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j J " H 10 rHE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 192CL I state andjdaho news ; Hj ! Latest Items of Interest From Utah and Gem State IilUEME II SM CASE1 I Uleged Efforts of the Utah- I Idaho Interfering With I Gunnison Project Told I SALT .LAKE. April 2 J. Alleged ef- II brts of the officials of the Utah-Idaho I tngar company 10 interfere with the lunnison Valley Sugar company and I he resumption of evidence about the1 I iregon-Utah Sugar company, were the I oatures vestorday In. the hearing or I he complaint of the federal trade com- I niKsion again&t iho Utah-Idaho com- I )anv, the Amalgamated Sugar com- I tany, Ernest R. Woolley, A. J. Cooper, I uid K. F. Cullen, charged vith con- 1 .piracy in restraint of competition m I nterstate commerce. I Farmer Testifies. I Testimonv was ottered by Calbert Ir M Ivie. a farmer and former bishop 1 Lt Aurora, and William Gardner ot I Ivenice. a farmer, who told about their I knowledge of the Gunnison Valley I companv and alleged efforts made to I hinder its operation. Conversations I with Robert D. Young, president of the I Sevier stake were related by Mr. Ivie. I in which Mr. Young is alleged to have I slated that the Gunnison Valley was I a precarious enterprise, that the nia- I chincrv was second-hand, and that it I as doubtful If it could make sugar. . I Mr. hie stated that the general im- I pression In the district had been given I that the Gunnison company did not I have sufficient funds to finance itself, I that the machinery was inadequate I'.' Mr. Young is a cattle bu;.or for tho I" Utah-Idaho and Mr. Ivie helped the ! Gunnison company to suciire beet con- liacts. kj Mr Gardner testified that Tele, K "Sugar Beet" Hansen, a field man for F the Utah-Idaho company, said the Gun nison company could necr make siig- ar and bet a hat on the ciursiion with 'i a representative of the Cunmson. Mr, Young stated aside yesterday that Mr. j Hansen paid the bet. Mo Objection. Samuel Stark or Salt Lake, testified 1 concerning a visit he made with Geo. Drowning of Ogden, to the late Presi- i dent Joseph R Smith, or the L. D. S. 1 church to get lh c ' permission'' of I President Smith, .then president of the Utah-Idaho to proceed with the eon- I struclion of a proposed independent factory at Moroni, vliich became tlic Poople's Sugar company. Mr. Stark i quoted President Smith as saying that I life had no objections, but roterred Mr. I Stark and Mr Bvuv.ning to other ot- 1 licials of the company. I They say the late Richard W. Young, I he could not talk for the company, he II was sure that they would get little on-, If couragemcnt for their undertaking.! U1 Later Mr. Stark saw T. R. Cutler, then I general manager ot the Utah-Idaho i I Advice Ignored. I I Mr. Cutler v.-as quoted by the wit-; I ness as stataing that the Sanpete I count farmers were not adapted to I beet "raising r.nd that they preferred I to "farm on horseback," Mr. Stark I said that he asked Mr. Cutler's opin I ibn believing that he knew more abou; r tho sugar industry than any other mail; ' In Utah or Idaho. Mr. Cutler's advice . was not a deterrent, Mr. Stark said,! and the factory was completed and has been operated. Mr. Stark likewise told of a convcr- sation he held two months ago with f Merrill Nibley, assistant general man- agcr and vice president of tho Utah- p Idaho company. At this time, so Mr. f. Stark testified, he presented to Mr. P Nibley a proposition for building a 3 factory at Taylorsville, and asked Mr, U The Utdh-lduho executive told Mr. Stark, according to tho" testimony that ; the promoters were destined to lose a lot of money, and stated that the Utah- : Idaho factory at West Jordan was able ; to take care of all the sugar beets raised In Salt Lake county. Mr. Nibley. was said to have asked Mr. Stark fur-! ther how he, Mr. Stark, expected to! l: raise the necessary capitnl when thej I stock of the People's Sugar company; i v,as selling at ?G instead of the $10 J par value, If DISCUSS RESERVOIR ! i AT AMERICAN FALLS