OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, May 03, 1920, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-05-03/ed-1/seq-10/

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Tintic Standard Touches Low
Mark of $4.20 in Day's
H -.
Trading today on the Salt Lake
Hj Stock & Mining exchange was consld-
crcd fairly active, with prices about
steady. The greatest change was
shown in Tintic Standard, which
changed hands as low as $4.20. This
' stock closed around ?i.-i5 Saturday:
j th'is morning it opened at $4.30 nnd
sold as low $4.20, closjng with only
, $4.16 bid and ?4.25 asked. Iron Blos-
som was practically the only stock on
' the board to show any strength what-
soever, opening at 39c and selling up
to 42c, closing with 41 bid and 42c
B asked.
Alta Con; changed hands at $c;
Eureka Lily brought 15V416c; Co
H lumbus Hexal sold as low as 56c;
j Howell changed hands at C'4e; Iron
' King brought 30c; Koystono sold at
yOc; Lchl Tintic was actlvo at 15c',
New Quincy changed hands at 7
1 1 7 Vic; Eureka Bullion was steady at
lC'.c; Sells was a trifle weaker, sell
H lug as low as -l3jc; Silver Shield
weakened considerably, opening at
1 4 7 c and closing at -Hifcc, 500 shares
changing hands at this price; Yankco
I was very active at 3 V 3 i c.
H ' Following arc the closing quotations
Hj and sales:
H (Quotations furnished over private
H wire of J. A. Hoglc & Company,
H Eccles Building.)
Alta Con $ -OS'.i $ .00 -
Albion 10 Ms .HI-:
K American Con 02 Vi .04
Alta Tunnel . . .'. OS .10
Big Hill 09 . 1 0
Big Cotton wod 00 'a .00-71
1 Bullion 05 .06
Black Metals OS .OS i4
H Columbus Kexall .57 .5$
Crown Point 03 .05i
H Colorado Con 04 .05
'j Cardiff 1.52 1.57 i
Daly "West . . .' 4.0U 4.25
E Crown Point 02 .03
V E. Tintic Coal 04 .05
Hj E. Tintic Con .OS'j .10
1 Eureka Mines 06 Vi .UC?i
Hl Eureka Lily .15 .IGii
K Emma Silver 0'J .0lMA
H Empire Mines 05 .OS
H Gold Chain .07
H Grand Central .4 0 ...
f Howell .Ooyi .OGVi
B Iron Blossom 4 1 !
H Iron King .i'J'.z .30
H Judge Mining. 4.00 ...
fl Kennebec , 13 .20
fl, Keysctorie i
H Leonora
H Lchi Tintic I4 .15
H May Day 01 m .02
H Miller Hill .02
H Mammoth 20 .50
H Moscow . 05i .10
H Michigan Utah -.06 Vi .00 -i
North Standard ...... .07 . 0Si
H New Quincy :0U-)'t "07,
H Opohongo .01': . .02
Hjl Plutus .3.7V6' .38
H' Prince Con.
H Provo .04 ft ' ,u5Vi
Paloma . oi
Kleo Argentine ...... . 02',-j,
Hi Rico "Wellington .25
H! Sells .21V4
1 Silver King Coal.... 1.7y 1.75
H Silver King Con l.iU 1.55
H Sioux Con. , . U3V6 -04
H South lleclu 1.10 1.15
H South Standard 23i-i .25
Silver Shield .44
H Tar Baby .......... . 02 . 03
Tintic Central 02 . 03i
H Tintic Standard 4.15 4.25
H Utah Con ' .01 Vi .01?;
"Wet Toledo . U5 . OGVj
AValker Mining ..... 3.30 3.50
H "Wood lawn l-i ia .15
H Yankee .. 03 Vj .04
H Beaver Copper .0191
Empire Cojper .35
iNaildrivcr .. rS .61
H Union Chief, OS .uo
I'. OiMJiiIng- Sale5. j
i Alta Con., 2,000 at S-Jic. I
Eureka Lily, 1,00 at 16c .
Columbus Itexall, 100 at 59c
Howel, 1,000 at 6 Vic.
Iron Blossom, 400 at 30c, 500 at 40e.
Iron giving, 300 at 30c. " -Keystone,
100 at 00c
May Day, 1,000 at 2c
Michigan-Utah, 1,000 at 0 Vc.
New Quincy, 500 at7 Vic, 3,000 at
Emma Silver, 1,500 at O JlSc.
Eureka .Bullion, 2,400 at ,16 Vc
Plutus, 200 at 30e. . ,
Prince Con., 200 at 55c W
Sello, 1,000 at 22 Vic
, Silver King Coalition, 100 at
?1.72Vi, 200 at $1.75.
Silver King Con., 200 at $1.55.
Sioux. Mines, 1,000 at 4c, 3,000 at
I 3?ic.'
j Silver Shield, 1,100 at 4 7Vc, 500 at
1 47c, 2,100 at 46 Vic
' South Standard, 500 at 24Vac. i
Tintic Standard, 25 at $4.45. 216 at
Yankee, 0,500 at 3ic. 300 3 Vic
AVoodlawn, 500 at 15c, 1,000 at
15 Vic.
Closing Sales.
Eureka Lily, 100 at 16c, 1,500 at
Columbus Rexall, 500 at 5Sc, 700 at
57c, S00 at 50c.
Iron Blossom, 200 at 40c, seller 10
j days; 200 at 41c, 1,100 at 42c, 100 at
40 Vic, seller 10 days.
Iron King, 500 at 30c
. Lehl Tintic, 5,500 at 15c
H May Day, 1,000 at 2c.
H Emma Silver, 1,500 at 9 Vic, 2,000 at
H Plutus, 300 at 30c, 300 at 30 Vic, 600
H at
H Prince Con., 1,300 at 54c, 50 at 56c.
j Rico Wellington, 1,000 at 25 Vic.
H I Sells, 500 at 22c, 2,000 at 21 Vic.
