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THE GOLDFIELD NEWS AND WEEKLY TRIBUNE j| ^.w. and Tribune The Goldfield New*. Volume 15. No. 30 GOLDFIELD, NEVADA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, DIM PRICE TEX CENTS VoL 10. No. 32 Coldfield Weekly Tribune. Volume 13. No. 30_____ GOOD ORE IS FOUR-FOOT OREBODY OPENED ON 15SO-FOOT LEVEE The Merger Mines company has resumed mining operations and al ready excellent results have been obtained, according to assay and other figures furnished by Manager A. I. D’Arcy. Starting with hand drills on Nov. 29 on the 1550-foot level, 15 tons of ore has been broken that, according to assay sheets, averag es $34.60, .36 gold, 6.2 ounces silver and 5.3 per cent copper. This ore was broken between Nov. 29 and Dec. 1 and yesterday Man ager D’Arcy started an air line into the workings, which will be utilized as soon as completed and mining started with air drills. The orebody is four feet wide and has been opened for a dis tance of 25 feet. Assay sheets show that on Nov. 29 a sample av eraged $40.80, .48 gold, eight ounces silver and 5.8 per cent copper. A sample taken on Sun day gave returns of $57.25, .44 gold, 8.44 ounces silver and 10 per cent copper. In the assay sheets silver was figured at $1 per ounce and copper at 20 cents. It is generally felt that a re sumption of mining in the Merger is of great importance to the dis trict. The ore showing where ma terial is now being oroken is con sidered excellent and in addition the recent discovery in the Spear head ^'as made only a short dis tance from the Sunflower claim ^of the Merger, which the ore will enter if the body proves to be con tinuous to this claim. On the Cur ley George claim Consolidated les sees have been shipping flotation ore to the Consolidated mill from within 30 feet of the Merger line. This ore has been assaying $18. CALIFORNIA MEN SECURE mine at goodspringh Carl Anderson of S'an Francisco, a well known resident of ttye dis trict, has taken a lease on the Ak ron mine and is preparing for ex tensive development work on the property. Mr. Anderson is an old timer in this district, says the Good springs Gazette, having been identi fied with the development of the fa mous Keystone mine during its early days, a mine that has produced more than $1,000,000 in gold and is still being worked under bond and lease and being made to pay. The Ak ron mine has had some work done on its surface and is recognized as a producer of lead-zinc ores of good grade, carrying high silver values, and under the present management good results are expected. It is a part of the Bill Nye group and con sists of the following claims: The Akron, Akron No. 1, Akron No. 2 and Akron No. 3. Mr. Anderson has invented and patented a process for handling low grade metals of the lead-zinc class, and his associates, who are business men of San Francisco, possessing considerable wealth and influence, are backing him in the promotion of this process. GOLDFIELD ISSUES BECOME CENTER OF INTEREST Only a few days ago Goldfield was in the throes of the greatest depression the town ever experienc ed. Today Goldfield is the center of interest wherever mining shares are traded in and a spirit of optim ism prevails regarding Goldfield is sues that is evident in a rapidly rising market, which men who fol low closely market conditions pre dict will have strong inside sup port at least for some time to come. The end-of-the-war revival, long predicted, hit Goldfield before it was expected and resulted in a rush of buying orders for the live issues that swamped .brokerage of fices. Inquiries from all parts of the country regarding mines of the district and the suddenly increas ed brokerage business caught the Western Union office unprepared and resulted in a hurry call for an other operator being sent ,to head quarters. The interest now being taken in Goldfield finds all companies oper ating on a substantial and conserv ative basis and plans are being (Conitnued on Page Eight) mayfloweFmine OHS BIG FUTURE A large tonnage of good ore, much of which is of high shipping grade, has been opened in develop ment work of the past few months ill the Mayflower mine at Pioneer, according to figures furnished by W. J. Tobin, manager for the com pany. Recent work has been done in the Mayflower vein and has re sulted in the vein being prepared for production at two places, sep arated 1400 feet. The main shaft is 500 feet deep and good ore is exposed on the 200, 300 and 400-foot levels. On the last level a winze 60 feet deep is sunk in ore assaying $12 per ton, according to samples taken a short time ago. Work done through the Starlight shaft, 1400 feet from the main shaft, has resulted in commercial ore being opened in several places and this territory promises to sup ply a big tonnage of good ore. The Starlight shaft is sunk in the vein and ore assaying from $8 to $70 a ton is now