L THE STANDARD-EXAMINER FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1920. 9 SALT LAKE LOSES I j TO BEAVERS ITU ! J ; SCORE OF 5 TO 4 '?- First Triple Play of Season Made by Salt Lake; Rum- . t ler Hits Home Run .: - SALT LAKE, April 9. Failure to tV . cover second base on a throw from By- ler is given as the cause for the de feat of the Bees at the hands of the Beavers yesterday, the score being 5 ', to -f. Juney lead off in the ninth I spasm for the Beavers. Blue attempt-1 -j f ed to sacrifice but forced Juney at - ' ': E ' second, Willi Wcslcrzil at the plate, i I Blue headed for second, Byler pegged ' perfectly but (he throw won't to the j I outfield.' . He scored on Wesierzil's ' . L single. 1 , . In the fourth frame with Koehler and Cox on first and second bases re- , f spectively, Fingdon drove.a liner In (he ' .v direction or the keystone. Marty , , j fr Krug speared ihc ball with one hand, ; 1 J threw to Johnston, who. in turn, threw I ' Jo Sheely, thus completing the play. ( I ; 4 Portland I il Merzil.Sb' 7. ".'.... 1 3 3 2 uj vW JTaisfcl, cf 5 0 0 3 0 u j dchaMer. 1C .v.-.....:5 1 3 -1 0 0 ) ' K?ngdon."'ss '.'.A 0 1 2 3 ;j V . Sprangcr, 2b A 0 0 3 1 lj j y Schroeder, p ........3 l 1 0 I T, Tuney, p i 1 0 1 0 0 01 1 Totals 3S 5 12 27 9 3 1 1 salt Lake. 1 b" , AB 11 H PO A 13 t M- Maggcrl, cf 3 1 0 2 0 0; rv If.' Johnson, ss 3 2 J 5 3 1, If !, Krug. 21) I 0 2 3 1 1 ',.' Rumlcr, rf ..... 5 1 1 2 n , f i,'; SheblyJ lb 2 0 l 7 0 o. ', Reilly. If . V I 0 0 3 0 0 I" j Sand, 3b. 0 1 20 J, ..f; 'Mulligan 0 0 0 0 0 Oj Totals 81' ,4 C.27 9 S.j rRan for Shociy in ninth. ' j. j Score by innings:,' j Runs 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 1 oji j Hits 1 0 1 1 0-130 212 I, Runs 10100020 01 j ' Hits 1 0 10 10 1 1 1 U : Summary: Home-run, Rum let. Two- j base hits, Koehler. Schroeder. Sacri- W j , fice hits. Byler, Krug, (fly). Stolen K j bases, Blue, Johnson. Byler. Rumler. H Runs batted in, Koehler. Blue. King- ft;l j don, Westerzii. Krug. Rumier 2 HHIl Thrown out stealing, Maisel by Byler. H Reilly by Koehler. Struck out, Baum I ' ? 3. Bases on balls, Baum 2, Schroeder' BH s Juney 1. Four runs, 5 hits off of j HB1 I Schroeder. 25 at bat in 7 plus Innings; j Wfflfflij out in eighth, one on, none out. Runs fflT responsible for, Baum 1. Schroeder " H Credit victory to Juney. Wild pi ch KB' ,' Schroeder. Trip'" n'a- '" WHb son, to Sheely. First base on errors, IB j Salt Lake 1. rurlianu 2. net o. HBV J Tortland S. Salt Lake 31. Umpires,! EgH McGi-ew and Casey. Time 2:10. ! ffl f oo I I'j Club Standing. '1 . Oakland 3 0 1.000 J - Vernon 2 1 Ml J f Portland a 1 .GG7 1 Sacramento 2 1. .(557 I : ! Salt Lake . . 1 2 .333 " San Franciso .