Newspaper Page Text
HHflHH .t"'"1'"1 S"n r- - " " . , ... -. --nnm-.- " .h. !. " - I , , THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, FRIDAY, APRIL 23. I92P. ' J ! k FOR SALE FROERER AND FOWLES Real Estate Loans Insurance 2409 Hudson Avenue phone 017 Now five room modem brick bungalow. . vlrh hof water heat full basement, hard- I wood floors, gum finish, large enclosed I sleeping porch, cement driveways and highly Improved lot. This property Is a real buy at $6500. This la your chance to pet a seven room . brick home nicely located on the bench. I House Is clean and In host condition. Lot Is 50x150 and has four or five now chlck .en runs. A real bargain for $2250. Rea . eonablo terms. A dandy seven room modern brick home within blocks of Twenty-fifth und "Washington. This house would cost to build, at least JS001. Wo can sell house with $1500 lot for S5500. Reasonable terms. FROERER & FOWLES Real Estate Loans Insurance 2409 Hudson Avenue Phone 017 SOT FIVE room house, 3215 Ogdcn avenue. Owner in rear. 804 MUST BE SOLD THREE room frame, $1250: lot with bulld- Mlngs. $750. Sec owner. 2217 Van BUron. , 3 m BV OWNER Four room brick bungalow for sale, $2500. 3.117 Chllds avenue. 704 FIVE room brick bungalow, strictly mod ern, at 2015 Monroe. Phone 1754-R. ' " 793 J 240 ACRES near Baker. Ore. SO acres cul- : tlvated. rest can be Cultivated. Price $2000, or will trade. Box No. 2, City, 702 TWO residence properties In Sacramento, Cat., to exchange for Ogdcn residence or other property. Address Box 1000. can Standard. "31 ' ' '- BY OWNER Now five room modern brick bungalow. Call at 2S11 Adams. ' FIVE room house, modern, cement cellar. v...K' 50 foot lot with barn. 3210 Wall avenue ' ; -.A Phone 1602-W. Z "'"' BY OWNER Good newly papered and painted house. Terms. Phono 22. ni HAVE one of the best 20 acre farms. !: --' house and outbuildings worth half the - prlc askd Still hive some rho'ce homes i Th6y will never be cheaper. Call In and - . :' '1 lofa go r.oo them. I. N. Pierce. Real Ea- . . ., tfitc and loans. 602 Ecclos Bldg. T i APARTMENT house. Inquire Burton Wnl ' ijNk ker Lumber Co '31 r :;' the guaranty mortgage co. J, i Phone 2S0-281 IIG Twenty-fourth 1 ' FIVE ROOM COTTAGE Located on bench, lot 30x1 CO feoL light and water In the house. $2150. Terms. . FOUR ROuM MODERN Wfis J r in best of location, on the bench, has J- " south front, good lot. sleeping porch, hot water heating plant. $3450. Terms. . SIX ROOM: HOME , , . ... Close in on Grant avenue, on lorge lot. fc - . . " will nccept Ford car as pnrt of first pa - fjd' ' I ' . ment "or sell on terms. $2300. W ' i V, EIGHT ROOM DOUBLE BRICK bungalow apartment in best of location, has sleeping porches, furnace heat. a rt; nrst ciaas invcuuncni. osvxu, inuui " See us about now homes In course or ' constrjctlon. ' THE GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO. , -J ' ' Phono 2S0-281 16 Twenty-fourth '"..( 723 r, V'i , . f J FOUR room furnished, garden, fruit, bcr- f ' V- rlcs. Write 929 Kirckhani Oak. Cal.. or ,'- - -:' Max Brlcm. West Union, Ogdcn. 701 -i S GREAT snap for man with family 6 lots ' first class garden ground. 3-room shack - , - and big tent, all fenced, chicken coop. ground plowed ready for garden. $500 cash, easy terms. Inquire 22S Washington . Ave. Call between S and 5 o'clock. C71 ' " BY OWNER Cheap for quick ?alu. two 1 , Bovcn-room houses, modem, on bench, close in. Terms cheapor than rent: lmme- dlate possession. Phono 2114-M. 642 FINE lot on Harrison south of Twenty ?' fifth. O. A. White, 3641A Twcntv-flfth. " ' CA , r . FOR SALE BY SKEEN REALTY CO. BEST buy in Ogdcn. The beautiful nine room home. 631 TAventy-slxth. CCxl40 pavement paid. Non-resident owner. Act fii. ' qluck. $4200. Wfa ' Small thrco room, lot 55x1 9S feet. $950 Specials paid. Phono 913. 2255-W. 5911 FIVE room and bath, fine location, on! Twenty-seventh. $3000. Terms. Owner Frank Garner. 2730 Madison. 592 . FIVE room cottage 2940 Childs. mG& STOP! LOOK' CONSIDER! ' $3ei,!v' WHEN buying or selling property, call on W L Porter. Real Estntc. Basement 23 iA Washington Ave, Phone 1S76. 553 LARGE two story modern i cment. well . . built apartment house, four npartmentp. alccplng porches, full basement, also sev en room brick with barn., orchard and - j.' garden. Easy terms, Inqulro 2642 Mon- , ; ,"; roo. ll lr, ' 78 ACRE farm; one of the best In Weber county, located in Pleasant View, good j . Improvements and plentv of water, farm ?; Implements included. $10.0X10 oash will ' handle farm. Kelly & Hcrrlck. 464 . , r4'. BY OWI'ER Corner lot 116x118 fcT Twenty-second and Rcees avenue. ',; Phono 3076. 379 " ORCHARD farm, Phcne S-J;2 i ' ' SEVEN room modern, large !o.. 14S Sec- ond Street 253 If;-; f v I1ANDSOME NEW MODERN HOME. I. , 0t slx rooms: all liardwood floors, gum ftfciv jI uV, and enamel finish: buffet kitchen, brcak- Bjji n'' fast alcove: mantel and book cases: fur- Kjl t nace heat: cement basement, all partl- "r , tloncd off; the classiest home of its size !n city. Located 1371 Twenty-fifth. 3895 SWANER i , ' j . 'stii$ !J CHOICE building lots on North Wash'ng- ' , ton: nowly paved street; we furnish mon- - J yc to build. Also choice choap lots, ci03e ' M to paved streets; easy terms: no paving : . tax. W. B. Wcdell. 2468 Washington. 1 . ; 3715 "4 'i ' B'JRLEV IDAHO FARM LANDS ' v WE have a largo list of irrigated farms ' - i ' for sale or trade. Write or see WONES ; , liRISWOLD JNV. CO.. Burley, Idaho. yy- 274s t..v loom i ick noun', z 1.2 mocKs from I '-'c," Wash on hcr.oh, with chicken run and 5& St- garat-A. SncL a' S2fc.