Newspaper Page Text
H Counterfeit W. S. S. Abroad i in Land But Can Be Dif- ferentiated' Easily "Warning to carefully examine 1919 H War Savings stamps presented for rc ademption the discovery of a clover counterfeit has been brpad- castcd to all postmasters on the Pad a( flo coast by the post office depart 2 mcnt. The counterfeit can be recog 4 nized by a swelling on the left check 'u" of Benjamin Franklin's picture Hj ' which appears on the stamp, making H ?tho pcncrablc exponent of thrift look H r- as if he had the toothache, Printed from a steel plato on a goo.d .grado of paper, the counterfeit stamp v shows tho following defects: Hj X,et cheek of Franklin has a pro i nouncod swelling. ): Lower ono of two left dots below H, ,'tbc portrait is comparitivclj: indls- 'J. Vertical opening between the lines Mn tho lower left part of the numeral . "2" in "1924" is closed. The chief- of tho Unitod States sec--ret Borvico at "Washington has sent specimens of tho counterfeit to secret i fiervico operatives throughout tho country. Fostofficcs In metropolitan 'Tcontcrs havo been instructed to select Hl ) an employco of known exceptional Hl abilities to acquaint himself with tho Hf characteristics of the counterfeit and FTto examine carefully all stamps of ?the 1919 sories presented for redemp Grtlon, save thoso registered beforo January li 1920, as tho counterfeit fwas Issued after that date. ' Tho 1920 sories of -war savings stamps is not affected, as they are an entirely difforont issue. carmine In Hj i J color and carrying a reproduction of a portrait of Georgo Washington. They on salo at all banks andpoat-' offices, r y,' It : 00 1 r ' .? : N Society : ZLf ; HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Tho Ladles' Historical socletv -will Jmeet at tho First Congregational ychurch on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. ?A full attendance of members prompt ly on timo Is requested. X HOME CULTURE CLUB. , Members of tho Homo Culture club 'will hold their annual meeting Satur day afternoon at the "Weber club 'rooms, -where a dainty luncheon will 5bo served at 1 o'clock. Members are tasked to be present. I Snow six feet - DEEP AT ALPINE ' FOREST STATION Forest service reports from Manti show that at Alpino station f 10,000 feet hfgh, snow is 75, inches deep. At the 8,700 foot lev el tho snow is -15 Inches deop and A on tho sheltered northern slopes ' in the oak brusk, is still five Inches deep. Tho snow is rapidly decreasing; It is stated, but wll provide ade quate -water for the coining summer. oo High School Girls in Home Making Campaign n Under the supervision of Mrs. Ger trude Woodruff, 150 girls of the Ogden high school have enlisted in a home making campaign which will be car Tied out as an auxiliary department to tho home economics class. Mrs. Ivy Richardson, instructor in domestic art at ihe school, has com pleted a survey of work accomplished' by her classes, which shows that the time of first year student in her de apartment) was worth 50 cents per hour. The second year student's time was ..worth 75 cents ,per hour. I. Mm MUSE Special feature tonight. Everybody out TED WATKINS, Consul, Hay Uceder, Secretary. J54 0 M $Y65 ; 1 ftfcjl . Beginning tomorrow in the Upstairs Shoe Depart- f ment' a Sale f the season,S newest Pumps and (s Mr xors at Prewar prices. hgl VUft ment!?JP4Ump8 ?Pd 0xfords 'n all the new lasts and patterns, in black and rYH gg rown kd n, calf and patent leather. In this lot you will