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BjJjjBBjBBBBBBBFBBBBBBBBBBB "wJB Hj ' THE GPEN STAND ARDEXAMINER, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1920. I PAIR OF GIANTS JVPAnrfT FftfSCIf It was An ill wind thai swept Frank Frlsch. recruit third baseman, out oft the Giants' ball lot this spring:. He filled a mighty big pup at the hot cor ner position. Appendicitis put lilm in the hospital. He's convalescing now; and will be back in a McGraw uniform soon. Neither Lear nor Sicking have been able to fill his shoes- The fans took a liking to the Fordham college, youth In the early games. When hoi gets hack they'll be mighty glad. Mostj any day when the Giants are playing at the Polo grounds as the hot ones are sieving through the third base ter-r ritory you can hear remarks like this: I "Just wait until our Frank gets back. I He'll get 'em." Frisch Is a brilliant fielder the color that stands out. -1 3v GEO&G& KLY When George Kelly found out that no one on the Giants' team seemed to want to get in the limelight, he stepped forth and said: "Fella citi zens, gazo upon me." And that Is just what has happened. .The same gang of "hard" guys, who razzed him in the early sorlngtime, have remained to praise him. He's a great lumbering player, but is getting all oiled up now. , George has to stoop a little to get in the club house door, but that don't embarras him after the crowds have been handing him bouquets on his ball - playing. You know the approved way of standing at the bat is with the feet together and then step into the ball. Well, Kelly don't conform. He does a! perfect scissors. His loft foot toes the front chalk lino of the batter's box and his right toes the hack line. But he i cracks 'em anyway. That's what rings j the bell. j S (2 SEPT 2.7 VORWS 1 26 6EPT.2tt , ft&ORD 27 5EPT.20 ' 24 j jfP". ' 23 AUG. 25 2.1 j AUG-2 I 21 AUG 2V 20t Ave 23 iy 1 AUG. I 7 18 '6 17 AUG 16 JCLYSd 14 I JULYZI B j 13 JULY 18 . 12 jj jjly 1 e 1Q I UULYO W I 8 JU-y 5 ji: . 7 JWEZO jM S 6 2v j o ! June 1 7 I 4 junc 7 H. ' 1 MAY 10 a A 4 i 2 10 I j j 1920!i9l9 H' 1 11 The mercury's climbing in the H! ' Ruthermomcter. Babe's been having Hi j a more "high "fo-or. If the slugger 3La makes but ono homer a week from - now on he'll beat his last year's rec- H' iiX ord. But If his fever bolls up like it Hvff did in May and the first few days in RM June the Babe will crack out 75 or 1 ' 100.' And St took him 130 games to t I manufacture 20 last year. II J0HHNY MEYERS DEFENDS I HIS WRESTLING TITLE I DUBUQUE, la.. June 10. Johnny I , Meyers, world's middleweight wrcst- I ling champion, successfully defendea I his title hero last night when he de- I feated "Heinle" Engel in two straight I falls. He won the first fall in 35:30 1 with a too hold, injuring Engel's leg ! I so badly that when Engel returned for . 'i the secopd fall it was only a matter ' t , of half a. minute when he conceded I; th0 bout. ' T ' nn j The recent drouth In Australia has j , resulted in an enormous decrease in Hl i he number o livestock. Bill NATIONAL LEAGUE Standing of Teams. Won Lost Pet. Brooklyn 27 16 .628 Cincinnati -25 19 .568 St. Louis 21 23 .511 Pittsburg 20 20 500 Chicago 24 24 .500 Boston 19 22 .163 New York 20 2n .4 13 Philadelphia 17 27 .386 Yesterday's Result;. Ac New 1'ork Cincinnati, I; New York. C. At Brooklyn St. Louis, 2; Brook lyn. 3. At Boston Pittsburg. C; Boston,' 2 (10 innings.) At Philadelphia Chicago, 1; Phila delphia, 2. Today's Schedule. Plttaburg at Boston. St. Louis at Brooklyn. Cincinnati at New York. Chicago at Philadelphia. GIANTS DEFEAT ; CUTE UK I .Nev? York Nationals Make. It Two Straight, Winning Six to Four. j NEW YORK; June 9. The New York Nationals made it to stratcn j from Cincinnati today, winning, 6 Uwi. Ring was hit hard, the 'Giants' hit3 In cluding home runs by .Kauff and I'oung and triples by Kauff and Kelly. Score R. H. E. Cincinnati 4 9 o New York 6 10 1 Batteries Ring and Rariden, Nehf and Smith. BROOKLYN EVENS UP. BROOKLYN. June 9. Brooklyn evened -up the scries with St. Louis, winning. 