Newspaper Page Text
It i j 2 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, 5A1UKDAY, APK1L 24, J V2U. H I Sent From San Diego on Re quest For Protection at Two Pacific Ports. SONORA FORCES PUSH ON TO MAZATLAN Ships Ordered to Mexico Un der Instructions to Inves tigate Situation. I WASHINGTON. April 23. Two war ships from fhe Pncltic coast fleet v.'ere en route tonight to Mexican wa ters to protect American citizens and interests at Mnzatatan and Topolobam .in. Thoy were dippntehetl from San DieRo today nn orders from the navy department after a request for protec ? Hon had come from state department P : representatives at those two Mexican y- ; Pacific ports. ', A sTmilaiTs,rueD'. cnlne fiem the j government anon.a ' Frontpra on I he gulf coast, hut -whs not acted upon pending further ir . estigation of the l aquation there. The cruiser Sacra- j mcnto la at Tampico only p. short djs- I J: tance away. I The exact vsuuntlon at Mazat'.an r.nd I Tnpoiobampo was not lenown here. Thje had report of disturb iices at ' pither place and ltst ad- ices said a federal force of 350 men f and two cannon had arrived at .Ma- z.tlan., . Sonora state forces. In rrnc-llior f , against the CarraiTza Kovernmont, air- I ! jtnown io be pushfnp on townnle Ma- j .i z.ulah, the most important Mexican ) RatewaV on the Pacific. This force ) '? now well south of Topolpbpmpo. but , j ' whether n detachment had been de- 'j ' ployed to make an assault there was ' i not elnar. fi i At the navy dp-.rtmpnt it Vrxs said ji Dancing J TONIGHT vrv 0 TO 12 l Oerthana LILLIAN THATCHER li I ORCHESTRA. ll m ' IWW s$ COUPIjK l'fe DAXCTVG I 85c FliOO.t ! EXTRA lm WT EX- LADY n CULLED t ; 4oc Jr $ 3jy NOXB I 3LS ISSUE Formal Declaration of Aims of Revolution Set Forth in Full. i- i NEW PROVISIONAL 1 GOVERNMENT SET UP Plan of Agua Prieta Declares I For Effective Suffrage I and No Re-election. i j AG IT A PfUETA. Sonora. April 23. j (By The Associated Pr.ess). Sonora revolutionists have formally declared j for the overthrow of President Car i rnnza. A proclamation was lsBued today by I leading revolutionists of the state un Uler the title of the "Plan of Agua ; Pista" sotting forth the aims of the 'revolution in' full. The proclamation 'sets r.p n now provisional government in Mexico with Governor de la Huerta . as supreme comciander. De la Huerta , is to act until governors of stales Join ing the Sonora cause meet and nomi nate a supreme commander of their own choice. A provisional president for Mexico lis to be appointod "as soon as the prea lent plan has been accepted by the' lib- eral constitutionalist army." The revolutionary soldiers aro tp be ' known as the "liberal constitutional ists" army. The liberal constitutional ist party was the one espousing the ! cause of General Alvaro ubregoh for I the presidency of Mexico., i Chlcr interest to foreigners is found i in iho last article of tho plan which said: j "The supreme commander of thc- liberal constitutionalist army and all civil and military authorities who sup i port this movement, will afford all le gal protection and enforcement of their legal r'shts to all citizens And foreign ' ers, and espec'ally favor the develop ment of all industries, commercp and business in general." ! The "plan of Agua Prieta" declares i for effectixe suffrage and no re-election. Silence and Rest Tuberculosis Cures ST. LOUIS, April 23. Silonce and rest were advocated as cures for tu berculosis today at the convention of the National Tuberculosis association. Dr: S. W. Schaefer, of Colorado Springs, declared that experimental and clinical data showed that rest is la valuable specific for the disease. j "Bed rest, however, does not give sufficient immobilization to tho ! lungs," he declared. "Pateints, yrhen ! not allowed to talk, frequently show :mprovement in their lung condition. Talking exercises the lungs and phy sicians should warn against this. More patients should be .given the benefit i-.f filence." Rrpolutions asking that the govern ment provide funds for the treatment of former service men afflicted with ( the malady were adopted. Dr. J. W. j Turner of the United States public ihcalirj service, Washington, asserted tluiro were sixty thousand former ser- 1 vice men suffering from tuberculosis. i that the cruiser Salem and destroyer No. 