Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Buy a lot in Goldfielil! Nuff said! J John Jones was at Tonopah this week. A new safe has been instated in the Gold Wedge. t. J. Lange, of Tonopah, was in Gold field on Monday. Judge Ray, of Tonopah, was in Gold field on Tuesday. H. C. Parrett. of Boston, has been iu Goldfield this week. Mrs.Sol Camp visited Tonopah Satur day, returning Sunday. F. J. Lothrop, of Salt Lake City, was in Goldfield this week. The city calaboose has been unoccu pied for two weeks. To make money in real estate, go with the crowd. Goldfield is IT. W. H. Harris, the pioneer mining man, has returned from a trip to Reno. “Jake" Sohlke, of Sacramento, inter viewed Goldfield dealers Monday. G. L. Brown, of Oakland, has been looking around the camp this week. Dozens of substant ial Mobe dwellings going up in Goldfield. Bay a lot now! * Miss Mary Curtis returned Wednesday from Reno, where she was visiting for a week. Geo. Wenwood and M. Teuker, of Tu olumne, Calif., are looking over Gold field. W. W. Mulock is here from Sodaville, intending to engage in some mercantile pursuit. Dr. Wheeler, of Chicago, and a party of mining men, were iu Goldfield late last week. J. H. Brearley was at Reno this week, having been subpensed as a witness in a civil case. Father Gleason will hold services in Miners' Union hall at Uo'clock next Sun day forenoon. James Maher is here from Sumpter, Ore., looking into Goldfield as a place for investment. Lost—An Eastern Star pin, probably on Main street. Finder will please re turn to this office. * Harry Lefkovits came over fromTouo pah on Sunday to see his brotaer Louis, of the Red Front store. You will want cards, letter heads, en velopes billheads, etc. We can supply you at The News office. The tirst soda water made in Goldfield was produced on Wednesday by Hatha way, Grnhlmau & Crosby. Work has begun on J. G. Martin’s lodging house, at the corner of Crook avenue and Second street. Win. Pearson has sold his vegeab e garden to Win. Cockbnru of the Club cafe, and has gone to Reno. Mrs. W. S. Williams, who has been quite sick, is sitting up a few hours daily and is on the road to recovery. The Goldfield Townsite company took possession of their new and attractive offices on Main street, yesterday. H. F. Speaker, the merchant, is to go to Tonopah on Sunday, to remain for a few days to enjoy the celebration. F. W. McLean and H. D. Allert, of Langdon. N. 1)., drove in yesterday with B. J. Reilly of the January lease. Tom Robinson, who is well known in Goldfield and Tonopah, is now in c.mrge of the Bay Slate mine at Newark. Ed J. Roberts visited his leased prop erties at Montezuma on Tuesday. He was pleased with his examinations. John and Herbert Cook, of the Nye and Ormsby County b nk of Tonopah. were in Goldfield Saturday and Sunday. Sanders & Inman, contractors and builders, are prepared t « give bids on concrete houses and .ill kinds of concrete work. * W. F. Lynch has presented The News with a small sign printed in colors. Tne young man is quite clever in this kind of work. Deputy assessors are just now de cidedly busy making assessments of real and personal properties in Esmeralda1 county. Sam Harris left Sunday for St. Louis to see the sights at the great Exposition, j From there he will go to llostou to visit his parents. J. H. Wilson has a mill running and is making \iobes for a 4-room building on his lots between town aud the Jan uary mine. J. E. Miller, junior member of the Goldfield mercantile firm of Spenker & Miller, has gone into the draying busi ness at Tonopah. Dr. Garner, of Tonopah, president of the Gold beef Mining Co., and interested in other claims in Goldfield’s gold zone, was here Sunday. Robert Dunn’s place and the Peerless restaurant are now lighted with acety lene gas, displacing, to the pleasure of patrons, coal oil. Buy a lot in East Addition to Gold field. where you can get good well water on your own lot—if you dig for it—at from 20 to 30 feet. Dr. B. E. Burger, of San Jose, a gen tleman who has mined considerably in Colorado and California, is in Goldfield looking for an opportunity to invest. A strike of workmen on the Touopah railroad occurred Tuesday noon, when the tracklayers were within four miles of the town. The strike is now settled. Capt. Cox, of the Riverside Flour mills at Reno, was looking over Goldfield’s gold belt last Saturday and Sunday. Was he impressed? His friends say yes. ELLIOTT S NEW HOTEL. Plans Have been Accepted and Work will Soon Begin. The plans for the new hotel which is to l*e under the management of W. S. Elliott, have been accepted and work