H 1 Silver King Coalition, 100 at $1.72 Vi.
H Silver King Con., 300 at $1.55, 100
H at $1.60, 100 at $1.57 Vi.
B Silver Shield, 700 at 45c, 500 at
H South Standard, 2,000 at 24 Vic.
H Tintic Standard, 300 at $4.20, 100 at
H Zuma, 500 at 17c.
H Woodlavrn, 500 at 15c.
H S S'ock j Bid ABk
H Amal. Sugar 13.751$ 14.00
H Amal. Sugar 103.50) 104.50
H Con. Wagon .. 120.00 122.00
H Utah-Idaho Suar .... 0.25 '9.40
H Lion Coal 65.00 75.00
1 Llua-onds 91.00
Acute Heaviness Strikes N. Y.
Market After Buying
Movement Wans
NEW YORK. May 2. Trading on
tho stock exchange today opened with
a number oC substantial advances,
sentiment ovidcntly being encouraged
by tho absence of labor disturbances
during the May day recess.
Brokers reported man3' buying or
ders from interior points. General
Motors was the strongest feature at
the outset, gaining 5 points. Replogle,
Studcbaker,. Baldwin and Mexican Pe
troleum gained 1 to 2 i polnt3. The
demand for rails was light at irregular
Tho advance subsided as soon as the
buying power had run its course.
Shorts then resumed their recent at
tack on such Issues as American Wool
en, Crucible Steel and General Mo
tors, in which' reactions ranged from
5 t 12 points, other leaders losing 1 to
3. Last week's Indifferent bank state
ment and indications of a continuance
of the recent high rates for call mon
ey also, contributed to the backwara
movement. Trading became dull as
prices yielded and demand lo'hns
opened at 9 per cent. There was fur
ther liquidation of Liberty bonds, the
3 Vis and tho third 4 Vis making now
low records.
Heaviness became more acute dur
ing the noon hour, the Mexican situa
tion being added to other unfavorable
developments. General Motors ex
tended its loss to almost 20 points and
Crucible Steel showed an extreme de
cline of over 10 Other Industrials, j
also shippings and rails, were also 2 to
6 points under last week's final prices.
Cattle Receipts 244; choice heavy
steers. $10.0010.75, good steers,
$0.00(51 10.00; lair steers, ?7.50fjS.50;
choice feeder steers, $7.00 S. 60;
ehoiee cows and heifers, $S.0OQ'9.OO; I
fair to good cows and heifers,
$7.O0(0S.OO; cuttoi-3, $4.508'6.00; can-j
ners, 3.004.00; choice feeder cows, I
$5.50 Q. 6.50; fat bulls, $5.005 5.25; bo-'
logna bulls. ?4.00'fJ'5.00; veal calves, j
$10.00&1L,.00. !
Hogs Receipts 607; choce fat hogs. I
175 to 250 lbs $14.00((j14.75; bulk of;
sales. $14. 00fg. 14.50; feeders. $10.00:
12.50. i
Sheep Receipts S067; choice lambs'
$15.001G.50; wethers, $10.0012.00; !
fat ewes, SS.OOIO.OO; feeder lambs, I
?12.50fj14.00. J
Nevada Packing company, LcXlng-j
Ion. Neb.. 2 loads hogs; Humphrey;
Supply company, Lexingtqn. Neb., 2
loads hogs; David Gram. Hyrum, 2j
loads hogs; Walter iJingham, Moun-;
tain Home? Ida., 1 load horses; Hun-!
saker Commission company. North)
Salt Lake. 3 loads hogs; Noble Sheep!
company, Lchent, 07 loads sheep;'
Ifireiary, Valeny, New, 6 loads sheep.'
OMAHA. May 3. (United States-
Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts
16,000; opening to shippers 25 to 3 5c I
lower on' medium and lights, strength-!
cning to packers 1525c lower than!
Saturday on all classes. Top, $14.65; j
bulk, $13.75 14.40.
Cattle Receipts. 0,000; beef steers.'
cows and heiters slow, I520c lower;'
bulls, canhers and cutters steady;
veals weak to 25c lower; stockcrs and'
feeders weak to 25c lower. ,
Sheep Receipts, 4,000; lambs
stead.vno 10(J7 l5c higher; best wootec;,'
010.50; clipped, $17.65; bulk of
clipped, $17.0017.35; sheep stcadv. '
NEW YORK. May 2. Mercantile
paper, 6 S'7 percent. j
Exchange strong; sterling 60-day j
bills, $3.80; commercial 60-day bills j
on banks," $3. SO; commercial 60-day
bills, $3.79 Vi; demand, $3.S4Vi; cfibles,
$3.S5K .
Francs: Demand, 16.95; cables,
I Belgian francs: Demand, 15.57; ca
! bl.es, 15.55.
j Guildorsi Demand, 3 6 7-16; cables,
I 30 Vic ,
j Hires: Demand, 22.07; cables, 22.05.
Marks: Demand, 1.74; cables, 1,75.
, Government bonds weak; railroad
bonds irregular.
Time loans strong; 60 days, 90 days!
and six months, S Vi per cent. "
Call money strong; high, 9, per cent;!
low, 7 percent, ruling rate, 0 per cent;1
closing bid, 7 per cent; offered at 7 per
cent; last Joan, 7. per cent; bank ac
ceptances, 6 per cent.
NEW YORK, May 3. Copper
Quiet; electrolytic, spot and nearby,
$ 18.75 19.25; June and July, $10t5.1
Iron Steady; No. 1 northern,
$40.00; No. 2 northern, $48.00; No. 2
southern, $43.00.
Tin Steady; spot, $61.50; May and
July, $60.25.
Lead Quiet; spot and May offered
at $9.00; June-July, $S.75 offered.
Zinc Steady; spot, $7.87 Vi bid,
$7,95 asked.
At London Spot copper, 102 2s
6d; electrolytic, 111.
