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THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, ivzo. g L W APPROVE m RUHR ACTION t i it ';'-" "t&-' French Occupation of German Territory Threat for Treaty j h , K ' Enforcement I; v.- PAKIS. April 23. Premier Lloyd. " ' '& . Gcorgro of Great Britain would approve! j of Anglo-French occupation of the) l (. ' Ttuhr dlatrict of Germany in the event ' $ . the Berlin government should rofuac, t ; h to suitably live up to the revised terms, Itr' fry of-the Versailles' treaty, saiJ "IVrti-j -1 nax," political editor of the Echo de 'j; f. i Paris. He says intimation to this f- i ' . feet has coino though a mombor of the :V ;- . Brltiath premier's suite, for the p'ir-i j pose of overcoming Premier Miller-j ' ' and's opposition to revision of the ; v ' Gormn n . treaty, .-a. - , j)" "Maneuvers at San Remo," a?se-'s Pcrtinax, "having the purpose of r;"cr-( s"f .''''1 coming French opposition to re..-.ioi, !. .' 7 1 ' of the treaty, arc the culmination of , ! f - i "' conversations which have been ?oi:ig , " ; , on at Berlin between officials of he I j ' " -?ti Gorman government and certain allied I ,i t representatives. The arrival of .ho, i i. . German note, asking for a permanent ,. X army of 200,000 men, is not a mcrc i L A coincidence. i 1 v ' Xotahles at Dinner. 1 f ,.i ..SAX -REMO.. April '23. Premier i,loyd George last evening gavo a 1in- '; ' ner in honor of Alexandre. Millerand, ; the French premier, and General JJr S : ', , thclot, the French chief of staff;; Eurl I f&W-' ' Curzon, the British foreign secretary;' 4 W'" "i Arthur J. Balfour, British rcprestnui- i i V tivc on the executive council oL '.ho. i f j ' lea'gue of nations, and some other ot ( the French and British representatives t i' i . Iero were present. X 'E'ollowlng the dinner, Premics I ; Lloyd George and Millerand had op- j '5 . poriunity for a private conversation, j ' Tlie tension between the British and . French delegations is said to have .' ' been considerably lessened in coiij.;- ' ' quence. ; p The afternoo;i session of the coun-' I , '" " I'll wa3 devoted to. thi- Turkish ireaty. jfif""" After hearing the statement of the .'(CfC'V Armenian delegation, the'.c T gave Erzeroum to Armenia. ' The control of Constantinople was tai;cn up, and the project recem'.v : i ' ' S advanced from London for a nlgii ; ' commission, comj)osed of, ' Frimoe and Italy, was considesed. The advance of the Bolahevjki l forces on Batoum was also taken up. The militar' experts gave it as thvir opinion that the Bolsheviki were '.oo I , strong for the force ot Batoum, wlnoh should be evacuated. Tho English and French repre.sen'ft- . lives opposed the suggcs.ion. pointing ,h ; out that Batoum was indispensable ,a j" an outlet from Armenia, Georgia and ; I Erzeroum., from which the allies wury I ' receiving important supplies of oil r ! and 'manganese. , . France, it was brought out, oepii- ; " ' ' - daily opposed it because Batoum is ! i the outlet for a pipe line from the I j Baku oil fields, which is essential to i ? j - France. ' ' j .i i . . r . Rev. Carver Speaks fT ' -at Masonic - Basque! - The Rev. J. K. i'arer uf ogdt-n f one of the principal speakers at the L&fe . banquet Inst night In .Salt Lake, whi-:h BKj'f- closed the thirty-fifth reunion of Oie ; Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Mfe Freemasonry. The baiuiuet closed vhe I moat successful convention ever held: j ln Utan T-ntl ibe class initiated through ' ; Le degrees up to and including ih.' , . ; thirty-second is the largest in tho ,-ec-1 ; , 01"d of the state consistory. Of floors worked three days to complete ihel work! j ! ' Officers of this class are W. T. ' ' :i Mais of Ogdeu, jiresident; II. '.' ; Dcncko of Salt Lake, secretary, and, 11 H. Hardy, historian. There ',V2to. . '. I - scventy-fivo members in the clasa. I 1 nn . i PETITION FOR SEWER I . ! DISTRICT AT LOGAN fcA LOGAN. April 23. Petitions are be au ' -' ins clrculated among taxpayers resid Wj Jy '"5 on Logan "Island" for the creation j ? of a new sewer district. This com : f prises residents between Center street i "a ; ' to Fourth Soutli between Fifth east 'j-cj;- aml south to the extremities of the cii-Y. which borders the Oregon Short j ' Line railroad tracks. lfi BARNES 1 