Newspaper Page Text
l2 a . - -..--- THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920. g H I 1WINESHARES I GO DPWHI H Tintic Standard Takes Big H Drop in Salt Lake H Market The trading today on the Salt Lake Stack and Mining Exchange was fairly active with the downward trend cx isting almost throughout the whole market. Tintic Standard too1: a big Hf drop, changing hands as low as $4.50 Yesterday this stocK closed around 51.75, this morning it opened at 1.70 and sold off to ?4.0, closing with only ?4.15 bid and ?4.50 asked. Other stocks to show weakness were Eureka Lily and Prince Con. the former chang ing hands as low ;is.l7 cents and clos Ing with 17 cents bid and IS cents jij-kcd, while the latter opened at 5S cents and changed hands as low as 57 cents, closing with the stock of-fc-rcd at this price and with only 56 m cents bid. Antelope Star sold at 1 cent; Alia Tunnel changed hands at 9 cents; Col umbus Ite.xall brought CO cents and fil cents; Cardiff changed hands at 5 J. 55; Keystone changed hands as low y as S9 cents; Lehi Tini:c was very heavily traded in at 16 and IG1 cents; fl New Quincy brought 7 cents; 'Emma Silver was very weak, changing hands at 10 and closing with the stock of mm lered at 0l cents: Plutua sold off to B )0U, cents; Sells was practically the H enly stock on the hoard to show any strength whatsoever, opening at 20 Hl cenLs and advancing to 21Vfe cents, H Hosing strong with 21 cents bid; Syn 'dicate was considered the heaviest Hl trader of the day, 56,000 shares chang fl ing hands at 1 cent; North Standard H was very active at 9 cents and -West fl Toledo brought 9V& cents. Alta Con ? .09 ? .10 American Con 03 .034 mM Alta Tunnel 08 .0914 mM Big Hill 09 .11 mM Hig Cottonwood 00 .00 j Jjullion .05 .053.'t H Clack Metals OS . .10 1 Columbus Hcxall CO . .01 Crown Point 04. .0G Colorado Con 05 .0G W Central Eureka 01 h. .01! Dragon Con .IS Cardiff 1.55', 1.55 mM Daly West s.OO 1.50 mM Last Crown Point ..... .02& .02 mM East Tin. Coal 0P,t .05 mM Lureka Mines .0516 .0G mM liureka Lily .17.. .IS fl L'Urcka Bullion 17'- .ISVj H Emma Silver .09 .03 Empire Mines .11 H Gold Chain .05 .06 Grand Central ...... .50 H Howell 07 Hf Iron Blossom .30 .Z0V2 fron King 'C2j .33 Judge Mining ... '.. .. 4.40 5.00 H Kennebec 0SU- .IGV2 1 Leonora 02 .03 j Kevstono ,. .SI) .90 H Lehi Tintic ... lC1 .17 Hl .May Day 02 .02 'I- Miller Hill .... .01 Moscow .05'; .09 Michigan-Utah ... -00V4 .07 North Stan 0S .09 II Ohio Copper 30 Opohongo 01 .02 Vi I Original Bannack 00 Plutus .... .40 .41 I Prince Con. ... ,5G .57 I Provo ... .05 VI -05V6 I Rico Argentine .02 .01 f Rico Wellington .2S .30 J Sells .21 .21 i King Coal l.Su 1.90 I Sll. King Con 1.35 1.60 I bioux Con . . .04 I I South Hecla 1;10 1.15 i South Standard 25 .27 I Silver Shield 47 .49 f Tar Baby 04 f Tintic Central '. .02 .03 I; Tintic Standard 4.45 4.50 t'tah Cons 01 .01 'i Uncle Srrm 01 ' Victor 03 ! West Toledo 07 .OS i Walker .:. 3.75 4.00 'f oodlawn ... 15' .15 "iinkee , 04 .06 Zuma 22 .23 F.cavcr Copper 01 .02 Empire Copper 30 .35 .Naildriver 60 .02 Union Chief OS .09 l- OPENING SALES. Alta Con., 2000 at 9. Alta Tunnel. 1000 at 9. I Eureka Lily 1000 at 17; 500 at 17. I Columbus Kexall, 200 at Gl. j? East Crown Point, 1000 at 2. i Iron King, 1900 at 33. , t t Kovstone. 100 at 92: 100 at 91: 50 tr': I ai 90; 100 at S9. ! Lehi Tintic 2000 al , 1G; 11.000 ; at 16. ' ' New Quincy, 2000 at 7; 200 at 0. : I " Opohongo, 1000 at 2. Eureka Mines, 1000 at 6. t Emma Silver, 1500 at 10. L Eureka Bullion, 1000 at 1S; 1000 t al IS. l Plutus. 500 at 4; 500 at 41. fi Prince Con. 200 at 58; 400 at 57. I; Syndicate, 56,000 at 1. I Sells500 at 20; -1500 at 20. 1 Reeds Peak, 2000 at 1. Silver King Coa. 200 at ?LS5. Silver Shield. 100 at 49: 200 at IS North Standard, 1000 at 9Vi; S500 at 9. Tintic Standard, 100 at $4.65; 75 at ; CLOSING SALES. Antelope Star, 1000 at 1. Alta Tunnel. 2500 at 9. : Columbus Rcxall, 100 al 60. Keystone, 50 at 90. ; May Day, 2000 at 2U- ' New Quincy, 1000 7. Naildriver, 400 at 60. Eureka Bullion, 1000 at 1S; 2500 at Plutus, 400 at 41; 100 at 40. H Prlnco Con. 2700 at -5S; 3500 at 57. ' , Rico Wellington, 500, at 2S. : Sells. 500 at 29; 2500 at 21; 500 1 u, 21. i 'North Standard. 