Newspaper Page Text
I Ogden Baseball Club Opens Season at Brigham City I I Frisch On Hospital List B Sickening Now at 3d Base I;. Just as Frankie Frisch, the Fordham college flash, was beginning i to make good John McGraw 's judgment in putting him in Heinie s. Zimmerman's job, he is knocked out by appendicitis. He is watching : ' the scoreboard from a hospital cot. Eut he is hopeful even though ! Eddie Sicking is playing a great game for the Giants at third. Ed- ; die is a youngster, too, and he is just as anxious to make good as i I Frisch. It is tough enough to be stricken with appendicitis, but it i is tougher still to see another fellow making good on the job you can't defend while you are in bed. 11 I WIgIISAY.g- j "0. would I were like Tyrus WV" A convict quoth one day. C &&ST 1 He knew that Tyrus Cobb JZVA Quick S j To make a getaway.. 2&s- "j i - fegL - -M jpi jr I used to think that caviar I I'" '.4 And truffles wore a treat, l" And only when I had much yen , IjgjM Roast guinea hen I'd cat- ' , Bui now the grub seems common- J,V place., r Bourgeois and out of date; t - ' How proud-am -I whene'er I spy i ! Potatoes on my plate. Th no truth in the rumor that the winners In the presidential race i will be entered In the Olympic games, j They can't run they're pushed. They can't throw weights only the bull, .i ' J Hoover's a ham-and-egger. i Lowden can't run standing up ho I belongs to tho Pullman family. I ' " J Hi Johnson can run in California; nil native sons do. t- Pranks of lids' Vex i Der Captain' Rychel (By International News Servlco.) CHICAGO, Maq 13. The "Schenanl gan Kids," "whoso mischievous antics delight millions of readers of the com twins, and their names are Joe and Ray Rychel. Papa RycKel, who plays the role o "Dor Captain," in their pranks, says they have "raised halle lujah" ever since they left the cradle and that if they don't start behaving soon they will drive him to tho near est booby hatch. One Sunday recently Papa Rychel caught the twins playing hookey from Sunday Bchool. He spanked them Houndly. Then the boys took $4 from the family exchequer and started for Milwaukee. But at Racine, Wis., they had spent all their money. So they stole a couple H i of bicycles and started to ride back to ,1 Chicago. They rode Jnto Evanston, 111., just north of Chicago, looking as K' though they were just finishing a' B , forced spurt around the world. A sus plclous justice of the peace questioned. gSr! them, and they admitted stealing the k bicycles. K-' Papa Rychel -was sent for. He ar- Ry rived -with a barrel stave, and for ten F" minutes thereafter, the Evanston jail r . Vang with peals of juvenile woe. "You got here Just in time to eavo , the jail," said tho lock-up keeper,! "Dad burn 'em, they turned tho fire I hoso on me, twisted the jail cat's tall and drew chalk cartoons of the judge t all over tho walls of their cell. Lay JHHH i on good for mo, Papa." I BOXING COMMISSION. SACRAMENTO Boxing promoters favor a commission control of the ring gamo here. They are planning to have a commission of three. Action is expected to be taken soon. Boxing has gained a wide following hero in the last year. BUILDS NEW SPEEDER. ELIZABETH, N. J. Tommy Milton, Aj latest king of tho auto speed sport, f will superintend the building of a new H motor ut theDuesenberg factory here. He will use it in the race boat he is H to drive at Indianapolis, General "Wood is long-winded. The grass was young and tender, Tho golfer left his lair; And when 'he'd finished his first day out j There was no greensward there. " Newspapers are turning down ad vertising," but Freddio Welsh gets his New- Jersey health farm In print by declaring he'l try a comeback. From goneback to someback is some stretch; also a yawn. ' '' We're getting new styles from the old. Jack Dcmpsey is trying to raise a mustache, but it doesn't look like John L.'s. t Jess Wiilard had whiskers and did n't know it. Mountain Blown Up to Make Way for Road (By International News Service.) MORRISON, Col., May 8. It re quired thirty cans of black powder and I two pounds of dynamite to raze a baby I mountain that hindered