3 to 2. A muff of an easy fly by Lewis with two out lot Miller score the winning run from second in the seventh. A rumor that Hornsby had been sold, to the New York Giants I for J150.000 was denied by Branch Rickey. Score: I R. H. E. ! St. Louis 2 7 2 Brooklyn '. . 3 5 1 I Batteries Doak and Clemons, Pfef- fer and Miller. I PHILLIES WIN SECOND STRAIGHT PHILADELPHIA, June 9. -Phna-I delphia won Its second straight game I from Chicago today, 2 to 1, It being the visitors' eight consecutive defeat. Smith had a ahiule the better of a pitchers' battle with Tyler. Ro Don son's home run counted Chicago's lono tally. Score: - i R. H. E.! Chicago 1 4 0 Philadelphia 2 5 1 Batteries Tyler and O'Farrell;' Smith and Wheat, Tragesser. BOSTON DEFEATS PITTSBURG. I BOSTON, Juno 9. Boston came from behind twice and won in the tenth, 7 to 6, from Pittsburg today. Pinch Hitter O'Neill's single to center., scored the winning run with the bases full and one out after Pinch Hitter1 Sullivan's single had scored Ma ran-! ville with tho tying run- Maranvllle made five hlt3, Including two doubles, I in five times at bat. Score: j R. H. U. Pittsburg 6 12 2 Boston 7 16 1 Batteries Adams nnd Hamilton; Oeschger, FHIingln and Gowdy. AMERICAN ASSOCLMTON COLUMBUS, O., June 9. Score: R. H. E. Minneapolis 3 S 3 Columbus S 13 3 Batteries James and Mayer; George and Hartley. LOUISVILLE. Ky.. June 9. Score: R. H. E. 1 St. Paul 1 6 0 Louisville 0 7 4 Batteries Merritt and Hargravc;! Koob, Wright and Meyer. INDIANAPOLIS, June 9. Score: R.H. E.I Milwaukee . 3 12 2 Indianapolis 4 10 7 Batteries Miller and Gaston; Petty, Whitehousc and Standlsh. SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. New Oreleans 3, Memphis 2. Chattanooga 2, Atlanta 7. I Nashville 0, Birmingham 2. Mobile 6. Little Rook 9. LOW EBB NOW POPvTLAND Boxing Is at a low ebb now on the Pacific coast. The Interest of the fans has switched to baseball, which Is giving them all the fever their systems crave. on SHADE TO ORIENT SAN FRANCISCO Billy Shade, four-round fighting whiz, has sailod for Australia, whore he has three bouts booked. His manager Is Jimmy Gilfcather. BIDDY SITS PRETTY CINCINNATI Biddy Bishop is sit ting pretty here In Pat Moran'a town. The promoter has at his disposal a boxing arena that will seat 20,000 poople. uu The savings division of the U, S ! treasury department reports that five (states, by legislative action, have made thrift Instruction compulsory. ' AMERICAN LEAGUE Standing of Teams. Won Lost Pet. Cleveland 30 16 . 652 New York 31 17 .646 Boston 241 IK .571 Washington 24 20 .54 5 Chicago I.. .25 21 .543 St. Louis .17 27 .386 Philadelphia 16 SI .34 0 Detroit '.H 31 .311 Yesterday's R-enlts. At Detroit New Tork, 11; De troll. 3. At Cleveland Philadelphia,. 1: Cleveland, C. I At Chicago Boston. 3; Chicago, 2. At St. Louis Washington, 4; St. (Louis, 0. I Today's Schedule. Boston at Chicago. Washington at St. Louis. New York at Detroit. Philadelphia at Cleveland. PEIJII1K ! OejHIUJES Athletics Barely Escape Shut out in Second Inning; Witt Scores Home Run. CLEVELAND, June 9. Perrys In effectiveness during the first few In nings gave Cleveland a victory over Philadelphia today. 6 to 1. Tho Ath ' letlcs escaped a shutout In tho second I livning. when Witt's hit to left went 'between Jamieson's lege and rolled to the fence for a home run. Witt twist ed his knee when he reached the plate ;and had to be carried off the field. Score: R H. E. ! Philadelphia 1 5 1 Cleveland G 10 0 Batteries Perry and Perkins; Uhle and C. Thomas. I NEW YORK TAKES SECOND. I DETROIT. June 9. New York con j tlnued Its hard hitting and won the j second game of the series from De troit toaay, 11 to 3. Home runs by I Bodle and Meusel featured the bat ting of the visitors. Mouael's hit In ' the fifth inning was the longest ever ; witnessed In the local park, anc Bo ; die's came In the third, with two men . on bases. Score: R. H. E. 