Newspaper Page Text
1 THE STANDARD-EXAMINER SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1920. 7 II I I FOR SALE 1 AT A sacrifice by owner, selling for cash I orm terms, the following1 Ogden real u. r tulc! 4Sxl32 fect at 2163-65 Grant avenue, I Including two story brick and frame hulldlng. will relit for $100 a month. 40x 164 foot Insldo lot between. Grant and 'Lincoln. Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth with right of way. ' 55x247 foot inside lot. betweon Twonty- first and Twenty-second, Madison and Jefferson, with right of way. 1 Send scaled bids to Charles Satcr. P f O. Box -130. Salt Lake City before AprM I BY OWNER Nice four room brick, j lnrge lot. one-half block off Washington. Phone 2S91-M. MODERN four room frnmo bungalow j with glass 3iocplng porch. 32S4 Lincoln 5 ROOM house, good lot, newly filled and rcpapcred, a comfortable little home Call 2217 Van Buren. 286 FARM. Phono S-J-2. 251 BY OWNER Modern five room brick house, cellan good lot. chicken coop, at 220 Twenty-first street. Phone 2469-J. Cash $3250. Torino $3500. 25o SEVEN room modom. large lot. -J IS Sec I ond street. 3 5 ROOM modern house with large sleep- ' ing porch. good location, 53150 cash. Tele- phone 9S3-W between 8 a, m. and 0 p. m. BY owner, modern brick house on bench $5250. Phone 2432-J. 31S FOUR room modern cottage, well fur nished, close In. Immediate poossession. Soe owner. Phone 2061. 31 1, FIVE room modem house. Inquire 1411 Washington. 316 NEW house and big lot. 3210 Quincy -80 ; 7-RM. house, cheap, on 23rd bot. Grant j and Line. Inq. 540 2l3t. 291 i 8 ROOM modern house. 3 blks. from ; Reed Hotel, lot 66x330 all or half of lot Phone 2S14-M. 450 20th St. 2SS 1 I ONE of the best buys In Ogden; six-room brick, strictly modern, furnace; .hardwood floors. 2i acres finest land: assorted fam ' ily orchard, alfalfa etc.. 20 shareswatcr. light fixtures and linoleums Included.. Price $6500. SI000 cash. Thos. Auld.-'lin-der First National Bank. Phone TO mako Immediate sale. 6 room fraiiie. house, lot G4xl9S feet, $1500. 5400 down, balance $20 a. month. 2155 Wall avenue; vONE acre, well located north of Ogden river; good water right. Terms. M. Shaw. 413 Twenty-fourth -street. Phones 1603 and 2877-J. 205 Five room brick; modem, paved street. - ,9000. gt Eight room brick, modern. $9100. Wt . Five room brick, garage, chicken house. W strictly modern sleeping porch. $7500. m Five room brick, modern. $4700. . ' Other bargains for from 52G00 to $30. m . Phone 2029. 2731 Madlfon avenue. 1SS Ijm . , ' FOR SALE IN POCATELLO VALLEY . M?"J The little granary of the went, where 40 K r and 50 bushels of Turkey Rcu wlieat per If acre is common. I have 320 aero farm for i sale at $25 per acre, all fenced. Improve Four room house worth $ 500 l . Wagon and water tank 1000 One set harrows 35 y -' One almost new John Deere two-way 1r One two-way dick plow t. 50 '-' One hand plow 15 ,- Also five work horrcs. each 125 .. Harness for five horses 100 ',f This farm has. 75 acres In TurkcyRed jtf wheat, about 35 acres to summer fallow, 125 acres to break, 10 acres cut for hay. balance In pasture. V Tills farm and all can bo bought for S9500. $3000 down. $6500 at 6 per cent In m terest. and half of the crop raised on the W place to be paid each year on the prlncl m pal until paid In full, and In e.uo of crop : failure you pay only the interest. This ft. farm is a bargain. It produced last year m?j 1C00 bushels of No. 1 Red wheat and this m year prospects are much hotter. Don't fLr miss this bargain. If interested write E. v ; J Norman. Paradise. Utah. ' 174 , L & THREE room house. Phone 2171-W. 154 I 'v;- ifi TWO eight room brick housee on Twcn I tv-second and Reeves avenue, also corner : j lot 116x118 feet, by owner. Phone 3076 FIVE room modem brick, corner, close In fir on bench and car line. Vi basement and if parage. All window shades and electric - fixtures. A positive snap at $1500. Eight room modern frame, close in on bench and car line. Lot 60x132; will re r, gr" qujro $100) cash; good terms on balance. f. Fivo room fully modern brick buna " low. hardwood floors and borders: tiled bath room, brick nd glazec In sleeping I . porch, all built-in features, shades and . electric fixtures, full basement, furnace heat, cemented driveway, close to car j line and school; one of tho neatest and M best home3 in Ogden. , cash, terms on . -J. balance. $7000. 14 acres land, C room house, chicken m house, hot house. 2 'lowing wells. 2i I "jg" acres pasture, 1 acres alfalfa, some i "Bui small fruit, balance best tomato and beet ffi land; within 3 miles of city. V? cash, fig1 terms on balance. JJ4.500. ML 90 acres land. 60 acres under cultlva I E. l'on' flniall house and cellar, spring l mW water, 12 acres wheat. 5 acres alfalfa, bal l M' anccg rain and pasture land. Close to 5 mm. Orjen on main road; cash, terms on " mm bttmnce. Only $7500. Bk': a a j. a Mcculloch -mMt Under-First Natl. Bank 3824 I ' HANDSOME NEW MODERN HOME. i i of six rooms; all hardwood floors, gum .jj and enamel finish; buffet kitchen, break - t faat alcove; mantel and book cases: fur- L nace heat; cement basement, all partl- IJ Uoncd off: the classiest home of its size 11 ', In city. Located 1371 Twenty-fifth, fj? L ' 3S9o j "T ' , SWANER v t ; ' Four room frame house on bench, ( well located $3500 ; - Seven room frame house on bench, 1 upper Twenty-fourth $3500 Six room modern brick residence on !! bonch .'..$6000 Twelve room double brick house on bench $8500 Ten room double brick house, strict ly modern $9000 KELLY & IIERRICK 45 ( CHOICE building loto on North "Washing ; '' ton; newly paved street; wc furnish mon I ' -' v'c to build. Also choice cheap lots, close ; to paved ntroets; easy tcrmn: no paving tax. W. B. Wcdoll, 2468 V'ashlngton. . 