100 at $4.55; 400 at ' $4.50; 100 at $4-52; 100 at $4.50; - nsellcr ton days. CHICAGO GASH PRICES. CHICAGO, April 23. r Wheat No. 2 hard, $2. SO. 1 . Com No. 3 mixed, 4 1.66 1.67 ; No. 3 yellow, $1.66)1.70. 1 Oats Np. 2 white, $1.041.05': No. 3 white, 51.02 1.03. Bye No. 2, 2.01 2.02. Barley 91. 74 7.75. Timothy Seed ?9. 00 11.50. Clover Seed $35. 00 4 5.00. H .Pork Nominal. Lard US. 00. Bibs 17.501S.12. STOCKS IKE. I GENERAL Gill Independent Steels and Select-' ed Issues Hold Advances of Opening NEW YORK, April 23. Selected Is-, sues notably independent steels, made, substantial additions to yesterday's! rally at the opening o today's stock market. Reploglc was the chief fea-( ture, 6.000 shares changing hands at 81 to S3. ;an extreme overnight ad vance or seven points. Shippings, oils motors and sugars Toflectcd further ( (covering of short contracts and rails gave promise of greater activity at ; moderate gains. Part or the advance was cancelled within the first hair hour, when United States Steel and Baldwin Locomotive became reaction ary. The market became dull when prices developed an irregular trend. An-, nounccmenl that the Philadelphia i federal reserve bank had advanced its, discount rates on treasury certificates: probably contributed to the curtail ment of business. Further scattered' selling representing belated liquida-j tion from interior points was reported j by commission houses. United States' s'teel eased almost 2 points, Crucible Steel 4; General Motors live and) several of the equipments and sliip-j pings 1 to 3 points. MugIi of thisi loss was recovered and a number of; actual gains were made by specialties; when call loans opened at 7 per cent.' All Liberty bonds v. ero better, the I first 4,,"s"gaining one per cent. ' J Noon rally carried low-priced steels,; motors, equipments, leathers and al-j lied specialties considerably over morning quotations, gains ranging, from 3 to 10 points. .This was large- ly forfeited, however, when United I States Steel and oils, especially the Mexican group, became heavy. CHICAGO GRAINS I CHICAGO, April 23. Urgent Europe-1 an demand for breadstuff attracted' siderable notice as a bullish fac-' tor in the corn market. Besides, cold, wet weather tended further to, strengthen prices. Financial condi-; tlons received much less attention: than has been the rule of late. Open-j ing quotations uhich ranged from 1c decline to 5c advance, with May 1.66' to 1.67 and July ?1.5S to 1.50. werej followed by a decided general upturn, and then something of a reaction. i Oats ascended with greater swift-, nc-ss than corn, owing more to lack of offerings than to any great buying. Af-. ter opening to 2c up. including July at 85 to 35c. the market climbed a little further before any setback be- gan. Provisions rejected the advance of, grain. Most of the trading was inlard. ; , i CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO. Ayrjl 23. (United States i Bureau of Markets) Cattle Receipts 8,000; market more active; beef steers! steady to strong, bulk $12.00 ip 15.55; she itock steady 1o weak; bulls, and calves steady; bulk vealors $14.00 , 14.50; feeder outlook improving: inter- f slate commerce commission have au thorized use of western siock cars ior movement of livestock east. Hogs Receipts 37.000; market, slow, 75c to $1.00 lower; early topi $15.40; few kitcr above $15.00; bulk, early sales $13.5015.00;, with com-' naratively few heavy hogs soiling; j pjgs $1.00 lower, bulk $13.7511.25. ! Sheep Recolpts 10.000 no early lambs or ewes; bidding lower; sheep steady; good Voolcd ewes $15.00. KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. KANSAS CITY.Mo., April 2fc Hogs Receipts 2,500; market raosily 75c I lower; top $14.25; bulk light and medi ums $13.5014.00; bulk heavy $12.75 (Til 3.40. Cattle Receipts 3,700; natives slow and about steady;' bulk receipts in quarantine, selling slow and lower; early sales $9.75(510.25; best unsold. Sheep Receipts 5.000; market very slow; fat lambs mostly 75c lower com- pared with Wednesday; no choice of fered; late arrivals without bid; fat Texas goats $8.00. BUTTER AND EGGS. CHICAGO. April 23. Butter lower; creamery lS'a'Oc. Eggs unchanged; receipts 17,S10 cases. Poultry alive, lower;" springs 35c fowlsi35c. INDUSTRIAL STOCKS. Stock Bid Ask Amal. Sugar $ 13.75j$ 14.00 Preferred 103.00 104.00 Con V.agon I 120.00! U2.00 Utah-Tdaho Sugar . .. 