WHEAIGONTROL Avoided Bloodshed in Streets of Industrial Centers, Says j Herbert Hoover . -NEW YORK, April 28. More than !l,100 business men from all sections ofi i tho country and distinguished repre sentatives of foreign governments last night attended n testimonial dinner here in honor of Julius H. Barnes, United States wheat director and pres ident of the United States Grain cor poration, who soon will retire from public service. Herbert Hoover, paid a high tribute to Mr. Barnes, saying that the sacri fice of his business to servo his .coun try is one' of "the brightest spots in tho history of American patriotism." Among the guests were Baron CamJIle Romano Avezzana, ambassador from Italy; Prince Casimlr Ltlboomirski minister from Poland, and Armas Her man Saastamoinen, minister from imanu. . "The fixing of ?2.2G as the price for wheat by the government has been criticised," said Mr. Hoover, "but the farmer could have gotton $5 a bushel i the open market had continued. Had, the fanner accepted any such price) , lie would have seen the streets of our industrial centers run with blood. It I ; would have meant the loss of the . war.' Mr. Hoover declared no man can i charge there lias been "an atom of speculation or profiteering" in bread ! stuffs due to the grain corporation's control of wheat. oo Utah Oversubscribes 'Gift to France' Fund With a quota of S 1.000, and ii;i report incomplete. Utah has given $1,505 thus far for "'A.merica.'s Gift io France," according "to an announce ment received today from the hca 1 quarters of the national committee of New York. This figure is based upon a preliminary report of C. Clarence Neslcn of Salt Lake City, chairman f the Utah committee. A total of 30.000, contributors is represented in the amount subscribed up to the present time. Utah is one of tho first states to report having passed the share al loted to her. Final returns as to the country-wide collection will not be available until next month, because several state. ire still making their offering. The na tional committee hopes that the Amer ican people will contribute the $2"0, 000 necessary for, the Mnc.Monnios' statue, which will be erected on th? banks of the Marne in commemor.i Lion of the victory of Joffro's arm. is I in 13H. I oo Colored Reoablicans 3. Gather at Salt Lake P. L. Turner, a colored attorney of this city was one of the principal speakers at the meeting of I he Repub lican party's colored adherents held at Salt Lake last night. There was a large attendance and a big delegation from Ogden. Mr. Turner told clearly the history of the party from the days of Abraham Lincoln to the present time declaring that the Republican party is "the col ored man's party" and urging his hear I ers to vote for thai party in the com j ing elections. : S. P. Dobhs Speaks at j Salt Lake Banquet District Attorney Stuart P. Dobbs was one of the principal speakers last night at a banquet of the Utah So ciety of Sons of the American Revolu tion "held at the Hotel Utah, Salt Lake. Other speakers were Justice J. E. Frick of tho supremo court; Ma jor Charles R. Mabey and Dr. Rich ard R. Lyman. An instrumental trio consisting of Miss Romania Hjde, Miss Helen Hunter, and Miss Gladys I Rich rendered musical numbers. j i I Unless you areconstitutionallylazy.thereisareaflon why themorn gj ,. ingcall is unwelcome. You, undoubtedly', are afflicted with some form ) m 8 catarrh from whloh ninety-aeveu percent of tho people suffer. alf 1 ,. - I catarrhal poisoiia in the blood, all of which tend to slow up the human S'Jr4 " I mhinery and n a condition we call Sprint? Fever H I Rr f?6ed EOmethinff 1, ?ake up and oleanse your entire system. ' " m I ?hyiftn fTV' yUr b,elth wi" b? imP'Pved and you will be better . pj ablo to recist disease and the enervating effects of hot weather to come ::n PE-RU-NA & 1 WAKES UP THE BODY, DESTROYS Mf 0l I J CATARRHAL POISONS JKj fill ' J For fifty years, Pe-ru-na has been tho favorite SSmft I J H Springy medioine among all classes. You, at onoo. Hes&V fi ' I notice its good effect upon the stomach and bowels mf&& J I '' .;& It helps nature throw off the poison accumulations SSSSf' St r ' ?f winter, and stimulates a normal, healthy action :M$&! w' n very organ. Life giving nourishment, in tho HBjtAi i ' A - lorni of rich, pure blood, is carried to all the tieaues. ' Raw and quivering nerves aro Boothed, the nerve fflHwLjlv centers revived and stimulated. IQp J I You will lose that laBsitudo, always tired feeling BSwSv1 and, instead, will realize a new vim and vigor, a HBSwwA "d'd1 jand a pUsh a desJr0 and ambition to bo up jR I ! Olc&r away the health destroying, stagnating HmV I I poisons and wastes of catarrh. Listen to the bugle MWf$9&r R Begin taking Po-ru-na today. wM&ff 0 L 1 TabltU or Liquid Sold Everywhere lJ I t GEORGE'S HEREj In An Up To the Minute Thriller j GEORGE in WALSH j! 