H j ' jjvrtn. QGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 1920. II ACTIVE DAY IN I MINE MARKET i Upward Tendency During J Opening Session Turns Downward Trading today on the Salt Lake Hl Stock & Mining Exchange vras fairly active with the prices in the majority ot the stocks changed. The upward tendency existed during the first call but the downward tendency ruled the second, it being noUceablc in Sure Shield and Iron King, the former sell ing as high as 50 cents on the first call but closed on the second with only 19Vi -cents bifI- wnil the latter was verv strong, as high as 31 cents, l but closed with only 29 cents bid. 1 , Alta Con. was active at 7c, Alta Tunnel brought 9 and 9Uc, Columbus Rexall changed hands from 53 to ooc. Cardiff brought ?1 .55, Iron Kong was ' active as high as 31 coma, New Qulncy was steadv at 6c, Emma Silver chang ed handsat 8 and SUc Sells sold as low as 1614 c, South Hecla advanced a j iriflc, it changing hands as high aa 93c; Tintic Standard closed with $-i.- 1 35 bid and ?4.-12 asked, with no shares changing hands, and Woodlawn IIIH brought 17c If . Bid Ask Alta Con 5 .07 .074 ' AJbion 09 .10 American Con 02 .03 Alta Tunnel k-0S-)l .00 Big Hill 06 .09 t Big Cottonwood 00V .00 Bullion 01 .054 Black Metals 09 JO Columbus Rexall 53 .oi Crown Point 02 .06 Colorado Con..- 03 .0a Cardiff l--5 T.50 Dragon Con. . .18 Daly West 4.00 . 4.50 East Crown Point .-. .02 .02 East Tin. Con 0S .0S Eureka Mines ".06' .06 Eureka Lily 13 .14 Eureka Bullion I t -15 I Emma Silver OS'j .08 I Empire Mines 12 ! Grand Central 36 I Howell 05 -06 Iron Blossom 32 .35 Iron King .. . . 29 .31 Judge Mining 1.00 5.10 K Kennebec 12 .20 Keystone SR .94 Leonora 01 .02 Lehi Tintic 12 .13 , . May Day 03 .04 I Miller Hill 01 .02 Mammoth .. .. 50 Moscow 05 .10 Michigan-Utah 06 .06 North Stan 07.- .07 New Qulncy 06 .06 Ohio Copper 30 Opohongo 01 .02 Plutus .' . 37 .39 Prince Con.- . . 50 .51 Provo .04 .05 J'aloma .. 00 .01 Rico Argentine 03 .09 I Rico Wellington 23 .2S 1 Sells .... ..' 17 JS I SSI. King Coal'n 1.70 3.72 1 Sil. King Con. 1.40 1.50 Sioux Con 03 .04 South Hecla 93 .94 South Standard 21 .26 Silver Shield 49 .50 Tar Baby 02 .02 I Tintic Central 02 .03 J Tintic Standard 4.35 4.40 T'tah Cons 01 .01 Uncle Sam 01 .04 Victor . . . 02 .04 West Toledd 04 .05 Walker .3.10 340 Woodlawn -. . .17 Yankee 03 .04 Zuma 17 Beaver Copper 00 .01 Empire Copper 30 .40 Nalldriver .57 .61' Union Chief 0S .09 OPENING SALES. Alta Con. 1000 at 7c. -Alta Tunnel 1000 at 9c. Eureka Lily 2500 at 13 c. Beaver Copper 1000 at lc. Columbus Rexall 100 at 55c; 200 at 54c; 500 at 53c. East Tintic Coal. 3000 at ic. East Tintic Con. 2000 at Sc. East Crown Point 5000 at 2c Howell 2500 at 6c. Iron Blossom 100 at 2c. Iron King 1500 at 31c; 1000 at 30c; 2300 at 30c Lehi Tintic 2500 at 12 c. May Day 2500 at 4c' Michigan-Utah 1500 at 6c New Qulhck 8500 at 6c Eureka Mines 6000 at 6c. Emma Silver 1000 at Sc: 2600 at fl - Eureka Bullion 1500 at 14 c. Hj Plutus 500 at 39c. j Provo 1000 at 4c. H Rico Wellington 500 at 24 c; 500 fl Sells 500 at 17c; 3500 at 17c; 500 fl Sioux Mines 500 at 4c. fl South Hecla 300 at 90c. Silver Shield 300 at He; 7W at fl 51c; 200 tit 52o. fl South Standard 1000 at 25c; 1000 at j North Standard 23,000 at 7c fl Union Chief 1000 at Sc. fl Zuma 1000 at 19c. CLOSING SALE. H AltaCon. 5000 at 7c Alta Tunnel 1000 9c;1000 at 9c. H Black Metals 500 at 10c fl Columbus Rexall 100 at -53c fl East Tintic Coal. 6000 at AqM B Cardiff 100 at $1.45. 'j H Howell 4000 at 6c fl Iron King 300 at 30c. j Emma Silver 5000 at Sc fl Eureka Bullion 2000 at Hc. 1 Prince Con. 6150 at 50c. H Silver King Coal. ICQ at $1.70. fl South Hcclt 300 at 92c; 100 at 91c H 100 at fl Silver Shield 600 at 50c. H Woodlawn 1000 at 17c INDUSTRIAL STOCKS Stock Bid Ask H Amalgamated Sugar 14.00 14 5 H Amal. Sugar pfd 103.00 104.00 H Con. Wagon 120.00 122.00 H Utah-Idaho Sugar 9.25 9-10 Lion Coal 65.00 TsioO H Mutual Crcameiy 11.00 H Ogden Port'd Cement 10(h00 H First Nat. Bank 330.00 H Ellison Ranching 130 00 Security State Bank ... 155.00 16o!oO LHHHH n Tj ; 135.00 H Goddard Packing 6 00 H Utah Power &. Light .. 91.00 9400 H up, Rock Spr'gs Coal 120.00 H Iavis & Weber Canal . 3Q0.00 B J .ion Bonds 91,00 BTT 'V . a! ' - ""-rHa STEADY DECLINE ON EXCHANGE Reaction at Midday Forces Popular Issues Under Morning Quotations NEW YORK, May 11. Slock were quiet and Irregular at the opening of today's session, denoting further con fusion of a speculative sentiment. Mexican Petroleum at a gain of 1 3-S and United States Rubber at a decline of 1 point were the only issues to record more than fractional changes. Shippings, rails and sugars were dis posed to improve, but coppers and tex tiles easted with popular steels. The general list became reactionary with the first half hour, however, when pressure against steels and motors be came more insistent. Aside from oils, which continued to sustained by further advances of pro ducts, the market retained all of its recent narrow and uncertain charac teristics. Developments in the indus trial situation seemed to offer little inducement to traders and high grade rails fell 1 to 2 points on small offer ings. Steels, equipmetns and motor3 again bore the brunt of the early sell ing, but revived slightly before noon. Shippings and sugars registered sub stantial gains. Call money was plenti ful at seven per cent and foreign ex change strengthened, marks or bills on Germany rising to a level well over two cents. ' Another reaction at midday forced popular issues under lowest quotations of the morning. Steels, equipments, motors and oils were 2 to 4 points un der yesterday's final prices. Call loans remained easy and foreign exchange continued to move against this country. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts 14; choice heavy hteers ?10.00(y10.75; good steers $9.00 (tjHO.OO: fair steers ?8.50S.50; choice feeder steers $7.00nS.50; choice cows! and heifers ?J 009.00; fair to good! cows and heifers $7.00 fa S. 00; cutters 4.506.00; canners ?3.004.00 choice feeder cows ?5.50Cg)6.50; fat bulls ?4.005.25; bologna bulls $4.00 ?5.00; veal calves $10.0012.00. Hogs Receipts 82S; choice fat hogs 175 to 250 lbs, ?1414.75: bulk of sales $14(y)14.50; feeders $1012.50. Sheep Receipts 3412; choice lambs $15.0016.50; wethers $10.0012.00; fat ewes ?S.0010.00; feeder lambs $12.5(014.00. Arrivals G-. Saunders, Gunnison, Utah, car of cattle and hogs; J. E. Noble. Clay, Cal., two loads lambs; No ble Sheep company, Clements, Cal., nine loads lambs. Ogden Packing and Provision company, South Omaha, six loads hogs; Hunsake"r Commission company," South Omaha, four loads hogs. CHICAGO QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO. May 11. Open High Low Close Corn May $1.94 1.95 1.93 l.fJoV4 July 1.7514 1.76- 1.74 1.75JA SepL 1.63 l.Gl 1.61 1.62 Oats July .94 .94 .93 Vt .93 Sept. .77 .78 .76 .77 Pork May 36,15 July 37.30 37.30 37.05 37.15 Lard July 21.55 21.72 21,45 21.70 Sept. 22.50 22.25 22 47 Ribs July 19.10 19.25 19.10 19.22 SepL .... 20.05 19.92 20.00 CASH SALES. CHICAGO. May 11. Wseat No. 2 red $2.95; No. 2 hard $3.05; No. 2 northern spring $3.35.' Corn No. 3 mixed ?2.072.0S; No. 2 yellow ?2.092.10. Oats No. 2 white $1.14g1.16; No. 3 white $1.12(7ji1.14. Rye No. 2 $2.28iJ2"29. Barley $1651.SS. Timothy $1.651.88. Clover seed ?10.00ll-.50. Clover seed ,$25.0035.00. Pork nominal. Lard $20.87. Ribs $17.7518.75. METAL MARKET. NEW YORK. May 11. Copper quiet and unchanged. Iron firmer; No. 2 southern J43.00 &44.00. Antimony 10.00c. Tin steady; sppt $5S.0O; June-July tec: on: ' Lead steady; s,pot and Mav offered at 9.00c; June-July 8. 50c bid. Zinc quiet; East SL Louis deliverv spot 7.77c bid, 7.95c asked. At Londan: Spot copper 101 7s 6d; electrolytic 112; tin 299 10s; lead 3S; zinc 45 15s. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. OMAHA, Neb.. May 11. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 13,500; slow, generally 25c lower; narrow shipping demands; top medium, demand and light ?13.750T 14.00; bulk 250 pounders and up $13! 0013.50. Cattle Receipts 7000;' beef steers 1525c lower; butcher stock steadv; top beeves $13.25; stockers and feed ers steady to 25c higher. Sheep Receipts 25,000; clipped lambs strong to 25c higher; top $18. 25; bulk $17.501S.00; wooled lambs, sheep and feeders steady. BUTTER AND EGGS. CHICAGO. May 11. Butter lower; creamery 46(fii57c Eggs lower; receipts 45,581 cases; firsts 4142c; ordinary firsts 38(fr 39c; at mark, cases included, 39(g) 41c Poultry alive higher; springs 37c; fowls 35c. LIBERTY BONDS INVESTMENT SECURITIES CHICAGO GRAIN. CHICAGO, May 11 Corn prices to day rose to a new high level for the crop. Wet weather was chiefly re sponsible for the upturn. Later, how ever, the market weakened owing to a notice issued by the vice president of a railroad that in distribution of cars during the next ten days the pref erence would be given to loading of grain. Initial quotations, which ranged from l-2c decline to 1 l-8c ad vance, with July $1.75 1-4 to $1.75 1-2 and Soptember $1.63 1-2 to $1.64, wore followed by a setback all around to well below yesterday's finish. Oats like corn developed weakness Notwithstanding a firm start. After opening unchanged to lc higher, with July 94 to 94 l-4c, tho market sagged below yesterday's close. Provisions wore easier with grain and hogs. Trading was of only a scat tered sorL KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. KANSAS CITY, Mo., May 11. (United States Bureau of Markets.) Hogs Receipts 16.000; lights and me diums steady to 10c lower; top $14. 80; heavies slow to 10c lower; bulk lights and mediums $14.0014.70; bulk heavies $13.5014.25. Cattle Receipts 7800; beef steers strong to 15c higher; top $13. 90; best yearlings $13.25; butcher stock steady to 25c higher; few heif ers $12.00; best cows $11.25; calves 50c higher; top to packers $12.00; all other classes strong. Sheep Receipts 9000; sheep steady to strong; bulk fat ewes $10.00 10.50; spring lambs strong to 25c higher; 75 pound Arizona spring lambs $20.10; bulk $19.0019.50: goats steady; bulk $7.50$?S.00. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, May 11. (United States Bureau of Markets) Cattle Receipts 16,000; market slow, few early sales; steers about steady at Monday's de cline; she-stock steady to 25c lower; gjjod to best fat cows weak; most bulls steady; bids on calves unevenly lower, with supply liberal; stockers and feeders steady to lower. Hogs Receipts 3S.000; market gen erally 15 to 25c lower; lights declin ing most; top $15.20; bulk lights $14. 9015.15; bulk 250 pounders and over $13.90(14.60; pig3 25c lower, bulk 100 to 125 pounds. $13.5014.25. Sheep Receipts 11.000; market slow, steady to lower; choice but well wool lambs $21.25; choice shorn lambs $19.00; bulk $17.2519.00; choice shorn ewes $13.50. j MONEY MARKET. I NEW YORK, May 11. Mercantile .paper 7 per cent. I Exchange strong; sterling 60 day bills $3.S09; commercial 60 day bills on banks $3.80; commercial 60 day bills $3.80; demand $3.84; ca bles $3.S5. Francs: Demand 15.17; cables 15.15. Belgian francs: Demand 14.47; ca bles 14.45. Guilders: Demand .36; cables .315. Lire: Demand 19.12; cables 19.10. Marks: Demand 2.02; cables 2 03. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds easy. Time loans strong unchanged. Call money strong; high 10 per cent; low 7 per cent; ruling rate 7 per cent; closing bid 30 per cent; of fered at 10 per cent; last loan 10 per cent; bank acceptances 6 per cent. LIBERTY BONDS. NEW YORK, Mayll. Final prices of Liberty bonds todav were: 3s 91.94; first 4s 85. SO; second 4s 85.18: first 4 Vis So. 60; second 4Us 85.20; third -Pas S9.00; fourth 4 Us S5.60; Victory 3s 95.96; 'Victory ls 96.02. N. Y. SUGAR. NEW YORK, May 11. Raw sugar firm; centrifugal 19.56c; refined firm and higher; fine granulated $19.50 23.00. N.Y. SILVER. NEW YORK, May 11. Bar silver! $1.03. Mexican dollars 7Sc t . LONDON RATES. LONDON, May 11. Bar silver 60d per ounce. Money 4 1-2 per cent. Discount rates: Short bill?, 6 6-8 per cent; three month bills, 6 1116 6 3-4 per cent. AT MINNEAPOLIS. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., May 11. Flour unchanged. Bran $53.00. POTATOES. , CHICAGO, May 11. Potatoes dull; receipts 30 cars; northern white sack ed and bulk $7.357.50; Canadian $6.757.00; new, weak, unchanged. FELL DOWN ON SUGAR CONTRACT; IS SUED CHICAGO, May 11. George II. Holt, lumber dealer and real estate operator was sued for ?2, 000. 000 by Hadesman Brothers, wholcssale gro cers, and Mlttclan Brothers, owners of a chain of grrocorles. It was alleged Holt refused to fulfill a contract by which ho was allegod to have agreed to deliver to the plaintiffs 5.000 tons of suar during May and June at 14 cents a pound. EX-CROWN PRINCE TO ESCAPE TAXES THE HAGUE. April 29. Decision that tho former German crown prince and his fellow exiles shall not pay any rates of taxes has been reached by the ministry of tho treasury. Their stay 51 Wieringen is reported as being in voluntary because of their interment there. 00 SENATE ASKS WARSHIP SENT TO BLACK SEA BULLETIN. WASHINGTON. May 11. A resolu tion requesting President Wilson to send an American warship and mar ines to Batum, on the Black sea, to protect American lives and property at that port and along tho railroad to Baku, was reported unanimously to day by the senate foreign relations' committee. nn Little Grace "Don't you think that I ought to have a new doll, mamma." Mamma "Why, dear, your old one is as good as cvpr" BIG BONUS FOR SUGARWDRKERS Record in Extra Pay For Ha waiian Plantation La borers 'HONOLULU, T. H.. May 10. The April bonus to be paid to workers m tho sugar plantations of Hawaii will be 294 percent, according to estimates In sugar circles. Of this 220 percent will be paid along with the monthly wages and the remaining 7t per cent held until the end of tho year. Tho April bonus will be the largest ever paid to laborers on Hawaiian su gar plantations. Lost year's bonus ovcraged y2 percent and that of 191S was 78 percent In estimating the bonus the planters take the average price of sugar from March 16 to April 15 as a basis. The average price for that period was 14, 106 cents per pound. The April bonus is calculated to be about three times the regular wages of the workers. No change is reported in the Oahu Island strike situation. The planters have reiterated their determination not to compromise and tho Japanese Federation of Labor has just an nounced that Its members are stand ing firm for their increased wage demand. The federation stated that only seventy of Its members had brok en from the ranks and roturned to work In order to share in the heavy Wago bonus being paid on the planta tions. nn RUMOR MORRIS TO JOIN IN CAMPAIGN HONOLULU. T. H., May 11 (By The Associated Press.) According to the Tokio correspondent of the Hono lulu Advertiser, it is reported that Ro land S. Morris, United States ambas jsador to Japan, intends resigning In the near future to participate in the presidential elections In the United Slates. 