find 6nS eyelet ties i ft ' JluS FrnV pera and tongue PumPs' military and S. irB2. rrench heels. Values to $11.0P Bl Jl One week only $f-65 lm M A GOODVb TO TRAOB j 1 OGDEN ARMORY DIE Tip UP Committee Meets on Plans Preliminary to Opening Financial Drive Under the chairmanship of Parley T. Wright, the Ogden Chamber of Com merce Committee on the proposed Ar mory to house the state national guard divisions of artillery and cavalry met at the "Weber clUb at noon. Plans for the raising of the necessary fifteen m twenty thousand dollars to buy' the site were discussed preliminary to a "drive" on the citizens and business houses of the community. The propdsed building will cost in the neighborhood of ninety thousand dollars, and the furnishings will bring the total expense up to 'about $300, 000. This sum will be raised by the state of ytah. Ogden's concern is with the money to buy the site, says Mr. Wright. oO - -- ! Cfiief Graves Talks to Boy Scout Troop At the weekly meeting of troop 21, Boy Scouts, last night, the chief ad dress was deliverdd by George A. Graves, fire chief of Ogderi city, his subjbet Jteing "Fire Protection and Safety Methods." There were fiftv boys present at the m'beting under the leadership of Scoutmaster D. Llewel lyn Roberts. Scout Executhc George A. Goates spoke on "Homecraft for Scouts." "TJOSIERY is to be fancier tHis ' . Spring and Summer than here H; . tofore; you'll, see more clocked and embroidered effects, more accordion ; treatments, and. more patterned de- . . ... signs. We've all the tastiest sorts , ' here as well as new color tones' in the plain hose in lislcs and silks. Insurance Company Sues Livestock Man Claiming that persons who break "wild horses" and .unload and load I carloads of cattle arc engaging in ex-! tremcly hazardous employment and arc subject to pay higher insurance! rates, tliap others, the Ocean Accident and Guaranty company of London, England, has filed suit In the district court against Otto Meek. Tho insur ance company asks that the court award $301.25 alleged to be diie-them : for premiums. In the complaint the co'mpany al lege that Meek took out a policy in July 1017, Insuring his employes against liability for bodily injury. It is alleged In the complaint that a clause was ihcludo'd In the policy that liiv; ;.jiijjiu.yvs were noi io engage in the u'nldnding or loading of cattle. It is charged that iHo 6mployes did chgdge in this w6rk and also' broke wild horses. A higher iVr6inhim rate Is necessary to cover such hazardous tasks, it is alleged, and dri amount of $80L.25 Is due for protection given Mr. Mock's men. h'H Stammer ScSteol for A sumnicr school for pupils condi tioned In certain subjects, and extend ing over a period of six weeks of four hour. per day, will be held under tho auspices of the city board of educa tion, John A. Junkr principal of the Washington school, acting as superin tendent. Tile grade? to be covered by the cur riculum of the school will bo element ary, Junior and senior high',-an(i the full detailed Hccourit '6"f time, plac find Ultion will be 'announced at h later date by Principal Junii, said Su perintendent W. karj ildplciui tlils nldrnlhg. m OO Camp Fire Girls to Be Organized Here Under the inspiration of Mrs. Ber ,tha Eccles and a number of prominent Ogden club women, there is a move ment on foot to reorganize the work of the Camp Fire Girls in this city. Workers among girls and young , wonien interested in the aims of this splendid organization