showing in a drift from the shaft. In places where the best grade of ore has been opened the ore-shoot has been found to have an average width of six feet, the values being almost entirely in gold. Manager Tobin plans to crosscut from the 500-foot noint in the main shaft to open at depth the ore found in the drift. ; The entire Mayflower mine was sampled recently to determine fu | ture plans for milling and the re sult was highly encouraging, the sampling showing a great tonnage of ore that can be milled at a good 1 profit at the mine. On the ground is a mill which ; lias an excellent record for bullion ! production in the past and present plans are to remodel the plant and (Continued on Page Eight) TOUCH* MINERS WILL SHIP SOON Ludwick, Weltster and McClos key, operating on the Jordan and Yaiser ground at Tolicha, shipped a carload of lumber from Goldfield a few days ago for use in con structing a loading platform at the /^shipping point on the railroad, 12 *miles from the mine, and for other purposes. Five miners are em ployed in opening the Jordan and Yaiser ground and over two car loads of ore, assaying $30 per ton in gold and silver are at the mine and will be shipped as soon as the loading platform has been built. This ore has been obtained along |the main vein on the surface and I from float near the vein. A tunnel is being driven to con nect with the bottom of a shaft sunk 50 feet at the time of the Toliclia excitement last year. Lud wick says shipping ore is exposed at this point in a wide orebody and that the ore will be stoped i back to the surface. The men then ! plan to explore the vein at a depth of 185 feet through a tunnel to be driven to the south side of the | mountain on which the claims are located. MANY MINES ARE ACTIVE IN ALL PARTS OE STATE The old camp of Unionville in Humboldt county promises to re turn to the important place for merly held as a producer of gold silver ore, as two of the mines that made history in the early days are being reopened and many claims have been located near these since. The mill on the Arizona mine, oper ated by the Sunset Mining & De velopment company, is nearly com plete and will start crushing ore in a short time. Oil flotation will be used in the plant and the concen trate will be treated on the ground. The ore contains only a small quantity of gold. Other mines working in the district are the Bush and Rye Patch. A mill is being built on the former and a leaching plant is in operation treat ing old mill tailing on the latter. Rich gold-silver ore is reported to have been found in the Midnight mine in Elko county, 20 mile3 from the old camp of Tuscarora. Ore assaying $3000 per ton and showing ruby silver is reported t'> have been discovered on the 100 foot level. Under the name of the Buckeye the Midnight mine produc ed high-grade ore when Tuscarora and other noted camps were at the height of their activity. High-grade manganese ore is re ported to have been found by W. Li. Taylor and Burt McKoy 26 mil°s northwest of Austin. According to the two men the deposit is from 50 to 100 feet wide and can be traced on the surface for a long distance. Large shipments of copper ore are being made through Battle Mountain. There are a number of new shippers in the Basin dis trict, where the Goff brothers are sending through Winnemucca an average of three carloads a month. The Katterhorn and Blue flick mines at Maysville are also ship ping regularly. It is reported that the Southern Pacific company and the bureau of mines will erect a reduction plant of 25 tons daily capacity on ground owned by the railroad in the shale beds near Elko. The plant will cost $20,000. The Catlin company is also building a 25-ton plant south of Elko after experimenting with the oil shales of the district for the past 10 years. Milling has been resumed at the Silver States Mines company, for merly the Rochester Combined, at Packard, after the plant had been closed for a few days for altera tions. It is estimated that the pro duction for the last month will prove to have been no less than 200 tons daily. Alining conditions are re ported to be satisfactory in every way. The winze from the eleventh level has been sunk 60 feet in ore of good grade and on the tenth level five feet of good ore has been opened in the footwall vein. Lead-zinc ore of good grade is being produced from the Green Monster mine in Clark county, owned by the Hearst estate, and the rate of shipment is being in creased. The ore is coming from winzes from the 200-foot level. One of these winzes is said to bn showing ore 14 feet wide and of good grade. The Green Monster has been a producer for manv years and is now being worked un der lease. /v iurRe oreuuuy recently opened at depth in the Nevada Wonder mine in Churchill county. The mine has been opened to [20 00 feet and the mill is treating | ore taken from the deepest level, j The mill continues