00 HUNT FREIGHT CARS ' FOR MEXICAN ROADS SAN FRANCISCO, May 10 Freight cars of Mexican railroads that were' impressed into service to move sup plies to the eastern seaboard of the United States during tho war are be ing traced, according to R. M. Campos, western agent of the National Rail ways of Mexico. They may now be found from Los Angeles to Portland, Me., he said, and some of the cars will have been five or six years away from their home lines before being located. LIBERTY BONDS NOW i YIELDING 6 PER CENT SAN FRANCISCO. May 10 At present market prices Liberty Bonds are yielding as high as 6 13 per cent Interest, according to a compilation re cently announced by the Wells Fargo Nevada National bank here. The figures showed that 3. per cent bonds of the first Issue were low-' est with a yield of 3.90 percent and that the others ranged from 5 per cent up to 6.13 for 4-jg bonds of the fifth loan. HIGH COST OF EDUCATION A MENACE TO DEMOCRACY (By International News Service) 1 LEXINGTON, Ky., The increased cost of education is a menace to dem-; ocracy, Dr. Frank I. McVay president of the University of Kentucky, said in a report of educational conditions! made public here. The majority of American boys and girls that have ' born qualities of leadership come from j homes with small incomes, the report 1 declares, and the high cost of going to, college is preventing the training ne-i cessary to their success, thereby de priving the nation of good leadership. The cost of high education has dou bled in recent years the report shows ' ASKS $2,500 DAMAGES FOR ONE BLACK EYE (By International News Service.) MUSKOGEE, Okla., May 8. If some "unkind" individual should swing a right on your eyebrow causing one of your optics to "go In mourning," would you consider it worth $2,500? Well, George Randall, of this place, does. At least, that's the price ho set when he filed a damage suit against R. D. Richard here tho other day. WAGON OVERTURNS IN CREEK, MOTHER AND BABE DROWNED (By International News Service.) STILWELL, Okla. An attempt by John Orr to ford a small creek near here coot tho Uvea of his wife and one small child the other day. Half way-' across the stream Orr's wagon overturned, throwing his fam ily of, four Into the water. Orr succeeded in rescuing two of lla children, but tho swift current carried Mrs. Orr and her baby beyond his reach. A CLEARCDMBEQOH Ruddy Cheeks SparklingEyes Most Women Can Have Says Dr. Edwards, a Weil-Known Ohio Physician Dr.F.M.Edwards for 17 years treated scores of women for liver and bowel ail ments. t During these years he gave to his patients a prescription made of a few well-known vegetable ingredients mixed with olive oil, naming them Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. You will know th tti by their olive color. These iablets are wonder-workcre on the liver and bowels, which cause a normal action, carrying off the waste and poisonous matter in one's system. If you have a pale face, sallow look, dull eyes, pimples', coated tongue, head aches, c listless, no-good feeling, all out 0 sorts, inactive bowels, you take one of Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets nightly or 0 time and riote the pleasing results. Thour-ands of T 'omen and men take D: Edwardc' Olive Tablets the suc cessful Gubstitute for calomel now and I ' 'hon iust to keen vbem tit 1 Oc ?jid 25c MOTHERS "California Syrup of Figs"' Child's Best Laxative i ' ' ' . j Cstharrhal Deafness s May Be Overcome I If you have Catarrhal Deafness or are even just a little hard of hearing or have head noises go ( to your druggist and get 1 ounce 1 I of Parraint (double strength), ? and add to it J4 pint of hot wat- or and a little granulated sugar. S Take 1 tablespoon four times a ' day. s ;' This will often bring quick re- I j! lief from the distressing head noises. Clogged nostrils should !; open, breathing become easy 1 !; and the mucus stop dropping in- !j to the throat. It is easy to pre- ;j i pare, costs little and is pleasant j! to take. Anyone losing hearing ;! ;! or who has Catarrhal Deafness ! or head noises should give this ( 1 prescription a trial. Advertise- ment. . a siDisffis I Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat j ing, Antiseptic Liquid , Tt is unnecessary for you to suffer ! with eczema, blotches, ringworm, rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, obtained at any drug store for 35c, or SLOO for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, disappearing liquid and is sooUiing to the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, is easily applied and costs, little. Get it today and save all further distress. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O. Be Slender Th trim way to btom slender, agile, beilthr )i doit jours. Se the picturn Hie ihtdons tro to tlt jou ldt of tint before r- ,C ductlon of TielchL No neid of iWrA. tumor jounelf or tedlou A'rJkX ciirt. io dosing rrlth jiILj, xlSr 00 thjrold, no lot of tiro. Just T- loliorr tho limple. iw koreln iyi N. ta end reduce J. aBm 10 to co mundi21 r i $100 cuh ruirante?. 