Mutual Creamery 31.00
Firt Not., Ogden 330.00
Security State Bank. 155.00 160.00
Z. C. M. 1 150. U0
Goddard Packing 6.00
Utah Power & Light.. 91.00 94.00
Bear River Duck club 300.00
Davis & Weber Canal. 300.00
Ellison Ranching 130.00
Deaths and Funerals
ANDERSON. Funeral services for
Alta G Anderson were held Sunday
afternoon at 12 o'clock at the Taylor
Ward, with Bishop Counsellor James
li. Hunter conducting. The ward choir
sang, "Beautiful ZIon Buljt Above."
The Sunday school class sang, 'TJic
Heart of the Shepherd." David John
son sang, "It Is God's Hand That Lead
cth Me." Mabel Hadley sang, "A Lit
tle Pink Rose Bud," and Lillian Had
ley sang, "Ot My Father." Tho speak
ers were Counselor Heher B. Hawkes,
George A. -Hunter, nnd Charles Kings
ton, Interment was in the Ogden city
cemetery with Patriarch Hawkes dedi
cating the grave.
I CLIFFORD. Funeral services for
Anne Barker Clifford were held nt
3:15 o'clock Sunday at the North Og
gden meeting house. Bishop Counsel
or David G. Randall conducted the
'services. The ward meetinghouse was
crowded witn friends and there was a
wealth of floral tributes. The ward
choir sang, "Sister, Thou Wast Mild
and Lovely," and "I Need Thee Every
Hour." A quartet composed of Harold
H. Campbell, Lorin Campbell, Gilbert
Randall nnd Claude Ellis sang, "Fare
well My Sister." NophI J. Brown
sang, "O My Father," while William
Manning sang, "Face to Face." Tho
speakers wero President Samuel u.
Dye, Mary Storey, Lorenro Ward, John
W. Gibson and E. A. Larkin. Inter
ment was In the North Ogden ceme
tery with Henry Barker dedicating the
WHITE Tho funeral of James!
White was held Sunday noon in thej
Twelfth ward chapel. Tho services
were conducted by Bishop William A.
Budge. Mrs. Melba R. Jones sang, "My
Faith in Thee," and "Face to Face."
Gerald Klomp sang, "Beautiful Isle of
Somewhere," and Walter Stevens
sang. "All Through the Night."
Speakers were M. L. Jones and
James K. Jeppson. Interment city j
HANSEN. Funeral services for
Arthur Peter Hansen were conducted
at Kirkendall's chapel yesterday atter
noon at 3 p. m. by Bishop James W.
Ure. Hagbert Anderson sang,,"l Have'
Read of a Beautiful City." "Abide
With Me," was sung by Miss Lucile;
Morrison and a girl's chorus under the1
direction of Mrs. Joseph Ballantyn'Jj
sang, "Catch the Sunshine," and I
Jesus, I, May Cross Have Taken."
speakers were Patriarch L A. Olsen
and Bishop Ure. Interment city cem
etery. oo
Allis-Chalmers . ..i 35!
American Leet Sugar 92 y.
American Can 41 j
American Car fc Foundry. ...... .132
American Hide Leather, pfd 931j!
American Locomotive 94 j
American smelling !i Rer'gi 59 i
American Sugar 12b' I
American Sumatra Tobacco.....
America T. & T 94Vs !
Anaconda Copper 57 j
Alcihson . 77J. 1
All. Guig W. India 1471!
Baldwin Locomotives HVv't
Baltimore & Ohio 31''a
Bethlehem Steel "B" 921
Canadian Paciric H(iV
Central Leather -71 Vi I
Chesapeake Ai Ohio 50 j
Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 33VV
Chicago. R. I. & Pac 31va ;
Chino Copper o2
coiorado xuel it iron Sols'
Corn i-roduuis 95 v8
Crucioie bteel 137 Vj'
cuoa C'aiiw Sugar ' 50vl'
Er.cs 12 " 1
Uuicral Electric 143 i
General Motors 291
Goodrich Co. 6G
Great iorthern, pfd 7314
Great Northern Ore ctfs 35Jii
Illinois Central S4bi
inspiration Copper 32
Int. Mer. Marine, pfd 83 j
International Paper osib :
Kennecott Copper 2S
Louisville fc iNashville 100V&
Maxwell Motors 21
Mexican Petroleum 17 1
Miami Copper !. 21 V
Midvale Steel , 44 " 1
Missouri "Pneifin 001 i
Now York Central 70
N. Y In. 11. & Hartford 28 I
Norfolk & Western 90
Northern Pacific '3V6
;Ohio Cities Gas '391J
! Pennsylvania 10 "
People's Gas ' 331.
I Pittsburg and West, Va '. 29
! Ray Consolidated Copper 17 Ji
Reading si4i
Rep. Iron & Steel y5
Sinclair Oil &. Refining . 3514 j
Southern Pacific 94 y6'
Southern Railway 202
Studebaker Corporation !.107
Tennessee Copper 10 K
Texas Co 46y,
Tobacco Products 63
Union Pncific !.'!!ll6a4
United Cigar Stores, bid. ..!!'. !i25 '
U. U. Ind. Alcchol 83
United States Rubber 99
United States Steel . 94
Utah Copper bg
Westinghouse Electric 4324
Willys-Overland .177
American Zinc, Lead'and Sm.!.. 15,
Butte and Superior 22
Cala. Petroleum .
Montana Power 631
Shattuck Arizona 97 I
Am. Int. Corporation 89 '
Royal Dutch 115
Texas & Pac , 137 '
Standard Oil, pfd i.iOi
The first institution for the blind
was established for soldiers stricken
in the Crusades.
For Subscription and Advertising
Department, Call Phone No. 56.
1 i
Suspended Sentence R. A. Miller,
district engineer of the state road
commission, appeared before the city
court this morning on a charge of
violating traffic ordinances by driving
an automobile at a speed greater than
twenty-five miles an hour. Ho
pleaded guilty to tho charge and was
given a five daya' suspended sentence.