should get into communication with Mrs. Eccles at once. I uu Community Service Director in Ogden 9 Ray Carter, divisional director Bt tho U. S. Communtiy Service Is an Qgden visitor today, conferring with Roy. John 13dward Carver oh matters relating to proBpfccts of the sen'ico in this city. Mr. Carter's divijloti . Includes the states of Washington, Oregon, Mon tana, Idaho and Utah, with hcddcitiar tors hi Seattle. . - REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Benjamin F. Garr and wife to A. J. Chamberlain; part southeast qiiarter, section. 17, township 6 north, range 1 west. . ?750. F. Alien McGuire and wjfc to Nor man J. Paulsen., part lot 8; nlock 36, plat C. .jl; . . . ffilSTlE ! RULEDEPLORED Sir Horace Plurikett Urges Provisional Government I Composed of Irishmen 1 Hy KtiOYD MA OR IFF, S Iiitcniadoniil New Service Slarf - Corrcspondcnl. I DUBLIN, May M. Sir Horace Plunkctt has outlined for the Man-' cheslor Guardian-his plan for settling 6 the Irish (jucstloji. y Plunkctt declares the Old Hnglish'A machinery of codrclon must be itbol-f 8 lshed, political prisbhers rfclcaA6d, rtrid' in place of Dublin eatld rdle lot there a bo set Up a provisional government fl consisting -exclusively of irishmen. M "If J were giv6n plenary powers t6- A day." he said, -the first thing I would 23 do would be to scrap the Dublin castle I rule. The first fundamental thing to & do Is tb gain aJi entire change of at- W mosphcr6 and psychology in Ireland X Until that lias Keen done nb sbrl 6t I agroonient between north and south U Ireland or with England cari be reached. ? "The continued application of cber- H cion tho policy of Dubln castle X which Is as provocative of crime as It a is ineffectual to prevent St. has H strained Ireland's nerves uncndurabiy. I This nervous tension must be relaxed 1 and a new confidence created." Pliinkott said there vus no need for a complete withdrawal of tho English A army, provided that tho army ceased to db police work. Tie said the army i could be used as formerly as a gar- A rlso'n hodlng strategic points against S (ho . foreigner, but not against the 2 Irish. . ' I "In the' place of Dublin castle rule. I a lirbvlslyiial govenimciit shotild be c hlon cHrirged with the maintenaiicb bf 6rder," Plu'nkett stated. "If it were generally understood that this gbver'n was Irish, and was, maintaining Irish law, It would rcceivo a genoral sup port In its tcmp'orary task. The Irish are. orderly ff left alone. "Then Ireland should proceed to elect a national constituent assembly, which -should bo charged with fram ing the Irish constitution. Two po'inls of ddiibt immediately arise Ulster and Sinn Fein. I do riot believe Ul ster's, attitude would be obstructive, provided there jvas a willingness on the part o south Ireland to give guar antees and provincial rights and se curities to Ulster, As to Sinn FCln, it is difficult to predict ,what they will accept, bbcause the British govern ment has denied them all mcan3 of self-expression. A persecuted govern ment, driven under ground, naturally swings. tb the radical. But If political persecution" ceased there might bo a strong reaction to tho Right (conser vative). In this case Sinn Fein might accept the constituent assembly as bo Ing an Irish institution and help frame the iipw constitution. "What js really vital is the resur rection of confidence, and this can orfly be do;ie by the closing down of Dublin castle rule as now understood. In the poisoned air of