8fe. le jjk liable, rtronmwided bj phjildtn. sjfipP -Add to Jour cipiblltty nd vSfei china imiu ill who know jou. TW Cv Become llchtir In iter, youoier Xf NilA In ippeirince, ittreetlve, jaln la health, Ctdd yetiJ h) yeur Kiel Hcomni ended br pbjitdtsi. JUk for OIL OF KORCIN at an druc itorc. Accept so cubstitute. It conn la box. Trllh guari&tea. Or nrlto for frw brochure to KOREIN CO, Station F, Nev York City NEW EAIR alter BALDNESS IF YOU are loilnr hilr. hits dandruff, or ar bald, let It bp known that KOTALKO. contain In; ttnulne bear oil and other potrnt iorrrdl rnti. Is wonderfully succeuful. For rarn, women, children. Hair crown, dandruff eliminated In many casea whtn all ele failed, $400 OUAR AXTKE and noner-refund oSrr. ftrt a box at any buiy pharmacy, or tend 10 cents for Proof Box of KOTALKO to J. H. Brittain, Inc., Station F, New York, N. V. LEGAL NOTICES ANNUAL. TAX SALE. . . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN' IN ACCORDANCE "WITH Sectllon 6055. Com piled Laws of Utah. 1317, that "Weber County. Utflh, by and through lt Board or County Commissioner, will, on Monday, May 17th. 1920, at 12 o'clock noon at tho front door of tho Court House. In Ogdcn City, "VVcber County, Utah, offer or Bale In separate parcels for cash, all of th real ofltnte hereinafter doscrlbed, to gether xvlth other real estate held by AVcber County under Tsx Deed, and at such Bale tho County Cleric of "VVcber County. Utah, will Issue and deliver to tltn pur chaecr aU of the title of the State or Utah, County of "Weber, City of Osdcn, or any town or school or other taxing district Interested In tho real estate so sold, excepting however, any interest held by Ogden City, under tax sale made to Ogden Cltv up to and Including sales for delinquent taxes for lS3i. No bid will be accepted for less than all taxes, costs and Interest to dato of sale herein referred to. v MARTIN P. BROWN, D. H. ENSIGN, J. M. CHILD, Board of County Commissioner of Weber County, Utah. "WALTER N. PARR. County Clerk of "Weber County. Utah. Dated April 6. 1320. First publication on April 17th. 1320. i&iWKr&RTAX DEED TO "WEBER COUNTY TO BE OF FERED FOR SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION AS ABOVE STATED. Part of Lot 1. Block 3, Plat "A," being the "West 2.6 feet of Lot 1, Block 0. Plat Part oLotBlockO. PJaV'A." Being tho North 117 feet of tho South 202 feet of Lot 6, Block 10. Plat "A." Ogden City Survey. , , Part of Lot 6, Block 10. Plat "A." Bolng tho South 11.25 feet of the North So feet of Lot S. Block 10. Plat "A." Ogden City Survey. Part or Lot 3 Block 13. Plat "A." Beginning 120 feet North from the Southeast comer of Lot 2. Block 13, Plat "A." Ogden City Survey: thonco A cat 37 feet, North 20 feet. "West 50.5 feet. North 4 feet. East S7.S foet. South 21 feet to tho place of beginning, Tho taxes herein Include personal taxes la Book "E." pago. S5, Lines 13 and 21. 1310 sale. Partot Lota 8 and 3, Block 16. Plat "A." Beginning 16 G feet East nd 16 5 foet South from tho Northwest corner of Lot 8, Block 16. Plat "A." Ogden Uty Survey; 'thentfe East 133 feet. South 16.5 feet to tho plaotj of beginning. Part of Lot 4, , Block 32, Plat "A," Beginning 1C5 feet t- t 5CarlHwtJ LEGAL NOTICES corner of Lot , Block 32, Pint ;A,'' Ogden City Survey; thence Ea.it 36.5 fect, South 12 feol, West 13G.5 fcot. North 12 feet to the placo of bcplntilnp. jH Part of Lot 7. Block 45. Plat "A." Being tho "West 16.5 fect of Lot 7, Block 46. jH Plat "A." Ogden City Survey. H Part of Lot 2. Block 65. Piat "A." Being the East 2.3 feot of the "West 132 feet of IH Lot 2. Block 55. Plat "A." Ogtlcn City Survey. H Part of Lot 2, Block 16. Plat "IB." Being tho West 14 of the East Vi of the South IH 15 of Txit 2, Block 1C. Plat "B." Ogdon City Survey. tH Part of Lot 2. Block 16. Plat "B." Bclnt: tho East 33 feet of tho South & of Lot H 2. Block 16. Plat "B." Ogden City Survey. H Part of ot Lota 3 and t, Block 16, Plat "C." Beginning 165 feot North and 33 feet H East from the Southwest corner Lot 3, Block 1C. Plat "C," Ogden City Sur- jH vcy; thenco North 14.6 feet, West 157 fect. South 11.0 fcot, East 157 fect to IH tho placo of beginning. Part of Lots 4 and 7. Block 16, Plat "C Beginning 165 feet North and 8 feet H East from the Southwest corner of Ixt 4. Block 16. Plat "C." Ogden City Sur- vcy; thence North 341.3 feet. East 17 feet. South 341.3 fect, "Wc3t 17 feet to tho IH place of beginning. Part of Lots 6. 7 and 3. Block 16. Plat "C." Beginning 125 foot South from tho IH Northwest corner o! Lot 6. Block 16. Plat "C," Ogden Cltv Survey; thenco H South 14. G feet, East 207 fect. North 11.6 fcot, "West 207 feet to tho placo of jH beginning. IH Part of Lots 7 and 8, Block 24. Plat "C." Beginning 150 feet West from tho South- , IH cast corner of Lot 8. Block 24. Plat "C," Ogden City Survey, thence North 1 . 