Wanted Bell boy. Reed Hotel. 493
From Montana Richard Kilroy of
tho Anaconda, (Mont.) Standard was
an Ogden visitor yesterday.
Phone 22. Taxi, day or night. 1010'
Case Dismissed Because complain
ing witnesses failed to appear, thej
case of Jack Savage, who was charged j
with disturbing tho peace, was dis
missed by the city court 'this morning.
The complaint against Savage charged
him with attempting to enter the win
dow of Jane Doe Capeau in the Lu
cerno Hotel.
Improves H Lloyd Millar who re
cently underwent an operation at Palo
Alto is convalescing. Mr. Millar, who
is the son of Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Millar
of 171 Patterson avenue, is attending
the graduate school at Stanford Uni
versity. PAPER cleaners. Lowe-Greenwell.
Telephone 2721-R. Si t
City Gets SliOO The city treasury
was enriched by $200 when Glen
Mack, Ellsworth Williamson, Josh,
Wilson and James Burte failed to ap-j
pear before the city court this morn
ing. Bail in each case, which
amounted to $50 per man. was de
clared forfeited. They were charged
with Intoxication. I
j i !
Joins Army Jack .V. Thompson, of
Ogden has enlisted in the army at the
Salt Lake recruiting office. ;
Coal We can take care of all short-'
age; 1200 tons in shed. Phone 27. 1
John Farr Coal Co. S27
Sacred Heart Alumnae The mem
bers of the Sacred Heart Alumnae as
sociation will meet this ovening at
7:30 o'clock in tho school library. The
violin pupils of the school will give J
a recital in the auditorium at S j
o'clock. All are requested to be pros-
onL 1 I
Florists Telegraph Delivery Assn
Dumke Floral Co., Phone 250. - 560'
Lockliart. Fined S. A. Lockhart, a
railroad carpenter, was sentenced to
pay a fine of $50 or servo out the
equivalent in the city jail J.his morn
ing. He was charged with lewd con
duct. Returns From Salt Lake Mrs. Joe
Harlog returned yesterday from Salt i
Lake where she has been spending1
the last ten days at the bedside of hei j
sister, Miss Nellie Carter, formerly of!
Ogden. Miss Carter underwent aser-j
ious operation at the St. Mark hospi-1
tal a few days ago. Her condition I
was much improved when Mrs. Hartog
j left her.
IBOICK, cement and plaster Jobbing,
chimneys, firewalls, etc. Phono 770.
Suspended Sentence Robert Lee
Mandlcsby. miner, pleaded guilty to
n mendicancy charge this morning be
fore the city court and was given a
I fipc days' jail sentence by Judge D.
R. Roberts. Ho admitted that ho had
been begging In tho southwestern
section of town.
j Lorin Fair Dance Hall For rent
for special dances during May. Largest
dance hall in Weber county. See F J
Hirt. 1027
Ogden Typewriter House for type
writers and repairs, 2422 Hudson Ave.
Phono 236.
Takes Ogden Job William J. Rob
erts of Paradise, Cache county entered
the service of the RailWay mall offico
; this morning.
Dr. Conroy's oftice moved to third
florr First National bank bunulng.
Call Offorman, the plumber, rhono
2531-J. 945
To Conduct Meetings Miss Goldio
Faux, assistant stato director of girls,
clubs is expected in Ogden tomorrow I
to commence a series of meetings!
with Weber county girls' clubs in, ev-!
cry township of tho county, under the
auspices of the Weber county farm
Edgoll in New York S, M. TSdgcll.
vice-president of the Amalgamated
Sugar company Is in New l'ork on
business relating to the sugar situation.
j Bram well's I
Desks, Chairs, Filing- Cabinets j
and everything for the office li
Office Supplies l
Fine Commercial Printing j
Good Printing1 Costs Less j
2428 Hudson Phone 792-MB i
Phone 260
Over Western Union, Stevens Bldg. '
piled Uvs of Ltah, 1017, that Weber County, Ulxh. by nnd through it lioard of
County Commissioners, will, on M0nd.1v, Mav 17lh, 3020. at 12 o'clock noon at
the nont door of tho Court House. In osden City. Weber County, Utah, jffer for
sale in separate parcels for cash, all of the real estate hereinafter described, to
gether with other real estate held o? "Weber County under Tx Deed, and nt such
aale the County Clerk of "Weber County. Utah, will Issue and deliver to the pur
chaser all of the title of the State of Utah, Countv of Weber, City ot O-den, or
any town or school or other taxing district interested In the real estate do sold
excepting however, any Interest held by Ogden City, under tax sale made to Oi.-dcn
City up lo and Including sales for delinquent taxed for 1SIM.
No bid will be accepted tor less than all taxes, costs and Interest to date of
sale herein rcicrred to.
-:. J. M. CHILD.
Board of County Commissioner;; of Weber County, Utah
County Clerk of Weber County. Utah.
Dated April 5, 1020.
First publication on April 17th, 1920.
l.ast publication on May 16th, 1D20.
Part of Lot 1. Block it, Plat "A," teine the West 2.5 lcct or Lot 1, Block D, Plat
"A," Ogden City Survey.
Part ot Lot 5. Block 10, Plat "A." Being the North 117 feet of the South 202 feet
of Lot G. Block 10. Plat "A." Ogden City Survey.
Part of Lot 5, Block 10, Plat "A." Belnc the South 11.25 feet of the North 85 feet
of Lot G, Block 10, Plat "A," Ogden City Survey.
Part of Lot 3. Block 13. Plat "A." Beginning 120 feet North from the Southeast
corner ot Lot 2, Blocc 13, Plat "A." Ugden Cit Survey; thence West 37
fcot, North 20 feet. West 50.5 feet, North A feet, East S7.5 fcut. South 2
feet to the place ot beginning. The taxes herein includo personal taxes in
Book m'E." page. S5. Lines 19 and 21. 1910 eale.