the construc tion of a stretch of roadway near the 'mouth of Bear Creek Canyon, just : north of here. Tho same quantity of explosive, ju Idiclously placed, would wreck any one of New York's numerous skyscrapers, according to the engineer In charge of the work. The young mountain that was Jarred into pebbles stood on the survey line of a now road which is being built by tho mountain parkB department, to make accessible a now artificial lake in the canyon. The blaster who set off tho explo sive placed his charces of nowder and dynamite so carefully that build ings within tho short radius of fifty yards were not damaged. When tho charge "let go," a tremendous explo sion reverbrated through the canyon, cracked into smaller pieces as a great the mountain of rock swelled up and cloud of black smoke went skyward. NOYES STILL COASTS. PORTLAND Johnny Noyes, St. Paul lightweight, Is still coasting along in good shape on tho Pacific coast. He Intends to fill three or four more dates before returning to his home town. uu ANOTHER PEACH. MOBILE Bcnnlo Allen of South Bend, Ind., Is playing a great third base for the Mobile club in the South ern association. They call him an other Ty Cobb around the circuit. He leraned to play ball at Wabash col-lgee. NEAR CLEAN SWEEP. COLUMBIA, Mo. Prospects for the University of Missouri to win an other championship look, gloomy since tho basoball team has but two vet erans on it. Missouri swept the con ference in football and basketball. 1UU Nlno-terriths. of tho tea o Formosa la eold in the United Statow - STRENGTH GREATEST ASSET TO ATHLETES As Told By Dean Snyder ' By JIM THORPE. AKRON, O., May 1L To be an all around athletic requires more strength than to be a specialist in 6omo one thing, according to Jim Thorpe, the greatest of them all. Here's the Indian's code: Keep strong. It is strength that counts most. The best way to build strength is to run eight or ten miles every day. Running develops all the muscles and keeps the athlete feeling good. Don't try for records. If you beat the other fellows you win points for the team. That Is what counts. Practice less the things which you excel and more on those which you don't do so well. Be careful not to overspeclallze on one thing. Eat lots but stick to plain foods. An athlete has to eat to keep strength. Do everything in the spirit of .play ng a game not as work. When you! are playing you're having fun, and! that's when you are at your best. Distance runners don't last as long as other athletes. Tho strain is too great. A marathan runner has but one' good race in him In a year, and but1 two, possibly three, in a career- as an' "over hill and dale" runner. I The all-around athleto is better, qualified to coach than is a specialisL' His accomplishments fit him to in struct everything in the college cur riculum of sports. Coaching is about the only way tho all-'rounder can cash in on his stuff. Every year Thorpe receives scores' of offers for his services as a coach from the big schools of the country .j They want him in the east. He recent ly declined a flattering offer from the! Pacific Coast. I So far he has turned them all down. "I'm not ready to settle down and stay in one place," says Jim. "I know a coach has got to stick in one place and attend to his knitting if he succeeds. Some of these days I expect to accept one of those fool offers. I know I would like it. I'd rather bo in a track suit than a base- PIERCEY TWIRLS WIN FOR VERNON TIGERS SACRAMENTO, May 14. The Tig ers were easy winners over the Sena tors here yesterday, the count being! 7 to 3. Piercey on the slab for the Tigors twirled a first-rate game. The scorer - R. H. E. Vernon t ... 7 10 2 Sacramento 3 8 3 Batteries: Piercey and DeVormer; Mails, Devatalis and Cady. SAN FRANCISCO WINS FROM SEATTLE 3 to 0 OAKLAND, May 14. San Francisco won the third game of the aeries from tho Seattle gang here yesterday by a score of 3 to 0. Couch, pitching for the Seals, won his fifth game of tho sea son. The score; R. H. E, Seattle 0 6 6 San Franolsco ... 