371.-1 I jfr t. 1 V BURLEY IDAHO FARM LANDS V WE have a large list of lirigatcd farms for pale or trade. Write or 3eo WONES " ' 1. GRIBWOLD JNr. CO., Burloy, Idaho. 2748 156 ACRES of farm land near Promoc k too', fully equipped with stock and tools. Residence, stable, spring for domestic use I and early water for Irrigation. This would ma do a choice grain farm. Can I toko a noma n Ocdcn as part payment, $4750. W. B. Wedell. 2468 Wash Ave 1833 ' EIGHT beautiful building lots, rear of 550 Twenty-second street. Call 2123-R. t Ronldcnccs 2658 .Monroe. 3089 I ' BIT OtvNBR Five-room brick homo; 1 modem except heat, excellent location: U call at 2811 Adams Ave. Phono -240"- M Sl..-iooiii iiick no'ine. i 1.2 DiocKa from m AVush- on bpneh. wlfh chlckon run unrl W garare. Sncp at 52860. Terms at No, '.11 jl 94lh Stroe 33M W . MODERN home; canaries, rabbits. Phono ,F 28S9-W. 3076 m 5-ROQJI modern brick bungalow, hard- ifl " wood floora. fireplace and all modern con- IV vonlencec. This houeo is only a half block K from car line on bench If you are looking W - for a real cozy home, call 3169-R. 3-13-tr ! lW 1 ) FOUR room, brick. house, completely fur-! jW nlohecU -$3500. P. Q. Box 305. 21G I lu i" , 3-ACRE, G-room modern house, chicken H mET i supply, mixed fruit. Phone 2880 -W. rl 3-24-lmo LI J fJSElr. . LOO'' CONSIDERI I mm -1 HEN buying or Helling property, call on 'r W JP portor, Real Kstato. Basement 2371 i Iff j . .-Washington Ave. Phona 1876. 3-D-lino r' ,0-ROOM modem; furniture, piano. See lf-. .owner, 62S 22nd street. Phone 2333. i jaf- - ' 3-24-lmo FOR SALE Real Estate ' ' Coiinued FARMS FARMS 30 ACRES at Layton, A-l land, good im jprovemcnta. A real farm. Offered at $14.- 1 500 for a few days only. iS-ACRES at Roy, good land. Davis and Woher canal water right. House, etc, $3500. 40-iACRES first clncs pasture about four nillc3 southwest of Ogden. This pasturo will keep 25 or more head of ntock. Its a bargain at $75.00 per acre. 15 acres of it can be made good beet land. 40 ACRES under Davlls and Weber Co. canal. 25 acres plowed. Priced at $4500. Js good land and can be riiado worth twice the money. Will exchangcfOr city property " See us if you wish to buy or sell a farm. Several good farms with ample water at Trcmonton. RANCH 360 ACRES all hay, ranch house: and full equipment. Owens range for 300 head ad Joining ranch, 200 head of flie cattle. One of the best stock ranches for its size go inr The price is right as the owner wants to retire. He made his pile. CITY PROPERTY 5-ROOM strictly modern brick, full base-prott- little homo. It will go quick at 55S00.00 We have several other houses. SMITH & FLJNDERS CO ; Upstairs Commercial Bank 311 FOR SALE BY SKEEN REALTY CO.. BRAN new 1 room bungalow, large lot, tinder canal, best of plumbing, large kitchen cabinets, etc Price $3S0O. $1000 cash. bal. $40 per mo. Move in tomor row. NIFTY little bungalow, brand new. on Ec clcs Ave,, combined dining and llvlnsr room, maple floor, largo kitchen cabinet, etc.. S-foot sleeping porch, best of plumb ing, white enamel kitchen and bath. Price $3400. $700 cash. bal. $3G per mo. Move in tomorrow, 2 SMALL houses in south part of city, lot 150x150. 3 large chicken coops A snap for $2000. u cash. Phone 013, 2255-W. 290. NEAT little 4-room house on lxnch, part- ly modern. $1900. Half cash. Thos. Au'd. under lat Natl Bank. 306 1 G. E. M. REALTY 2375 Hudson Avenue .3 NEW modem homes, sleeping porches and' basements $1200 each. Cash and terms. 5-ROOM strictly modern house $5700. ,Cash and terms. 7-ROOM modern house, nearly 1 acre of gro.und. close In. $5500. Cash and terns. 5-ROOM modern house on paved streetr close In. 12-ACRE farm "A-l" water right, flowing well, 5-room frame house, close in. 80 ACRE farm all , cultivated, good house, sheds and barn, good water right. Cash and terms, T have niniiv other bargains liero and in Idaho. See me for buying, rolling or trad ing properties. Mrs. Nettle Eccles G. E. M. REALTY I, 2357 Hud5on Avenue . i 307 Phone 1037 I IfOR SALE by owner One of tho best 1 20 acres of land hi Weber county on bench. Has 1100 poach trees. 500 cher ries. Bing. Napoleon and Lamport, old water right. G-room house, city water, rlectric lights. 3000 feet street frontage, one-half fruit trees, one-half tomato und boot land. Immedlato possession. C. II. Smith. 27S Twenty-fifth street. 276 THE GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. Phono 280 416 Twenty-fourth St. SIX ROOM MODERN Located on the bench on lot 43x127 foot, basement, colonades. Inlaid linoleum, two mirrors and bookcases. S3650. Terms. FOUR ROOM MODERN Full basement, sleeping rorch. bath, good size lot. for immediate sale will sell for $2500. $1000 cash; easy terms. SIX ROOM MODERN Full basement, sleeping porch, house located in sduthcast port of city and In A-l condition, good size lot. $2750. Easy terms. FIVE ROOM MODERN Bungalow on upper Twenty-fifth St.. on SOxlS'O lot. hardwood floors, sleep ing porch. large rooms, pipes and reg isters all in for Installing .lUniaces, ex cellent value. $5000. IN COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION Several strictly modern homes in most desirable locations, ranging in prices from $5500 to $0000. can submit loca tions, plens and specifications, ipon re quest. Consult us early in regard to one of these elegant homes. THE GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. Phone 2S0-281 41C Twenty-fourth 250 FARM BARGAIN. WE have listed for immediate sale. 32 acres eholee hay. beet, fruit and tomato land. 30 shares water. 