Part of Lots if and 9. Block 16, Plat "A." Beginning 16.5 feet East tml 1G.5. feet
South from the Northwest comer of Lot 8, Block 1G. Plat "A," Ogden olty
Survey; thence East 108 feet, South 16.5 feet to the place of beginning.
Part or Lot A, Block 32. Plat "A." Beginning 165 feet East from the Northwesc
corner of Lot -I, Block 32, Plat "A, '' Ogden City Survey, thence East 3C.5
feet. South 12 feet. West 136,5 feet. North 12 feet to the place of begimuiiK1.
Part of Lot 7. Block 45. Plat "A." Beins the West 1G.5 feet of Lot 7. Block 45,
Plat "A," Ocdcn ClVy Survey.
Part of Lot 2. Block 55. Plat "A." Bcinfc the East 2.9 feet of the West 132 feet of
Lot 2. Block 55, Plat "A,' Ogden City Survey.
Part of Lot 2. Block 16, Plat "B." Being the West, 4 of the East VS of fhe South
3, of Lot 2. Block 16. Pint "li," Ogden City Survey.
Part or Lot 2, Block 16, Plat U." Being tho East 33 feet of tho South of Lot I
2. Block 16, Plat "B." Ogden City Survey.
Part of ot Lots 3 and A, Block 16, Plat "C." Beginning 165 feet North and 33 feet
East from the Southwest corner Lot 3, Block 1G. Plat "C." Ogden City Sur
- vey; thence North H.6 lect, West 157 feet. South 11.6 feet. East 157 feet to
the place of berrinnlnK". .
Part or Lots A and 7, Biock 16, Plat "C ' Beginning IGo feet North and s lect
East from tho Southwest corner of Lot A, Block 16. Plat "'C," Ogden City sur
vey; thence North 341.3 feet, East 17 feet. South 341.3 feet, West 17 feet to the
place of beginning.
Part of Lots 6, 7 and !. Block 16, Plat "C." Ecslnnlnc 5 feet South from the
Northwest corner o.t Lot 6. Block 16. Plat "C," Ogrden City Survey; thence
South 11.6 feet. Eaat 297 feet. North 14.6 feet, West 297 feet .o the elace of
Part of Lois 7 and 8. Block 1A. Piat'C" Bopin.ilng 150 feet West from the South
east corner of Lot b, Block 24. Plat "C." Oydcn City Survey, whence North
25 fcet West 114 feet, South 20 rcet. East 114 lect to the place of beginning'
Part or Lot 10. Block 31, Plat "C." Bcinc tho North 165 feet of tho East of
Lot 10. Block 31. Plat ,"C." Ogden City Survey. s.Br , .
Part of Lot 5, Block 39, Plat "C." Being tho North 41 feet of the East 14S.5 feet
of the West 297 feet of Lot 5. Block 39, Plat "C." Ogden City Survey.
Part of Lot 7. Block 39. Plat "C." Being tho West 40 feet of Lot 7, Block 33.
Plat "C.' Ogden City Survey. , , , ,
Part of Lot 9, Block 4S, Plat "C." Bolng the West 4S feet of the East ISO fct of
the North 115 5 feet of Lot 9. Block 48, Plat "C." Ogden City Survey.
Part of Lot 11, Block 6G. Plat "C." Bcfrinnlng at the Soutnwcst comer or Lot 11.
Block 66, Plat "C." Ogden City Survey, thence South CC feel, East !2.5 feet,
North 36 degrees East 82.5 feet, West to the pl&C or beginning.
Part of Lot 2 Block 71 Plat "C." Being tho North 2 feet or tho South 96 ieet
of tho West 125 feet of Lot 2. Block 71. Plat "C." Ogden City Survey.
Part of Lot 13. Block 1, Plat 5AA. Bolng tho Kaat 330 feet of tho North of Lot
13, Block l.FIvo Acre Plat "A," ot Ogden City Survey .
Part of Lot 11. Block 4, Plat S. O .S. Being tho West 9.d feet of tho North 21. So
feet ot Lot 11, Block 4, South Ogden Survey, of Ogden City Survey.
Part of Lot 12. Block 4. Plat S. O. S. Beginning 32 feet South from the intcrscc- - jTH
Hon of the South lino of Lot 11. and the West line of Adams Avenue; Ujonco . HH
West 140 feet. South 4.5 feet. East 140 feet. North 4.5 feet to the place ot H
begin-. Ing, Lot 12. Block 1, South Ogden Survey. Ogden Cltv Survey. jH
Lots 8 and 10, Block 10. S. O. S. Beginning 365.- feet West from the Northeast cr
nor of Lot 8. Block 10; thence South 59 feet. West 90 fcot, North 59 feet. East IH
90 feet to plnco of beginning. In South Ogden Survey. Ogden Clv Survey. IH
Part of Lot 11, Block 10. Plat S. O. S. Beginning 3.6 feet West from tho Inter- IH
section or tho Northwest cornor of Lot 11. Block 10, South Ogden Survey, of
Ogden City Survey, and the Eastllne of Lincoln Avenue; thence East 3.6 fiot IH
North 13S.1S feet, AVest 18 feet, South 4 degrees East to tho placo of begin IH
Lot 13. Block 10, S. O. S part of the lot. Being the East 50 rcet of the South 20.3 IH
fcot of Lot 13. Block 10, South Ogden Survey, Ogden City Survey.
Lots 1 and 2, Block 2, Brummltl'tt Addition.
Lot "O," Bnimmltfs Addition lo Ogden City. UUih.
Lot ,,D.'. of Brummlttt'a Addition to Ogden Ity. Utah.
