Newspaper Page Text
W ! THEOGDEN STANDARP-1XAM1NER, 1'HUKSDAY, JUNE I U, 1920. fl Lj STATE AND JDAH0 NEWS Latest Items of Interest From Utah and Gem State Virtually All Reach Under standing With Receiver Lynch in Merchants Bank Suit SALT TjAKB. June 10 Practically nil of twenty-nine former directors of the Merchants' bunk. In the suit brought by Receiver Steven H. Lynch, to recover money, have arranged to settle out of court. It Is stated. I Council for the receiver appeared In court vesterday morning- asked for a continuance for twenty-four hours of the beginning: of the case. He explain ed that settlement with Lester D. Freed, the one director who was ex pected to contest his liability, had ar lived at an understanding with the rc cc ivcr. The case of Mr. Freed was some what different from the other defend .mis, it was stated, in that he was a director prior to seven years ago, and mm disposed to regard himself as not Jusl- t ly liable to the allegations made fl .1 agaTnst tho other, defendants. I 1 -oo I: ENGINEER OUTLINES WATER SITE SURVEYS SALT LAKE, June 30. A P. Parker, chief engineer of the Utah Water Stor age association, has outlined the p'rog-i-j ress of the work of the association's "V engineers in carrying ouL the program Tor tliis year. The report, in part, fol lows : Work has been In progress during the last week of April and the entire month of May. Work done to date is: Survey of a canal line from Jordan narrows into Tooele valley. Survey of a canal line from Jordan M narrows to Big Cottonwood, oir the east side -of Salt Lake valley. "Surveys for canal lines from Provo river to Jordan narrows, and verifying and checking up last year's work. Levies' run into Cedar valley to veri fy last year's work. Looking up all United States bench marks within the area and verifying present work by means of same. Of the work ordered done this. sea-1 son thereonow remains to complete! s same: A small amount of Avork to com plete the Tooele valley canal line sur vey. ' . Surrey of Middle canyon reservoir in Tooele valley. Looking up a reservoir site on the Weber river jabove Oakley. Investigation of the Deer creek res ervoir site. y oo I I SALT LAKE SOLDIER IS AWARDED D. S. C. WASHINGTON, June 10 Announce ment that the distinguished service" cross has been awarded to Corporal Max C- Chamberlain of Salt Lake, was! made today by the war department. ! Corporal Chamberlain sened in Af company.. Twenty-eigluh infantry. Thei citation reads: "For extraordinary he- roism in action, south of Solssons. I France, July 19, IMS." 'Although twice wounded . by ma chine gun fire, Corporal Chamberlain continued in the assault wave and as sisted in driving ihe enemy from, their positions. The courage of this non-' commissioned officer was a material factor in the capture of a number of prisoner. r.n ' I IDAHO STATE EAGLES 1 ELECT NEW OFFICERS j "POCATELLO, Idaho, .lune 10. j Charlea H. Spour of Sand Point, wa ) selected worthy president of the Eag-' : les at the conclusion of their meeting I ing In Pocatello last night. C. J. k Couhlin of Idaho Falls was chosen tv worthy vice president. I " George W. Maynard of Boise, worthy chaplain; Bert Brolrate of Pocatello, Inside guard; J. Vickainc of Jerome, f outer guard; Leon Corn of Hailey, sec retary; Vance Bigler of Malad, treas i ' urer; J, Coslello of Sand Point, past worthy president; T. F. Chapman of i j Mackay, trustee. The next state meeting will be at " Hailey. nn : I UTAH AND IDAHO LAND WILL BE CLASSIFIED SALT- J4AKE, June 10. Nearly 70, !l , 000 acres of agricultural and grazing " lands in Utah and Idaho will be desig nated for entry within the next few months following classification by Half K. Woolley, engineer of the United States geological survey office at Salt , ; Lake. Mr. Woolley will leave Salt Lake in a few days to classify government land j ' in northern Utah, After completing ), this work he will leave for Blacicfoot, Idaho, where people have petitioned 1, for the setting aside of 20,000 acres of I j lantf for entry under the Carey act. Father of Son Man Killed Files Action to Recover $20,350 BLACICFOOT, Ida.. June 10. Suit against .J. Vance Johnson for ? 