7 room modern home, barns, poultry houses, implements, situated 20 minutes from Ogden on state macadamized road. Price $18,000. $9000 cash; five years balance 7 per cent, ALFRED E, STRATFORD. Basement Broom Hotel. Phone 2304-.T 280 TEN loom modern brick, three room apartment on bench, paved street, rue line. Phone 2347-J. 206 FINE building lot on Adams; 37 1-2 feet by 170 feet to alley: -will sell tills lot for $300: C.13I1 or temis to suit. If interested In n good buy. call 31G9-R. 3-13-tf HOMES, farms, ranches and loans. Let us show you. Ogden R. E. & Bldg. Co.. 2438 Washington Ave. Phone 378; under Postal Telegraph Co. 7 ROOMS house closo in, $3000, Can make terms. 7 ROOM apartment house. $S50. 14 ROOM appartment house on the bench lot 72x150, $6500. 0 ROOM medern brick bungalow and 5 room frame in rear. Lot 57x250. $5200. Ccn make terms. FOR RENT 13 acres good sugar beet lurid, with 4 room house and bam. for one year. mile from city. Immediate pos session. W. P. Long. 2779 Washington. Phono 431 -M. 4031 j WANTED I l To Buy i SMALL acreage with home in or close to city. Phone 1037 283 WANTED to buy from owner. 10 to 20 acre farm within seven miles of Qgdcn. Box B, Standard. 209 WE BUY. raise, and soil fur-beailng rab bits and other fur-bearing animals. List what you have with us. 3tat!ng your low est prices on large lot shipments. The Fur & Specialty Farming Co., 515-517 N. P. Avenue-., Fargo. N. D. 212 SECOND hand concrete mixer, gasollno power. Reply Tel. 1550-J. 190 WE have cash customers for desirable city and farm lands. List your property with rcllablo people. Kelley & Herrlck. 2-G-tf WILL buy from owner, four or five room hoUBc. Address 2643 Monroe. 155 FRESH milk cow: hogs, veal and poultry. Will come to your yard to buy. Phone 2597-R, Peart Bro3.. 3421 Adams avenuo. Ocdcn. Utah. 3S07 WE BUY all cars, regardless of condi tion. Auto Salvago .o., 2348 Grant Ave. 3197 CLEAN rat,o wanted at tho Standard office. ATTENTION IF YOU have one cow or car load of cat tle or stock plg3 for sale, I will drive out, try and buy them. Call 2100 evenings or 704 day tlmo. C. A. Lundoulst. 3663 ? Situations j WANTED work; prefer farming, 2314 CranL 202 LET ua do your plowing; largo tracts a specialty. Phono ll-J-3. 104 GENERAL houscclcanlng, Phone 1010-.T 58 j WANTED j Board and Room 5 WANTED young lady to board and room: private family. Telephono 3043. 159 HOME wanted for a six year old bo v. Mother will pay for his board and clotlie him Address Box 16, care Standard. 301 The bull and tho cow are sacrod an linul.s to the Hindoo, and aru never killed yfor food. P WANTED I Female Help LADY or gentlcmnn agent wanted in Og den for Watkins famous products. Wat kins goods known everywhere. Big prof Its. Write today. Watkins Company, 51. Wlnonn. Minn. t 04 WRITE photoplays, S2G-S300 paid anyone for suitable Ideas. Experience unneces sary, complete- outline free. Producers' League, St. Louis. 3473 EXPERIENCED woman wanted at Wush Intrton Bakery. 314 GOOD laundress wanted. 2511 Van Bur en. 303 CHAMBERMAID wanted at tho Van Ness Hotel, -57 NEW BRIGHAM hotel, chambermaid; wanted 225 KITCHEN woman wanted at tho Virginia Hotel. 4-1-lw EXPERIENCED and inexperienced help, $10.80 to $18.00 per week: 8 hours per day. Union Pacific Railroad Laundry. 6-21-tf J. A. HOGLE &. CO. pay highest prices In Ogden for Liberty Bondsy WRITE photoplays. $25-$300 paid any ono for suitable ideas. Experience unnoc sary; complete outline free. Producers' League. 691. St, Louis. Mo. 90 AN experienced girl for housework, 432 27th street. Phone S90. 409S EXPERIENCED salesladies to sell phono graphs; good eastern line, good commis sion, Call 411 Twenty-third street, bc tween 10 and 12 a. in. 3941 FAMTLY washing wanted. Phone 2015 M. 3708 DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing to applv themselves. Seo Madam Catliu. Third floor. Wright's Store. 9242 GIRLS wanted to sew on overalls. We pay whllo you learn. Only thoeo vho want steady Jobo need apply. Scnw croft Manufacturing Co. 5014 j WANTED Tj MEN wanted for detective work. "Write J. Garior, former Govt, detective, 720 Dan- ; vllley Ills. 4052 , MEN Agv; under 55. Experience unnec essary. Travel make secret lnvesliya tlon. reports. Salaries, expenses. "Write American Foroign Detective Agency. St. Loul3. 3474 FIRST class shoocmaker wanted, Clark ' Shoe Store. 30S WANTED District manager for Ogden. Inquire Room 15. Commercial Bank, up stairs. Guarantee Fund Life Assn. 275 CONCRETE contractors wanted to make bids on Job. Call 1365-W. 1S3 A YOUNG man, over 24 years of age. to ! sell our 7 per cent savings; good salary and excellent opportunity for advance- I menu Apply to J. H. Andrews, secretary. I the Guurantee Mortgage Company, 416 ; 24th St. LEARN actual auto repair, vulcanzmg. Los Angeles Y. M.C. A. Auto School. ! ll-l-lmo i EXPERIENCED saTosmen to sell phono ,' graphs on commission basis; good propo sition to right parties. Apply 411 Twenty I third street between 10 and 11 a. m. 3942 I CAPABLE and experienced man to han dle salesmen selling on commission: cood I proposition for right man. Addresj P. O. Box 98. 3943 I FARM hand who understands care of or chard and handling of fruit. W. B. Wc dell. 2468 Washington Avenue. 3820 r torTrent 1 1 Furnished 3 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 2353 Monoroe Ave. 324 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms. 2 174 'A Washington. 319 2 ROOMS for light housekeeping, suitable for b.atchclor. modern. 