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The Goldfield news. [volume] (Goldfield, Nev.) 1904-1911, July 22, 1904, Image 1

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The Goldfield News
“All that’s New and True of the Greatest Gold Camp Ever Known”
VOL. I. No. 13.
Goldfield, Esmeralda County, Nevada, Friday, July 22,1904.
Price 10 Cents.
Dick Colburn is back from Frisco.
H. C. Marcus is in camp this week.
John Wheeler was out from Tonopah
T. E. Edwards was out from Tonopah
Frank Burke, of Cripple Creek was an
arrival Wednesday.
County Commissioner McNitt was in
Goldfield the first of the week.
The gun club expects to have a shoot
tomorrow afternoon at 3 o’clock.
T. D. Vandevort, the newspaperman of
Tonopah. was in camp last week.
.T. M. Sutcliffe and John Beckman
were out from Tonopah on Sunday.
Capt. Haslem. a prominent mining ex
pert of New York is in camp this week.
Henry Elms, of the Lucky Boy, is at
Tonopah on a supply purchasing mission.
Dr. T. A. Turner, a new arrival from
Pioche, expects to locate and practice his
M. J. Sullivan, representing a hard
ware house of San Francisco, was in
town today.
Geo. S. Briggs, the painter, has gone
to Tonopah to work ou the Boats for
Railroad Day.
W. J. Stoueham, the mining engineer,
at present on the Bonanza, was out from
Tonopah Sunday.
H. B. Lind, the attorney and broker,
haf beed in Tonopah all week on im
portant business.
J. C. Boyd, formerly in charge of the
Guston mine at Red Mountain, Colorado,
came in 1 uesday.
W. J. Monroe, connected with the bus
iness office of the San Francisco Exami
ner spent a couple of days this week in
A large and commodious glass case, to
be used for the display of choice speci
mens of ore found in this section, has
been placed iii the Palace.
Messrs. Curtis & Ridge have returned
from Reno with big fat. smiles ou their
faces as a result of tile valuation put
upon their ore by the sampler.
Editor Branson, of the lonopah nun.
hs^l the misfortune to lose liis mother
by death last Saturday. Mrs. Branson
was 71 tears of age and died in Seattle.
The Goldfield baseball learn is practic
ing very faithfully and confidently ex
pects lo beat both Touopah and Keno for
the state championship on Uailroad Day.
Geo. Badgett, of the Montana-Tono
pah company, was in towii\this week in
specting the Portland and Bull Con
groups, m which his company is inter
Marshall D. Draper, of Denver, Colo.,
mining engineer re. resenti/ig the Ameri
can Exploitation Co., was among the ar
rivals Sunday and is investigating the
A dog which is owned in the south
part of town bit the young sou of M. L.
Holt at noon today. If the cur is living
tonight ii will be because of poor marks
Frank Grahlman and family are new
arrivals from Loomis, Wash. The gen
tleman is a partner in the new soda water
factory, which is to begin operations iu a
few days.
S. D. Brastow, superintendent, D.
J. Farrell, route agent, and Henry Cut
ting. Goldfield and Touopah agent of the
YVells-Fargo Express company, were in
camp last Sunday. \
\V. S. Williams entertained the follow
ing gentlemen at the Peerless last nidht
with a chicken dinner and “ektra dry”
trimmings: C. H. Elliott, O O. Kincaid,
li. L. Colburn and A. E. Barnes.
A fairly good crowd attended the Cath
olic church benefit ball in Elliott’s hall
last Friday evening. What was lacking
numerically was made up iu jollity, and
a most enjoyable evening was spent. i
Slightly disfigured, *‘01e” Ellio t, vic
tim of a receut acetyleue gas explosion
appeared on the streets last Saturday,
and lias since been attending to business.
The same can be said of G. A. Harder.
A Goldfield business man, who is iu a
position to know, says that last Thurs
day upwards of SlUO.tklO worth of busi
ness in mining and real estate circles was
transacted. All of which is going some.
