Newspaper Page Text
r ; FOR SALE Rcai Estate j ErGHT room brick houao nnd largo cel lar; j.od barns. Snap at $3000. 2250 Van Huron avenue. Pbonc 2723-M. la26 I HAVE IT No. 3. That modern brick residence for the party who "must have, seven rooms." East front, nice lawn, cast of "Washington avcmio. 54750. Easy terms. S. S. Smith, Offlco hours. 7 to 0 a, m,. and p. m. Phono 1214. 154S A FEW more of those houses built before labor and material doubled In value, A 111 make desirable homes and profitable In voKtment. . Four room house, partly modern, choice location on Ixmch. small cash payment, balance, monthly. $1650. Six room modern frame, two blocJts from buslnc3 street, all special laxc3 paid. $2850. Easy terms. Seven room modern frame, largo lot. first class repair, five blocks south, all special taxes paid. $BS50. Terms to suit. Lots on Lincoln avenue, near Thir tieth street, sewer and sidewalk, paid in ull. 5375 each. E, F BRATZ 417 Eccles Bldg. HG I . . . ..... t T).lnn r21 ACRES of inna on wnson right, James H. Piatt. Phono 0-R-4. FOUR room modern bungalow, good base ment, built-in features, garage, Phono 21S4-W. ; iliii FIVE room house, 53500 H21 Twenty flfth street. 2 LOT CO feet by 132 feet. A snap If taken at once. Phone S07. "'! FOUR room house, one acre , found, water right, lights, gas. water, eWewnlk, telephone, on car line. Tel. day 1612. nit. cr 7 p. in.. 1773. HI I BUSINESS PROPERTY il Desirable revenue producing. Twenl- fifth street business property. Non-rcsi-Kg dent owners. Bargain. Kelly & Hcrrlck. I VERY good orchard. 17 acres, very rea tonable prlco. Address M. C.. care Stand: ard. till FIVE room brick and stucco bungalow, gumwood finish In living and dlr . ng rooms, oak borders, furnace heat, fine basement, fruit and laundry rooms; $4800, Ibi 51350 down. $50 month. Phono 3159, 1441 LcSrr TWO excellent building lots, and one new iff modem up to the minute home, below the w market price. 2007-J BY OWNER Three room modern frame, lot 45x153. three blocks from town; one half block from Washington. $2000 cash 2837 Hudson avenue. IN RAILROAD DISTRICT A four room house with a complete housekeeping outfit, lot 40x165. seven min utes' walk from shops A bargain at $2000 Sec owner evening at 146 rac : avenue. W. H. Shirk. 112 ONE five room modern cement block ! house, Twonty-nlnth street i. One new four room modern brick on h 1 beSno four room frame, four lots, cheap I 'f for cash. South part of town Call Sli- h- nr. f 4 BY OWNER Five room nrlck. modern. 1-1 just built, good location. Inoulro at 422 L j Seventh street i , k room frame close in S2000 1 4 room frame, modern fjuou J Room frame on bench $3500 ; 5 room modern on bench..... $6000 . . KELLY &. HERRICK 13S0 R. G. AGEE Real Estate insurance Flvo acres A-l land, seven room brick house. Good buy at $5000. Five room brick, large lot, close to shops, only 52100. Four room frame closo to street car barns. 51150. Six room brick, modern 1 1-3 acres flno T land. 56750. t t. r . Six room modern frame, North Wash- lngton avenue; 3 extra lots. ?4200; terms. Three room frame, largo lot, garage, fruit, largo poultry houso, two blocks from street car: only $1550 Four room house, Five Points, sleeping porch, largo lot; prlco $2000. We havo several good buys In houses, vacant lots and farms. R. G, AGEE Basement Broom Hotel. Phones 69 or 72 loOo H THREE lots for sale on Thirty-first B otrect, between Grant and Washington. 9 ' JnQuiro 1070 South Tenth East, Salt Lake E City. 1335 P $3650 Four room frame house, light, water, summer kitchen, also 1 acres W- ' good land, water right. 5S0 Seventh i? street. By Owner. 1330 W ' A SNAP Six room modern brick, hard- Is wood floors, large lot, close in, all newly papered and painted; Immediate posses sion. $3800. half cash. THOS, AULD f Phono 301. Under First Natl. Bank SEVEN room houso for sale, on big lot KM Special price. Inquire G. E. Wilson, care Lighthouse Electric. 1305 H; -JPl FOUR room3 and sleeping porch, brick Wmfr house, on Canyon road, completely fur tW nl8he4.$3C00 . Froercr & Fowlcs. or write IW. L. PORTER, Real Estate and Loans. 2376 Washington avenue. Phone 187C. 12C3 THREE acre chicken farm, six room house, garage, mixed fruit. Phone 2889 W. IMP BY OWNER Good newly papered nnd painted house. TcrmB. Phono 22. 771 Bl OWNER Comer lot ilGxlS fcX Twenty-second and Rccvea avenue. Phone 3076. 379 BURLEY IDAHO FARM LANDS trm WE have u large list of Irrigated farms m for sale or trado. Wrlto or see AVONES Eg ORIS WOLD LNV. CO.. Burlcy, Idaho. K . 2748 '. FINE building lot on Adams; 37 1-2 feet j. ' , by 170 feet to alley; will sell this lot for t $390; cash or terms to suit. If Interested - In a good buy, call 3169-R. 3-13-tf ' SEVEN room' brick, full basement, mod I em except heat. A snap. $1250. Phone 1 j 2255-W. 1407 1 FIVE room brick home, nowly decorated I - throughout; three blocku from Washington ,wrf avenuo on bench. Lot 48x132. Partial 4m basement, brick garago. possession lmmo , dlatoly. $5300. $2300 caah, balance on terms. Call 10S9-J. .1492 ... j'WAm:ED 1 I To Buy 4 OR 5-ROOM house, cash $500 and monthly payments. Five Points Shoe Shop. 1424 HIGHEST prices paid for old clothes. 259 i 25th St Phone 333G. 679 WE havo cash customers tor desirable jjjj city and farm lands. List your property nun itimuiu jjuujjii;. xveuey cc nerncK. . 2-C-tf H WE BUY all cars, regardless of condl- H tion. Auto Salvage o.. 2348 Grant Ave. 3197 I wa?Jted t.-.-.-.uw.-.-.-.