2? (cot. West 114 feet. South 25 foet. East 111 feet to the placo of beginning H Part of Lot 1(5. Block 31. Tlat Beings the North 1C5 fcot of tho East h-t of jH Lot 10. rjiock 31. Plat "C." Ogdn City Survey. H Part of Lot 6. Block 33. Plat "C." Being tho North 41 fcot ot tho East 11S.5 foot B of the West 237 feet of Lot 5.. Block 39. Pint "C." Ogden City Survey. H Pat of Lot 7. Block 39. Plat "C." Being tho West 40 feet of Lot 7, Block 33. H Plat "C.'' Ogden City Survey. M Part of Lot 9. Block IS. Plat 'C." Being tho West 48 feet of tho East 180 feet of H the North 115.5 feet of Lot 9. Block 48. Pint "C." Ogden City Survey. H Part of Lot 11. Block C6. Plat "C." Beginning at tho Southwest corner of Lot 11. -JijiiiiH Block CC. Tlat ,,C." Ogden City Survey, thenco South 66 fccL East 82,5 fcot, JH North 3G degvoos East 82.5 feet, Went to tho plnco of beginning. x jH Part of Lot 2. Block 71, Plat "C." Being the North 2 feet of thn South 36 feet Xi ot tho West 125 feet of Lot 2, Block 71. Tint "C." Ogden City Survey. jH Part of Lot 13. Block 1. Plat 5AA. Being tho East 330 feot of tho North 'A of Lot 'B 13. Block 1. Fivo Aero Plat "A." of Ogden City Survey. .H Part of Lot 11. Block 4. Plat S. O .S. Being tho West 9.5 fect of tho North 24.85 r fcot of Lot 11. Block 4. South Ogdon Survey, of Ogden City Survey. H Part of Lot 12. Block 4, Plat S. O. S. Beginning 32 feet South from the Intersec- jl tlon of tho South lino of Lot 11. and the West line of Adama -Avenue; thenco IH Vest 140 feet. South 4.5 fcot. East 110 fret. North 4.5 foot to tho placo ot H beginning. Lot 12. Block 4. South Ogden Survey. Ogdon City Survey. H Lots S and 10. Block 10. S. O S. Beginning 355.: feet Wc6t from tho Northeast cor H nor of Lot 8. Block 10; thenro South 59 feci. West 30 foot, North 59 feet, "East B 80 feet to plaro of beginning, in South Ogden Survey, Ogden CiK' Survey. H Part of Lot 11. Block 10. Plat S. O. S. Beginning 3.G feet West from the inter- IH section of the Northwest corner ot Lot 11. Block 10, South Ogden Survey, of IH Ogdon City Survey and the Eastllne of Lincoln Avenue; thence East 3.6 feet IH North 13S.1S fect. West IS fcot. South 1 degrees East to the placo of begin H Lot 13. Block 10. S. O. S,. part of tho lot. Being the East 50 fect ot the South 20.5 H fect of Lot 13. Block 10. South Ogdon Survey, Ogden City Survey. x , HBH Lot3 1 and 2. Block 2. Biummltt's Addition. I " Lot "C." Brummltt's Addition to Ogden City, Utah. I Lot "D.' of Brummittt's Addition to Ogden '"Mty. Utnh. Being tho West 5 fcot of Lot 6. Block 3, Central Park Addition to Osdcn City. Utah. Being all of Lot 11 and the South 11 fect of Lot 12. block 5. Central Park Annex to Ogdon City. Utah. Be ng Lots 23 to 14, Block 2. City Park Addition. Being lxjt3 28 to 30. Block 2. Colorado Place Addition to Ogdon City. Utah. Being jotg 5 nnf) 6i j3jock 3 Cropsev's Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Being Lots 1 to 20. Block 1C. Clovcrclalc Addition. Kancsvll! School District. Lots 5 to 15. Block 17. Clovcrdnlo Addition. Kancsvlllo School District. Being the West S3.92 feet ot Lots 1 to 5. Block 4. East Park Addition to Ogden r , City. Utah. Be ng Lot Gi. Block 4. East Park Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Being the Ea3t 76.SC fect of Lots 1 and 2, Block 6. Eoat Park Addition to Ogden City. Utah. JH Being tho East 76.SG fect of Lot 3. to 14. Block 5, East Park Addition to Ogdon City. Utah. t Being the East 117.06 feet of Lot "J." East Park Addition to Ogdon City, Utah. - M I Being Lots 37 to 40. Block IS. Fairmount Park Addition to Ogdon City. J Being Lota 24 and 25. Block 13. Florence Park Addition to Ogden City. Being Lots 52 to 54. Block 6. Franklin Place Addition to Ogden City. Being Lot 50, Block 9. Franklin Placo Addition to Ogdon City. Utah. Being Lot3 1 to 3. Block 1. Herrlman's Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Being Lot 41. Block 17. Lnkevlew Addition. Burch Creek School District. Bclnt' the South 17.5 fcot of Lot 12. Block 20, Lnkovlcw Addition. Burch Creek School District. Being lots 13 and 1 1. Block 26. Lakevicw Addition, Burch Creek School District. Being an undivided one-half interest in Lots 11 to 17. Block 33, Lakevlcw Addition. H Burch Creek School District. . K Being an undivided one-half interest in Lots 36 to 33, Block 33, Lakevlcw Addition, fl Burch Creek School District. Be ng Lots 33 to 41, Block 40, Lakcvlow Addition, Burch Creek School District. Being the North 4 feel of the South 12 feet of Lot S, Block 40. Lakevlew Addition to Ogden City. Utah. Being Lots 14 and 15. Block 46. Lakevlew Addition. Burch Creek School District Being Lot 20. Block 47. Lakcvlow Addition. Burch Creek School District. Being Lot 27, Block 2. Madison Square Addition ,to Ogden, Utah. aicUary Estate. Beginning 923.S3 feet West and 6.20 feet South from the- North- 'fV eajt comer of Sec. 20 Twp. 6 North. Range 1 West, Suit Lake Meridian U. iL fa. Survey; thence South 16 feot, West 216.5 fect, North 16 feet, East 216 5 Uf feet, to the place of beginning. Being Lots 13 and 14, Block 1. Mountain View Addition to Ogden City. Utah H Being Lot 32. Block 1, Mountain Mew Addition to Ogden City. Being Lots 39 and . 