upon the same will begin in a day or two. The lot north of Elliott's present building has ln*en secured and a new structure 40x70 feet and two stories high will Ik- erected thereon. Fftv-five feet of the front of the lower fi<H>r will be used as a dining room and 20 feet in the rear for a kitchen. Elliott’s hall will la-come a part of the hostelry and like the upper fl»M>r of the new structure, will Ik- devoted to nicelv furnished nsmis, with baths, hot and ’cold water, lavatories, etc. The office and lobby will occupy the front of Elliott’s present building and will be connected with the dining room by large double doors. Mr. Elliott will leave in a few days for San Francisco to purchase the neces sary furniture, which will he up to date in stele and make. • Messrs. Patrick, Murphy, Elliott, P. E. O’Brien and others are the owners of the new hotel and the contract will be closed today. Accident On The Tonopah Railroad. Spreading rails is supposed to be the cause of a train on the new Tonopah railroad leaving the track. The acci dent occurred live miles south of Deep Wells early Sunday morning and it was well toward evening before the tired ami hungry passengers reached Sodaville. The railroad i>enple did everything in their power to to attend to the wants of the passengers. Among those from Goldfield on the train were J. H. Bre arlev, Zeb. Kendall and Mrs. Jas. F. O’Brien and son, Davoren. More Rich Ore. Another carload of rich ore was re ceived by the Western Ore Purchasing Company yesterday, says the Reno Journal.’ ft comes from the Jumbo mine at Goldfield and is valued at about $HO,DOO. This's one of the richest car loads of ore that has ever been received in Reno from the new country. WILLIAMS’ MARKET LETTER As every inch is gained in Nature’s warehouse here in the Goldfield Dis trict, her bonded wealth opens to the view of the persistent miner and values higher than ever before found are taken out, placed in coal oil cans, canvas sacks and almost every character of recepta cle proof against loss by leakage, and shipped across the desert sands to the railroad, from whence they go to the great smelters at Salt Lake to be re tined. This is the course, from Na ure’s treasure vaults to the marts of trade, by which we produce the coin of the realm, helping all and injuring none by the process. In industrial lines where competition is strong, the weaker is crushed and misery, want and suffering the inevit able result. In the mining industry everyone is henetitted—the great as the small. The proceeds from mining, (one of the most honest of trades) and mining stocks last year exceeded the proceeds from all the banks in the United States. Now we come to you and ask you to join us in our honorable undertaking and purchase some of our stocks. In purchasing you are putting your mite with ours and the whole makes a sum sufficient to go ahead and sink shafts and winzes, run drifts and cross-cuts and block out the ore so we can hoist it to the surface, treat it economically and make a profit so as to return you your money in dividends. This is the reason we ask you to pur chase this or that stock as the money is needed to go ahead. \\ e try and ad vise you and there is not a company operating here that is putting money in the ground that we do not know. So write us and we will tell you of any com pany that w rites to you and if it is hon est we will tell you so. If not we will not spare it, but in every instance tell vou the truth. Our advice to you is to buy—Goldfield Mining— Red Top - Adams-Goldfield— Mohawk Columbia Mountain—Jumbo Vernal Extension and Coming Nation. We can also guarantee you on Jumbo. This company has never sold a share of treasury stock, hut one of the owners needed money and sacrificed his stock. You can get for your money an order from this owner on the secretary to de liver the stock to you. The secretary accepts the order and the hank guaran tees his signature, making it as good as a straight, out-and-out certificate. We will protect you in all your pur chases and charge you only a commis sion. Our advice is to get in early as we firmly and honestly believe that every stock we quote will very shortly increase in value. We quote: Goldfield Mining Co.31-50 Jumbo'pool). 30 Red Top Mining Co .40 Goldfield Water M. & M. Co.25 Mohawk .p0 Mohawk (pool).25 Adams-Goldtield . ...|5 Pennsylvania Goldfield .. .12 Jumbo and Vernal Extension.15 Hazel Kirk.1^ Fawn Gold .10 Goldfield Vindicator....10 Goldfield Coming Nation.05 Yellow Top Gold. 05 . Gold lieef.06 Spikiug Mines & Dev. Co.• • -10 W. S. Williams Co. Three reasons why Goldfield will al wavs be the best town: 1—It is closer to the* mines. 