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H ' . . . i i . i .I mi ITTTTTTT B' " " " ' 11 "" '-' "TttTTTI WiW'll I III I I ' I II II l l mn i-gg- i .am 1 11 1 11 gMw . IH - the most eagerly wek ; corned event of the w season. '': Our entire line of summer footwear including the j latest styles in slippers, oxfords and pumps. Black, and Golden Brown. That these are high grade in I every respect is indicated by the fact that other places are asking as high as $15. Special at Clark 's this week '. $8.65 j " We are letting go a few high quality black, brown ; and white kid slippers and oxfords at this astouud- ingly low price to clean up a broken, lot. They are as ! ' ' good as any in the store, but come in odd sizes. At this price ' they will go fast. Come early save .money. ' ' ; For Good Sh&e4 2356 Washington Avenue Ogden I Dog Killed by Police ! Afflicted With Rabies Dr. J. M. Elliott, city health inspec-j ( tor, received word from L. L. Dailies, j state bacteriologist. yesterday that the! head of a white Spitz dog, sent to Salt Lake for examination a few days ago, ' showed the presence of rabies beyond I j all question of a. doubt, i This animal was killed near Thirty- j third street and Jackson avenue by i Walter Moore aad Robert Chambers, i The dog had not bitten any one, as far as could be ascertained, and ivas killed because of its peculiar action. Dr. Elliott stated that because two dogs had been found In the city that' were afflicted with rabies, that there' was no need of fear on the part of the citizens. He reports that a number I of people, who boar an aversion against a neighbor's pet dog, are en deavoring to trum up stcries that will result in the death of the animal. Unless there is reason to believe that persons have been bitten, and proof to show that the dog has attacked Mm ! I i ii meragBaBiPMaaim i iiiimii some one, there will be no Immediate death sentence, although the dog may be kept under surveillance, according to Dr. Elliott. s oo : Heavy Rails Arrive for Street Car Line Two carloads of steel rails which will bo used by the Utah Rapid Tran sit company in double tracking1 the lino on "Washington avenue, north of the river bridge, to the city limits, arrived in Ogden yesterday from Pueblo, Colo. The arrival of the rails came as a surprise to the street car officials, as delivery was not promised until July 1, Iarly arrival of the rails Is expected to mean work on the installation will begni earlier than planned and with the' starting of the track work the pavement on the cast" side of the ave nue will also be laid. The double-tracking of the Wash ington avenue line will be the largest piece of work accomplished by the traction company in a single season. oo Adrlanople was the Ottoman cap:-1 tal until the fall of Constantinople in 1453. r in i i ii i ii i ii ii ii ii 1 1 1 1 in i ii ii ii fl Our wonderful offer of an extra pair of pants free with , each suit at the reduced price of $'39.50 has simply swamped us with eager buyers. We apologize for the ) inadequacy of our service. It was impossible to wait 1 , on everyone but we arc now ready for you with an 1 j extra force of good tailors to take jrour measurements. ' Again Ve Offer . B; Suit to Order 'WSn I At the Specially Reduced Jrgl 1 t iT EZf union jflU H , U7.JV MADE jg H j Guaranteed Strictly All Wool j s This is indeed an opportunity. Even without the extra pair of pants it is a big bargain, but theadded induce- i ment really makes it wonderful. 1 0WF(J Williams i i " JJ 2309 Washington Ave. Eddie Brooks Will Go Through Feats Over Ogden This -Afternoon Thrills are promised spectators this afternoon at 1 o'clock, when Eddie "Brooks, Denver pilot, hops into thtf air from the aviation field near the Utah Hot Springs and will go through a serins of air stunts. Brooks an nounced last night thnt he Will at tempt all the difficult acrobatic man euvers such as looping the loop, tail spins, failing leaf, lmmelmann- turn and other feats in order that the pco pic if Ogden may witness the fun. Brooks is a noted acrobatic flier and although the plane he uses in Ogden is a, passenger carrier and' not built for stunt flying, he doclarod that prac tically all of the difficult air feats can be accomplished if enough altitude is attained, - Before "stunting" Brooks will flv to an altitude of approximate ly GOOO feet. Brooks was instructor in acrobatic flying In the United, States air service before going overseas and at oni time had as