-.1 2 .333 J , ' I Los Angeles 0 3 .000 3 . -jf Yesterday's Results. , M At Salt Lake Portland 4, Salt Lake W At Los Angeles Oakland 3, Los An- I At Sacramento Seattle 2, Sacra- " W" Francisco Vernon 3, Sau II I Two Ogden Athletes ! ' . Will Represent Aggies .tv Glen Dee and L. Falck, both former i1 ' athletic stars at tho Ogden high school have been selected to represent the Utah Aggies on the diamond this i j l spring. Doe Is a catcher, and Falck Is Is an outfielder. Falck was picked on 1 ',' the all-star Intercollegiate grid team ? last fall and Is one of the best beta I in the west. j j The other members uamad for the I baseball team by Coach Lowell Uom- I noy are: C. Worley, first base; L. An- B "; ''rus, pitcher; R. Smith, pitcher: I 'j ( 13owen, third base; Andoraon, pitcher; I L Percy Manacn, infield; J, rcDonald, V Sj catohor; F. Hansen: P. Dorious, in- I as field; F. Andrua, outfield; Bill Ed- I jj wards. C. AVilson, X Jorgonson vand 1 : ry;-' C. Dewey, outfielders. Sweetest Story ? Ever Filmed y I'Betty Takes a Hand," ji Olive Thomas, and a Fatty J" Arbuckle comedy, "Fickle i Fatty's FallJ', at Congrega- ! tional church this evening, 8 H p. m. LIBERTY i a BONDS Bj- IN1CSTMJ3NT SBCUMTIES DJ" J4HojB&Cfl ' fWWllfl? 14QMA1HSTV' I - QftDJN SALT LAKE, H j jg n ji u jj ar x 4T' jrnprExyiigjriiniiiP H" go c o 1 Daily Market Report I WALL STREET J , NEW YORK, April 3. An under-1 I current of caution pervaded the stock1 I market at the irregular opening of to-1 day's session. This -vvns attributed inj large part to overnight developments.! particularly the spread of the railroad I strike and latest advices 'dealing with tho Franco-German situation. There j were indications of considerable shore selling, based on these factors. I Changes were fractional in the main, although several of the leading steels and equipments gained 1 to 2 points. A firmer tone set in before the end of the first half hour. The early rally failed to hold, fresh . selling being induced by reports that the railroad strike had caused partial, suspension of operations at western' industrial centers. Reactions of- 1 to 3 jioints wei'p made by speculative is- sues, and Stomberg lost I" points, but soon recovered most of Its decline. Re fore noon another buying movement ' occurred, oils, shippings and equip ments leading the rebound with su-,1 gars, some of the latter making sensa- ' llonal advances. The volumc of trad-'. Ing. however, was far befow that of ; previous day of the week. j' Call money opened and renewed into next week at 0 per cent. i jl CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. April 9.-Corn advanced in price today largely as a result of ihe continued spread of the railway strike. Renewed attention was also given to the bullish showipg of the government report in regard to the winter wheat crop. Besides, gossip that a month or more might elapse before indictments if any would re sult from the federal investigation of the suspected corner in corn tended further to strengthen the market. Opening prices, which varied from c decline to -c advance, with Mav $1.. G?,',A to Sl.GI and July $l.57 to 1.57, wete followed by material gains all around. Oats showed relatively greater strength than corn. A house with sea board and Winnipeg connections led the buying. After opening y4c lower to kc advance, including July at S?5-i tc Soc, the market scoied a decided general upturn. ; Provisions averaged lower. Ab sence of any aggressive support was a feature. i j OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKE-.T. ! i Cattle Receipts 31; choice heavy