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The Goldfield News ISSFFD EVERY FRIDAY JAMES F. O'BRIEN, - Editor and Proprietor Subscriptions Payable in Advance One Vear - $5.00 Three Months - J1.25 Six Months • 2.50 Single Copies - .to Commercial advertisements $2.50 an inch per month. Local reading notices 15 cents a line. Entered at the Goldfield postoffice for trans mission through the mails at second class rates. A SEVEN-COLUMN PAPER The new presses, type, paper cntter, etc., which will enable 1 he News to is sue a seven column paper, have arrived and it is hoped to get them into position in time to issue the enlarged paper next week. For extra dispatch in forwarding the shipments we are under obligations anil return sincere thanks to the South ern Pacific and V. and T. railways, Hu perintendent Tripp of the Tonopah rail road and Harry Hudson. Under the heading “Local News on Every Page.” the Reese River Reveille reproduces an item from The News and credits it to the “Goldfield Sun.’ Ihe Reveille is informed that at present The News is the only paper published in the Goldfield district, but there are rumors of something like a dozen more for the near future. The August number of the Sunset Magazine, which will soon be out, con tains a nicely illustrated article on Gold field. written l>y the editor of The News. As the illustrations in the Sunset are usually superb, it will make the hand somest and best advertisement the dis triot has yet had. The national democratic convention has made its nominations and Alton B. Parker, of New York, and Henry G. Da vis. of West Virginia, will oppose Theo dore Roosevelt, of New York, and Charles W. Fairbanks, of Indiana. Mr. Parker announces that he is in favor of the gold standard. The soliciting committee to raise funds for lire apparatus are now at work. Gold field is in urgent need of tire protection and tin1 committee should meet with the utmost encouragement in their laudable efforts for the public good. The Wells Ileral.l invites prosper... candidates for political office to make announcements through its columns at $10 per announce. "No $ll), no an nouncement,” is the frank way the Her ald puts it. The last issue of The Goldfield News was printed in red and blue and was a neat piece of work. Reese River Reveille. NEWS FROM HAWTHORNE (Special Correspomlenc.) The grand jury of Esmeralda comity was in attendance upon the District Court at Hawthorne on the 8tli of July. In the case of the State against W. .1 Kepler tiny found an indictment against the defendant charging him with an as sault with intent to kill In the case of the State against How ard Sharp the grand jury failed to return an indictment against the defendant. The suieties on the bail bond of Sharp were released and the defendant discharged. In view of the strong showing made against the defendant by the depositions taken at the preliminary examination and the six witnesses who testified before the grand jury, most of whom testified at tin* i preliminary examination, it was some thing of a surprise that the defendant was not indicted. It seems that the pre conceived opinions of the grand jurors as to the had character of the deceased was the controlling factor in the case, and even outweighed the sworn evidence. The grand jury, who did not even have the power to imprison the defendant, or place him in jeopardy of life or limb, in taking the matter entirely out of the hands of atrial jury, did not establish a precedent worthy to be followed. S. (’. As Enthusiastic as Any. As enthusiastic as any mining man who lias visited Goldfield, Nev. was Johu W. Langley, who returned from camp yes terday morning. He reports no fewer than seven mines now producing ore of excellent quality, the best evidence of the class of ore is that at the January, which has now been productive of over §200,0' 0, all of this since February 20th last. The management there is just now opening up the 200-foot level, and will begin r aising the milling ore which must be at the surface before the expiration of the lease. At the Combination Mr. Lang ley reports the metallic contents of the sulphides better than the free milling rock. On the Jumbo, he says, 12 leases are now in operation, eight of which are in ore, some of which is of most sensa tional quality. He also reports import ant strikes at Diamondfield. conspicuous among them those in the Daisy and Ver nal.—Salt Lake Tribune. A Popular Game. Now that apples are coming into mar ket the game of apples will soon become popular in Goldfield. This is the way it is played: A voting man calls on his girl bringing along a small apple. When he thinks it is time, he throws the apple up in the air. If it comes down, he kisses the girl. If it stays up, he does not. WHAT SMELTER MAN SAYS And Tet There Are Many Who Doabt and Doubt. Not only is Goldfield out of Tonopnh a most phenomenal camp, said Geo. E. Gnnn, field representative of the Ameri can Smelting and Refining company, on his return from there yesterday, but it presents many of the possibilities of a ('ripple Creek, and in another year should become one of the greatest sources of gold the country has ever known. It is already demonstrated to his satisfaction that the January and Combination are mines, making money for their owners as well as the lessees, while values in the Jumbo are nothing less than astonishing — some of the ore worth over plumper sack. Mr. Gunn, who rarely enthuses, confessed that on his visit to Goldfield sentiment had been forced to relax. —Salt Lake Tribune. RAILROAD COMING AT ONCE President