his pupil. Lieutenant Locklear who has staged some of the most thril ling flying ever seen in the county while employed by a motion picture company on the Pacific coast. oo ' jElllS OFFiIjEH Here as Representative of Grand Aerie to Take Up j Local Club Obligations Colonel George Choylnski, one of California's leading lawyers and : brother of Joe Choylnski. prizefighter I ol some note, was in Ogden yesterday jto determine whether or not the Grand Aerie of the Fraternal Order of Eagles will aid the Ogden Aerie No. US In paying the debt on their home on Grant avenue between Twenty fourth and Twenty-fifth streets. Colo nel Choyinski came as representative of the Grand Aerie from San Fran cisco, but declared he was not ready to state the results of his findings here before leaving for the coast. The Eagles' lodge, Colonel Choyln ski said, is now filled with prominent men in all parts of the country and particularly is this true in California where practically all justices and at torneys are members. In Yerrlngton, Nev., three members of the supreme court belong to the Yerrlngton lodge. Colonel Choyinski was originator of the Eagles' patriotic fund, which, dur ing and following the Avar, proved of valuable aid to lodge members who entered the service. oo Returned Missionary to Be ivej Reception BRYAN" WOTILERSPOOXj Bryan "Wotherspoon, son of Presi dent James Wotherapoon, of the North Weber stake, who recently re urncd from a mission in Uio South ern states, will bo guest of honor at a welcome .home party to be given in the Third ward hall Wodnesday, Jun6 9! All members of the ' ward and other friends residing in the ward are cordially Invited to bo present, Mr. "Vothov3poon left Ogden Novem ber 14, 1017. He labored fifteen months in the Ohio conference and was then transferred to the Florida conference and labored in South Georgia and Florida. The last four months were spent in Tampa, Ho at tended the county conference at Doug las. Georgia, May 7, 8 and 0, and was then honorably released to ireturn home. The conference at Douglas was attended by over 500 people. oo Orpheuai Proceeds Go to Boy Scoot Funds Manager Joseph F. Goss. of tho Or pheum theater, announced yesterday that thc entiro proceeds of tho Or phcum will be given to the Boy Scout organization Monday, Juno 7. A very attractive program will be given at the usual prices and Scouts and tho public are invited to attend. There will be a continouous show from 1 p. m.until 11 i). m. Scout Exrocutlve George A. Goacs, commenting upon the generosity of the Orpheum theatre manager,-says that the .scout organization needs some ex- ELKS LINE UP " HEHEJMPHIUDE , Aggregation Gets. Out to Ad vertise Ball Game to Be Held Today With music, shouts, banners, signs and songs, more than 100 Ogdon and Salt Lake members of the Elks lodge last night formed in parade and told Ogden that they were going to stage a baseball this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at-Lorin Fan- park. The game will be played between the teams formed from the Ogden and Salt Lake lodges and a spirited contest Is ex pected. ( With the famous clown band com posed of Ogden Elks, furnishing the noise, the parade passed through the business district of tho city and drew hundreds of spectators to the curbs. The parade was Identical with that formed by the Ogden Elks in Salt Elks in Salt Lake yesterday afternoon with the exception of the Southern Pacific railroad band, which, could not appear last night. Leads on orsc. Leading the parade on a horse, and carrying a huge American flag, Miss Hope Fox, of Ogden, provided the first glimpse of the long line of cele brators to the spectators crowded along the streets. She was followed ny tho Ogden clown band, which won fame In tho Salt Lake parade yester day afternoon. The. band was originat ed and formed under the leadership of Olie Reeves and Dick Wootton. Jt played the latest "Jazz" stuff and put the necessary "pep" into the congre gation following. All the band members were dressed In arlous colored clown costumes which provided many laughs for the onlookers. In addition to the band members, several clowns, mounted I upon bicycles and running along the lines, produced comical capers. Following the band came the dec orated automobile which won first prize in tho Salt Lake parade. It is owned by C. R. Searle and was cov ered with flowing whito paper and trimmed with purple. A huge Elk's head was carried from the radiator and other Elks' heads were