operating on the usual tonnage and the com pany declared a dividend of 10 per cent a short time ago. The com pany is unwatering the Monitor i Belmont mine in northern Nvc | county and the water has been low ered to 70 feet below the 200-foot level. The Monitor-Belmont was a big silver producer in the early days. TONOPAH BELMONT LOCATES SEGMENT OF SOOTH VEIN Tonopah Miner: The principal feature of interest connected with mining opeartions of the Tonopah Belmont company in the time which has elapsed since the previous re port was issued relates to the find ing of a faulted segment, of what is known as the South vein, an ore body that in the past few years has furnished a big proportion of the tonnages that have gone through jthe company’s local milling plant. Exploration work had been under 'way for some weeks to determine the location of the faulted portion of the vein, but even though the greatest endeavor was used in pros pecting for the vein in the block of ground where it seemed most likely to be found, the efforts of I the management were in vain until a few days ago .when a new cross -cut, which was recently started, broke into the vein. At the time the current report was made the crosscut had penetrated the vein only a few feet, but there are great hopes that a considerable width will be developed when the other wall of the vein has been reached because of the fact that the vein was of splendid size at the point where it was cut off by the.fault. In going through the vein to the present face of the crosscut, only low values have been encountered, but inasmuch as good milling val ues were found in the portion of the vein developed and stoped orig inally, the management believes that a good width of ore will he opened up at the 900-foot level, and also is confident that the ore shoot will extend for a considera ble distance, there being quite an area of unprospected territory within the vicinity of the present exploration workings. With the consummation of the planB regarding the finding of the South vein, and the difficulty of obtaining sufficient men to work the various development and pros pecting operations eliminated, a more satisfactory condition is be ing manifested at the Belmont mine. This factor is giving the management considerable satisfac tion and is permitting the company to plan new work. Confidence ic expressed that large orebodies, which were not fully developed in the days of the original operations of the company, will be opened up and will prove to be quite substan tial additions to the company’s ore reserves, and with this object in view operations on a more compre hensive scope will be undertaken some time in the future. Since $he war terminated a great many men have returned from the shipbuilding centers, and within the near future many of the men, who, immediately following the en trance of the United States into the war, volunteered or were conscript ed from the mines, will be return ing to, their natural occupations and mining will be resumed on a more normal basis than has been possible in the last few years. -o LESSEES AGAIN OPERATING C. O. I). J. F. Henry, a Goldfield business man, and associates have taken a lease on the C. O. D. mine and are preparing to ship a carload of ore. Other Goldfield men recently re linquished a lease on the C. O. D. because of differences among themselves, according to reports, and at a time when their lease was regarded as being in excellent con dition. Several carload shipments of good ore were made by these men and it is believed the new lease will meet with success. • The former lessees found ore ol good shipping grade in a winze from the 65-foot level and also on the 200-foot level. GREAT BEND CUTS GOOD-GRADE ORE ON 160 LEVEL Two feet of ore assaying $100 per ton has been opened in a drift from 113-a raise in the Great Hend. The raise is from the 160 level and tne ore was found on the hanging wall of the vein, in which assays have been obtained since work was started at this point. The ore is almost four feet wide where the discovery was made. Driving on the drift has been in progress for some time and indications favorable for the find ing of ore of good grade have been present for the past few days. The value of the ore in this drift is erratic and changes rapidly from day to day, but through sorting shipping grade *ore is being obtain ed, the product after sorting assay ing front $30 to $2 5 per ton. The raise from the 375-foot lev el has been extended 112 feet and indications are that the most west erly of the orebodies opened on up per levels and from which a good | production was made will be cut iu i a short distance. NEW ORE OPENED IN DIVIDE MINE I Recent discoveries made in ex ploring territory in the Tonopah , Divide mine are regarded as of particular importance. The cross cut on the 200-foot level, driven south from the shaft, recently pen etrated the gold vein