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Ma? -. v"-'------ . -.' ri " - ' 1 8 - THE STANDARD-EXAMINER FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1920. v , : iEHlDUSSUGAB 1 rSHOBMSEEN April Allotment Is Already - Given to Dealers, Says y Amalgamated Official Salt Lake jobbers dealing in sugjar held a meeting to go into the matter of; tho available supply of sugar in tho TJtah and Idaho territory between nou iind next October, when tho new beet sugar crop will bo marketable, ttc .pqrts were mado'that tho state J.- i.:o to face with a serious shortage of. su gar. S. ar. Edglll, vice president oC tho Amalgamated Sugar company, said today that "undoubtedly there will 3e a serious shortage. Wo have macl ; the April allotment to the jobbers, and on May 1 will make nnfVio. out Just exactly how much it will be I I Jrannot say today. "We are idling at ,1.3 cents, and in Chicago spot is bringing 30 cents, and thero is no s double that so'nio disreputable small 1 jobbers and others who arc not ordl- narily sugar dealers at all have got ! Into the game and are trying hard to ' maJio somo easy money at the expenso ) of the public." I CARBON COUNTY COAL MINES ARE -OPEN ONCE MORE SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. April 23. Sixteen of tho twenty coal I mines in Carbon county, Utah, I ; closed recently because of tho r railroad strike, wore reopened to- l day. Mino 'operators announce it. ij is now possible for them to move jg the product and got empty care-. m The four mines still idle are cx h pected to resume work in a few M days. Upward of four thousand FJ miners are employed in Carbon I! City Officials Look ! ! Over Athletic Field i I ' Inspection of the new municipal I athletic park sit "at Monroe avenue W and Twenty-ninth street was made I tlis afternoon by members of the city f, commission ahd City Engineer Joseph; f, Tracy. Al "Warden, sporting editor' I ' oC the Standard-Examiner, accom- i panled the board and described cer-J I tain sections of the ground which should be used for the various athletic H events, in order to make the new field H ihodern In every respect. , - oo I Your Mother made you take it every Spring Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea., the reliable Spring Cleanser flz tk. A. R. Mclntyre Drug Co. Adv. - yfej.'i i ii'i'n'i' jii'ji 'r i a i ii i i PLAZA APARTMENT TENANTS CHARGE MANAGER INTERFERES WITH DELIVERY OF MILK; ALLEGE TRIBUTE DEMANDED Tenants of the Plaza apartments in the Orpheum theatre building today sent a petition to the mayor and city commission declaring the manager of the apartment house refuses to permit delivery of milk to be made to them unless the dairymen pays tribute to the manager of the apartments. The dairymen, also, has notified the mayor and commission of the alleged demand for a tribute. The dairyman, Charles Smith, sirjs tho tribute was paid unknown to him, by an employe. When the tribute in the form of milk and cream was stopped, Smith says he was denied entrance to the apart ments with his milk. Tho pctjton follows: "To the Honorable Mayor and Board of Comissioners of Ogden, Utah. "Gentlemen' The undersigned ten ants of the Plaza apartments desire to call your attention to the practice followed by the manager of this apart ment, and earnestly request an inves tigation and adjustment thereto. "The Kleenmllk Dairy delivers milk to tho doors of the undersigned, and for this privilege tho manager of the Plaza apartments demands a tribute of $13.50 per month, payment to be made in milk and cream. The man ager of the Kleenmilk Dairy declines I to pay. this tribute and has been for bidden admittance to the Plaza apart ments to serve customers after May 1, 1920. "It will be neither practical or just Removal of Sinn Fein Prisoners Is Feared BELFAST, April 23.The removal of fifteen Sinn Fein prisoners from Belfast and a large number from Queen3town, on three destroyers led to tho belief that the authorities are planning to transport all Sinn Fein prisoners from Ireland. Many Police Raid6. DUBLIN. April 23- Many raids were made last evening by the military in Ihe villages around Dublin and also in the town today. No arrests are re ported. The last hunger striker was removed from Mountjoy prison today. He was taken to a hospital. 