Newspaper Page Text
n Hf I , WEATHER FORECAST MM Kd it 1 B flSjl Hfff Hl iffl ilSf 9 AH Bl fi il Al TlB I li HI Quite often the most Interest jljH H nftieth vcar-No. k QGDEN CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY EVENING, APRIL 22, 1920. LAST EDITION 4 P. M, A & A & A A A A A A o. .a. A A A A A A & " If Colonel Hall of Camp Lewis Hf to Command Troops H at Camp STAY OF TROOPS IN . MONTANA INDEFINITE B Call for Soldiers Sent Follow- H ing Disturbances on H Wednesday M SPOKANE, Wash., April 22. A detachment of the Twenty-first infantry left Fort George Wright, near here, for" Butte, Mont,, following re ceipt of orders late last night from western department headquarters. The troops left under the I command of Lieutenant Colo- I nel Americus Mitchell, took L.. with them full equipment with i heavy marching packs, it was t stated. Their stay, according . to Colonel George B. Duncan, i commanding officer at Fort j Wright, is indefinite. He de clined to state how many men j were included in the detach- I j nient. . IS" j, At Butte, Colonel Kail, from J't j Camp Lewis, will assume com- J mand of the troops. , ; BUTTE, Mont., April 22. I ; Hugh B. Haran, a guard in : front of the Daily Bulletin, . said to be the organ of the .' ' Metal Mine Workers' Union No. 800, I. V. W., was shot . .. . - J ', and killed today by Joseph jj Papst, another guard. Papst, ;j! who was arrested, said the " K shooting was accidental. t v ! j. ( BUTT-E, Mont, April 22. The Ana- conda Copper mining company mines 'lit",-- : in the Butte district will resume work S-if tomorrow after having been closed frip5ijk since Monday because of a strike, it was announced touay. John Gillie, ?j '' general manager of the company, 'v' ! said: . . & "All mines resume work tomorrow. .' ;l Full protection will be given work- $ t'i ers." - : Strikers gathered at the headquar- $ . lers in tho I. W. W. hall today, but J'r'in there was no demonstration and no attempt to picket the mines. Strikers and men attempting1 to go to work clashed at a downtown corner. No arrests were made. Mystery surrounds today's shooting . ''. in front of tho office of the Dally Bul letin, but tho police said Haran was mistuken for an outsider and shot by Papst by mistake. Haran and Paust were with other armed men who jgW" s crowded the Bulletin offico in expecta- g' e tlon of an attack following a mass meeting laGt night. At the mass meei- ' ' ing strikers' demands for higher ' wages, a six-hour day and release of political prisoners, were urged "to -W arm n se"f-dcfense." FH Call for Protest. CjfcS ""- Tno Bulletin in an extra edition j '' flS called on all minors in Silver Bow Kvnn county to "lay down, their tools and ' ' r stop the wheels of Industry" in protest ..,. against the shooting of pickets. ! . ' Many special deputies and pollcc- men today patrolled tho avenues leail- ing to the mines. I r Troops from Spokane are expected ,; to arrive before noon. Barracks have; been proparcd for them. ? Of the fourteen men wounded '-, the fight between sheriff's dopu'.l-ss ' ;., and assistant and I. V. W. mine pick ets last evening, all will recover, it ' was said' today, except two, Jloko -JLa-'t-1 cus and Peter Maro'vich, whose comii- i tion is critical. Both were operated on last night. Two bullets were rc . ! moved from Lavus' body. It was jmi- possible to locate tho bullet which had lodged In Marovlch's lung. v f Sheriff's Statement, 't Eleven of tho wounded men arc of foreign birtli and seven of them have ( lived in this country several years, but they are not naturalized. : vY ' Sheriff O'ltourke, in a signed statb- ment after the shooting leat night, in ' .'. s-i which fourteen mt were wounded, ; told of attempting 10 disperse tho men jft prior to tho shooting. Ho said; r' "They knew I v.-an the sheriff, but .s. efu8ed to comply with my commands. ,f" "One of them oven ankod mo to arrest i Aim, saying ho wantod to go to Jail. "In view of all tho information 1 have, the proeenl situation is not a ( labor strike; it is a revolution." gs ty r tt tt v 'women refuse to confess to women, is claim LONDON, April 6. Whether the church should provide wo men confessors is a question with which the Lambeth confer ence of the clergy of Great Brit ain, to be held in July, is threat ened. At a meeting of the National Union for Equal Citizenship, Miss Edith Picton-Turberville said letters had been received from girls-pleading for women confessors in high Anglican churches. The Rev. Henry Ross, vicar of a large London parish in a re cent interview, said