0.10 0.35 I Lion Coal 65.00 75.00 Liun Bonds HI. 00 Mu'ua' Creamery '. . . . 11.00 Fir-1 Nat.. Ogden 330.00 Security State Bank.. 155.00 160.00 Z. C M. 1 150.00 Goddard Packing 6.00 Utah Power fc Light.. 01.00 01.00 Bear River Duck club 300.00 Davis & Weber Canal xj 300.00 Ellison Ranching .. .. 130.00 (Quotations furnished over private wire of J. A. Hoglc &. Company, Ecclcs' Building.) ! A NEW SERIAL " The . Mystery of the I 1 A thrilling detective story by Horace Hutchinson will commence in the big 1 SUNDAY STANMMD-EX&MSNER j I A thrilling, fascinating novel teeming with adventure, romance and mystery. , I The first three pages of this wonderful story will appear this Sunday. Watch for I S this don't miss it. P I -' '-' I.Ui.ll.i.unia - , ... ... ! NEW YORK STOCK LIST. AUis-Chalmers 37 American Beet Sugar 93 American Can 42 American Car & Foundry 135 American Hide Leather L'fd 103 American Locomotive . 95 American Smelting & Ref'g. 62 American Sugar 131 American Sumatra Tobacco .... S7 American T. & T 96 Anaconda Copper 57 Aichison 79 All. Gulf & W. Indies 152 Baldwin Locomotivo 113 Baltimore & Ohio 31 Bethlehem Steel "B" SS Canadian Pacific 116 Central Leather 77 Chesapeake & Ohio 51 Vn Chicago Mil. and St. Paul ... ... 33 Chicago. R I.. & Pac. .. 31 Vi Chino Copper :..:.. 13 Colorado Fuel Iron ... ....f.. 35 i Corn Products 97 Crucible Steel '.....236 Cuba Cane Sugar ... . '. . . ' 52 Eric .. 12 M? General Electric 150 General Motors 283 Goodrich Co ... ... 65 Great Northern pfd 74 Great Northern Ore Ctt's 35 Illinois Central S6 I Inspiration Copper 52 Int. Mer. Marine prd S8 International Paper 73 Kennccott Copper . 23 Louisville ii Nashville 100 Maxwell Motors 27 Mexican Petroleum 10S Miami Copper 23 Midvale Steel ' ..... 14 Missouri Pacific 24 New York Central G8 N. Y.. N. II.. vc Hartford 2S Norfolk & Western 91 Northern Pacific 74 Ohio Cities Gas 40 Pennsylvania 40 Peop'e's Gas 35 Pittsburg ?.nd West Vn. 26 Ray Consolidated Copper IS Reading .78 Rep. Iron & Steel (ex div) 96 Sinclair Oil & Refining . 34 Southern Pacific ... .. 94 Southern Railway 21 Sludebaker Corp 107 Tennessee Copper 10 Texas Co. (new) 44 Tobacco Products 64 Union Pacific 116 United Cigar Stores 125 U. U Ind. Alcohol S8 United States Rubber 101 United States Steel 96 Utah Copper . . '71 Wcsliughouse Electric 49 i Willys-Overland (ex rights) 49 I American Zinc, Lead and Sm 16 Butte and Superior . ... -....'24 ,Cala. Petroleum - 33 ! Montana Power 63 ,Shattuck Arizona 10 1 American Inter. Corp 91 Royal Dutch .. . ..." 112 Texas and Pac 34 j Standard Oil pfd ; ... .10G-71 I -MONEY MARKET. j NEW YORK. April 23. Mercantile ; paper unchanged. I Exchange heavy; sterling 60 day ibills ?3.S3; commercial 60 day bills (on banks $3.S3 ',.',; commercial 60 dav bills $3.82; demand $3.S7; cables $3.SS. . Francs: Demand 16.7S; cables 16.76 Belgian francs: Demand15.62; ca bles 15.60. Guilders: Demand .36 7-16; cables .36 9-16. Lire: Demand 22.82; cables 22.80. Marks: Demand 1.60; cables 1.61. Government bonds strong; railroad ! bonds Irregular. Time loans strong; unchanaged. Call money steady; unchanged. SPOT COTTON. I NEW YORK, April 23. Spot cotton I quiet; middling 41.65c. I 1 1 a A new serial story in next M Sunday's Standard-Examiner, ! "The Mystery of the Summer ! House." A fine detective story fj written by one of the foremost ' authors of the day. Watch for it. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. April 23 Copper djull; olectrolytlc spot and nearby 18 19c; May-June-July 19g)19c. Iron Dull and unchanged. Tin Spot ?62.00; April-May ?61.25. Antimony 10.50c. Lead Quiet; spot offered $9.25c; May 9.00c. Zinc Dull; spot East St. Louis-delivery 7.50(57.95c. . At London: Spot copper 101 15s; electrolytic unchanged; tin 346 15s; lead 10 5s; zinc 46 10s. NEW YORK, Appril 23.-FInal prices today on Liberty bonds were: I 3's, 93.20; first 4's, S6.10; second 4,3, 85.30; first 4's, SG. 40; second 4's, So. 00; third 4's. 00.10; fourth 414's, So. 24; Victory 3's, $9G'.30; Victory 4's, 96.4 0. f COFFEE MARKET. NEW YORK. .April 23.