k IDAHO FALLS, Idaho, April '23. To dfscuas the proposed American Falls ft reservoir project a meeting of local PI business men and reclamation service. m officials was held -.Vedncsday morn- J ing at the court house under the chair- cj manship of John W. Hart, chairman of il the storage committee. G. A. Bald- 'J wjn, reclamation engineer, was ap- lj pojnted secrotary. J Out-of-town officials present were: I F. E. Weymouth, chief or construc- 4 tlpn, United States reclamation scrv- 1' ice of Denver; B. E. Stoutmeyor, of ju Boise, district counsel. United States 1 reclamation service, and Barry Dibble I' of Burley, project manager for the 1 Minidoka project, United States rC- clamation service. j I' SHEEP DYING OFF IN BOX ELDER COUNTY . BRIGHAM CITY, April 23. The hard weather Ib having serious effect hero on the sheep and cattle. A re port has reached tho city from the western part of tho county that sheep ara dying by hundreds. Tho hay supply is exhausted, and i thS graB3 is beginning to grow but the dally snowatormB burios what little ' feed there Is and. the livestock is starving as a result, II LOGAN C. OF C. BACK I OF BOND ELECTIONS HI LOGAN, April 23. Support of the HI proposed bond election in Cache coun- Hl ralse money for good roads con- II struction and also the school bond 1 election at Logan which will take Hil place Tuesday, was voted by members HiK ot e chamber of commerce at their HI monthly meeting last night. WOUNDED YOUTH IDENTIFIES 1 Leon Kimball Will Be Com pelled to Explain Actions, Says Officer SALT LAKE, April 23. -Leon Kim ball of West Jordan, who was shot and seriously wounded by A. G. Fisher ear ly Wednesday morning, after finding Kimball in the sleeping apartment of I his 17-year-old daughter. Helen, yester-l day Identified Miss Gladys Walker, I telephone operator, residing next door! I to Mr Fisher, as the girl who had been in his company last Sunday eve- n ing. Kimball, who had previously ident ified Miss Helen Fisher as Iho woman j in whose company ho had been on Sun day night, yesterday told the officers 'that he had been mistaken in his idon- tification of (he girl and Uiat it was j Miss Walker he was out with Sunday night. Kimball's Identification or Miss Walker was made yesterday afternoon Jwhen she and Miss, Fisher and a cou 'sin of Hie Fisher girl, Mi3S Grace Duel, whom he had previously identified as j the girl with whom he had been out. I were brought to his bedside at the lL. D. S. hospital by Assistant District Attorney Ben Roberts and Chief of Po lice Joseph E. Burbidge. Kimball immediately Indicated Gladys and snid. "That io the girl," (according to officers, ri'.e are in Jcllned to think Kimball's injuries : caused him to mistake ihe other two girls for Gladys when they were ; brought before him the preceding day. j Helen Fisher reported to the policc j yesterday that some cue hud Tampered 'with her window Sunday night. She jtold this to her father that night, and 'since then a shotgun was kept loaded -for a repetition or the offens1. When 'Kimball attempted to enter (he room , WednFday morning, Helen's father, A. jG. Firher. fired the charge into Kim jbaH'o abdomen, it is said:' ' County officers say Kimball ecu Ifiused yesterday being the one who .rattled the window under the cover Jof darkners. Sunday. "Leon Kimball's actions must be ex , plained either in court or out of court," County Attorney Richard Hartley snid last night. This is t:l:en to mean that charges will be filed aga;iih. Kimbdl within the next, few days if he docs not give a convincing explanation cf I his alleged intrusion. The charge prob ably will be second tlogrec burglary, which is synonymous w'th house 1 breaking, county officers predicted last night. oo CIVIC BODIES ACT ; TO AVERT CAR TIEUP SALT YAKF.. April 23 With a view 'of averting n street car ticup through bringing about a peaceable settlement .' the controversy between the Utah Light and Traction company and tho siroH car men's union all civic bodies of Salt Lake have been invited to ..