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nntieui Ycnr-xo. sg Price Five Cents OGDEN CITY, UTAH, SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 10, 1920. : ' : III j - N. Y. PASSENGER TRAINS CUT . Millerand Replies To England I INSURGENT FORCES INCREASE STRENGTH j , THROUGHOUT NATION CHICAGO, April 10. Started as a freight tie-up, the railroad strike today invaded the passenger field at New York where several trains were cancelled while the freight tie-up j ji - continued to spread among yard switching crews from coast to coast. v j In Chicago, birthplace of the "outlaw" unions which j called the first of the "illegal" .strikes, brotherhood heads and' railroad officials claimed some slight improvement today. 1 a One encouraging sign was the delivery at the stockyards of, 179 cars of cattle, almost twice as man' as have been moved j on any one day since the strike was called, April 1 . j While available figures indicate between 35,000 and ( 40,000 railroad men have joined the unauthorized strikes, j railroad managers here estimated today that at least half a 1 million 'workers in other lines have been forced out of cm-! ployment by the freight tie-up. - J I CHICAGO, April 10- Despite ussor . tions by railroad brotherhood officials of a break in the ranks of Insurgent Chicago switchmen and enginemen, unauthorized railroad strikes through out the country assumed serious pro portions today with reports indicating nearly 35,000 men were idle. In the Chicago district, regarded as. the key to the whole situation, some i strikers returned to work, but from 'a - other sections came reports of new walkouts and a strengthening of the insurgents' forces. Railroads from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast announced embargoes un " tiers thousands of workers had been thrown out of employment as plants, restricted operations because of lack! of fuel and raw materials. ! Brotherhood officials declared re-J ports that 35,000 switchmen and en-, ginemen were out were exaggerated. but admitted that the seceding work-; ers had gained strength outside uij Few Men Kcturn. A. F. Whitney, vice president of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainment, announced that a group of striking switchmen on the Burlington road had -returned to work in Chicago last night. ! A committee of strikers from tho Chi cago & Northwestern line, he said, would vote today on ending the walk ' out here. I A statement issued by railroad oin- cials declared that all Indications were that the crisis In the Chicago yards ' , had passed. A Insurgent leaders, however, claimed, the strike was unbroken in Chicago, and declared that 95 per cent of the switchmen In the district were out. They said twenty charters in the "rump" union, with 25,000 actual members, had been issued throughout lhe country. ED. C. Esty, who was alleged to have boasted of being an I. AY. W. and urged sabotage at a meeting of the . strikers, was expelled from the new organization. He was arrested by de tectives from Stale Attorney. Hoyne's Packing District Hit. Approximately fifty thousand stock yards and packing house workers have been thrown out of work b'S' the stoppage of cattle shipments. The coal supply in Chicago was re ported to be dwindling, with less than a week's supply on hand. At Gary, Ind., twelve blast furnlces -r- had been banked, throwing 12, 000 steel workers out of employment. Steel mills in tho Mahoning valley were preparing to close down today, and company officials said 35,000 worKers wouia do uue ny nigntiali. It .Toledo reported all but one of 23 V railroads tied up and a food and fuel shortage threatened. Freight move ment west of Cleveland had ceased, it !was reported, and between 1,500 and 1..S00 employes of nine roads there voted to organize a yardmen's union today. More Strikers Quit. Switchmen and yardmen on tho Norfolk & Western and Pennsylvania railroads walked out at Columbus last night and early today, and four crews . on the Baltimore & Ohio were report ed to have .gone on strike at Dayton. '. Freight traffic in the St. Louis dis trict remained at a standstill today and 3,000 stockyards' workers were thrown out of work at East St. Louis. Railroad officials admitted that 5.00Q men on 27 roads were out In this dis trict. Both freight and express shipments were reported under ah embargo at Indianapolis. "Strikers declared that a 100 per cent walkout had occurred at Kansas 'City. :l .Switchmen on all Voads operating out of Fort Worth, Texas, walked out j last night, j"' Insurgents Get KecrnJts. Switchmen on four railroads at s Springfield. 