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I p , H . , I I More Public Interest Vital to Our Merchant Marine . yJ I America's Great Opportunity in Interna,--'! tional Trade to Be Visualized at i National Marine Exposition I "T T 7" HAT do you really know about the nation's merchant fleet? Yes, of course, you are more or less famll- j 1 iar with the number of cargo carrying bot toms built here In the course of the last few years. But how much do you know about 1 the problem, the possibilities, of using these craft effectively In the widening of foreign markets for our manifold products? This momentous subject has been dis cussed fully and treated at length In tho news columns of the press, yet It is reason ably certain our citizenry generally has only a hazy notion of the laslc that confronts us n task that must be tackled robustly If wo are to gain the position which the industry of our scores of shipyards has placed within our roach. The best of the situation Is that . the outlook is exceedingly promising, pro- 1 vided the American people as a whole be come bent upon making fulfilment a fact. Exposition to Promote Interest. To the end that every one of us should be better nble to visualize the splendid prospect. New York is to have during the week of j April 12 a National Marine Exposition. It will be the first maritime show hero in two decades; and the object Is that the casual mood of the entertainment seeker shall bo transformed into a determination to do his q . bcs toward making us lastingly strong and j self-sufficient in tho realm of International trade. ' Tho exposition will be the visible climax or years of elTort on the part of the National Ma rine League of the United Suites of America, two of whose inspiring slogans are: "Keep tho I Flog Flying" and "World Trade in American Ships." The league was organized nine years ago, and owes Its Inception to the forceful activities of P. II. W. Hops, whoso previous "experience in maritime fields amused him to start a systematic campaign in behalf of a ' j commensurate merchant marine. The need i of maklnc us Independent upon the sea was brought convincingly home to him during i The Boer war. At thai lime Mr. Itoss was in the banking business In the State of l Washington and was advancing money upon receipts for wheat raised by the nclghbor I in., farmers. All went alone prosperously and smoothly T"r a while, steamships carrying the "red r-nslgn" salllDg regularly laden with tho crain despatched to ready foreign markets. ! Tnen suddenly Great Britain declared war upon the Government of Omn Paul, and 1 immediately thereafter the Admiralty com- f mandeered the nation's far llunc merchant 1 shipping, focusing a vast ageregation of those craft upon the const ot South Africa The wheat crowers of our Pacific States found themselves overnicht without means J Pi ocean transportation, and their grain oe- came little short of a drug upon the market. I Nc wonder, then, that a man ot Mr Ross's j 2'nrce should become voca! in behalf of a I 1-efittIng native merchant marine, nor need j vc marvel that men Ilk t- late J. P. Mor gan. August Relmont. Alexander Hemphill, ; 15. J. Berwlnd and other, of prominence should join with Mr. Rni In bringing Into being a non-partisan, non-political Institu I Ion Intent upon encouraging the creation 1 r.nd maintenance of an nmplc American fleet V, ot trade. As Mr. Ross has expressed It: "Until the year ot 101-1 our country was mainly a -producer: nearly all of its Income was de r'ved from growing or creating things. We either farmed, mined or by the process of manufacture changed raw material Into usablo articles. Then wo sat at our various ocean gates and let the pcoplo of other na-t-ons distribute 90 per cent, of our exports to whomsoever might purchaso them. But In that fateful year of the world war we s.woko to the fact that those wh0 control ihe transportation of our goods also control tho price we would eventually receive for those commodities. The shock was a whole some one. but tho present nc?d IB to guard r.rainst a self-deceiving recovery. Wo have got to strike back, we have got to fight hard IT wo do not Intend to pay henceforth heavy tribute to other peoples who may be strong upon tho sea. Hereafter, for our own good, we must drive an economic span wo must harness Production with its proper team mate. Distribution. "It is being dinned Into us that the need of the hour, the solution of much or our unrest and the lowering of the cost of living depends upon stimulated production, but that is only half of the story. True, it will