-T?? I H TIIREE or four room furnished houso Ml with shed or garatto. No children. Refer- H encos. Address Box 17, caro Standard- j Examiner. isqq H WANTED by nurse, light housekeeping H iooni3 with Catholic family near church. Phono 1417 15Q7 . BETOUE Juno 1, three or four room fur- r n.l8heA "oua. "car car line. Address Box 362. Ogden. 1372 H SMALL modern nicely furnished or un- H furnished house or apartment; permanent; H no children. Refer Dr. w. H. Petty, Eccles Building. Dr. R. W. McKcfi, 1423 j SPECIAI, BARGAINS IN USED CARS Hero Is your opportunity to own a largo, handsomo 7-passcnger car In any lono of the following makes PAIGE I REO STUDEBAKER OVERLAND CHALMERS Prices $850 to $1450 These prices arc made extra low to sell tho cars In a hurry. They won't last long better look thorn over today. OGDEN MOTOR CAR CO. 2347 Hudson Avenuo Telephone 460 4-90 CHEVROLET for $375. at O. S. L. section houso, Brig-ham. Utah. 1544 FORD roadster, electrical equipment. Bargain. Ogden Auto Service Co.. 2132- , 54-56 Grant avenue. Ogden. Utah. 1513 1918 Studobakor truck. panl body, or will I trade for Ford car. 2312 Monroe. Phono 2761. 1463 BARGAIN Standard six cylinder five passenger automobile In good condition Will sell at bargain for cash. Will tako piano or phonograph as part payment. Phone 173. Ask for Mr. Madoen. 1449 Overland, 5 passongor $ S50 Haynes. 0 passenger. 6 cylinder $1250 Ford touring .5 350 Willys Knight roadster. ...$1000 I ttlllJO IkUlhUl , IUiUCIIt,l.l . , ...I1UUU BROWNING AUTOMOBILE CO. 144G 1919 Four-ninety Chevrolet In first class condition. Smith & Flinders Co., upstairs Commorcjal National bank. 1447 1917 .Ford touring car cheap; shock ab sorbers, speedometer, etc., at 2073 Quln cy 1443 1920 Maxwell with extra equipment Terms to responsible party. Phone 3221 -J. 1391 USED car, good for truck or cut down: must sell at onco. Phone 2654-J. 1390 REPUBLIC ton truck, practically new. Call 154. 1367 OILY spark plugs and diluted oil In crank case remedied In most cars without rcbor Ing. Tho Franklin Agency. 2166 Grant avenue. 959 CHEVROLET 4-90 model; almost new. Read Auto Top Co. 578 FOR RENT 1 Furnished j FIVE rooms close In; no children. Or pheum Candy Co . between 2 and 6 p. m. 1530 FRONT room for one or two gentlemen. 2532 Lincoln. 1531 FOUR room furnished house. Phone 2961. 1532 ROOM and garage. 2566 Orchard. Phone 2494-M. 1533 FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 421 Twenty-sixth street, 1534 TWO furnished rooms. 2362 Madison. Phono 1086-J 1522 THREE rooms neatly furnished. Small family. 2032 Gramurcy. 1503 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms: ground floor. 2424 Uncln. 1501 FOUR room modern cottage, nicely fur nished; no children. Call 3263-M. 2936 Adams. 1476 FURNISHED home for summer. 462 Twenty-third. 1474 SLEEPING room with bath. 255-1 Vs "Washington, 1473 j SLEEPING rooms for rent. 2103 Adams. Phone 2110-J. 1472 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Phone 1597. 1475 THREE furnished rooms for rent. 2050 Ballantyno' avenuo. 1460 LIGHT housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms. 5S3 Twenty-sixth. Phono 937. 1436 NICE largo rooms, also apartment for girls. 2639 Jofforaon. 1438 FOR the summer, modern home furnished, throe rooms and bath, No children. Phono 2667-R. 1-137 ONE doublo room, one single room for housokccplng. 2S1S Washington avenue. 1435 APARTMENTS. 2571 Lincoln Ave. 1417 LARGE front room, private bath; suitable for two or throe business men. Gates Hotel, 2446 Grant Ave. 1416 COMPLETELY furnished 4-rooin apart mcnt. Prlvato bath. 2785 Grant Ave. 1415 MODERN four room apartment, closo In, to party wishing to purchase furniture. Phone 2824-J. 1401 FURNISHED room with heat and bath In private homo. 210 Twenty-third. 1387 ARLINGTON Hotel, under now management- A clean and refined homo for la dles and gentlemen. Hot and cold water In every room. Private telephones and baths. 2439 Washington avenuo. 1363 FAMILY and bachelor apartments, rea sonable rent. 2252V; Washington. 1311 FURNISHED sleeping room for gcntlo men. 2122 Washington . 1311 NICE furnished room for gentleman, In prlvato family. Call 2042-J. 1312 TWO rom furnished apartment for two. 2785 Grant. 1211 NICELY furnished ono or two room apartments for housekeeping. No chll drcn. 362 Twenty-fourth. 973 QATES HOTEL TRANSIENT rooms with bath: weekly rates. 2446 Grant avenue. Phone 3050. ' 979 FORSALE Poultry and Eggs FRESH milk goat and kid cheap, at once. 1170 Twenty-sixth. 11 OS ABOUT forty laying hens, some Minor- cas. Frank RIgloy, 1952 Stephens avenue 1333 FOR No. 1 baby chicks and WInford elec trics hovers, phone Astlll, 669-15 15-M. 1287 POULTRY' any quantity any time. Wo buy and sell. Western Grain & Feed Co., Phone 1243. 2354 Washington. 59t BUSINESS j Opportunities GROCERY store, or will leaso and sell stock at Invoice 2010 Monroe avenue. 1331 j foFrent i i Unfurnished SIX room modem house. 3548 Hudson avenue. 1547 THREE front rooms, $14; also thrco up stalrs, $10. 263 Twenty-first street. 1535 UNFURNISHED house, three oT four rooms, by young couple; no children. Can give good reference.. Phone 2233-AV, 1520 UNFURNISHED apartment for rent. In quire 535 Twenty-seventh 6treet. Phono 2173-M. 14 M ENTIRE accotid floor for rent over tho Lighthouse Inqulro tho Lighthouse Elec trlc. 2152 Washington avenue. 1307 FOUR rooms downstairs and four up stairs, or will rent wholo house. Phone 2579-W. 1269 UNFURNISHED rooms for light house keeping. 