3 7 2 Batteries: Gardner and Adams; Couch and Agnew. oo WESTERN LEAGUE. Sioux City 2, Oklahoma City 1. Omaha 1, Joplin 0. SL Joseph 11, Wichita 3. Dos Moines 1, Tulsa 0. WILDE WINS. PHILADELPHIA, May 18. Jimmy Wilde, British flyweight champion, knocked out Battling Murray, of Phil adelphia, in the second round of a scheduled eight-round bout hero to night. 1 rf 1 UU U8o THINK TANK. JOPLIN "Rctl" Donovan, pitcher, secured from the Saskatoon club, is a bright spot on the Miners' teanii here. "Red" thinks when ho is on the slab and when ho isn't working thoro he thinks out plays from the bench. A cool Hummer cloth, la made from the fibre of pineapple leaves. ball uniform right now if I couli," he says. Thorpe has spent the last six years with the Now York Giants as an out fielder. Ho finished the 11)19 season with the Braves. McGraw was quick to see the ad vantage of having such a great draw ing card as the 1912 Olympic hero on his club and started the Indian through the McGraw school in 1913. All Thorpe know about baseball then was what he had learned from that un fortunate ?20-a-week job down in the North Carolina bush country, which provcd his undoing. Thorpe thinks McGraw is the great est manager in tho business "He bawls a fellow out pretty rough sometimes," says the Indian, "but he has to do it. The next day he forgets all about it and makes the player do tho same. "'There's one thing about McGraw, he won't stand for any outsider razz I lng him for keeping a player who is i going bad on the Giants' roster. When I McGraw gets through with tho dress ling down the outsider is sorry he sppke." I The Indian is now playing the sun i field for the Akron club in the Inter national league. He likes his job. He I didn't play regularly up there in the I big show. Now he's to play every day. ; Thorpe likes to play every day. It isn't the money he gets that keeps him i hi a baseball uniform. He has plenl of cash rolling in from his Oklahoma oil lands. And Tliorpe is hitting the ball at a" dizzy clip in the International. His percentage is well over tho .300 mark. , He has a reputation for murdering j southpaw pitching. j Tho other day at Reading, Pa., he nicked a right-hander for a circuit with the bases full. That pleased Dick Hob litzel, Jim's boss, mighty well. It also tickled Thorpe a lot. During tho afternoon double-header matinee, he thumped out five blows in all. Jim circles the bags at a 10-second clip. He hasn't slowed up. Speed is still the big asset of the great Indian. Keen Competition in American League Cincinnati Blanked by New York Club AMERICAN LEAGUE I I : Standing of Teams. W. L. Pet. Cleveland 16 6 .727 Boston 14 7 . 667 Chicago 11 9 .550 New York 11 11 .500 Washington 10 11 .476 St. Louis 10 11 .476 Philadelphia 7 13 .350 Detroit ." 5 16 .23S All games postponed yesterday; rain. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. New Orleans 2, Memphis 3, ten in nings. All other games postponed. NEW STADIUM. NEW YORK, May 13. Construction of a sport stadium on upper Broadway which will have a seating capacity of 30,000 was begun today. NATIONAL LEAGUE Standing of Teams. W. L. Pet. Boston . . 10 6 ,625 Cincinnati . . 14 10 .533 Pittsburg li o .550 Chicago 11 12 .478 Philadelphia 10 11 .476 Brooklyn $ 10 .474 St. Louis 9 12 .424 New York 7 12 .36S Yesterday's Results. Boston 3 at St. Louis 9. ' Brooklyn 1 at Chicago 2. ,Now York 6 at Cincinnati 0. Philadelphia at Pittsburg, rain. ST. LOUIS WINS. ST. LOUIS, May 13. St. Louis broke Boston's winning streak by win ning today's game, 9 to 3. Smith put the locals in the lead In the fifth in ning when he drove the ball into the right field bleachers, scoring Hains, who had singled ahead of him. McHenry was put out of the game by Umpire Moran in the sixth inning for arguing when he was called out after grounding to Boeckel. while at tempting to get out of the way of a pitched ball. SIXTH STRAIGHT. CHICAGO, May 13. Grover Alexan der won his sixth straight game of the season today when Chicago defeated Brooklyn, 2 to 1, although oulhlt by the visitors. Elliott's double, Hollo Cher's error and Johnson's single gave tho visitors their lone run. Chicdgo tied the count when Beal 6truck 'out and Elliott, who