today thfire Can be no healthy growth. Coercion and crime work In a vicious circle." MOTORIST SAVES HI JjjFK .. BY TjEAp Tb TRAiX JSSGISE (By.Iic'rnritldilai News JScfvicc.j ELDORADO, Itan., Timothy Man- lori art bll refin6r. owed .hH life to sheer pervc. arid presence of mind here the. other., day. When his motor cAr was slfuck by W3rai.t-- r " j A GOOD P! TO. TRADE H Morning Sales! I I On Sale Tomorrow 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. j I Sab,,6 fdtCheS barsain' Since we close at 6 'dock on I I & flSe aftfrnn hurs.;are 80 crowded with business that ! 1 TVS tS686 -Flendld attr?ctlns to those who will shop before I I i l p. ro. These items are not sold by phone. ' ,M j Morning Sales of Boy's Women's Silk Hose Arlette CreDe I '""JB u yor Jn lt wm aure. S S&h w - ! sirMrH-ris $U9 s Italsh' i l fitly suits tor boys ot 0 to 16 years? "am P'00r , yard 32.75 I All this season's stylos now knlok- Sale of LiUX JInin F,00r H J MWi53SS; ZSZJSJXX. Z SSi 4 Frh Peaches I I tSS .J01"6 1 P-"-A sizes, (jjonr Morning special .. . He Thfs,e are Perfectly cdoked and can- e H IP UntI1 1 P- m. tomorrow $0.20 h y Ma n Finn," ' ' ned but are NOT perfectly peeled. Men's Basement . 1001 Pine for pies, cobbler, Jams, ir I H I Boy's Suits for Armand's Face otaion can . 45c j F i Vacation Wpar Jrowder TU , . , I i !irrtv c7 Armand's Face Powder. Delightful- Utah ADT)leS ' v ! S a eUiof JrnsXt iVjM' V"" IIere news. S can- I ' t & will withstand ho knocks of Joy mSSS50 Sfe" flah app!ca for ples' lc " 1 life. Probably not tho kind you S P vn , " ' C dun"n5. apple butter. Each can ft' I want for best-but very gooS sec r F,r conta.hs nearly a gallon-about five 1 oncl best suits. New knicker pant. Women's Kid GlOVeS OuanV ;....., 95 ssasg.-$ui vt. a -IXTJ r ii T rt m -n A slandard ouality and brand of 2 S - j I Men's Overalls liig Girrs Pumps 1)rime uta tomatoes, one of the j -v5 I We must limit the sale of these; I'uraps for the big girls wcarin" best brands on le market, and per- 1 ; 1 N not more than one pair to a cus- sizes 216 to 7. These are best quaf- ect standrd product. Quantity Z X lomcr. Men's regular blue denim Hy black kid, good oak soles, mili- ,inlltC(I- 2 Cfins oj- 1 .i 6 overalls, double stitched, full cut. A tar-v heels, medium weight to Ar - & very good value. 3t?1 OC soles' 6 values fJ.4j Basement . ' M On sale until 1 p. m. . . pl.yj First Floor t?tl ittti ci 9 Jf I Men's Basement W-. AT r J0fc VVillte Soap e ! f ' MPTl'Q NpplrwP,r WOmeil S NeW PumpS Large size bars of the good Bob I , ; IVien S INeCKWear Women's patent leather one eyelet Wlilte soap. A fresh stock and plen- J : i K I Men's neckties. A real silk tie, L,c pumps, covered French or babv ty of it. Don't send the children for x ' F P made in tho now spring shapes, col-' Louis "eels, light weight soles, it this we want you to get out A( 1 I ors are very attractive. Ar very dressJ' shoe. All sizes. t n or early. Bight bars for 49C t ' 1 - Big 1.50 values SbC $12 vIues tpO.OD Basement ' r j I , 7 Men's Shop First Floor I 1 -!)' i 5 Men's Shirts Pumps and Oxfords n Parlor Matches I ! i t Men's dress shirts, made of hcavv Women'-s PuniPS and oxfords in Bv7y htt,e avInS belps. Hero are ! ' ; I percales and mndra? weaves fast r brown kid aml tfh-Soo ones-stand- ' , colors in neat and fancv VtVlpeV high and low hoels. These 'J j. ' " 1 treated-double dip. f Extra -ood 50 are the ends of disconlin- rf r Fu" count to the box. OC I ' f I value $1 od lines. Values to ?S . S4.45 Five f""bos for Z5C I f j Men's Shop " X'UU Downstairs ; Easement c ; Men's Spring Hats lntAnJt f ' ?,hof , t Dinner Sets ! . Men s dress hats, mad? of tho best sJjfes hand furn soles ,irS ThiS, iS tlnL fUal,t-v h i "M s fur felt, all new spring shapes, a " 0 ' 1 SoVni,,l ' 1 8t3, Areola irt ware, choice of throe I - " I big assortment of colors. (r rr " p ies ' V neat patterns. 