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GOLDFIELD Is the town of the Goldfield Mining District, and always will be Look at the substantial building going on, and the increasing population, and you cannot doubt the above statement Real Estate Values have increased ten-fold in six months and are still advancing The purest of water piped through the streets. Telegraph and Telephone Communication with the outside world DESIRABLE LOTS now for Sale Address Goldfield Townsite Co. Goldfield Nevada Nye and Ormsby County Bank TONOPAH, NEVADA Capital, - $200,000.00 T. L. ODDIli, President JOHN S. COOK, Casbier D. M. RYAN, Vice Pres. R. M. MKDKR, Asst. Cashier. GEO. S. NIXON, Gen. Manager Residents of Goldfield are assured that we will give prompt and careful attention to all hanking matters entrusted to us. Only Fire-Proof Vault in Town WILLIAMS & TRABERT, PALACE LIVERY STABLE COLDFIELD AND TO NO PAH. General Freighting. First-class Rigs. W. S. WILLIAMS COMPANY, “The Goldfield Hustlers” Engineers. Mines and Mining Investments. STOCKS. BanK References When Requested. Reliable Reports on Goldfield Properties furnished. Give us a call. TONOPAH HARDWARE CO. - - Dealers in All Kinds ol Hardware, Tinware, Agateware, Refrigerators, Ice Coolers STOVES. RANGES AND PIPING Bids Given. Best of Workmanship Guaranteed Bids given Best of Workmanship Guaranteeed. Give ns a trial. Everything manufactured in Tin, Copper and sheet Iron line. Well equipped shop in connection. UPPER MAIN STREET GIVE US A CALL THE PALACE KENDALL & REILLY, Props. FIRST-CLASS in Every Particular. Large, elegantly furnished, electric lighted, clean, sunny rooms, class bar. serving only the best wines, liquors and cigars. First Attached to the Palace Hotel is the PALACE CAFE The Only First-class Dining Room in Tonopah. All the Delicacies of the Season. Try one of our Dinners, the finest in the state, We make a specialty ot dinners for balls and parties AL. MITR0V1CH and H. E. ZUMSTEIN, Proprietors CLAUDE M. SMITH 1)ISTR ICT K ECOK DKK GOLDFIELD. NEVADA Conveyancer am! Notary Public. Typewriting -- - jjlmer j. chute, m. k. Eng i n he r i x g and Surveying Maps of the Goldfield Mining District lor sale CHAS. L. HAYES Attorney and Counsel,dor-At Law Goldfield, Nevada Will Practice in all State and Federal Courts Agent for the Travelers Insurance Company of Hartford, Conn. QOLD FIELD ASSAY OFFICE ROBT. l.ANKA J. W. McGALLIARD jyjcLAUGHUN & HART ASSAYERS Main Street, - Goldfield, Xev. THE PEARL RESTAURANT W. E. LINTON, Prop. board by week or month 4 21 MeoU Hot or Cold Baths, 75c $35.00 per Month Main street, - Goldfield, Nevada C. e. JNMAN J. P. SANDERS Sanders & Inman CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Correspondence Solicited Estimates Furnished MAIN STREET Goldfield, Nevada GOLDFIELD Lumber Company DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF Dressed and Plain Lumber, Shin gles, Shakes, Etc. MINING TIMBERS A SPECIALTY Sash, Doors, and all kinds Building Material constantly on hand When you come to Goldfield, stop at The Goldfield Lodging House where all the leading mining men stop and are made to leel at home. First-class in every respect. MRS. ADD1E WILLIAMS. Proprietress. ANDRUS & FREY PROPRIETORS Goldfield Meat Market Choice cuts of meat always on hand Main Street, - Goldfield GOLDFIELD IS THE CAMP So a Denver Mining Man Tells the State Journal. Messrs. Wm. L. Wilson ami Elilin Palmer, of Denver, reached this city yes terday en route to Goldfield, and after looking over the sights here drove to Virginia City, desiring to view thnt coun try, which has liecnme exceedingly inter esting to them in view of the recent de velopments in the Goldfield section, says the Htnte Journal. Mr. Wilson is secretary and treasurer of the Rocky Mountain Securities com pany of Denver, which is operating in Goldfield and has been instrumental in developing mines in Cripple Creek, Cen tral City and Idaho Springs, Colo.. Thunder Mountain. Idaho and the oil fields of Kansas. His is the largest pro motion and development firm in Col orado. He said: ‘•Goldfield will be the greatest gold mining cnmp in the world. I have seen all the mining booms in the West and without exception Goldfield is starting more auspiciously than any in recent years. I shall not lie surprised if by January 1st the stampede of investors from New York, Philadelphia. Pittsburg and all other investment centers of the East, will be on vigorously because, prin ; cipally, there seems to be a greater run j promised for investors of money in Gold field than in any other place ever discov ered Practical results are destined to be accomplished with less expenditure for development than elsewhere, and in asmuch as the values are higher and the bodies of ore larger than preceding new camps have shown, this wonderful new Eldorado will command naturally nn ex trnordinnry amount of attention. I have the utmost confidence in its future.” RAILROAD DAY IN TONOPAH Three Days of Fun and Frolic Are Advertised. .Tilly 25th, ‘2(ith ami *27tli are the days on which Touopah will celebrate comple tion of the railroad to that place. The Eagles will he very much in evidence and it. is fafe to say that it, will be a red : letter day in the history of To no pah. The followin'; is an incomplete pro gram: Receiving visitors on the night of the 24th and morning of the 25th. .Tnlv 25th. grand parade at ‘2 p.m., crowning of ipieen and driving the golden spike; entertainment in opera house at night. •Inly 25th. firemen’s hose race, foot races, drilling match and baseball game i Goldfield vs. Tonopah. grand ball in the, evening given by the Fraternal Order of 1 Eagles. .Inly 27th. foot race from Nye County '■ bank to top of Mt. Oddie and return, hi-! cycle race, broncho busting contest boys’ I drilling match, ball game Reno vs. Touo pah or (Tol Ifi.