1 op CENSUS STATISTICS ' WASHINGTON, April 23. Spring field, O., 60,840, Increase 13,919, or 29.7 per cent. Webster City. Ia., 5,657, Increase 449 lor 8.6 per cent, Clinton. Mass., 12,926, increase 111, or O.S per cent Westfield Mass., 18,603, increase 2,559, or 15.9 pGr cent. Homestead," Pa., 20,452 increase 1,739, or 9.3 per cent Gasden, Ala., 14,733, increase 4,180, or 39.6 per cent for said undersigned tenants of (he Plaza apartments to meet their dairy man in the street to carry their dairy products to the various apartments. ''Therefore, we, jointly and several ly, pray for an order restraining the manager of the Plaza apartments from interfering with the delivery of milk and cream to tho doors of our apart ments by the Kleenmllk Dairy com pany. "(Signed) Mrs. W. L. Reichardt, W. E. Bates, Mrs. R. W. McKell. B. Rock hill, Mrs. L. Lynch. George E. Mitch ell, Mrs. L. B. Kroft Mrs. J. H. Waugh, Mrs. G. M. French, 'W. S Law Mrs. E. B Estes, R. A. Brown, Mrs. B. Case, C. R. Beatty, William P. Parry, V. R. Mason, Mrs. E. Ramel, R. Stewart." Dairyman's Statement "Ogden, Utah, April 23, 1920. ' "Mr. C. S. Smith, manager Kleen milk Dairy company, deposes and. makes the following statement: "Unknown to me my milk delivery :man has been paying the manager of (the Plaza apartments $13.50 per month payments being made in daily delivery of milk and cream for the privilege of delivering mijk ahd cream to -tenants in said Plaza apartments. "Upon discontinuing this said pay ment of $13.50 per month, I have been denied admission to said Plaza apart ments for the purpose of delivering milk and cream to tenants after May 1, 1920. 'Charles Smith, Manager Kleenmilk Dairy Company." I Scardino Case to Be Heard on May 5 i A motion to set the case of Jonnie Scardino. alleged slayer of Mike Ter ! main, was made in the city court this I morning by County Attorney J. B. Bates. Tho preliminary hearing will I be conducted before Judge D. R. Rob- erts on May 5. ! Jennie Scardino is charged with I second degree murdor, having con fessed, according to ofiicers, to shoot- i I Ing her cousin, Mlko Termaln. I I t I MOVIE AT CHURCH I Grace Matthews' class is in charge of the "movie" at the First Congre gational church at 8 o'clock tonight when Constance Talmadge in "Bet sy's Burglar" will be the feature, and a "Fatty Arbucklo comedy" will be run. Eleanor Agee and Beatrice Fair child have charge of the music. A new serial story in next Sunday's Standard-Examiner, "The Mystery of the Summer House." A fine detective story written by one of the foremost authors of the day. Watch Jot it. 1,1 iiiHI m : 1 Ij Lasting style that's" - ! I M' 'fc the point! I ' rM'-A CARDBOARD- . I - " l'J ' suitcase looks I : -; - j :': as well as a leather ' I V wUl one but time tells! I " "Show window style'' is: I 'i JwSk Wi iWCrt much easier to produce I : KmlBKfflk than the sort of stye I I m?l fm m that lasts; style that I S weathers hard service ii . il have the syle that- I' : i5 ggp jjllP comes from quality H " k" II 1 1 '2,(fT lasting style. They- HI I V - ' Purchase them. I -llriTlr Co?rrst They are economical H 1 ffifflMMMlW' SCHLOSS... clothes because they ren- 1 N,WB BR0S,C0J . to a doUar's service for ' : V Baltimore, every dollar you put into " H : V! I NewYork) them. - On Sale in Ogden by the I ! GOLDEN RULE MERCANTILE COMPANY r " Society s y DRAjrA C1X3B Jfrs. Lcsllo Savlllo will bo hostcas to tho members of tho Drama cJub Saturday afternoon at her home, 2510 Tyler avenue. Mrs. Byron E. Whftemoro will bo tho assisting hos tess for tho afternoon. Mr3. Royal Eccles will sivo ,a paper on "The French Theatre in France" and "The French Theatre In New York." Mru. Herman B. AVay will read the play.'VV Falso Saint" by De Curel. Miss Ellen Thomas Will sins a number of selec tions from some of modern French composers. Rcboknh Social Members of the Tlebekah lodge will give a card party In the I. O.O. F. hall Saturday ovoning. Both high five and fivo hundred will be played. The public is Invited. Deaths and Funerals BECRAFT Funeral services Tor Chester Bocraft will be hold at 2 o'clock Sunday at tho Larkln funoraj chapel, with Bishop M. B. Richardson officiating. The Body may be viewed at the residence of F. C. Snooks, .'26 Thirtieth street, Saturday afternoon and evening and Sunday until the timo of tho services. Interment will I ho In tho Mountain View cemetery. i