Being the West 5 feet of Lot 6. Block 3, Cential Park Addition to Osdcn City,
Being all or Lot 11 and 'the South 11 feet of Lot 12, block 5, Central Park Annex IH
to Ogden City, Utah. IH
Being- Lots 23 to 14, Block 2, City Turk Addition. fM
Being Lots 2b to 30. Bloeu 2, Colorado Place Addition to Ogden City. Utah. . IH
Bo ng Lota 6 anrt 6, Block 3, Cropsey's Addition to Ogden City, Utah. lH
"olng Lota l to 20, Block 16, Cloverdalo Audition, Kancsvillo School District,
Lots 0 to 15, Block 17, Cloverdalo Addition, Kanesvlllo School District.
Being the West 89.92 teot of Lots 1 to 5, Block 1, East Park Addition to Ogden
, City, Utah. fH
ic ng Lot CI. Block l. East Park Addition to Ogden City. Utah.
iLchig the East 76.8G feet of Lota 1 and 2. Block 5, East Park Addition lo Ogden
I Citv. IB
Uclng- the East 7G.SG feet of Lot 9, to 14, Block 5, East Park Addition to Ogden
City, Utah.
Being the East' 117.0G feet of Lot "J." East Park Addition to Ogden City, Utah. '
Being Lots 37 to 40. Block IS. Falrmount Park Addition to Ugden City.
Lelng Lots 24 and 25, Block 13, Florence Park Addition to Ogden City. Kil
Being Lots 5J to 54, Block u, l'ranklln Place Addition to Ogden City. tv. r H
Ueing Lot 50, Block a, Mannlln Piuce Addition to Ogden City, Utah, - IH
uoing Lots 1 to 3, Block j. Herrlrnan's Aduitiou to Ugden City, Utai.. tH
being Lot 41, Uloek IV, Lakeview Addition, BurUi Creek" School District.
Loinbiho south 1V.0 feet ot Lot 12, Biock 20, Lakeview Addition, iiurch Creek
school uisirici. H
Being joia j ;ind j. 0Ct 26. Lakeview Addition. Burch Creek School District. "
ueing an undivided onc-hali interest in Lots 11 lo 17, Block 39, Lakuview .'Utdltion.
Lurch creeK School ursirict. H
Lelng an undivided oiie-hrtli interest In Lots 3G to 39, Block 39, Lukcvlcw Addition, 1
Burch ureoii suiooi ojistricL
Being Lots 39 to It, clock iu, Lakeview Addition. Burch Creek School District FH
Being the Norm 4 ieev 01 ine south 12 feet 01 1-01 b. Block 40. Lakeview Addhlon ' H
1 to Uguen City. ctan.
I Being Lota 14 and 15. Biock 4G. Lakeview Addition, Burch Creek School District, H
1 tfeing Lot io, wiock 4, Lakeview Addition, Buich Creek School District H
j ieing Lul 2(. liiock 2, Muusou square Adultion ,10 Ugden, Utah ' H
1 .ucuury Estate. Beginning vzx.b'J ieet West und 0.20 ieet South from the North- H
ca.H corner 01 sec. -u Twp. 0 rorth, Kange l West, Salt Luke Meridian, U. H
S. Survey; uiencc South ij feet, weal iu.5 Ieet, North 16 ieet, .East 216 5 H
icci, to ine piaie 01 beginning. H
Being Lots 13 and 11. Block l. Mountain View Addition lo Ogden City. Utah H
liung Lot 32, Biuut 1, .iioumain iew Audition lo uguen City " H
ucing Lois 39 auu 40, lsiock 2, Mountain icw Addition to Ob'den City Utah. ' H
L,u. 16, liidck y, jiouniam low Addition to Ugden Uny, Utah H
Being ine Last lo ieet 01 Lot 1, Biock. lo, .."sou Hvi Auuition to Oguen City ! H
ueing Lots 1 ami 2, jtfiociv Hi, Nob H111 Audition to Ogden Uity, Utah V
ueiny Lot i', mock 61. roh Hill Annex 'to uguen City. Utah.
iieing iois 0 aim , uioek i0, Nou mil Audu.un to Ugden uitv, Utah
Ltoiiitj iaji l, uiock a, ulio Beigtra Auu.uoii, Norin ugden "school District 1 ,
ueing i-ot 2, Biock 4, Utio Lergv-rs Auumun, -Nonh Uguen School District. ' 'H
t,cing Lots auu 2i. tiock a, uoservuiory .fiace Adumon, wison School Dlslilct '
ucniri iots '.i arm 4-, iiijcK 1, l'arn. jliucu "A." suouivibion 01 Lots 4 and 5 ami i)
tho ooiun 100. uo icui 01 l.vi o, Biock 67; and an 01 latuck 6, x'lcil -c " U"aui, ,j
City surey. ' ' '-'u- ij l H
j Being Lots 1 to 4, Block 2. Prospee tllelghls Addition g
Being ioia 41 to -H, iiock 1, fiospe-i Jtteigius Auu'ltlon ', 1 M
. uenib' Lot 2, Block uiverview Auuiuon to uguen uuy Utah IV II
( i-.eiiin i-ot v, uiock 1, Kivtraiae Annex jvauilion 10 uguen uuy, Utah. ' " KB
, oeing 10 is 20 nnu 21 B.iock -i. Uusiituu jvuuitiun to ugaen uity, Utab J H
. ieuititne est Vi 01 Lot iu uud an 01 10 l ii, liock 4, Kushion Aouuiou to Ogden V?
Being me West 9 ieet ot Lot 51. Block 7. and all of Lot 52, Block 7. Rushlcn'ri H
Auuition it uguen -lty. usmtni
I Beingmeisorwi -j.yj.-j icei 01 Lot 28, Block 3, South Park Addition to Ogden City, H
Being ius IS and 19. Block 2, Stephens First Addition to Ogden City Utah H
' L'U'l;guenbuu.v, utan.1 " ' ' xrra;u 5uouivIon.