2348 Washington. 1QSG 4 ROOMS, modem housekeeping: closo In. Kelly Herrlck. 1032 TWO or three room modern apartments, steam healed; closo In. Phono 1008-J. Also store room at 2642 Washington. 746 (SDNDSTWj WE take your old range aa first payment on any now range, or will buy vour old rango outrlghL Homo Furnlluro Co. 4672 EXPERIENCED colored catcrcss wants luncheon and dinner parties to serve Phone 232. 139s CARD and character reading. 449 Twon-ty-slxth. 1330 LEARN to dance niWoodward Studio. O dcn. 2359 Washington. Salt Lake 34 Souh I Main street. Open dally, 765 j TORSALE j RHUBARB, asparagus, fresh eggs, Whlto j Leghorn hens. Phono 42-R-l. 1529 iCAlVARIES; males and females. 2220 ( Lincoln. 152s DELIVERY bodv for Ford with cab, A-l condition 526 Thirty-sixth street. 1527 SOLID .golden oak library table and )l Ibrary lamp, at No, 1 Browning Apart monta 1533 GOOD set harness, automatic washer, mo torcycle, safe, hose, bike. Phone 333 I 1542 '9IS?S0din bcd ,n Good condition. Phone 23o6-R, 1349 KITCHEN cablnot, gas stove and water heater. 530 Twonty-thlrd. Phone 21S0-M. . 1523 SOLID oak flat top desk, four drawers. 2553 Van Burcn avenuo. 1521 LARGE Jersey: a No. 1 milk cow. Cheap. 55S Twelfth street. 1524 CHOICE panslea at Plngrco's. 2861 Pln gree, Phonca 1225 and 799. 1508 VICTOR phonograph for sale, 272 Twcn-ty-elghth strcot. 1506 GAS stove. 2771 Washington. 1490 INDIAN motorcycle 2128 Jefferson. 1493 SURREY pole, harness, 1 carpet, girls' coat. 12 to 16. lady's coat. 3S, vacuum cleaner 462 Twenty-seventh. 1491 TWIN cylinder, three speed Indian motor cycle and sidecar, first class condition, three new tires: cost today $675; will sell for $375 cash or can arrange tonus. Can be seen In front of Western Union. Phone 260. 1405 FURNITURE RUGS LINOLEUM All kinds of used furnlturo and rugs at prices that will Interest you. See us beforo buying Phone 2464. Tho Furni ture Exchange, 253 Twenty-fifth street. ' 1465 CHARTER Oak cook stove. RanUary couch, two commodes. Phone 1370. 1469 BIG barn for sale. 1132 Twenty-first. 1467 INDIAN motorcyclo cheap, good condl tlon. 2220 Read avenuo. 1468 STRAWBERRY plants; hardly varioty, $1.25 per 100; called for less Phone 743. . 115S MAHOGANY parlor set. Phone 100S-R, 1462 STRAWBERRY plants, hardy variety, $1.25 hundred; called for less. Phone 743. 1384 GOOD delivery wagon, goo& as now, $60, also sanitary cough $C. 530 Seventh street. 1336 PAINTS AND VARNISH Buy your paint at Stowo's and save money. 1800 Washington avenue. Phone 6S6-J. . 131S HOuSEHuLD rurmturo for sale. Must bo sold quick. Call 538 Twenty-fifth. 1323 A-l FRESH milk cow. 1915 Grant. 1322 A-l INDIAN motorcycle. electrically equipped, 3 speed. 678 Twenty-fourth. 1321 GOOD potatoes for soed. Phono 10-R-2 1320 BEAUTIFUL now dresser cheap If taken at once. Phone 134S-R. 2130 Plngree. : 1319 BUY your electric washer at Stowo's for cash and savo money. 1800 Washington. Phone 6S6-J. 829 SODA fountain, wall case. No. 2SS Twcn- iy-iiiin street, u, Jicuarty. ism SUPERlGirpansy plants at Purdy's. 2S52 Plngree. Phono 2116-R, 1219 HORSES and mules for sale cheap at 2767 Gibson avenue. West Twenty-eighth street. , 648 PIANOS and other musical Instruments. Terms without Interest. Pantone, 2374 Hudson. 909 CABBAGE and tomato plants for sale. 223 Ninth strcot 805 TEAM of 6 year old norscs, 1300 pounds: saddle $20. Call 42-R-3. 447 FOUR head of choico heifers. Phono 37-J-3. 445 HIGHEST prices paid for second hand goods. Stowtj'a Second Hand Store. 1800 Washington Ave. Phono 6S6-J. 5-2-tf SEVERAL sets 01 new work narnoss. Og den Horse Sale & Commission Co. 3103 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made; big reduction. Gordon's. 211-25 Twenty-fifth St Phono 419. 21S7 j WANTED I Female Help TWO experienced waitresses; one dish washer. Apply at Ranch Cafe at once. 1545 GIRL wanted for general housework. Tel. 2193-J. 1525 GIRL wanted at Grccnwcll's Confection ery; 1516 EXPERIENCED waitress, wages bottor than union scale. Phone 545. 1G1C GIRL for general housowork. 2570 Tyler acnue. 1471 GIRL to assist with housework and go home nights, 259 Twenty-fifth. 1498 MIDDLE aged girl or woman for housc kceplng. Phono 1328-J. 1470 GIRL wanted at tho Wisteria. 1265 rn5EEF I Male and Female j BL'SHEL man wanted, lady or man. Good vages. Apply 137 Twenty-fifth. 1546 CHILDREN'S dressmaking and plain sow ing taken Sti. 2632 Monroo Ave. Phono 3261-J. 681 Hemstitching, plcot edge, buttons, pink ing and pleating-. Second floor W. H Wright & Sons. Mrs. II. Layman. 1169 BEADED bag. containing glasses. Ro ward. Phono G02. 1537 ONE Goodrich non-skid tire, size 31x4, mounted on rim, between Ogden canyon and Beaver. Reward. Phone 1208, 1464 NECKLACE, threo 3mall diamond drops. Return to 655 Twenty-fifth. Roward 1366 HANDBAG between depot and sugar fac tory. Finder return to depot baggage room. Reward. 1396 i moneFtoToan PRIVATE money to loan Farm or city. Box 118. Standard-Examiner. 1511 MONEY to loan on Improved real estate E. F. Bratz. -117 Eccloa Bldg. S2! TO sularled people without security, to others on pianos, furniture, bonds, etc 227 Hudson Bids'. Phono 284. 249 MONEY to loan on Improved real ustate. Kolly & Hcrrlck. 770 Situations YOUNG -woman with 9 months old baby wishes position as housekeeper. Widower preferred. 325S Ogdon avenuo. lKSfi HOUSEWORK Monday and Saturday Phono 2083-R. 1510 FIVE passenger Ford Must be bargain Phono 2610-R- 1519 EXPERIENCED nurse. 