-Coffee Rio, No. 7,15c; futures steady; May 14.45c; July 14.4Sc. COTTON FUTURES. NEW YORK, April 23. Cotton fu tures opened steady; May 40.90c; July 1 38.60c; October 35.20c; December 34.30c; January 33.70c. LONDON RATES L CONDON, April 23 Bar silver G9"d per ounce. Money 4 per cent. Discount rates: Short bills 5s Per cent; three month bills G per cent. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, April 23. (United Stales Bureau of Markets) Hogs Receipts 14,000; shippers 25c lower; packors mostly 50c lower; close active, bulk $13. 0014.00; top ?14.75. Cattle Receipts 3.000; beef steers and yearlings steady to strong; bulk $11.00fi)12.00; good and choice she stock steady; others 25c lower; bulk $7.509.25; stockers and feeders steady. Sheep Receipts 4,000; lambs 10(S 15c lower; best clipped $17.S5; sheep steady. POTATOES. CHICAGO. April 23.- Potatoes weak; receipts 13 cars; northern round white sacked and bulk $7 007.20; Maine Green mountain $7.00. " ' AT MINNEAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., April 23. Flour unchanged. Bran ?51.00. COTTON FUTURES. NEW YORK. April 23. Cotton fu tures closed steady; May 40.65c; Julv 38.25; October 34. S5c; December 33.S3c January 33.25c. NEW YORK SILVER. NEW. YORK, April 23. Bar silver $1.18. Mexican dollars 89 c. NEW YORK SUGAR. NEW YORK. April 23. Raw sugar film, cenlrifugal 19.56c; refined firm; if.-ne granulated 17.50$,23.00c. LEGAL NOTICES ANNUAL TAX SALE. NOTICE IS HCRKUY CIYKN IN ACCORDANCE WITH S.rltion Com ! pllfd Lhivs of Ltnh. 11 that Wclwr County. LUMi, by ami through Its Board of County Commissioners. Will, on Monda. May 17th. 1320, at 1 o'clock noon ut 'the liont dooi of (lie Court House. In Usdi-n City. Weber County. Utah, jffcr for sale in separate parcels 101 cash, all of the real estate hereinafter described to gether with other real estate held i. Weber County under Tax Occd and at '-uch ealo the County Clerk of Weber County. Utah, will issue and deliver to the nur 1 chaser all of the title of the Stale 01 Utah, County of Weber. City of Osdcn or 1 any town or school or other, taxlnpr district Interested Jn the real estate so 'old excepting however, any Interest held by Ogdcn City, under tax sale made to Orden City up to and including sales for delinquent taxes for 1S9 1. I No bid will be accepted for less than t-11 taxes, costs and interest to date 01 I sale iwrc n --ieired to. MARTIN r. BROWN'. 1). IT. ENSIGN, ; J. M. CHILD. i Board ot County Commissioners of Weber County. Utah I WALTER N. FARR. I County Clerk, of Weber County - Utah. I Dated Apr:l 5. 1920. I First publication on April 17th. -1020. . l.a$l publication on .May lb'th, 1020. LIST OF PROEKRTY UNDER TAX DEED TO WEBER COUNTY TO BE 01' j FEKED- FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AS ABOYJ3 STATED. 'Part of Lot. 1. Block 0. Plat "A." being the West 2.5 feet of Lot 1, Block 0. Plat I A.1' Ogden City Survi-y. Part or Lot 5. Block 10. Plat , A." Being thn North 117 feet of the South 202 fee: I of Lot 5. Block 10. Plat "A." Ogden City Survey. ' Part of Lot 5. Block 10. Plat "A." Being the South -11.25 feet of the North S5 feet of I-ot 5. Block 10. Plat "A." Ogden City Survey . , r.TTt of Lot 'J, Block 13. Plat "A." Beginning 120 feet North from the Southeast I corner o'. Lot 2. Block 13. Plat ""A." Ogden City Survey; thence Wost 37 feel. North 20 icet. West 50.5 feet. North 4 feel. East' $7.5 feet. South 2 feel lo the place 01 beginning. The taxe3 herein include personal taxes iif j Book "13.'' page. S3, Lines l'J and 21. 1010 sale. Part 01' Lots S and 0, Block 1C, Plat "A." Beginning 16.5 feet East uid 16 5 feet I South from the Northwest corner of l,ol S. Block 16. Plat "A." Ogden city I Survey, thence East ll'S leel, Souih 1C.5 feel to the place of beginning Part of Lot I. Block 32, Plat "A." Beginning 105 feet East from ihe Northwest corner of Lot I. Block 32. Plat "A, '' Ogden City Survey; thence East'.lC.o 1 iceL South 12 feel. West 130.5 feet. North 12 feet to the plate of beintilng- ! Part of 1-ot 7, Block . Plat "A." Belns the .West 16.5 feet of Lot 7. Block -ib I Plat "A." Ogden .City Survey. Part of Lot 2. Block 55. Plat "A." Being the Kast 2.0 feet of Ihe West 132 feet of I Lol-i.'