1 Being loia and ij, ulock 1, Woodmansee's Addition to Ogden City Utah Wm
lti6 i-is 1 10 o. toiocK 1, Wooumaniue.s Auuition to, Uguen Oily' Ulan" 1
ioia r to 3o, Hock, j, w oounianbco i auuuiuu 10 ugoen Uny, uian'
; ocing the Nest io.o feet ui low 1 una Block y, Woounianbeei Main Street " H
Addition to UBden city, Ulali. 1 act.i jm
; Beginning 432.i3 luei u.jui auu bJO fcot Kast from the Intersection or thu East . H
j nnu 01 4aohiutio.i A.iinuo aim ine Svrm line of sec. o, xmu. u. Norm Rmm.v H
1 weal, oait Amu .uv:iiuiun, u. o. survoj , inuiicu isorih oo.j icul iasi if 1 H
ieet, ovum 00. u icci, . est o3.J icel 10 j,iueu 01 ueginniiig ' ,
Beguiling on me eat nno 01 Uruiit .wtnue -j-i ieet csoum ilom the North linn M
I Wl ae-'. x"l- i.ange 1 aait ljikc .uenuiun, u. s. Survey tuen" 1
! South 6 feet. West li7 lect. Nortli 0 icol. East 187 feet 10 the place of beu-innliiL- M-l
x.cg.nnmg i.4u ens. ast unu o.juj ciio. Nuim uom me Southuest corner 01 m H
iNo. uiwv.-bt u 01 ow. y. 'my. w o. in. i;uni;o 1 tai. Salt Lauu Mendel?
u. o. curves; mui iNortn ,u .oei. josl iUu ieet, southwest 10 a non t H
! ieet liaat iium me ,ouit o. Ocgimi.ug, caL t0 uiu piaeo 01 Ucginnini." H
Leglrunug at uio aouumwt wnit. 01 i.uck oj, ooutn uguen Piai .. thon,.. H
aoum oio ieei, liaoi xo7 Norm o,o , Uat iw ieet 10 Hie pKcu of H
ueginntug 10.1J chs. south rrom the Northeast coiner of the Southeast J' of sc- 1
10, i .. iJ urui. i.aiige 3 Col, suit Lake .uendiuu U. s. survey- ineiie H
g!nnLnBA Ooutl, iw uns iiai"- 11 " 1 -'s. lo liie piuci ot iiu- I H
Bfcin'0; .in u,. ihe Northeast U of Sec 3, Twp. C North, Range 1 West Salt. 1 nu
.Moiiuian, u. is. aui-yey. ' 1L L1Kt' JM
Being u.i ui mo sujUi vj Sec. 3, Twp. G North, Range 1 West, Salt Lake Merirl- H
Being an 01 me jiol i-b of the Northwest ii of Section 3, Twp G North Rmrr 1
l west, oalt L,a,ii! .Meridian, u. jj. Survey. ,U1' "an go H
LJctimning at mo bouuieuat comer ui me uiuuast ii Sec. 1, Twp. C North Ranue 1
1 v.cai, iu .uci.uiuu, u. suivcj; tueiiLu Norm o cha 1, w'est 1 b v
na ouuui ij iuu u ids., ixorin lo iJs .-dl to center 01 the wouiitv 1
luau, Soumuean-iiy aioug tiiu iuuu to a point o,oi ciij. c-st or ocinmnl' 1
u.w-i tna. iu me iuv.i: oi hegiimilig. 0 1 tM
Uegininn 1-1.11 itet Weoi aim itt aoum ficm tho Intersection or tne Soub 1
nnu ui ocv-oiiu Stifji, and weal lino oi uaniiigiou -iuniie, in Oguen (Jitv IH
oiuii, li.ciii.0 ooi.ui uo iec-1, eat -1I.00 ioi, isoiiii Oo ivci. Last -i, R ,1.'- 1
IO ll.C piu.-5 Ol 0.0inil,llg. -A1.00 iu 1 H
Ueg'in..iia a.j.j ievL oumn ..uin the Northeast comer of Sec. 30, Twp 6 Nortli K
A Lauo ltndition, u. S. survey, thence Wesu's-S7 1 ' ! IB
aoum Oo icci, East lo- ieet, isorm 00 luet, West iu tiiu pmco 01 Deiniinir H
LLSugiiiii.il., 00 iet cji iiuuiuio Nortneast tuiiitr oi Sec. 00, rwp o Norin it nr- H
1 west, salt lmkm .uonuian. U. s. Survey; thence soum '201 6 iet:t H
ol.bi ieet, aoiliii ujJ ieet, est lOl.Gb ieet, Norm OoO ieet, LaaL 'is H
ine place ui ocb'uinmg. ' cot 10
Also hcbiLiiiiiio 06O ieet ovum from the Northeast corner of Sec 30 Tvn H
0 iuiui, iiaiibe 1 w'usi. aall i-,aico iuerioian, u. S, survey, thence smut r ' IH
ui-greeo 61 uiuiuies s est to the U. P. ngiu-ui-way. Last to Last lim? n- Bn,. H
auuoii, iuaii iu ilace of Deginnuig. uu 0i !
Uegiiiuing y.J4 ujis. esL 12.72 cha. xsortn from the Southeast corner of thn. ?,-.u H
wotii u. ee. 9, -rwp. n Norm, Kange 1 West, San Laku Afendian 11 s J,. "
vey; menco South -01.0 icci, Wesi lb3 lect, xsorth 2ol 5 ieet . "
lo me piaeu ot oeglnning. ' J"a'it " ieet
Ucglnniny at the Northeast corner ot the Soutliwcst i4 Sec. 2S,'Twn 5 North p,
1 veai. aaii lum: .uenuian u. cs. Survey; iheuco West 11.J5 chs 10 i
river. oumeasieny along tiiu nver to mo .Lust lino of baid See" . t
uegiunmg. ' ortu to Y ;i
Beginning on iho South line of Sovcnth street, ISO foet West from thn v :
o 'asnlngton Avenue, Ugden City. UUUi, Uionco South 146 S ieet w. "Vi r
ieet, ortu llG.b tcut, East 04 ieet, 10 the beginning. All in See 17 ... M
0 iNortn. ivaritfe 1 u eat, salt Laku .aleridlan u. s. Survey. XWV- !