2943 Portor ave nue. Ogden Phone 15C3-M. 1505 AVASHINGS to tako home. Phono 29-R-4. 1501 EXPERIENCED colored lady wishes posi tlon In hotel. Box B, care Standard-Exam-'"or. 1426 LET mo figure your building. R. J, Cott-l roll. 571 Cross. Phono 2893-M. 1393 EXPERIENCED stenographer and tvplst desires .position; good references. Box E caro Standard. 1393 AVE do cement work of any description, and also put In lawn. Phono 2257-J 1332 GARDEN plowing. Phono 235U-W 59"? Cricket was placed in Englnnd in the fourteenth century if not earlier. WANTED I gjale Help BOY about 18 to work at Lyceum thoa tcr afternoons. Apply in person. 153S BOY over 16 wanted at Utah theater 1618 COOP Janitor. St. Joseph's church. 1491 SHOEMAKER wanted. Clark Shoe Store. . 1448 YOUNG man to work in bakery. Green well Confectionery. H3 WANTED WANTED COAL DIGGERS COAL LOADERS NEW WAGE SCALE NOW IN EFFECT Pays diggers 51.01 per ton, Fays loaders $.64 per ton FIRST CLASS WORKING CONDITIONS. MINES WORKING STEADILY. GRAB THIS OPPORTUNITY BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Apply io Lion Coal Company, Rock Springs. Wyo. 1339 HELP HELP HELP Wc can furnish all kinds of help. Let us know your wants. Licensed agents. Major Employment Agency. 223 Twenty-fifth street. Phono 5S6. 1302 MEN WANTED Fcr railroad yard ser vice. Wages 64 cents an hour; eight hours work a day; 96 cents per 1 our for ccch additional hour ovor eight hours a day; board and lodging" placea will c arranged for. Ttrikd conditions. b'.t strike denounced bv rail road brotherhoods and un authorized. Protection as sured. Permanent places for good men. Apply to B. A. Campbell, Superin tendent, Second Floor, Union station. Ogden. Eouthcm Pacific Co. : 4.1 ' . . .' , A. "X ; ' ' ! " ' ' '. SWITCHMEN WANTED MEN oxporlc.d In rail road work desiring em ployment should call at once or uend namos and aldress to superintendent Southern PaclfL- cotnnnny at address Riven below Strike conditions prevail but tho strike is unautv ' orlzod and denounced oy offlccis of tho roljroad brotherhoods. Apply 1 B. jV, Camplwll Superinton dent. Room 3. Second Floor, Union Station, Og den, SOouthorn Paclflo Co. 401 .m LEARN actual auto ropalr, vulcanzing. Los Anoroles Y. M.C. A. Auto School. 1090 PfqK TEN room modern brick on bonch. Will tako ismall houso In trado. Phone 2347-J I 1459 BARGAIN Will soil cheap for cash or trado for stock in People's Sugar Co.. Mitchell auto, six cycllndor, sevon passen ger, newly painted and ovorhaulcd. In splendid condition. Phono 1713. 132G P FORWENT ?1 THREE Ohio vacuums In first class con dition, $1 day. Call F. Barlow, 2384-J . 1371 OHIO vacuum, $t day Phono 3148. 1222 VACUUM cleaners, revolving brush, $1.00 day. Phono 2334-J. 579 STORAGE room for rent. Call Asbcsto lato Products Co.. Phono 1416-W. 367S PASTURE Good paaturo for horses. Smith & Flin ders Co.. Upstairs Commercial National hank. Phono 1147. 1451 I Board and Room COMFC$RTABLE homo on bench. 2469 Van Burcn. Phono 3182-M. 1461 j WANTED j i Miscellaneous j CHICKENS, any quantity any tlmo. Rus-cU-James Co.. 189 24th SL Phono 136. 4-4-tf LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SALE OF ESTRAYS, State of Utah, County of Weber, in tho North Ogdon Precinct of said Countv I havo in my possession the following described animals which If not claimed and taken away, will bo sold at public auction to tho highest cash bidder at rav residence In North Ogden precinct on the 24th day of May, 1920. at the hour of 10 a. m.: Ono brown maro about C years old, branded S on thigh: ono black mare about 5 ycara old branded 1 on thigh; ono brown horse about 7 years old, branded diamond on left shoulder and J on right shoulder. Said animals are hold by mo to secure tho payment of $3 damages done by said ani mals upon tho premloya of R. G Mont gomery on tho 13th day of May. 1020. LEROY SNOOKS. Poundkceper of North Ogden Precinct. prSbateaJS GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Respec tive Signers for Further Information. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho District Court of the Second Judl- C,IM. District In and for the County of Weber, Stato of Utah, In the Matter of tho Estate of Joseph Chupg. Deceased Creditors of the estate of Joseph Chugg, deceased, will present tholr claims, to gether with vouchers, to the undersigned "idrnlnlstratrix at the law offices of Chez & Barker, at room 400-401-102-403. First National Bank bulldln- Ogden. Utah, on or before June 25. 1920. ZEN I A V. CHUGG. -.i. , . Administratrix, Chez fc Barker. Attorneys for Administratrix. , L NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the Second Judi cial District. In and for the County of Weber. Stato of Utah. In tho Matter of the Estate of James 1' rands Crosblo, Deceased. Creditors of the entato of James Fran cis Croable. dcccaBcd. will present tholr claims, together with vouchers, to tho un dorslgncd administrator at the law of fices of Chez fc Baikcr. at rooms -401-402-403. First National bank building, Ogden, Utah, on or before June 25, 1920 MATHEW A. GALT. Administrator, Chez & Barker. Attorneys for Administrator. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the District Court of the Second Judi cial District, in and for the County of Weber, Stato of Utah. In tho Matter of the Estate of Michael Lowham, Jr., Deceased. Creditors of the estate of Michael Low ham. Jr., deceased, will present their claims, together with vouchers to the un dersigned administratrix at tho Jaw of fices of Chez & Barker, at rooms 400-401-402-403. First National Bank building, Og den. Utah, on or beforo tho 25th day of June, 1920. EMMA LOWHAM. Administratrix. Chez & Barker, Attorneys for AdmJnistra-trlx. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In tho District Court of tho Second Judi cial District. In and for tho County of Weber, State of Utah. In tho matter of the Estate of Emma A Richardson, Deceased. Creditors of the estate of Emma A. Richardson, deceased, will present tholr claims, together with vouchers, to tho un dersigned executor at tho law offices of Chez & Barker, at rooms 400-401-402-403. First National Bank building, Ogden Utah, on, or before the 25th day of June.' 1920. ERNEST T. RICHARDSON. -,. . Executor. Chez & Barker. Attorneys for Executor. NOTICE. Estate and Guardianship of Glen Steven Jcssop, Minor. Tho petition of Ruby Jessop for the ap polntment of herself as guardian of tho person and estate of said minor. In the above entitled matter, has been "set for hearing- on Monday, the 17th day of May, 1920, at two (2) o'clock p. m. at the coun ty court house. In the court room of said in Ogden City, Weber County, Utah. ..wness. the clerk of said courL with the seal thereof affixed, this 5th day of May, 1920. 1 WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk (Seal) NOTICE. Estato of Jennie M. Jenkins. Deceased. 1 The petition of Charles Jenkins for let ters of administration. In the above en titled matter, has been set for hearing be foro Hon. A. E. Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the 17th day of May, 1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. m., at the county court houso, In the court room of said court. In Ogden City. Weber County, Utah. Witness, tho clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 6th day of May, 1920. WALTER N. FARR, Clerk. By Agnes Smith, Deputy' Clerk, S, T. Corn, Attorney for Petitioner. fRnah NOTICE. Estato of Laura M. Mclghan Wlant, De ceased. Tho potltlon of Frank R. Wlant for let ters of administration, In tho abovo entit led matter, has been set for hearing beforo Hon. A. E. Pratt, Judge, on Monday, the 17th day of May. 1920. at ten (10) o'clock a. in. at the county court house, in tho court room of said court, In Ogden City, Weber County, Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 5th day of Mai'. 1920. WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk, Chez & Barkor, Attorneys for Petitioner. (Seal) NOTICE. Estate of Mike Termini, Deceased. Tho petition of Vlnccnzo Termini for letters of administration of the estate of Mike Termini, deceasod, to bo Issued to Samuel G. Dyok, of Ogden, Utah. In the abovo entitled matter, has been set for hearing before Hon, A. W. Agee, Judge, on Monday, the 17th day of May. 1920. at two (2) o'clock p. 111., at tho county court house, In the court room of said court, In Ogden City. Weber County. Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 5th day of May, 1920. WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk. John C. Davis. Attorney for Petitioner. fSean SUMMONS. In tho District Court of Weber County. Stato of Utah. Ida M. Hassul. Plaintiff, vs. Joseph J. ITassel. Dofendnnt. The State of Utah to Said Defendant: You are hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after service of this summons upon you. If served within th: county in which this action Is brought: othorwlso within thirty days after serv ice and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your failure so to do, Judp mcnt will be rendered against you accord ing to tho demand of tho complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. This action Is brought to rccovor a Judgment dissolving tho bonds of matri mony heretofore existing between you and tho plaintiff, and awarding plaintiff cer tain property referred to in her complaint, and such other relief as Is meto and equitable. STUART P. ."DOBBS. Plantlff's Attorney. P. O. address, 210 Colonel Hudson Bldg.. Ofrdcn. Utah. ALIAS SUMMONS. In tho District Court of Weber County. State of Utah. Cora Robinson. Plaintiff, vs. Morris E. Robinson. Defendant. Tho Stato of Utah to Said Defendant: You aro hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after sorvico of this summons upon you, If sorved within tho county In which this action Is brought; othcnvlso within thirty days after service and defend the above entitled action; and In case of your falluro so to do, Judgment will bo rondorcd against you according to tho demand of tho complaint, which has been filed with the clerk of said court. Thin action Is filed and prosecuted for tho purpose of securing a decroo of tho abovo entitled court dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now and heretofore oxlot Ing between the plaintiff and the defend ant; and awarding tho custody of the minor child of plaintiff and defendant, named LaFarc D. Robinson, to plaintiff. W IL REEDER, Jr., Plantlff's Attorney. P O Address: Sulto 629 David Eccles Building. Ogdon. Utah. NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX AND DE LINQUENCY OF THE SAME. To Whom It May Concern. Under authority of Section 278 of the Compiled Lawn of Utah. 1907, und as di rected by Section 1056 of the Revised Or dinances of Ogden City. Utah. 1915. The. undersigned Treasurer of Ogden CItv, Utah, hereby gives notice that a Special Tax for tho purpose of paying tho costo of building