40. Block 2, Mountain View Addition to Ogdon City Utah. H Being Lot IS, Block 9," Mountain View Addition to Ogden City, Utah " Being tho East 1G feet of Lot 7, Block 16. Nob Hill Addition to Ogdcu" City. H Being Lots 1 and 2. Block 33. Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City, Utah. ' Being Lot 2. Block 51. Nob Hill Annex to Ogden City. Utah. Be ng Lots 6 and 7. Block 76. Nob Hill Addition to Ogden City, Utah . H Be ng Lot 1, Block 3. Otto Bergor:s Addition, North Ogden School District E Be ng Lot 2, Block 4. Otto Bergor's Addition. North Ogden School District- " M Be ng Lots 23 and 21. Block S, Observatory Placo Addition, Wilson School District M Being Lots 11 and 42. Black 1. Park Place "A," Subdivision of Jxt3 4 and 5 ami H the faouth 165 6S feel of Lot 3. Block 67; and all of Block 0, Plat "C." Ozacu fl City Survey. v,u.u Being Lots 1 to l'. Block 2. a-ospec tl-rolghts Addition. Being Lots 11 to 11. Block ?i. Prospect Heights Addition. Being Lot 2. Block 2, Rivervlt-w Addition to Ogden City, Utah Being Lot 3. Block 4. Rlversido Annex Addition to Ogden City, Utah.v r 1 Being Lo.ts 20 and 21 B.lock I. Rushton Addition to Ogden City, Utah ' ' Belngtho W'Mt of Lot 40 and all of Lot 41. Block 4, Rushton Addition to Og'dct Being the West 9 feet of J-ot 51, Block 7. and all of Lot 52, Block 7;' Rushton sH Addition tc Ogden City. Being the North 20.9 leet of Lot 2S, Block 2 South Park Addition to Ogden City Being Lots IS and 19, Block 2, Stephens First Addition to Ogden City, Utah iR Being tho South I feet of Lot 2 and all of Lot 1, Block 6, Terraco Subdivision. WM Ogden City, Utah. Being Lots 13 and 14, Block I, Woodmansce's Addition to Ogden City. Utah Being Lots 17 to 2G, Block 1, Woodmansce's Addition to Ogden City, Utah' Lots 27 lo 35, Block 2. Woodmansee's Addition to Ugden City, Utah ' Being the West 45.7G feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block- 6, Woodraanseo'a Main Street H Addition to Ogden City, Utah. oireoi Beginning 432.13 icet South and 330 fect Ea6t from tho Intersection of tho East IH line of Washington Avenue and tho North lino of Sec. 5, Twp. 5, North Range liH I West. Salt Lako Meridian. U. S. Survey; thence North 5U.5 feet. East 33 3 iH fect. South 5G.6 feet. West 33.3 feet to placo of beginning 1 Beginning on tho V03t line or Grunt Avenue 294 feet South from tho North iW LiH of Sec. 5. Twp. 5 N.. Range 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Survev thenco H South G fcot. West 157 feet, North 6 icet. East 1S7 foet to the placo of berinnlm.- H Beginning 21.15 chs. East and S.305 chs. North from' tho Southwest corner of tha jl Northwest M ot See. 9. Twp. 5. North. Range 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian "PI U. S. Survey; thence North 70 icet, Eust 1UU feet. Southwest 10 a point 115 r leet East from 1)10 point of beginning, West to tho place of beginnlnc Ul Beginning at the Southwest corner ot Block 33, South Ogden Plat " V"' th.nrt, South 570 feet, East 167 leet. North 570 leet, AVcst lb'7 root to tho nlaco at - beginning. Beginning 16.12 chs. South from the Northeast corner of the Southeast 11 of ?r,. sH 16. Twp. 5 North. Range 3 West. Salt Lako Meridian U. S. Survey- thoiieo HI West 11 feci. South 1U chs. Eust 11 feet, North 10 cha. to thu place of hi. ginning. Being all 01 the Northeast M of Sec. 3, Twp. 6 North, Rango 1 West Sa't r siH Meridian. U. S. Survey. ' oa1 uaK0 PB Being all ot the South or Sec. 3, Twp. 6 North. Rango 1 West, Salt Lako MoHrf- r wM Ian. 13. S. Survey. "l-i.lu Being ull ot the Eabt $ of tho Northwest M of Section 3, Twp. G North' n'- iH 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey. ortn, uan,o H beginning at the Southeast corner of tho Northeast J,i Sec. 4. Twp. 6 North nnM - 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian. U. S. Survey; thence North 5 chs West 1 at H chs.. South 13 rdo.. West 13 rds.. North 13 rds West to ccntor of'tho Counrv H road. Southwesterly along thd road to a point 5.G1 chs. West of be-inmn Hi East 5.64 chs. to the place of beginning. einning, B Beglnnln 421.14 feet West and 282 feet South from tho Intersection of tho South iH lino of Second Street, and West lino of "Washington Avenue, in Oedcn piiiT IB Utah, thenco South OG feet, Wc3t 211.86 foet, North GG feet. East -'i vs H to tho place of beginning. L "US6 futt beginning 115.5 leet South lrora tho Northeast corner of Sec 30. Twn r. vn,n, 1H Rango 1 Ueat, Salt Lako Merldltlon. U. S. Survey, thenco Woat S-hi ri!l' H South 66 Icet. East 132 leet. North OS feet. West to tho placo of begTiinir H Beginning 82.3 leet W est Irom the Northeast corner of See. 3U. Twp t Vm rt, i't.' iH 1 West. Salt Lako Meridian. U. S. Survey; tlienco Sou Hi 2615 loot v? H b2.S7 icet, SouUi 399 fect. West 107.6S Icet, North G60 foet, L'uaC 2 li fl tho place of beginning. - Icot 10 fl ,iso beginning 660 leet South from tho Northeast corner of Snn tn H 6 North, Rango 1 West, fault Luke Meridian, U. S. Survey, theh'co q?i, !, degrees 57 minutes W est to the