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—-*-■ - j REORGANIZED BLUB BULL MINING CO. Nevada corporation. Capital 1,(•<), eefi share*, par value $1.00, assessable. Transfer office: Home office. Gold field. Nev. Directors and officers: Geo. Wlng • field, president; F. C. Faviev, vleo president; W. E. Loebel, second vice president; A. H. Howe, secretary and Measurer; A. L D’Arcy. general nan TMB GOLDFIELD CONSOLIDATED MINKS CO. Wyoming oorporatlon. Authorised ■apical (.000,000 shares, par value $10, Msued capital t, $(0,14$ shares, par value $10. Transfer office: Home office, Gold Paid, Nevada. Directors and o(floors: Ctoo. Wing field. president; J. D. Hub nerd, vloe president; A. H. Howe, secretary and treasurer. Directors: J. W. Hutchin son, H. 1C. Hoyt, Frank 1C. Malison. ■BOBGAXIUD BOOTH MINING OO. OF OOLDFIBLD Incorporated under laws of NOvada. April, ltlfi. Capital 1,000,000 shares, par value $1.00. All stock Issued. Geo seal office: Goldfield, Nevada Properties In Dlamondfield division of Goldfield mining district. Nevada. Officers: Geo. Wingfield, president; C. C. Favler. vice president’ A. H. Hkrwe, secretary and treasurer. All *f Goldfield. Nev. REORGANIZED KBVANAI MIN ING OO. Nevada corporation. Capital 1,(00, •00 shares, par value $1.00. Assessable Transfer office: Home office. Gold field, Nevada Directors and officer: : Geo. Wing field. president; W. iS. Zoebel, vice ■reeldebt; F. C. Funder, second vice president; A. H. Howe, secretary and treasurer; A. L D'Arcy. general mnn PUMBO EXTENSION MINING OO. Incorporated under the laws of Art anna Authorized capital $1,((0,000, all ot which !s outstanding. General office: Goldfield, Nevada Transfer offices: Security Transfer and Registrar Co., <6 Broadway, New York City; Registration Surety Co., M( Rues Building, San Franolsoo, Gal. Properties consist of Poloverda Dick Bland, Gold Coin, Saddle Rock. Three M«nA>. Three Friends Fraction, Blaok Buttfe No. 1, Deserted Fraction and Velvet claims, in Goldfield mining dis trict, Esmeralda county, Nevada all patented. Officers: Charles 8. Sprague, presi dent; J. K. Turner, vie* president; Ben Gill, secretary-treasurer. SILVER PICK CONSOLIDATED MINES CO. Incorporated under laws of Nevada. Authorized capital tl.600,000. Out etandfng 9066,000. , General office: Goldfleld, Nevada. Tfansfar office: Registration Surety CO.. 20 Russ Building, San Franolsco, CM. Property consists of Stiver Pick, Sliver Plok Fraction, Pipe Dream. North End and Deserted claims, pat ented, situated *u Goldfleld miaing district, Esmeralda eounty, Nevada, and the Webfoot claim, held by loca tion, In the Low Slate Range, Esmer alda county, Nevada. Officers and Directors: Herman Za 11 g, president: Edward S. Van Dyck, vice president arid general manager; Chas. D. Olney, secretary and director; C. A. Newcomer and A. 8. Wollberg. I directors. J90W FISH IN INLAND WATERS Cerman Submarines Have Driven Hardy Dutch Sailora From Their Occupation In the North 8ea. In this day of the lurking submarine the waters of the North sea are a i marked danger zone for the fisherman of the Netherlands, and consequently the rivers and Inner seas of Holland are thronged with brown-sailed fishing smacks, all eagerly pursuing the elu sive herring, salmon, pike and carp. Until the boat’s tanks or barrels are filled the determined fisherman sticks at his job. If a good haul is soon made he may steer the craft up some canal to an inland town to market his catch. He gets out the sign, “Fish for Sale,” and fastens it to the mast, draws the boat up to the canal’s edge, and is soon besieged by house wives anxious to