111., voted to join employes of ..two other roads who went out yes- ! -V: . ' . . ., tcrday. Yardmen at Bloomington employed by the Chicago & Alton were out and a freight embargo was in effect. At Decatur strikers were forming a yardmen's union. Railroad officials on the Pacific coast struggled today to keep coast and transcontinental passenger trains moving while awaiting the result of an ultimatum that striking employes would lose their positions unless they returned to work by 4 p. m. Switch men and yardmen were reported on strike in thirteen divisional and ter minal points in California and Oregon. Yardmen at Minneapolis and. St. riolto" join the insurgents. 1 00 ! bulletins; F STRIKE I OUT AT FORT WORTH FORT WORTH. Texas. April 9. Switchmen on nil roads here quit work at 11 o'clock tonight in sympathy with the Chicago strike, according to' railroad officials. OUT AT COLUMBUS COLUMBUS, O., April 10. One hundred switchmen and yardmen em ployed by the Norfolk and Western railway hero went on strike shortly after midnight. Switchmen and yard men employed by the Pennsylvania railroad started to walk out early today. The railroad employs OOP yardmen and switchmen. vote FOR striki-: SPRINGFIELD, 111., April 0. Switchmen on four of the six railroads entering Springfield voted tonight to go on strike tomorrow. Switchmen on the others struck today. DAYTON, O:, April y. Just before midnight four night crews of switch' nien employed by the Baltimore & Ohio railroad went on strike. ' MINNEAPOLIS, April, ). Switch men and yardmen of the Twin City terminals, In a mass meeting bore to night, -voted to remain at work. i DANVILLE. 111., April 0. Danville ! switchmen, at a meeting of their union tonight voted to stand by their na tional officers and remain" at work. EASTERN CITIES ARE ; SHOWING INCREASES J WASH INGTON, April 10. Popula-' Uou statistics announced todav bv the census bureau included; ' " Corning, N. Y., 15,820, an Increase' of 2,090, or 15.2 per cent over 1910. St. Albans, Vermont, 7,582, increase! 1,201, or 18.8 per cent. I Middletown, 0., 23,591, Inoreaso 10,-4-12, or 79.4 per cent. ; Norwaik, Conn., 27,557, increase 3,-3-1 G, or 13.8 per cent. I Fond du lac, Wis., 23,127, Increase' 1,630, or 21.6 per cent. - N no1'1 P?1.'t,e' lnd" 5-156' increase 4,-i G33, or 41 0 per cent. i oo . REFORM STUFF WONT LAST SAYS SALOONIST NEW YORK, April 3 0 A portrait of Will l. Anderson, state superin tendent of the anti-saloon league, hung in the window of a tightly locked I "thirst parlor" In the "tenderloin" to day as ono saloonkeeper's wordless comment on the vice probe. "But this refor mstuff is like a small bankroll in a jozz emporium," the saloonlat said. "It won't last long.'1 1FREWCH REPLY TO NOTE FROM , GREATJRSTAIN Premier Millerand Gives Rea I sons Why Troops Were i Sent to German Cities i TEUTON PROMISE HELD NOT ENOUGH i ) Need of Maintaining Unity , j Among Allies Pointed Out j j In Diplomatic Document J I PARIS. April 10 The note sent, yesterday by Premier Millerand to the' I British government, in reply to ihe British note with regard to the action, of France in sending troops into the; j neutral zone in Germany says: l "The French government affirms first of all that no doubt can be felt (of the loyally of its altitude. The al-1 I lies, have been constantly informed or ! Its policy and the French government I has always opposed the entry of sup-, plementary German troops into the' Ruhr region and has added that the au-' thorization for such an entry must have a counter part In the occupation of Frankfort and Darmstadt. i Information Sent. On April 3 its representatives in all the allied capitals Informed the governments to which they were ac credited (at the same tinie'a copy be; ing sent to the allied representatives 04Jgaxi8J.luU- -Marshal--Fqchis irieas ures could no longer be postponed. Furthermore, the French government recalled that the matter- concerned the violation of one of the most solemn ; clauses of the treaty signed by France, and that the