Beginning ioi ieei Eat auu 3J0 feei Norm ironi the southwest cornor nt nn 5
j.vl. 0 Norm, itaiib'u 1 osi. sail lune .uorldian, u. S Survey thMio Z' "V
06 eei, veat Ms ieet, Souui 00 ieet, Easi 132 ieet to beginnini 0 -orih
Beginning at the mieraecuon 01 tno Soum lino of 3'nd street, auu tn 11
Sec. 3j, x wp. 0 01 ui, Jttangc 1 eat. Salt Lake Aieriaian U u Q mo 01
nencu soum 166.2o, Last 2J.4 feet, North lo5.2a ieet. West ''9 1 inUt UI"vi'
place 01 beginning.- Itot l tho (
on said line 16 steps. South 197 steps to Cedar Stake on bank of .
uich, aoiuuse3reriy on oarm ot said drain oilch loo steps,. to nCtriiinf." 5ra,n
part 01 me East ',3 oC the Southeast u Sec. 7, Twp. North ltancll ,: flDS -sail
i-aice -Uordila.i. U. S. Sui-vey. "a" -i Ve3t.
Beginning at a certain Ceuar Stako on the bank of drain ditch, uclnir thn. ;... 1
weai corner 01 said tiaet ut land; thence North 263 steps to ii s ,.
2 b ens., xN'orth u uegrees iaat ens., xsortn I.02 chs isor'h iV "UiJt
taat i.a ens. Norih Jo uegieea 30 minutes, .Last 1.25 cnalna. Norih'0?"
aim southur.y along mo river to a pumi North 11 uegrees 30 mii Z u''ly
uom the oeg-inmug, South li. aegreej 30 minutes East to beglnninr
Beginning io.u2 ens. u csl aim i.6 chs. North nom tho Southeaai corner ,u
souvhweat ii of Sec. 24, Twp. u North, Kango 2 Weal, thence ljast o no Jhe
xsorm b degrees 30 mmutea jaat O.sb chs. North 13 uegreca 30 irintiw'n i '
Beginning liGo.bo ieet aiaai and b cha. Soum irom the Normwest cornpi-
Soumwcsi Vi Sec. il. Twp. 6 Norih. ltangc 2 West, Salt Lako .Meridian r- o
aurvey; meuco iNortn 33u feet, Last 430 ieet, mora or less, South 11
East 4.39 cha., South Y9 degrees 30 minutes West 9 chs , South -s ft05'0' BHB
30 minutes. West 1 ch Soum 11 degrees We3t 5 chs.. South 36 uL'irr, i!iea;J 1
3 63 cha.. South 13 degrees Wcat l.b chs., Westerly and Southerly to n 1 H
on tho river south 01 oeginning, North to beginning. Point jM
Bcginmng SO ids. North and 34 rds. Jikist from the Southwest corner of tho 1 1
east U Sec. 2b. rwp. Norm, Kango 1 West, Salt Lano Meridian u s tM
vey; inence oouiii -io iuo,, x.uak ou iuua ouuui raa., iUast 13 o rriV v u IH
23 ids.. West 5.5 raa.. North 45 rds.. West 14 rds.. to tho beginning "r,ctrn IH
Beginning at tho Southwest comer of the Northwest ii of Sec. 30. Two 7 tc-m 1
Kange 1 west, Salt Lalce Meridian, U. S. Survey; thence Last 1 2" chj v ' H
lb uegreea Jo nnnutos Lasi 6.1S clis., North 6b degrees 45 minutes w'oai i. H
ens., isorth 17 degrees 30 mhiutes. East 7.6S chs., North 17 dok-rees ar : ,JU H
utea West 2.26 chs., South lb degreea 13 minutes. Wusi 0 chs to ih. w,n" IH
line of said section, South to beginning. "1U west IM
Beginning 8.5 chs. North from tho Southwest comer of the Northwest Jl of c: 1
30, Twp. 1 iNortn, P.angu 1 Weal, Salt Lako Meridian, U. S Survey, th 1
Norm lb degrees 30 minutes, Kusi 9 chs., isorth 6b degrees 45 minute's iv1ct H
1-5 ieei, Soulli IS degrees 30 minutes, West to ho West line of aain 'o.i H
south to beginning-. a,u aecon. iH
Bccinnmg 12.25 ens. South from the Northeast corner of the Southwest v. r cj H
lb, Twp. 6 North, llange 2 East. Salt Lake Meridian U. S. Survey thn ' ll
South b7 tlegrec3 30 minutes West 5.3S cha., South 3 degrees 15 mlinitri Pn? Il
5.6 chs.. South 85 degrees 12 minutes Bust to a point South or ucJinnTn 1
menco North to Oeginning. iiining, h
Beginning 52 rds. 11 feet East irom tno Northwest corner of tho Southwest i' ll
tho Northwest ii of See. 20. Twp. 7 Norh, Kange 1 East, Salt Lake MpH,i vI
lan, U. S. Survey; thenco South 10 rds.. Bast 16 rd3., North 10 rds Wesi i l
rds. to the jilace or beginning. ' 10 H
Being the Southeast ii of Sec. 13, Twp. 7 North, Range 4 East, Salt Lake Merl,! 1
Ian, U. S. Survey. H
Being tho East M of Lots 6 and 7. Block 22. Plat "A." Huntsvllle Survey H
Being all of the Northwest M of Sec. 3. Twp. 6 North, Range 1 Wcat. Salt Lai, H
Meridian. U. S. Survej. IH
- . " " i . ' IH
SAY POP Old Timer Gets His Own Exclusive Fishing Grounds. x ' By C. M. Payne.

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