8 , THE QGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, TUESDAY, MAY 11, 192CL I For Subscription ond Advertising j Department, Call Phone No. 56. I RANDOM REFERENCES Probate Cases Future probate cases in the district court of Weber county, as well as other counties of the state, must carry a report of the- executor, administrator, or trustee of an estate, Rowing tho holdings of the deceased person, the nearest of kin, or tho heirs at law. The now form which Is to car Ty the report has been received at the county clerk's office. Future estates will be required to make the reports. Phone 22. Taxi, day or night. 1010 Daughter Born A 13-pound girt was bora to Mr. and Sirs. George A. Jlolt of 28S1 Washington avenue last night, PAPER cleaners. Lowo-Greenwell. Telephone 2721-R. 814 Guardianship Cecelia S. Cheesman has filed a petition in the probate di vision of the district court for letters of guardianship in the estate of How ard B. Eccles, a minor. The petitioner is a brother of the minor. The estate consists of one-tenth Interest in the estate of William H. Eccles, deceased. To Build Home A building permit was issued yesterday morning by tho city engineer to Reld Monroe for tho erection of a brick house on the south sldo of Capitol avenue between Jack son and Van Buren avenues. The dwelling will cost S4000. I Florists Telegraph Delivery Assn Dumke Floral Co., Phone 250. 5G0 Deputy Sheriff Ira Spaulding of Riverdale, was appointed deputy sher iff to serve without pay or compensa tion by tho board of county commis sioners who met yesterday. Mr. Spauld . Ing was appointed upon recommenda 1 tion of Sheriff H. C. Petorson. Tltlo Quieted J. Eldred Nicholas was awarded judgment in .the district court by Judgo A. E. Pratt yesterday against Clement L. Darling, quieting titlo to a certain piece of city prop erty. Coal We can take caro of all short age; 1200 tons in shed. Pbono 27. John Farr Coal Co. S27 At Salt Lake Juvenile Judge Dan JSi Sullivan will give a reading of James Hobart's play, "Experience," before the Knights of Columbus at Salt Lake tonight. Ogden Typewriiir House for type writers and repairs, 2422 Hudson Ave. Phone 236. Son Born A nine-pound boy waa born yesterday morning to Mr. and .Irs. W. H. Short, 32S1 Lincoln ave nue. Call Offorman, tho plumber. Phone 2531-J. 945 ( Ice. Pure distilled exclusively. M. 'L. Jones Coal & Ice Co. 1261 Arlington Hotel, undor new man agement. A clean and refined home for ladies and gentlemen. Hot and cold water in every room. Private telephone and baths. 2439 Washington avenue. 137 S Announce .Engagement. Mr., and iMrs. William Coleman announce tho engagement of their daughter, Flor .ence, to Archie Shepard of Omaha. I The wedding will take place Saturday, 'May,15. Mormon Battalion. Mrs. Robert C. jCarr will bo hostess to the daughters 'of the Mormon Battalion Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at her home, 101 Thirty-first street. I Tenant Fined $10 for Striking Landlord .John Doo Porter was fined $10 in the city court this morning charged with battery. He is alleged to have struck his landlord following serving of notice that ho had to vacate his house. II Bramwell's 1 1 Desks, Chairs, Filing Cabinets I and everything for the office I j Office Supplies J I Fine Commercial Printing Good Printing Costs Less CHAS. DEE PRINTERY I 2428 Hudson Phone 792-M I II f PERNELL FOOT SPECIALIST Phone 260 I Over Western Union, Stevens Bldg, j BARGAIN H I AUBURN LIGHT SIX Automobile MODEL 6-39 Newly-Painted New Top, Five Good Tires, Fully Equipped, A-l Mechanical! , Condition. See Eldredge, I , At Standard-Examiner. I REPORT OF TILE CONDITION OP First National Bank at Ogden, in the Stato of Utah, at tho close of business on May 4th, 1920. RESOURCES. Laons and. discounts, including rediscounts ... .?2, 280, 710.41 $ Total loans 2. 2S0, 710.11 Deduct: Notes and bills rediscoiintcd' with Federal Re- , servo Dank (other than hank acceptances sold) 2S2.030.S5 Notes and bills rediscountcd other than with Federal Reserve Rank other than bank ac ceptances sold) 156,302.50 1,S;12,377.06 t ? -13S.333.35 Overdrafts unsecured 9, SSI. So U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation. (U. 5. bonds par . ... ,. value) .... ..... 150,000.00'. ; . ,, Pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value)... 