German government had formally recognized that formal auth- 'orization, given in advance, was noces- isary for such a derogation and thnt Franco had the right to ask for ler- ritorial guarantees. ! Promise Not Enough. I "How could the government of France have been satisfied with the German promise to withdraw the troops when order had been restored? (Neither for reparations nor for the delivery of the war-guilty, nor for coal, have the allies received the stipulated satisfaction. "The question could be asked when the British government,- which no douty has not measured the danger of these systematic violations, would step in the path of concessions. France, in any case, was obliged to say: 'That Is enough.' Need for Unity. "The French government is no less convinced than the English govern ment of the essential necessity of the maintaing unity of the allies for the application of the treaty with Ger many. This close concert of Franco and England appears to France equal ly Indispensable for the equitable so lution of the vast problems -which are presented at this moment in the world in Russia, the Baltic, Asia Mi nor and all the Balkans." The note closes with assurance that the French government, for the pro-1 motion of these ends declares itself1 entirely disposed, before acting, to be1 assured of the consent of the allies in all inter-allied questions which the execution of the treaty raises. 1 I Situation Better. 1 LONDON. April 10. The reply of France to, the British note on tie ac-1 lion taken by France in occupying ad- j ditional Gorman territory was received i in London today. , Officials here view the note as con ciliatory because of the expressed de sire of the French for an allied con ference. In other official quarters the French note is considered to have rolicved the tension of yesterday. Vienna Pleased. VIENNA. April 10. Satisfaction over dispatches telling of dissentlon between Great Britain and Franco rel ative to the action or the hitter In send ing troops into German cities east of the Rhino is not concealed by Vienna newspapers, which express the hope that France will be isolated. . i Feeling in Germany. BERLIN. April 10. Great Britain's disapproval of tho action of Franco In occupying cities in the' neutral zone eas.t of, the "Rhine is hailed by news papers here with moderate expression of satisfaction. , nn NOTICES OF DELAY. NEW YORK, April 10. No- tlces were posted in tho Penn- sylvania stations that "until further notice tickets to all points will be sold subject to . delay duo to to labor disturb- ances." . v ,1-:';-.,y. REVIEW SHOWS STILL MORE MEN LEAVE POSITIONS i j A review of the strike situation I today showed the number of men I out In cities throughout the country as follows: i " ; Chicago. 8000. ' St. Loui.. oOOU. i Toledo. 4000. v New York -New Jersey, IloOO. Youngstown. 31)00. Buffalo, 2000. Kansas City. 1300. '. L T.os Angeles, MOO. ', I Detroit. 1500. ' .Pittsburgh. 1000. -ft' ' Tort Worth. o0()'. 'f' Columbus, 300. j San Francisco. I Jo". J1 I Indianapolis. :!50. r Gnry, Tnd., .".00. l bait Lake City, you. Syracuse, X. Y., 250. Saginaw. .Mich.. 200. , t Ogdcn, Utah, 150. ' ' ' ' ; Decatur, III.. 107. ' Milwaukee, 100. ; Pocxitcllo. Idaho. 100. Sprlngrield. 111., 50. ; .Toller, ill., 50. Scmnton, Pa., 50. JJSoomlugton, III., 75. Fort Wayne, Iml., .i5. Portland, Ore., no estimate. : ) ffliNSII iJQ,BUIlU! i Ti CRUISERS IMonsters of Air Given Try j outs in Secret Near Lake Constance, Reports Say GENEVA, April 9. (By the Associ ated Press.) Tho Germans are work ling feverishly to construct giant com mercial and passenger airships and airplanes, according to a report from iRomanshorn. The first trials of two ! monster machines were successfully 'held yesterday above Lake Constance, j The airship Nordstern, greatly sur passing the Zeppelin Bodenseo in size, .capacity and power, flew for a half 'hour around the lake with a crew of j seven men. At the same time a new giant hydro-airplane, whose motors to talled 1000 horsepower, ; made aerial trips with twenty passengers. Both machines "were recently com pleted at Friederichshavqn, where the (airship factory is said to have doubled in size since the armistice and other I monsters have already been begun. The Germans are concoaling the re- suit of the trials and ho reports of