plpo sowers In Sower District No. Ill in Ogden City, Utah, has been levied and confirmed by an Ordl nanco of tho Board of Commlsalonora of Ogden City. Utah, .adopted and passed April 2S. 1920, and published April 29, 1920. Said Special Tax Is levied upon all prop erty abutting on tho following street, to wlt; All that part of Patterson street bo tweon Grant and Pacific avenues. Thir tieth street between Wall avenuo and a point 1,032.8 feet west of Wall avenuo, Blnford street between Wall avenuo and a point "362.9 feet west of Wall avenue, and Twcnty-soventh street between Wall ave nue and a point 631 7 foet west of Wall avenue, and further described as follows, LE to-witt Lots 1 to 15 Inclusive, Block 3. Horriman's add.; Lots 16 to 30 inclusive. Block 2, Horriman's Add.; Lots 1 to 12 Incliinlvc. Block 4. Hcrrlman's Add.: Lots it0-,,22. ,n,c1slvc- Block 1, Horriman's Add Part of an unnumbered tract of land io Plo,cJ,10t s,outh ORden Survey: Lota . x? s Inclusive, and Lots' 29 to 33 in clusive. Block 5. Central Park Annex; Lots o to 9 inclusive, and Lota 36 to 39 in clusive, Block 5. Central Park Annex; Lota 1 to 17 Inclusive. Block 4, Central Park Annex: Lots 1 to 17 inclusive. Block 3. Central Park Annex: Lots 1 to 10 Inclu sive. Block 3 Central Park Add.; Lots U to 20 Inclusive. Block 4. Central Parte Add : Lots 1 to 2C inclusive. Block 2, Central Park Add,: Lots 27 to 52 Inclusive. Block 5, Central Park Addition; Lots 1 to 26 Inclusive Block 2. King's Addition; Lots 1 to Zo Inclusive, Block 3, King's Ad dition: Lots 20 and 21, Block 1. King's Addition; a part of Lot 13. Block 10, South Ogdon Survey; and a part of Lota 1, 2. 7. and 8. Block 1, FIvo-Acrc Plat "A." all In Ogden City Survey, to a depth of 100 feet back from tho street line. Said tax Is payable In five Installments. Tho first installment becomes delin quent on the 29th day of April, 1921 Tho second Installment becomos iclln- iinviiL uu me ;jui aay 01 April. 1022. Tho third Installment becomes delin quent on tho 29th day of April. 1923 The fourth installment becomes 'delin quent on the 29th day of April, 1921 The fifth installment becomes delin quent on tho 29th day of April, 1925 Each of said installments draws In terest at the rato of six per cent por annum from the 29th day of April. 1920, until delinquent, and If said tax or any Installment thereof shall re main unpaid after tho delinquency of tho same; Interest thereon thereafter will bo at the rate of eight per cent per annum until such assessments are fully paid AH special taxes aro payable at the of fice of the city treasurer In the city hall, at Ogden City, Utah. ' C T. KOONS, City Treasurer Published In tho Standard-Examiner First publication May 9. Last publication May 16. NOTICE OF INTENTION.. Notice Is hereby rfven by tho Board of Commissioners of Ogdon City. Utah, or tho Intention of said Board of Commis sioners to mako the following described Improvement, to-wlt: To lay out, estab lish and open a public street to be named Eccles Avenue through Block thirty-four (34), Plat "C," Ogden City Survey, said street to be sixty (60) feet In width and described as follows; Part of Lots 1 to 10 both Inclusive, Block 34, Plat "C," Og den City Survey, Beginning at tho South west corner or Lot 1 in said Block 34, Plat "C." Ogden City Survey and run ning thence East 27.00 feet: thenco North 663 36 feet; tnencc West 60 feet: thence South 663,30 feet; thenco East 33.00 feet to the place of beginning. And to defray the wholo of the cost and expense of tho abuttor'a portion thoreof by a levy of a special tax to ho assessed upon tho blocks, lot;, lands and real estate within tho fol lowing described district, being the dip-t-lct to be affected or benefited bv such Improvement, namely: All the land lying between tho outer boundary lines of aid Eccles Avenuo when opened as proposed and a lino dravn fifty feet outward from and parallel to said outer boundary lines for the whole distance between Twenty third and Twenty-fourth streets, helng part of Lots 1 to 10 both Inclusive Blo:k 34. Plat "C." all In Ogdon City Survey. Tho total cost of said Jmprovomunt Is estimated at $3,110.00. All protests or objections to such Im provement or to tho carrying out of such Intention must bo presontod In writing l signed by the owners of abutting property describing the same, together with the number of abutting front feet, and be filed with the City Rccordor on or before tho 25th day of May. 1920. Tim rtnafrl nf Pnmrilc.lnn.iFF nf Or. rl..t regular lr-eellng thereafter, to-wlt: tho 26th day of May. 1920. will consider the proposed levy and hear and consider such rrotcsts and objections to said Improve ment as- shall have been mado. By orner of the Board of Commission ers of Ogden City. Utah. Dated May 3, 1520. C. T. MOTES. City Recorder. First publication May 5. 1920. Last publication May 24. 1920. Published In Ogden Standard-Examiner. Opening Eccles Avenue. -between Twenty third and Twenty-fourth Streets. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF THE NEWMAN 5L STUART COMPANY, A CORPORA TION. Notice Is hercbv given, that a special meeting of the stockholders of thn New man & Stuart Company, a corporation, is hereby called, and will bo hold at the of flco of Han-Is & Jenson. attorneya for said corporation, at Suite 313 Col. Hud son building, in Ogden City, Weber Coun ty, State of Utah, on tho 5th day of June. A. D. 1920. at the hour of four (4) o'clock p. m for the following purposes, to-wit: 1. To consider and vote upon the prop osition of Increasing the capital stock of the said NEWMAN & STUART Com pany, from the sum of $50,000.00. divided Into 500 shares at the par value of $100.00 per share, to tho sum of $100,000.00. divid ed into 1000 shares at tho par value of $100.00 per share. 