'New York 11 13 2 Detroit 3 II 1 j Batteries Thorm&hlen and Han nah; Ehmke, and Stanage." i WASHINGTON WINS. I ST. LOUIS, ' June 9. Washington made it two straight from St. Louis by winning today's game. 4 to 0. The I visitors luc Shocker at will and were aided by the locals' slow fielding. SU Louis could do nothing against Zach ary in the pinches, only two runners reaching third base. Score: R. H. E. Washington 4 10 0 St. Louis 0 S 3 Batteries Zachary and Gharrlty; Shocker and Billings. BOSTON BEATS CHICAGO. CHICAGO, June 9. Hooper's triple and a single by Schang, following ' passes to scott and Walters scored all .bf Boston's runs and beat Chicago to ' day, 3 to 2. The locals outhlt tho j visitors, but Joe Bush kept their hits scattered. Score: j R. H. E. Boston 3 5 0 Chicago 2 S 2 I Batteries Bush and Walters; Wll- Hams. Kerr and Schalk. ELEVEN CATS ENOUGH. MER1DAN, Conn. "Notico to the public," reads a newspaper advertise ment hec.e, "Please do not leave any, more cats at 26 Lewis avenue, as we have all we need." "Every day or two somebody leaves a cat on our steps and we haveto take care of It," complained Mrs. Na than Greene, who Inserted the ad.' i "We have eleven now." I nn I RED OV THORNS I SALT LAKE CITY The Coast League, which looked like a bed of. roses early this Bprlng, turned to aj l bed of thorns for mangers. Players, continue to go A. W. O. L. SWINGS AXES, TOO SEATTLE Frank Farmer, the lumborjarck, 1h trying a comeback In tho ring since his eotback by Boy McCormlck. Ho swings axes, like Johnny Wilson, to get in shape. oo S0-OLUB LEAGUE SAN DTEGO Plans uro under way here to form a 30-club merchants' baseball leugue. It will Include doc tors, lawyers, bankers and other branches of professional men. LEONARD PURSES SAN FRJLNCISCO Billy Gibson ex pects to clean up ovor ?100,000 In Benny Leonard's next three matches with Frankle Callahan, Battling Or tega and Charlie White. RAIN OR SHINE OMAHA. C. C. Bolden, Dr. Frank G. Smith and "Bobble" Christie prac tice their ffolf here rain or shine. They'er getting ready for the state tournament a few weeks off. ACTS TjIKE RUTH WICHITA Carl East, premier pit cher of Frank Iabell's athletics, may develop into an outfielder like Babe Ruth. He is hitting over the 400 mark. Greatest Horse of All Times Man - o' - War Holds Same Place, on Tracks That Babe Ruth Now Occupies in Baseball 1 . 31; LORRY A. JACOBS, N. E. A. Staff Special. NEW YORK. June 0. The greatest horse of history and the Babe Ruth of the race track Is Man-o-War, the Fair Play-Mahubah colt No thoroughbred has even won $200, 000 in stakes and purses in the history of the race track, but it appears to be. certain that the great-hearted colt that broke the record for the mile a few days ago will accomplish it with case. Man-o'-War' earned J83.325 as a two-year-old In winning nine out of ten races. He added 523,000 with the Preakness stakes at the beginning of the season, and brought his total up to about 3125,000 when he galloped hi record mile In the WJtherB stakes at Belmont park a few days ago. Ho Is scheduled for tho Belmont stakes. I Big Stakes Ahead. But he will get his great chance to shove hi winnings past the J200.000 mark when he enters the Latonla championship stakes next fall, com Ipetlng for $50,000. j Man-o'-War's performance In the Withers stakes was by far one of the most remarkable ever witnessed.1 Jockey Kummcr was compelled to hold the colt In practically the entire (distance, and ho snapped over the line with his head bowed low. so strongly did Kummcr pull him. "I could give him his head but for one-sixteenth of a n.lle," said Rum mer. "I knew he was breaking a. rec ord, but I knew It was best not to let him out. He could have done tho mile a full second or more better and still have been held in." , I Only Two Fntcr. j But two horses have done faster miles than Man-o'-War, and their races were run against time. Salvator,' , running against time, clicked off a ! U - THE SIX DAY DELEGATE RACE o 1 0 By "BUGS" BAER. (Written exclusively for Universal Service. Copyrighted 1920, by Uni versal Service.) 