-.....ii ..iK.pted yester- dn by the board of governors of the ! Commercial club. ! The resolution was indorsed by tho ' members of the Kiwanis club at the Jwecklv luncheon yesterday and it was ! voted" that Earl J. Glade, president, should be chairman, of the committee ;to represent the organization in seek j ing to bring about a peaceable settle mom of the differences. Mr. Glade (was authorized to appoint two other j committeemen. t The Commercial club sent letters to all civic organizations, asking that each body appoint a committee to represent them in seeking to ring about "a settlement. UU GRANGER DISTRICT TO BE RECLAIMED SALT LAKE, April 23. Seven thou sand acres, of land. 50 per cent or which is water logged, Avill be re claimed, the organization of the Granger drainage district being as sured. A petition has been circulated i among properly owners of that vicin ity for the creation of a drainage tils-1 trict. A committee, consisting of H. L., Bawden, Joseph Smith and John Holmberg, will complete the petition for the district this week, they slate, and will present it to Salt Lake coun ty commlsioners. The project will cost approximately 175,000, or ?30 per acre. C. L. Martineau, county agent, is Interoited In advancing the project MAY CHANGE DATE OF DEMOCRATIC MEET SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, April 23. State Democratic leaders are to meet here Saturday night to consider changing tho datu for the state Demo cratic convention, tentatively set for Salt Lako City, June 12. Party mem bers declare this date would be (oo late as the national convention at San Francisco is to start June 2S. Alleged Salt Lake ! Striker Arrested SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, April 23. R. 12 Tolbcrt, alleged Salt. Lako, strlko leader, was arrested today uu a federal warrant charging violation of the Lever act. Hie bond was set at $3,000. Arraignment, will take placs next Monday. Freight traffic conditions In the lo cal yards show decided Improvement, his "is due, railroad officials declare, to a number of the older employes re turning to work. uu I MACHINISTS WALK OUT AT STATE ROAD SHOP SALT LAKE, April 23. As a result of the state road commission's atti i to the machinists in their employ, I a peaceful walkout of eight union machinists occurred yesterday morn I ing at the state shops. At a meeting of the state road com- inlsdion. hold to consider the action of I the men, there was much discussion, 1 unci the proposal was made that the shops should bo closed and tho co n- mission have Us work done at other shops by contract. It was decided, however, to visit the plant this mor-i-J ling before definite action Is decided I upon. oo PLAN CELEBRATION I ON 'AMERICAN DAY' i i POCATELLO. Ida., April 23. All ' places of business will close here May I I from :i to 5 in the afternoon when 1 "America Day" will be celebrated. The! mayor, William P. Whitaker. has made .a proclamation with regard to the j (day's celebrations and appointed the' i special committees as follows: ' For parade Virgil Sams, Frank Gibson, and Winnn. Tatro; decoration, A. B. Canfield, A. 11. Drown and, I Frank Dircell. 1 A monster parade will-be held in the afternoon and addrcsei will be made.' uu ; OLDEST RESIDENT OF 1 POCATELLO IS DEAD j POCATELLO. Ida.. April 23. Tho oldest rer.ident of this city, John On thank, a native or Ireland, and a resi tlcni here lor thirty years, died yes terday morning at the home or his daughter. Mrs. Dora Robinson. ! For twenty eais, he was connected Iwiih the Short Line. He is survived by tho tollowing daughters and sons. I Mrs. J. P. Hurd of Baltimore, Mrs. Charles Cannon. Mrs. Dora Robinson, I Mrs. Lester Morgan, Yv'ade Onthnnk, j Frank Ontnank, all of Pocatcllo, and 'Joseph Onthank of Ferrell. : ALLEGED SLAYER IS TAKEN INTO CUSTODY POCATELLO. Ida.. April 23. E. X. Noting, alleged to have killed Shinff W. K. Wyman of Monida yesterday, was captured by Special Agent Park inson of tho Oregon Short Line rail road company, a few hours after the shooting. Parkinson was on a freight train, and upon approaching a cabin