jthem are published in the "press. PER SAYS ! "BIG BUSINESS" BEMlSj Campaign of Misrepresenta- j tion Is Successful Labor , Commissioner Asserts CINCINNATI. O.. Abril 10! In tho "preliminary skirmishes" of the threatened Industrial war "kl busi ness" has beaten its rival. th trades' union. Dr. Royal Meeker, commis sioner of labor statistics of(the de partment ofabor declared ii an ad- . dress today before the Cities' blub. Ho urged co-operation In the struggle against high prices. "By a carefully planned ajnd lav ishly flnancod campaign of misrepre sentation." Dr. Meeker declared, "big businessyha3 succceclded In magnify ing the defects and obscuring or dis crediting the benefits of publicly con trolled and managed enterprises." Contrary to the popular belief, Dr. Meeker said, profiteering was ;tho ro sult and not the causo of liiglv, prices. Increase of prices, he said, was to bo attributed to two causes doubling of tic quantity of currency and decrease in tho quantity of goods. Tho prof iteer, was the result of these condi tions. . no . SHIPPING GERMAN CATTLE. COMPiEGNB, France, April ). Shipments, of German cattle into France In accordance with the terms of;the Versailles' treaty, have begun. RUHR WORKERS ARE GIVING UP TREjRPflIRS Committees to Reorganize to ! Look After Interests of i Workingmen in District i HUNDREDS OF GUNS - ARE SURRENDERED i Leaders Continue to Express Resentment at Advance Of Reichswehr DUSSELDOTvF, April 9. (By the Associated Press.) The three remain ing executive committees of workers' organizations in the Ruhr district, those at Dussoldorf, Elberficld and . Carmen, will dissolve Saturday noon. J relinquishing their goVcrnlng authori ty to tho municipal officers. - Peter Bcrter, tho head of the com mittee here. said today that all the committees in the district had decided to reorganize as committees of ordex. which would look after tho interests of the workingmen. Berter alleged that the reichswer had violated their agreement by the arrival of an officer and 15 men at red headquarters today, demanding tho surrender of two machine guns. These wore refused, and upon an ap peal to tho burgomaster tho reichs wehr departed, whereupon the reds put ono of tho maciilnePiinjtcailx. -ror afTSnJeTorTlTTelr headquarters. More than 20,000 rifles hae been surrendered as provided, for in tha Bielfeld agreement. The workmen's leaders continue to express resentment at the steady ad vance of the reichswehr southward, J tho latter arriving- today at Ratingen and Mettmann, within eight miles of Dusseldorf. Tho workmen declare there have been no disorders anywhere. They deny that any of the reds carried arms to their homes. STRIKE CAUSES MAIL TO PILE UP IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, April 10. Postofficc of- ficlals today took over warehouses to store mail piling up In Chicago as tho result of tho railraod and express strikes. It was announced that cer tain classes of mail were many days late. Postmaster Carllle appealed to Washington and was authorized to rent motor trucks and warehouses to handle the situation. Limited capacity and increased use of tho parcel post during the express strike wore blamed by postal authorities for failure to' handlo the tremendous volume of I mail. oo POLICE SEEK MEN WHO STOLE PRISON BIBLES ' i'HICAGO. April 10. Chicago po lice today were searching for the "meanest thiexes" who stole 123,000 Bibles, valued at $37,500 from the Prison Bible society. Tho Bibles wero carried away In a moving van. FAMOUS STOLEN JEWEL SEARCH j ENDS IN ARREST; NEW YORK, April 10. A ! world-wide search for a fortune ' in jewels, the property of Mrs. Clarence Millhiser of Richmond, , Va., ended here with the arrest j of James E. Foye, who had in his possession a check for $20,- 000 p'aid by a pawn broker for I nine pearls believed by police to be part of the necklace val- ned at $275,000 lost by Mrs. Millhiser here last May. ' When she missed the pearls Mrs. Millhiser notified police she had gisn two bags of jew els valued at $500,000 to Foye, I then an employe of the Bilt- ! more hotel, to be placed in the ' hotel vault, and found only one package when she asked for the jewelry. After leaving the Biltmore hotel Foye was employed by the British food commission. Foye refused to talk. He was charged with grand larceny. i J ' ( NEWTORK. Men take each other for wiat and women for I j what they seem. Hence, declares Helen MacKcllar, actress now .playing ! in "The Storm," women spend tlicir money for fine feathers to make other ! I ; women raise their eyebrows In wonder and envy rather than to "vamp" ' 1 men. IH . 