1 CHICAGO. June 9. Teams: English team Hoover and Hokum. Army team Wood, and Nobody. Pullman team Lowden and Pa-in-law. - CalIfornIat'e5m 'Johnson and the People. , College team Butler and League of Nations. End of the second day, three laps. Record 456.7S9.000 laps, established by Teddy Roosevelt and Taft at Coliseum 'track in 1912. Teams of Coolidge. Harding and Polndexter were lapped early in the race and were eliminated from the tournament. i Wiseacres claim present teams are only pacemakers and that the team of Dark and Horse Mill cop the biscuits. Butler Ik a good man but handi capped by partner. Pullman team picked up a nail. Bi cycle sent to the bank for repairs. Wood and Nobody' started fast and sprinted the wrong way around the track. Foreign team. Hoover and Hokum, claim the American teams are pocket ing 'em. Race was simmered down to an un steady grind in an effort to hoe out tho weak delegates. End of 50th hour, two laps. Conven tion must be riding backward. Prize of $2,500 offeredVor winner of five laps' sprint. Won by Lowden dele gate. Johnson tried to steal a lap on the field but punctured a tire on the na tional field. Hoover is losing the needle. End of 55th hour, 1 and 1V laps, Indicating the convention ain't going nowhere. Lodge appointed official announcer. Delegates went to sleep on their bikes.' Boies Penrose 1b warming up a new team. Bill Bry&n looking for a chance to throw box of carpet tacks on the track. Chauncey Dopew chirps he could lap mile in 1S90 In 1.35 1-5 This stood until Roamer. also running against time, cut It to 1:35 1-2. Sun Friar and Fairy Wand formerly held the record for the mile In race oo MATCHMAKER NOW j TACO.MA Joe Bonds has a newj Job. lie Is matchmaker for the Vot-i eran'n club here. He'll stage his box-' Ing shows at the ball park j tlmi at 1 3C 1-5 Man-o'-War's lime. In tho Withers stakes was 1:35 4-5. And so It looks ns though Man-o'-War, like Babe Ruth, is In a class by himself. I p " Wgg SSI BAYS I vTV L vtdl? yCJ AltbouEh I do not shoot the bull I vL JZ'AJy j L,,ke rna"y another guy, ; irr! 1 oftej: lali ,n? trusty gun vtt) yvv?S Anc 600t for a bull's-eye. J The convict sat behind the bars Four thousand mlle3 from home; J In old Kentucky he was horn, His prison was in Nome. I He had purloined an equine horse, A shaggy, northern steed, And had to hang because out there I That Is a heinous deed. i In desperation he had wrote To Washington, D- C: In manner most heartrending ' He'd asked for clemency. A high official read' the note i And shed a briny tear; "They can't hang him for .that," he , said; . "It isn't right, oh, dear! " He wrote a pardon right away To save the man In Jail. And gave it to a blond stenog ,-' To drop Into the mail. Just two months later, to a day, The horsethlef stretched the rope; ! He was courageous to the last. His heart buoyed up by hope. SLOOP RESOLUTE WINS FOURTH RACE NEWPORT. R. I.. June 0. The sloop Resolute, with the aid of her time allowance of one minute nnd 42 seconds, again defeated the Vunltlo In the fourth elimination race of tno America's cup defense trial aeries to day, winning by an even minute. The race was sailed In a twelve-knot breeze over u triangular course, and, as the wind shifted. more than four points, windward work did not de velop on any leg. tho field In a three-legged Morris chair. Old Joe Cannon got sore and looped out to see a real keystone comedy. Lowden wants pa-In-law to put big ger sprocket on his bank roll but Pull man insists on flat wheeling around on low gear. End of 60th hour, no lapB. Some body swiped Wood's handlebars nnd Baddle. Delegates get In jam on dangerous concession turn as Johnson claims he will build a now track. LookB llko It will be the only six day race that ever went two weeks. End 62nd hour, race ain't started yet. J (The pardon came tho following spring, I Ala3, it was, too late, I For .Mister .Burleson had sent The blooming thing by freight. v w w We realize -how . furniture nas gun up when we read of the money spent for a chance at the presidential chair. Pitcher Pickett has signed with tho White Sox. The sport paragraphers will laugh if he gets the gate. V w Young golf staro are becoming scarce. But the old lights fall to crack. Johnny Wilson won his spui'3 enj. "Easy come easy go," quoth Michael. Fans seldom see runners trapped between the bases in the big leagues. 