75,000.00 ' ' Fledged -to, secure postal savings deposits (par . ' value) .' 25,000.00. ' Fledged as collateral tor State or other deposits ro bills payable 229,500.00 Owned and unpledged 17,511.30 . , War Savings Certificates and Thrift .Stamps ac tually owned 902.29 Total U, S- Government sccuritlcis 4 97,913.59 Othor bonds, securities, etc.: Bonds and securities (other than I". S. securities) pledged as collateral for State or other depos its (postal excluded) or bill3 payable 112,500.00 Securities, othor than U. S. bonds (not Including . stocks;, owned and unpledged 53, 046, IS - '? Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S. 165,546. IS Stock o;' Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of . subscription) - 9,750.00 Value of banking house, owned and unincum- :,- bered ; . . V 100.000.00 Real estato owned other than banking house... , ,'. . 33,020.42 Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank .... . 236,323.29 Items w it'll Federal Reserve Bank in process of . collection (not available as roseive) v . 227.09S.61 Cash in vaults and net amounts due from na- tional banks 'i - 317,304.36 isct amounts ciuo irom oanio, oanK'jrs, anu irusi cmopanics in the United Stater (other than in- ' eluded In Items 12, I.".. or 14) ' ''. : . 136,186.91 Exchanges for clearing house . . . SS.702.22 Total of Items 13, 14, 15, "i 6. and 17 769,292 :10 Checks on banks located outside of city or town " ; of reporting bank and othor cash items 2.9S1.41 I Redemption tund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer : ''".'", 7,500.00 Interest earned but not collected approximate rV on Ntoos and Bills Rcceivablo not past due ' ' 19,722.95 Other assets if any: Liberty Loan Bonds held ' , k . ''y under agreement to 'repurchase " -V ' 5.000.00 : Total , '' . '.i-tj "3,699,311.85 liabilities. , ' ; Capital stock .paid in .$ i' $ 150,000.00 Surplus fund " t 175,000.00 LTndivide:l profits 69,666.05 sLes current expenses, interest and taxes paid.. i4.0S4.52 55.5S1.53 Interest and discount collected or credited In ad vance of maturity and not tfarnori (approxl-. . ... . mate) .' ' 1.S71.25 Circulating notes outstanding ' M j" ' " 14 9.99". .50 Net amounts due to national banks , 1 -. 363,239 .01 Net amounta due to banks, bankers and trust " ? ,. ' companies in the United States and foreign - ,t vi countries '.other than Included in Items 29 . - or 30) . :...,' i t, 2S0.390.S5 Certified checks outstanding : i'-.' . 22,323. 6S Cashier'3 checks on bwn bank outstanding - V . ' ; -' 70,414.67 Total of Items 29, SU, 32, and 33 745,368 I 21 .' ' Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) ' "f subject to Reserve (deposits pavable within 30 days) : , . . , wjfr ,, . Individual deposits subject to check -' ' i, 506.1 1 1 . 12 Certificates of deposit due In less than 30 days ." ' . HitJ. . (other than for money borrowed) "7 V.'-. 232,460.94 Dividends unpaid ' ' ' 150.00 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items. 34,35, 36, "' ' "'tSM' 37. 3S1, and 39 , ;. l,73,S;725V6j?' '; - Time deposits subject to Reserve (payabio after .' " 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings) : . c Certificates of deposit (other than for money f. borrowed) -..,r '276,801.43 Postal savings deposits q 2S2.34 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve,' '.'""' Items 40. 41, 42 and 43.. 2S3,0S3v77;'' United States deposits (other than postal sav- 1 Js ings) : Other United States deposits, including deposits "V';- : of U. S. disbursing officers "'V'' - 70.1S1.53 Bills payable, other than with Federal 'Reserve ..- ' Bank (including all obligations representing' 'x"f mnoey borrowed other than rediscounts) ' ' . -loo 000 00 Bills payable with Federal Reserve Bank "-i;. T 229)500.00, r Juf1 ; ' '' 3,699,311. S5 Liabilitl&s for rediscounts with Federal Reserve v;.", arli - . ( :fj.' , '. ogo Q3Q or Liabilities for rediscount other than with Fed- ; vlf " cral Reserve Bank J"' V 156,302.50 ' ' ; :4 ' Total; contingent liabilities , t. , , 0. Stato of Utah. County of Wcbor, ss: ' ",0 .i .r;ain,CS F' ?l,non- Cashier of the above-named bank, do Solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief . 4 ..i . JAMESF.BURTON. Cashier Correct Attest: r. S. BROWNING. asiuei. JOHN WATSON. R. ,B. PORTER, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th day of May, 1920. ' , . . s J JEPPESEN, Notary Public My commission expires Sept. 13, 1S22. y uonc. Ogden Women To Pled ge Against All Unnecessaries "Believing that the present high prices are largely due to lack of supply, we the undersigned, pledge ourselves not to buy any new wearing apparel except actual ne cessities for a period of three months." Og(Jen- women will be visited during the next two weeks and will bo asked to sign the above pledge to assist in the fight against high costs which is being carried out throughout the coun try by the division of worn en's .activit ies of the department of Justice, in a campaign which has been launched against the high cost of living. In addition to the first pledge, cards from tho department, reading as fol lows, will be distributed among women o Ogden: "Realizing that it Is just as pa triotic now to be careful in the expenditure of money as It was during the war, I will practice economy in my home and in my dress, buying only what I actually need. "I will report any profiteering that falls beneath my notice to the local chairman of the high cost ot living campaign." A blank for the name, street, town and state and Instructions to return tho cards to the state chairman, fol lows. Mrs. Horaco Nebeker has been ap pointed local chairman of ' the cam paign and said that the pledges will be placed in tho hands of every woman's club and organization in this city. Re lief societies, federated clubs, charit able organizations, women's lodges and other agencies where large numbers of women can bo reached, will be given pledges and cards. Dr. H. M. Rowo and Willard Scow croft have been appointed as leaders of the men's fight against high liv ing costs in this city under the fair price commission. oo Sacred Heart Fete Set for Saturday Final plans and arrangements for tho May Fete to bo held Saturday afternoon by the members of the Sacred Heart Alumnae ascoclation are underway and everything possible for the success of io vent has been considered. Pretty dances, songs and selections will bo given at the fete which will bo held on tho east campus of the Academy grounds. All tho students of tho institution aro to take part. In the evening, tho members of the present graduating class. 1920, will be banqueted at the Healy hotel and later in the evening will bo Initiated into the Sacred Heart Alumnao association. Cuticura Soap SHAVES Without Mug REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF ' Utah National Bank o! Ogden At Ogdeu, in tho State of Utah, at the close of business on May 4 ino v RESOURCES " Loans and discounts, including rediscounts $1,934,290. 61 Total loans 51,934,290.01 Deduct: Notes and bills rcdiscounted with federal reserve bank (other than bank acceptances sold)....? 175,515.00 $l,75$,775.6'l Overdrafts, unsecured , '445.12 U. S. government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value) 150,000.00' Pledged as collateral for state or other deposits or bills payable , 90,000.00 Owned and unpleged: 10,050.00 War savings certificates and thrift stamps actually owned '. 239.94 . . Total U. S. government securities 1 250,289.94 Other bonds, securities, etc.: Bonds (other than U. S. bonds) pledged to secure U. S. deposits 23,000-00. Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks), owned and unpledged 106,274.22 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S... 129,247.22 Stocks, other than federal reserve bank stock.... 27,07500 Stock of federal reserve bank (50 per cent of sub- scription) 'c.000.00 Value of banking house, owned and unincumbered 100,000.00 Equity in banking house 100,000.00 Furniture and fixtures 35,117.39 Real estate owned other than banking house.... 49,025.52 Lawful reserve with federal reserve bank . 118.02G.15 Items with federal reserve bank in process of col- . . lection (not available as reserve) '-Vfe 80,005'.15 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national ' . banks ' 145.31S.30 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust ' companies In the United States (other than ' " 1 included in Items 12, 13, or 14) ' 66,797.51 Exchanges for clearing house 32.2C1.63 . Total of Items 13. 14, 15. 16, and 17 324.3S2.59 Checks on banns located outside of city or town of reporting bank and other cash Items . 