'Ilk'; the ships ordered to Mexi- jco, vere under instructions to investi gate the situation I lfyjp yjp" Fiit ttaaf A "CLEAN-UP" without a "paint up" is useless and ?.b3urd. Not only H because houses that are un painted cye-sorea appear uglier and more I conspicuous after a "clean up1' but because the painted surface, In- side and outside can be kept clean, sanitary and germ proof. V Painting is economy the better the paint and Its application, and tho more promptly It is used on palnt-needy places, 'the greater the H) economy. 1 H The ravages of the elements by sUn and snow and rain and ' sleet B are certain, unless your buildings, are kept protected by proper paint H coatings, I Our Paint Department Is completely equipped, with a full line of rell- I able Paints, Varnishes, Enamels, Stains, etc. Also brushes, and other H accessories and all reasonably priced. , Ogden Paint, Oil I & Glass Go. I ' 24'0 WASH IGNT0N AVENUE STIFF SEHTEMGE Three Years Imprisonment, Five Years Enforced Resi dence, Loss of Rights. DOCUMENT IS READ TO ! CAILLAUX IN HOSPITAL Prisoner May Be Released to j Hear Condemnation Verdict Before Senate. PARIS, April 23. (By The Associat ed Press). Joseph Caillaux, former piemier of France, tonight in the Nou llly hospital listened to the reading of the sentence of the senate which, sit ting as a high court of justice, yes 1 terday convicted him of "commerce land correspondence with tho onemy." i Three years' imprisonment, five years' forced residence in a-town to be selected by the minister of the in 1 tei'lor, and den years' loss of political j rights, tho latter clause carrying with tit in ability to vote or hold office, was (he sentence imposed. Document Read to Caillaux. The document was read by a court nficor sent to tho hospital for the pur pose, after it had been promulgated be fore the senate tonight by Ieon Eour-&-ois, the presiding officor. Caillaux was not present in the senate chant- bcr at the time. I Tho prlsonor made np comment Rf the official made known, the con I tenia of the document) but his f:tco showed signs of doep sadness. Asked !by the newspaper men present wchth ier he desired t-o make a .statonfnt, jUaillaux rplied: I 'i shall be. at your disposal, tomor row or the next day when I- am re- I I .i i 'Freedom Require; In.tncate Figuring. I The questicn when AI. Caillaux is Ito be freed roquires intricate figuring j i o decide, for allowance has to be made for the time he had been- under .-cf-traiut in prison and at the hospi tal. The prisoner was in jail for twenty-seven months and this lime, ndd-d to the period he has been in the bos-' pital, according to his partisans, con-t-t.tutos the service of the full term of imprisonment imposed by one sen ate. The decision not to bring Caillaux, before tho senate tonight provoked ru- jinors that he would be released during -1 iic night. LI. Moutet, of counsel for Caillauv, said the prisoner was willing to ap pear before the senate to hear the ver dict of condemnation. At the morning Msion Caillaux had listened to the court pronounce the verdict of gu51ty of violating article 78 of the military code, and declared in reply to the us ual question that ho had nothing lo say. Court in Secret Session. After the morning session, the couri went into secret session to frame the sentence to be imposed on Caillaux. It reconvened tonight at 9 o'clock. It had been expected that a stormy ses sion would ensue but a violent pro iost by Senator