Snooks Funeral services for Nan i cy Snooks, daughter of Lcroy and 'Florence Montgomery Snooks, will be held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the North Ogden meeting house, with Bishop Frederick Barker presiding. Burial will bo in North Ogden cemetery. The body mriy be viowed at the home In North Ogden this evening and Sat i urday until 1:30 p. m. I , Owens Services for Henry E. Ow ens will be held, at 11 o'clock Sattir , day at Larkin chapel, Bishop O. M. ' Sanderson conducting. The body may jbo viewed at the. chapol this nftcr- noon' and evening and tomorrow until i services. Interment will be in Ogden city cemetery. Lund The funeral of Clarence Lund will be held Sunday at 3 o'clock at the Lindqulst funoral chnpel. The body; mny be viewed Saturday afternoon and ovening and Sunday morning at the funeral chapel. Interment will be in I the Ogden city cemetery. Wl ANT The funeral of Mrs Laura Maud Wiant will be hold Saturday aft ernoon at2 o'clock at Kirkendali's chapel. The body may be viewed this afternoonand tomorrow forenoon. In termentMountain View cemetery. GWIN Mrs. Mary Gwm died this morning at a local hospital of heart trobule. She was born in Arlington, 111., 58 years ago. She has been stay ing in Ogden with her brother, W. H. Shirk, 11G Tracy avenue. Funeral ar rangements will be announced by Lindquist's undertakers. nn Dangerous Crossings Will Ua WimmaA A conference was held yesterday at the grounds of the Utah Hot' Springs between representatives of the Oro gon Short Line railroad, the Utah Ida ho Central railroad, and the state road-commissjon at which tho elimi nation of the crossings at the springs was taken up. At present the state road "crosses ' tho tracks, runs for a considerable distance between the interurban and tho Short Line tracks, and then re crosses the Interurban. The two cross ings can be eliminated if tho sanitar ium company will agree to allow the necessary land for tho right of way off Its property. Tho opinion is that the state road commission will get right of way through tho grounds of the Utah Hot Springs company's proporty so as to change the route of the highway and eliminate the crossings. Like changes will bo made In Ogden Canyon at points where the crossings arc dan gerous, it is said. oo Waste in Printing Attacked by Smoot WASHINGTON, April 23 Sensa tional disclosures made in a report to Congress by the point committee on printing, of which Senator Reed Smoot of Utah is chairman, indicate a decided misuse of government' pub lications and an extravagant waste of paper by the various government bureaus. Propaganda agencies also are charged with having employed Improper influences in the unauthor ized sale of advertising space in such publications. Senator Smoot, as spokesman for the committee, has made a scathing attack on all tho government depart ments who are wasting paper and abusing the privilege of their various publications. "Entirely unmindful of public demands for paper and that ex- travaganco cease the government de-l partments have rushed ahead raadlyi with useless printing regardless of the serious paper shortage, confronting' the nation," declares Senator Smoot.' "The committee has already ordered the suspension of hundreds of such publications and has curtailed others with the result that hundreds of thou-1 sands of tons of paper have been I saved, to say nothing of the monetary saving' continued the senator. The committee is preparing to put1 a chock on an additional number ot uu Civil War Veterans ' to Get More Pension1 i i WASHINGTON, April 23. Thel I house bill increasing pensions to civil war veterans to ?50 monthly and those of tho widows of veterans to $30 monthly was passed today by the sen ate and now goes to conference. The Increases were provided to" meet the rising costs of living. on The U. S. government melted 6S, 000,000 silver dollars Into bullion In 1918. Our Entire Stock jg. Suits, Coats, I Dresses mUl Half Price if V A Owing to weather con- J Ij I ! ditions, we have too ,L . JsfcP& large a stock on hand. Wt&SSU n orcer to reauce our III WE ARE F0RCED L TO SACRIFICE ( V Ij (Extra Charge for jf J I Alteration) ir- The National Tm. Harry Reinshriber Mgr 2345 Washington Ave. 1. 