Newspaper Page Text
The Goldfield News ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY JAMES F. O'BRIEN, - Editor And Proprietor St'BscRirTioss Payable in Advance One Year - $5.00 Three Mouths - $i.?5 Six Months • 2.50 Single Copies - .to Commercial advertisements Ja.50 an inch per month. I.ocal reading notices 15 cents a line. Entered at the Goldfield postoffice for trans mission through the mails at second class rates. Mr. ami Mrs. Jim Butler have given to the Touopnh Kailroad Day fund. H. S. Swenson, an all ’round newspa per until recently from California, arrived in lioldtield on Sunday and has joined the staff of The News. Goldfield will be well represented at Tonopah on Railroad Day. A bunch of thirty-five good fellows are to lie fitted with Eagle’s wings Sunday night and a crowd of their friends will go m to see how they look after being so fitted. In addition, many others have announced their intention of going. The additional presses, type, etc., for Thk News are in plac., but the newspa per press is not in running order yet, and the enlarged paper will not appear until next week. For several weeks we have been forced to leave out good news and cut down on space of much that went in. It will be a pleasure to our readers, as well as to otuselves, when we are able to more nearly reach the standard set for The N ews. WILL PURCHASE HOSE The Volunteer Fire Department of Goldfield Gets Down to Business. There was a small attendance at the iceting called to consider the matter of lire protection in Elliot’s hall Monday i veiling. Presumably the hour was too early for some and too late for others. ('. M. Smith, president of the volun teer tire department, was in the chair. .1. U. 1 bitfield, chairman of the com mittee appointed to solicit funds where with to purchase the necessary tire fighting apparatus, reported that $4d0 had been subscribed, lie thought that the amount should have been $7.10 in order to have more paraphernalia, titer some discussion the chairman appointed Messrs. l'Hcr, Petcli, .Mur hIiv, Barm'S ami Elliott a committee to collect tlm money subscribed, and more, if jh ssible, and at once have tire pluys put in and purchase some hose. The committee was j_dven ]>o\ver to act and act at once. The law permits county commis sioners to contribute to the funds of any community desiring to organize and purchase tire-tiyhtiny apparatus, and Judye Collins ventured the opinion that if the Esmeralda commissioners were properly approached some assistance would no douht he secured. A letter was read from .1. .1. McKen zie, chief of the Tonopah lire depart ment, conyratulatiny the (toldfield vol unteers on the election of Claude Inman for their chief. Then a sine die ad journment was taken. On Wednesday the committee to which was intrusted the power to pur chase hose, etc., ordered from San Fran cisco, to he forwarded hy express, 300 feet of 2-inch hose, three nozzles and cix wrenches, and from Tonopah, three fire plujrs or hydrants. Rushing WorK on ClarK Railroad. Col. H. B. Maxson. who is state ayent of the Sail Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Like ma I, has ivtn npd from Salt Lake City,where he has been enyayed on work connected with the mad and make- a very interesting report, says the St de Journal. On tiie 13th of this month President Boss Clark opened the hids, which were all in by tlie I Ith of July, and awarded the work to the Utah Con struction company. The distance from the two ends of the track at present is only 131 miles and the work is bemy completed rapidly. When ttie Chirk road is finished it will mean yreat thinys fo the State of Nevada, and especially that portion thronyh which it runs. The district throuyh which the mad will yo i, very rich in mineral laud aud only needs a railroad to develop its resources, l’iie people of