. B'.ock 55. Plat "A." Ogden City SmVey. Part of Lot 2. Block lb. Plat "B." I3eing the West of the East of the, South I Vz of Lot 2. Block 1C. Plat "It." Ogden City Survey. Part or l)t 2. Block 16. Plat "U." Being the East 33 fect of the South $ ot Lot 2, Block 16, Plat "B. Ogden City Survey. I Part of 01 Iots 3 and i. Block 16. Plal "C." Beginning 165 fect North and 33 feot ) East from the Southwest corner Lot 3. Block 1G. Plat "C." Ogden City Sur I vcy; thence North H.G feet. West 157 feet. South ll.Cfoet. Kast 157 feet to J . the place of beginning. ' I Part of j3l3 i and 7. Biock 1C. Plat "C' .Beginning . 165 .feet- North and S icet East from the South;est corner of lot I. Block It;. Plat ,C."' Ogden City Sur vey; thence North 311.3 feet. East 17 feet. South 311.3 feet. West 17 feet 10 the place of beginning. Part of Iots 6. 7 and S. Block 16, Plat "C." Beginning 125 fect South from lUa Northwest corner o! Lot 6. Block 16. Plat "C," . Ogden Citv Survey; thence South H.Gfcet, East 207 fect, North ll.G feet. West 207 feet to the place of beginning. Part of I-ots 7 and S. Block 21. Plat "C." Beginning 150 feet West from the South east corner ol Lot S." Block 2L Tlat 'C," Ogden City Survey, thence North 25 feot. .West 1H feet. South 25 feet. East 11 J fect to the place of beginning I Part of Lot 10. Block 31. Plat "C." Being the North .165 feet of the Eat & of Lot 10. Clock 31. Plal -'C." Ogden City Survey. Tart of Lot 5. Block 30. Plat "C." Being the North 41 feet of the East HS.5 feet of the West 207 feet of Lot 5. Block 30. Plat "C." Ogden City Survey. Part of Lot 7. Block 30. Plat "C." Bebng the West 40 icet of Lot 7, Block 30, Plat "C, ' Ogden City Survey. Part of lxil 0. Block 4S, Plat "C." Being the 'West -IS feet of the East ISO fe.a o.' the North 115.5 feet of Lot 0. Block 4S, Plat."C." Ogden City Survey. I Part of Lot 11. Blpck GC Plat "C." Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 1L Block 66. Plat "C." Ogden City Survey, thence South, GG feel. East S2-5 feet. North 36 degrees East S2.5 feet. West to the place of beginning. ' Part of Lot 2. Block 71 Plal "C." Being the North 2 fect of the South 06 leer of tho West 125 feet of Lot 2, Block 71. Plat ' C' Ogden City Survcj. .Part of lot 13. Block 1, Plat 5AA, Being tho East 330 feet of the N6rth of Lot 13. Block 1. Five Acre Plat "A.V of Ogden City Survey. Part of Lot 11. Block 4. Plat S. O .S. Being the West 0.5 feet of the North Zi.Sa feet of Lot 11, Block 4. South Ogden Survey, of Ogden City Survey. Part of Lot 12 Block 4. Plat S. O. S. Beginning 32 feet South from tho intersec tion of the South lirtc of Lot 11. and tho West lino of Adams Avenue; thence West HO feci. South 1.5 feet. East 140 fret. North 1.5 feot to the place of I lxt 12. Block i. South Ogden Survey. Ogden City Survey. : Iols S and 10. Block 10. S. O. S- Beginning 355 : feot Went from the Northeast cor ; hor.of Lot S. Block 10; thence South SO feet. West 90 reet. North oO f'.-et. East L J 00 feot to place of beginning. In South Ogden Survey. Ogden Clv Sun'M' Part of Lot 11. Block 10, Plat S. O. S. Beginning 3.6 fect A est from tho 1 section of the Northwest corner of Lot 11, Block 10. South Ogden Survey, ol LEGAL NOTICES Ogden City Siiwcj', and the Eastllno of Lincoln Avcnuo: '.hence East 3.6 fect, , North 138.1S feet. West IS feet, South 4 degrees East to the place of begin- ? fM nhig. Lot 13, Block 10, S. O. S part ot the lot. Being tho East CO feet of tho South 20.3 . fect of Lot 13. Block 10, South Ogden Survey, Ogden City Survey. y , . ,Lnnd Block 2, Brummltfs Addition. A'i Lot C." Brum mi It's Addition to Ogden City. Utah- -.'A' Lot D y of Brummlttfs Addition to Ogden City, Utah. -'if. tM Utah 5 f0Ct f Lt '6' BICk 3' Ccnt,fl1 PftVk Addition to Osden City. Being ail of Bot 11 and the South 11 feot of Lot 12, block 5, Central Park Annex to 1 Ogden. City." Utah. ' Be ng Lou, 23 to U, Block 2, City Park Addition. . Hc ng Lots 2S to 30. Block 2, Colorado Plncc Addition to Ogden City; Utah. "c ng I,ot5 5 nd 6, Block. 