1 For Subscription and Advertising ! Department, Call Phone No. 56. i RANDOM REFERENCES Wed Here Alfred Lois Shelton. of Logan, and Miss P'lorencc B- Scott, of Ogden. wore married yesterday after noon in the office of the county clerk by Bishop J. Howard Jenkins. Wanted Bell bov. Reed Hotel. 4931 3i The ladies of the Methodist church will sell home cooked foods at the J. S. Carver Grocery store, Saturday, begin ning at 12:30 o'clock. Florists Telegraph Dclivo-y Assn Dumke Floral Co., Phone 250. 560 Hearing Today Ernest J. David son, charged with failure to provide for, and the desertion of two minor children, will be brought up for hearing this afternoon in the district court before Judge A. W. Agcc The case was ocntlnued several days ago in order that the defendant might ob tain legal counsel. Coal All high grades. Phone 27. John Farr Coal Co, ! BJICK, cement and plaster Jobbing, chimneys, firewalls, etc. Phono 770. 1132 Goes to Coast Harold C. Hill of this city departed yesterday for San Francisco whore he will attend the Southern Pacific railroad school in the traffic department. ' Real Ice cream, $2.25 delivered. iGreenwell Confectionery. 3030 Ogden Typewriter House for type writers and repairs, 2422 Hudson Ave. Phone 236. In Quest of Health, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Culver left yesterday afternoon for California for Mr. Culver's health. Dr. Conroy's office moved to third florr First National bank building. 767 Furniture of 5 room house for sale, 628 22nd St. Tel. 2333. 773 j i City Junk House The City Junkj house has opened for business atj 225S Washington avenue, and will be conducted by David Xreines, formerly; of the Ogden Junk house, which was destroyed by fire last fall. . i Open 'for business. City Junk House.' Phone 133, 225S-60 Washington ave-1 nue. 70S I Out on Ball Louis Letls, charged With having struck Edward Naisbett1 ovor the head with a cuspidor, ap peared before Judge D. It. Roberts In the city court this morning. IIw' pleaded not guilty. He will appear for trial May 4 at the city court. He was released on $50 bail. nr Sugar in 1319 in Scotland cost 43 cents a pound. f Bramwell's j Desks, Chairs, Filing- Cabinets j and everything for the office 8 Office Supplies "m I m mi ii 1 111 ii - - ir - 1 1 r PERNELL FOOT SPECIALIST Phone 260 Over Western Union, Stevens Bldg. J SWQsL SHORES S Thirty yer experience tTeatinc Acute. Chronic ud Special Discatea. 1 9B . Borah Lauds Johnson in Speech at Newark NEWARK. N. J.. April 23. Senator William E. Borah. Idaho, addressing a I large audience here In behall of Sena tor Johnson's candidacy for the Repub lican presidential nomination, declared that the Californian is the one man he knows ' who has the courage to go for ward and destroy bureaucracy." "They say Johnson Is a radical, that he is a destrucllonlst" Senator Dorah said, "lie has never destroyed any thing worth saving. He destroyed the machine In California and there is not a man in California woh will tell you that Johnson did jiot carry out his pledges." , oo ! BOLSHEVIKI MOVE ON CHINA HALTED TOKIO, April 23. Bolshovlk at tempts to threaten China by advancing frnn tne lngoda valley, north vest of China have been ontirely frustrated by Japanese and all Russian forces as a result cf a batue fought at Woikicin skoje on April 12, according to a re port issued from the war office hero today. j uu SIX MEXICAN STATES ' NOW IN REVOLUTION AGUA PRIETA, Sonora. April 23. Tho Mexican states of MIchoacan. Guerrero, Zacatecas, Tehauntepec and Vera Cruz are In revolution wlth b'o nora against the Carranza govern ment, General P. Ellas Calles. commander-in-chief of the Sonora mili tary forces, said after his arrival here (his afternoon. WHOOPING COUGH. In this disease it Is important thai the cough be kept loose and expectora tion easy. This is best accomplished bv giving Chamberlain's Cough Rem , edy. That preparation also tends to liquify the tpugh mucus, making it ccsier to expectorate and renders th- fits of coughing less frequent and less severe. It has been used In many epi demics of this disease with the best results. It contains no codeino or oth er narcotic. oo j A new serial story in next Sunday's Standard-Examiner, "The Mystery of the Summer House." A fine detective story written by one of the foremost authors of the day. Watch for it: A MESSAGE TO PARENTS To the Boy To the Girl See "PARENTAGE" at the ORPHEUM, SUNDAY I i Stop Tobacco