2—best location. You do not have to climb to higher ground in order to show your friends the location of the mines, a—An jiinlimited amount of water in East Addi'dou. * The finest of job printing at this office. A BanK In Goldfield. The State Bank ami Trust Company, of Carson City and Tonomh, has leasts! a portion of the front of the W. S. El liott building, on Main street and to morrow will open a branch hanking house. (J. W. Richard will he in charge for a few weeks, when G. W. Cowing, connected with the Tonopah institution, will assume control. Hotel for Sale. The Nevada hotel at Candelaria is for sale at a bargain. The property consists of a three-story hotel fully furnished and in good condition; also, a bamjom and all fixtures, including a safe, billiard and pool tables and everything pertaiuing thereto. This is a desirable property for removal to Goldfield or elsewhere. For terms apply to John Nelson, Cnmlelaria, Nevada. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC Notice is hereby given that I have | bought of A. C. Martin all his mining in terests in the Goldfield aud Manuapah districts and no other person than myself has authority to dispose of same. (Signed) A. It. Gkaham. Location Notices aud Certificates of Location (for recording) for sale at The News office. _*_ Goldfield and Tonopah Property Wanted. Emeison & Company, one of the lead ing New York brokerage houses, will consider purchase of, or controlling in terest in, a Goldfield or Tonopah mining property. Must be very favorably lo cated and stand the strictest investiga-, lion. Address with fullest particulars, and reference, EMERSON & CO. 42 Broadway, New York, N. Y. Miners’ Cash Store Neatest, Fanciest in the Desert.... “economy fok THE PEOPLE” Table Fruit a Specialty MAIN STREET Opp. Recorder’s Office, GOLDFIELD TOM BOLAND, Prop GOLDFIELD BOTTLING WORKS Hathaway. Crahlman & Chosiiv, Props Manufacturers of pure CARBONATED BEVERAGES Sarsaparilla and Iron. Ginger Ale, I.emon, Cream, Strawberry and Orange Sodas, Champagne Cider", and all kinds of soft drinks Universal and Syphon Waters Specialties J EMIT COX, M. D. OFFICE HOUBS: 9 a.m. to i p.m.; 2 p.m. to6 p.m. ; 7 p.m. to 9 p.m Opposite Postoffice Tonopah, - - Nevada B UN PEAKEMAN MINING PROMOTER Tonopah, - - Nevada N. M. SIMONS ASSAYER I\ O. BOX 23I Main St., - Tonopah, Nrv. £ L. HAMMOND Physic an & Surgeon Tonopah, - - Nevada J£ey Pitt vtan & W. B. Pittman ATTO R NEYS-AT-LA W Golden Block, Tonopah, Nev. CLARK & KERMEEN Stenographers and Typewriters Office with Mims & Co. TONOPAH, - NEVADA BUY A LOT IN PHENIX North Addition TO GOLDFIELD. CLOSEST PART of Goldfield TO THE MINES All travel from Tonopah must come through it and a main cross street point ing directly to the Combination and Jan uary mines. Lots on Main street selling fast and houses of fine construction being erected. We have only a few more lots left on Main street—every one of them level. Side Street Lots for Residence-from $30 to $5(1 A well, too feet deep, with pure water on the grounds Buy before too late. For maps and in formation, apply to G. S. PHENIX, or W. S. WILLIAMS CO. Coldfield ALLTONOPAH and GOLDFIELD STOCKS AND MINING CLAIMS Bought and Sold C. H. ELLIOTT BROKER Box 481 TONOPAH, NEV. The Lothrop-Davis Co s NEW STORE AT COLUMBIA is now ready for business, carrying a full line of Mining Supplies, Groceries, CrocKery, Hardware, Household Utensils. We deliver goods promptly and free of charge to any part of the Goldfield Mining District. Reasonable Prices First-class Goods Telegraph and Telephone Office. LIND ® COLLINS, Mining Brokers ONLY FIRST-CLASS Goldfield and Tonopah Mining Stocks Handled Good Mining Prospects for Ssle Goldfield and Tonopah, Nevada Gilt-edged References furnished on application Buy a Lot in Diamondfield! JACK DAVIS, Agent Diamondfield Townsite Co. MAIL ORDERS -In Dry Goods I Women and Men’s Furnishings Men’s Clothing and Shoes for all RYAN & STENSON TONOPAH, NEV. Goldfield Miners' Union, No. 220 W. F. M. Regular meetings each Saturday evening at ^ o’clock, in Miners’ Union hall. Main street. All members of the Federation are cordially in vited to attend. Joel Nelson, President, Chas. H. MacKinnon, Secretary. The Peerless Cafe THE UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OF GOLDFIELD : : : Main Street, next door to Postoffice Short Orders a Specialty OPEN DAY ANO NIGHT WILSON, WAGNER & CO., Proprietors J. L. WOODWARD, Manager Columbia Feed Corral MARSH A COURTNAY, Props COLUMBIA. NEV. Hay, Grain and Wood for Sale Water delivered to any part of the dist net’