2 0,3 5 0 was f Hurl in the Sixth district court here today by L. S. Harwood. John son is now serving a life sentence In the Idaho state prison for tho murder of llarwood's 19-year-old son, Leon P.eese Harwood, October 2D, 1919. Johnson is alleged to own personal property valued at more than $), 000. Yotinj? Harwood was in the employ of his father at the time of the mur der. .Johnson claiming that certain grading would injure his irrigation la teral, walked to the house, near-by, returned to the road, discharged a shotgun, killing "Harwood instantly. Preceding the shooting Johnson had ordered the youth to cease work on the road, but his order was disregard ed. oo : MISTAKEN IDENTITY IS pEFENSE'S PLEA SALT LAKE, June 10. Mistaken identity was tho plea of Attorney Samuel A. King, couhcel for Andrew Haravgls. wlien the state rested Its case In the Scott murder trial in Judge Harold M. Stephen's division of tho Third district court yesterday. Mrs. Nellie Scott, widow of William H. Scott, who is alleged to have been murdered by Haravgris. returned to the courtroom yesterday afternon Tuesday afternoon, at the close of a gruelling examination on the witness stand, Mis. Scott had fainted and had been carried from the courtroom. Physicians, who were summoned, stat ed she had suffered a serious heart attack and should rest. Paler than at previous court ses sions. Mrs. Scott was in her usual chair directly behind District Attorney F. S. Kichards," when court opened yes terday afternoon. Her eyes were dry and she seemed too tired to follow the testimony as she has done at pre- vious court sessions. According to prosecution testimony, Hnravgis and Scott fought after a quarrel over Mrs. Scott's affections and at the conclu-1 sion o the fight, .witnesses say, Haravgisflred the shot which fatally wounded Scott.' oo SENTENCES IMPOSED BY POCATELLO JUDGE POCATELLO, June 10. Judge O. R. Baum pronounced sentence on Charles Steglin, negro wife slayer, imposing i stntence of from two to ten years in the state penitentiary. Clifford Rose, found guilty of a stat utory offense against two Utah girls, was sentenced to a term of one to four teen years. David William Odem was given nine months to three years for a statutory olfense. i . nn TAKES EXCEPTIONS TO '! HISTORIAN'S REMARKS j SALT LAKE, June 10 L. 11. Farns worth, taking exception to a statement made by Dr. A. L. Neff that. "Utah's record of what was done in the war is woefully incomplete," reports that the stale council of defense, of which he in chairman, lias gone through its work thoroughly. r Me sid that if there ho any incom pleteness, it Is because of inactivity and inefficient work on the part of the state historian's office. Dr. Neff is state war historian. nn Arranges for train j i TO CARRY DEMOCRATS ! POCATELLO, Idaho, June 10. Joel L. Priest, general agent or the Oregon! Short Line completed arrangements jhere today for the special train which jwill leave here June 13 for the Demo icratic state convention at Levis ton. Delegates from American Falls, (Minidoka, Shoshone, Gooding, Bliss, Glenn's Ferry, Mountain Homo, Nam ! pa, Caldwell, Payette and Weiser will J be aboard the train. I co ! POCATELLO NATIONAL I GUARD TO HAVE H0ME POCATELLO. .iune 10. Decision to purchase the old foundry building on the east side of the cily for the use of B. Troop, First Idaho Cavalry, vas reached at a meeting of the board of governors of Ihe Rotary club and the chamber of commerce today. J. T. Young, Jesse Budge and W. IT. Cleary were appointed as a committee to raise funds for the purchase of I tho building. oo TAKES KANSAS POSITION. POCATELLO, Idaho. June 10. President Ernest H. Lihdley of the state university has resigned. Presi dent Lindley has accepted the position of chancellor of Kansas university, at a salary of $12,000 and a home. He was paid ?C,000 at the Idaho university. REGISTRATION AGENTS FOR BRIGHAM NAMED i BU1GHAM CITY", llune 10. Regis tration agents of Box Elder county for a term of two years were appoint ed by the board of county commis sioners at a recent meeting. The dis tricts and appointees are: Brigham City No. 1. Mary Balrd; No. '1, Sarah Ann Kelley; No, 2, Ray Evans; No. -1, Maria Guymon. Willard No. 1, Mrs. John Gillhtoro; No. 12, William Lowe. Threc-Mile Creek Annie Peters. Calls Fort No. 1, Mrs. II. P. Hun