-U. Tcmtt.s at No. -ill 24t!i Sti-pn 2384 . A MODERN home; canaries, rabbits. Phono : , , . 2S89-W. 3976 T ' C-ROO.M modern brick bungalow, hurd- "'-S-' ' wood Oooro. fireplace and all modern con- i ,' z . vcnlences. This house is only a half block from car line on bench. If you arc looking! fLl 'or a real cozy homo, call 31C9-R 3-13tf 1 So. i-ACRE, 6-room modern house, chicken 1 . mpply, mixed fruit. Phone 28S9-W 1 ' & :- -j 3-24-lmo 4Jp - 5-ROOM modern, furniture, plono. See' wner, G2S 22nd street. Phone 2333. ! M$k& 3-24-1 no j Y'f"ir& 1 FINE building lot on Adams: 37 1-2 feet 1 - .i' V , by 170 feet to alloy; will sell this lot for1 fr.'.ir, $390: cash or terms to suit. If interested! ."'' In a good buy, call 31C9-R 3-13-tf f. v 1 HOMES, farms, ranches and loans. Let us "J 1 bow 'ou. Ogdcn R- E. & Bldg. Co,. 2438 j: 'i Washington Ave, Phono 378; undor i?ostal . fii7 ( j Telegraph Co. 'fi. I FARM BARGAIN. " .t, ; WE have listed for Immediate sale. 32 " fSt-'"';- lcrco choice hay, beet, fruit and tomato land, 30 shares water, 7 room modern "'.s&' : I home, barns, poultry houses, implements, JV' situated 20 minutes from Ogdcn on stato f' H i "'si macadnnjlzed road. Price $18,000. $9000 r' . :ash; five years balance 7 per cent. ALFRED E. STRATFORD, ti"i :L Casement Broom Hotel. Phone 2304-J p-., TEN room modern brick, throe room y , jipartment on bench, paved street, car v- V'. ':V line. Phone 2347-J. 206 Corner Ogdcn and Thirty-sixth 100x145 ' u ; feet, also 50x165 feet, Ogden between ! T.w?ny-eJenth and Twenty-ninth. Phone J - 1 Zob-i-W. 729 ('; ' ! STOP kicking- about tho H. C, L. Join do Y, ar"y of producers, 2 acres good garden u- ! s0l. abundance of water. Good modern 6 worn bungalow, $G500, $1000 caslu Thos. Auld. under F'lrst National bank. 626 ! modern houses, lot 3x10. 555 Twon- V-- v 85 LOTS In beautiful Nob Hill addition: tnesc lots are 50 and 55 by a, good 'depth nn alley; these lots were purchased ifp an eastern estate at a vory low price ill sell at a sacrifice. $50 and up. Phone "R. A. Norris. or call at 1G50 Washington. ; 770 I '! FOR SALE Real Estate Continued J (5-ROO house, acr of ground: ideal Place for chickens, some fruit. Call 1 to 4 , P m . owner 3234 Pacific Ave. 689 OVERLAND roadster, good as new, 2532 Qutncy. Phones 2QI4-2SG7. 7S3 I OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2347 Hudson Avenue. Phono 460 Motz touring car $150 Ford touring ear S3G0 Maxwell touring Car '.,$37." Overland 6-cyIindcr touring car $S50 Palgo 6-cylIndcr touring" car $1?."S 797 FIVE passenger Bulck light I, A-l condi tion: also Ford truck, by owner. 1S35 Washington. 201 El car. 5 pass., touring .............. .$550 Hupmobtle. 5 pass., touring ...SS00 Mitchell, 5 pas5 touring $950 Chandler. 7 pass., touring $1100 Oldsmobile, 7 pass., touring $1260 These cars are in first class condition. Terms to reliable parties. WILFONG-GLASMANN CO. 2254 Washington Phone 776 722 1918 Ford touring car. A-l condition. Phono 2279-J. . 703 OLDSMOBILE truck, good as new for sale by Mutual Creamery. G86 IJUICK light six. late model, fine condi tion, looks and inns like now Barvnin F. N. Hos 701 Twenty-fourth. Phono 1731. Overland touring, 30 hp ....$400 Overland touring. 35 hp $600 Willys Knight roadster $1000 Cadillac 7 passenger. S cyl ...$1500 Ford touring $35'3 1 Saxon roadster $250 These cars are overhauled and In good running condition. Lot us demonstrate to i ou. BROWNING AUTOMOBILE CO 599 CHEVROLET 4-90 model; Mmoat new. Read Auto Top Co. 578 FORD bug. Mack-Hoblnson Garage, j 501 TWO light Fords (cxprisns Doaiea); Max well touring $225: Hkynco Chummy. Snv ago Motor Co.. ?. Hudson avenue. 4012 YvONDElCFLL car :oi Sale, cheap. 234N j Grant 333t WHY not buy an exenunge car? Now is the time to buv. Two Fords. "14 and '16. Two Maxwells. '16 and 17. One Chalmers. 6-30. WEBER-TAYLOR AUTO CO. 2333 Hudson Phone 143 3055 FOlfSALE j . ..SSfe" dJKggs ! FINE pure bred White Iyeshorn laying yearling hens. Phono 1217 evenings or Sunday S0C FOR No. 1 baby chicks and Wlnford Elec trics Hovers. Phcne Astlll. 6C9-1545-M. 733 100 CHOICE white Leghorn laying hens Western Grain &. Food Co.. 2351 Washlng ton. Phone 1243. 630 ORPINGTON cockerel and setting ggs. ! 300 Second street. Phone 1213-Ur. GGO j EGGS for hatcntng from thoroughbred j prize winning, heavy laying Columbia 1 Wyandoltes. $2.50 per setting. 2985 Van I luiren. GjU I FOR baby chicks call R. A. Scgei. 3137 Jefferson Phone 2852-J. 5SI POULTRY any quantity any time, We buy and sell. Western Grain &. Feed Co,. I Phone 1243, 2351 Washington. 590 ' WE have plenty of baby chicks, prices 14 I to 20 cents. Walker Feed Co 491 THOROUGHBRED Rhode Island egga for I hatching Phono 2741-J. G- C. KImes. 359 Ninth street 2G0 EGGS for hatching. Pure bred Black Mi norca and Rhode Island Red. C39 Sev- enth street. Phone. 2135-M. 7 RHODE Islund Reds and Shcpard's strain Ancono. eggs, $1.50 setting. Phone 357-M. 3934 TiITiC nnrl I n T fhfrri nfra fnr Vin oVi- ling; also breeding stock. Call Eramwoll 1 1416-J. . 3922 I HATCHING eggs from heavy laying 'White Leghorns. $1.50 per 15, $9.00 per ; 100 Phono 2124-R. 3910 WANTED 1 v Situations GARDEN plowing. Phone 23OT-W. 595 I SAY : Do you want Uiem ashes hauled? Call Slim Anderson. Phone 1949-W 495 ' l Miscellaneous 'VACUlTM cleaners, revolving brush. $100 day. Phone 238 1-J. 579 I Tel 25S2-J for vacuum cleaners; $1 for j 21 hours. Sterilized dust bogs. 485 OHIO vacuum cleaner. $1 per day. Phone 314S. 12 STORAGE room for rent. Call Asbosto latc Products Co.. Phono 1416-W. 367? j PERSONAL j LONELY widow, aged 30. worth $40,000. wishes to hear from honorable gentleman under 60. Object matrimony. Write Mrs. 1 Hill. 11 East Sixth St.. Jacksonville. Fla. 7S0 CARD and character reading 449 Twenty-sixth 151 1 wa?h'1 Miscellaneous CHICKENS, any quantity any time. Russell-James Co., 189 24th St. Phone 136. 