women would not confess to women. "There is the psychological objection," he said, "that one woman would not trust another to keep a secret." o Uruguay President Proposes i Association for Common Protection MONTEVIDEO, April 21 Forma tion of an "American league" on a basis of absolute equality bct-.veen American nations for common action against aggression threatening any one of them from outside nations and for arbitration of inter-American dis putes was proposed by Dr. Baltazar Brum, president of Uruguay, In ad dressing students of the University of Montevideo tonight. Dr. Brum declared other American countries should make a declaration similar to the Monroe doctrine to se-j cure the solidarity of the American continent. He said should any mem ber of the "American league" have a controversy with the league ot nations that nation should ask for the co-operation of the "American league" in settling tho controversy. Doctrine Discussed Taking up tho Monroe Doctrine, Dr. Brum pointed out how it had "constituted, on the whole, an ef ficacfous safeguard to tho territorial Integrity of many American coun tries." Dr. Brum asserted the entity of the United' States into the war was "an ticipated application ot the Monroe doctrine," adding: "Owing to the state in which Euro pean countries remain after the strug gle, it may bo said that fear of invas ion by them in America has been re moved for many years." I "But is that sufficient reason for ! us .to take no interest in the future, and turn away from the Monroe doc ! trine with the pretext it Is now un necessary?" he asked. "I bellcvq that today, more than ever, we should use foresight In searching for formu las that may assure forever the peace and full Independence' of American countries." Room For Both Referring to hi3 schemo for an "American league" as tho same as President Wilson proposed organizing Dr. Brum thought it could co-exist with tho league of nations without difficulty. He pointed out that unsettled, boundary questions were still embar rassing many American countries, and said settlement would bo possible by tho "American league" without ap peal to tho leaguo of nations. Regard ing tho internal questions of individ ual nations, ho thought no Interven tion should be permitted unless two thirds of tho allied countries decided to intervene. President Brum expressed belief that the American political world should also declare against diplomat ic interference by outside nations. FKois' All Stock Exchange Transac tions Would Be Assessed by Republicans PRICE OF TOBACCO I LIKELY TO ADVANCE i Scheme Will Raise More Than Billion for Soldier Relief WASHINGTON. April 22. A tax onj all stock exchange transactions equal i to the brokerage charges of commis sion houses have been agreed on ten tatively by the Republican members of the house ways and means commit tee as one of the new levies for rais-I ing money for the soldier bonus legis- il'itfnn Three other levies have similarly been recommended by the Republicans These are a one per cent levy on the final sales to consumers, a new levy on incomes, probably in excess of JfiiiQ.-ftnd .an-increase o.fapproximate-' ly lo per cent oC existing taxes an to bacco. These four forms of taxes would re main effect two years and the Repub lican estimate that they would net about 1,500,000,000 for soldier relief. They will be incorporated in the leg 'ialation to be presented in the house for adoption May 3. Committeemen predicted (hat the! four-fold plan of taxation would not! I be changed. j Committeemen declared that regard-1 less of1 the form, the taxation ultimate-! ly would be borne by the consumer. They estimated that more than seven-' ty exchanges, iuclding Wall street, the Chicago Board of Trade and the New Orleans Cotton Exchange would be af fected by tho tox on stock transactions. oo ACCUSED COUPLE TELL OF KILLING ROCHESTER, N. Y., April 22. James L. O'Doll and his wife, Pearl,! each charged with the murder of Ed-, ward J. Kneip, on the night of Janu-j ary 7, last, testified in supreme court; today at the trial of O'Dell. Mrs. O'Deil was excused before she told of the killing of Knelp, on the ground that further testimony would affect her defenso when she herself came to trial. O'Dell described how Kneip was handcuffed to a tree while Mrs. O'Dell attacked him with a file and of their! dragging the body to a culvert nearby. When they returned to the scene later, he said. Kneip got up and struck him.! I He. felled Kneip with a club then, he! said. Mrs. O'Dell previously had tes- j