet of work has been accomplished, for the most part fol lowing the line of the fault In a westerly direction. In all this time no vein was exposed and the only assays obtained were 42 and 44 cents in silver and $1.80 in gold. Recent-1 j ly, upon the advice of three promi ! nent mining engineers, all of whom i have examined and are familiar with j the ground, it was decided that the distance driven was sufficient to prove that the throw of the fault had not been in this direction and Manager Millard started a drift on fContinued on Page Eight.) SILVER PICK TO STURT LATERALS MANAGEMENT RELIEVES AMPLE DEPTH HAS REEN ATTAINT!* TO OPEN DRIFTS Sinking has continued in the main shaft of the Silver Pick Consolidated but it is probable that the present bottom of the shaft will be used temporarily as a sump and that n station will be cut at a depth of about 500 feet, beyond which depth the shaft has progressed but a short dis tance. This matter will be decided up on within a few days, following the arrival here on Friday of E. S. Van Dyck, general manager for the com pany. It has been the plan of the management to continue singking to a depth of 1000 feet but the heavy flow of water in the shaft has ren dered it necessary to cut a station sump around the 500-foot point, in order to handle the water to better advantage, and as the bottom of the shaft is still in the great vein through which it has passed for about TO feet, it is likely that some develop ment work will be done on the 500 foot level. E. S. Haskell, consulting engineer ■ for the company, stated to the Gold field News and Tribune, while on a visit here a few days ago, that suffi cient depth had been attained to justify the performance of some de velopment work in order to deter mine the character of the big ledge. Tin work will be carried to greater depth at a later date. I Every week in the past three months or more has been marked by some notable improvement or new development in the Goldfield mines. Some of the prospects, the value of which has been a matter of doubt from the beginning, are now demon strating their possibilities as poten tial mines and it is plain to those who are following the results of de velopment work here that Goldfield will eventually have a number of producing properties, although the average grade of the ore may not approximate the value of the early bonanzas. The mining business in Goldfield U. now on a most substantial basis and the properties under develop ment are being worked on scientific lines and in an economical and busi nesslike manner. The “gophering” methods of the boom days, when only high-grade ore could be mined and marketed profitably, have given way to the most up-to-date and ap proved processes. The camp has the benefit not only of the experience of capable miners and geologists in this field, but of the knowledge and ex perience of some of the foremost ex perts and mine managers in the world. Goldfield Consolidated Operations of the Goldfield Con solidated Mines company are main tained on established lines and the production of gold bullion, while by no means at the high record, is of such volume as to keep this com pany well in the forefront among the world's producers of gold. The statement of preliminary estimates f,~r the month of December shows that the mines produced 28,799 tons of ore, the gross recovery from which was approximately $336,000 and the net profits realized by the company were about $156,000. Al most without exception the pre liminary estimates of net production have been well below the actual re turns as shown by the final month ly reports. The Consolidated company is now developing virgin ground at great depth and ore has been shipped in large quantity to the smelters for treatment that comes from the deep est levels and that is refractory in character, the copper content render ing it unsuited for treatment by the milling processes employed at the company's 100-stamp mill. The vein system of the Consolidated is ol great extent and the company has mined ore of good grade almost to the boundary lines of four adjoining properties. Goldfield Merger Mines Development work continues on the 1750-foot level of the Merger company’s ground, under the direc tion of Manager John Mocine. Some work is also being done on the 1330 foot level, which has been driven from the St. Ives shaft of the Mer ger to connect writh the main work ings of the Grizzl Bear mine of the Goldfield Consolidated. The actual development work planned long ago for the Merger ground has only re cently been started, the efforts of the company having been devoted to tlie preliminary or preparatory work necessary to reach and open up the veins at great depth. The fact that the latite has been penetrated by the cross-cut from the Merger shaft on the 1750-foot level, in the adjoining Atlanta ground, is regarded as a meat favorable factor for the Merger and the work at this depth in Mer ger ground is being directed to open up and explore the great fissure through which the shaft, the deepest in southern Nevada, passed at a depth of about 1700 feet. Atluntu Mines Company This week's news from the Atlan ta property is of a most encouraging character and the fact that latite, the deepest