Goldfield is the town in which to buy
real estate, and the best place for a resi
dence is in the East Addition, A good
view of all the mines and surrounding
country. W. I. Booth, agent, at Photo
Gallery. *
Wiseman & Haggerty, who have se
cured a lease ou the lot between the Na
tional and Grand cafes, have begun the
manufacture of sun dried bricks, to be
used in the construction of their new
W. F. Lynch, of lieno, is visiting his
father, W. J. Lynch, in this city. Ti:e
young mau is to remain in Goldfield un
til August 1st. when he returns to lus
home and enters the State University as
Mining News of the Week
The Jumbo is to the front again this week with
two new strikes of rich ore, the first being in the
lease of McDonald and Fuller, between the Curtis
and Itidge and Kernick and Bowes. Surface trenching
on this lease disclosed no pay values but a shaft was
sunk and in a crosscut from the 50-foot point three feet
of ore was struck which averages $400 per ton. The
lessees are now sacking ore and will soon ship.
* Another strike was made on the Curtis and Ridge
lease in a new shaft which is being sunk to connect
with the Harvey shaft, and which is 125 feet to the
north. Two feet of ore was encountered here which
will go $416 to the ton. The first shaft which Curtis
and Ridge started is now down 150 feet ami has passed
through the ledge which at this point contained only
good milling values. Smelter returns have been re
ceived on the first two carloads sent out, and returns
from the third will come tomorrow. While exact fig
ures are not given out as yet, it can be definitely stated
that the first carload is the richest ever shipped from
Goldfield, and the first two carloads are the richest
two ever handled by the Reno Sampling Works. In
the little more than 50 days since Curtis and Ridge
started work they have produced about 150 tons of this
high grade ore, most of which is at or on the road to
the smelters.
The Kcrnick an<l Bowes lease is producing six tons
daily from a drift at the 50-foot level, averaging $250
per ton. The shaft is down 150 feet and crosscutting
started from this point, as well as drifting both ways
at the 100-foot level. ,
The rich streak on the \ ermilyea & Bartlett lease
still maintains the average width of six inches and the
values continue phenomenal. The streak is now
oiiened up to a depth of 10 feet and 15 feet in length.
Owing to its extreme richness, the work of opening it
up is necessarily slow.
On the lease of George \Y . Richard and C. 11. hlliott
the showing continues good and there are 170 sacks of
ore now ready for shipment.
The Zinn lease will soon be in shape for greater pro
duction. The gasoline hoist is being erected under the
direction of Homer La Lime. The surface strike re
ported last week is not as rich as thought, but 8
inches will go better than $200 per ton. Two feet at
the 50-foot level is now running $250 to £100 per ton.
Columbia Mountain Co.
Four men are at work on the Columbia Mountain
Company’s property and have framed up the entrance
for the tunnel. Hilly Sinclair says some of the assays
already received are very interesting.
The St. Ives.
The leases of Geo. McClelland and the Joshua Club
on the St. Ives are maintaining a good showing. Mr.
McClelland picked several sacks of ore from the waste
dump of his lease during the week which goes $227 to
the ton.
The January.
In the 85-foot level of the January the lessees have
run into a white speckled quartz which Tom Heslip
says contains crystallized tellurium and which goes
from 50 to 100 ounces in gold. In the 112-foot level
they have encountered an 18-inch streak which aver
ages $215 to $240 per ton.
StriKe On The Lone Star.
The Dunwoody lease on the Lone Star has a streak of
ore two feet wide that pans from $100 to $200 per ton.
The pavstrcak is widening as depth is gained.
Florence Lease No. 3.
At a depth of 120 feet this lease is in better ore than
ever and it is believed an entirely new ledge has been
encountered. Eighty tons of rich ore went out this
week and W. W. Elkins, one of the lessees, has gone to
Salt Lake to look after the shipment when it arrives.
T. A. Robinson has bean in Gold field
for a few days considering the advisa
bilitv of opening a genera merchandise
store. He is from Bangor, Ore., and
says this is the greatest gold camp he
was ever in.
Several papers have stated that the
Nve aud Ormsby County batik was to
stait a branch in Goldfield at once, but
the officials do not verify the statement,
though it is probable they will do so iu
the near future.
Charles Garrett, A1 Harwood aud the
Sparks Bros., recently secured a b ase on
the Jumbo and Vernal Extension ground.
They began work on the property Tues
day and say that they will prosecute the
work vigorously.
Charles Kind, of E. Marks’ store, is to
go to Tonopah on Sunday to take m the
great celebration and will remain during
the week. During his absence J. F. Sul
livan, of Tonopah, will have charge of
the Goldfield store.