bo to our benefit if. for a time, we Increoso largely our output and, taking advantage of the present rates of exchange. Import an augmented hulk of foreign commodities. But it is vitally necessary that we see to It ihat ivo are finding steadily enlarged markets for our surplus goods; and we can achlevo this only provided we have unhampered ac cess to .those markets through the medium of ships carrying tho Stars and Stripes. If we don't offset our imports by an outgoing tide of our own products, our factories will have to slow down, close perhaps, and American labor will become Idle. Our newly fashioned fleets give us ono of the means by which we ca.ii avoid so grave a contretemps. Must Reexport to Succeed. "We shall not succeed In our revived for eign trade If we rely alone upen what might bo called direct commerce, i. p.. buying only what we nopd from alien source? and ship pine to the foreigner nothing hut our r.wn commodities. We must develop In America the business of transshipping or reexport inc upon a scale heretofore ontlrely un familiar in our commercial practices. For Instance, we must use our ships lo sell In tho Far East coods hrouuhi lo -ur shores In American bottoms and for which no demand exists amontr us. And let ds suppose rhat the commodities In question will find a readv market in Java. How. you will ask. will the Javanese be able in make prompt settle ment? They'll do It in coffoo. sucar. leak wood. tea. Indigo and rubber And In re gard to the latter just this word of em phasis: "Here in the United State wo use eighty per cent, of the world's lotal production of rubber, nnd yet we control less than five per cent, of the original sources of supply of that material. Do .vju realize ihat seventy per cent, of the raw rubber of the world is directly under the control of the British? Consequently, every tire on every automobile here, every fountain pen. everv typewriter, every air brake on every train, every porous plaster on every achintr back In the United States pays toll to British c..- P H W ROSs! 'uHDE'wHOSE DIQ.ECTION MOTIONAL MARINE week: APR.IL Jfc-IT, WILL BE CELEBRATED to arouse. PUBLIC INTEREST IN Tffe MERCHANT MARINE torprise which Is founded upon forethought and bolstered up by the ships that fly the British ensign. "We might lust as well visualize Ameri ca! Industry In Its entirety as one vast de partment store, '-low long would n business bouse of that sort survive In a bustling city, with rival shops of the same kind. If the de partment store turned over the dcllverv of its sales to the vehicles of a competitor? it would bo merely 'a question of time before that shortsightedness would compel 4he clos ing of ihe emporium's doors. I know ihat It will be asserted that wo got along pretty well for quite half n hundred years without moro than a handful of ships in foreign tiude. but we must not forget ihat conditions have changed. "The real basic reason why our merchant marine declined from about IS60 on to 191-1 waj because the maintenance of an Ameri can fleet of trade. In proportion lo other things that our people had to do during that interval, was of secondary importance, T: day the situation Is all to the contrary, nnd without ships of our own to protect and to regulate the distribution of our products An.crican mills, farms and manufactories will suffer tremendous loss. Our position is further menaced by the fact that we shall be obliged to nccept untold quantities of foreign made goods in payment of foreign Indebtedness lo us; and unless we have our own ships In which to reexport these commodities natlvo producers will bo swamped by European competitors "The wot k ahead of us Is clearly defined, livery citizen should realize that it is his duty to help to keep our vessels busy on tho Seven Seas nnd to be equally determined no to allow the legislators of any other country to dictate how long we are to remain In the exercise of our maritime privileges. "I know that It lias been urged thai we .rnnot compete with the low paid person nel of foreign craft. But let me remind Shipping Authorities Declare the. Nation I Must Distribute as Well as Produce I or Forfeit Prosperity H you that the problem is not merely a ques tion of wages of the seamen and officers: tho crux of tho situation is the quantity rand ho character of the work done. As a mat ter of fact, thero is but little prceent differ once betweon the scale of wages paid on American and European s'.dps: and I am satisfied If wo mako the merchant marine service comparable as a source of livelihood with Industrial activities ashore, and