sakcr; No. 2, Thomas Baty. Colllnston, Mrs. Barbant Wach; j East Garland, 'Annie Larson; Kellon, E. H. .lones, Jr.; Bear River, .Elvina II. Jensen; Beaver Dam, John Wat kins; Trcmonton, ueorge Chrlstcnscn; Riverside, Earl Hales; Snowville, D. G. Nelson; Booth Valley, Eliza Slokes; Rosets, Alferetta Scely; Park Valley. Martha M. Burton; Yost, Mrs. Ed Yates; Promontory, Maria Wells; Sun set, Alta Shaw; Howell. Myrtle Gun ncll; Mantua, Emelia Jeppson ; Lucln, Thomas C. Morris; Doweyville, Mary Marble, Rawllna, Edith Stark; Malad, Margaret Hatch; Penrose, William Wilier; Portage, David John; Field ing, Clara B. Wood; Clear Creek, Levi T. Campbell; Plymouth, E. II. Rudd; Grouse Creek, E. R. Warburton; Junc tion, Raymond Line, Slandrod, O, D. Mclntyre; Ccntcrdale, W. S. Kehrer. i PARK CITY MINER SERIOUSLY INJURED PARK CITY, June 10. Henry Tollf was seriously injured here early yes terday while sorting ore on the 1300 foot level of the Silver King Coali tion Mines company. He was' pinned against the drift by a car. Jt ''hrbe lleved that all of his ribs on his left side were broken. He was removed to a local hospital. DELEGATES ELECTED BY SUMMIT DEMOCRATS PARK CITY, Juno 10. Twelve del egates were elected at the Democratic county convention here yesterday to attend the state convention to be held at Salt Lake June 14. The delegates were apportioned as follows: Park Cily, 5; Coalville, 3; Kamas, 1; Echo and Henefer, 1; Wanfflfp, 1. and Oak ley, 1. oo WOMAN IS MANAGER FOR IDAHO CANDIDATE BOISE. Ida.. June 10. Charles W. Beale of Wallace, a candidate for Unit ed Slates senator on the Republican ticket, has a woman as his campaign manager. His seluction for that im portant position was won by Miss Ber tha Stewart Ncwland. Miss Newland opened headquarters for Mr. Beale In PJoise yesterday. TWIN FALLS VALUATION PLACED AT $5,000,000 TWIN FALLS. Idaho. June 30. Twin Falls cily will have an assessed valuation of 55,000,000 -this year, ac cording to an estimate -biibmitted be fore the city council last night. Im provements during the past few years have averaged ?G00.000 annually. I oo GOOD REGISTRATION AT 'U' SUMMER SCHOOL SALT LAKE CITY. June 10. Reg istration for summer Instruction at the University of Utah has started off in earnest. On the first day registra tion totaled more than 57 on the first day last season. The Americanization course is proving one of the popular courses at the school. WOMAN TREASURER QUITS POCATELLO, Ida., June 10. Mrs. j Claudia Nelson, Bannock county treas jurer for nearly two 'years, today re I signed her position. Ill health Is assignud as the cause The resignation I was accepted by the county compiis jsioners, but her successor has not been , named. I OO NEW STATE '3liNACiat. TWIN FALLS, Idaho. June 9. Frank J. Behrnian, formerly of Spo kane and North Yakima, today assum ed, management of the Idaho depart ment store hero, succeeding D. D. Al vord, who will take charge of the ered-' its and accounting department. LUMBER MEN ON TOUR, j POCATELLO, Idaho, Juno 10. Offl- cials of the Boise-Payette Lumber I company nrrived in Pocatello today to inspect the local plant. They are on lour of the state inspecting their own lugs, no CREST OF COLORADO PASSES, DANGER OVER CALEXlCO, Calif., June 10. The crest of the Colorado river flood has passed the drops of from six to eight inches were recorded by all gauges except those at -the Saiz levee, accord ing to reports reaching here. Offi cials of the Imperial Irrigation district hope to sec a fall tomorrow in the wa ter beating' against the levee; the sec ond line of defen3e for the Imperial valley against floods. One break In the levee remains unrepaired and some lands in Lower California are said to be Inundated. n r HE COULDN'T STRAIGHTEN UP Jas. Carman, Mayfjeld, Ky., writes; My back used to hurt1 me at times ami I could not get straight for half an hour. I took Foley Kidney Pills and have not had the trouble since. I can not say enough for them and their great work." Foley Kidney Pills help the kidneys do their work in ridding the system of the poisonous waste mat ter that causes so many aches and painst A. K. Mclntyre Drug Co. Advertisement. Cost No More Tliae Ordinary Makejs'';'' TIRE and tube construction, in the tern which