Arthur Kunze, a brother of Max
Kunze, of Goldfield, was iu town last
Saturday. The gentleman is manager of
the Ray Consolidated Mining company,
at Ray,’and says that Ins place looks like
8"cents beside of Goldfield.
The banner carried by the childreu on
the Fourth of July and the small st ream
ers with the names of the states have
not been returned as yet. The ladies
request that whoever has them will leave
them at this office or with Airs. Moore.
Tonopah’s Eagle aerie is figuring on a
swell time next Sunday night. About
85 uufeathered birds are to he endowed
with the plumage of the order, attended
with the usual fly time. Then the next
day all will join the procession iu honor
of the railroad reaching Tonopah.
When six miles out of Tonopah, on
Monday, the wagon containing the 6,1-00
pound safe of the State Bank, and -trust
company, destined for Goldfield, upset, |
which caused much trouble aud delayed
its arrival in this city until late Wednes
day night.
Clarence Sliaron, of Virginia City, was
a visitor in Coldfield last Saturday lbe
gentleman was very enthusiastic over the
possibilities of this wonderful camp and
expiessed luniself to the effect that he
might soon erect a brewery and ice plant,
to be operated conjointly.
Jas. A. Donovan and associates, leas
ing on Combination No. 3, uncovered a
4-foot ledge yesterday, the quartz clear
across being plentifully sprinkled with
free gold. No assays have been secured
as yet. but the amount of visible gold
proves that it is very rich.
On Tuesday Capt. J. H. Bradley and
Isaac McKay' purchased from Elmer J.
Chute the northeast corner lot on Main
and Ramsey streets. While the new
owners have not determined positively
what they will do with the property, it is
probable that they will erect a two-story
building 25x60 feet, the first tloor to be
let as a storeroom and the second to be
used as a fraternity hall. The new own
ers have not decided when they will be
gin the work of construction.
Wm. Bell, employed on the Curtis &
Ridge lease, is an applicant for the posi
1 tiou of justice of the peace of Goldfield,
' to succeed Judge Collins, whose resigua
tion is iu the hands of the county com
missioners. His petition has received a
large number of signatures. Mr. Bell
was the city marshal of Victor. Colo.,
in 1895, and his friends claim that he is
conversant with the law sufficiently to
administer justice, and enjoys the repu
tation among his fellowmen as being an
honest and honorable gentleman.
M. C. Scully returned Sunday from
San Francisco, where he had been for a
month with his family, ai d at the same
time attending to business. He succeeded
in interesting such capitalists as Lewis
Glass, of the San Francisco Telephone
company; 11. W. Payne, head of the
Southern Pacific hospital; V. T. McGil
Jicuddy, ex-president of the school of
miues of South Dakota, and others in
the formation of the Goldfield Bulls and
Hears Mining company. The capital
stock was placed at $jl,U0.i,U()0. The
company will at once place machinery on
the ground and soon begin actual opera
tions on their 11 claims, which lie close
to the Bed Top and St. Ives. H. J. Wat
son has been selected as superintendent
of the company’s properties.
Short Mining Notes.
The Hazel Kirk-Goldfield Miuing com
pany has been getting some fair pannings
trom the Union Jack claim.
C. W. Kinney, of Sacramento, has
purchased the Gray Eagle group of 8
claims, adjoining the Montezuma.
At a depth of 8 feet M. C. Scully is
getting good pannings on one of the
claims of the bulls and Bears groups.
The winze on the Cook Bros, and Stim
rnt-1 lease on the Florence has now at
tained a total depth of 190 feet and a
cross ledge with small values has been
F. C. Carlson, of San Francisco, has
bonded a group of claims at Kane
springs and another group at McLaugh
hu’s wells. It is the gentleman’s iuten
tiou to work the properties exteus.vely.
The Goldfield-Silver Pick Miuing com
pany has been incorporated by A. D.
Myers, T. D Murphy and Milton Detcb.
i he compauy owns four valuable claims
lying between the Combination and Co
lumbia mountain.