1,035.97 Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer and due from U. S. treasurer -V 7,500.00 Tnterest earned but- not collected approximate ' ., on notes and bills receivable not past due..... . 17.02S.25 Other assets, if any . .; ' " 553.63 Total .' ' . 52,824,502.42 LIABILITIES ' -l Capital stock paid in v $ 150.000.00 Surplus fund 50,000.00 Undivided profits .? 111,301.26 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid. . . 111,301.26 Interest and discount collected or credited in ad- y, vance of maturity and not earned approxl- mate) j M . 996. SS Amount reserved for taxes accrued ,. f - 2,027.50 Amount reserved for all interest accrued . . ' . 4,941.36 Circulating notes outstanding 150,000.00 Net amounts due to national banks t- ' 5,593.27 Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust ' ' I , . companies in the United Stntes and foreign countries (other than included in Items 29 or 30) .' 44.6S1.50 Certified checks outstanding 5,580.06 Cashier's checks on own bank outstanding - . 52,401.35 Total of Items 29, 30, 31, 32, and 33 108,256 :-27 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) sub- Ject to reserve (deposits payable within 30 days) : Individual deposits subject to check . 1,1S0,0S2.S2 Certificates of depos tidue in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) 31,206.22 Dividends unpaid ' 40.00 Other demand deposits 3,712.10 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to reserve, Items 34, 35, 36, " v 37, 3S, and 39 1,215,041.14 ,,'.- Time deposits subject to reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, - . ' and postal savings): Certificates of deposit (other-than for money .bor- i ' i' '" . ' rowed) - 93,009.19 Other time deposits , S57.92S.S2 Total of time deposits subject to reserve, Items 40, 41, 42, and 4"3 950,38-.01 United States deposits (other than postal savings): 7,, Other United States deposits, including deposits of v , U. S, disbursing officers ". 1,0,00.00 Bills payable with federal reserve bank ,t ' SO, 000. 00 Total '"' ' ?2J824,502.42 Liabilities forr ediscounts with federal reserve bank . $ 175,515.00 Total contingent liabilities (not including items in Sechdule 23) 3 175,515.00 STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF WEBER, ss: I, A. V. Mcintosh, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. A. V. McINTOSH, Cashier. . DAVID C. ECCLES, . ' JOSEPH SCOWCROFT, . " ' ' W. H. WATTIS, Directors. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th day of May, 1920. GILBERT PORTER, Notary Public. (Seal) My commission expires December 7, 1921. - 1 IRIG EMMETT GETSBIE PLUM Ogden Man Appointed Acting Chief U. S. Game Warden ' Irving C. Emmctt of Ogden, who until recently has been United States game .warden for Utah, has received the appointment of acting chief game warden of the United States at "Wash ington, D. C. Mr. Emmett succeeds tenrporarily the office vacated by Chief Game Warden George W. Law yer in the bureau of biological survey, department of agriculture, working under supervision of Dr. E. W. Nelson, chief of the biological survey. The position is regarded as one of national importance, carrying with it the dl rocton of some S00 employes. An of ficii bulletin states that the appoint ment Is effective until July 1. With this as a basis, friends here believe tho Ogden man will, accept perman ent appointment to a high position. 00 Deaths and Funerals CHAMBERS Funeral services for Mrs. Nell Greenwell Chambers will be held Thursday at 2:30 o'clock at tho Sixth ward meeting house. Bishop J. Howard Jenkins will preside and among the speakers will be Apostle David O. McKay, President James Wothcrspobn and President Alva L. Scovllle. The body may be viewed at So home. 2318 Van Buren avenue. Wednesday afternoon and evening, and on Thursday until 1 p. m. YOU NT Services for Emily Yount were held this morning af 10:30 at the Kirkendall chapel. Rev. Godfrey Mat thews officiating. Mrs. W. G. Dal ryraple sang, with Mrs. Louise Pierce Martineau accompanist. Interment wasj in Mountain View cemetery. 