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AIRCRAFT PROBLEMS FOUND EASY BY NAVY WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 11 — Success of the navy tn solving its war time aircraft problems is at tributed to the policy consistently followed of making this work con form in regular naval practice. Rear Admiral David W. Taylor, chief constructor, in his annual re port made public today, says air craft production has been handled like other departmental technical questions, and despite the great expansion of forces necessary, “di rection and control of aircraft questions have been cared for by officers familiar with the methods of the navy department.” “Civilians,” Admiral Taylor con tinues. “have thus been able to carry on their naval work under the most favorable conditions. This policy has demonstrated its sound ness. The types of aircraft de veloped for production have prov ed successful, changes have been a minimum and have been adopted only with a view to improvement.” As the report was prepared prior to the cessation of hostilities, it does not go into detail on any part of the building operations of the navy. As to aircraft, however, it shows that both types of seaplanes used by the navy are “fundament ally American,” improved in de sign on British experience. In Oc tober producion of the two main types was in excess of require ments. Development of balloons for naval purposes also comes under Admiral Taylor’s bureau. His re port shows that much experimental work was done with types of para ! chutes, an officer of the construc tion corps having dropped from an ; airship In flight and from a kite i balloon to test the design adopted. The same officer also successfully tried oat a new type of parachute "carrying the basket of the kite balloon and its occupants." The original plan for the naval ; aircraft factory at the Philadel i phla yard called for 1000 small ma i chines annually, the report says. | In January, 1918, however, the 1 navy’s requirements were suddenly ! expanded and the plant was con I verted into an assembling center : with four times that capacity. The : original program maximum was reached last March and the expan ! sion work has now also been com j pleted. Admiral Taylor gives no details | as to the ship construction. As ; to the destroyer program, his most i significant statement is that the | government-owned plant at Squan tum. Mass., is to be continued as a permanent adjunct to the navy. NOTED WAGE DISPUTE BEING HEARD BY FEDERAL JUDGE CHICAGO, Dec. 11. — Federal Judge Samuel Alschuler, arbitra tor in the dispute between the packers and their employes, began hearing testimony in connection with the demand of the men for an increase of 25 per cent in wag es over the salary schedule award ed a year ago for the period of the war. The men charged that the pack ers failed to obey certain provis ions of the former award. The new petition contained 35 specific demands. One hundred thousand employes are involved. debateIdIiences ON REVISED WAR REVENUE MEASURE WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 11.— Debate on the revised war reve nue bill began in the senate yes terday with the presentation of majority and minority reports from the senate finance committee. The measure was given right of way, and, because of republican op position to fixing the 1920 taxes, the discussion is expected to con tinue almost indefinitely. Senator Thomas of Colorado pre sented an individual report, and LaFollette and Smoot plan to do the same later. Senator Simmons, for the major ity, said that business is entitled to know why tax burdens would be imposed in 1920. Senator Penrose said conditions are too uncertain to fix this tax. He declared it a foregone conclu sion that taxes will be lower in 1920. BUY ONE! WHAT? A Smileage Book at the Tribune Office HUN LEADER SAYS GOVERN IN ENI IS ON POWDER KEG 3EUL1N, Dec. 11. — ‘‘1 will not put un with these conditions another we?k. I will get out," de daied Philip Scheidemann in a speech defending the government and himself against attacks of the Spartacus group. Scheidemann declared that' the government had 90 per cent of the German population behind it, “but nevertheless it is sitting on a pow der keg." britisTtTo™d PUNISHMENT TOR HOHENZOLLERNS ! LONDON, Dec. 6. — In a detail ed restatement of his policy calling for the trial and punishment of men responsible for the war, how ever high their place, Premier Lloyd George yesterday pledged the entire influence of the British government at the peace conference to see that justice is done. De claring for the expulsion and ex clusion of enemy aliens from Brit ish soil, the premier pointed out that a considerable proportion of enemy residents of the United Kingdom during the war abused British hospitality and thus for feited their claims to remain. - . --o-. jNEVADA EXCEEDED LOAN QUOTA BY ONE MILLION SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 11. — Official figures of the Fourth Lib erty loan in the twelfth federal reserve district show a total for Arizona of $9,52G,250, or over $3, 000 above its quota. Nevada had $5,996,150, or almost $1,000,000 above its quota. PACIFIC FEDERATION’ MAY BE NEW STATE FORMED IN BRITISH EMPIRE SYDNEY, Australia, Dec. 6. — Pronouncement by Arthur J. Bal four, British secretary of state for foreign affairs, that Germany’s col onies will not be returned to h?r after the war revives in Australia and New Zealand animated discus sion