Ou the Common wealth a crosscut tun-1
nel is being run to the ledge which is now j
in 85 feet and good pannings are being j
secured from the porphyry. J. Dalrymple .
has taken a lease on the Holdup claim of.
the Commonwealth group,
Ou the Quartzite Fraction “Diamond
field Jack” Davis has 3 feet of ore, at a
depth of 8 feet, which averages $JHi to
the ton. He has also opened up auother
ledge ou the Daisy Fraction which as
says as high as $100 and averages $30
across 3 feet.
Ou Wednesday Messrs. Triplett, Day
and Bruce, who have a lease on the Com
bination Fraction, encountered blue por- (
phyry at 50 feet, which ruus about $12. j
They expect to strike sulphides within
the next 15 feet. The property is owned
by Myers & Murphy.
C. B. Higginson sold a large block of
his Jumbo uud Vernal Extension stock
this week, receiving therefor a tidy sum.
C. H. Elliott and Lind & Collius took
the most of it. There 1ms been a large
demand for this stock during the week
and it is believed to be one of the best
buys on the market.
Messrs. Myers, Murphy, Winkler,
Chute and Elliott on Thursday incorpo
rated the Goldfield-Commonwealth lin
ing and Milling company, to operate the
Commonwealth group,adjoining the Blue
Bull. There is a fine showing on this
property and it will make one of the
strongest companies in the district. The
company is capitalized for l.OtVU'OO
shares of the par value of SI each and
4U),GOO have been placed in the treasury.
Portland and Bull Con.
Louis Finnegan and J. F. Mitchell
have associated with them J. P. Hen
nei-sey. Geo. Wingfield. Frank Horton,
C. E. Knox. Geo. Badgett. li. P. Dunlap
and Malcolm Macdonald in the forma
tion of a company on the Portland group
and the Bull Con claim. The latter four
gentlemen are officials of the Vontnna
Toiiopah company and such a strong di
rectorate, backed by valuable claims, is
bound to prove a winner. The owners
believe they have located on their prop
erty one of the bonanza ledges of the
KeraicK Sells Jumbo.
George A. Kernick has sold nearly all
his interest in the Jumbo, receiving
therefor the sum of $137,500. With the
present showing of the Jumbo that
seems a paltry sum for his interest, but
it is a tidy sum to receive from an in
vestment of $100, and Mr. Kernick is
“willing to let the other fellow make
some money.” He still holds valuable
inteiests in the camp.
The Midway.
C. II. Elliot, the broker, has purchased
the Midway claim, located one and one
half miles this sitle of Diamomlfield
from Graham Bros., and will probably
incorporate a company to operate the
same. The Midway has a fine looking
ledge 8 feet wide, and assays from
portions of the same have run as high
as $1120 per ton.
Copper Property Bonded.
L. L Patrick and W. F. Patrick have
taken a working bond for one year on
the copper property owned by Frank
Everett. J. It. Duffield and associates and
which is situated about 10 miles south
west of Stonewall mountain. The price
is $3110,000. Under the agreement the
minimum number of men to be worked
during the year is six.
A $40,000 Sale.
I)r. White Wolf, Diamondfield Jack
Davis, Van Spaulding and B. J. Riley
on Friday sold the Red Butte No. 2
group of claims near Diamondfield the
consideration being $40,000. The pur
chasers are California people.
Goldfield Blue Bell M. Co.
Jack Mernin, Benny Haseltine and
Lou Finnegan have incorporated the
Goldfield Biue Bell Mining Company to
operate the Blue Bell group, which
joins the Algae on the north. There is
a fine showing, but the location alone
makes the claims very valuable.
The fiuest of job priutiug at this office.
, Was Prepared to Discount the Press
Reports From Goldfield.
T. R. Woodbridge, representing Tay
lor & Brunton, who have large sampling
works in Colorado, Utah and Montana,
was here last week and as a result of
his visit it is almost certain that his
firm will have a sampling works in
Goldfield in the near future. The gen
tleman who introduced Mr. Woodbridge
to the reporter said: “I have taken
this gentleman over the mines this
morning and he is amazed at the show
ing.” “ ‘Amazed’ doesn’t express it,”
said Mr. Woodbridge. “It is simply 1**
yond the bounds of credulity until one
sees these things for himself. I had
read your paper and made the usual al
lowance for exaggeration, but I find you
haven’t put it as big as it is by any
Arrivals in Goldfield This Week.