'AMpItattanKnighf ' . j! Adapted for the Screen from Gelett Burgess' v- ! successful novel, "Find the Woman." Also 8 1 . 4 "Topics of the Day" and "Snub" Pollard I J : Comedy ' I OGDEN Theatre '' Sunday William Farnum in j "THE ADVENTURER" Si j TI STBLEi KISS' s urafuy of IML MERIT ! It is refreshing to come tfpon n photoplay that is new one that can not be mentally linked up with others more or less recent. There is origl 'uallty, a freshness, distinctly its own, 'about this photoplay, "The Stolen I Kiss." based on the hook. "Little Miss I By-ihe-Day," with Constance Binney in tho principal role, whose bewitch ing personality reaches far beyond the I screen to carry the audience entranc ed through episode after episode of charming romance. Imag'ne an extraordinary little per son who lias learned to speak English only with a Trench accent although she knows no French; who up to her seventeenth year had never gone be yond the garden gate of her home, and never learnrd the meaning of Death; whose education was limited to know ing how to curtsy, and dress her hair in the manner of the French Court, and to play a phenomenal game of chess. This is Felicia Day as she was when she returned to her childhood home in Brooklyn a Brooklyn where shab by houses had sprung up beside state ly, crumbling mansions; where Sicil ians and Armenians swarmed instead of the children of old come 'to under take the formidable task of lifting the taxes and mortgages that had brought the old house to the indignity of pub lie auction placards. What follows makes a story, breath-taking in its 'surprises, heartwarming in its ro ;mance, captivating in its elusive, pen I etrating charm. j "The Stolen Kiss" is a photo-drama worth while seeing, and will be the feature attraction at the Alhambra theatre, next Sunday. I fin. TOOK A SEVERE COLD "Our 5-year-old son Paul took a sc Aero cold last winter that settled on his lungs and he had terrible coughing Spells. We were getting worried about I him as the medicine we ;ave him did (Lot help him in the least. A neighbor spoke so highly of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy that I got a bottle of it, (and the first dose benefited him so much that I continued giving H to him j until he was cured," writes Mrs. Frank 'Crocker, Pana, 111. Adv. ! Forty Cars of Autos ! j Go Through to Coast i . Forty-one carloads of automobiles, j routed from Detroit, Mich-, to i,os j Antreles. passed through Ogden this J morning. A special train of tarpaulin- I covered flat cars carried the autonio' I Mies. W L-. Hover, apecial 1 C, i the Rco Automobile company, wad in charge of the train. ' I Because rolling stock of railroads suitable for shipping automobij.-s .s' hard to find, tho railroad companies! have allowed automobile nianufactu.--j ers to use flat cars, specially arranged J for shipping autos. a guard from tho automobile company travels with the automobiles. Three such trains have -jlssiA through Ogden in the past two we ska, it was reported at the Southern Pa-' clfic offices. nn I Ogden Legionnaires Plan Second Dance Degionnairps of Ogden will -i '3 their final ball of the season on May ' 5. according to announcements made ! today by the danco commute". Due to tho success of the most cent Le gion dance, it has been decided to -l-i-' plicate it, and-he coming lanes ujji bo a carnival ball, with several new features added. Two orchestras have been on( ged for the evening and continuous danc-i Ing will be provided. Arranr-ements ' to handle a larger crowd than wtrci present at the last danco are lu-ingi made oo- REFUSE TO DIVERT SHOSHONE PARK FUND1 TWIN FALLS. Ida., April 23. Ata' meeting held lfore Wednesday night ! subscribers to the fund of $20,000! raised for tho Improvement of Sho shone park as a memorial to Twin Falls county service men, refused to listen to the project diverting the fund to another memorial object. Arrange ments were made to resuscitate the park project and .collcct.Xurther fund. NOW PLAYING' I Hill's Comedy Circus ! - AND ' Gildea & Phillips j ! 