4-4-tf Unfurnished j THREE room house Phone 2773-M. 800 FOUR room house and somo furniture for sale cheap. Box 3, care Standard-Exam- !I: 801 TWO room house to rent. 2069 Adams. Phone 1096, or inquire 221 Twentv-third Btvoet 796 TWO unfurnished rooms for housckoop ing. 256 Twenty-second. 733 ONE four room houso on Rcovcs avenue Apply at 221 Twenty-eighth. 73s TWO or three room modern apartments, steam heated; close in. Phone 1008-J Also store room at 2G42 Washington 746 TWO room apartment, 3031 Grant. 646 TWO seven room modern houses on bench. Can sell for small payment down on terms cheaper than rent, Don't miss seeing these. Phono 2114-ai 643 i.mtfc., modern steam heated housekeep ing rooms, close in I KELLY & HERRICK 346 PssK CHILDREN'S dressmaking taken in 2632 Monroe Ave. Phong 3261-J, ' m DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing to apply thcmaelvoo. See Madam Caplau, third floot Wright's store. 10-7-4mo D 350 HEMSTITCHING plcot edge, buttons, uf. n.nd P'lnf?. Socond floor Wright's store. Mrs. H. Layman. is nFORR S Farm 15 ACRES farm land for grain- good wator right. Kelly & Hcrrick. ' Btgg rANO j LI0ARN to dance air0odward Studio. Og den, 23o9 ashington. Salt Lake 34 South Main street. Open daily 765 j WANTED I EXPERIENCED chambermaid. Gates Ito ' tel. 784 GIRL to help with housework and baby, Call 1560. 444 YOUNG girl for light housework; no chIN drcn, Apply Upstairs, 242C Monroe avo nue, 754 GIRL for light housework. 5S1 or 3260-J 250 Oramercy avenue, 749 YOUNG girl for light housework. Phono 3337-J. Call 2773 Grant avenue, Apt. 1. , 74S I HOUSEKEEPER wanted fit HuntfiVlllo. 1 Apply 2641 Grant avenue. GTS IYOUNO Klrl or elderly woman to care ror I child during tho day and do very Sight i housework. 2927 Hudpon avenue. GIRL wanted for general housework, Phono 2193-J. CS EXPERIENCED and inexporlonced help, $10.$0 to $13.00 per week, 8 hours per day. Union Pacific RAllroad Laundry. 6-21-tf J. A. HOGLE & CO. pay highest prices In Ogdcn for Liberty Bonds. AN cxperQhccd girl for housework, 432 27th street. Phono 500. EXPERIENCED salesladies to sell phono graphs; good eastern line, good commis sion. Call 411 Twenty-third street, be- twoon 10 and 12 a. m. 3941 DRESSMAKING taught to anyone willing to apply themsclvofl, See Madam Cat Iau, Third floor. Wright's Storr. 0242 ) Male and Female MAN and wifo to thko care of houso for their rent. Apply at once. Box H, 760 1 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper - stcnog- ' raphor. Reply to S.. care this paper. I 717 I forTrent n Furnished j I MODERN room for gentleman, close In. I $3.50 a week. Icferenccs. 2341 Adams. I TSfi FURNISHED apartment. 365 Twcntv eighth. No children. 772 TWO housekeeping rooms. 2353 Monroe. 740 MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. Lucerne Hotel. 742 HOUSEKEEPING rooms furnished or un furnished; with gas. 320Vs Twenty-fifth. upstairs. 741 MODERN home for a short time at a nominal rent to right party. Phone 692. 60S SLEEPING room 2202 Adams. 699 DESIRABLE housekeeping apartments. .ISS.T Grant Ave. Phono 314-.T. 690 SLEEPING room for gentleman. 432 22nd St. 094 ' NICELY furnished larco front room, mod ern; also garago for rent. 732 24th SL ' 67G SLEEPING room for gentleman. 2122 I Washington. 650 I TWO room furnished apartment for two poople: $21. 2785 Grant. C64 ROOMS for housekeeping. 427 Twenty fourth. 585 TWO partly furnished rooms. Inqulro Room 6. 24 6S Washington. W. B. Wcdell. 214 FURNISHED apartment. 2571 Lincoln. 8 MODERN furnished rooms; moderate prices, two minutes from postoffice. 2446 Grant Ave. 4104 MODERN slccpin,; rooms. 333 24 St. 4C29 RED and white calf, party may have same by cajllng at 1114 Washington and paying for ad. 755 WATCH; owner can have same by paying for ad. Ask for Anderson. Phono 3070, 5jM FOUND A bicycle. Give namo and num.- uor. i-'nonc z-m-.M bob I CARDBOARD box. contents valuable only. I to owner, lost on road between Ogdcn and I Salt Lake. Reward if returned to 2121 Jefferson avenue. S03 BAY pony, large cut on loft leg near 1 shoulder, roached mane. 2624 Adams. Phono 3139-W. 7S2 I BETWEEN Hudson and Washington, on Twenty-third, ono shaft with two gears. Please return to LIndcll Auto Co. Ro- I ward. 713 J second , WE take your old range as first payment on any new range, or will buy your ild , ranee outright- Homo Furnlturo Co. 4073 I watJted l To Buy 1 j THREE or five room house, modern. $500 1-usii, iiiuuliii ijuyim-iiis o wasning ton 755 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes. 259 25th St- Phono 3336. 679 WE BUY. raise, and sell fur-bearing rab bits and other fur-bearing animals. List what you have with us. stating your low 1 est prices on large lot shipments. The I Fur & Specialty Farming Co., 515-517 N. j P. Avenue.. Fargo, N. D, 212 WE have cash customers tor desirable city and farm lands. List your property with reliable people. Kclloy & Hcrrlck. 2-6-tf FRESH milk cow; hogs, veal and poultry 1 Will come to your yard to buy. Phono 2597-R. Peart Bros.. 3421 Adams avenue. Ogden. Utah. 3867 WE BUY all cars, regardless of condi tion. Auto Salvage o., 234S Grant Ave. 3197 1 jj,a-n rai,3 wanica ai tno mandate; 1 office. waoteS Xfent I TWO or three room modern house, fur nished or unfurnished. No. 36 Argylc Apt j 774 FOUR or five room furnished house. Call 1854. 