painted upon tho sides of the machine. Pur ple streamers added tho finishing touches'. Uniform Garb. Dressed uniformly in blue coats and white trousers, with straw hats and carrying canes with pennants at tached, more than 100 members of the Elks lodge followed the band. They shouted and " told the world," that there was going to bo "some" baseball contest this afternoon. Banners and signs announcing the game were in cluded in various portions of tho line. The game, today, which begins at 3:30 o'clock on the Lorin Farr field is expected to uttract a record break ing crowd. Ogden's team was defeated In Salt Lake by the Salt Lake team and revenge is sought by tho local players and their followers. The Og den players declare they cannot do it again and the Salt Lakers grin and say, "easy," Let's go and see. oo HI FILM ILL BE SHOWN i Picture to Be Exhibited Here Under Auspices of Local Rod and Gun Club Sportsmen of Ogden are promised a treat next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, when pictures showing game hunting and fishing in all parts of tho United States, will be shown in the Alhambra theatre in addition to the regular program. The. pictured will be exhibited under the auspices of the Weber County Rod and Gun club, which has gone to considerable ex pense to provide the sport thrills for its members and sportsmen of this locality. Members of the Boy Scouts will be admitted free. The sport program will show the following subjects: , PART J. A DUCK HUNT IN SO. CAROLINA. Taken in the big swamps on Winyah Bay. S, t, starting out in the early morning, putting out the decoys, birds coming into tho stool and caught in the air with a "Scatter Gun." A COON HUNT. I A good old southern coon hunt, with tho coonflnally treed, and one of thci best dog and coon fights you have over seen on the screen. TURKEY HUNTING IN -NORTH CAROLINA. Taken in the big swamps in North Carolina. Looking for signs, build ing jLhe blind; a big gobbler coming in to the bait, and a hen called from the swamp and caught by the camera just as she is folded up. DEER HUNT IN SO. CAROLINA With horse and hound; about the only way they can ho hunted in the south. "Mlhidy" kills a big buck, which is finally taken after an ex citing race with horse and hound. PART 2. YELLOWSTONE PARK. This reel consists of about one thou sand feet of Big Game, including Elk, Sheep, Goat, Bear and Antelope. PART 3. SALMON FISHING IN NEW BRUNSWICK. The story of a Salmon, Fishfng.trip up one of New Brunsklck's beautiful rivors. Poling up the rough water, and killing Salmon from eighteen to twenty pounds. " PART 1. WITH BOB WHITE ANTD "THE SCATTER, GUN" IN DIXIE. A remarkable Quail Hunting picture, showing the coveys rising, dogs at work, retrieving, etc. PART 3. DEEP SEA FISHING OFF THE JERSEY COAST. A day at Little Egg Harbor Inlet, j including the killing of a 30-lb Chan nel Bass, and a six-foot Man-eating shark taken on light tackle, so light that it was just about to snap when the Shark was grabbed by tho tajl and pulled up on the beach. Directed , by Van Campen Ueilnor. , penso money. He called attention to tho fact that the Boy Scout organiza tion in Ogdon is making 800 better citizens and there are 800 more boys to whom scouting must be extended. Over 50 adults are devoting considera ble time to the betterment of the Ogden boy scout, he said. oo MAX SAVE HARVEST. BUDAPEST. Juno -1. A rain fell during parades in protest against the peace treaty, and it is hoped that the promising harvest will be saved. Spring Clearance I Women's and Misses' j I Suits, Coats, Dresses, Skirts SI I j' Blouses, Sweaters j I : fl B I Tomorrow lhorniiig at 0 o'clock: c inaugurate our Spring Clearance of our entire stock of H k spring .garments. Our unfailing rule of "no-carry-over" makes it imperative that Ave d'is- H Psp of every one of these garments promptly regardless or I H 4 lheu' original cost. Every garment to be sacrificed in this H ' ale is of the high quality and standard 'of excellence that H ' " Pk ' lias always kept Wolfer's so noticeably different i'roni the i H y '" ordinary store. s 1 ONE FOURTH. S I ikMf 0NE HALF : 1 1 9mf ' LESS ' . I 1 Mm k J 11 Entire Stock of Suits j J j j j i IMx Entire Stock of Ladies Spring Coats J ' 1 ' Hji ww ' , Entire Stock of Spring Silk Dresses I ' 1 JIWH Entire Stock of Cloth Dresses g j 8 ' '7";' Entire Stock of Cloth Skirts j 1 - Nr4 ' ' Entire Stock of Silk Petticoats 1 1 5 . . jj i . Choose from our entire stock of high grade blouses in geor- a t ' . gctte, crepe dc chine and tricolette in this great sale at 20 a is ' . ' per cent off. S , I i 2 1 E 5 Positively nothing has been bought for sale purposes. Even- 1 garment offered has the distinctiveness characteristic of this J 1 exclusive shop. . . 