John W. BrocK Is Author ity for the Statement. C. H. Elliott, the Touopali broker, re ceived a letter from Philadelphia this week in which the writer stated that John W. Brock, president of the Tono pah Railroad company and of the Tom) pah Mining company, had announced definitely that the railroad would be con tinned to Goldfield immediately upon its completion to Tonopnh. How is that for a seven months-old camp? Railroad to Goldfield. W. 8. Williams, the broker, made a bet of a fine suit of clothes with J. W. Briggs, of Tonopnh, that the Tonopnh railroad would be extended and trains running into Goldfield by January first next. Columbia Assay Office JOHN MASON, Assayer COLUMBIA, NEW - Goldfield Minin); District Chester B. Ellis & Co. STOCK BROKERS Unlisted Western Minins, Oil and Industrial Stocks 511-12 Hearst Bid;. SAN PRANCISCO inside Prices on Tonopah and Goldfield Stocks iMiib inaau noxij.-wtfcr.-wKc.uka..^auwr CLUB•CAFE HARRY WILSON, Prop. Best of Everything to Eat --AT ALL HOURS L. H. CONLEY Nevada Art Decorative Company Paper Hanging, Glazing. Graining, Sign Writing. General House Painting Complete Stock of Oils, Paints and Glass Estimates Cheerfully Furnished MAIN STREET, Opposite Palace Stables BARTON PITTMAN & CO. MINING BROKERS Goldfield and Tonopah Stocks THE PEARL RESTAURANT W. E. LINTON. Prop. BOARD BY WEEK OR MONTH 21 Heals for $9.00 «... nr r0i,j Ro*ha 7Sr $35.00 per Month not or co,a Hatnh’ 7Sc Main street, - Goldfield, Nevada M. A. BULLARD Contractor and Builder ’Dobe Buildinic and Plastvrinv a Specialty Leave orders at Speuker <fr Miller's WONACOTT a HALL Goldfield and Tonopah Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors Goldfield Branch Office with K. Marks Co. Our new Hearse has recently arrived TJ C. KING, D. I>. S. DENTIST OFFICE: Esmeralda Lodging House Goldfield, Nev Saturday afternoon and Sun day morning of each week M ILTON M. DETCH Attorney-At-Law Conveyancing Incorporating Mining Litigation a Specialty Goldfield, - Nevada E. R. COLLINS Justice of the Peace Goldfield, - - Nevada HU. LIND ♦ Attorney-at-law ANDREW F. BURLEIGH of New York City Associate Counsel. MINING AND COKPOUATIOX LAW Goldfield, - - Nevada This Space is Reserved We Buy and Sell Tonopah and ^ Goldfield Stocks w Exclusive y Therefore we can always quote hest prices and make quick de W liveries. Keep posted by read yi\ ing our market letters- sent free. W e are in constant touch with all markets. Write either office Frank L. Kreider & Bro. Drf.xki, Crossi.f.y Philadelphia San Francisco THE Goldfield Feed Yard M. S. Sharp, Prop. East Side, South Main Street Ki^hty-foot Shed and Free Water in Corral lor patrons HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Water delivered to any part of the district at reasonable rates Goldfield Vindicator MINING COMPANY Offers a chance to the public to help develop a mine. Company owns lour claims NEAR GOLDFIELD The New Randsburg of Nevada Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value $1.1 Treasury stock 500.000 shares. First block ot 50,000 shares now ottered at 10 CENTS PER SHARE Order Now Send for Prospectus- — Address the Company at 402 It. F.'WAI.KER HI. 1)0., salt I.uke City. Utah Western Ore ■“ Purchasing Co. CHAS. SNYDER, Mgr. BF.NO, NEV. Ores Sampled and Purchased in Transit Highest Cash 1’iice paid for all Gold, Silver, Lead and Copper Ores Correspondence Solicited Goldfield Drug Store Pure Drugs and Chemicals Patent Medicines, Perfum ery, Toilet Articles, Soaps and Cigars, Medicinal Wines and Liquors. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded M.-MULLER, Druggist MOORE & O’BRIEN Livery,Feed & Sale Stable FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS HAY, GRAIN ANI) WATER Delivered to all parts of the e’itv Rigs for Prospecting Surrounding Country At Reasonable Rates South Main St., Goldfield J. D. LOTHROP I carry the most complete line of — Groceries Hardware Stationery *"a Gents’ Furnishings In Town DEPOT FOR Sperry Flour Hercules Powder GOLDFIELD, NEVADA AGENCY OF THE STATE BANK AND TRUST CO. (OF CARSON CITY. NEVADA) Tonopah, - Nevada CASH CAPITAL. $200,000 A general Tanking business transacted. Exchange bought and sold on all |>arts of the world. Mining stocks bought and sold. Correspondence solicited. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. T. 13. Rickey, Pres. Geo. H. Meyers, 1st Vice Pres. T. Render. 2d Vice Pres. G. \V. Richard. Cashier. Geo. W. Cowing. A-st. Cashier. P. H. Peterson J. P. Woodbury Geo. \V. Marks W. I rougher BANKING HOURS: 0 a. in. to 12 in., i p. in. to 3 p. in. Saturdays, <j a. m. to 12 in. Bank closes Sundays and holidays. SPENKER & MILLER CO. (incorporated) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries, Building and Mining Hard ware, Paints, Oils, Glass, Stoves, Ranges CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE COLDFIELD, NEVADA THE COMBINATION CELLAR V W. S. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Straight Goods and Case Goods a Specialty The most complete stock iu Goldfield of the best brands of liquors DRAW YOUR DRINK STRAIGHT FROM THE BARREL E. MARKS & CO. Clothing, Cents’ Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Furniture, House Furniture and Carpets GOLDFIELD, NEV. Esmeralda Lodging House MAIN STREET, opposite Lothrop's store Newly Furnish' d Rooms and CLEAN BEDS HOT AND COLD BATHS MRS. E. LA PORTE, Proprietor ALBERT S. WATSON, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE -DEALER IN Tonopah and Goldfield Mining Stocks l Houses Bought. Sold and Rented ' Office—Main Street Above Merchant Hotel TONOPAH, NEV.