00 Thatcher's First Open-air Dance Tonight Lorin Farr, Park. I WINTER WHEAT GISJ UTAH State Should Harvest Over Million More Bushels Than Last Year "Utah should harvest 1,132,000 bush els more winter wheat this year than last, according to present prospects." This announcement was made yester day by Miner M. Justin, field agent for the United States bureau of crop estimates, on receipt of advices from the Washington office with regard to winter losses and present condition of farm crops, progress of spring farm work and loss to livestock from dis ease and exposure. The report shows that losses to live stock have been unusually heavy. For example, seventy-.five sheep a thous and in tho state are reported to have died of exposure this year, as com pared with twenty a thousand last year, while the loss of cattle this year reached the total of fifty-eight a thous and, as compared with nineteen last year and an average of ten years of 23 per thousand. 00 Asa Garner Held on Petit Larceny Charge Asa Garner, of Marriott was "ar rested yesterday morning by tho sheriff's department and charged with the'theft of wool from William Mar riott two weeks ago. Garner, tho man's brother and Don Hcdgcr wero rocently convicted In I the city court of the same charge. ! Garner was fined $5 and Hcdgcr was sentenced to pay a fino of $60 or serv sixty day3 n jail. Tho officers havo been hunting for Asa Garner since tho theft. , 00 In South America there aro some ! trees known as "cow trees." which yield a rich, milky, nutritious Juice resembling in appearance and quality the milk of the cow. H REPORT OF CONDITION OF Hl Ogden Savings Bank 1 Reserve District No. 12, No.- 97-C, at Ogden, in tho Stato of Utah, at tho: iclosc of business on May 1th, 1920. . J- IH RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts Gross ?l,55S,S72.2ii Loans and Discounts net $1,558.S72:25. United Stales Victory Notes 3-1,250. 00 United States Certificates of Indebtedness 30,000.00: War Savings-1 Stamps, Thrift Stamps and Treasury Savings, Ccr'- tlficates actually owned S72.0Q Stock of Federal Reserve Bank ? 0,000.00- Other Bonds. Stocks nhd Securities (exclusive of bonds, stock?. and securities borrowed) 303,176.12 iH Heal Estato owned other than Banking House 9iooo!oO. Lawful Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank 1 . . . S3.143.SG Gold coin and certificates 5,400.00 All other cash In vault 2,908.70 Duo from banks (other than Federal Rcsorve Bank, bankers ' and trust companies In the United States 127,535.00 Exchanges ior clearing house also checks on other banks in same place 3i'"9 Total of Items IS,; 19 and 20 . . . . ..'.'. .Vl27,5C9 ! Sy " - 'M Approximate Interest earned but not collected on notes and IM bills receivable not past due 10,014;i7 '1 Tolal ..$2,174,2G7-.oI: . , LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In j. , 150 ono oo Surplus Fund ? 150,000. oo Undivided profits, iess expenses' and taxes' paid S'ss'ljU Approximate Interest and discount collected or credited In ad- ' lH vance, but not earned...' , --; ,r Amount reserved for taxes accrued 'i5 " Amount reserved for interest accrued b'Io'o'oO Certified and cashiers' or treasurers' checks- outstanding. ; . . . l8,'o82Coi: Total of .Items 30, 31 and 32 SIS OS" 91 Demand Deposits, including dividends unpaid. .' 390 on Time Deposits J J' J ' Bills payable with federal Reserve Bank,' exclusive' ot'rc-dVsl ,"3'JK;? counts shown as deductions under Hem 1 , 59 00000 . . . ' - : 5 I Total JO j State of Utah. County of Weber." sV ' ' ' 1 C!arel H; Barton' bclnR duly sworn according to law., deposes and t ?at ,S CMh,er f th aove. named that tho above Ion f tUt,COnLtft,nB1a fU,,t trUC aml corre statement of U,e condi tion of the. said bank at the close of business on tho 4th day of May 190 ! ' Correct Attest: . ' CHAIS BARTON, Cashier. " ' fcj JOHN WATSON,- '. , R. B. PORTER. ' " V ' A. T. WRIGHT. j 1. I r. Directors. - ' ; f -worn to and 'subscribed before me this 10th day of May. 130 and1 ' I (SEAL) ' ban!Tby 1 "0t -a" 0ff,C,er 'th,s j , , SUMNER P. NELSON, Notary Public My commission .expires ;October 15, 1921. ' COMBINED STATEMENT OF First National and Ogden Savings Banks RESOURCES. Loans ;and discounts -,n Overdrafts ..... $3,S39,5S2.G6 Banking house 0.SS4.S5 Real estate '.!!!!!'.!!!!'.".''. 1 " 2 Interest earned, not collected '....,'!.'."'"'"""'' on'-'1,2 Bonds, securities, etc J,3r.l2 Due from Treasurer U. S., ;5 peV'cenVVund '".'.'.?"; "-Snn'nS J L. S. bonds and treasury certificates . ' 7 -tM Cash on hand and due from banks "',VV 1 "7 67334 .': Total v'.V ' ' ' 7T" 'I LIABILITIES.' 