in which Young was hiding, left tho train walked to the shack where Young was I being held at bay by a posse, and cap-, j lured the bandit. j Young, after being arrested gave his name as J. C. Davis. U. OF U. STUDENTS j SELECT PRESIDENT SALT LAKE, April 23 Alphonse Thornum was chosen president of thej student body of the University of Utah! at the annual election held yesterday-j He will take office next year. Thorn-' urn is a member of the Pi Kappa Al i pha fraternity and is an athlete. Miss I Mary Romuey was chosen vice presi endt. LeRoy D. Simmons was elected j treasurer and Miss Lucile Reed, secre tary. G. Martin Hopfenbeck was chosen as yellmaster. I nn SALT LAKE SOLDIER HELD AT TWIN FALLS TWIN PALS, Idaho. April 23. Rich ard Malonsin, alias Williams, of Salt Lake has been arrested in this city for alleged fraud in the solicitation or financial and other assistance. Mal onsin claims to be an overseas war veteran. He was arrested on the re quest of American Falls authorities, j Cards and letters bearing the name of Malonsin, together with pictures of i several young wdmen, were found in I his possession. 'REPUBLICAN CLUB TO BE FORMED AT LOGAN LOGAN. April 23 The Young Men's Republican club of Logan will be or ganized at a banquet to be held Moo day evening at the Hotel Eccles. Har old Fabian of 'Salt Lake, will be the principal speaker O. W. Adams will bo caster ot ceremonies and A. E. Bowen will be introduced as toastmas-tc-r, oo TEACHERS MAP OUT CAMPAIGN FOR RAISE SALT LAKE, April 23. A campaign was mapped out at a meeting held by Salt Lake teachers at the Newhouse MALLOMY I HATS j I ad jfei&e maiy timef in, I Maffloy le&m- mfeisv g I effected ike qial- 1 iiy of 'hbMory Ha,t s. 1 r j Neto Spring Styles note being shown j by leading hatters everyichere I Brown-Carlson-Treseder Co. j j ' :': j ------yt I II MIITIIIIIW1 I Mill J Aluminum Kettles I I Go Fast 1 The Western Market sale of Aluminumware has been a j j I boon to thrifty Ogden housewives. Only a few hundred j $ kettles remain out of the thousand we bought. Ouv j I remarkable money saving sale will continue until all are jj gone. I ! SPECIAL TODAY ' I! 8-quarl Heavy Aluminum Kettle $1.00 I .Western Market j 1 ' Store No. 2 ! B 2448 .Washington Ave. 1 II IIIPWli i 1 1 i lil 1 I in'fil'i ill III ' i I 1 in ) iiiliiHi i i hotel last night whereby ii is expected ihe taxpayers ot the city will record their wishes for or against the teach 1 ers' demand for $200 increase in sala ries for the present year. The city board or education asserts I it can only g-rant such an increase after resorting to a special election. About one-third of the teachers are pledged not to sign contracts for next year unless the increase asked for is granted STATE CONTRACTORS ORGANIZE TONIGHT SALT LAKE, April 22. Organiza tion of the Utah Stale Contractors" as sociation will be effected after a ban quet which will be given at the New house hotel this evening at 6:30 o'clock. W. T. Cannon will be toaslmas ter Officers of the state organization will be elected at the meeting. i ! j i 'tii mil mm I Keep The System Clean I And You'll Be Healthy j ' Elimination helps to avoid colds, headaches and epidemics j NYONK who bos watched stipalion that you may have, himself know3 there is noth- Take it when you feci drowsy, Iing so important to health dizzy or bilious, when you feel a and comfort as regular daily clim- cold or a fever coming on, when ination. Half of tne min illness- there is on epidemic, when you cs of life arc due to neglect of this. have eaten anything about which i The fie million men who were in you are in doubt. It is at such our army know the importance times that you need to bo free of the doctor attached to this poisons and of fermenting foods, function. You can buy Dr. Caldwell s Syrup - By all means try to regulate Pepsin ot any drug store. Thou voursclf by intelligent diet and sands of families havo it con exercise, but when these fail you stantly m tho house against will need a laxative, one as near emergencies. to nature in its action as skill con In