362 24th St. 297 FURNISHED rooms for rent. 2122 Wash. 298 DESIRABLE two-room housekeeping apartment. Park Apartments. 228 j HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Phone 1597. I 243 ONE sleeping room: two housekeeping rooms, half block library. 457 Twenty sixth. 24 NICELY furnished rooms; use of bath and telephone; gentlemen preferred. 2672 Madison avenue. 211 TWO partly furnished rooms. Inquire ! Room 6, 246S Washington. W. B. edell. THE C. J. Adams homo at Rlverdale for . the summer. Tel. 42-R-l. 197 J LARGE elegantly furnished room for ono lor two gentlemen. 2543 Madison avenue. I 201 TWO housekeeping apartments. Two rooms, reasonable rent. 2252V Washing tor 111 FURNISHED apartment, 2571 Lincoln. I ! I MODERN furnished rooms: moderato prlcos. two minutes from postofflce, 2116 j Grant Ave. 4104 ! FURNITURE and stoves for sale. 317 130th St. 4057 . MODERN sleeping rooms. 333 21 St. 4020 SLEEPING room for gentleman. Phono 909-W. 165 Twenty-third. 3795 FURNISHED front room. 530 Twenty thlrd street. Phono 2180-M. 3900 GATES HOTEL 244C Grant Avenue Phono 3050 Modern furnished rooms. Weekly rates. 371S ROOMS for gentlemen. Phono 1880. 3716 FOR RENT I j Unfurnished GARAGE for rent. Phone 1590-W. 220 FRONT roonm for housekeeping or offlco across from park. 320' Twenty-fifth 'lSG FarTReff j Miscellaneous OHIO vacuum cleaner. $1 per day Phone 3148. 12 STORAGE room for rent. Call Asbosto late Products Co.. Phono 1410-AV. 3673 IPmilto HIGH grade White Leghorn laying hens for sale. Telephono 2329. 302 THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island eggs for hatching. Phono 2741-J. G. C. Klmcs, 350 Ninth street. 260 I HAVE on hand Barred Rocks, R T Reds ond Brown Leghorns. If you want baby chicks order at once from R A Seagcr. phono 2852-J or call at 3137 Jef ferson after 6:30. 163 EGGS for hatching. Puro bred Black Ml norca and Rhode Island Red. 630 Sov onth street. Phone 2135-M. 7 RHODE Island Rods and Shopard's strain Ancona eggs, $1.50 setting. Phono 357-M 303 REDS and Whllo Leghorn eggs for hatch lng: also breeding stock. Call Bramwoll. 1416-J. 3922 HATCHING eggs from heavy laying JYiite- Leghorns, $1.00 per 16; $9.00 per 100. Phone 2124-R. 3910 EGGS R, I. Reds. B. and W. Rocks, Blk I.ln." W.- B and Eu" Leghorns, Anconas! Light Brahmas. Cornish Games, W and Silver Laced Wyandottcs, turkey, "duck and goose eggs. Seo Us for baby chicks and live poultry. Ask us about JL WESTERN GRAIN & FEED CO 3627 H. E. Palmer. HATCHING eggs. S C W Leghorns, S. C. R. T. Reds. Brod to lay. R W Arrn strong. North Ogden. Phono 6-R. 3-28-3w SEVERAL, aottlnga bronzo turkey eggs Phone 1243, Wcsforn Grain & Feed Wo. 23nl Washington Ave. 3-22-tf HsecoI WE take your old range as first payment on any new range, or will buy your old range outright. Homo Furniture Co. 4673 j torsale 1 IVliscellanoi j HIGH oven, glass door, gas range. Also gas houtor. Both In perfect condition. Phone 1284-J or call at No. 1955 Wnsh Ington .avenue, after 5 o'clock p. m. 254 BILLIARD table, S Ivory balls, full cqulp mont. Cheap. Inquire Howell's store. 323 No. S NEW cook stove, gas oven. 2C65 Wnll Ave. 321 NE. Exldo battery for sale cheap Inq. 1 Wm. AVllllAma Auto Top Co., 23rd and 1 Hudson. 205 j NATIONAL cash register, registers from lc to $0, A-l condition Alhambra Candy 1 Shop. 2425 Hudson Ave. 290 GOOD work team for sale cheap if taken soon. Phone 62-J-l. 294 FURNITURE for salo. 2825 Adams ave nue. Phone 2240-J. 26S TWO floor cases 352 Twenty-fifth. 267 ONE coal ran go and one gos rango. DOS Twenty-seventh. Phone 241G-W. 266 FRUIT jars and Jelly glasses- Phone 1962. 265 NEW range boiler, blue enamel sink, five kitchen chairs, extension table. 607 Seventh street, 279 LARGE gas range. 476 Twenty-sixth street. 260 FRESH milk cow. Phono 1650-R. ln qulre 3233 Pacific avenue, 263 PLAYER piano almost new: will sell at sacrifice. Owner leaving city. Box 33. care of Standard. 242 BUY your paints at Stoves and save money. 1S00 Washington, phono 6S6-J. 226 FURNITURE. 1610 Washington Avenue. 207) COMPLETE furniture for five room house; buyer can have lease of house at $25 a month. $1100. P. O. Box 305. 217 ONE marc, 1600 pounds, and yearling colt. Apply 230 West Second street or phone 1S27-J. IPS $150 .phonograph. Tel. 2751-W. 191 BUSCH and Gertz piano, style 15. 628 Twentv-second. Phono 2333. PIANO for sale. Inquire Washington apartments. 247 H Washington. 106 I BUCK range, llnoloum. dining rocm table. 1C1 Patterson avenue. 182 FOR SALE By owner, 4 -room house, can make two more rooms upstrairs: part cash. See Mr. Fox, Union Depot baggage room. 3-lS-lniO HIGHEST prices paid for second hand goods. Stowe's Second Hnnd Store. 1800 Washington Ave. Phone 686-J. 5-2-tf FIRST class sheep camp equipped with drawers and bins, stove cupboard and elevated bunk, and new running gear, also good set of work harness. Apply to Bcck stcad Brothers, HuiitsVlllc. Utah 176 ONE span of mares. 7 years old, weight 1700 each. Call 1002 Jackson. Phono 1165-J. Price $150. ; 167 SIDEBOARD, dresser, hard coal burnor. carpet. 3065 Porter avenue, 175 ONE small team, weight 1000 pounds each, one large team, weight 1350 each; one Fordson tractor, one plow, one disk culti vator, one wagon, one set harness. Call Wright-Whittlcr Co.. Thirty-third and Pa clflc avenue. 14S ALMOST new bed. dresser, rockers, etc. Phono 2942-M. 635 Twenty-third. 115 SIX room house and bath, with four lots, $500 modern hen house, garage, etc.. $'000. Inqulro of owner. 644 Washington ait-nue. 112 Singer Sewing Machine JUST ARRIVED Latest models can be purchased or rented for $3.00 a month. Needles oil and repairs for all makes. Singer Sewing Mochine Co.. 2338 Wash lngton Ave. Phone 24. 