ore-bearing formation of the district, and fissured ground, has been demonstrated at a depth of 1 feet in this territor is regard ed as of the greatest importance to the entire district. According to the surveys and projections accounted for in adjacent ground it was not ex pected that the main vein would be reached in less than 200 feet from .the point where this broken forma tion has appeared and it is apparent 1 yet too early to determine if the cross-cut has reached the foot wall of the vein, but the presence of MANHATTAN OPERATIONS IN 1913 OOTLINED BT LHAHBER OF MINES According to a statement sent out by the Manhattan Chamber of Mines, the gold and silver production of the Manhattan district fcr 1913 is figur ed at $500,000. Of this amount the quartz mines produced $4 42,202 from 54,200 tons, an average of $8.15 per ton. The Manhattan placers show a production of $117, 738 from 29,435 yards of gravel sluiced, an average value per yard of $4. The tonnage treated, and gross value of the ore milled during the year by the various mills of the camp, as nearly as can be obtained, is as follows: Associated Milling company, 3,082 tons; value $52,209. Manhattan Milling & Ore company, 13,04 7 tons; value $130,3 86. Big Four Mill, 18,294 tons, value $79,068. East Side Mill, 103 tons; value $1,770. War Eagle Mill (estimated) 18,4 4 2 tons; value $140,000. Shipped by White Caps Mining company, 692 tons; value $38,229. Total amount, 54,269 tons. Total value, $442, ! 262. The Associated mill operated from the first of 1913 until about the mid dle of May. The White Caps lease furnished almost the entire tonnage milled, amounting to 2,878 tons of a gross value of $47,810. Adding to the local ore millings of the White Caps, the ore sold to the Western Ore Purchasing company at Millers, ! G92 tons valued at $38,229, the total | millings of the company for 1913 i amount to 3,570 tons of a gross 1 value of $86,039, an average per ton i of $24.10. In addition to the ore milled, the White Caps lease placed on the ore dumps at the mine dur ing the last sixty days of the lease operations, 4800 tons of ore, that conservatively estimated at $12 per ton, adds $57,600, making the total ore mined in 1913 of a valuation of $1 43 639. The Big Four mill operated from the first of MarcV. to the end of Oc tober. During the eight months of the mill operations no custom ore , "'1*8 treated, the only ore coining j from the Big Four property. From the first month of ore milling, the heads in the mill averaged $8.32 per ton and gradually declined in aver age value until the mill was closed down. The average of total ore mill ed is $4.35 per ton for gold and sil ver. There is no question but that the Big Four mill can treat the pres ent ores of the mine, and make a j good profit over all costs, provided j the mill be enlarged sufficiently, tc j double its present milling capacity The mill classified above as tht j East Side mill is a small five-stamp i mill that was operated for a short | time on some of the ores developed I in the East Manhattan district. The Manhattan Milling & Ore company mill operated almost con tinuously on custom ore. Ore was j treated from the Brady leases on | Union No. 9 claims, the property of ; the Manhattan Dexter Mining com ! pany, also from leases under the | same management on the Earl, j Jumping Jack and Stray Dog claims, j Several shipments totaling several hundred tons to the shipment were made as custom lots, by the present operators or me uim, cvrusnetc ana Wittenberg, these shipments coming from their leases on the Big Pine, Gold Crater, Mayflower and Consoli dated properties. The lessees of the Litigation Hill Merger Mining company made sev eral shipments to the mill, the same as lessees operating on the Seyler Humphrey, Mustang, Bald Eagle, Consolidated, Broncho, Little Grey and other properties. War Eagle Mill The War Eagle mill, operated by the Commercial Mines and Milling company, commenced dropping its stamps on the Reiliy Fraction glory hole output about tb.e middle of May. With but a few days stoppages it ran conti nuously on this ore, with two or three small lots from the Crescent property, owned by the same company, milled during the • Continued on Page Eight) latite at this point rs a most interest ing fact and maye lie of great im portance to the camp. Florence Cohllichl Regular shipments ot' ore of ex cellent grade are now going forward from the Florence mine to the Mil lers sampler of the Western Ore Fur chasing company and it is reported upon good authority that the mine is in better condition than for years past. The extensions of rich ore shoots are being opened up and arc shown to contain ore that yields a good profit in milling. Superinten dent Clapp is conducting develop ment work in new ground and the results of this work, particularly south of the main shaft, are proving of great interest in demonstrating the fact that the zone of enrichment has not been exhausted. The Flo renew mine is said to he in better condition than at any time since the bonanza leasing days. The (iuhllicld Oro With its main shaft nearing a depth of 050 feet the Goldfield Oro has penetrated a formation that ap pears to mark the approach to the i fault ore