spite of the fact that Dr. Cali- make it. In the opinion of many well's Srntp Pepsin is thelargcst selling thousands of good Americans such liquid laxative in the u oWd, there n one is Dr. Caldwell's Syrup being over 6 million bottles sold each Pepsin, which is a combination of ( year, many who need its benefits have simple laxative herbs with pepsin. not yet used it. If -ou have not, send It nets promptly, gently and with- your name and address for a free trial out griping and will with certainty bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 511 regulate any tendency to con- Washington St, Montkello, Illinois. D. C A LOWE LLS SYHUP PEPSIN THE PERFECT LAXATIVE l cAfurses & physlciaivs reconxineneL Resinol For years they have relied upon it in the treatment of skin and scalp troubles, because they know that Resinol Oint ment so quickly stops itching and gen erally clears away the disorder. From baby's slight rash to severe ca3ca of eczema hundreds of letters hear witness to its healing power. It's easy to obtain easy to use. Why don't you try it? Alall druggists. SWXATED mfiStifm EgMftt Helps Make HK3Jj Slr0na Sturdy jjj and IMPOVERISHED MEN AND WOMEN Quickly Regain Health, Strength. Energy, and Ability by Taking 3-Grain Cadomene Tablets. The Very Best Tonic. Sold by All Druggists. Advertisement. Says Poisons Cause M Headache Dizziness I Coated Tongue and Myriad All ments In the Spring. ' fl Grandma's Remedy Now Sold in I Tablet Sulpherb Tablets. H Many men. women and children need a Spring Blood Purifier. The H blood becotnes thick with poisons through the winter months. When H spring comes serious ailments like ty ' phold, scarlet fever, coughs, colds, ca- . fl tarrh, neuralgia, rheumatic pains, loss 0) appetite and a sluggish all-in feeling fl prevails. ' The bowels, the liver and the kid- j neys need help, -he blood needs thin- t mug and purifying if pimpleS and 1 boils are present. Sulpherb Tablele quickly relieve constipation and kid- 1 rcy inactivity and elimination of poi- " , 'sons takes place and you aro made. r-JH strong and fit for spring and summer. Grandma gave sulphur and cream of tartar in molasses. Now you take them In tablets with laxative purify Ing herbs a belter medicine, ensy and : pleasant to take. Druggists sell them in GOc scaled tubes Every packagn "guaranteed satisfactory or money back Get Sulpherb Tablets (not sul phur tablets.) Advertisement. ; The Army of : Constipation 5s Growing Smaller Every Day ; j , CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS J ?j 1 are responsible. Not jgP I jl ' only relieve constipa- (04lmr j ! SuSlCARIER'SI : f i headache. In- EBaHTTT'LE , ; digestion, sal- A lyE R 1 low skin M vaarimn a ez? . V i I they never BPILLS . i v I fail renewal llMM' H St I , of regular habit3 follow. Purely vegetable. H i Small Pill Small Dose Small Price ' DR. CARTER'S IRON PILLS, Nature's great nerve and blood tonic for H Anemia, EUtcumatlsm, Nen onsncss, JH Sleeplessness and Fctaale Weakness. H 6calne najt biarslaoalare yaPcC H j NAME "BAYER" ON " .. I GENUINE ASPIRIN I b H prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years ' "Raver Tablets of Aspirin" to be gen- proper directions for Colds, Headache, nine must be marked wilh the "Bayer Toothache. Earache, Neuralgia, Lum- " H . .... . . , h , bago, Rheumatism. Neuritis, Joint Cross," just like your check must have and paJn generally H your signature. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets Always look for the "Bayer Cross." cost but a few cents. Druggists also Then you are getting genuine Aspirin sell large "Bayer" packages. Aspirin j HH prescribed by physicians for over eigh- is the trade mark of Bayer Slanufac-" Jl teen years. ture of Monoaceticacldcster of Sahcyll II In the Bayer package are safe and acid. Advertisement. . 11 NEVER GRIPE OR SICKEN M All Biliousness, Headache and Constipation gonel . A. R. MclNTYRE DRUG CO. SAY POP Twas Merely a Question of Turning Around By C- M- Pyne ' H l . I 1 . . : : ... , . ... r r rr-. . , ., , i, . TS'?H'-U; "V : . VJ? - - r'ZjjR