1 "; J 1 p , ; 2378 Washington Avenue NEW BREED OP SHEEPiTIED ! Government 'Experiments at Dubois, Ida. Meets With Suc . cess- Says Forest Chief District Forester L.. F. Kneipp has returned from Dubois, Idaho, where he visited the government experiment I station for sheep at the place. He says that a type of shqop has been evolved that promises to surpass all other breeds common to the intermountaln region in the matter of fleece weight, productivity and meat carcass. A Lincoln ram. he states, was bred to a number of Rambouillet ewe, and the progeny of this mating was in turn bred. For 6eveu;il successive generations this samo strain was min gled, until it is now Ihbught that the! type is fixed. The new type is reported to be equal J to the Corricdale type, from Australia. i Mr. Kneipp stated that a new series j of experiments Were being contem-: plated at the station, which may be' carried out for 10 vears. - The idea of those in' charge of the station is to evolve a llamboull'ct type, with the thick folds of skin eliminated, and with a carcass better suited for meat purpoii'S. The present Kamboulllet tvpes, as a class, have small bodies and an abundance of long fleecy wool. The latter experiment will be a mat ter of selection of individuals, sheep with characteristic? most suited to the plans of the experimenters, being se lected for mating, purposes. , oo i Russian Sunflower Gains as Ensilage The Importance of Russian sun flower as an ensilage food product for cattle is becoming generally known throughout the western states, accord ing to I... F. Kneipp, district forester of the local offices. Ho states that this cattle food, as ensilage, has approximately lialf the food value of alfalfa. Notwithstand ing tho greater food value of alfalfa, the sunflower is tho cheaper feed, a single acre producing nearly 35 tons of food which cattle relish. At tho government experiment sta tion, Dubois, Idaho, a field of 160 acres Is being planted with the Rus Hlan sunfloweV, to determine' whether it can be raised at that altltx ylc. oo .The first English version of tho old I testament was Issued at Doual, France. Director Arthur L. Agee to Present Players at Lorih Farr Park i I A musical treat is promised this j afternoon at -i o'clock in the" concert to be given by the Southern Pacific band at Lorin Farr Park. The fea jture, of the program will be tho opening number, "General Pershing's : March, Carry On," composed by Lake. It introduces a war themo which brings in every important fea ture of the world war. Diminished at the beginning, it gradually in creases in volume until it develops into the national anthem of Serbia, ( the first country to enter the war. This is" followed by tho war thomo ( in full and later brings in all of the countries who participated in .the I, i ii ' conflict through their national an thems. 1 The concert today will mark tho initial appearance of the Southern Pacific band in the summer con certs. Arthur L. Agee will act as . conductor. The complete program follows: f" General Pershing's March, "Carry on Lake Overture, "Martha" Flotow Popular (a) "Darktown Dancing School" Gumblo (b) "Venetion Moon".... . ; Goldberg j "In the Jungle, Trombone Sneeze"- , Jewell Intermission. I Wedding March (new) Sousa I "Beneath Thy Window.. B. Di. Capua i Pilgrims Chorus from I. Lom- j bard I Verdi ! The Fighting Allies .Lake 1 -uu ; OPPOSES PICKETING OF j CHICAGO CONVENTION ; CHICAGO, June 5. Opposition to picketing of the Republican conven tion by the National Woman's party was voiced here today by Mrs. J. W. McGraw, legislative chairman of tho Illinois Equal Suffrage. HHI II Good Eyesight If you take your i II A Serious Problem .cye roubIes ?a 8 fe jH n -ii f i r louaiyaswedoyou jE g: will be benefitted by coming here at once:. We !! B give the simplest case of defective vision the t! same careful attention as the moat difficult ! M We Get The rapid advancement wo havo mado In our '1 ! . IB! ReSllltS Profc"n due to the painatobng effort wo E 1 lai - xrr Ui confidence reposed in u by our !f ' ' H P' We know the bet there ia in Vornetiymd rfvl B Rj you tho be.r wo know. j jH I J-s- i-Ewis & ca Ij Jlgi Jevclro and Opticians ;E ' H