77G ONE fourth to ono acre of land with water right. 2227 Quincy avenue . 760 LADY and grown daughter wl3h unfur nlshod ono or two rooms In home, can give reference. Phone 13S6-M. 761 WAOTED j 1 Salesmen j SELL NURSERY STOCK FOR US Good territory open. Terrm attractive. Write for contract and Information imme diately. Salem Nursoy Co 1030 Chcinn kcta St., Salem. Ore. ' 731 TO salaried people without security, to others on pianos, furniture, bonds, otc 227 Hudson Bldg. Phono 2S4. 249 MONEY to loan on Improved -eal qotaie. Kelly & Herrlck, 775 fFOlTs WILL trade a new phonograph or piano Arr,JitLFo.rd' J'xiulro Last & Thoman Music department. m ONE-HALF aero In peaches, nearly 100 trcos. $650. cash or terms, or will trado for good automobile. 411 24th St. 2385 Steamship Tickets To and from all tho oceans. Bureau of Navigation, 3-13 South Main St.. Salt Lake City, Utah. 203 Male Helt , ' ! MARRIED man with not moro than one child, for orchard work. Phone S-R3 , 802 OFFICE boy. Standard-Examiner Pub. 2 751 WANTED at Once, Japanese to take cn-i tire charge of home of three poople In Omaha. III furnish good woffes and transportation to rltrht party. Inquire A, R. Melntyro Drug Co. 7id WAXT13D The Ogdcn Union Railway and Depot Company will employ yoUnp men between the atfos of 21 and 4C as switchmen And nwltchtonders to rill va cant positions caiis-d by walkout of em ployes nbt ftanotloncd by their Union Ap ply Room 7n Union Station. 695 WANTED Solicitors for Colorado and l uh territory who have had experience KOlleltlng nccounta for collection agencies Personal Coll Systam, 526-2S-2a-30 Peters Trust Bldg.. Omaha. Nob. 670 FIREMEN, hrakemch, 100 for nearbv railroads. 5150-5200 monthly: experlenco unnecessary, Railway Association. Care Standard-Examiner. 30j BOY wanted to learn printing Neuto hoom Printing Co. 461 ' 1 " 4-ii(f rk' 'I, t- (. " . a. MEN WANTED ' Fcr railroad yard ser vice. Wages 64 cents an hour: eight hours won: a day; 96 cents per 1 our for each additional hour over citht hours a day; board and lodging1 places will .-e arranged for. Ttrlkc conditions, -but strike tlenouncod by rail load brotherhoods and un authorized. Protection as sured. Permanent places for good men, Apply to B. A. Campbell. Superin tendent, Socond Floor. Un.'on station. Ogden. Southern Pacific Co. . ,'r,. - . : 't: . ' - ' -Si..' ' j SWITCHMEN WANTED MEN experienced in in.ll road work desiring ' em ployment should call at onco or send names and address to superintendent Southern Pacific company at address given below Strike conditions provall but the striko Is unauth orized and denouncod bv 1 officers of tho railroad brotherhoods. Apply 1 B. A. Campbell. Superinten dent, Room 3. Socond Floor, Union Station. Og .dcn. Soouthom Paclfio Co. Oi . " " . LEARN actual auto repair, vulcanzlng. Los Antrelos Y. M.C. A. Auto School. 11-1-lmo EXPERIENCED salesmen to soli phono- I graphs on commission basis; good propo sition to right parties. Apply 411 Twcnty thlrd street between 10 and 11 a. m. 3942 CAPABLE and experienced man to han- I die salesmen selling on commission; cood proposition for right man. Addross P. O. ! Box 98. 3943 j BUSINESS j GROCERY store, with four room modern residence. 2010 Monroe. Phone 945-W. 7SS tLEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Education of Ogdcn Cltv at Room 308, Colonel Hudson Building." Og den. Utah, until eight o'clock Friday. April 30. 1920, for labor and materials in con nection with plumbing, heating, ventilat ing and vacuum cleaning systoms re quired for a part of the Washington! school, whlcn tho said board proposes o oioct In Ogdcn. Utah. I Two soparato bids arc requested: I 1 For plumbing. Z For heating system, ventilating- sys tem and vacuum cleaning system For plans, the bidders aro roforrcd to the office of Hodgson and McClcnahan. Architects, at 820 Ecclcs UWg.. Ogden. Utah, undo.- whoso direction all lcqulrcd labor and materials must bft furnished and applied. A deposit will be required to obtain plans, which will be refunded upon return of samo. The board lcscrvcs tho right to reject any or all blda. A certified check made payable, lo said poard. for a sum of monoy not !ess thon fivo per cent of tho amount of .ho bid must accompany eoeh bid. and tho check pf any succcshIuI bidder snail bo forfeited in case he falls or refuses to enter into the ncssessary contract and furnish ;t bond required by the board. Tho contract shall contain, among olher things, a' stipulation that at least twenty per cent of the contract prlco may bo withhold until tho work In each contract Is completed and accoptcd by thy board. By order of tho Board of Education of Ogdcn. Utah, EDWARD. I. RICH. ProHident; VIOLA M. CLANCY, Published in the Ogden Standurd-Exam-Inor April 20. to April 30, Distillation of liquors -was in prac tice in Great Britain In tho 1 6th century. j TORSALE j jyfof3"6011 NEW grain drill, boot cultivator ahd hy rake. Phono 3177-J. 79 ONE Jewel fpui-holo range with twoholo coal water heater and new talnk, 2967 Grant avenue. 7J0 vi5iEAPE nnd tomato plants for sale. 223 jsinth stroot. so5 rurSI? ttnd room, and kltehcn ;nnLtu f0,;6a,cf comblrtatlon coal and gas range 3281 Lincoln avenue. 77S ?YlcIo Ji1,11,110 fPr swl; Kood buy for each, 503 Thirty-first. 76D T-A Y'lgon. two sets of double hnrnoss. Iu8 Washington. 