-ld. whichever team wins i between Goldfield and Tonopah will play ' Reno, parade >n the evening and fire works. Carnival colors will be silver and gold. The Hazen Cut-Off. The Miner this week learned from an authoritative source that the Southern Pae fie company ha* definitely decided to construct a cut-off from the C k C.. | starting at a point 8 miles north of Wa- j buska and connecting with ttie main line at Hazen. a station 2~> miles east of! Wadsworth. The length of tie- proposed cut-off is 27 miles, and it will make a saving of 87 miles between Tonopah and Stilt Lake. The new line will enable the Southern Pacific to make a material re duction in the freight rates on ore ship ments to the Salt Lake smelters, as it will avoid the expensive transfer at Mound House nnd the somewhat ardu ous toll exacted by the V. & T. It is un derstood that as soon sis the cut-off is completed the Western Ore Purchasing company of Reno will erect a sampling works either at the point where the new road leaves the C. k 0.. or at Hazen. for the purpose of handling the ores from this district.—Tonopah Miner. Litigation at Columbia. John Chiatovich, of Silver Peak, has applied for an injunction against .1. L. Butler, Will Marsh and H. 0. Stimler to prevent them from diverting the water from Rabbit springs. These are the springs which supply the town of Colum bia with water. Mr. Chiatovich con tends that lie is the owner of the water. He also claims damages from defendants for loss of stock to the amount of §3,000, resulting from the death of horses on account of the scarcity of water. Plain tiff avers that he derived title from the government 18 years ago. — Tonopah Miner. Wantd. I want to buy half interest in a patent or claim where owner has a possible good gold producer, but no money to work same. No schemers need apply. State full particulars and amount needed i which must and shall be used to work the claim). Only honest, sober, practical miners, who have push and energy, need apply. Address G. F. There, P. O. Box 2886, Station S, Philadelphia, Pa. * Announcement. Having found a bountiful supply of wa ter (2,500 gallons and more per day j in my well on the Goldfield and Tonopah road, I am now prepared to furnish water for all stock that may come my way. W. H. Ramsey. Ramsey’s Weel, June 23, 1004. * Lodging House for Sale Bath in connection. Good location on Main street. Lot 25x100. Enquire at Esmeralda Lodging House. * Goldfield is the business center and center of population of the district. Buy a lot now—it will make you money. * Plenty of ice always on hand and for sale at the Merchants' Hotel, Columbia.* COLUMBIA The Coming Metropolis of the Goldfield District FINEST LOCATION PUREST WATER Two Fine Hotels Soon to be Built buy a lot before the advance W. A. MARSH, Agent, Columbia, Nevada — THE RED FRONT — LEFKOVITS a BRIN -—-Dealers in Groceries, Mining Supplies, Gents* Furnishing's, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Etc. Goods Delivered to All Parts of the District Outfitting of Prospectors a Specialty The Merchants’ Hotel TONOPAH, NEVADA CASEY $ ARDEN, Proprietors Elegantly Furnished Booms. Baths. Electric Lights, Call Bells, and all conveniences The Cafe is Supplied With the Best the Market Affords The Grand Cafe and Restaurant MAIN STREET, GOLDFIELD THE ONLY FAMILY RESORT IN GOLDFIELD We.make a specialty of Dinners for Halls and Parties Our rate is reasonable Chicken Dinner Every Sunday J. R. FROBERG, Proprietor H. M. GIBSON § Co! General Freighting Between Goldfield, Candelaria, and terminus of the Tonopah R. R. AVe are bonded agents, pay all freight charges and guarantee thorough satisfaction Have Freight Shipped in Our Care Pioneer Stage Line, Carries U. S. Mail. Stops for dinner at Klondike Well. Careful drivers and courteous agents. Peter Samuelson, Prop. Fare, always the same, $3.00 HARRY HUDSON Tonopah and Goldfield Freight, Livery and Feed Railroad charges paid and Freight forwarded to all Points Daily Teams from Tonopah to Goldfield LARGE TEAM PROMPT SERVICE For Mining Timbers, Stulls, Lagging, Square Sets, and Cordwood, see E. R. COLLINS, Agent Thejoshua Club Brearley ® Troxel, Props. Cor. Main St. and CrooK Ave. Not the Best of Every thing, but pretty fair drinks and cigars. 2S,”Club Room in connection. = THE Goldfield Saloon MAIN STREET KOBT. DUNN. Proprietor The Pioneer Saloon of the Goldfield district ::::::: GIVE US A CALL -This Space Reserved for the ~ GOLDFIELD BARREL HOUSE Next door to Wells-Fart'o Express Office THE T. $ L. Restaurant *°d Saloon MILLTOWN, (Goldfield Diftrict) NEVADA CHAS. THOMPSON and OLIE LERVOOG, Props. FIRST-CLASS HEALS Liquors and Cigai. SMOKE “SANTONE” CIGARS ALWAYS FRESH MADE IN TONOPAH — BY — A. B. WOLF J. A. Fesler John Shirley W. A, Ingalls THE PALACE The Finest Gentlemen's Resort in Goldfield. COR. MAIN ST. and CROOK AVE. Fine Wines, Liq uors and Cigars. A Gentle Tiger in dub Rooms. Checks Cashed.