Inspect his wares. rne nsn, as ir conscious or tneir pena .ng fate, swim uneasily about In the tank, while thrifty Dutch matrons follow certain ones excitedly with a forefinger, and the seller endeavors to locate the desired fish In the swarm ing tub. On a summer evening when a fleet of the good ships has made port after a hard day’s work, a fishing village Is r»ne of the most picturesque sights in Holland. Sails patched or torn and dapping rise and fall in the harbor with the motion of the waves. The brawny Dutch fisherman, revived by supper and the evening pipe, is curing fish and exchanging stories with neigh bors on the dock, while his wife sits before her cottage mending nets, or perhaps adorning a torn sail with a vivid red patch. There Is little rest for these hard working seamen and their wives. Fish have long been to Holland what rice Is to China or the potato to America. With Its food supply ebbing danger ously low, Holland looks more than ever to her fisher folk to feed the people. BRITISH GOVERNMENT TRAINS GIRL EMPLOYEES LONDON, Dec. 12. — Hundreds of girls employed at the ministry of food registration clearing house are receiving instruction during working hours for after-war com mercial careers. The London coun ty council has taken charge of their education and each girl is given one and one-quarter hours every day except Saturday for in struction and study. Classes are held three times a day. The girls ^ are from 15 to 18 years old. There T are classes in bookkeeping, French and shorthand, and the girls are given the choice of recreation classes in elocution and singing. SALES FRIDAY, DEC. 6 Atlanta 4000.$ .0C 10000...05 Booth 1000.10 Blue Bell 5000.. .04 4000.03 Cracker Jack 5000.02 Consolidated 500..24 1500.. .23 9050.25 C. O. D. 2000.03 Yellow Tiger 1000..*.*.01 Grandma 3000.04 Fraction 4000.03 Great Bend • 9000.06 5000.04 Kewanaa 13000.06 3000.05 Lone Star 4000.05 Merger 20000.07 7000.06 Red Hill Florence 6000.04 Sliver Pick 14000.06 Sandstorm 4000.01 Spearhead 60000.17 56000.18 25000.19 2000 B16.18 9000 B30.18 14000.20 Cash Boy 27500.08 Great Western .16000.04 • ___ 3000.05 Halifax 1000.12 Midway 7000.20 17000.19 5000.18 MacNamara 800.20 1500.19 Monarch 2500.. .05 North Star 2000. 09 5000.08 Rescue 12000.j.11 5000.10 Tonopah X 3000. 2.00 West End 100. 1.32 Amalgamated 8000.. .02 Man. Con. 2000.04 West Tonopah 4000.. ..15 4000.14 2000.13 SAliES SATURDAY, DEO. 7. Atlanta 1600.« .05 4000. 06 Booth 2000.11 3000.12 1000. 14 Blue Bell 1000.03 Cracker Jack 28000.02 Consolidated 500.24 West Tonopah 1000.12 Grandma 6000.,.03 6000. 04 Junior 4000.03 Kewanas 1000.....06 Merger 3000.06 8000.07 3000 B90.08 Red Hill Florence 15000.04 Silver Pick 1000.06 Spearhead 12000.17 5000 B30.18 1000 B90.18 31000.18 25000.19 2000 B30.19 Sandstorm 1000.01 Cash Boy 23000.09 Midway 5000.16 MacNamara 6000.21 North Star 1000.08 Umatilla 5000.02 HALES MONDAY. DEC. » Atlanta 3000.-.9 .07 Booth 41000. 20 2000..21 10000 B30... 22 2000. 19 4000. .18 Blue Bull 4000. 03 Blue Bell 34000. 04 Divide X 2000.-.05 Consolidated % 1000. 31 500. .32 West Tonopah 3000.1.13 Diamondfield 2000_ .03 Great Bend 2000..06 5000. 05 Junior 2000 B30.:.04 1000- 03 Kewanas 7000.^.08 12000.07 Lone Star 13000.06 Merger 40000....08 4000.09 2000 B30.09 1000 B90.09 Red Hill Florence 2000.04 2000 B30.05 Silver Pick 5000 B30.08 1000 B30.07 6000.07 Spearhead 29000.27 13000.28 25000. .29 66000.26 33500.25 4000.24 Cash Boy 16000.09 12000.10 8000.05 Midway 1000 B30.20 1000.18 2000.19 Monarch 2000.1.05 North Star 1000.08 Rescue 1000. 09 8000.10 2000.11 Tonopah X 200. 