offer evrry reasonable Inducement to the seafarer 'o look' to tho calling as a field of steady employment, presenting wide opportunities for advancement, wo shall have no Iroublo ir. recruiting to the mercantile, fleet youths nnd men of the right sort, "To accomplish this nnd the Marino Lcaguo urges national legislation In several (fireclions. One measure would require that 'every man who enters the merchant service of the United States on voyages In foreign waters must enlist as n seaman of the United States.' That Is to say, every man cn a merchant ship operating beyond the three mile limit shall be pledged by his oath and obligated to his country and flag Just as arc h!s brothers who enter the army or ravy. Again, because the circumstances of Mfe afloat havo changed with our depend ence upon mechanical propulsion. It Is de sirable that a person be able to obtain his able seaman's papers after nine months' deck service jit sea or on tho great lakes, provided he can pass a suitable cxamlna t'on which shall be proscribed by the De partment of Commerce. Urges Wage Amendment. "As another means or promoting Ameri ca's merchant marine personnel, the leaguo Is convinced that Section -1 of the Seamen's bill, which now permits a sailor to draw five per cent, of his wages every five days and fifty percent, on reaching any port, should be amended. Objection to the present law is based on the fact that the foregoing provision en courages a sorjous lack of discipline and leads to frequent desertions. The 'league believes that something must be done toward safe guarding seamen against nautical hazards so that they will be placed upon a parity, as far as possible, with workers ashore. This, of course, cannot be done through the medium of added pay. Major August Belmont, chair man of the board of trustees of the Na tional Marine League, has given this par ticular matter a great deal of study. Let me quote somo of his conclusions and recom mendations: "'It would appear that no Increase of wage is .necessary or advisable if American ship ping ,1s to compete with foreign bottoms. The alternative Is a form of old age pension or Government Insurance, or a combination of these two Ideas. There Is no provision under any net of Congress or of the various States for either pension, compensation or Insurance for American seamen on coast wise or ocean going vessels. ""The compensation laws of the various States usually either expressly exclude masters and seamen on vessels engaged In Interstate or foreign commerce, or limit com pensation coverage to seamen injured while actually within tho territorial watcra of the State. Nor do the various seamen's unions or institutions provide adequate old age pensions or Insurance.' "Major Eclmont's analysis of this ques- fl i!on makc3 It manifest that much might, IJ Ic gained toward promoting morale and oprlt among our deep sea workers if some form of national Insuranco be guaranteed r.r.d protection extended lo tho man afloat, no matter where he may he the world over,. o long as he serves under tho Stars and Stripes. Further. It seems to bo very do- tirable that the merchant sailor be given H a regular uniform, thus dignifying his ser- -' y -- JR vice, as in the navy or army. ' "It was the uniform that sufficed as a Kg 'pass' during the war to the numerous clubs . jH :nstltutcd for the men of our military or- ganizations. The sailors of our merchant Jip marine were thus unintentionally dlscrlm- Vi 'nated against. T II Suggests More Schoolships. p" "Finally, the league has drawn up a model . - k nautical training act, which It Is seeking . to have adopted by all '.hose States in which ' ' schoolships do not at present exlat, Tho ret contains suggestions whereby those Ftatea which have no sea front might still njoy the advantage of nautical schools by combining with States which have n sea board. For example, the man in Arkansas irjght send his boy to the Florida training T School, or the man In Vermont might send Ma lad to New York, or the father in West Virginia might choose to have his son trained jH al-oard New Jersey's schoolshlp. The States laving schoolships nt present are: New York. Massachusetts, Pennsylvania and 'fejl Washington. Due to the efforts of tho . Hl league, a strong movement Is now under f IH way in California for a State training ship. Jl The league desires Congress to demand that IH the fifteen ports of the United States now entitled to tho benefit of Federal assistance t inder the Federal schoolshlp act shall estab- .jl li.h nautical schools within a definite time IH cv forfeit their rights under that act so that , tho privilege? may be given to other ports ' tHI vllling to undertake this training. 