4113 WHILE thev last, "Horrors of War," 75c. 'Now 5-ply rubber hose, 15c. Phone 333. 47 MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. JHARLEY DAVIDSON motorcyclo in pcr 1 fect condition. Call 2042 Qulhcy avenue. 4148 ' SEED potatoes for sale. Farley's Gro ,cory Store. 2602 Washington. Phono 1C2C. 22 FOR SALF. My fine phonograph, largo sizo, $65; must bo sold today. Call Mr ; Sorenscn. Room 202 Healy Hotel. 3072 FOR SALE My fine phonograph. large I elze. $65; must bo sold today. Call Mr. Sorenson, Room 202 Healy Hotel. 3072 .GOOD conereto steam mixer, che?p. 433 Crosa streot. 3S60 FINE grocery stock and leaso, well locat ed on Waslhngton avenue. Kelly & I-W- rick. 3778 ; LATE 1919 twin Harley Davidson motor ' cycle with etde car. In perfect condition. Also twin Excelsior for $100. Seo clrcula- tlon manager. Ogden Standard. 3776 ONE-HALF PRICE. John Dccro double disc sulkcy plow, used only ono season. Ono Solid Comfort slnglo plow sulkoy. One Jump seat surroy. Ono umbrella top buggy. Ono top grocery delivery wagon. Ono light road cart, all in good con dition and nowly painted. Also other Bccond hand goods. IVERSON'S SECONDHAND 3TORE. 1640 Washington Avo. 3585 FEVLES and guaranteed singers. Come . hoar them sing. 2220 Lincoln. 2242 SEVERAL sets of new work harness. Og den Horso Sale & Commission Co. 3103 1000 shares of Capital Petroleum at 23c; a dividend paying stock. Phono 3076 3037 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made; big reduction. Gordon's, 211-25 Twonty-flfth St. Phono 419. 2157 j WANTED j i To Rent FOUR or fivo room furnished house. Phone 2338 after C p. m. 184 TWO unfurnished rooms for two. Box O. care this paper. 25S j WANTED I i Miscellaneous HIGHEST price paid for second hand furniture, stoves and ranges. Phono 248; 2219 Washington Ave. 3-18-lino WE pay highest prlcos for old clothes. New York Clothing Store. 259 25th St. Phono 3330. 2-7-lmo CHICKENS, any quantity any tlmo. Russell-James Co.. 189 24th SL Phono 13C. 4-4-tf Dairying established new prosperity records In Canada last year. WANTED TO TRADE PARTY locating In Utah will trade Cali fornia city property for Ogden residence or other Income realty. Box 13, caro this paper. 292 ! PLOW, scodcr, new hoso. Phone 333. ' 48 ONE-HALF acre In peaches, nearly 100 trees, $600. cash or terms, or will trad'j for good automobile. 411 24th SL 2385 40 ACRES logged off timber land; small house, shed, barn; near Weatmond, Idaho. "Will trade for property In Ogden, Phone 281S-.I. 3-12-lmo T PERSONAL i CARD and character reading. 449 Twon-ty-slxth. 151 SaJsmen j IF you are a salesman and own an auto mobile seo Mr. Holland, caro Glen Bros. Wc want ambitious young men to repre sent 113 calling on country trado. Steady position and wonderful opportunity for advancement. Must bo on A-l man. 310 wSnted I Agents I AGENTS Get busy. We have tho great est money maker on tho market! House keepers buy on flight; 50.000 sold In 1019. Tyler Mfg. Co., Dot, D. 7, Munclc, Ind. l-4-4t ' 1 JBWV-,. " " 1914 STUDEEAKER. good enninc. 5 good tires, new top and battery, eleetrlc lights stavtcr, a snap for $350. Phone 913. 225n-W. OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 247 Hudson Avo Telephone 400 Metz Touring car $150.00. Maxwell Touring car $375.00. Chalmers Touring car $900 00. Paige Touring car $1275.00. 305 I WE have the factory equipment for rc 1 pairing wrecked, bent or twisted auto I radiators. Sec us before buying new ones, iIC It leaks, have il made like now by the factory method. No plugging of tubes or ,00113. no compound used, Ogden Auto Radiator Coo., 2329 Hudson Ave., Ogden. Utah. . 3-10-lmo 1 AUTO truck, Cadillac, a bargain, 238 23 td St. 300 1 FORD ton truck, 1019 model, 1st class running order. 209 20th St. 299 THREE speed motorcycle, ciicap. 908 Twenty-fourth. 261 NICE Willys Knight car. $990 today. New ones cost $2485, Phono 2734-J. 270 MODEL N Hup. Inqulro 2923 Washing ton. 157 TWO light Fords (express bodies.): Max woll touring $225: Haynes Chummy. Sav ago Motor Co.. 2354 Hudson avenue. 4012 WONDERFUL car for sale, cheap. 234R Grant 3333 WHY not buy an exchange car? Now Is the tlmo to buy. Two Fords. '14 and '16. Two Maxwells, '1G and '17. Ono Chalmers, 0-30. WEBER-TAYLOR AUT.O CO. 2333 HudEon Phono 143. 3055 . DRESSMAKING Liught to anyone willing to apply themselves. See Madam Caplau. third floor Wright's store. 10-7-4mo DRESSMAKING and romodelln'j. 350 Thirty-first. 43 HEMSTITCHING plcot edge, buttons, pinking and pleating. Second floor Wright's store. Mrs. H. Layman. 18 TO salaried people without security, to others on pianos, furniture, bonds, etc. 227 Hudson Bldg. Phono 2S4. 219 MONEY to loan by private party. Box 111. Standard. 189 MONEY LOANED on gilt edged securi ties.. Thos. Auld. under First National Bank. 4024 MONEY to loan on improved real ostaW. Kelly fc Herrlck. 