dropped the ball, threw wild to first. Terry walked, Dean stole third and scored on Kllle fer's hit. Two ha9es on h.ills with a hit between Rnd a sacrifice fly gave Chicago the winning run. GIANTS BLANK CHAMPS. CINCINNATI, O., May 13. Benton was strong with runners on the bases and the ohamplous were shut out by the Giants, 6 to U. Fisher was wild in the first inning, but pitched well after that, although hampered by wrotched BupporL Luque was hit hard in the last two rounds. The fielding of Burns was a feature. uu CUB IS VERSATILE. CHICAGO Fred Mitchell not only secured a good ball player but an all round athlete when he added Bernard) 'Frleberg to the club. The kid is an outfielder, good hitter, fast sprinter, hurdler and football player. . . nn - IN THE TWILIGHT. Sacramento; cai,, May 12. This city is to open Its twilight league soon. All games are to start at 6 p, m. They will be limited to seven innings. It is being managed similar to the winter organizations. HIS NAME'S MAUDE. LOS ANGELES, Cal., May 12. Charlie Maude, known as tho father of golf and polo in southern California, still plays on the links. He laid out tho first course at Tachapa, Cal., in 1885. 1 Here Is Type of AH Around Athlete Today i " When they added up the points at the recent Penn relay they found that Edward Bradley, University of Kan sas, had won- the penthalon with a score of 13, two points less than W P. Bartels, the young giant of Penn. Tho Kansan did not take a first dur ing the day. his card showing three seconds, a third and a fourth. He is not a star but an example of the all round athlete. His unusual strength is shown in his highly developed arms and legs. His record does not seem so brilliant when compared to the one Jim Thorpe made at Stockholm in 1912. when the great Indian took the pentathlon with seven points, four first's and a third, his poorest show ing being In the Javelin east. Knell Is Sounded for Racing at .Frontier Park (By International News Service.) CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 14. Well founded reports in circulation hero in dicate that this season's nineteen-day running race programme at Frontier Park will mark the finish of the "pon-t ies" in Wyoming. This year's meet! will probably be run early in July, un-; der the auspices of the Cheyenne Thoroughbred Breeder's association. It is understood that the lease of tho Breede's association on the Frontier Park track expires with tho conclu sion of the 1920 program and much doubt is expressed that any effort will be made to renew the arrangement, owing to the poor patronage of the raco course tho past few seasons. Contrary to custom, It is planned to conduct the raco meeting this season previous to the great annual Frontier Days' celebration .probably from Sat; unlay, July 3, to Saturday, July 24. in elusive and the announcement that the frontier committee has agreed not to protest against the raco program lately preceding Frontier Days J3 be ing greeted with much criticism from some citizens, who believe that the re sult will not bo to the benefit of tho cliy's great annual Wild West show. Betting on tho races, it is pointed out in somo quarters, may drain the city of much money that would othor wiso go into tho coffers of the Fron tier Days' celebration, and it is' pre dicted that hundreds from nearby yearly renewal of the days of the plains will attend tho raco meeting this year, and as a result not bo in a position io "spend freely" at the Fron tier Days' dally program. Pari-mutuel machines will be in use at the raco course. oo FOUR DAYS BY SKI, TWO HOURS BY AERO (By International News Service.) NORTH PARK. May 14 J. H. Dick ens, wealthy rancher, consumed four days In journeying from his snow bound home here to Denver on skis and by Bled, so he decided to "make up for lost time" on the return trip. Leaving Denver at 8 o'clock in the morning, in an aeroplane, Dickens ar rived home shortly after 10 a. m., con sumlng little moro than two hours in the olghty-odd railo flight. oo BOXES TWICE A WEEK. SAN FRANCISCO Bud Ridley, coast bantamweight champion, may set a now record for boxing. He