2. To elect a board of five (5) direc tors of the said Newman & Stuart Com pany, one (1) of which shall bo elected and act as president, one (1) as vice pres ident, one (1) as secretary, and one (1) as treasurer. 3. To transact any other or further business that may properly come beforo the said special meeting of tho stockhold ers of tho said company. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIREC TORS. WILLIAM E. NEWMAN. President Newman & Stuart Company, a Corporation. 1MOGENE H. WILSON. Secretary Newman & Stuart Company, a Corporation. Harris & Jenson. Attorneys for Said Cor poration. Dated at OGden. Utah, May 11, A. D. 1920. NOTICE TO WATER USERS. Stntc Engineer's Offlco, Salt Lake City. Utah, March 25. 1920. Notice Is horoby given that tho Davis & Weber Counties Canal company, with principal office at Ogdon. Utah, has made application in accordance with the re quirements of Section 3. Chapter 07. Ses sion Laws of Utah. 1919. to change the place of use of. fifteen thousand (15.000) acre-feet of water stored in a reservoir in East Canyon Creek, in Morgan County, and heretofore used to lrrlgato 15,000 acres of land embraced In tho 3011 them part of Township 6 North, Range 2 AVcst. tho major part of Township 5 North, Range 2 AVcst. Township 4 North. Range 1 West, and Township 4 North, Range 2 AVest. and Sections I, 5. 0. and 9 Town ship 3 North, Range 1 AVest. Said com pany now desires to use the water as a supplementary supply to lrrlgato 49.200 acres of land embraced In Sections 30 and 31 T 6 N., R. 1 AV.; Sections 25. 26. 34. 35. and 36, T. 6 N R. 2 AV. ; Sections 6. 18 19. 20, 2S. 29. 31. 35. and 36. T. 5 N.. R 1 Ar " Sections 1 to 3, 9 to 16, 19 to 36 inclusive. T. 5 N., R. 2 AV.; Sections G to 9. 15 to 23. 26 to 35. inclusive, T. 4 N R 1 AV ; Sections 1 to G. S to 17, 20 to 29": 34 to 36, Inclusive. T. 4 N.. R. 2 AV. : Sections 1 to 6. S to 11. inclusive, T. 3 N. R 1 AV.; Section 1, T. 3 N R. 2 AV. This application Is designated in tho State Engineer's offlco as No. a527. All protests against the granting of said application stating tho reasons therefor, must be mado by affidavit In duplicate, accompanied with a fco of $2.50, and filed In this offlco within thirty (30) days aftor the completion of the publication of thl3 notice. G. F. McGONAGLE, Stato Engineer, Date of first publication May 7. 1920. Dato of completion of publication June 4, 1920 ALIAS SUMMONS In the City Court of Ogden City. Countv of AA'ober. Stato of Utah. Utah National Bank, a Corporation. Plain tiff, vs. AValtcr E. Doyle. Defendant. Tho Stato of Utah to tho Said Defendant: You aro hereby summoned to appear within ten days after service of this sum mons upon you. If served within tho coun ty In which this uctlon Is brought; other wise, within twenty days after this serv ice, and dofend tho above entitled action; and In caao of your failure so to do, the plaintiff In this action will apply to the court for tho relief demanded In the com plaint of which a copy Is hitherto at tached and herewith served upon you and will tako Judgment against you for the sum of twenty-flvo dollars ($25.00), with Interest at tho rate of 12 per cent por an num slnco March 29, 1920. costs of collec tion amounting to $2 50, together with plalfitlff'a costs and disbursements horoin. Thi3 action la brought to recover a Judg ment against you upon a promissory note for tho sums hereinabove set forth. STUART P. DOBBS, Plaintiff's Attorney. P O. Address 21Q Col. Hudson Bldg.. Og den. Utah. , , n t , . Dated Ogden City, AVebcr County, Utah, this 30th day of April. 1920. Information Bureau H 51.00 PER LIN PER MONTH:! 1 . y ANYTHING New or Old H ANYTHING A to Z new or old H bought, sold pr traded. Phono 333. 1 BOOKS AND STATIONERY Bramwcll Book and Stationery. 23R2 ' 1 Washington Ave. Phone 360. 2053 H BANKING H at,t,Qnal Bank, southeast comer Twenty-fourth and Washington. Phoneifl. H BV9YLEx6 AND REPAIRING rpSiHnri?0?, CS',' cycles, accessories. repairing. ATitalIc Tlrca. 2468 Hudson Ave! H CHIMNEY SWEEP mil gdcn Chimney Sweep Co. Phono 787 CARPENTER H Phnn?tnUoPC?k carpenter and Jobber. I'hono 1018. 158 Twenty-third street 1 H CvRPT CLEANING- Yan Karapcn for upholstering, car- H or mattresses. Phone 2752-J. H ?ii.ort..5arP-t cleaning, mattress reno- reamer renovating Phone 25SC-AV IH CHIROPRACTOR IH 10SRW ; wS,,v5' D- C.. Res. ohone 1086-AV. 701-702 Eccles Bldg. Ph 72U-J. IH CITY-JUNK HOUSE Phone 133. 2258-60 AVashlngton Ave ' " 799 1 xrP SuUEY AND NOODLES taMs jsr ncao DENTISTS " IstshinNniY hrth0,d Dcysts are special wn.iffl . b.ranchc3 of Dentistry. 2469 AVashlngton Avo 2208 ELECTRICAL WIRING 35Elctrlcal wiring and Wiring, Call ENGRAVING of0ilnOnruinVln5 Scrv,co Co . makes 01 lino cuts In one or more colors. 416 tH Twenty-fourth street. Phono 463 FOOT SPECIALIST '.v,LB,!l,; 320 Col. Hudson Bldg. aaggght arch supprta-corrcc 1 FIRE INSURANCE Charles Eisenberg. Phone 1859-J. Cal edonlan -.nd Michigan Commercial Stand-. ard Imniranco. 1575 H HIDES, WOOLS, FURS O. M. Runyan, 2269 Wall Ave., cava top prices. Phono 7S1-AV. ' ie28 lH JUNK AND HIDES Western Hldo & Junk Co., 2323 Wash Ington Ave. Phono SGI. IH Avefplionriio"0"30' 2059 1 MOVING AND HAULING ukiIni.v,n?nVans,' an klnd3 of hauling; JM call Hlghley Transfer. 