o£ the future of all the islands in the Pacific south of the equator. ''Whatever conclusion is reached by the allies at the peace confer ence as to the disposition of Ger man New Guiena and Gercan Sa moa, not to mention the Marshall, Caroline and Ladrone groups, it is generally admitted that an entire recasting of the various adminis trations of the British islands is needed to develop their great po tential wealth, afford security for trade and insure adequate defense. It is believed that a federation of all the British archipelago un der a central authority having the seat of government at the most convenient center will eventuate after the war. Thus, in effect, a new state would be created which might be called the British Pacific Federa tion and might be administered by a governor-general or high com i missioner. Such a governor-gen j eral or high commissioner would not be concerned with the local governmental affairs of any par ticular group, but with the federa tion as a whole. He might be assisted by a council composed of j appointed officials, representatives i elected by each island group, and trade commissioners representing Great Britain, Australia, New Zea land and Canada. Local legislators would, under | such a scheme as this, have as large a measure of self-government as compatible with the proportion of whites to South Sea islanders and Asiatics, incapable at present of self-government. It is pointed out here, however, that if the British islands are fed i erated, means of communication between them must be provided in order that their administration and general welfare may obtain. Ex isting steamer services radiate from Sydney in Australia and Auk land in New Zealand, but groups served by any one line have no connecting link with adjacent isl ands served by other lines or with China and India, save by way of Sydney. GREAT WAR PROGRAM OE U. $. IN AIR IS ANNOUNCED WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 11.— An appeal by Premier Clemenceau of France for an American con tribution of 2000 planes a month and a to‘al of 5000 rviators an1 50.’' 0 spuialized mechanics forr ed the basis of the aircraft program io which tfce United fitates w:i3 committed in the war, Major Gen eral Ken!y, director of military aercuauiics, said in his annual re port. issued today. He said the nation had not the slightest knowledge of the in struction necessary for radio pho tography or the enlisted personnel and that “consequently the first men largely trained themselves be fore teaching others.” MERS lillM RAVAGE PROVINCES PEKING, Dec. 6. — From al most every province of China come reports of outrages committed by robbers, and some of their recent exploits equal those of the terrible White Wolf, who ravaged a huge stretch of territory before meeting a none too timely end. Shantung is the happy hunting ground of thousands of bandits be cause of geographical facilities w’hich enable the rascals when pur sued by troops to enter adjoining provinces whence they cannot be followed. This state of affairs has been made n ich worse by General Chi Kwang, who, after his defeat in Kwangtung by the southern armies, recruited from the Shan tung banditti fresh levies for his expedition. He secured wholesale a force of 5000 men by promising to make their leader a brigadier general in the republican army of China. Dissatisfied to find no nay forth coming, these robber recruits com menced looting and attacked the Tientsin-Pukow railway, the link between Peking and Shanghai. Here, however, they met the Shantung troop and several bat tles were fought before the bandits were dispersed. The train service was interrupted by the bandits tearing up a portion of the line. General Lung Chi Kwang denies all responsibility for the misguid ed activities of his recruits, but the government has prohibited the en listment of further men before ap proval has been given. Such is the situation in China .today. n • UNCLAIMED LETTERS The following is a list of un claimed letters in the Goldfield, j Nevada postoffice remaining un i called for up to and including the week ending December 7, 191S. Please say “advertised” ■when call ing for same. Robert Canning Josie Cushing i R. C. Goodwin J. A. Koocher Mr. Kitty S. Lamont J. M. McArthur J. C. Mclntee Michael McBride R. J. McLean Wm. Pore Mrs. Josephine Ruis Thomas J. Regan Fred Searle T. A. Smith HELEN ROSENTHAL, P. M. ICoprrlrbt. UU. W**t*f» N«w*p*p*r Unloa.) Elizabeth left her place before the typewriter on the doctor’s desk to wel come a timid patient, who waited In the doorway. But presently she was back again, telephones and buzzers seeming to call her on every side. And one could not know that the girl who responded so tirelessly and cheerfully was longing in her very soul to be away from It all—away from the re cital of aches and pains, from the hurry and noise of the business world. As If borne on a drifting breeze came a sweet memory of grandmoth er’s home In a country town. Her child ish vacations had been spent there, and Elizabeth had never forgotten the magic Joy of those times. Some time she had hoped to go back to brighten, perhaps, her grandmother’s declining years, but word came that grandmoth er had passed beyond that need. So the old homestead would be desolate —forsaken. Elizabeth supposed that the sale of the property would barely cover a well-remembered mortgage, after nec essary debts were paid. But today as she returned from encouraging the timid