The Goldfield—Robert Marr, Oregon:
F Carlson, J. E. Lutz, J. Snowgoose, H.
8. Swenson, San Francisco; W. H. Rout
ledge, Lone Mountain; C. .1. Sharon.
Virginia City; — Parsons, Reno; J. and
H. Cook, Tonopah: M D. Draper. Den
ver: S. J. Baldwin. Salt Lak<u O. F.
Riebel. Atlanta.
Cassia’s—John O'Keefe, Sodaville; A.
Bestaudig. C. Judway, J. Elkus. San
Francisco; Geo. Jefferies, A. Nixon,Reno;
L. Boyd, Cripple Creek; W. Coburn, J.
C. McKeuzio, L. Karnes, Tonopah.
Other arrivals—G. W. Richard, Judge
Ray, E. J. Lange. Dr. Garner, Harry
Lefkovits. T. E. Edwards, J. M. Sutliffe,
John Beckman, T. D. Vandevort, \V. •>.
Stonehfiin. Tonopah: Captain Cox, W. F.
Lynch. A. Greenlaw. Reno, T. A. Robin
son. Bangor, Ore.; Dr. Wheeler,Chicago;
James v aher, Sumpter, Ore : Geo. Wen
wood. M. Tenker Tuolumne, Calif.; F. J.
Lothrop. Salt Lake; F. W. McLean, II.
D Allert, Langdon. N. D.; Dr. 15. E.
Burger. San Jose; G. L. Brown. Oak
land; H. C. Parrett, Boston; Frank
Grahlmun and family, Loomis. Wash.;
Arthur Kunze, Ray, Nev.; W. W. Mu
lock, Sodaville: Elihn Palmer, Denver;
W. D. Lockwood, W. O’Neil, W. J. Lan
gevin, Sacramento; J. B. Treadwell, M.
J. Sullivan, W. E. Devan, W. J. Mnuro,
San Francisco; Dr. T. A. Turner, Pioche.
Notes From Columbia.
J. P. Brissel, formerly townsite agent
at Columbia and who resigned that po
sition to make room for popular Will
Marsh, lias now resigned as agent for
•lim Butler. Kenneth Donellan is said
to be slated for the position and “Don"’
is all right.
An eight-horse team arrived Wednes
day loaded with lumber for new build
The building of George Wingfield and
Tom Aubrey is nearly completed.
Jerry Ahern, of Toliopah, will put in
a branch store at Columbia, which will
be in charge of Mtssrs. Jarvis and Co
Ed. Wheece was out during the week
and contemplates putting in a lumber
yard and hardware store.
A number of dinner parties were taken
care of by Casey of the Merchants’ dur
ing the week in his usual satisfactory
style. *
Mineral Exhibit Railroad Day.
N. M. Simons was out from Tonopah
today collecting specimens and sacks of
ore from Goldfield mineB to be exhibited
during the celebration of Railroad Day.
A sack of ore from the Keruick and
Bowes lease, worth §.1000 will be among
the exhibits, as well as a bar of gold
worth §12,500 produced from the rich
streak in the Vermilyea & Bartlett lease.
In addition rich ore will be sent in which
will be panned in the presence of the
visitors, giving them ocular demonstra
tion of the value.
Knights of Pythias.
All Knights of Pythias resident in
Goldfield are cordially invited to meet
Saturday evening, duly 30lh, at J. R.
Dufiield’s office, for the purpose of form
ing a club. J. R. Duffield,
L. O. Ray.
Is There Mach Building?
Two yards in Goldfield received 152.
000 feet of lumber during the week. This
was for building purposes alone, and
does not include mining timbers, etc.
Death Of Adolph Kornblah.
Adolph Kornbluli, who has had a laun
dry in Goldfield for several months, died
this morning at 10:30 after an illness of
but two days.
The St. Frances Goldfield Miuing Co.
offers 15 mining claims, throughout the
central part ot the mineral zone, and of
proven values, for lease and bond on fa
vorable terms. Surveying and assess
ment work completed, and abstracts of
title ready for inspection. Hank Smith,
the mining expert, will exhibit these
properties to applicants, at the corpora
tion’s expense. Apply to
Dk. Fkances E. Williams,
General Manager,
Office adjoining Mallon’s Assay oflice.

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