fights twlco a week with rarely a skfp. He intends to stay west for another year bcforo trying his speed in eastern rings. Heavy rain has been found bene ficial to hay-fever patients. Locals Will Present First Rate Club in ; Saturday's Contest Rollo Greenwell Will Perform On Slab For Ogden in Initial H Game of 1920 Season; Marshall Is Choice of Brigham City Manager. Yea Bo! Batteries for today's game, for Og den Greenwell and French. For Brig ham City Marshall and Stone. Let's go! Tomorrow afternoon at Brigham City tho ruler of the diamond, other wise known as hi3 Majesty, the Ump, will bellow' forth a like repitition of the above and the 1020 baseball season of the Wasatch league will be on. The schedule for the opening game3 io as follows: Ogden at Brigham City;. Bountiful at Layton; Tremonton-Garland game at Honeyvllle. In every city the opening games will be celebrated by a half-holiday and the old-time pepper, the ginger and pep that ruled here In the days of old is sure to return, at least that is the way the tide will turn according to the league officials. Locally Ogden has been without a team for a number of years and the live wires are out to again put the city to the fore in the national pas time. Ogden has had some rattling good ball clubs in the past and the club of 1920 will have to step to keep the pace set by the old-timers. How ever, Manager Frank Scott says that it can be done and that the game will come back with more pepper than has ever been administered here in other years. This year the state of Utah will have more organized leagues than has ever represented the state and in every nook and corner of the state the game is being revived. In Ogden the bugs awoke one morning and before noon of the same day tho plans for a classy team were formulated. j Pacific Coast League BEES WIN 11 STRAIGHT CUTEST j Lefty Leverenz Hurls Salt Salt Lake to Another Win; Score 6 to 3. Standing of the Clubs. Club. Won. Lost. Pet. San Francisco 21 12 .640 Portland 17 12 .593 Salt Lake .10 16 .541 Vernon . . . ' 20 17. .539 Oakland IS 18 .500 Los Angeles ..; 1G 17 .475' Sacramento 15' 20 .425 Seattle 9 23 .275 Yestorday's Results. Salt Lake 6, Oakland 3. San Francisco 3, Seatt'e 0. ; Portland 3. Los Angeles 1. ' ' Vernon 7, Sacramento 3. SALT LAKE, May 14. Joy reigns suprome in the Bee camp today. Yep. , three games in .a row Is the record thus far this week with tho Oaklets. (The game yesterday resulted in a G to 3 victory for the locals. Leverenz on the slab for Salt Lake twirled a first-class article cf ball and although touched up for 11 bingles, held the Acorns safe when they threatened to score. Holling on the slab for tho Oaks lost his first game of the season. The score: It. H. E, Oakland 3 11 3 Salt Lake 6 S 1 Batteries: Holling and Mitze; Lev erenz and Jenkins. oo BEAVERS TROUNCE ANGEL PLAYERS 3-1 LOS A2sTGELES, May 14. Portland won a snappy gamo from the locals here yesterday by a scpre of 3 to 1. Schroeder twirled his seventh win of the season. The score: R. H. E. Portland 3 7 0 Los Angeles 1 7 1 Batteries: Schroeder and Koobler; Keating and Lapan. oo EXIT SHORT BOUTS. COLUMBUS Fans hore will be sure to got their money's worth in the future. The boxing commission has ruled that all main bouts must go 15 rounds to referee's decision. I The players on the Ogden team will H compare with those of any of the. other H clubs and unless the aims of Frank Scott go amiss Ogden will be the .pen J In Ogden the season will officially J open Saturday, May 22, with Tremon IH i ton-Garland. Plans for a great cele- bratlon are under way and it is ex- pected that the live wires of the olden IH times will be on deck to give the play- H ers of the 1920 team the glad hand. H In the opening game Saturday at jH Brigham City the two teams will lino H up as follows: , IH Ogden. Brigham City. IH French c Stone IH Greenwell p.: Marshall IH Miller '' Gunn M Wessler 2b Stone jH Butterfield 3b A. Gunn IH Schultz ss Olsen' IH Myers If Boskelly IH Reardon cf. ........ Morgan H J, Owen's rf Jensen H In the drive for funds the club has H thus far received $635 of $1600 and it H is reported that the money is being H received, thanks to the business men. IH The subscriptions are being solicited IH by R. H. Wells vho is one of the di- jl rectors of the local club. jH Old Dad Baseball will make his de- IJ but for the 1920 season here on May 22. Yep, and Bert Herrick, the indi- H cator man, otherwise known as the H king of the bottle dodgers, will be on IH deck to bellow forth, "Play ball!" Be IH on your toes, fans, 'cause the grand old' IH game is due for a great revival and in H order to make the gamo overflow wltK' pep you must give your support. Oh. Il boy, let's go! Il i . IH JAZZY SPORTS I "Has Came" may be lumpy gram. H mar, but it is so irequently used by IH our best people that a poor bard should be permitted to use it occas- IH ionally and get by. Being a poet is IH hard work as our Attic friends Con- IH stantine Papadogians was wont to say IH in the dear dead past when presenting. IH us with an occasional amphora of his IH incomparable retsina. And what is a IH poet to do for a rhyme now that the. H country has gone- dry, and Constantlne is returning to the orange groves and IH fig orchards of his' fathers? Death, H where is thy sting? H A "mysterious" informant has noti- H ficd the authorities of the Detroit base- IH ball club that whiskey is being shot H over from Canada to that city in tot;- . pedoes. W e -hate to say it of anyone-. 'H but it sounds as if "mysterious" in- H formant has been kicking the bamboo H around. Yep, and jest you notice H where the Detroit club stands in tho jH American league race. By 'heck, there H must be some truth to the tale. - H "Luxury Craze Perils United States," declares an .economist. Quire right! We went out this morning to indulge in the luxury of a light break fast and came back to the 'office a. H financial wreck. H H Chicago may have double-decked' street cars, but that won't prevent' 1 young gentlemen getting a hold on H their best girls on the upper deck. The report that the war has wipell' out all of Great Britain's athletes seems to have been a trifle exagger- IH ated, judging from what look place at IH Philadelphia a few days ago. A bare trifle to break it gently. IH Howard Slowcum recently won a twenty-mil? marathon l'ace -at Chica -1 go. Gee. Howard Is evidently much faster than his name would lead one ' to believe. Somebodv or other down in Now iorK says mo nyiukui iibut h create a boxing trust. We trust not. It might not be a bad idea though vO have a combination in restraint of Ecmo so-called boxing bouts, the decls ions in which aro determined two weeks In advnnce in pool rooms, hotel ' lobbies and cigar counters. OO - H FAST LIKE ROXY. WICHITA Frank Isbell thinks he has in Lyman Smith, a blond out fielder, a man who can cover as much ground In tho field as Roxy Middle ton used to do for the Wichita club, Best Treatment for Catarrh H S. S. S. Removes the Cause H From the Blood Once you got your blood free from lm puritios cleansed of the catarrhal pol uons, which It ia now a proy to becauso of its unhealthy state then you will ljo relieved of Catarrh tho dripping in the throat, hawkine and spitting; raw sores in tho nostrils; and tho disagreeable bad breath. It was cauaed in tho first place becauso your impoverished blood was eas ily lnfoctcd. Possibly a slight cold or con tnct with somcono who had a cold. But tho point is don't suffer with Catarrh it in not necessary. -The remedy. S. s. b. discovered over fifty years ago, tested. (true nnd tried, is obtainable at any drug IH utoro It has proven its valuo In thou- , sands of cases. It will do so in your case. Il Get S. S. S. at once and begin treat- ll mcnt If yours is a long-standing case. be sure to write for froo expert medical advice. Wc will tell you how this pure lv vegetablo blood remedy cleanses thft impurities from the blood by literally washing it clean. We will prove to you that thousands of sufferers from Catarrh, after consistent treatment with S. 5. S , have been freed from the trouble and nil Its dlsagroeable features. Don't delay tho j treatment. Address Medical Director. 1i0 I Swift Laboratory. AUanta, Ga. Adver- I tisement. IH