tified that Kneip attacked her after giving her drugged candy. uu RABBIS URGE AID TO STOP MASSACRES LAKEwOOD, N. J., April 21. Resolutions were adopted here tonight by the American and Canadian union of orthodox Jewish rabbis, urging America "to help the cause of civiliza tion to check massacres, persecutions In eastern Europe and to bring the harmony and democracy of America to all humanity." The resolution as sures the loyal support of the rabbis to America, oo DESPONDENT MOTHER KILLS THREE CHILDREN LEWlSBURG, Ky April 22. Mrs. Mary Ina Hughes of this town, killed her three small children by slashing their throats with a butcher knife and then took her own life by the same method. Mrs. Hughes was 23 years old. A relative said she was despond ent over the death last fall of her husband. oo NEBRASKA SN GRIP OF HEAVY STORM LINCOLN, Nob., April 22. North western Nebraska was In tho grip of a snowstorm today, according to reports received by tho weather bureau here. High winds accompanied tho snow. The weather bureau said the storm was moving eastward. No delays to traffic on railroads was caused. OUT ON BONDS Pv 111- " -ra JOHN GRUNAU Everybody is wMchingJfoltn .Guunau, tliJgfe'ard men's association, the originiil "outlaw" union, to see what he will say and do next with regard to the strike situa tion. John and his associates are un der arrest, charged with viola! Jon of the Lever act. He declared the men simply resigned from $5 jobs and "if any suckers want the jobs they can have them." Ogden Sporting Goods Store Robbed of Weapons and Ammunition Revolvers, automatic pistols and ammunition, together with camp axes and two pairs of shoes, were stolon last night from the Armstrong Sport ing Good3 store, near the corner of Grant avenue and Twenty-fifth street. 1 Claude Armstrong, proprietor of the ! store, reported the theft the police t this morning. I Entrance was gained b breaking a ! transom over the rear door, removing a heavy iron bar, and breaking the lock from the door on the inside. Twenty revolvers and ipistols wore taken, guns of all de-scrfptjons being taken. Seven automailc "pistols, cali bres ranging from .25 to .;15 were stol en. Half of a pearl-handle stock of a revolver was all that was left in the case In which the guns were kept. Two suspicious looking characters were seen about the Armstrong place of business last evening by, a man who rooms above the Armstrong store. He obtained a fairly complete description of these men, and- tb,e police are now on their trail. , The Armstrong store was entered in a similar manner several months ago a Mexican having stolen several. re- I volvers. The robbers removed ammunition from Us place on the shelves, carried it behind a counter and selected such bullets as would fit the guns, Mr. Arm strong stated, bullets having been strewn about the floor. I nn I GIRL, BEATEN AND ! BURNED, IS FORCED j TO DRINK POISON QUEBEC, April 22. Mrs. Marie Anne Houdo Gagnon was found guilty yesterday of torturing and murdering her 16-year-old step daughter, Auroro Gagnon, and was sentenced to be hanged October 1. The girl, after being beaten, burned with a red hot poker and i made to walk barefoot In the anow was forced to drink poison, the evidence disclosed. The post mortem examination of the body revoaled 54 wounds. The defense pleaded insanity. NEXT MOVE OF BEING AWAlTtO Small Bands of Men Go Back With Repudiated Leaders i JOHN GRUNAU IS I HOLDING CONFERENCE J ! Nearly 5000 Strikers in Newj ; York Refuse to End Walkout I i CHCAGO. April 22. Strike leaders who yeslerda were repudiated by their followers when they advocated' i an end to the walkout of switchmen, today returned to work, followed by small bands of men. Meanwhile, federal and railroad of ficials awaited the next move of the outlaw strikers who revolted against the leaders, who declared "they could not fight the government." I John Grunau, president of the Chica-; ; go Yardmen'sassociatioh hurried to .Chtcago yesterday from the county jail in Joliet, 111., after obtaining his i release on bond, and was in conference 'today with the strikers. His recom-. ! mendatlons to the men are looked to las the next step toward a settlement of the strike. j ' Doubt Expressed. ; I He announced several days ago that, jhc would urge calling off the strike,' hut since the split of the strikers at( yesterday's meeting, some doubt is cx-1 J pressed as to whether such an appeal ' 'would be headed. I A steady improvement in traffic con-, ditions throughout the middle west and on the Pacific coast was reported ; by railroads. Movement of livestock ; in the Chicago district was reported greater than shipments a year ago. The roads announced that 1,143 cais. of coal were moved in Chicago yester- day. Refuce to Go Back. NEW YORK, April 22. Approxi mately 5,000 railroad strikers, meeting in Jersey City today, were reported un-j officially to have voted not to return ic work, but to appeal to men on all, lines who have not walked out to do so in their support. Strikers unable to gain admittance Ic the meeting twitted newspaper men. "The strike Is all over." they called 'All tho men are back to work. Look j'em over." Improvement Shown. 