5C.3U.912.2S j Capital stock paid !in ''""''" H Surplus and undivided profits' WW. Ti.Y:-? -00,000.00 Interest collected, not darned , 2D4'120'1 Circulation , 6,626.11 j o'crbmuL14050"'0 anii l'h" :::::: Deposits 100,000.00 , , -i. 634, 334. 4 1 Total ' ' I 56, 311,912. 2S Robberies Reported to Police Station Two robberies wero reported to the pollco this morning as having oc curred during the night. C. Porter of 418 Twenty-fifth street reported that the Regal Cleaner's shop had been entered between 8 and 12 o'clock last night. A screen coat was missing and possibly other cloth ing, no complete check having been taken at the time when tho report was made. Tho robbers entered the place through a rear transom. W. W. Allen, Thirty-eighth street and Grant avenue, reported that a brace and bit, a spirit level and chisels, valued at $25. had been re moved during the night from a house which he was building between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eighth street on Adams avenue. 'JU High Commencement to Start on Tuesday Annual commencement exercises of tho Ogden High school will begin next Tuesday. Arrangements for tho pro gram havo not been completed, ac-' cording to Superintendent W. Karl Hopkins and announcement will bo made as to the complete program within a few days. The list of graduates of tho high school will be available the latter part of the week. It is stated that there will probably be the largost graduating I class in the history of the school, 00 f Judge Imposes Fine For Liquor Violation J. L. Wheelwright, was fined $50 or 50 days by Judge D. R. Roberts of tho city court this morning. He waa arrested on a. charge of having liquor In his pos3esalon. I CUT THIS OUT IT IS WORTH MONEY Cut out this slip, encioso with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago.. 111., writing your namo and address clearly. You will recelvo in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tnr, for couchs, colds and croup: Foley Kidney Pills for pain In sides and back; rheuma tism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere, Advertisement, 00 During the last ten years our popu lation has increased 2 per cent yearly, while our crop production has in creased only half as fast. iUNBEOM I HELD JOB S. L i Robert Stamp, Alleged to I Have Been Connected in Q Cutting Affray at S. L. I Robert Stamp, 37 years old, a negro, I is at Ogden city jail while Mrs. Annie M Clark, 53, also colored, lies at the point of death at the Salt Lake emergency hospital, suffering from nine knife wounds, alleged to have been Inflicted t by Stanip. Stamp was arrested this morning at I 3: io 0 clock at the corner of Twenty- ..mane-til. anu wan avenue by Do- tectives Robert Chambers and Walter Moore. He had beat his way from Salt Lake. tm Investigation at the pollco station I showed that Stamp had two knife I wounds. , He had a severe gash over his left ' I ear and both hands were swollen Last night, according to Stamp,' two men visited the Clark home. They brought liquor and when under the in- fluence of the drink, started raising a mH rough house, he told the police. Stamp claimed that he attempted to pacfy IH Mrs. Clark, who had sarted after the lH 1 men with a water pitcher. She turned 'H on him. ho claimed, and hit him over 1 the -car, flooring him. He claims to have arisen and made- . -a dash for tho door. "As I passed out ' one of the men stabbed me twice with H a pen knife," he Is quoted by the no- 1 -00- H To Discuss New Sewer jt System With Citizens Property owners of sewer district No. Ml. have been invited to attend H a meeting of the city commission tn . H be held next Monday night. In order H that plans for the installation of tho H sewage system in that district mny be H discussed. The invitation was issued H by Mayor Frank Francis this morning . after the property owners had failed to H appear at a meeting held last night. H Bids for the Installation of the sewer H havo been received and aro ready to H be announced to tho property owners 1 Mayor Francis said. 00 jM I At present the richest gold field in IH the world Is In South Africa, which i 'xH yielded in 1910 a value of 5175,000 000 "H somewhat exceeding tho combined H yield of tho United States nod Aus- ll Aristotlo believed selection of public H officers by lot would give popular cov- H eminent. jH