779 BLACK leather brief case on highway bo tweon Ogden and Farmlngfon, containing small paint brushes and valuable papers. $10 reward for return to Rcdfield-Klng, 2448 Washington avenue, Ogden, Utah. 277 LADY'S silk waist partly mado, on Thir tieth street between Jefferson and Wash Ing'ton. Phono 2150, 163 PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or tne Respec tive Signers for Further Information. NOTICE. Estate of Bernard McCabc, De ceased. Tho petition of, Julia McCabo for nn order admitting the will of Bernard McCabo to probate, ;in tho above en titled matter, has been set for hear ing before Hon. A. E. Pratt, Judge, on Monday, tho 12th day of April, 1920, at Ten (10) o'clock a. m., at the County Co'urt IIouso, In tho court room of said court, In Ogden City, Weber County, Utah. Witness, tho Clerk of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed, this 31st day of March, 1920, WALTER N. FARR, Clerk. By Agnos Smith, Deputy Clerk. J. D. MURPHY, Attorney for Petitioner. NOTICE. Estate of William McHenry. Deceased The potltlon of Catherine McHenry tor letters of administration. In tho above en titled matter, has been set for hearing before Hon. A. W. Ageo, Judgo, on Mon day, the 12th day of April, 1920, at two (2) o'clock p. m., at tho county court house. In tho court room of said court. In Ogden City, Weber County. Utah. Witness the clerk of said court with tho seal thereof affixed, this 31st day of March, 1920. WALTER N. FARR, Clerk. By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk. Henderson & Johnson, Attorneys for Pe titioner. (Seal) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho District Court of tho Second Judicial District, in and for Weber County, Stato of Utah. In tho Matter of tho Estate of Anno II. Royto, Deceased Notice to Cred itors, Croditors will presont claims with vouchors to' tho undersigned, at tho office of C. R. Holllngsworth, Sulto 618 David Eccles building, Ogden, Utah, on or before tho 22nd day of July, 1920. WM. ROYLE. JR., Administrator of tho Estate of Anno II. Royle, Deceased. C. R. HOLLINGSWORTH, Attorney for Administrator, Dated, Ogden, Utah, March 19th. 1920. NOTICE OF GUARDIAN'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. In tho Matter of tho Estato and Guar dianship of John M. Lcavltt, a Minor. The undersigned will sell at prlvato sale tho following described nroporty sit uated in tho County of AVeber, Stato of Utah. A part of tho Northwest quarter of Section Twenty-one. Township Six North. Range Two. West of tho Salt Lako Meridian, beginning at va. point Twenty chains South and Twenty chains East of tho Northwest cor ner of said Quarter section and run ning thence North Eight Rods, thence West ten rods, thonco South eight rods, thence East ten rods to tho place of beginning. That the dimensions of said property arc eight by ten rods and the same and all thereof will bo sold on or after tho 15th day of April, 1920, and written bids will be received at Room 3. Utah Nation al Bank Building on the corner of Twenty-fourth Street and Washington Avenue of Ogden City. Weber County, Stato of Utah. ' Terms of salo, cash, ANNE M. LEAVITT, Guardian of the Person and Estato of said John M. Lcavltt. a Minor. R. S. Farnsworth, Attorney for said Guar dian. ' 150 ALIAS SUMMONS In the District Court of Weber County, State of Utah. Violet Stanflcld, Plaintiff, vs, Victor Stanflcld, defendant. Tho State of Utah to said defendant: You are hereby summoned to nppuar within twenty days after service of this Summons upon you, if served with tho County in which this action Is brought: otherwise within thirty days after service and defond tho above entitled ctlon: and in caso of your failure so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you, according to the demand of tho complaint, which has boon filed with the Clork 'of said Court. This action Is brought to recover a Judgment dissolving tho marriage con tract now and hitherto existing between you and plaintiff, and for tho caro and custody of tho minor child and isue of said marriage and named Viola Stanflcld, T. R. O'CONNOLLY. Plaintiffs Attorney P. O. Address 369 2Jth street, Odon. UUih. , First publication 27th day of March, i920. Friar Bacon prodicted aviation in 127i. - - Mormaiiofi Bnreaa 51.00 PER LINE PER MONTH I ACETYLENE WELDING Cast Iron. Steel. Brass and Aluminum welded. Ogden Welding & Repair Co Phono 993-.T. 2274 Washington Ave. 1-20-tf ANYTHING New or Old ANYTHING A to Z new or old bought, sold or traded. Phono 333. BOOKS AND STATIONERY rfP'.c" Book and Statloncrv. 2302 Washington Ave. Phono 3G0. 2058 BANKING ' aU t.?naI PanK southeast co nor Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phon 01. B nT7.ER,T?REAM & MILK DEALERS Tr"cr Cheese. Milk and Cream. Economy Butter Shop, 24C0 Washington BOTTLING WORKS B,ottl,nsr Works, manufacturers of iii lrJ,d.e 50d,t fttcr. ciders, syrups, and all kindsJof fountain supplies. 2512 Lin coln Ave. Phono 41S o-er-j,. BIYLES AND REPAIRING ..Tj. . 1 ' Hji"8cn Co.. bicycles, accessories., repairing, Vltalle. Tires. 24SS 1-ludaon Ave. BEAUTY SHOPS Boston Hair Dressing Parlors. Sham-1 poolng, halrdreslng, manicuring, chirop vJa r?,rk-T, specialty. Phone 107-J. Rood Hotel Building. COUNSELOR -AT-LAW ,iT,L.H . O'ConnoIly. Ogden. Utah. I.e-al advlco by mall. Write mo the facts. Phono 393. CARPET CLEANING , m.Pon for upholstering, car S? lci?nncd' nltwed and laid. Remaking I or mattrosHes. Phone 27G2-J. voEipfrt c?rPe.t cleaning, mattress reno "PholKtorJng. and springs ro stretchod. Cal E. J. Hampton Co.. l'oalhcr renovating Phone 25SS-W. CHIROPRACTOR in?,,v,c" w- Halvorson. D. C. Res. phone 10fcS-W. 701-702 Eccles Building. CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES tnVJ; & 9- Icadl"P Jfipancso res taurant In Ogden. 273 21th St7 COMMISSION AND PRODUCE nr;ii x1bn &. Son- Commission and produce, chjna. glaes and stoneware. Wc nnvo. a big line of chlnawaro that we are selling at prices that existed before tho war. Phono 248. 2219 Washington Ave. CUSTOM SHIRT MAKERS Custom clothes and shirts: cxclusivo neckwear. Lcroy Buchmiller. 24S2 Wash ington Ave. Telephone 1313. DENTISTS The New Method Dontlsts are special ists In all branches of Dentistry. 24S9 Washington Avej 2203 ENGRAVING Ogden Engraving Service Co . makers or fine cuts In one or more colors. 416 Twenty-fourth street. Phono 4G3. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES See us for bids on your wiring. We also n?.vo complete lino of electrical sup plies. The Lighthouse. 2454 Washington Avo. Phone 581. ELEVATORS Vc fuirnlsn nnd '"stall hlgh-grado elec tric or hand elevators, any capacity from 50-lb. dumb waiter to 10 ton. Write Wm. Watrous, 249 Edison St., Salt Lake City. Wo buy second hand ones. 2-28-tf FIRE INSURANCE Charles Eisenberg. Phone 1859-J. Cal edonian p.nd Michigan Commercial Stand ard Insurance 1575 FEED STORES PINGREE FEED STORE Hay, grain and poultry supplies. Get our prices for fresh seeds before vou buy Phone 799. 2616 Washington Ave.', Ogden. . 3-5-2mo FUNERAL DIRECTOR C. J. A. Llndquist, funeral director and licensed emblamcr. Prompt and modem service. 2020 Washington Ave. Phono 520-W. HAY AND GRAIN Hay, grain and poultry feed. Bell Bros. 371 Twenty-third street. Phono 2S45. - 2100 HIDES, WOOLS, FURS O. M. Runyan. 22G9 Wall Avo., pays top prices. Phone 7S1-W. 152S - HAY AND GRAIN O. F. Mitchell, wholosalo-retall hay, grain and flour. Phono 176. 2460 Wall Ave. OiMen. Utah 3.5.Jmn HIDES AND WOOL Utah Wool & Hldo Co., 2360 Wall Ave., Ogden, L'tah. Hides, pelts, wool and furs. Phone 2S6. INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Wlllard Kay. real estato and loans. 2174 Washington Avo. Phono 403. JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2323 Wash ington Ave. Phono S61. Ogden Junk House. 2059 Washington Avo. Phono 210; JAPANESE NOVELTIES Ladles' silk and sorgo and all kinds of dressos and waists, sweaters, men's silk shirts and ties tho finest to be had. Out of the high rem. district. Our prices are tho lowest possible. U. Karrlya, tho Kl mona House, 301 and 305 24th St. Phono 129S. KEY FITTING Key, lock, safe and cash register work. Ogden Welding & Repair Co. Phone 993-J, 22 i l Washington Avo. 1-20-ti LIFE INSURANCE George D. Bennett managor Metropoli tan Life Insuronco Co. Corporation and group Insuranco a specialty. 200 Col. Hud son Bldg. Phono 121-W. MUSIC AND INSTRUMENTS Ezra H. G. Williams Music Co.. 2215 Washington Avo. Sheet music department and teachers' supplies; pianos, violins, violin supplies, mandolins, guitars, banjos, records and phonographs. Phone 503. OGDEN STATE BANK Commercial and savings dCpartmont, Reed Hotel Bldg. Phone 02. POST CARD STUDIO PAPER CLEANERS KALSOMINE or paper cleaning. Phono 29-R-ll. 4097 PRINTING When in need of printing come and soo Doe Prlntery, 242S Hudson avenue. Phone 792-M. 1594 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Dr. A. Fornlund, offlco hours 10 to 4 p. m Now Pecry Bldg., Hudson Avo, Res. Phone 640. Offlco phono 1900-W. REAL ESTATE AND LOANS Wlllard Kay, real estate and loans. 2474 Washington Avo. Photio 409. 1S74 SCAVENGER Garbugo and rubbish hauled, cesspools and toilets cleaned. -John Chlpp & Co. Phone 82-' 2348 Hudson Avo. 9733 SANITARY WORK Sanitary Garbage Co., all kinds of rub bish hauled. Phone 620. STENOGRAPHY" Good public stenographer. Federal Land Co., 416 Twenty-fourth. 3C12 TAILORS Suits mado to order. Cleaning and pressing. A. G. Bolander, 2177 Lincoln; Ave., Ogdon. Utah 3-u-3mo TAXI SERVICE Taxi service Phono 81 for taxi. Closed cars only. 2743 TENTS AND AWNINGS Ogdon Tent & Awning Co. Manufac turers of high grade store, offlco and resident awnings. Waterproof coYors. bags, otc. Anything in canvas. 2263 Washington Ave Phono 26S. 1324 TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk and bag repairing, round cor ner from Standard. Gallachcr's. rS73 Hud son. 211S VACUUM CLEANERS , , Rent Ohio Vacuum Cleaners, revolving brush. Call Fred Barlou, phone 23S1-J. 3-16-lmo VETERINARIAN Dr. Bundy, Veterinarian. Pnono S23 070-M. 3S3S Paper cleaning and kalsomlnlng; good work, reasonable prices. 140 33rd bt. Phono 3220-R. 3-24-lmo Lowe &. Greenwell. the veterans of tho game. Phono 3335 3-4-tf WALL PAPER CLEANING Lowe .fc Evans, cleaners of tinted walls and paper. Phono 11S0-J. 273 WINDOWS CLEANED EXPERT window and wall paper clcan lng Ainorlean Window Cleaning. Ph. 5.63 Steamship Tickets To and from all the oceans. Bureau of Navigation, 3-13 South Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 203 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. J H Notice is hereby given that Ogden City - 'IH proposes to mako Iho following public Im- H provement, lo-wlt: Build pipe sewers In H Sewer Dlntrlct No. 14 S, together with Ummm work incidental thereto, according to H plans, specifications and profiles on file In H the office of tho City Engineer. And 'IH scaled bids are Invited for said work and IH will bo received at tho office of the City IH Recorder In the City Hall at Ogden. f Utah until ten o'clock a. m. on tho 29th . H day of April. 1920. Instructions to bid- dcrs. plans and specifications for said 1m- provement can be seen and examined at X ll tho office of the City Engineer in the City Hall of said City. mmwE The right is reserved to reject any and all bids and to wulvo any defects. H By order of the Board of Commission- ' ers of Ogden City, Utah, this, the 7th day mm of April, 1920. mmm c. t. moyes, 1 mmm , City Recorder. ' First publication April 8. 1020. I. Last publication April 27, 1920. , 1 Published in the Ogden Standard-Exam- Sewer District No. 142 ' IH NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. uLW Sealed bids will be received by tho Board of Education of Ogdon City. Utah, at Room 308. Colonel Hudson building. Ogden. Utah, until 8 o'clock p m.. Mon- ' wmmm day, April 12. 