channel and it will not ac casion great surprise of an orebody is penetrated by this shaft at any time. Manager Thomas F. Manning is greatly encouraged by the present showing and the results of each day’s work are watched with the keenest interest by all the men con nected with the property. It is the firm belief of almost everyone in the district that the Oro will, with fur ther development, make one of the big mines of the district. Jlimlio Extension Aline At no time in its history has the Poleverde mine of the Jumbo Ex tension company given the promise of substantial production that it now affords.. In addition to the daily shipments of ore sent to the leased mill at Bonnie Clare, approximating 200 tons a week, the company has been shipping some material of high er grade to the sampler of the West ern Ore Purchasing company at Mil lers and the returns for two car loads, containing over 90 tons, sent nit* huiMiucr mTiiuy, were over $0 2 per ton. The company is now, for the first time in many months, upon a substantial, profit earning basis. Control has lately passed to Charles S. Sprague ot Goldfield and associates. Diaiiioiidlield Black Butte The Millard lease, on the Dia mcndfield Black Butte property, has lately been getting some good assays in the new work started east of the old Quartzite stope, which has yield ed in the past over $400,000 worth of high-grade shipping ore. The Vernal property is being devolo|>ed and is giving excellent promise of becoming a producing mine. Lessees are showing up some good ore on the Daisy, Goldfield Belmont and Great Bend properties. The Blue Bull Booth and Sandstorin-Kendall prop erties are being developed along es tablished lines and with promise of making an important production. C.O.D. CON. NOW RAISING ON ORE SEAMS OF EXCELLENT MATE ItlAL SHOWING ON THE 5KKKFOOT LEVEL Some ore of excellent grade is now showing in the workings of the C. O. I). Consolidated and is being de veloped by raising from the 300-foot level. This ground is Deing worked by the Nevada Co-operative Mining company, which is the title of the cor poration that lias succeeded the Gold field Mines Operating company and which is controlled and represented her? by the Charles S. Sprague brok erage company. The new company, the stork of which is assessable, holds under lease the greater part of the ground of the C. O. L>. Consolidated company, in< hiding the Gold liar and 1 Victor mines and the C. O. D. M. , & L. and Florence-C. O. I). shafts and workings. r <>r some ume past tne work, which is under the direction of J. K. Turner, the company's consulting engineer, lias been confined largely to the 350-foot level of the Victor workings, where drifts have been ex tended from the main cross-cut to pick up, on its downward extension, , the ore developed on tlie 200-foot level. This ore has now been ex imsi d on the deeper level and while as yet it lias appeared only in seams of comparatively small size, it is of excellent av rage grade and of the same character as that exposed above. Several shipments of good ore have been made by the lessees and in the progress of company work this vein has produced a considerable quantity of shipping ore, in this ground and farther to the north. Drifts are bring enteuded east and west on the 360-foot level, which corresponds with the 300-foot level that was opened from the Gold Bar shaft, the two workings being con nected at this depth. The main Vic tor ledge is of large size and is now being explored at a depth of 700 feet and at a point farther to the east by the Blue Bull company, which lias a leas? on the east half of the Victor claim for a period of five years. ' ___ GOLDFIELD MIDWAY WILL DE DEVELOPED COMPANY PLANNING TO OPEN Ul* GROUND NEAR VINDI CATOR MOUNTAIN Another centrally located property in (lie Goldfield district is about to undergo development and it now ap pears certain that this work will lie on a scale calculated to fully demon strate the value of the ground. This is t lie property of the Goldfield Mid way Mining company, situated on the north slope of Vindicator Mountain, just north of the Talmage group. Philadelphia men control the com pany, which has performed no work ; on its ground for several years but has secured a United States patent for the property. Charles W. Finninger, now of Philadelphia and formerly a broker in Goldfield, during the boom period, has been here during the past week and lias adjusted all claims against the company and left for the east on Tuesday, for the purpose of attend ing a meeting of directors of the Midway company, to lie held in Phil adelphia immediately upon his ar rival. it is believed that at this meeting ample funds will he provided to carry on extensive development work on the property, that plans will be formulated for this work and that the projected work will lie started without delay. Charles Roberson will submit a report on the property, which is equipped witli a 25-horse power electric hoist, with head-frame and all other ne essary mining acces sories. I RANI I’M IHS< OV ER V A recent report states that Urani um ore of excellent grade has been discovered at a point between Fair view and Wonder. -4. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY FIRST