i steers $.: 50(5' lu.25: good steers $3 ft? '0; fair steers $Gg'$; choice feeder i steers ?7(fjpS; choice cows and heifcraj J $7.50 $7)8.50; fair to good .ows and noif-j (ers $G.507.50; cutters (giu: can-j tners $o4: choice feeder cows $5(5)6; 'fat bulls $5fa'G; bologna bulls $Mj)5; j veal .calves $10't?ll. ' i Hogs Receipts IS1; choice fat hogs ,175 to 250 lbs.. $13.25fi H. 50. bulk cf isales $1-1 Tv 11 ,25; feeders $1011.50. , Sheep Receipts 330; choice lambs! $1-1 15; wethers $911: fni ewes ?7 giS; feeder lambs $1215. , ; Arrivals- John H. Summers, Rlrie, Ida., 1 carload hogs, 1 carload horses;) Doe and Ricks, Idaho, 1 carload hogs, Grange and Whitlock, Idaho, 1 car cat-l tie; S. C. Erin, Salt Lake, 1 carload cattle; Ogdoh Packing company, Ne braska, 1 carload hogs; McKay, Wyo ming, 2 carloads sheep. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, April 9. Open High Low ' Close Corn May ?1.C3V6 1.67 1.G3V6 l.GG Julv 2.57 1.60 1.57 l.G0 Sept, 1.53 1.55 1.53 1.55 Oats May .91 U Wk .91 lA -!Hv8 July .83 .86 .S3 .S5fc Pork May 37.20 37.20 3610 3G.52 July 37.30 37.30 3G.S0 37.00 Lard May 20.05 20.05 19.15 19.G5 July 20.80 20.S0 20.25 20.-15 Ribs May 1S.47 18.17 1S.12 1S.30 July 1S.92 1S.95 1S.G2 18.S0 1 1 CASH SALES. CHICAGO, April 9. Wheat sample grade hard $2.15. Corn No. 3 mixed $JL.G7; No. 3 yel low $1.GS1.68V. Oats No. 2 white $1 .03yl .04 ; No. 3 white 99(Q99c. j Rye No. 2 $1.90. Barley not quoted. Timothy seed $9.00tf7'12.00. Clbvcr seed $-10. 00J753.00. Pork nominal. Lard $19.05. ' Ribs $17. 50 IS. 37. i MONEY MARKET. I NEW YORK, April 9. Mercantile paper 6 -i $7 7 per cent. ' Exchange irregular; sterling GO day bills $3.91"s: commercial 60 day bills on banks ?3.9IT; commercial 60 dav bills $r.,94fc; demand $3.99; cables $3.99v.',. . Francs: Demand 15.77; cables 15.75. . Belgian francs: Demand 11.57; ca bles 1-1.55. Guilders: l?emnnd .37; cables 37ri . Lire: Demand 21. G7; cables 2I.G5. .Marks: Demand 1.71; cables 1.75. 1 Government bonds weak; railroad bonds heavy. 1 . Time loans strong; all dates SS !per cent. Call money steady: high 7 per cent; low G pr cent; ruling rate G per cent; closing bid 6 per cent; offered, at 7 per cent; last loan 7 per cent; bank acceptances G per cenL LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YORK. April 9. Final prices of Liberty bonds today were: 3s 9G.82; first is 91. 3t; second Is S9.00; first 1 ', s 91.30; second ls SU.0G: third 'P,s 92.10; fourth IV-s 89.31: Victory 3Js 97. 5G; Victory !s 97. 5S. OUTBURSTS OF EVERETT TRUE j A Hcty, THec? IPL1 UU LX Ipttv ! f- " Put 'ein Thcrch jSj luHSMvcs-K i see f - A MAN Acco TINTIC STANDARD' SHOWSSTRENBTH i Strongest Stock on Board I Opens at $5.00, and . I Closes at $5.10 The trading today on the Salt Lake Stock & Mining exchange was fairly active, with Tmtlc Standard being the strongest stock on the board. This slock closed yesterday around $-1.90, this morning it opened at $5.00 and sold as high as $5.05, it closing strong with $5.00 bid and $5.10 asked. Eu reka Bullion, which was very active yesterday, continued so today and ad vanced to 25 cents, it closing with 25 cents bid and 26 cents