1BI "To-day the league numbers about 10.000 IH members and it is significant that the ma- lH Virlty of the enrolments are among our citl- !H zens In the middle West. These wide awake 'H Americans are keenly alive to the fact that jBI their continued prosperity hinges upon un- li failing carriers for their commodities des- tined to ports overseas, and they realize they ll cannot do business profitably with foreign il competitors unless they be able to send their fll wares broadcast in bottoms carrying their, ilS own flag. This attitude is spreading rapidly Hfl back in tho national hinterland and right i Hl among the great agricultural fraternity. HH Only tho other day. here in New York State. 'B tlie dairy farmer suddenly found his export I 19 market closed, and In the main because he iH could not have the necessary oceangoing llflfl transportation. From now on be and his jlHB kind arc going lo Insist that we havo native JB ships in numbers enough to insuro contact mHSI with the consumers abroad. "There is not the slightest question about uEp ou- being able to hold our own In foreign '9El trade, but It In Imperative that we as a nco- -HH pie become 'ship minded.' and look upon a " iNI s!ii; mortgage, maritime bonds. In much the r 'IB same light that we view other loans and : jjKff securities. Ships and shipping must be IKhL maintained, because without them American lH industry will be ruined." H Wi "First Prize Fight io France a.Comedyybut Crowd Didn't Know It.':--; H IS By STERLING HEILIG. ' - Paris. Saturday. 'rOME old Americans In France are still puzzled. ' They look back on a lime (it seems yesterday) when boxing had simply no ex istence In France; when the world's heavy I weight championship could be fought at f Chantllly as on a desert island. The eyes of all America and oreat Britain were on it. "Sullivan and Mt'chell ' Went out for to tight." . . i Yet to Frenchmen ln four newspaper lines next day) the maWi appeared eccen ! trie, barbarous. Incomprehensible, unlnter- ', rstlng and completely negligible. ; That period lasted until yesterday say, 1907. Yet in the spring ot 1914 Paris con I flfiered herself tho pug:llstlc centre of the world. And now Carpcntlcr! Carpentler Is all right. But has there been ' lime for it to get into their blood and bones -, io produce great natural fighters? Iiemem- ber. France was often misjudged before tho war. France was not degenerate but pa ' ciflc: and. unprepared with heavy artillery, 1 rhc took those German shells on her bare breast and drove Iho Germans from tho IMarne. But boxing scorns different. Neither ' Bayard, nor Athos. Porthos, nor Napoleon were handy with the mitts. Where Is their atavism of the "manly ort." the grandslrcs who '"put up their duk'is" instinctively? First Knockout in France. The first knockout- blow ever deliver Jr. Franco was dealt by Louis Doorr, a Frenchman, who had lived In America and ' bpcn favorably known in exhibitions before tho Chicago Athletic Club. Up to recently ' bo conducted a university boxing school around the Sorbonne. It was aoout 1906. "Everybody supposed that Doerr's victim was .killed. The police were preparing to arrest Coerr. whllo attendants mado perfunctory efforts to resuscitate the prostrate man by working his limbs. (Which treatment, of course, was ineffectual.) Louis walked carelessly to hi3 corner, took a sponge from the bucket of water, and, ' elbowing through tho chattering spectators encumbering the ring, dashed water into tho ' fallen fighter's face. Ho repeated the op- i cration just once, and tho victim revived immediately. The crowd was thoroughly ' iKystlflcd; and M. Castcrcs, a then leading professor of tho aavatc ooxc (hand3 and feet) led Doerr to one side and Inquired what ? ho had done? I simply throw water In his face," waa f. tho honest reply, j "Remarkable, remarkable I" murmured the k French specialist g0 now, for how "le knock-out" came to !: Axl ' I It -was in 1910. I sav it. Two blue. Y chinned tragedians, Uirco pale youths, two (. rt-Xormcd slapstick comedians and thrco H; j; women members of an all French aggrcga- HJ tjon missed tho commercial hotel of the llttlo Hl catering place and fetched up at the moro fashionable Quinconccs. bubbling with sum mer boardc-s. In my room, through the partition, 1 'aught bits ot mysterious rehearsal. The male force was hurrying Into sparring tights and bathrobes C). while the girls hammered on tho door. "Ah. close1" a cigarette voice whispered: "you