12 large useful pioces " I ?7 values y..Ip5.95 Base,e"t . to set. $12 value. rto HC I - ' ' 1 Main Floor Women's Waists Special to.95 i - ' I "RIP' Rath TftWPk X- 60 sIi-h,I-v waists, voiles. Downstairs C I 1 ,r dLXl J-OAVeiS georgettes and crepe do clilnes i T . it 8 -loo Turkish bath towels with pink Waists that sold originally rtO f A Wall Covennfif " 5 I Sf?1: $3.95 Decotint. An improved wall finish 2 ' Specl each ?C tt ;ScC'Ul F!r 1 tak tlic pIac0 of alsomine. J ' chMin F,o0;. Z9C ju Handsome Blouses LAX Fancy Towels SSSS S2&X Specfal 0ownsl-li-r: 65.C J $2.76 fancy Turkish towel sets in "SinaHi' priced as high as ?22.50. Ir ? boxes, all colors, consisting of one, Until 1 o'clock Saturday (f?r'np .P a fl large balli towel, face towel and one your choice : &)t)d OUpS ailU baUCerS - V wash cloth, fftr gifts. An -i rx Second Flcor ' Firsl Quality plain while semipor- I Special pZ.iy QniMTirv e,ain- Thes', arc nof Uir awk- I MiieHvi CJI. i- Oiing 1,OatS ward cups, but ftro standard weight. I IVlUSim OiieeiS Twenty guod looKing spring coafo, Hogtilar ovide tea cups d i on $3.25 Utica sheets, made of good lo"? "nd short mode's, in tho most and saucers. Set of six . . l.j" $ . hedvy material without dressing",- wanted fabrios, values to $io. -s r Downstairs o I one ofthe very best sheets madoi UnfJl 1 o'clock, your choice tpiD '-rS . T7- , A si7.b SlxflO. rfio rn Second Floor Preserving Kettles B Special . . . 3).00 Summer DreSSeS - Reserving kettle, mftdc of pure i W Main Floor - su-minci, dfeea voile oSnd, ,,eavy alUmin,u. ' fluart, the Size $ Pillow Cases sAts AlS1 H efor evcr ! ' I Mohawk pillow case,, 42x3G and 45x !dc fl" f M Spccln I . . '1.39 36. extra good, regular $1,50 val- UI 1 n m f&2 SO Downstair 4 I Ues. Special, m p l.du o Pair .... . . . . ., 1.19 w nownstai, JQrCSSeS I " - 3 Mam Flcor Women's SUltS ..Women's porch and street dresses, Ne"lV PplTllpcJ IsT,no ults from Inst scas6n ail niafl of the best nualilv strictly I jfto Biri,;",, tt r ,J , , , o,. wc'01 and s,,k suits Sn Exceptional wnshablo gingham, all now models, 8 tnLlt f ' 1 ghl randi i ' fUH 36 aocl valu umil 1 P- EA 'nt Hml dfjrk co'o all sizes. Our ? inches wide, very best ojuaN oQ Saturday, each ....... $7.50 "sual values to $7.05. h jh ilj. lard . LUL Downstairs Special PJ.5 I Qdrt pfcL Curtain Remnants ' Second Floor 2 Oatin XilDOOnS Marquisettes, scrims and voiles for Bloomers anrl Drawpra I Satin ribbon of various widths and the making of small window cur- wWeri'V fn,i 1? ? V ? ' a good assortraenT of colors. They tains, door panels, etc. These 1re nY,,tTin ,f - g , blPon1erS nnd a are of excellent quality and can be in lengths of one yard and more k" Ln awors- ma(le of 00tI nuai- Used for binding, hair bows, etc. Prori! the price thCftg would be al s,7;es' 01,r "surtl ? Values Id 35c. Morning -j r n worth mUch more. Tomorrow un- L)n Morn,n5 Cft, A special, 2 yards ljC til 1 p. m , choice, oh spcc'- IIr DUC g I Women's Tollarc: per yara 29c SecontI F" VV Omen S l,OIiarS Downstairs Qnmrnri. rW,, fi I Buster Brown collars of finest lin- Wn-iicn'a AiSvotSc- Olimmei UOrSetS B I en. neatly embroidered in white. TV imtcil & Jpi OnS ' Women's summer cors'et, mndo of 1 They give a smart appearance to Women s flill length aprons fully heavy English net material, strong ft I both dresses and suits for women and weI1 made flt prices that would supporters, good model In t 1 nr r I M and girls. Regular 25c. Until or hard'y Pay ffir the malerjal. Tie nil sizes. $2.75 values . . )l.