asked. North Standard was also a trifle stronger, it being very active at 12 and 12yz cents. Generally speaking the whole trend 'of the market was upward. Alta Con. sold at 10 .cents, Black Metals brought 11 V2 cents, Eureka Jily changed hands at 12 cents, Colum bus Re.xall sold at 62 cents, East Tin tic Con. was steady -at 11 cents, Lehi Tintic went at 18V cents, New Quincy brought 7Yj cents, Emma Silver was steady at 11 cents, Sells sold oft to lSVs cents. Silver King Con. brought $1.55. Silver Shield sold up to 50 cents and Zuma changed lianas at 2S and! 30 cents. (Quotations furniohed over private wire of J, A. Hoglc . Company, Eccles Building.) block j Uid I Ask. Alta Con. !? .09 $ .10 Albion 1 .10'j, .12 (American Con j .O'JVbj .M I Alta Tunnel j .09i .10 IBig Hill I .11 I .131,; Big Cottonwood . 0 0 -"54 ( .01 'Bullion j .05 .05' 'l Black Metals AIV2 : .12 1 Columbus Rexall .02 .03' , Crown Point .. J . .06 p .j)6V I (Colorado Con .05 v.07 I Central Eureka . . . . . .D1V :03 Cardiff 1 .-55-, 1.-.70 Dragon Con j '. .15 ,.. 'I Daly West 1. 00 l 1 .CO 'East Crown" Point .03V '.03 East Tin. Coal 0G .07 East Tin. Con. lOVtj. .11V (Eureka Mines - .07 . .OS ' ' Eureka Lily .20 ;: .2VA I Eureka Bullion yr2fr , .26" . 1 Emma Silver ."lOlS .11 Empire Mines OS .11 Gold Chain .v. . . .05 .10 Grand Central VM. ? ' .5Q Howell OS ' .OS" Iron Blossom .10 .5p !Iron King r-v33 Y .35 . jJudg'c Mining .. .. -f.llO. j 5.10 Kennebec ..16 .25 Keystone ., ,iQiL.-a . Q' Leonora .. .. ....,!'. ' .02 .0? I.ehi Tintic .. ........1 ,18 j .-1SV May Day ,. .011 .Oo" Miller Hill .. ..r.n... .01.'.02 Mammoth .15 J ' .50 Moscow .. .. .j .05 I .10 Michigan-Utah..':... .OS1 .00 North Stan .12 .12 .New Quincy .. ...... .U7& .07& Opohongo .. .. ....... j .j05 1 .02J4 Orijclnnl Bnnnaclt-'. ...( .00V6 -.01 j Plutus I .12 - ) .'dfi' Prince Con .....f .GG .G7 Provo .05 00 , Paloma i.,.A .00 , Rico Argeullne .01,1 .03 Rico Wellington . .... .30 .81 Scil3 1SV6 .13 Sil. Kiug Coal'n ' 2.00 2.05' oil. King Con. . 1.50 1.55, Sioux Con 08 '.OG"' South Hccla . ....... 1.15 1.20 South Standard 27 .31 Silver Shield f .10 .00 Tar Baby 08 V .0-1 Tintic Central . 03 .01 ' Tintic Standard 0.00 5.10 I'tab Cons 01 x.QXjtf j Uncle Sam 01 ......4 Weal Toledo ,QS, .0SV Walker 3.75 3.90 " Woodlawn . . .15 .20 Yankee 06 Zuma 30 .01 Beaver Copper 0l-)i .02 Empire Copper 30 .35 Naildriver 67 .71 Union Chief 11 .34 OPENING SALES. Alta Con. 1000 10c. Eureka Lily 100021c. Beaver Copper 5000 IV- c. '"' Columbus Rexall 1100362c. " Cardiff 25?$1.55. East Tintic Con. lOOOllc. East Crown Point 10003c New Quincy 1000(5)7c. Eureka Mines 2000 (gu '4 c. Emma Silver 20005llc. Eureka Bullion 15002-lc. Syndicate I0,600(Slc; lOOOl1! c. Sells 250019c: 21OO0)18Ve. South Seola 100?1.15. Silver Shield 100-lSc; 170018 c. North Standard 350012V2C Tar Baby 3000B)CV(;C. Tintic Standard 300$5.00. Utah Con- SOOOlie. West Toledo lGOO'Sc. Zuma 40028c. CLOSING SALES. Black Metals 1.000lle. Eureka Lily 35021c. Crown Point lOOOG'.J c.v East Tintic Con. 600'llc. Lohl Tintic lOOOlSVic Eureka" Bullion 200-24 ',-c; 2100(3) 25c; 2000(T'2Gc. North Standard 2000 ft' 12 c; 0500) "v: Fabric alone