3. Cropscv's -Vddltlin to Ogden. City, Utah. Ucing Lots 1 to 20. Block 16. Clovcrdale Addition, Kancsvlllc School District. Lots o to 15. Block 17. Cloverdalo Addition. Kancsvlllc School DIstrlcL r Being the West S0.02 feet of Lots 1 to 5, Block 4. East Park Addition to Ogden ll L . cily. Utah. Be. ng Lot Gl. Block 4. East Park Addition to Ogden City, Utah. '- Being the East 76.S6 fect of Lot3 1 and 2. Block 5. East Park Addition to Ogden 1 City. Utah. j Being tho East 76.S6 fect of Lot 0, to 14, Block 5, East Park Addition to Ogden - City, Utah. Being the East 117.06 feet of Lot "J." East Park Addition to Ogden Clty.N Utah. i ' J uclng Lots 37 to 4u, Block IS, Falrmount Parle Addition to Ogden City. being Lots 21 and 25. Block 13. Florence Park Addition to Ogden City. Be ng Lots 52 to 51. Block 6. Franklin Place Addition to Ogden City. ue ng Lot 50, Block 0. FrunKlln Place Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Le ng Lot3 1 to 3. Block 1. Hcrriman's Addition to Ogden Cliy. Utah. 0 Le ng Lot 41. Block 17. Lakcview Addition. Burch Creek School District. . . I uclng tho South 17,5 feet of Lot 12, Block 26, Lakcview Addition, Burch Creek jV School District. fA Be ng Lots U and 11. Blofck 26, Lakcview Addition. Burch Creek School District. v' iHBl being an undivided one-half intorost in Lots 11 to 17. Block 30, Lakcview Addition, ' A rsJBBH Burch Creek School District. V-w B 1 Being an undivided one-half interest In Lots 36 to 30, Block 30. LakovJcw Addition. . ' I Burch Creek School District. Be nc Lots 30 to 41. Block 10,. Lakcview Addition. Burch Creek School District, Being the North 4 feet of the South 12 feet or Lot 8, Block 10. Lakevlew Addition to Ogden City, Utah. Being lx)ts 11 and 15. Block 46. Ikcvlow Addition, Burch Creek School District. Being Lot 20. Block 47, Lakeviow Addition. Butch Creek School District. r, V.b ' "-"ock i, .Maassou &auare Atiaition .10 ogden, ijtaii. h AlcOary Estate. Beginning 023.SO reet West and G.20 fect South from the North- cajt coiner of Sec. 20 Twp. C North. Rango 1 West, Salt Lake .Meridian. U. Survey; thence. South 16 feet. West 216.5 feet, North 16 feet, East 216.5 feet, to the plaro ol beginning. HB Being Lots 13 and 14, Block 1. -Mountain Yicw Addition lo Ogden City, Utah. B Being Lot 32. Block. 1, Mountain Ylow Addition to Ogden City. BBB Being Lots 30 and 40. Block 2, Mountain Viow Addition lo Ogden City. Utah. BBB Being Lot IS. Block 0. .Mountain View Addition to Ogden Cily. Utah. BBB Being tho East 1$ feet of Lot 7. Block 16. Nob HVl Addition to Ogden City. BBB Being Jols 1 and 2. Block 33, Nob Hill Addition to. Ogden City. Utah. BBB Being Lot 2, Black 51. Nob Mill Annex to Ogden City. Ltah. BBB Being Lots 6 anfl 7, Block 76. Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City. Utah, ; Bi Being Lot 1, Block 3. Olio Berger's Addition. Norm Ogden School District. ' BJ Be ng Lot 2, Block 4. Otto Bergi-r's Addition. North Ogden School District. BJ Bc ng Lots 23 and 2i, Block S. Observatory Placo Addition.. Wilson School District. being lxjts 41 and 42, Block 1. Pork Place "A." Subdivision of Lots 4 and .6 an.l ' BJ the South 1G5 fiS feet of Lot 3. Block 67; and all of Block 6, Plat "C." Ogden ' , City Survey. IP Being Lots 1 to 1, Block .2, Prospcc Ulelghls Addition. ' i K Being Lot3 41 lo 41, Block 4, Piospect Heights Addition. Being Lot 2, Block iv Riverview Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Bl Being Lot 3. Block 4. Riverside Annex Addition to Ogden City. Utah. ' 1 Bf Being Lots 20 and 21 B.lock I. Rushton Addition to Ogdon City, Utah. B Being the West i of Lot 40 and all of Lot 41, Block 4, Rushton Addition to Ogden B City, Utah. B Being the West 0 feet of Lot 51 Block 7. and all of Lot 52, Block 7, Rusht'cn'i P Addition tc Ogden Cily. r K. Being tho North 20.0 tcot of Lot 2S. Block 1, South Park Addition to Ogden City - Wl Ltah. 'wBlr -m ml Being Lots IS and 10. Block 2, Stephens First Addition to Ogdqn City, Utah. " -v. Iffi Being the South i feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1, Block 5, Terraco Subdivision. I Sk mt Ogden Cily, Utah. 1 jBJ Being Lots 13 and 11, Block 1. Woodmanscc's Addition to Ogden City, Utah. ! n ffl Being Lots 17 to 26. Block 1., Woodmanscc's Addition to Ogden City. Utah 1 KS Lois 27 to 35, Block 2. Woodmanscc's Addition to Ogden City. Utah. (Bl Being the West I5.7G feet of lxts 1 and 2, Block 6, Woodmanscc's Alain Street Bl Addition to Ogden City, Utah. B Beginning 432.13 fect South and 330 feet East from the Intersection of tho East H lino of Washington Avcnuo and tho North lino of Sec. 5. Twp. 5, North Rango BJ 