that pi rtion of the state ealize that fact and aiedoiny ever y tLiny in their power to further the work of the new line. Ogden People StriKe It Rich. W. J. Dallimore, of Ogden, who was in the city last week, is exulting over the fact that he made a "ten strike" when he got in on a mining proposition in the new inning camp of Goldfield. Nev., says the Silt Lake Mining iieview. Mr. Dalii more is a stockholder in the Ogdeu-Gold rield Mining company which has a gUii foot lease on the a urn ho lode. The com pany has already shipped two carloads of ore that were disposed of at a very hand some figure, and more ore, of even higher grade, will soon he on the market. As a matter of fact, the company is in "clo ver,” and still better things are look< d for.” Announcement. Notice is hereby given that those who mve engaged lots in Columbia can have contracts for the same by calling upon the undersigned. 2t W. A. Mahbh, Agent. \V. I. Booth, the photographer, has a d ie selection of views of Goldfield and mines; also, dots portrait work. Gal* ierv opposite Goldfield Lodging house, on .•aiu street. Drop iu at the Merchants’, Columbia, for a good meal. You know us. * Vcrmilyea Has An Accident. I,ast Friday afternoon about 4 o’clock, Lawyer Vermilvea, while engaged in panning some ore on his Jumix* lease, met with a distressing as well as serious accident. He had occasion to use dome ammonia which was in a pint bot tle. The bottle had been exposed to I the rays of the sun for some time, and when Mr. Vermilvea uncorked it the 1 fluid flew into his face and eyes, blind j ing him and causing him intense pain. A messenger was at once sent for Dr. Howland, who hastened to the side of the injured man and applied the needed remedies. Saturday morning Mr. Ver milyea left for his home at Bishop, Cal., ; to remain until wholly recovered. Dr. Howland received a message from Mr. Vermilvea on Tuesday, in which he stated that he was getting along nicely, and that while his eyes pained him somewhat, lie was able to rest them, and that he exjiectcd to return to Cold field early next week. Mr. Vermilyea’s friends certainly hoiie that no ja'rma nent ill effects w ill result from the ac cident. Stemple Fire Extinguisher. I have been appointed agent for t lie Stemple Fire Extinguisher for Coldfield. Many have used these in Tonopah and know they are the best fire extinguisher an the market. For prices, etc., call on or address Milton C Ish. Kansas City com fed meats, turkey chicken, and till tlie delicacies of the sea son at the Merchants’ Hotel, Columbia. Casey & Arden, proprietors. II. Wood, an experienced tinner, has opened a shop on Main street, opposite Thk News office. Air pipes, ore hoppers ■ and stencils a specialty. Dr. Bruce A. Meyer, dentist, recently I of Tonopah, is now located at the Inver | ness lodging house, Coldfield. + — The Merchants' Hotel, at Columbia, is ! the best place to take your friends if you want a first class dinner. * Location Notices and Certificates of Location (for recording; for sale at The News office. * TJ C. KING, D. !>. S. DENTIST OFHCE: CUTTING MII.UING ToNOPAII, - - N KVA DA Chester B. Ellis & Co. STOCK BROKERS Unlisted Western Minin;, Oil ard Industrial Stocks 511-12 Hearst Bid;. SAN FRANCISCO Inside Prices on Tonopah and Goldfield Stocks CLUB•CAFE HARRY WILSON, Prop Best of Everythingto Eat -AT ALL HOURS L. H. CONLEY Nevada Art Decorative Company Paper Hanging, ('.lazing. Graining, Sign Writing, General House Painting Complete Stock of Oils, Paints and Glass j - Estimates Cheerfully Furnished MAIN hTitlCET, Opposite I'alace Staliles BARTON PITTMAN & CO. MINING BROKERS Goldfield and Tonopah Stocks M. A. BULLARD Contractor and Builder 'Dohe Building and Plastering a Specialty Leave orders tit Sfietiker <fe Miller’s WONACOTT a HALL Goldfield and Tonopah Undertakers, Embalmers