Brivet who was quirk 1 calmed, proved to be the only inci dent. The neighborhood of the sen ate was extremely quiet during tr.e night. M bourgeois, the ninety senators rose When the sentence had been read bv and left the chambei. nn iiMFETO Adjourn in 45 Minutes With No Progress Made Toward Settlement. CHICAGO, April 23. Several thous and striking railroad workers at a (mass meeting today refused "to take j action to end the unauthorized walk- j out, now in its fourth week in the Chi- ;cago terminal district. The meeting called by John Grunau, president of the outlaw Chicago Yard men's association, and Harold Reading, ' head of the United Engincmen's asso ciation, "to clear up tho entire situa liqn." adjourned forty-five mhiutes af ter being convened with no progress .made toward settling the difficulties. Representatives of the railroad gpn- 'oral managers' association and of tho government were asked to attend, but Ignored the invitation, the general managers announcing that they would enter into nogotlations with the insurgents. j Grunau Greeted With Applause. I Grunau who waS released from jail I at Joliet, last Wednesday, wan groe.t- i ed with a roar of Applause as he stop ped on the platform. An American flag war produced and draped r.ronnd his neck. He left It there ps he spoke. "I called this meeting to help straighten out this tangle," Grunau said. "Wo would not be good citizens if we refused to take every step pos sible to end the strike. "I am aloyal American citizen and 0 are all of you loyal American citi zens. Wo have not violated the law, we do not want to violate (he law, and we will not violate the law We have conducted this strike In an orderlj nlanner and we will permit of no vio lence of any kind. j Men Decide Strike. "It is up to you men to decide wheu strike is to end. You are the i only ones who can decide that ques- ! tion." ' Bc-u Dolan. representative of thc 1 United Englnemen, followed Orunau. 'If v.e can return vlunut loss of ill? , iiily, without lo?s nf r.u seniority rigbtti, and If our organization is rec- SEN. HITCHCOCK SENATE LEADER Selection of Underwood of Alabama at Democratic ' Conference Assured. ACTION WILL CONDUCE TO PARTY HARMONY Withdrawal Breaks Deadlock Which Has Existed in Party Since Jan. 15th. PIIINCrrON, April 23. Senior Hi cuock of Nebraska withdrew tu nighi' from the r.-cc 'it M-nucratic lead' r of tli3 :icmr uur. !t;ua!lj as juiiti:; the selection of Senator bn-Jer wood of Alabama, at (he Democratic conVrenco railed lor Tuesday nig'it. .Scmtor IlltchcocV ; announcement was made iii a le' io senate Pen ccrata. He Raid his wi'lidrnwal from he fuht would coa It j t He;: ucratic harmony and woulu ivnnl wi.h his in divPual phtns, whirl nouhl not permit hir.i curing the rei.ialnder of the ear to undertake the work of minority leader which devolved upon him with the retirement fr6"hi the senate of tho late Senator Martin of Virginia Withdrawal Breaks Deadlock. 1 The withdrawal of the Nebraska sen ator breaks the deadlock, which de , voloped at the party conference. Janu-1 ary 15, wrcn the first effort was madf to aclect a successor to SenRtor Mar- ! tin "I now desire to ler'mlnato this dead lock," wroto Senutor Hitchcock, "and (hereby withdraw my name from the contest. This will conduce to Demo cratic harmony and will accord with 1 my individual. plan3 which will not permit me, during the remainder of the year, to undertako such continuous ser vice in the scnatfi arj I have had dur ing the past twelve months ' The year during which I have act- ed as Democratic leader has been one of responsibility and difficulty, bu ono of pleasure also, because of the consideration shown me "by pnrty col leagues, whether they agreed with- me or not. j Senator Thanks Colleagues. "I desire particularly to thank those who have supported me In this con test and to say to all that I shall be glad, in