2.10 Umatilla 21000.02 Man. Con. I 1000.05 Nenzel j • 1000.04 White Caps 2000.13 Zone 1000.11 — ■■ ■ SALES TUESDAY, DEC 10. Atlanta 6000.$ .06 Cracker Jack 6000.02 18000.03 Blue Bell 200C. 04 C. O. D. 17000.03 Diamondfield 8000.02 Florence 600.17 Divide 1200. 1-35 Divide X 1500.03 3000.04 6000.05 1000 B90.06 Grandma 500.05 6000....04 Great Bend 500.05 Jumbo X 2000.15 Junior 2000.03 Kewanas 6000.07 2000 B30. 08 3000. 06 Lone Star 7000.06 Merger 15000.08 Silver Pick 2000.«... .06 Sandstorm 1000.01 Spearhead 2800O. .22 7000. 23 35500.21 15500.20 Cash Boy 14000. 09 Midway 8000..18 6000.17 3000.19 5000.20 3000....21 1000.. .22 Monarch 10000...0 North Star 1000__ .08 Tonopafc X 100.*M«**a».iH*«».>**s>*Ma*a 2.12 600_ 2.06 Umatilla 15000. 02 Man Con. 2000_ 05 W hite Caps 4000_ .13 SALKS WEDNESDAY, DEC. II Atlanta 10000.$ .06 Booth 3000....16 600. .17 3000....18 2000.. .16 Cracker Jack 3000.02 Blue Bell 1000.03 Consolidated 1900. 27 1000 B30.28 Grandma 6500...- .04 20000.06 Jumbo X 1000....16 1000. 17 2000....18 Junior 3000.03 Kcwanas 9000. .07 Merger 9000. .08 2000 B60. 09 Red Hill Florence 4000 B30. 05 7000.04 Spearhead 11000.20 10000.,.21 17000. 22 10000. 24 15000.23 10000. 25 10500.;.26 1000.27 Cash Boy 13500.0" Midway 1000.19 Tonopah X 100. 2.07 Umatilla 10000..02 West End 2000. 1.27 100. 1.30 Divide X 1000.05 Brougher 1000.13 Gold Zone 11000.11 500.12 Hasbrouck 5000.10 1000.11 2000.;... .15 Mustang 10000.01 SALES THURSDAY, DEC. 12 Atlanta 2000.$ .07 C. O. D. 2000.03 Fraction 8600.03 Grandma 13000.05 ureal uena 7000. 04 Jumbo X 500.16 600.17 J unior 1000. 03 Kewanas 2000.07 Lone Star 2000.06 Merger 38000.08 1000.09 Red Hill Florence 10000 S90.04 Silver Pick 2500.07 Spearhead 33000.23 6000.24 1000.v.26 7000..•.22 6000.21 16000.20 79500.19 3000.18 Cash Boy 24500.09 Gypsy 6500.04 Midway 500.18 MacNamara 2000.21 Rescue 2000.09 Divide 300. 1.30 700. 1.26 200. 1.27 1700. 1.36 Brougher 1500.12 Zone 4000.11 White Caps 2500.13 11 Stock Quotations V-_— ~ ■ zrrrz) GOLDFIELD Atlanta „ ..$ .06 $ .07 Booth . 16 .19 Blue Bell ....—.03 .04 Blue Bull . .02 .03 Cracker Jack .OB .03 C. O. D...03 .04 Consolidated - .28 .30 Daisy . 02 .03 Florence .15 .29 Fraction .03 .04 Great Bend .04 .05 Grandma .04 .05 Junior .03 .04 Jumbo X . .16 .18 Kewanas .06 .07 Lone Star .06 .07 Merger _ .08 .09 Red Hill Florence.. .04 .05 Sandstorm .01 .02 Spearhead .. _ .18 .19 Silver Pick .06 .07 Simmerone . .01 Yellow Tiger . .01 TONOPAH Belmont .$2.85 $ .... Butler .35 .40 Cash Boy .08 .09 Gypsy .. .04 .05 Great Western .03 .04 Halifax .15 MacNamara .20 .23 Mizpah .06 .08 Midway .17 .18 Monarch .04 .05 Montana „ .12 .15 North Star .07 .08 Rescue .09 .10 Seventy - Six . Tonopah X . 2.00 2.10 Umatilla .01 .02 West End . 1.25 1.30 West Tonopah .13 ! DIVIDE Brougher Divide .12 $ .13 Dividend . .... .14 Divide . 1.30 1.36 Divide X .04 .05 Gold Reef . Gold Zone .11 .12 Hasbrouck .14 MANHATTAN Big Four . .02 Man. Con.04 .05 White Caps .12 .13 fl . ■ ■ r~«~ i — > OTHER DISTRICTS Nenzel .3 .03 .04 Nevada Hills .03 .04 Round Mt.20 Yerington .03 .04 HAS GOOD WORD FOR CROW Australian Writer Points Out Occa sions When Bird Becomes a Real Benefactor to Mankind. There are those who say that the crow deserves no mercy. There is no other pest eradlcator, imported or i otherwise, doing its bit so patriotic- 1 ally as the self-same crow. In Ba nunaland, Australia, says the Sydney Bulletin, the ravages of the sheep maggot fly must make a loss of hun dreds of thousands of pounds worth of Jumbuck every year, about the only difference In one season being that the damage Is probably greater thun the last. Were it not for the bird whom no one has a good word for, the fly