can prink while I am knocking out Camille. Monsieur Rambo. tell him when and where he falls. Me don't know yet! I'm tired of clinching and don't like his odor." 1 "Ta tn." came the soothing answer, "clinching Is excessively American. Don't forget' your infighting 1 shall tell them Willie's kidney punch is terrible!" "In America, they're goln' to bar it. Saw it in the Aufo." "Is that so? I'll tell them that, too. Now. attention I They arc going down lo dinner! Now " With "now" tho stern phalanx stalked through the corridors and out into the per fumed dusk, with vast effect "Brutes!" murmured the old Colonel. "Heroes!" whispered the bud roscB. For thrco days the Casino billboards had announced: "Battling Johnson Meets All Comers! Brogan and Hardy. Welter Champions! Ted Willie Corbctt! Lo Knock Out Guaran teed ! " The box office took $21-1. and tho nice families shuddered at the sponges, buckets, towels, fans, ropes and manager's brief al locution: "Mcsdamcs, Messieurs! Tho 20 centimes supplement stamped on each ticket, and which you havo paid, constitutes your re ceipt for life and accident premiums of tho evening. No pugilist's family can come back on you for damages. Tho Casino au- thorltles are equally covered. Spectators of sensibility are begged to retire before a brutal but virile spectacle!" Nobody budged. How the Crowd Was Thrilled. Time! It was Brogan and Hardy, also a tiuo dog fight. Brogan rushed his man through the ropes and pulled him out and slammed him up against a bucket Hardy flopped on his back, leaped to his feet, clung in a clinch,, tore loose, then drovo a left on Brogan's jaw, a right on Brogan's oar and hutted Brogan in the chest Bouncing back, exhausted, ho lay on his back, and Brogan hammered methodically on his upturned face while the spectators Oh-ed!" and bounced in their scats. How report those rounds, the business with buckets and sponges! Brogan sported p.n enormous purple ohlner suddenly after a sponging. Hardy nonchalantly pulled out two teeth and threw them on tho floor you could hear a tooth drop! Then the thing recurred which makes tho buds of Beziers, the matrons of Montpelllcr and collegians of Cahors say so superior: 'Carpentler? Oh, yc3; but you ought to havo seen the fight at Ax!" Hardy had gono flat from a right bander. Flopping llko a toad, the gifted comedian was half up and wholly down six times" In seven seconds (his Idea had been to "make It ten and take the count" by which ho calculated he would "win the belt"). Bro gan,' out ot breith and pallence. folded his crms,- and the flopping genius had the spot '.ight to himself. He rolled over 5n his stomach. IIo leered up with blood stained features at the plty Kg ladles who composed two-thirds of the audience. "Hit film again!" whispered tho retercc. 'No. the poor young man Is rest ing!" whimpered tho ladles. And to show Lo wasn't he sagged to nis haunches; and -d v'hlle tho Pollco Commissary starte'd for Ike ring ho got a final and perfunctory clout f:om Brogan, on tho job again. It was Hardy's cuo to do a back .'all. roll, k.'ck. shiver and lie still, sc thin, just as tho releree told off the rounds, the Commlstary ca!!ed out In a loud voice: "That ihe spec tacle cease! Tho public is summoned to ".!sperso! " That Is why they did not see Battling Johnson. Kid Sullivan and Willie Corbctt yei complained noL And '.hat Is why. when Brg Jim Johnson with an honest enough . GEORGES CAR.PENTIER. ZLncC HIS BRIDE., sparring outfit showed at Luchon there was disappointment at Its tameness. "You should have seen the fight at Ax!" they said. Paris, of course, was different When Tommy Burns, "heavyweight cham pion of the world." knocked out Bill Squires, "champion of Australia," and when Sam Mc Vey, heavyweight champion of California, knocked out Eon Taylor, champion of Eng land, tho crowds, from C.000 to 1S.000 re spectively at Eowling Palace and Hippo drome, half fashionables and femininity, paid from 30 down. McVey was the Black Bison of the Boule vard. The night ho put to sleep Herbert Fynnett. the Australian Lemon, the boy manager, one Klcgln, packed the pro gramme with world events. Black Kid Davis, lightweight champion of Europe, knocked out Jimmy Calne, "champion of Sioux City": Dick Green, "middleweight champion of Chicago." knocked out Ben Scanlon, "champion of Louisiana." and Bill Styles, "champion of Seven Dials." was tilled to lull to rest Bill Chester, "middle V'elght champion of South Africa." For a moment the Australian Lemon had 1 een a bigger man (in Paris) than Sam Langford. He had knocked out Scales, champion of