1020. for labor and materials MmMM in connection with excavations and con- IH crctc foundations required for a part of IH the Washington school which tho said board proposes to erect in Ogdon, Utah. ! Bidders may obtain drawings and sped- ' mmm ficatlons as required to prepare bids for IH this work at tho office of Leslie S. Hodg- 'tomMm eon and Myrl A. McClcnahan. Architects, Room S29 Eccles building, Ogden, Utah. I All labor mu3t bo performed and all ma- mmm tcrlals furnished and placed as required IH to complete the work under the contract In strict accordance to the drawings and " specifications and to the entire satlsfac- I tlon of the architects. The board reserves the right to reject , any or all bids. A certified check made payable to said 1 board for a sum of money not less than five per cent of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid, and tho check I of any successful bidder shall be forfeit-. f IH cd in case he falls or refuses to enter into IH the necessary contract and furnish a bond required by the board, , The contract shall contain, among oth cr things, a stipulation that at least twen- IH ty per cent of the contract price may be IH withheld until the work In tho contract IH Is completed and accepted by the board. IH By order of tho Board of Education of Ogden, Utah. EDWARD I. RICH. President; IH VIOLA M, CLANCY. Clerk. Vmum Published in tho Ogden Standard from 1 IH March 31st, 1920. lo April 12th. 1920, in-elusive. NOTICE OF SAIE OF REAL- M ESTATE AT PRIVATE SAJjE M In the District Court of Wober Coun- WM ty, Stato of Utah. uM In the Matter of tho Estato of John. WM Rlgby, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that pur- Wm suant to an order of tho District JM Court of Weber County, Stato of Utah, jH mado and entered on tho 29th day of WM March, 1920, in tho matter of tho Wl estate of John Rigby, deceased, that I, I Wm tho undersigned administrator of said. ) U estate, will sell, at private sale, In one parcel to tho highest bidder, on tho terms hereinafter mentioned, and sub- j W Ject to confirmation of said District ' WM Court, tho following described real jWM and personal property, located in Wc- 1 jH ber County, Utah, and further do- 1 VWM scribed as follows: JH A part of the southwest quarter WM of Section Fourteen (14), Township IH Five (5) North, Range Three (3) IH Wc3t. Salt Lako Morldlan, U. S. Sur vey. Beglnningat a pbint 2.82 chains North and Sixteen (1C) chains East from the southwest corner of said Wl quarter section, and running thence I Wl east 12.90 chains, thence North 10.50 j chains, thence West 12.90 chains, WM thonco south 10.50 chains to tho place Wi of beginning containing 13.5 acres Wm more or less, together with fivo shares tM of the capital stock of the Hooper Wm Irrigation company. Said salo will bo made on or after WM the 10th day of April, 1920. Bids will be received for said property at tho WM office of John A. Sneddon, attorney WM for said administrator, at suite 316 Wm First National bank building, Ogden,, Utah. Terms of Sale Ton per cent (10 per Wm cent) of tho amount bid upon the ac- WM ccptance of the same, and the bal- WWM ance upon confirmation of said sale JH by tho above entitled courL 'Wi Dated at Ogdon, Utah, this, tho 29th IH day of March, 1920. j ROBERT HULL. Administrator of tho Estato of John Rlgby, Deceased. JOHN A. SNEDDON, Attorney for said Administrator. JH ALIAS SUMMONS No. 7119 In the district court of tho Second il judicial district in and for Weber ' County. Stato of Utah. ! Tho Utah Canning Company, a cor- H poration, plaintiff, vs. Mary J. Cun nlngham, sometimes known as May J. Cunningham, and if deceased, her un- jH known heirs, devisees, legatees and creditors; J. S. Carman, and if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and creditors; Jane Doe Car man; Sarah Harknoss. widow, and Ilenryetta O. Harkness, John Abner Harkness, Kathryn Harkness, Henry jH O. Harkness, Theodore Harkness, sur- lH vlvlng children of H, O. Harkness, de ceased and the unknown heirs, de visccs, legatees and creditors of said H. O. Harkness, deceased; John Doe and Mary Roc, whose otTior and true names are to plaintiff unknown, and any and all persons who have or claim to have any right, title or Interest in and to all or any part of the real property herein described, defendants. The State of Utah to tho said de fendants: jH You arc hereby summoned to ap pear within twenty days after ser vice of this summons upon you, it WkWM served within the county in which this action is brought; otherwise, IH within thirty days after service, and jH defend the above entitled action; and IH in case of your falluro so to do, Judg ment will be rendered against you ac cording to the demand of tho com plaint, which has been filed with tho 0 WM clerk of said court. This action is brought to obtain a judgment and decreo adjudging tho plaintiff to bo tho owner and quloting Its titlo against any and all claims of tho defendants in and to all of Lots J 19 and 20, in Block 3, Rlvorvlew Ad- , dltion to Ogden City, Utah, situated In Weber County, Utah. jH That tho defendants, whose names arc to plaintiff unknown, claim an in terest in said premises as the owners thereof, and that the samo was do- IH rived by conveyance or succession H from tho said defendants, Mary J. Cunningham, sometimes known as May J. Cunningham. J. S. Carman or , H. O. Harkness, deceased. 1 C. R. HOLLINGSWORTH, -WM Plaintiff's Attorney. p. O. Address: Sulto C18 Eccles ; WM Bldg. Ogden, Utah. An Austrfiiian Iuyentor has given a ! H piano a slightly curved keyboard, so I H a player cgn roach all parts of it with ' equal offort. ; ' A slnglo bakery in London bakes .. jH more than 70,000,000 two-pound jH loaves of broad a year. H Immmmmt