pest would soon duplicate Itself with losses to sheep-owners Increased accordingly. Every dead sheep or piece of offal in the bush Is the depository of the eggs of unimag inable numbers of prospective sheep destroyers. Just about the time that the grubs are the size of a grain of rice, and a few days before they burrow into the soil, where they re main for about 15 days before coming forth, as a developed sheep-mag got fly, Brother Crow spies out the colony. Then he sends the glad tid ings by wireless system, and all the family within range hurries to the banquet. When it Is over a supply of grubs for the next meal has to be found elsewhere. QUERIES | * (ThU d«parto«at la aondoato* tor f th« purpoaa of rapplylng rabaarlb-1 •ra with Information on Tnrtaoaf properties. Anawara to qaarfaa tm-I tain the heat Information paaafMa L to obtain. This newspaper will note give advice oa the parahaa# or aatoa of any mining atoaka. All taotrtea I will be aaawered throngh fctoa oa*- 9 amn only.) X. Y. Z., Sacramento. — Stock of the Rosebush Mining & Leasing company has no value. The com pany formerly operated a lease on the Rosebush claim. ONLY MILITARY WORKS ATTACKED AT BRUGES LONDON, Dec. 12. — Liberated Bruges afforded a striking testi mony to the work of the allied air men. It was attacked by bomb ers because the Germans bad made it an important base for subma rines. Its extensive docks, con nected with the sea by canals, formed a safe baven where the German U-boats could be built, fit ted and repaired for their work of destruction. The raids of the al lied airmen were directed solely at these objectives, and despite the enormous damage done to them the rest of the town suffered hard ly at all. CORN AVIATES CHICAGO, Dec. 12. — Stunning advances In the price of corn re sulted from the government crop report showing the yield in 1918 to be the smallest in five years. There was an extreme rise of seven cents a bushel in some cases. “FLU” EPIDEMIC STILL RAGES IN CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTO, Dec. 12. — Two thousand one hundred and twenty eight new cases of influenza are reported in California. E. A. BYLER (Formerly Davis & By lev) 301 NEWS BUILDING Mining Engineer U. 8. MINERAL SURVEYOR Goldfield - Nevada TonopahS Tidewater R. R.Go. Santa Fe Ry. «ave Goldfield..10:80 A. M. Monday—Thnrdsay—Saturday Arrive Los Angelos.8:80 A. M. Tuesday—Friday—Sunday Connections at Ludlow for Arizona and Southwest. Standard Sleeping Car Leaves Los Angeles Tuesday and Saturday. Leaves Beatty Monday and Thursday. D. ASPLAND . . GOLDFIELD H. R. GRIER - . TONOPAH Now Ready tor Distribution 1018 EDITION STONEHAM HANDBOOK Of Curb, Mining, Oil and Industrial Securities Containing essential data on mom Than Bight Hundred Prop* erties and Securities Third bi-annual issue—388 pages. Showing organisation, capitalisation, funded indebtedness, business, office**, earnings, production, equipment and other statistical data. Anyone interested in securities may secure a copy of this Handbook, with out charge, by addressing us promptly. CHARIES A. STONEHAM^ CO. 41 Broad St. New York Established 1903 /*_---1 I WESTERN MACHINERY COMPANY j| We carry a full line of machinery, pipe, rails and equipment of all kinds, available for immediate shipment at attractive prices. We are also in the market to purchase complete plants and equipment of every description. , If you have anything to buy or sell, phone, wire or write Western Machinery Company, i JUDGE BUILDING SALT LAKE CITY VJ EC. SMITH E. J. AM ANN SMITH & AMANN Stocks and Bonds MINING STOCKS - OIL STOCKS - BONDS 3S9 Bath St. San Franemcm