coftbines the utmost . , modern Pennsylvania plant, has efnciencr with the greatest mer- been advanced to a science by chandlsing economy, skill-ed, well-paid, enthusiastic workers Because of these facts, tire and tube users can buy Vacuum Cup Cord , 1 , Great production impetus is achieved Fabnc Tires and "Ton Tested" ' by every practical, up-to-the- Tubes with tlie positive assurance minute time- and labor-saving that they cost nQ more than devlce- ordinary makes. Your local This ever-growing volume is Pennsylvania dealer will gladly marketed under a zone selling' sys- prove these assertions. O '- . Adjustment basis per warranty tap attached to each casing : Vacuum Cup-Fnbric Tiros, 6.000 Miles ' Vncuum Cup Cord Tires, 9,000 Mile Channel Tread Cord Tires, 9,000 Miles PENNSYLVANIA RUBBER COMPANY, Jeannette, Pa. Rowel! & Thompson 262 TWENTY-FOUKTH STREET NEAR POSTOFFICE OGDEN DEALERS ' l"" " ' ' '.' " " "" ' " j SALT LAKE CITY INTERMOUNTAIN DISTRIBUTORS THOUSANDS AT ATLANTIC CITY SEE AVIATOR DIE ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. June 10. Thousands of persons on the board wulk saw Hugh Gordon Campbell, av iator, fall to his death into the ocean from a height of 500 feet. His body; has not been recovered. l Medicino H rTlRY this approved rem- I edy. Just the tonic for 1 nervousness, sleeplessness, I depressed ? feeling, loss of 5 appetite, digestive troubles, j m brain fag, or slow recovery ; I from influenza and kindred fl ailments. A tonic, alterative 3 1 and diuretic for blood and Q 1 nerve disorders. 1 i police guard jewish citizens of Vienna; VIENNA, Juno 7. The. most formidj I fable anti-semitic demonstration which Vienna has witnessed since that of last autumn occurred tonight after a great mass meeting of the German and Aus trian Ex-Officers association combined with other anti-Semitic elements. The assembly took place in Rathaus square ns a protest against the Jewish ele ment in the government and army. The elimination of ihe Jews was de manded. After inflammatory speeches a great crowd began spontaneous demonstra tions through the various boulevards Up to a late hour there has been no serious disorder but the police have cordoned the Jewish quarter and all members of the constabulary are held in reserve. Men and women -with bands 1 are marching singing old German an thems and war songs. ' During the demonstrations several persons were mistreated Among the number was a man who gave the .name of David Weiner of New York, and Ferdinand Jtott, who claims American citizenship. i oo NORTHERN ITALY HURT BY EARTHQUAKE SHOCK LONDON. Juno 10. Considornblc! damage- has been done in Tuscany by earth shocks, according to a Central !News dispatch from Rome, dated Wed j nesday. A Central News dispatch June 5 re i ported two violent earthquake shocks, at Forrara, northeastern Italy. Tus-1 cany is across the Appeninc range from the Ferrara region. The earth shocks of northern Italy are usually of comparatively slight, character. I I New discovery in depilator ies. Will positively stunt and weaken hair growth; guaran tee accompanies each bottle. Removes hair perfectly clean. Quick and efficient in Its ac tion On sale at Ogden drug stoics nnd beauty parlors. - Price 31. D. C. Pelt Chemical Co. Salt Lake Cily, Utah j H j DOINGS OF THE DUFFS There Is Another Contestant in Olivias Department. By J. E. Murphy! i m IBSH IB A I u " 7fii , STOMACH TROUBLES' , rl iE DUE TO ACIDITY I Tells Safe, Certain, Speedy " H Relief for Acicf Indigestion H So-called stomach troubles, such ns Jn cllpestlon. gnn, sourness, stomach-ache flml Innblllty to. retain food are in prob ably nine cases out of ten. simply cvi ileiice that excessive secretion of acid is taking place in Ihe stomach. IH Gas distends the stomach and causes mat full, oppressive, burning feeling sometimes known as heartburn, while the acid irritates and Inflames the delicate lining of the stomach. IH To stop or prevent this and to ncu tralize the acid and make It bland and harniless, a tensnoonful of Disuraled la'g- . nesla Is a good nnd effective corrector ' nnd should bo taken In a quarter of n ' fH glass of hot or cold water after eating or IH whenever gas. sourness or ncldlty is felt. fM rhls sweetens the stomach and ncu