1 Some improvement' in the movement of freight was reported by all the lines in the district today, but it was admit ted that absence of switchmen and yardmen was hampering complete re sumption of traffic. Passenger sen ice was declared to be almost normal. Proposal of striking enginemen and firemen In Ihe Hobokcn yards of the Erie railroad thai they return to work in a body and be guaranteed their sen iority rights, was received by the rail road ofiicials today. PAGEANT AT WOMEN'S FOREIGN MISSION MEET SAN FRANCISCO. April 22. A day of pageantry marked the convention of tfic Presbyterian women's occi. ' dental board of foreign missions at j tho Chinese mission name here. Tho I board represents Presbyterian mis j slons in California, Nevada, Arizona ! and Utah. One pageant represented a mooting of the California-branch of the board, April 7. 1S7-1. another was presented by a group of Chinese missionary jtu dents and symbolized the work of the board for the past -17 years. Tho con vention will close today. GERTRUDE CONSTANT DEAD AT AURORA AURORA, 111., April 22. Mrs. Con stant Sykes, who was known for years in the concert world as Gertrude Louise Constant, is dead hore at the home of a frlond. Mrs. Sykes, as Gor trudo Constant, was a soloist, in the Mormon tabernacle nt Salt Lake City. $75,000 IN JEWELS REPORTED STOLEN NEW YORK. April 22. Jewels valued at $75,000 woro reported to the police today to have been stolen from the home of Mrs. Hamilton Fish hero last Saturday. Tho list itemized near ly two score pieces. NEARLY ALL CITY j RESIDENTS HAVE T. B., DOCTOR SAYS ST. LOUIS, Mo., April 22. Ihe people of the United States are gravely menaced by the con tinued spread of tuberculosis, according to speakers at the an I nual convention of the National Tuberculosis association. I The association is planning a 'nation-wide fight against the disease Dr. Victor C. Vaughn, of the University of Michigan, presi- ' dent of the association, asserted that "nearly 100 per cent of the adult inhabitants" of our cities are already infected with tuber culosis." Living conditions must be bettered to improve the situa tion, the speaker said, and this jean only be effected by the mi gration, of the masses to the ru ral districts. o TnnebSs j PIIIIIOTE; i Commoner Retains Plurality j for Delegates at Large to j Convention OMAHA. Nob.. April 22. The, lead established by Senator lliram John son of California in the early count of votes by tho newspapers here from last Tuesday's primary lengthened as more returns were brought in. In 1,05-1 out of 1.S4D precincts in -.lit stato Johnson had a lead of ll,yiD votes over .General Leonard Wood, with General Pershing third-. The vote was: Johnson. A 1.753; Wood. 30,35-1; Per shing, 19, SCO: Ross, 1,205. ( In the Democratic race for d'ele-gates-at-large, William J. Bryan re tained his plurality among tho first four and appeared to be strengthon i ing his position as eac,h batch of out state votes rolled In. With DIM precincts out of 1.S-I9 j heard from, the delegation was plit ' equally between the Hitchcock and I Bryan forces. The voie of D9-I pri ! clnets showed: Neville (11), 20, CSS; Shallenberger ' (11), 2G.CG4; Stephens (B). 2C.272; Bryan (B). 22, CSC ; Bergo (B). 22,29o; Thomas (U), 20.SI5; Noble (II), 1S, ' 037: lUfNeny ( H;, IS. SCI. oo SEARCHING FOR CREW j OF DISABLED SHIP I BOSTON. April 22. The coast j guard cutter Acushnct. which has , been searching for the disabled steam er William O'Brien, reported early to , day by wireless that she had found j the seas covered with fuel oil and a j name board of the-steamer drifting j about 500 miles cast of New York. An empty lifoboat from the William ; O'Brien was picked up Tuesday. ! The steamer left New York for Rot j terdam with coal April 15. The Acushnot will romaln in tho i vicinity looking for posslblo survivors j in small boats. oo GENERAL STRIKE IN ; STRASSBURG CALLED STRASSBUHG, April 22 An order putting into effect a general strike hero was carried out in part at mid night, the electric current being cut off. The tolegraph and telephono ser vice "Was still in operation this morn ing, however. i oo OPEN SHIP SEASON ON THE GREAT LAKES UULUTH, Minn . April 22. The steamer Harvester reached the Duluth Superior harbor early this morning aft er a three days' tussle with the ice. 