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian, U. B. Survey; thenco North 56.5 feet, East 33 3 BH feet. South 5G.5 lect. West 33.3 feel lo placo of beginning. ' B Beginning on the Vest line or Grant Avenue 294 icet South irom the North lin BJ of tec. 5. Twp. 5 N.. P.ange 1 w est. Salt Lake Meridian, U. S. Survey," thence -' - Bl South 6 tect, West, lb7 Icet. North G tcot, East lb7 feel to the place of beginning. Jmm bcgnnlng 21.45 chs. East and S.0u5 chs. North from the Southwest corner of tho Bl Northwest U of Sec. y. Twp. 5, North, Range 1 West. Sfdt Lake Meridian. MM U. S. Survey; thence North 70 icet. East 101) feet. Southwest to a point 115 mm feet East from the point of beginning. West to tho place of beginning1 fmm Beginning at the Southwest corner 01 Biock 33. South Ogden Plat "A"; Lhencu MM South 57u icet. East 167 feet. North 570 icet. West 107 feet to tho placo of BP beginning. . . ' ' ' Bl Beginning 16.12 chs. South from the Northeast corner of tho Southeast Jl of Sec Bl J5. fwp. 5 North, Range 3 West. Salt Unkc Meridian U. S. Survey; tbenco fl est li lect. South lo chs. East 11 tcct, North 10 chs. to 'the place of be- Bl ginning. Bclny ail o. ihe Northeast i of Sec 3, Twp. 6 North. Range 1 West; Salt Lako ' mm Muncian, C S. purvey. a - being an or uie feouih 2 01 Sec. 3, Twp. 6 North. Range 1 West. Salt Lake MerJd- Mm tan. L. b. Survey. B Being all of inc. East of the Northwest U of Section 3, Twp. 6 North, Rang Bl 1 West, Salt Lake .Meridian. U. S. Survey. ' B Beginning at the Southeast corner ot the Northeast U Sec. 4, Twp. G North, Rang flfl 1 esl, salt Lane .Meriuiiin. U. S. Survey; thence North 5 chs.. West '1 25 BB chs., South 13 ius Ucst 13 ids.. North 13 ids.. West to center of the County flD roau, Southwesteiiy aiong the toad to a point 5.G1 chs. West of beginning, fl East 5.64 chs. lo tho plaic ot beginning. BB Beginnm 41.14 icet West and 262 feet South frcm the intersection of the South mm line of Second Street, and Vesl line of Washington Avenue, in Ogden Citv. f BB L,tah; thence South t6 jeot. West 211.8G feci. North 66 tcct. East 211,86 fect "tu. ' BB to the place of beginning. "V . B b'cginnlns 115.5 feet South Irom Ihe Northeast corner of Sqc. 30, Twp 6 North R'1 : fll Range 1 West, Salt Lake Meridition. U. S. Survey, thence West S2 S7 feet," K mu Soum CG teet, Eost 132 tcot. Nonli 60 feet. U est 10 the place of beginning. ft Bl Cegliming S-.3 feet West trom the Northeast comer of Sec. 30, Twp. 6 North, Bungq im ' !BJ 1 West, Salt Lake Meridian, U. S. Survey; thence South 2G1.5 fect. East Ifi mm K2.S7 teet, South 300 teet, West 107.68 "feet, North GOO tect. East 24.B feet lo ffl flfl ' the place of beginning Jf flfl Also boglnning 6G0 teet South from tho Northeast corner of' Sec, 30 Twp f flfl G North. Range 1 West. Salt Lako Meridian, U. S. Survey, thenco South 37 flfl degrees 57 minutes West to the C. P.' right-of-way. East to East lino of said flfl section. North to place of beginning. ,f flfl Beginning 0.21 chs. West. 12.72 chs. North from the Southeast corner of tho North- 4- k flfl west li. Sec 0, Twp. 5 North, Range 1 West, Salt Lako Meridian, U S Sur- ' : flfl vcy, thence South i5l.5 feel, West 1S3 feet, North 251.5 tect. East" 1S3 fee " I flfl to the place of beginning. , r flj Ueglnninp at ihe Norlheast corner of tho Southwest U Sec. 2S. Twp 5 North. Rango " t m 1 West. Salt Lako .Mcndlnn U. S. Survey: thence West 11.25 chs to Weber ' HI river, feouthcabiurly along the river to the East lino of said Sec.', North to V- - flfl beginning. Deginnlhg on the South line of Seventh street. ISO fect West from the West lino flfl of Washington Avenue. Ogden City, Utah, thenco South 1JG.S feet, West 51 v tf flfl , lect, North 146.4 icet. East 51 lect, to tho beginning. All in Sec 17 Two " flfl 0 North. Range 1 Most, halt Lake Meridian If. S. Survey. " f:i, flfl Beginning 1J1 teet East and 33U feet North from tho Southwest corner of Sec "0 v BB Twp. 6 North, Kang,e 1 est, Salt Lake Meridian, U. S. Survey, thenco North v..,1 G6 lect. west 132 icet. South 06 feet. East 132 fect to beginning ' il Beginning at the Intersection ot the South line of 32nd street, and the West lino of 'i 11 Sec. 33. rv.p. 0 North. Range 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian, U S. Survov ' II liencv South 105-25. East 20.1 feci. North 1G5.25 feet, West 20.4 feet to tiio ' " II place of beginning. im : on said line 73 steps, South 107 steps to Cedar Stake on bank of said drain ' flfl ulch. Southwesterly on bank of said drain ditch 100 steps, to beginning lWnr v H9 part of the East z 'of the Southeast i Sec. 7, Twp. North. Range 2 West llE Sail Lake Mcrdlian. U. S. Survey. fa "csl' ) tmU Beginning nt a certain Cedar Slako on the bank of drain ditch, being tho South- tmm west corner pi said tract of land; thence North 2G3 steps to i Sec line East i' (flfl 2 S3, chs.. North. 