777 BHftK'r' rocker. combination gas and Shcth se Buck heatcr- 56' Twenty- 77ti rnCfin?,? ufbet. dresser, davenport. condition. Call between 2 p. m. and 7 p. ftri'd 6SnLg- Park APtS" UftISIVfnhn.on -bleVele; looks like now: $J8, Call after 5 .it 2866 Monroe. 76$ TJ3iNT. i1"1 ramping outfit, jelly glasses and Economy fruit Jam- tubs and clothes v. linger: pluno stool; boy's sled. Phono -,u - 762 i10 r.oom CM? irs ot Foldcrt oak finish. car E. Models. Very reaeohable. In quiro mornings. Phone 3347.-W. 735 ftiA1 cl22cn straight chairs. Golden . 1 ji PAIR good br6ed Belgian rabbits. Call 438 Seventeenth street. 703 REMINGTON typewriter. No. 10. first class condition, Just overhauled. Snap. nono 1251. 70s i?'B5Ford,de,,v'!,"-v bodv with cab. wlnd ?11a! Anders. loor covered with galvan ,1 lon' newly painted. One roll top cjosk One Fairbanks 800-pound scale. One warehouse- truck, 526 36th St. 693 FLEMISH Giant Rabbits, l pen Bluo An dolUBian chickens, Incubator and brood -ors. 22o0 Monroe Ave. 671 WJvI.IiTE .Phorn chickens, llnooloum, lioatlng stove. 3281 Lincoln Ave. 632 SR..!c''lm4 w,Clit 1350 lbs. each. Wright hlttler Co. 33rd St. and Pacific Ave CS3 VASHING niachlno. wrlngor. sowing ma chine, wicker push cart, cheap 2554 Brln kor avenue. Phone 2915-M. 634 GOOD heavy 3ii Inch wagon, also hcavv work harness. Phone 51-J-2. 633 EXTRA good tent for sale cheap. 9x14 Phone 357-W. 638 SNAP if taken at onco, 1 1919 3-spccd electric equipped Harloy Davidson motor cycle, with two new extra tires 8300 Phone 2690. 328 Second street. Call in mornings. 630 BARN. 30x40. 16 feet from base to oaves, grooved and tongued flooring in hay mow. Inquire 3460 Washington, 63o THOR. washing machine, been used two j-nono ona. bin RUBBER hose, cultivator, seeaer. plow, organ, dental chair, motorcycle. Phone 3j3- 5S3 THREE milk cows, one horse and hav rack. J. H. Bartyn. Hooper. 499 CANARIES, guaranteed singers. 2220 Lincoln. 509 LINOLEUM for sale. 2250 Butler. 4SS SECOND hand goods bought and sold. T. C. Iverson, 1040 Washington. Phono 49. 50 WHITE rubber tired baby crib, mattress and walking chair. 549 Twenty-first street. 449 TEAM of 5 year old horses, 1300 pounds: saddle $20. Call 42-R-3. 447 FOUR head of choice heifers. Phono 37-J-3. 446 EDISON phonograph for sale. Phon 047-J. TWO floor cases. 352 Twenty-fifth. 267 BUY your paints at Stowe's and save money. 1800 Washington, phono 6S6-J. 226 FURNITURE. 1640 Washington Avenue, 207 BUSCH and Gortz piano, style 15. 62S Twenty-second, Phone 2333. HIGHEST prices paid for second hand goods. Stowe's Second Hand Store. 1S00 Washington Ave. Phono 6S6-J. 6-2-tf FIRST class sheep camp equipped with drawers and bins, stove cupboard and elevated bunk, and now running gear, also good set of work harness. Apply to Beck stead Brothers, Huntsvllle. Utah. 17C Singer Sewing Machine JUST ARRIVED Latest models can be purchased or rented for $3.00 a month. Needles, oil and repairs for all makes, Singer Sowing Machlno Co., 2338 Wash ington Ave. Phone 24. 4118 WHILE they last, Horrors of War," 75c New 6-ply rubber hose. 15c. Phone 333 47 LATE 1919 twin Harley Davidson motor cyclo with sldo car. In perfect condition Also twin Excelsior for 5100, See clrcula tlon manager. Ogdcn Standard. 3776 SEVERAL sets of new work harness. Og- j den Horso Salo Sz Commission Co. 3103 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made; big reduction. Gordon's, 211-25 Twenty-fifth ! St. Phone 419. 2157 I REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES In accordance with the call of tho Re publican Stato Committee and action taken thereon by the Weber County Cen tral Committee. Republican primaries cr" horeby called to bo hold in the several election districts of Wober County on Fri day. April 23. at eight o'clock, p. m., for tho purpose of electing delegates to a county convention to bo held on Monday, April 26, at clgM o'clock, p. m.. in the county court houso. Ogden. Utah, which said county convention will select flfty twe delegates from Weber County to tho stato convention and to tho Congression al District Convention to be held at Price. Utah, on May 3. 1020, whore delegates and alternates to the Republican National Convention to bo held ut Chicago, on Juno 8. 1920. will be selected Each district will elect three (3) dele gates to said county convention. The county committee also adopted a resolution directing that at tho said pri maries in each election district there shall bo elected and named a member of tho Republican County Contral Committee of Weber County, and a district secretary. Tho members of tho central committee of those districts without Ogden City will arrange suitable places for the holding of said primaries In said districts and givo duo notice thereof. The primaries for those election dis tricts within the several wards In Ogden City, except tho twelfth district, will be held at Tollows: I First Ward City Hall. Second Ward Third Ward Amusement Hall. Third Ward Seventh Ward Amusemont Hall. Fourth Ward County Court House. Fifth Ward Fifth Ward Amusemont Hall. The primary for tho 12th district will bo held in tho Baptist Mission in West I Ogdcn. All qualified voters believing1 In tho principles of tho Republican Party aro re spectfully Invited to attend and partici pate in tho primaries for the above pur pose. By order of the Weber County Central Committee. ARTHUR WOOLLEY. Chairman. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Notico is hereby given that Ogdcn City proposes to make the following public im provement, to-wlt; Build plpo sowers in Sewer District No. 142, together with work Incidental thereto, according to plans, specifications and profllas on file In the offico of tho City Englnoer. And sealed bids aro Invited for said work and 'will bo rccelvod at tho offico of tho City Recorder in tha City Hall at Ogden, Utah, until ten o'clock a, m, on tho 29th day of April, 1920, Instructions to bid dors, plans and specifications for said im provement can be seen and examined ut the otfico of tho City Engineer In tho City Hall of said City. Tho right Is reserved to reject any and all bids and to walvo any defects. By order of tho Board of Commission ers of Ogden City, Utah, this, tho 7th day of April, 1920. C. T, MOTES. City Recorder, First publication April 8, 1920. Last publication April 27, 1920. Published In tho Ogden StandardFam Iner. Sower District No. 142. Deeds to land wore not dated prior to 1290. LEGAL NOTICES BEFORE THE BOARD OF, COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of WEBER v.A CO,UNTY.' STATE OP UTAH Notice of Hearing on Petition for Fnna i?n.?f f'ffatfon District and of Ap plications for Exclusion of lands there from ohd IncluMpn of lands therein, lind rovlsloh of Water Allotments. wI?hS.xIa.tu'r of lne Organization of VSb?,ii36i!nHf Irrigation District. Aiml JS hereby given that a EiVjiou ?f lhe Honorablo Simon Bam 90V?.n,0.r or thc State of Utah, prajlng for the formation of an Irrigation district under thc laws of the Stato of uL' pro,Wni? t include therein thc n. iln wohcr County. Utah, set out in h?J!,nnucxodl0. Unsaid petition and wiul? -.10.1; bonndod and to be known as Mi i7h"0iHt Irrigation District, was. on wuh 1 dni f ,cl?lei A, D.. 1010. filed a MslJ31 'Lot County Commissioners ii-5t.5 h fiVj?.1"' Utah; that thewatcr 2n ,T AJto,VtytB o the landflWlthin Sovi ?i' Trt d,atr'cl hftvo been made as lf hi 'F tho Stato Engln of this Stat of Utah, and tho retUrrt wAti? fl'I.W nnd i.'ftnort Of tho said oP Pnf.nn Qn TVIth the said Board 2fitir?inv AC01mle.8lerfliA,and that tho of a-nr LPrl1, Ar D" at e hour ?vHnii.8r.l?i.S0STnly Commissioners In thc 1 a y Cout Hpno n Ogden citv Wo- arrtCni,n4'- Ut.nn' been flxM Vthe said Board an the t me and placo for the fhJ?rth? !P". the BdUX Pillion as well ns l& that)lnB upon alt applications for inoinlual0n,of Janda therolrom and the inclusion of lands within said proposed wSJAnAnft0 rcv,8lon of th0 ld inT. i,ei?l,diiIrrJffftt,0v d'strlct as proposed V, fdnd nrU (the lands situated within the following boundaries, the earn being triet to-wVt'03 f thC Sa'd prop03ftd d,E" c?Memn,,nff At th. northwost corner of wSblf1?! T?.w,n3hlP, 7. North. Rangxj 1 riiSJ Jh ?alt Lake Meridian, thenro running west 3 miles to tho NW corner of Section IS, nald Township and Range. KiiH.c0 ri?slcltv, nlonK 1,10 County line between Box Elder and Wober Counties to fL'nhero aald County line Intersects the easterly shore line of Great Salt Lake, thence meandering in a southorly direc tion along and following the said easter ly shore line of the said Great Salt Lake to a. point In Section T2, Township 5 North. Rango 3 West of tho Salt Lake Meridian where the said shoreline inter sects tho County lino between Davis and Weber Counties, thenco easterly along and following tho said County line to a point on and where said County lino in tersects tho easterly lino of Section 25. Township 5 North, Range 1 Wost of tho Salt Lako Meridian, thence north approx imately 1-2 mile to tho NE corner ot said Section 25. thenco west 1 mile to tho NW corner of said Section 25. thence North 2 miles to the NE corner of Section 14 said Township and Range, thenco west i milo to the NW corner of said Section 14. thenco north approximately 1 1-2 miles to thc SE corner of tho corporate limits of Ogdon City, Utah, being a point i.t the conter of thc oast lino of Section 3, said Township and Range, thonce west ap proximately 3 1-2 miles to tho SW cornor of tho corporate limits of said Ogden City, being a point at tho center of Section 6, saia lownsnip ana ltange. thence north along and following tho -westerly bound ary lino of the corporato limits of said Ogdon City to the NW corner of tho cor porate limits of said Ogden City, being a point at thc NW cornor of tho SW quar ter of the SE quarter of Section 7, Town ship 6 North, Rango 1 West of thc Salt Lako Meridian, thonco east approximate ly 3 1-2 miles to tho NE corner of the corporate limits ol said Ogdon City, bo Ing a point at tho NE corner of tho SE quarter of tho SE quartor of Section 10. Township 6 North, Range 1 West of tho fc. 't Lako Meridian, thenco north approxi mately 4 3-4 miles to the SE corner of Section 16, Township 7 North, Rango 1 Y est. Salt J.ake Meridian, thence west 1 milo to tho SW corner of said Section 15. thenco north 1 mile to tho placo of be ginning. And also beginning at the NW corner of Section C. Township 7 North, Range 1 East of thc Salt Luke Meridian, thenco running south 2 miles to the SW corner of Section 7. said Township and Range, thenco west -1 mile to the NW corner of Section 13, Township 7 North, Rangsj 1 West, Salt Lako Meridian, thonco south 1 mile to tho SW corner of Said Section 13 thence east 1 mile to tho SE corner of said Section 13, thenco south 1 1. Ho to thc SW corner of Section 19, Township 7 North, Rango 1 East. Salt Lake Meridian thence eig;t 1 milo to tho SE corner of said Section 19, thence south 1 milo to thc SW corner of Sec. 29. Township 7 North I Rango 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence cast 1 milo to thc SE corner of said Sec tion 29. thenco south 2 miles to tho SW corner of Section 4. Township 6 North, Range 1 East, Salt Lako Meridian, thenco