doesn't .. make a suit v OOMETHING more than all-wool is neces aik'L sary. Style vigorous, youthful and digni ':rt: fied. In Society Brand it is built into the clothes X by careful hand-workmanship. FOR YOUNG MEN AND AEM WHO STAY YOUNG : l They are designed for men who want correct ; and stylish, well-fitting clothes. They have an ' v;; ' -( air of fineness that appeals to every eye. il A 1 12c. Sells 10001Slc. Silver King Con. 100$1.55. ...Silver Shield 10050c. J " Tintic Standard -I00(ZJ$5.05. West Toledo 20008c. j Zuma 500(f?30c. INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Stock I Bid I Ask Amal. Sugar $ H.00$ 14.50 Preferred 3 0-1 . 50 105.50 Con. ngon 120.001 122. 0Q Utah-Idaho Sugar .... S.70 0.00 Lion Coal 6-1.00 75.00 Liun Bonds '. .. HI. 00 Mutual Creamery 11.00 Utah Construction 100. 0C Fir"! Nat.. Ogden .... 330.00 PIngree National bank .' '50.00 Ellison Ranching 130.00 Security State Bank.. 155.00 1GO.00 Z. C. M. 1 150.00 Goddard Packing 0.00 Utah Power & Light.. 01.00 01.00 Ogden-Port. Cement 100.00 OMAT1A LIVESTOCK. OMAHA. Neb., April d. (United States ureau of Markets; Hoga I ceipts. 12.000; market quiet. Metlium land light, $1.00 to $1.25 lower; top. ! $13.50; bulk not quoted; medium weight, U2.00(6'12.50; light weight, 12.7613.50; ptgfl. $ 1 2.00 14.25. Cnttlc Receipts, 5,500. Stockyards placing no bids on account of Inability! to gel transportation; market.' stag-j mint. Beef steers, medium and heavy! weight, choice and prlrjie.--- $13!5 tfp 11.50; medium and" gOQd, $11.255 13.25; common, 5 1&.00 7jn72o; light weight, good and choice, 512.00 1 I I. 00; common and medium, $9.75 12.00. Butcher cattle, heifeva, $7.0Uft l'J. 00; cows. .6.50 CQE 1 1.75; cauners and cutters. ?L50(Q)C.50; veal valves, light and handy weight, $1-1,75 d? 16.25; feeder steers, $$.50 iJT 11.50; stoeker steers. $7.00 11-00. Sheep -RccQipt3. '1.000; no. sales for lambs; packers' shearing lambs 25c lowyr; lambs. S-l pounds down. $17. op 5 19.00; culls and common. $11. 50 g) 1C50; yearling weihers. $ 15.01 igLlS.iju; owes, medium and ohoieei'-12.25 (Q 14.50; culls and copimon$5.0Q 11.00. .. ' J'QTATOISS. ' CHICAGO, April 91 .Potatoes 1 strong: receipts, 17 cars. Northeit whlto sacked, $7.00$ 7.35; ditto bulk ll $7.357.50. IH METAL MARKET. NT5W YORK, April 9. Copper, iron antimony unchanged. fM I Tin-spot $52.00; third quarter $61. Lead quiet; spot and April offered at 9.00c. Zinc steady; East SL Louis spo IH 1 8.30c bid. At London: Spot copper 100 17i Gd; electrolytic lif; tin 332 7s fid, lead 36 10s; zinc 4G. BAR SILVER. NEW YORK, April 9. Bar silvej Mexican dollars 9304 c. IH j NEW YORK. April 9. Raw augai strong; centrifugal 10.55c; fine graiiu latcd 15.50(01G. 50c. i L'ONPON, April 9. Bar silver 69'sc per ounces IH Ioney 3V; per cqnl. Piscount rales: Short bills 5i pe pent; Ihroc months, bills 5'B per cent THE CLANCY KIDS Nothing Can Be Fairer Than Thai . ' ' racyTTcROSBY" vt ' 1 AC0liZ '61'.'" 1 ' H Yoo joroNEcrHANce ( " T7 i JnowaRKa ( " v-i ' . - , at 'zno (?aj. ytiufec H He catcher irK it ; lift1? THAr - VTwTlMR.TMNe aueh ALMYsreLUH'Ue u,maT sUoor one down "i- V . KA rpLJKj Me Agrafe wamTp' I