resuming my position as vice chairman, to co-operate as heretofore with, the chosen leader." j Senator Hitchcock's friends explain ed the presidential campaign would the senator away from Washing ton at frequent intervals and that aside from this he would male fre-, quent visits to his summer home in Massachusetts and. consequently, . would not desire the responsibility of minority leadership. Senator Hitchcock .'has .been he j Democratic leader Ihroughout tho i long peace treaty fight and it was ex-i plicitly stated at the White House and by Senator Underwood that Irrespsc- live of the outcome of the election fori leadership he would continue as rhe administration spokesman should the treaty fight be renowed. uu SHIPS TAKE ON STORES. SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 23. To safeguard American residents and property in Sonora and Sinaloa, Mex ico, the United States scout cruisers Salem and destroyer McCawley will sail for Mexican waters early tomor-j rcw, according to announcement madei here today. The Salem is to go to ! Maaatlan and the McCawley to Topo-! lobampo. j Ikth vessels took on large quanti ses of stores today. ynixed by the n?drt and our salary ..eiivnds are gran! e l we will go back it. work at once," hj said. Will our seniority rights ba guar a nH-d if ve return?" one striker ask-; ?Q. Motion to Adjourn. f: nau said' hi coul.l net answer, motion then w mad. io adjourn ' bcTUse thr geuer.i' in uiacv.'t show nc disposition to ,rMnt our demands." The railroads auniiu"' "! n'i.y th t ruffie conditions u 'hr t r.icago Jis-i.-iel ere S3 per com of normal. Any Wheel Which Does Not Pull Equally With I J the Others Acts as a Brake- I I I r JSSI? a8a,,n nt t,,. rlrnw,"K! You sec four cstly and fairly. Tho management must co-or- j W i 5 " cce?8ftr; in keeping the Big Wheel of dlnnte the whole effort and conduct the business S continuous telephone ser-ice revolving ;it tho to the end that: SB K' Proper speed. This Big Wheel must turn smooth- Eg E Iy to grind out its dailv prist of 80,800 000 calls public receives sufficient, continuous and R H . K over 11,703,7-17 telephones, of which 7,000,000 efflc,eMt ncrvice. E nre Be-o"Ticd. the employes receive fair wages nnd protec- H j FhJM l Industrial progress depends more ench dnv on 'l """''rf i,lK,,d?n shutU,,K dnw" "f ,the 91 H the telephone to destroy s'pace, save time ami' in" n, I" a' in"St b SCCUr lhrl,Sh I prcn.10 the efficiency of eveiy worker in every 5 8 6 M r 1 6 ',RU' 'ho oTieis who buy shnrcs of stock receive .a " H B Ti,rt..f. ,i, mi,.. . . 'air watje for thoir savings Invested in tho busi- Hfl 8 ThjftcforeMhe respo ness. A stockholder provides money to expand 8 W vJieel uitlun tho Big heel inrrensea dally. the business which grows daily; he must receive U M It Is the duty of the public to pay an adequate n fn,r mto of "lterest on his money Invested. 6 H fl Q rate for adequate service, nnd to protect the em- Therefore, tho management represents the em- U pioyes supplying tho service. ploy6s in dealing with tho owners and tho public. 1 B It is the duty of the omployes to provido suf- Tlle ninaKimcnt represents the owners and tho H H B flclent satisfactory service to tho end that the P"hllc in dcnllng with tho employes. Tho man- IH R public will pay rates neccs.snry to s-apnort the "Kcmcnt must co-ordinate the effort of each K H g busiucw. smaller wheel to the end that the Wheel of Con- U H t. i .i , . , tinuous Service revolves every hour of every day, 8 H I . C dlUy 0f thc ow,lc!:s to Provide cf- every year, at the speed necessary to protect in- I I flcient management to operate tho property hon- dustrial progress. H I The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. J I OMAHA, Neb., April 23 W. J. Bry en will control the Nebraska delegation to the Democratic national conventi n, returns from 1.467 precincts out of 819 precincts