and drifts have been driven on this vein and have proved it to be of great value, and on the hanging wall ore assay ing as high as $80 per ton has been opened. This crosscut was i advanced to the gold vein after j cutting the silver vein, in which ore valued at over $3,500,000 has j been blocked out, and is now' be ing continued to cut an orebody farther scuth and paralleling the gold and silver veins. Shipments are being made regu larly to the Consolidated mill and the present rate of 250 tons week j ly will be Increased materially in the near future, according to re ports. > In the main working drifts are being extended and crosscuts and raises driven to increase the great tonnage of ore already blocked out. Work on the 260 and 370-foot levels continues to expose ore of , high shipping grade and the ore 1 body has been opened for over 300 feet in length on these levels and has been shown to have an aver age width of 26 feet. Where | opened on the 37<i-foot level the grade of ore is higher than on the upper levels and at one point the ' orebody was found to assay $60 over a width of 26 feet. This is regarded as one of the greatest bodies of this grade ore opened in the history of mining in south ern Nevada. The main shaft is being sunk from the 370-foot point and will be continued to the permanent wa ter level, which it is expected wrill be found at from 700 to 800 feet, fContinued on Page Eight) NEW FIND IN SPEARHEAD < : M1M.W AI’l’LIKS TO RAII. ItOAl) FOR SIR I*. TO SHAFT According to reports from the management this morning condi tions* in the Spearhead mine are satisfactory in every way and, al though no assay returns were avail aide. it was thought that the grade of ore is improving. There is four feet of ore in the raise front the 910-foot level, ac cording to A. A. Codd. secretary iind treasurer of the company, who v. as in Goldfield yesterday, and a full face of ore assaying over $100 shows in the drift on the same level. Tite Spearhead company applied to the Tonopah & Tidewater rail . • ■ (•ad company yesterday for a spur from the main lire to the mine shaft. The main line passes close to the shaft and but little grad ing will he necessary. Lumber will be ordered at once for con struction of an ore bin and it is (he intention of the management to si art shipping as soon as possible, according to Manager llruce. Ad ditional miners will be employed and the mine put in condition for production. The shaft will be equipped with a cage ana other improvements will be added at once. Shipments vill he made to the plant of the United States Smelting company at Kennett, Cal. -a--— ■ - DEALS CONSUMMATED IN COLORADO CAMPS Record: Two important deals consummated in Colorado during l he past few months are a criterion of what may be expected when idle cap ital turns to this great industry to produce new wealth. The Fifty Gold mines of Gilpin county have been taken over by Iowa capital, while the Dolly Varden and Moose mines near Alma have been purchased by Louisiana capitl. That these sugar planters of the south are plungers under proper conditions is evidenced by the fact that to date they have expended over $200,000 in proper'y payments and equipment, with the first shipment of concentrates from the new mill just started to market. The Dolly Varden has been one of Colorado’s bonanza shippers of sil ver ore. It has been idle since 1S82, and it is now destined to give a further good account of itself. Min ing in Colorado and the west is on the up grade and a boom in mining shares is at hand. --- TONOPAH MEN INSPECT SPEARHEAD DISCOVERY — A party of Tonopah mining men, j including E. H. McMurray, in spected and sampled the discovery in the Spearhead on Wednesday and were enthusiastic regarding conditions found by them.__ GRANDMA DRIFT IN QUARTZ ZONE I | The drift being driven southwest on the surface of the shale at a depth of 815 feet in the Grandma has entered the quartz mass lying ou the shale. The drift has been advanced over GO feet and is be i ing continued rapidly. The recent | discovery on the Spearhead has ! caused renewed interest in the ; work being done in the contact ' zone in the Grandma and has caus ! ed mining men to express confi dence that the exploration of the zone in the Grandma will lead to the opening of important orebodies in the depression in the surface of the shale in which the work is being done. Some of the richest ore of the district has been found in this long valley, which runs in a southerly direction. ’ Ore of high grade has ■ been found in the adjoining Ke wanas mine at almost the same depth at which the Grandma is now working in the main vein of the district, which comes to the .surface on Consolidated ground. The point of contact with the shale | is in the Kewanas, indicating that ithe richest zone of secondary de ; posits may be found to lie in the i Grandma claim near the Grandma i Kewanas boundary line.