C. P. right-of-way, East lo East line nf t,i fl section, North to place of beginning. ,nw 01 1X1141 M Beginning 3.24 chs. W est. 12.72 chs. Norm from the Southeast corner of th v, .m H west U. Sec. 9. Twp. 6 North. Rango 1 Vet, Salt Laku Meridian U u.th" fl vej ; thenco South 251.5 leet. West 1&3 leut. North 251.5 feet k's7 isi ,1 fl to the place of beginning. l' I8J fees H goginnlng at the Northeast corner of tho Southwest U Sec. 28, Twp 5 North tj H 1 West. Salt Lake Meridian U. S. Survey; thenco Wost 11,25 chs w' fl river, southeasterly along tho river to tho Iat lino of said Sec Vniiu . H beginning. ec" ISo.rth to Beginning on the Soulh line of Seventh street. ISO feot West from the v. n ' ilfl of Washington Avenue, Ogden City, Utah, thenco Soutli 116 s feet ,J,1J afl feet, North 146.8 feet, Eaat 54 feel, to the beginning. All In Sec A n..61 JH 6 North. Range 1 West, Salt Lako Mcridlun U. S. Survey. 17' TvfP' jfl Beginning 1S1 feot East und 330 feet North from tho Southwest comer of ;., HisiiH Twp. 6 North, Rango l West. Salt Lako Meridian, U. S. Survey thM 2.?' 6G reel. West 132 icet. South 06 feet. East 132 icet to beginning North fl BcBlnnlng at the Intersection of tho South lino of 32nd street, and tho tt'. iiiiiiiiH Sec. 33. Twp. G North, Kuiigo 1 W cat. Salt Laka Mcridlun LT CJStcnn8 of sliiiiiiiH henco South 165.25. Eust 29.1 feet. North 165,25 feet. West 29 4 fn, .n'Qy' H placo of beginning. IQel to tlio M on aald lino 73 steps. South 197 ateps to Cedar Stake on bank of mi,t a : ; iiiiiiiiiiiH dlch, Southwesterly on bunk of suld drain ditch 100 atepa. to beinnnSfi rrrln 'iisiiiH part of tho East of theSouthcaat U Sec. 7. Twp. North iSSai $ R?,Ui; r iH Salt Lako ilordilan. U. S. Survey. "anfi - AV'ost, H Beginning at a certain Cedar Slake on the bank of drain ditch, bclmr th o H weat cornor of said tract of land; thenco North 263 step to sL 11" outh.- 2.83 chs,. NorUi 15 degreoa Eaat .7 chs,. North 1.62 cha. itoffi LLH liaat 1-5 chs. Noith 36 degrees 30 mlnutea. Eaat 1JS clutina. Norfhxti?'!?a LLLfl and SouUicrly along Uio river to a point North 11 degrees 3u miXi?gA9f,y LH irom tho bcfclnning, South 11 degreea 30 minutes Eaat to betrlnnln esz isiiiiiiiiifl Beginning 18.62 ens. West and 2.6 cha. North from the Southeast cornV' H U Southwdst 1 ot Sec. 21. Tavp. S North. Range 2 Woat. thence ffiS fif Nortn 8 degrvea 30 minutes Eaat S.SS tha. Nortli 13 degrees 30 intZirj$,c-hH' isiiiiiiiiiH Beginning 1166.84 leet East and 8 chs. South irom the Northweet corn" r .LiiiiH UeSouthwcat Sec. 21. Twp. 6 North. Range 2 WeaL Salt Lake Merkl1nn0'r-LiiH Survey, thenco Norm 33u fo-t. Last 480 feot. mora or loa. South ,1 b- Liiiiiiifl East 139 cha., South 73 degTcea 30 mlnutea Woat 3 cha., South V X?0,' 30 mlnutea. Weal 1 ch.. South 11 degrees Woat 6 cha.. South 3t, de-a. e siiiiiiiiiH 3 C3 cha.. South 13 degree West 1.8 clta,. Weaterly and Southerly in?' 'uai fl on tho river bourn of oegiunlng. North lo beginning. lu a Pome H Bccinning 80 ids. Norm and 34 rda. Uaat from the Southwest corner of th v aaiiifl ucgi nmk (JCW 7 Il.orllli UHng0 l w t gait Lake Meridian u S0Jth- Lfl vcy: mence South 40 rda.. Eaat 60 rods., South 2S rda., Eaat 13 5' Jr,l S.Sur.- H 23 rda.. Weat 6.6 rda.. North 46 rda.. West U rda.. to tho beginning ' iSctrh fl Uefdnning at the Southwcat corner of the Xortnwcai U of Soc, 30. Twr. 7" biiiiiiifl ucginmnb L Wc3t gaJt 3iorItllQn a s Survey; mence &aiL"l Ii?rUj. ijfl 18 degrees 30 minutes East C.1S cha.. North 68 degrees 45 minute Lh KLiiiifl cha . Norm 17 degrees 30 minutes. Eaat 7.6S cha.. North 17 doirre- M utes Weat 2.26 chs. South IS degrees 13 mlnutea, Weat 9 cha. to t,t -"V"" line of eold section. South to beginning. lU0 Woat H Kednntng 8.5 cha. North from tho Southwest corner of tho Northwoat r c Liiiiiiifl Bec30, Wp. 7 Norm. Range 1 Weat. Salt Lako Meridian, U. S. SuA'ov- i So- LlalalH North 18 degrees 30 mlnutea. Eaat 9 cha. North CS dogroea 45 mlnuto &nco' Liiiifl 125 feet. South 18 degrees 30 ralnutoa, Wost to ho Woat lino of aaia 1VXoat IL-aaaaH South to beginning. . cctjon. bh Rfrinnlng 12.25 elm. South from tho Northeast corner of tho Southwest i r o kiiiiiiiiS BcB "si Twp. 6 NorUi. Range 2 Eaat. Salt lk.i Meridian U. S. Su"ov tt,S,c- SouUi G7 degrees 30 mlnutea West 5.38 cha.. South 3 degreea 16 rn!nut! IvESf aaaH 6.6 chs.. South 85 degrees 12 minutes Eaat to a point South of bVjfni?1 B1111111H menco North to beginning. "eglnnJn;;. nfcinnlnff 62 rda. 11 feet Eaat irom tnc Northwest corner of the Southwnni i - aisiiiiiiiH D the Northwest U of Seo. 20. Twp 7 N'orh. Rango 1 Eaat. Salt Lake arVn4 aaH ian. U. S. SurA-cy; thonco South 16 rda.. Eaat 16 rda.. North 10 rda W3 - tr i-HIH rda. to tho placo of beginning. - fl Being the Southoaat U of Soc. 13. Twp. 7 North. Rango 4 Eaat. SaltxILakc- MfWTri V Hisiiiiiifl lan. U. S. Survoy. "H H Being tho East li of Lota 6 and 7. Block 22. PJat . "A," llujntavlllc Survoy ' . M Being all of mo Vorthweat Mi of Sec 3; O-wp. 6 North, Rang l West. Salt Laic. LHH Meridian. U. S. Survey. . - fl