jH ices tho acidity In it few moments and Is nl a perfectly harmless and Inexpensive rcmcdv to use, IH An nntlacld. such as Elsurated rag nesla which can be obtained from anv dmtrglst in either powder or lablot form enables the stomach to do its work prop OTy without the aid of artificial digest enls. Magnesia conies In several forriis, so be certain to ask for and take onlv IH lilsuratcd Magnesia, which Is 'cspeciallv prepared for the- above purpose. Adver-lisemcnt. Dandruff Soon If Ruins the Hair pp Girls if you want plenty of thick, W" beautiful, glossy, silky hafr, do by all p means get rid of dandruff, for it will ? starve your hair and ruin It if you don't. I It doesn't do much good to try to li brush or wash It out. The only sure fi way to get rid of dandruff is to dis- ' 1 solve it, then you destroy it entirelj'. ' I To do this, get about four ounces of or- I dinary liquid arvon; apply it at night I when retiring; use enough to moisten K the scalp and rub it in gently with the ' . finger tips. f:' By morning, most If not all, of your "v'' " 1 i dandniff will be-gone, and three oi four more applications will completely l 'i dissolve and entirely destroy every sia. mi gle sign and trace of it. lWJ You will find, too, that all itching vM and digging of the scalp will slop, and jjjfl your hair will look and feel a hundred H times better. You can get liquid ar- H von at any drug store. It is Inexpen- sive and four ounces is all you will H need, no matter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never , H fails. -ASPIRIN I j Name "Bayer" on Genuine. j "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" is genu- 111 ine Aspirin proved safe by millions and ' prescribed by physicians for over 20 years. Accept only an unbroken "Bay er package" which contains proper di rections to relieve Headache, Tooth- H ache, Earache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Colds and Pain. Handy tin boxes of H 12 tablets cost few cents. Druggists H also sell larger "Bayer packages." A3- H pirin is trade mark Bayer Manufacture H Monoaceticacidester of Salicylicacid. H Girls! Buttermilk 1 I ; Creates Beauty I f Overnight I r i n-i The HrsUapplIca- , 1 1 5X5h tion Howard's f . A I tB$$g8lI Buttermilk Cream r mi flB J' vvl11 a3ton,'3h yu-IL " m fg&i VB creates beauty al- 9 B YJR? most ,Iko magic, ifl Yk'j but the most won- ' Mi h-fW6A 'fc- dorful thing about . mm I Ta VT R ls thc fact lllat ' M Jt Wi Wl whilst it turns life ! '? gSlVS' du,,e3t and nist li. flurry lifeless complexion i & fW4P.i 10 radt beauty ' Jrv ' iW' Uf and makes red or H rough arms snowy mm ., , white, yef there is not the slightest sign of its use after up- ,; t .plication. It actually vanlslics from sight f H ' and the most heated atmosphere will not 1 1 H 1 produce the least shinlness or grcaslncss r H of Iho.skln. ' K I It Is absolutely harmless and will neither H I produce or stimulate the growth of hair. V fl "Within twenty-four hours this wonderful" t H combination called Howard's Buttorny;- t: 1 Cream will work a marvelous transfornia- . tfon. W. H. Wright & Sons Co. can sup- Ij 'ply you. Manufactured at Buffalo, N Y f by Howard Bros. Chemical Co. Advcr- l' fT tlscment. fi A '. To Get Strong and j J Put on Flesh 0 ! IB People who have tried it say that h i one of the quickest and surest ways In .which those who are weak, thin, nerv- . I ou:s and run down can grow strong and Jfl fput on pounds of solid stay-there (flesh, Is to take a 5-grain tablet of Blood-Iron Phosphate with each meal. jfl This is doubtless due to the well" fl known fact that Blood-Iron Phosphate fl quickly builds up depleted nervous en,- fl ergy and at the same time supplies fl the iron necessary to make rich red fl strength building blood. If you ar6 fl weak, thin, nervous, or are lacking Id fl the old time vigor, endurance and op. i fl timism, go to Mclntyre Drug Co or H any other good druggist and 'get ? H enough BIpod-Irou Phosphate to last three weeks and take as directed If fl at the end of three weeks you don't fl feel one hundred per cent better and - ' mM arent in every way satisfied you can ,M have your money back for the asking ' . fl Fair, isn't It? Better try it today fl CHICHESTER S PILLS -fl "mmwrnSsSoSSmat fl fl