cost 1 milo to the SE corner of said Sec tion 4, thence south 2 miles to the SW corner of Section 15. said Township nnd Range, thenco cast 2 miles to tho NW corner of Section 24, said Township and Rango, thenco south 1 mile to tho SW corner of said Section 21, thence east 3 miles to tho NW comer of Section 2S. Township C North. Rango 2 East. Salt Lako Meridian, thence south 1 mile to l thc SW corner of said Section 28, thenco I cast 3 miles to the SE corner of Section 26, Township G North. Rango 2 East. Salt Lake Meridian, thenco north 4 miles to tho NE corner of Section 11. Township 6 North. Rango 2 East, Salt Lako Merid ian, thence west 2 mllca to tho SE cor I nor of Section 4, said Township and Range, thonco north 3 mllea to the NE corner of Section 28, Township 7 North. Range 2 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence west 1 mile to thc NW corner of said Section 28. thonce north 1 milo to tho NE corner of Section 20, said Township and Rango, thence west 4 miles to tho NW corner of Section 28, Township 7 North Range 1 East, Salt Lake Meridian, thence north 1 mile to tho NE cornor of Section 15, said Township and Ran&o, thence west 1 milo to tho NW corner of said Section 15. thenco north 1 milo to tho NE corner ot Section 9, said Township and Range, thenco west 1 mile to the NW corner of ; said Section 9. thence north 1 milo to tho NE cornor of Section 5, Township 7 North. Range 1 East. Salt Lako Meridian, thenco west 2 miles to tho place of beginning. All persons, firms, associations or cor porations intorostcd in tho said matter aro directed to appear at said hearing and each will thereat be given full opportu nity to bo heard thereon. Dated at Ogden City. Webor County Utah, this, tho 29th day of March. A. D.. 1920. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS SIONERS OF WEBER COUN TY. UTAH, By Martin P. Brown. Chairman. Attest: WALTER N. FARR. (Seal) Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALE In the District Court of Weber County, Stale of Utah. Freed Furniture & Carpet Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. Utah Mercan tile Land Live Stock Investment Com pany, a corporation. Dora B. Topham. Arcadia Land Sz Livestock Company, a corporation, and James Ballard. Dofond ants. ss. To bo sold at Shoriff's Salo on thc 3rd day of May, 1920, at 12 o'clock noon of said day. at tho South Front Door of tho Wobor County Court House. In Ogdcn City, Wober County. Utah, tho following describeu property, to-wlt: Situated in Webor County. State of Utah, and particularly described as follows- All of Lota Ono to Twenty-throe (1 to 23) both Inclusive. In Block One (1): All of Lota Ono to Fifty-six (1 to 56). both Inclusive. In Block Two (2); All of Lots Ono to Twonty-elght (I to 28) both In clusive, in Block three (3). all of said Lots and Blocks being in Kingsfield Ad dition to Ogdon City. Utah, Dated at Ogden City, Weber County, Utah, this 9th day of April. 1020. H. C. PETERSON. Shorlff of Webor County. Utah. By CURTIS ALLISON. Deputy Sheriff. ALIAS SUMMONS. In the District Court of Weber County, State of Utah. Cora Robinson. Plaintiff, vs, Morris E. Robinson, Defendant. Tho State of Utah to Said Defendant: You oro hereby summoned to appear within twenty days aftor service of this summons upon you. if served within tho county in which this action Is brought; othei-wlso within thirty days after sorvlcc. and defend tho abovo entitled action: and In case of your failuro so to do, Judgment will be rendered against you according to tho demand of tho complaint, which has been filed with thc clerk of said court. This action Is filed and proBocuted for the purpose of uecurinR a decrco of tho abovo entitled court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between tho plaintiff and the defend ant; and awarding tho custody of tho minor child of plaintiff and defendant, named. LaFaro D, Robinson, to plaintiff. W. H. REEDER. Jr.. Plantlff's Attorney. P. O, Address: Suite 620 David Ecclcs Building, Ogdcn, Utah. Dancing ae an art dates back al most 3600 yours. - Information Bureau? I 1.00 PER LIN PER MONtH -rt H ACETYLENE. WELDING- 8t6cl, nrnSA and Jtfurnlhum welded. Ogden Weld ng & Repair Co i t Phono 303-J, 2274 Washington Ave. 1-20-tf P I H Anything .New or oid i H bought, sdld or traded. Phono 333 ' "Xi B0,KS AND QTATI ON ERY-- J WSiS?,0" ?'tT,and Stationery. 2362 ,1 v ashington Ave. Phone 360. 2058 s. BANKING jl TtJVJ atitonai Bank, southeast cftrheV V fl Twenty-fourth and Washington Phone 6L 19 BOTTLING WORKS- S' high iVV? vlVoAkSi ftdfacturers of ' , "ir I,!??6 $b?x 'ater, ciders, syrups, and niik,?d45 f fountain supplies. 2512 Lin- coin Ave. Phone 418, 35-3mo 4 '.CYCLES AND REPAIRING- ' i.xiViS" IIslfsen Co., bicycles, acOeasorlos repairing. Vltfallc Tires. Utt Hudson Avt H CITY JUNK HOUSE . H Phone 133. 2253-60 Washlngtoh Ave ' ' - ' 754 CHIMNEY SWEEP J 3047hC KaQn Chimney Sweep Co, PhonJ 1 CARPENTER toEr-.i?iV!i8r'?&,. mentor and jbbber, ' H Phono 1018. 158 Twenty-third street sil COUNSELOR-AT. LAW jTJ r l 'ConnolIy, Ogdeh. Utah, Legal 1 CARPET CLEANING- jl n-ft i-n ,5amJ2cn for "Pholfltering, car- . nt ?an6d- nltered and laid. Remaking , of mattresses. Phono 2752-J. 1 .1 ! v.iftnP-.Crtar?0,t yeaning, .mattress rerio'- ( I H liviPt upholstering, and springs re- : &etlErd- Cal , B' J- Hampton Ceo. j ' Feather renovating Phono 2586-W. j "H CHIROPRACTOR '1 Mfc, ?Ja.,vr6n. D. C-, Res. phon ' , MSto-W. 701-702 EccIqb Bulldlng V CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES ' H f-,uViul?a ,Co- cadlng Japanesa re. . taurant In Ogdon. 