-t) X fl 1 p. m. tomorrow, 2 fdr . . ZDC aProns 1'ght colors, assorted pat- Second Floor D Ipjl Main Floor ,terns- Tomorrow until . , , 9 tt ji - i 4! 1 p- m 4oc Girls' Dresses IH Handkerchiefs Downslafrs Girls' dresses made of Hght and I H Cotton handkerchiefs of sheer male- CreDC ShirtmST ?ark cJred gingham and percale " iHH rial embroidered in while and col- rronA ei,tui,z q t.o i ,a few soiled white ones in thn aa' ? ors. Handkerchiefs that are desir- fSStifSl SSSfty 2lf SS?ISalIk dS'eat Srlmnt' a-B,se " 16 ve?i a?i 1 r abWfor both women and children. Xt ' " c tb t s,n values all good" model f !jH Morning special, 7 tlons. $-1.50 vaiiitis, for ir Vah,?s, lo Momlng AJJ one dozen . . .... IDC yrifa $2.95 Spec,al " i. $L45 I Main Floor Main F,00r Second Floor ! Garments Poiiee Silk - Girls' Hats I H L. D. S. garments, spring riepdlc JPdngeC silk, 33 Inches wide, the real Children's summer hats in sirnu c weave, bleached only, sizes 34 to Jap kind, good heavy weight, no and washable piques models J t HH 44. $1.50 values. dust or clay. Our best $2 tf -i or boys and girls. Values to $2 nr I Morning special PX.10 value for, yard tpliZj Special )Sp iHIB Main Floor . iialn Floor ' Second 'rioor" a St. LoUis &. San Francisco freight train Manion leaped to the pilot of. the engine and ulcng thore until the train was brought to a stop. H,ls au tomobile was convortcd into Junk by the wheels of the train. 00 TOWX Or WJ3ST TISDURT SF.CIiDiiS FliOM ILASS. STATE (By InternntloHal Nevvs Service.) VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. The town of West Tlsbui-y has seceded from Massachusetts, so far as daylight saving Is concerned. Clocks in that towa continue to rUil oh standard tlmb notwithstanding tho acildri df the Statb Legislature. West Tlsbdry hits one advantage over other hamlets df the Vineyard Its time corespohds to steamboat lime. MGHTEXIXG KllvtiS THREE I HdRESESFARMEK UXHURT (By International News Service.) WESTPHAIiA. Kan.. That a "miss is as good as a mile" was dem onstrated the other day in the narrow escape- from death of Alphonso Her man, a farm6r living' northwest of here. While Hkrman was taking two tcariis from a held, driving one and leading lug blhor, lightening struck and kiilcd throe of his horses. Herman was not injured. IjAAVX 3OWER XiOPS OFF THUMCBS OF WEATTiri' iiABV (By. Iutci-udtJonni News Service.) SA-V RAFAEL, Cal., Robert Fred- s rick Dickson, the "half-millldri-dollar t baby" will go through life minus his thumbs. H "Bobby," aged four, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fredrick Dickson, was at play on tho Dickson's lawn when ho started to lnvestlgdle a lawn mower 1 left there by a gardener. Tho blades llHH revolved and "Bobby's" thumbs were 1 lopped off. His grandfather Is Captain Robert Dollar, millionaire shlpoWndr, and for lldlf a dentun bpcralor of the "DolIaV 1 J" C,S thflt Wcnt t6 every port " 1 kranpa Dollar was ed pleased that ho Vt Immediately transfcred 500,000 to KHH Hla grandson's accSufit. Bobby has Ll !ln,? 'Vowft as the "half-million K LH loilar oaby IJH