Stop IoImcco for a month and 5ce how much bettor you feel. You can atop , without aufferhn? any Inconvenience or , feHIpp the umnl craving. Simply got u box of Xlcotol from nny drujrcriM. urc na directed and the habit quits you. Tour health will bo better, your resistance to i disease will Increase and you will cease . to be a slave to nicotine. Rend what Dr. Conner -formerly of tho Johns Hopkins ' Hospital, says about the evil effect of tobacco In an article ?oon to appear In this paper. NIcotoI Is dispensed bv all aool drusrlsts hi thl city, especially by Mclntjre Drue Co. Advertisement. f MOTHER CRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN, A Cu!n Itellef for Fevcrlslraeji. Trtubi. Tctlhlng Dtwrden. i Delry Worms. They Brtak up TrdMrlc r0lii laStboon. AtdldrupcUU. i in,.iifcutirt MOTHER GRAY C0L Roj.N.Y. Doctors Recommend Bon-Opto for the Eytt Physicians and eye Bpecialista pre scribe Bon-Opto aa a safe home remedy in the treatment of eye troubles and to strengthen eyesight. "Sold under money refund guarantee by all druggists. IC. D. Farley Cigar & Confectionery Store Cigars, Tobaccos, Confection' cry and Soft Drinks. ! Friends, I would like to have your trade. Come in and give me a trial. Courtesy and fair play is my motto. Sincerely yours, C. D. FARLEY, Prop. I 2436 Grant Ave. ' ' 8 I Cut flie cost i 1 of raising I your hs 1 CALF MEAL BY raising your calves on Blatchford's Calf Meal you can save both milk and money. You can save miLtz because every pound of Blatchford's Calf Meal , makes a full gallon of pure,- "b rich milk-substitute a milk- x substitute which contains all I the nutritive and growth producing properties the calf requires. You can save money because at present market prices a gallon of milk sells for three to four times the retail cost of a pound of calf meal. Wc handle, recommend and guarantee It BELL BROS. FEED CO. FARRELL & JACKSON , P. C. RICHARDSON WESTERN GRAIN &. FEED CO. INTER MOUNTAIN PRODUCE CO. JOB PINGREE, JR. , 'Don't Sofsr j , j From Piles T v I Sample Tncknce f Io Fnnioua ' I OIcred Free to I'rove "What ' U Will Do for Yon. 1 Pyramid Pllo Treatment Rives . ' quick relief from Itching, blcctllnjr or protruding piles, hemorrhoids and Pyramid Tm Cerinlnly Fine and "tt'orfcij H Such Wonders So Quickly. " I cuch rectal troubles. In tho privacy y 0 of your homo. CO cont3 a. box at all f drugclnts. Tal;o no substitute A J Ji single box often relieves. Free ac- I pie tor Trial mailed In plain wrap- ( per, If you send coupon bolow. " ' ' FREE SAAIIi,E COUPON I rriUJHD DRUG COMrANY. I 075 I'jraicIJ BUj., liarehill, Mlci. ITIndlr wnl rsr a Frco samclo of Pjrxmid Pllo TreUuint, la plain wrapper. Ii'ame Street City r.ui.... Don't Use Curling Iron! Here's a Better Method j Thousand? of ruined hcadi of hair Deur striking testimony to the Injurious effects of the heated curling Iron. Tho continued use of such Instrument Invariably means dull, dry. shriveled lulr.. ivlth split, biok icn. uneven ends. I If moro women only kneve- it, the Ijalr lean belccpt beautifully wavy fOiXaii'l fluffy wllhout any harmful reulr whnj i ever by tho occasional uso of plain liquid sllmcrlne. A small quantity Is applied before dolnc up the hnlr. uMnt; ablan toothbrush foi tho purposo. drawing' thlu s j down the fed length of the hair. Tho N , curly offect lasts qulto a considerable time. It Is so natural looking, and tho . texture and luster of tho hair arc so Im- S. proved, that the woman who adopts this ' slmplo method wll n-d- go back to t.h atrocious waving1 Iron. A few ouncas of I liquid jjlnv-irino from tint dniRglst wl! I last fo- weeks. Tho liquid Is agycoablo to ust. and Jt loaves no ummy, creasy or , odoiou trace. I " " "" " ""' "" ' i FORTUNE IN OLD ' ! j CLOTHES CHEST j j ' " f j "Diamond Dyes" Turn Old, I Faded, Shnbby Appcrd 1 t into Nev7 ' i j , , , , , , , . , J i Don't worry about perfect results. " L Use Diamond Dyos, guaranteed to'givo a new, rich, fadeless color to any fab ric whether it be wool, silk, linen, cot tlon or mixed goods dresses, blousos, stockings, -skirts, children's coats. feathers, draporles, coverings. ' The Direction Book with each pack- ' i age tells so plainly how to diamond -- dye over any color that you can nov I ' mako a mistake. To match any material, have drug gist show you Diamond Dye Color Card. Advertisement, A