compiled by the news papers, indicated here tonight. Those figures give Bryan eight delegates r.nd Hitchcock four. Previous returns showed an even split. Bryan's own nosition in the contest! for delegate at large was not so se- cure as It appeared yesterday. IIol dropped from first to second place in the vote outside Douglas county andi was leading Bcrge (B) by 1,136 votes , for fourth place. Among the counties to be heard from is t Greeley, reputed' lo be a Hitchcock stronghold. ' The apparent change in the con-, plexion of the delegation Is brought, about in thc third district where Lit-j tie (H) has 4,658 voles against Sid-j jner (B) with 4,890 and only onr coun ty to be "heard from and in the sixth 1 where Harrington (H) is 700 vott-s be- I.J tJJ Pl Jl.n.TITPWH il l HHJUIB M!. BIB'S Yardmesi Vote to Go to Jail If Need Be CLEVELAND, O., April 23. Five hundred striking members of the Cleveland Yardmen's association at a meeting here this afternoon voted lo go to jail In preference to returning to work. Frank J. O'Rourke, president I of the association, had notified the men that department of justice agents had notified him that unless the strik- ! ers returned) to work by tomorrow morning thc leaders would be arrest- I"'- I oo I STRIKERS PAID OFF PITTSBURG, Pa., April 23. More than 300 strikers on the Allegheny division of tho Pennsylvania railroad who did not return to work as the company stipulated, were paid off this afternoon. The Baltimore and Ohio tool: similar action. bind Beall (B) with thc returns com plete from 22 out of 36 counties. In tho Republican presidential con test, Johnson continued to lead Wood heavily, having 55,591 votes In 1.1-12 precincts, including Douglas county., Woods' vote in tho same numner of i precincts is 37,384 and Pershing's is 1 24,744. I i w3&jQ GET IN LINE BOYS pT I 1)) " There's Going to Be Another of Those C Si J(m j 1 x Popular Dances at the rHk M mf f ' Utah Hot Springs BS 1; rKjJy V, "TVENTY MINUTES FROM OGDEN" Wmfw P ' jMb o n i g h t -j W-f I W YU If yu're wearing overalls, it's all right with fojLi mep!tsCh' 1 M us Come, out If you are not wearing overalls Good fej ft its ri?nt- t0- We Sood sports, are Ji J ( service f m v I J frying t0 llelP reduce the high cost of living. 1 courteouo ffl M t151" ereore V0U can enjv big V t Employes' Kj, I .5 Free Dance "m t 9 17, r's' HERE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT " ffl The Jazziest of Mucic Furnished by Jn-J&L Wi M Come out Sunday for PROF. REN FORD AND KIS GANG y 4. M a Swim and a Visit A gggy Kj WC"' l" CCl Round SPECIA . 1 i T" I J Keep Your Skin Clear ll By Using Cuticura L ; The Soap, for dally use in thc toilet, P cleanseaand purifies, the Ointment soothes tmWM and heals little irritations, roughness or e LH pimples. Cuticura Talcum soothei ar.d ff i cools the skin and overcomes heavy per- r !H spiration Delicate, dcliahtful, distinsu. eurpUEiehrrMb7KxU. Addr: "Cntleoi rfH Ltbo!arlit.Dtpt.3CrI&IdulMui."Mdncr. Wk whjrjwpSSc. OInUaeotattnJt0c.TJearaic i.4i?Cut!cur Soap share without mue. jB MAN'S " I ISJL51 PJSE A man is as old as hia organs ; he can be as vigorous and healthy at jK 70 as at 35 if ha aids his organs in , performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with. I GOLD MEDAL I 4SL ' I The Tvorld's standard remedy for kldney V'JI liver, bladder nnd uric acid troubles cinco 1696; corrects disorders ; stimulates ' LL vital organs. All druggists, three sizes. Look Cor tho ntimo Gold Medal on ermty box cad ccopt oo Imlutioa When you feci so "blue" that even thc tky looks yellow, you need PiLLS A elufftiih lirrr and poorly actin? hWv.71 LL fall to destroy fond poiKxu, which atlcct the mind ai well as thtlody. Irt Sold r.liofAar Trfil&MSlin -Tery. Modlch,. IMM vb.. H 5011,0 VJ)fert Inbox.. 4. .Head or chest ore best treated ?- "externally" with JMm H VICfi'S VAPOSUM r "vOUR BODYGUARD-- ZOr.QOn6 H