'phe Harvester is the first arrival of the season from the lower lakes and docked at Superior, where she will take on a cargo of ore. MEN STRIKE i ANNOUNCED ' Considerable Labor Trouble J Looked for by Associated I Industries Members j II MORE FIRMS SIGN I ! OPEN SHOP CARDS 1 ! Union Craftsmen Hold Meet- I ing to Discuss General m& Situation H W. P. Parry, in charge of the jH construction of the Speery flour jflfl mill, Twenty-ninth street and Pa ill cific avenue, reported late this i'H afternoon that 100 workers of the Ml i Speery plant had walked off the ' Ml I A delegation from the Carpen- PI i ters' union visited the plant just mil j before noon, it was stated, and the oil j men left Immediately. KM I No demands, as far as could be VrH I ascertained, have been made by yl t the striking craftsmen. jl H About 100 men ot the uuiiaing trauei. j walked off the job at the Globe mills. ' j" in West Ogden this morning when the i 1 company posted notices that hereaftei j'f It wouWl operate under the American JB -plan of the Utah Associated Indus li L-J4-Iw'-iru?lr constructiranineV"v " 'I 11 jiu charge of the work, at the plant, do !' clared pie men made do demands ant gave no intimations as to the cause o ;. ; the walkout. I i Reason for Strike. ' H i Striking employes assei't that tin H walkout was caused by the company':. 'WM , adoption of the "American" plan of la- I bor, and that ncno of the men would work under the "open shop" system Information from the offices of Ihe (Sparry lrIour and Milling company if Unit no break has yet occurred at tho ipIafiL, but that a walkout is expected jat any moment. rl j A strike at this mill will influence 'j approximately the same number o) ! men as the Globe. trouble has affected. j Trouble Expected. f' hH Y. R Bossner, secretary of tin ' Utah Associated Industries, said con j siderable labor trouble was anticipatec (before the American plan of employ ment is Instituted. He said cards an JH nouncing the adoption of the "Ameri j can" plan of employment were being sent to each member of the Associat ed Industries in this state and said that about 43 local concerns would be bH displaying cards before tonight IH Following the walkout at the Globe Ml mills, there was a meeting of union men of the building trades in the of HI fice of the union business agent under the Keed hotel. HI "So far as were are concerned the 91 position is the same," said MY. . HI Kawson, manager of industrial reUi- HI tions of tho UtahAssociatcd Indus- Hl tries, "and so, far as we know tho strikes are protest against the 'Ameri- 111 1 can' plan of employment. We have- ' not heard from any source that any 11 I material changes have been made cr attempted by employers under our or- rangement, in the wages, or hours, or j conditions of the people in their cm-, tM ploy. The strike, so far as we are jjH ' concerned, is a. protest against our LH alms, and wo mean to stand by them jH in the interests of the employers, tu" workers and the public." CONCENTRATE WOOL CLIP -AT PORTLAND PORTLAND. Ore., Appril 22. Tho 'H entire Pacific northwestern clip of wool for tho season of 1020 will bo concentrated In Portland, already the second wool center of tho country, If 'H plans agreed upon yesterday by the wool growers of Oregon aro carried to iH fruition, It was announced today. The plan to abandon the practice of country sales has been approved by tho Oregon atatc wool growers' as30 elation, meeting of the chamber of commerce with 40 representative sheepmen of the stato present. jH Also in attendance and in agree ment were representatives of the local wool mills and of warehouses where the shipments would be stored and bandied for sale. CITY EMPLOYES IN I MEDFORD GET RAISE MEDFORD. Ore., April 21. Firemen, policemen and other city employes have been granted a raise of $15 a IH month and the city treasurer and city rc-corder were given a raise of $25 a month, it was announced yesterday. Tht- action was considered necessary by the ctiy council to keep tho pres ent employes who have been receiving an average of from $85 in the fire and police departments, to ?125 in the of flee departments.