and Funeral Directors GolittieM Brunch Office with K. Marks Co. Our new Hearse has recently arrived M ILTOX M. DETCH Attorney-At-Law Conveyancing Incorporating Mining I.itigation a Specialty GotPFIKLP. * N EVAPA E. R. COLLINS Justice of the Peace Gold field. Nevada Hi*. MND ♦ ATTORNKY-AT-LAW ANOKKW F. nUKI.KIGH of New York City Associate Counsel MINING AND CORPORATION LAW Goldfield, - - Nevada Columbia Assay Office JOHN MASON, Assayer COLUMBIA, NEV. — Goldfield Mining District Tins Space is Reserved We Buy and Sell Tonopah and ^ Goldfield Stocks ^ Exclusively Therefore we can always quote hest prices anil make quick de V/ liveries. Keep posted l>v read /Y\ ing our market letters- sent free. We are in constant touch with all markets. Write either office Frank L. Kreider & Bro. I)k r:\Ei. Cuossi-f.y Philadelphia sari Francisco THE Goldfield Feed Yard M. S. Sharp, Prop. East Side, South Main Street l\i$jhty-foot Shed and Free Water in Corral lor patrons HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Water delivered to any part of the district at reasonable rates Goldfield Vindicator MINING COMPANY Offer* a chance to the public to help develop a mine. Company owns four claims NEAR GOLDFIELD The New Randsburg of Nevada Capitalization 1,000,000 shares. Par value $1.00 Treasury slock 500,000 shares. First block ot 50,000 shares now offered at 10 CENTS PER SHARE Send tor Prospectus- — Order Now Address the Company at 402 D F.'WAl.KUR HI.DO.. salt Lake City, Utah Western Ore Purchasing Co. CHAS. SNYDER, Mgr. ltKNO, NKV. Ores Sampled and Purchased in Transit Highest Cash Price paid for all Gold, Silver, Lead and Copper Ores Correspondence Solicited Goldfield Drug Store Pure Drugs and Chemicals Patent Medicines, Perfum ery, Toilet Articles, Soaps and Cigars, Medicinal Wines and Liquors. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded M. MULLER, Druggist MOORE & O’BRIEN Livery, Feed & Sale Stable FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS HAY. G R A I X A N I) WATER Delivered to all parts of the city Rigs for Prospecting Surrounding Country At Reasonable Rates South Main St., Goldfield J. D. LOTHROP I carry the most complete line of — Groceries Hardware Stationery — Gents’ Furnishings In Town DEPOT FOR Sperry Flour Hercules Powder GOLDFIELD, NEVADA AGENCY OF THE STATE BANK AND TRUST CO. (OF CARSON CITY. NEVADA) Tonopah, - Nevada CASH CAPITAL, *200,000 A general banking business transacted. Exchange bought and sold on all parts of the world. Mining stocks bought and sold. Corres]>ondence solicited. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. T. R. Rickey, Pres. Geo. H. Meyers, 1st Vice Pres. T. Render, 2dVice Pres. G. W. Richard, Cashier. Geo. W. Cowing. A-st. Casliier. P. H. Peterson J. P. Woodbury Geo. W. Mapes AV. I rougher BANKING HOURS: y a. in. to 12 in., i p. 111. to 3 p. in. Saturdays, y a. in. to 12 111. Bank closes Sundays and holidays, SPENKER & MILLER CO. (incorporated) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Groceries. Building and Mining Hard ware, Paints. Oils, Glass, Stoves, Ranges CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE COLDFIELD, - NEVADA Wholesale and Retail THE COMBINATION CELLAR V W. S. ELLIOTT, Proprietor Straight Goods and Case Goods a Specialty The most complete stock in Goldfield of the best brands of liquors DRAW YOUR DRINK STRAIGHT FROM THE BARREL E. MARKS cSc CO. \ Clothing, Gents’ Furnishings, Boots and Shoes, Furniture, House Furniture and Carpets COLDFIELD, NEV. Esmeralda Lodging House MAIN STREET, opposite Lothrop’s store Newly Furnished Rooms and CLEAN BEDS HOT AND COLD BATHS MRS. E. LA PORTE, Proprietor ALBERT S. WATSON, BEAL ESTATE AND INS0BANCE -DEALER IN - Tonopah and Goldfield Mining Stocks Houses Bought, Sold and Rented Office—Main Street _ ' Above Merchant Hotel TONOPAH, NET ?