patient a long envelope lay face upward on the doctor’s desk. It was addressed to herself and when Eliza beth had perused Its intricate word ing she found this same old property to be hers absolutely by grandmother’s will. There had been extra money, n ap peared, to meet those other demands. Elizabeth, her dark eyes widening be neath the gold-brown hair, stared at the written document and moved im pulsively toward the doctor’s private office. “You must let me go,” she told him when he had read the paper. “I want to see what I can do with grandmoth er’s old place." “Raise chickens and live by your self?” laughingly queried the physi cian who had been her father’s friend. “Oh—do you think that I could? she asked. Later when she passed down the vil lage street inquiring glances followed her graceful figure. But Elizabeth was all unaware. She was living again in fancy the happy days In that square old house at the end of the road. But as she passed inside, regarding all those familar objects which were now her own, into the girl’s heart came a passion of longing for posses sion, to live here, to have a real home. Some one would give her com panionship surely if she could but keep the old place up. “How could thnt be done?” she asked herself wearily, sinking into the soft depths of one of grandmother’s chairs. The dreams and longings of that confident girlhood came poignant ly back in the atmosphere of grand mother’s home—the great house re paired and beautiful, the gurden won derful to see with sun-dial and foun tain—as they used to be—and in grandmother’s drawing room, herself, seated before the piano playing, com posing the harmonies that had never quite censed singing themselves Uirougn an ner uusj ,in tlie background of the very young Elizabeth’s fancies a man’s figure had hovered. Must not every happy maid en have her lover? Elizabeth now had forgotten the lover! All at once her typing fingers were eager, insistent to touch the piano keys. So in the shad ows floated a “Song Without Words.” the unspoken dream, perhaps, which had lain hidden so long in her heart. Through the diamond panes the sun turned the musician’s hair to a golden halo. On und on she played. When her music had reached its last vibrant note the man arose and unhesitatingly passed into the room. "Repeat that last passage,” he com manded, and Elizabeth, glancing about absently as though still under a spell, obeyed. .When she turned around upon the piano stool the strange man stood over her searching her face excitedly. “Your own composition?’ he asked. “Why yes,” Elizabeth replied won dering. The man’s tone was still abrupt. “What will you take for it?” “I am afraid," Elizabeth replied, “that I do not understand your mean ing, or,” she added, “who you are.” The man laughed and his low laugh i ter had a pleasing sound. “You must : overlook my intrusion and my abrupt request,” he said. “Enthusiasm and the joy of discovery carried me away. The name of Lawrence Barry may not be unknown to you. Today I have been visiting the town of my birth. Soon I return for my concert tour. In vain I have searched for new melodies, sweet haunting tunes to the themes I love. Each writer disappoints; his music is stereotyped. But yours tonight—All! yours!—” The great singer smiled. “If you would but sell that last ex quisite fancy to me.” he said. “You ( might name an extravagant price.” Elizabeth stood before him, she was trembling, but she laughed softly. “My playing,” she said, “was but the expression of a wish to keep this place my home; home! Do you know what that means?” “I know,” the man answered de cidedly, “that I will buy up everything of that sort that you can compose. And so Elizabeth’s dream all came i true. And when Lawrence Barry Is ! singing at his best you may be sure j that he is thinking of a wonderful old ! place he calls home and of Elizabeth, | the gifted wife, who is his inspiration. SOLDIERS ON LEAVE SEEING PARIS MAKE FULL USE OF Y. M. C. A. HOTELS PARIS, Dec. 7. — Probably the biggest problem that the Young Men’s Christian asoclation has to face in the city of Paris is the housing of soldiers who flock to this city in thousands for 24 to 48 hours’ leave. Every American boy who comes to France is eager to see the city of Paris, and the pric es of accommodation at the French hotels is beyond the possibility of their purses. The Y. M. C. A. has several hotels where they can go and for one franc a night get a bed and a shower. Meals are serv ed at cost. The Pavilion is the largest of these hotels and as an illustration the crowd that flocked in there the other night is a good one to be guided by. The hotel was full to overflowing. The other hotels in the neighborhood on the overflow list were also crowded to the limit. The office also has a long list of rooms which French families will rent to soldiers. The list was ex hausted. Yet the men kept pouring in. Seventy-six men took off their coats, rolled them up, made them A ' into pillows and slept on the floor of the "lounge room.” At 11:30 p. m. MIsb Elizabeth Gilman, who has charge of the can teen service at the Pavillion, thought she would call it a day s work and go to bed. But just as she was starting up stairs she heard a pounding on the door. She opened the door to find 34 enlisted men. They wanted cover for the night, and “for the love of Uncle Sam, sister, food of some sort.” She let them in and called another canteen worker. Together they went into the kitchen and stole the bread that was hidden in the closets for morning. They found a key to the storage room and then dragged out meat to make into sandwiches. They started a fire in the stove and made hot chocolate and the 34 boys were fed. POSTAL EMPLOYES MAY BE ASSURED WAR-TIME PLY WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 11.