2431-J, 131& PAINTING Brig, tho Painter. All kinds of house! painting and interior decorating. Phono 3'3- 1430. REAL ESTATE ,.5Y1ilrrdt..Kay' rcal estato and loans. 2474 Arashington Ave. Phono 409.' 1874 SCAVENGER McCarty & Co., Scavengers. 272S Grant Phono 2T)1S-Ar. 957 Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesspools and tolletn cleaned. John Chlpp & Co.' Phono 828, 2348 Hudaoi. Avenuo. 97331 TAXI SERVICE " Taxi ser-'lco Phono 34 for taxi. Cloned' cars only. 273, TRUNKS AND BAGS , Trunk and bag? repairing, round cor- IH ncr from Standard. -Gallacher's. 373 Hud-1 sen. 011a IH VETERINARIAN Dr. Bundy. Phono 828 670-M. 3S38; WALL PAPER CLEANING Paper hanging, calsomlnlng, rcasonablo price. Phone 3220-R, 1429, All kinds of wall cleaning. Phone 239$ NM. isfo Kalsomlnlng and paper cleaning. Call 29-R-ll. 1203 AVall washing, general houso clcanlag. Phone 1016-J. ,rhonc Lowe Evans. 11S0-J. 994 Expert wall paper, paint, tint, deanery.' Harbertson & Co. AVork guaranteed, Phono 2224. 337. Lowc-Grcenwcll. "Nuff said." P. 2721-R WINDOWS CLEANED EXPERT window and wall paper clean IH Ing. American AVIndow Cleaning. Ph. CS2 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Nolico is hereby given that Ogden City proposes to make tho following' public irfij provemcnt. to-wlt: Construct pavement In Paving District No. 12S. East Side, to Igcthcr with work incidental thereto, uc cording to plans, specifications and pro files on file In the office of tho City En- tM glneer. And scared bids arc Invited for said work and will bo recoived at the of rice of tho City Recorder In the City Hall JM nl Ogdon. Utah, until ten o'clock a. m. on' the 20th day of May. 1920. Instructlona to bidders', plans and specifications for said Improvement can be seen and ex amlncd at the office of tho City Englnour In the City Hall of said city. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids and to waive any defects. By order of the Board of Commission- IH ers of Ogden City. Utah, this, tho 20th VM day of April. 1920. . (Signed) C. T. MOTES. City Recorder. First publication April 30, 1920. Last publication May 19. 1920. Published in Ogden Standard-Examiner'. Paving District No. 123. East Stde. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Nuticu is heroliy given that 0;dcn Cil? HHb proposes to make tho following public mi- HHl 1 provcinent, to-wit: Construct p.ivcmcnr, HHb utrcet railway (rack, enrbin-j and overneac HHl structures In Paving District No. 12S, to- gctlior with work incidental thereto, aucord- HHl ing to plans, specifications and profiles on HI filo in the ofico of the City Engineer. And IHHJ scaled bids aro invited for said worc ana HI will bo received at tho office of tho City HI ltvcoidcr In tho City Hall at Ogden, Utah, until ten o'clock a. in., un tho 1st day or HHV June, 1920. Instructions to bidders, plans HH and specifications or said improvement can HH bo seen and examined at tho office of tho HHV City Engineer in tho City Hall of said city. HHV Tho right is reserved to reject any alia HHJ all bids and to waive any defects. HHl Bv order Of the Bourd of Commissioners dt HHjl Ogden City. Utah, this tho 11th day of liny, 1 C. T. MO YES, City Recorder, First publication, May 12, 1U20. Last publication, May 31, 1920, (H Published In Ogden Standard-Examiner. HHl Paring District No. 128, U. R. T. Co. por- tlon. ASSESSMENT NTOTICE. Big Pino Mining Company, principal place of business 2449 AVashlngton avonuc, HB Ogden City. Utah. Notice is hereby given that at a meet ing of tho Board of Directors of the Big Pine Mining Co., held on tho 2nd day of March, 1920, an assessment. No. 2, of one half cent ( cent) per share, was levied oric tho outstanding capital stock of the cor- poratlon payable on or boforo June 5. 1920, to Fred J. AMcks, Secretary and Treasurer of tire PlngTCO National Bank, Ogden City, Utah, and that any shares upon which said assessment shall remain unpaid on tho 5th day of June. 1920, will be delinquent and advertised for sale at public auction, and, unless payment Is made before will be .sold on tho 26th day of June, 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m to pay delinquent assessment, together with the cost of advertising and expenses of salo. tM FRED J. ArICKS. IH Secretary and Treasurer.. IB SUMMONS. In the District Court of AArcbcr County. Stato of Utah,, Ben Potro. Plaintiff, vs. G. O. L,oomls-, Defendant , You aro hereby summoned, to appear wthin twenty days aftor service of this littttttttB Summons upon you, If served within the county in which this action Is brought; IH otherwise thirty days aftor sorvico. and jH defend tho abovo entitled action; and in case of your falluro so to do. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of tho complaint, which ha been filed with the clerk of said court. This action 13 brought to recover a Judgment ag-ulnst you for $550, together with interest at tlio logul rato from Jan uarv 9, 1920. and for plaintiffs costs and dlsburscnianta heroin; thd said sum Of S500 having been loaned to you by thfc, plaintiff on or about tho 1st day of Jjtqi , uary. 1920. llALA'ERSON, KIMBALL &i FARR. Plaintiff's Attoniey.-j. P O Addross Sulto 605 David EccrcV Bulidln?. Ogden. Utah. 'BVal Nancy, France, is planning to utiliTO atcr power from the Rhine rived. 1