1 I Weather Predictions r-rdFor !-onng-Wedc WASHINGTON,, April 10. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Upper Mississippi and lower Mis souri valleys: Rains and snows Mon day and rains Thursday or Frldav. Cool. Northern Rocky mountain and pla teau regions: Rains and snows prob able middle of the week. Cool. Southern Rocky mountain and pla-i teau regions: Local rains probable middle of week. Cool first part; nor mal temperature thereafter, j Pacific stales: Fair in California and occasional rains probable in Washington and Oregon. Normal temperature. PRINCE CHRISTOPHER j RETAINS HIS RANK GENEVA, April 10. Prince and Princess Christopher of Greece, the' latter being formerly Mrs. W. 13.! Leeds, widow of the tin plate mag nate, have requested that reports rc- cently published in America that the prince has renounced his rank in the sovereign house of Greece bo denied. oo CHICAGO BANKS OPEN HOUR EARLIER MONDAY CHICAGO. April 10. Chicago banks,; including the federal reserve bank,' will adopt a daylight saving schedule. Commencing Monday morning they will advance their business hours ono. hour. Banking hours will be from'O , a. m. to '2 p. m. except on Saturdays when they will be from 9 o'c'ock until ' noon. This was done to c uform with tho hours of New York banks. , .1 JJ JtELUVSU KOBJSUTSOX. ST. LOUIS. Mo., April 9. The St. Louis Americans today announced lhe roleaso of Geno Robertson, in fielder,' to the Columbus club of the American j association. j CHANGES MADE IN H SADDLE HORSE RULES LOUISVILLE, April 9. Changes in the rules of the American Saddle 'H Horse Breeders' association at Its an nual meeting hero today made eligible IHl for registratlcn "the female progeny of a registered saddle stallion and a mare by a registered .saddle stallion." i Previously only stallions in this class were eligible. ) I All officers of tho .association, in- ' . eluding President Claude M. Thomas, j Paris, Ky., were re-elected. The principal address, delivered by Wayne Dinsmore of Chicago, secretary of the Horse .association of America, was t6 the effect that the number of horses In the country had grown to L'l.109,000, an increase of moro than a million in ten years, even though the use ot automobiles had been widely extended. U. S. REGISTERED CATTLE MEET FAVOR f WASHINGTON, April 10. Regis terpd cattle recently shipped from this I 1 country to Uruguay for breeding pur poses have met Avith great favor among producors there, and a number ) of Uruguayan buyers are arranging to visit thvj United States to make addi- ) VM tional .purchases, tho American consul at Montevideo today reported to the department of commerce. oo ! STECHliR BEATS PJIiAKOFF. - NEW YORK, April a. Joe Stecher, world's heavyweight catch-as-catch-can. wr.estllng. champion, threw Fred , Pilakoff of Finland, with a body scls- IH sors. in 1!2. minutes and four seconds at tho Forty-Seventh Regiment arm ury tonight. Stecher weighed 20S ' pounds and his opponent 210. The challenger gave a lively exhibition, but was" worn . down quickly by tho champion. jH on YOUNG KETCHEL AV1XS. LOS ANGELES, April 0. Young Kctchel of Los Angeles knocked out Tommy Carter of Globe, Ariz., in the first round of. their bout here tonight. Tho men fought at! 135 pounds. j . . 4 Free Seed Distribution I The Standard-Examiner has secured through the courtesy of Senators Smoot and King', a large number of selected garden k seeds from the department of agriculture, which will be dis--" tributed to Standard-Examiner subscribers. Those subscribers " living in Ogden can get the seeds at the Standard-Examiner ( office tomorrow by bringing in the coupon properly signed. Those living out of Ogden cansend the coupon by mail and , jH the seeds will be sent to them through the mail. Each subscrib er will receive five packages of the seed while they last. FREE SEED COUPON A , ; Standard-Examiner Publishing Oo. This coupon entitles the bearer to one large 'pack- age of seeds containing five varieties,' Name j Address I r " ; - .