— Creation of a congressional com mittee to determine the readjust ment of salaries of all postal em ployes, including postmasters, is proposed in the postoffice appro priation bill for next year, report ed to the house. Other provisions would make i permanent salary increases given | last year and authQrize a 50 per j cent increase for clerk hire allow- j ance for third-class posoffics. notedTrenchIink USED BUM.Cl' PARIS, Dec. 6. — The Paalais de Glace In Paris, which the Y. M. C. A. has opened as an amusement place for American and allied sol diers, is hidden among the trees in the Champs Elysees and had long been one of the world-famous skat ing rinks. It was opened in Octo ber and is going to be a life saver to the lonely boy who has no mon i ey to spend in expensive music halls. The theater in this palace seats 1300, and every afternoon and every night there is “some thing doing.” And it is open to all. The tired French Poilu, the British Tommy, the Polish legion naire, the Greek, anybody on the allied side can walk up to the I counter and refresh his hungry 1 body with hot soup and salad and sandwiches, alongside of the Amer | ican boy. The shows are abso | lutely free to all men and women in the uniforms of the allied na tions. | The weekly program is made up of two professional boxing match es a week, two vaudeville shows given by Broadway’s best talent, Chicago’s latest hits and Frisco’s popular teams; one religious eve j ning beginning with movies, and one night a week of informal talks and interesting lectures about France. The audience on these educational nights is phenomenal, proving that our soldiers want to learn about this wonderful country in which they fought. The Palais de Glace is under di rection of Dr. Thomas W. Graham of Minneapolis, Minn., and Miss Elizabeth Gilman of Baltimore, , Md., who runs the canteen. GOVERNMENT TO SELL WOOL WASHINGTON. d7 C., Dec. P.— i The war department has announc ed that it will sell at public auc tion wool on hand. The amount offered at each sale will be what, “in the opinion of experts the mar ket can easily absorb” and a min | imum price will be fixed. Snakes in the Ocean. It is not generally known that there arc snakes in the ocean. There are numerous varieties of small snakes that live in all oceans; then there are the eels, of course, which go from the salt water to the fresh. In the waters around southern Asia there lives the banded sea snake, which has stripes around its body and broad tail, and can swim with great speed.—Christian Science Monitor. ONLY 44 SHIPS LOST BY U. S. IH WAR, SAYS DANIELS WASHINGTON, D. C., Dec. 11.— Only 44 vessels of the navy, in cluding army and cargo transports, manned by naval crews, were lost after the declaration of war. Only 12 of these were destroyed by enemy submarines. This was revealed by an appendix to the an nual report of Secretary 61 the Navy Daniels, just made public. Only three of the 12 ships tor pedoed were war craft. The de stroyer Jacob Jones was sunk with a loss of C2 lives; the coast guard cutter Tampa, losss 112; the arm ed yacht Alcedo, 20 lives. The ships lost by mines included only one war craft, the armored cruiser San Diego, which was sunk with a loss of 50 lives. ElPERliK YHAY TUBERCULOSIS IS o CITY DISEASE CHICAGO, Dec. 11. — Doubt tuberculosis is a “city disease” was presented to the American Public Health asociation convention here today by Dr. Burton R. Rogers of New York. He said the secretary of the Indiana state board of health had written him that out of a to tal population of 13,000 in Craw ford county, Indiana, 2000 had died of tuberculosis within 10 years. “Can such a record be even par alleled in the worst Tung block” in the worst city in America?” asked the speaker. “Investigation in oiher states might reveal even worse conditions.” Dr. Rogers explained that Craw ford county has 304 square miles and that the 13,000 residents are scattered on 1861 farms and in 21 towns and villages, the largest ur ban center containing less than 1200 inhabitants. He added: "It is doubtful if there Is a three-story tenement in the county, and if every house is not at least 10 feet from every other house and if every living and sleeping room has not one or more outside win dows. These are certainly not city conditions.” --— Why Called “Clove." The word '‘clove” has come down I from the French word “clou,” which means a nail, because of the resem blance, partly real and partly fanciful, which the dried clove bears to a nail. Cloves in Commerce. The ciovc tree has been introduced into the western world and now is, and ..'or more than a eentury has been, grown in Brazil, Guiana and the Wesi Indian islands. Clove trees now grow n groves in the island cf Mauritius, where plantations were set out under the auspices of the French in the eighteenth century, and in Zanzibar md Pemba. These last named islands, jff the east coast of Africa, have be come important producers of cloves, lava and Sumatra, in the east, also wake their contribution to the world’* apply of cloves. LOCATION NOTICES. PROOF OF LABOR. ">d all mining blanks far sale at The Tribune Stationery Store.