Lambert. Shearing, champion cf Tooting, and Wilson, champion of Put ney. Paris owed much to theso pioneers, yet Paris is fickle. Homage is denied a fighter '.he minute he loses a battle. Hasn't ho deceived them? He Is not a champion! More than ono American boxer knew It o his sorrow. Walter Stanton was tho fervent admiration of the Boulevard. In' turn ho knocked out four "middleweight champions of England" Dick Bailey. Buitcr Brown. Jack Costello and Tiger Smith. But the moment Stanton lost to tho American. Willie Lewis, he was dropped, even as a tubject for comment. When Lewis Was a Lion. . Willie Lewis In his turn deserved well of Paris where for a long tlmo he-won every tpttle he fought a young lion, taking on much heavier men. And wrote a book. Then Billy Papke came and murdered him In thrco rounds. Whence Paris concluded Willie had deceived them! Papke profited nothing. Too Impatient, too direct to school himself In Paris ways, he heard It circu lated ho was not a champion and hit a little fellow, a non-pugilist WTon by rumors of.McVcy's affluence. Willie Lewis and Joe Jcannett'c had como to Paris signed up by a Frenchman. McVey was supposed to havo 300,000 francs In tho American Express. Jeannette after three matches beat him; and poor Sam. who had rrcn ao great in Paris, was a dead 'un. As tp Jhe 300.000 francs, it Is not certain that anybody took them home to America. Not Jeannette who says ho Is not crazy about Paris. Yet a very great deal of money was mado over thoso matches. Fashionable women could, see Jeannette train in a livery ctablo yard at Neullly on -icscntation of their ring side tickets: boxoa, f GO: ring side, ?20. Tho spoiled beauties looked askance on Joe's honest routine brushing aside of Marc Gaucher and Wllllo IB Lewis'. "Knock him out!" ilicy pleaded. IH (Who? Anybody!) Until Jeannette. torn HH tetween duties, roughed a trifle for com- IHI plaisance. Wasn't tho good Marc mad: jH "Now. hit him. Marc!" said the tactful lB manager "Joe, throw down your guard!" lH Tbo French champion sailed in. but instead "'IKI of admiring the American mulatto's tough- jlJEI ness, taking railroad spikes on the unguard- lilB ed face, tho fair creatures argued that tho t'Bi Frenchman must bo weak! "No iceth broke! M they sniffed. jH As the poet says. "Where arc the snows 1 cf a year ago?" IH Nor Jeannette, nor McVey. nor Langford. N - , Pl nor Jack Johnson are champions! ' " !. Paris Knows It Alj xCvM Paris knows. arls uas seen Everything, read everything! , 'ff9 When Carpentler. "the premier fist of' '. u' ?B France," at London in 1913 "put knockout" k M Pcmbardicr Wells in seventy-three second ?M after having done It In four rounds at Ghent Bill "just to sec if he could" he won th heavyweight championship of Europe. At that moment he was middleweight Bl champion of Europe by his knockout of Jim Sullivan in two rounds at .Monte Carlo ' HM the year previously. Ho Is equally (they say) welterweight IH champion of Europe by his victory (London IE ?11) over Young Josephs, who gavo up In v the tenth round after having' gono down nine times. jH In 1919; It Is claimed, nc accumulated a fourth championship of Europe. I. c. near heavyweight, by knocking out Dick Smith ' r.r Paris in nine rounds, (The French mako . iho distinction of "mi-lourd.") , , . And again in J919 (It was almost 1920) V VM he defended his heavyweight championship WM cf Europe against ail comers by tho knock- IH out of Joe Beckett at London in seventy- . II four seconds. (II0 was six years older. It 1 w HH Is to be remembered, than when he knocked K cut Bombardier in seventy-three seconds.) IR Paris knows; this Is the sort or thing that counts. Paris knows ihe history of the ring. Some of Its most notible battles havo been briefest Battling Nelson boat William Rossitcr in two seconds. Dal Hawkins knocked out bH Martin Fiahertyln four seconds. Terry Mc- , ., lKiM Govern finished Pedlar Palmer in sixteen Ivui seconds, nnd Sam Langford (right here In Eslll Paris!) knocked out Champion P. O. Curran, ' Bnl advertised as "never knocked down In his " raTld life." in Just six seconds. BjBl Now, about Carpentler. V ' IH lie Is tho idol of Paris, becauso he Is a . . , IH chcmplon. Ho hasn't deceived Paris. Cham- pion? Champions! He is tho more idol be- ' cause he is so plural. He has not spilled ' any, so they claim them ail for him. As is ' pointed out by the best authorities. Carpon tier has made and maintained himself cham- pions in four different classes on six occa- f slons! Ho still Is. them, isn't he? You can- ' not take them from him by words. ' A jfl Also, brevity.