273 24th St fc DENTISTS " j lSh?nNn Moth9d Dcntlsta are specjai- j WashPngnvg?3 f Dc""3t ENGRAVING H ofihBnrMtnaBv,nc Serv,co Co . makers V SLiil6 Suta ,m one or moro colors. 4i( Twenty-fourth street. Phone 463. ; FOOT SPECIALIST ' C rIiuJ- Bartkcr' 220 Col. Hudson Bldg 1 &ealS!5'glBht afCh aUPPOrt3' COrrtC4t M PIRE INSURANCE U'l Charles Elsenberg. Phono 1859-J. Cal- P H cdonlan vnd Michigan Commercial Stand- ard Inou ranee. 1575 i ELEVATORS" 1 I tnJor Wh11 ?nd .,nsta11 hleh-grado oleo- ; rn iK rJnar? clo.vator3. any .capacity from 50-lb. dumb wAltor to 10 ton. Writ Wm xvtfH' 24D ?1lE0 st- Sttlt Lahe Clt?' 1 Wo buy second hand onoa. 2-2S-tf 'H FEED STORES ' " I Play, grain and poultry supplies. Gt H our prices for fresh seeds before you buy flM PHono 799. 2616 Washington Avo., Ogden! - 1 II HAY AND GRaTn " ' 11 , I1"'' irrain and poultry feed. Bell Bros. SH 3d Twenty-third street. Phono 28-15. MM HIDES. WOOLS. FURS " 7 ' mM O. M. Runyan. 2269 Wall Avo.. pays WM top prices. Phono 7S1-W. 1525 H JUNK AND HIDES IH Western Hide & Junk Co., 2323 Wash- 1 ington Avo. Phono 861. WW Ogdcn Junk House, 2059 Washington 'mM Ave. Phon 210. mW KALSOMINING ; "jT IB Kalsominlng and paper hanging, good 1 H work, reasonablo price. 3220-R 10 f Thirty-third street. ' 35g l M KEY FITTING- Lf Key, lock, sufo and cash register wori: li I SScn,r .dlne & RePalr Co. Phone 993-J 1 2274 Washington Avo. 1-20-tf I LIFE INSURANCE ' 1 9 Georgo D. Bennett, manager MetropolJ- J tan Life Insurance Co. Corporation and ' 1 group insuranco a specialty. 200 Col Htfd- i il son Bldg. Phono 124-W. ' " , i M PAPER CLEANERS , V KAi,s.0JIINT1:: or PaPer cleaning. Phon J 20R-n. 4097 1 1 PRINTING ' . When in need of printing come and see ' Dec Prlntcry. 2128 Hudson avenue. Phono '92-M, 259-1 PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON IV. A. Fernlund. offico hours 10 lo 4 ' p. m Now Peory Bldg., Hudson Avo. Res. Phono 640. Office phone 1900-W. f I REAL ESTATE fl Willard Kay, real estate and loans. Umm 2474 Washington Avo. Phono 409. 1874 MM SCAVENGER !H Garbago and rubbish hauled, cesspools ' UWM and toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & Co. MWe Phono 823, 2348 Hudson Avenue. 9733 MM SANITARY WORK W Sanitary Garbage Co.. all kinds of rub- WW bsh hauled. Phono 630. MM TAILORS II Suits made to order. Cleaning and 1H pressing. A. G, Bolander, 2477 Lincoln MM Ave.. Ogdon. Utah. 3-5-3rao g TAXI SERVICE H Tai scr'icc Phono 84 for taxi. Closed II cars only. 27-43 IJ TENTS AND AWNINGS ' , jl Ogden Tent & Awning Co. Monufa'c- 1 I turers of high grade store, office dft'd 1 I resident awnings. Waterproof covers, bHg3. otc. Anything in canvas. 2263 ,HI Washington Avo Phono 26S. 1324 M TRUNKS AND BAGS ffl Trunk and bap repairing, round cdr- II nor from Standard. Gailachcr's, T373 Hud- MM sop. 2113 n VETERINARIAN H Dr. Bundy. Veterinarian. Phono 528 M 679-M. 3S3S IV WALL PAPER CLEANING Ifl Lowc-Grccnwoll. "Nuff said. F, 333Sj HM Lowe & Evans, cleanors of tinted walls F and paper. Phono 11S0-J. 273 Paper cleaning, wail washing and gen- j oral houseclcanlng. Phono 1016-J. 369 ' 1 Paper cleaning and kalsominlng: good I work, reasonable prices. 140 33nl St I Phono 3220-R. 3-24-lmo 1 WINDOVS CLEANED r . I EXPERT window and wall paper clean- , ing. American Window Cleaning. Ph. 62 LEGAL .NOTICES 1 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE HANSEN LIVESTOCK AND FEEDING COMPANY Ogden. Utah, April 15. 1920. Notice is hereby given that a special mooting of stockholders of tho Hansen Livestock nnd Feeding Company will be hold at tho office of thc Company, at No. 2514 Washington Avenue, in the City of Ogdcn. Utah, May 4th. 1020, at one o'ciock i p. m.. for tho following purposes, to-wlt: j' 1. To amend tho Articles of Incorpora- 1; tlon of the Company, particularly Articlo A Seven, relating to amount of capital stock m and tho kind of slock; a resolution will m come before thc meeting", to bo voted on. to decroaso tho authorized capital stock , of Company from SI, 500,000 to $650,000. I and to decrcaso tho par value of the ; m shares of common stook from $100 to 51 M each, and to Increase thc authorized num- M bcr of shares of common stock, and to M also Increase the authorized number of V shares of prcforrcd stock and to de.fino &t thc relative status of preferred and com- 'W mon shares. M 2. To adopt by-laws. IJr 3. To elect a Board of Directors or tus- M tain tho present directors. 4. To authorize the directors lo do any M and all things deemed advisable to reft- JJH nance and rehabilitate thc business of tho M S Company. t'M 5. To change tho corporato namo If 1 M deemed dcsimblc or advisable; tho names to bo voted on, will bo the orosont name. Km and tho namo UTAH MILLING AND M I FEED YARDS COMPANY. , 6. To do any and all other tilings XS deemed advlsablo' by tho stockholder?' 3J meeting and to transact all other buslnes 'jM that may legally come beforo thc meet- Mt Ing, including tho approval and ratlfica- 1 JmT tlon of all action of tho Board of Dlrec- 1 M tors slnco tho last meeting of the stock- His holders, MM 7. For tho purposes of the mooting, tho MB stock transfer books of Company will clojo MM at 3 o'clock, p. m., Monday. May 3, 1920, WBm and bo reopened at 10 o'clock, a, m Wed- RBI r.esday, May 5. 1920. W This notico is published by authority of MM a resolution of tho Board of Directors, and MM bv order of Mr. Adam Patterson, Prosl- Mmt dent of thc Company. MM SIMON S. JENSEN. Secretary. tsMu Rhodlana' had th first navigation vM laws. 016 B. C. flH