4 OTHER BIG FEATURES I Three shows daily 2:45, 7:30,8 1 8 9:15 ! Prices Matinees, 20c and 30c I Nights, 25c, 35c, 40c, 50c S ij ORPHEUM 1 l SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT ; Two performances! IB ONLY WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28 Greatest of All American Plnys A. H. Woods Presents America's Fore most Character Actor. I MR. LOUIS MANN In the Sensational Comedy That Has t Stirred the Nation ; "FRIENDLY ENEMIES" 1Publlclyendorccd"-by President Wilson and enthusiastically, received on three continents j PRICES I Night, 75c to $2.50. Matinee 50c to $2 . SEAT SALE NOW ON i Guar comedy comes TOTIMIM - SUNDAY The "gloom-bug" which has infect ed the mind and heart and very soul of . tho pessimist for years and yeai? are sure to be destroyed if Mack Sennett, the comedy king, has hi way. He has been spending the bet tor part of the "young life" finding ways and means by which this infer lion can be destroyed and with each ui ins Dig special prouuenons m.- doses come nearer and nearer. The real "gloom"' dispeller is at last found in his latest five-roeler, "Down on the Farm," which is released by United Artists and will be at the Al hambra theatre on Sunday. Scnnci, : 1 he first began to find tho remedy in dispair for he foun'I that nitst poopl were pessimists, but he has gradur wormed his ideas of laugh into t beings, tiat he now has a follow wig that numbers more than thirty millions and with each get ting at least a thousand laughs out of, his latest sensationa: comedy, the thir ty billion laughs should have at least some effect on the populace. j -00 i Legion Convention to Be Held m Ogden Ogden has been awarded the second I annual convention of Che Utah depart ment of the American legion and the Sessions will be held here May 31 to June 1, according to an announcement made yesterday by the Salt Lake I So Good I 1 they dont last J That's what Ma ! I says about j I those 'best corn I p Beginning Saturday, April 24, 10,000 rells p J IPIH of wall paper will be placed on sale at genu- I 'iipj! ine bargain prices. These papers are the pat- S 'WB 1 terns of which we kve only enough for one or fijS jl two rooms in each and must fee closed out to ; . mae tQm fr te Eew stock. .. . ; 1 1 1 1 y There are patterns and designs for every jpi: I headquarters of the legion. It was at first decided to hold the convention here, but owing to the uncertainty ofi accommodations it was later decided to convene in Salt Lake. Yesterday, i however, the local organization dis-' covered their ability to care for tho conferees, and the Utah organization decided to hold tho convention in Og don as first planned. oo J A teaspoon contains GO drops of water t ., A MESSAGE TO PARENTS ' i To the Boy To the Girl See "PARENTAGE" at the j ORPHEUM, SUNDAY j Like a painting, a dinner should be pleasing to the eye and built according to I'ixed rules of balance. , M & G Potato Flnlces add to the-' looks "of 'stpalvsanc".-.7 ehops; add to their flavor; and ... ' . : . .' .. arc a perfect, starchy balance for the rich protein. of the meat. . - Sct-vc a big bowl oC ' Sii G's" on the side. They save 5 I H5l more expensive food. LLgr HI I Get a few cartons dsTxQ ON of "M& G's" from UbwJ your grocer today MjKgp Colorado Potato Flake & Mfg. Vw J ' Co., Denver, Colorado SAS By 0e Secd.Q& PacIcaqoLtuaijs 1 lllllkl IT'S UNWISE 1 ' I to put off to-day's dut j until to- 'I morrenr. If your otomach is d 1 acid-disturbed tako 1 ' the ziev aid to digestion comfort m iotlsym A pleasant relief from gj the diacomfort.of add-dyBpepflio. OR MADE BY SCOTT & EOV7NE K MAJCERS 01? SCOTTS EMULSION R) 196 E 1 Sure C24Hj 6 Bell-ans II fCW-rl Sure Relief C" OLDS g Head oT chest, are best treated fS '"externally" with. JMg)N yick's yApwnm- VvOUR BODYGUARO" - 3P.00p.1.20' 8 - u 1 Every thing Ahoot Cuiicura Soap Suggesfcs Efficiency h I Scap,OIntnjent,Taleoni$e.Tcnr'rhrr. Forumplet I yidrcM i ; Cot) c ar tibart-c rii.PptI.M ila g.Uiu tL -? j 1 !