15 degrees East 1.7 ihs.. North 1.52 chs. North 15 d'cc-eoH - iflfl East 1.5 chs. Noith 3 degrees 30 minutes. JSast 1.25 chains. Northwesterly lflfl and Southerly along the river to a point North. 11- degrees 30 minutes Wm-' ' 1 Jmw troin the beginning. Soutli 11 degrees 30 minutes East to beginning ' " . IKfl Beginning 1S.62 chs. S est and 2.0 chs. North from the Southeast corner oi' thn K flfl Southwest u of Sec. 21. Twp. 0 North. Rango 2 West, thenco East fJO ch fll North S degrees 30 minutes East 5.S3 chs. North 13 degrees 30 minutes West Bfl Beginning 1166.SS feet East and S chs. South irom the Northwest corner of th- IB Southwest U Sec. 24. Twp. G North. Range 2 West. Salt Lako Meridian U S fl I Survey: thence North M feel. East 400 feet, mora or less, South l decroa' HI i East 4.30 chs.. South 70 degrees 30 minutes West 0 chs., South 20 degree jflf 30 minutes. West '1 eh.. South 11 degrees West 5 chs.. South 36 degrees Fnt HI ' 3 63 cls . South 13 degrees West l.S chs.. Westerly 'and Southerly to a' point mm ! on tho river South of beginning. North to beginning. MM Beginning SO rds. North and 34 rds. East from the Southwest comer or-the North- ' ' MM cast li See, 2S, Twp. 7 North. Range 1 West, Salt Lako Meridian, U s Sur- HI vey: thence South 10 rds.. East 60 rods.. South 2S ids.. East 13,5 rds Nctrh HI 23 rds.. WesL 5.5 rds.. North 45 rds.. West It rds., to tho beginning'! ' H Beginning at tho Southwest corner of the Nortnwcst of Sec. 30. Twp 7 North ' ' WM Range 1 West. Suit Luke Meridian. L". S. Survey: thence East 1.22 chs Ncri h V-4 HI IS degrees 30 minutes East 0.1S chs.. North 6S degrees 45 minutes, West 1 - flfl civs.. Nortli 17 dVgrses 30 minutes. East 7.63 chs., North 17 degrees to nilVi- flfl utes West 2.2G chs., Soutli 28 degrees 13 minuloa. West 0 chs. to the Wet HB line of said section. South to beginning. Mm Beginning S.5 chs. North from the Southwest corner or tho Northwest JJ of Sec " flfl 30. Twp. 7 North. Range 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey: thenco . flfl Nortli IS degrees 30 minutes. East 0 chB.. North GS degrees 43 minutes, Wdat flfl 125 feet. Soutli IS degrees 30 minutes, Wost to he West line of sniu section. HB Soutli lo beginning. WM Beginning 12.25 chs. South from the Northeast corner of the Southwest U of s'oo flfl IS. Twp. 6 North. Range 2 East, Salt Lake .Meridian U. S. Survey, thonei Hfl South 67 degrees 30 minutes West 5.38 ohs- South 3 degrees 15 mlnitt?a Eait flfl 5.6 chs.. South 5 degrees 12 minutes East to a point Soutli of beginning HI thence North to beginning. ...... , BB Beginning 52 rds. 11 feet East from tho Northwest corner of the Southwest of flfl the Northwest Vt of Sec. 20. Twp 7 Norh. Rango 1 East Salt Lake Merld- Hfl lan, U. S. Survey; thence South 10 rds.. East 16 rds.. North 10 rds,. Weir' iflfl rds. lo tho place, of hcglnnlng. . r SMm Being tho Southeast i of Sec. 13, Twp. 1 North, Rango 4 East, Salt ,Lako Morld- Hfl Ian. l S. Survey. k . flfl Being the East & of Lots G and 7. Block 22. Plat "A." HuntsvIIle Survoy.' J flfl Being all of Ihe Northwest li of Sec. 3. Twp. 6 North, Rango 1 West, Salt Lako Hfl Meridian. U. S. Survey. 1 . TOOTS AND CASPAR Caspar Believes in Prompt Answers By J. E. Murphy ' HEneS letter A . rsTiV CPERV.! Yr- nr II I I jo BoesToflfJEO '3r . :c-o.wrfH! . I .Pju , V LETTERS? , WHERE OFRCE 0M ErVRTH id ) M Q ME MftCHWE .TOOTslUL . . T S Pr I ''& I tA EVER G-ONfO I SrvlOEJ1 JfW MIWUTC5 V ' fe M ' !U TO OO S FU- W iZ V CORHESPONOEWCE? -7 "-TV v? foJth ftDORESBEfi O0 UU MftCHWE P) . , ; 1 I j, owe over ..J it, m u p llmJtSTf rtt$"Jnr) ;V the boss suy ' "' - ' jflVflVflVflVfli