1 i Harvard crow can redeem a poor rowing year by beating Yale June 25. "Why does Spcnker keep "Doc'" John ston batting in seenth place".' Spoko knowj. MITCHELL LOSES HOT j BATTLE WITH TENDLER j I i MILWAUKEE, June 10. Lew Tendler. Philadelphia, was given the newspaper decision over Richie Mit chell. Milwaukee lightweight boxer. In ' a ten-round no-declslon bout which went the limit. Tendler showed to advantage In a majority of iht rounds. Each boxer scored n knockdown, from stiff blows to the chin, the Mil waukee boy being upset in the first round and Tendler hitting tne canvas In the ninth session. Each boxer was guaranteed 315,000 and the auditorium which was packed to capacity, showed receipts of ap proximately $37,000. I Georges Carpentler, the French ace. boxed an exhibition bout with ills Bel gian sparring partner. An effo-t Is being made to have the proposed Car-pentier-Levln6ky bout staged at Mil waukee. oo I KING'S AIR FORCES HAVE NOBBY UNIFORMS LONDON. Ncwly-dealgned uni forms for his majesty's air forces would put a musical comedy chorus man to utter shame. The uniform is of blue-gray and plentifully studded with golden acorns and leaves and sli ver wings. Even tho troupers have a touch of gilt, und white gloves and a sword with a gold hilt and a golden tassel will be worn. oo JUDGE IS MODERN WOMEN SMOKE? SURE LONDON John Hawker, 'who spanked his wife here because she smoked cigarettes all day long, found scant sympathy from the judge. "I'm afraid people who will not let women smoke nowadays are old-fashioned," Judge J. d'Eyncort told him and fined him UP. IS- i Pacific Coast League H Standard or Teams. IHiflH Won Lost I'cjj.. iBbH Salt Lake 37 25 .597- Rl San Francisco 37 25 .59,7 IBI Vernon 30 29 ..554 SSfl Los Angeles ....... 29 .532 oH Portland 28 2$ .501tl Hl Sacramento . .26 ' 35 . .420 JM Oakland 2K 39 .400"" lH Seattle 36 39u)., I flH Yesterday's Results. aVI Vernon, S; Seattle. 0. 1 lll Salt Lake, if, San Francisco, 11. j1 : H Los Angeles, 9; Sacramento, S.' C 10S ' H Portland, 4: Oakland. S. K H MIGHTY HITTING WINS - BEE GAME FOR SEALSV ' SALT LAKE, June 10. Twenty-' " 1 M five nil? made from the second ' the ninth frames by San Francisco'- Kl here yesterday enabled the visitors t') illl win the second game of the series" i MH by a score of 11 to 5. While the ln-., ) ! .H vaders were collecting hits Salt Lakyi ? Ht totaled IS hits and scored but five ilH ' Some mighty busts were registered 1 rH among the 13 hits. Willie Karam hit. il thu horsehide over the left field wall . lll twice and Kocrnor sapped out a homer ' ; jH also. Mulligan of the Bees sapped out -'" jH three two-ply swats. The twlrlers. Ill surely had a day of It, hits being regA-A.. H lered in almost every frame. The Seal victory placed them on even term,, ! with the lo'cals in the percentage H column. The score: San Francisco ...11 25 i fl Salt Lake IS H Batteries: Love and Yelle; Cullopr H Baum and Jenkins, Byler. ! 'Senators Are Defeated Following Late Rally i H .SACRAMENTO, June 10. Sacra- jH imcnto sent over four counters in the i JH eighth frame here against the Los sM Angeles aggregation yesterday, only jH to see invaders win out in the tenth, jjH the score being 9 to S. The Senators. jH used three moumlmcn. Tho score: H 'Los Angeles 9 13 2 M ISacramcnio & 14 1 Wl Batteries: Aldridge, Crandall. 'fll I Thomas and Baasler; Pcnncr, Malls) H FUttery. Kuntz and Cady. 'H Beavers Win Second ' Contest of Series fl j SAN FRANCISCO. June 10. With ,H I Jones heaving classy ball here yester- "Jl day the Beavers won the second game t HH 'of "the aeries with the Oaks, the score 1 being -I to 3. Thu score: R. H. E, H I Portland 4 10 3 uaklahd ,.. 3 7 0 Vm Batteries: Jones and Kochlcr; IH Krenier and Spellman. Rasniers Get Two Hits; j I Lose to Tigers 8 to 0: H LOS ANGELES. June 10. Willie Mitchell held the Seattle Rainiers to -two blnglcs in the first tilt of the IH series here yesterday, the Tigers win nlng by a score of $ to 0. At no timfeiji during the game did the visitors have jH a chance to score. Demarec on the Jl slab for Seattle was touched for 11 hits. The score. R. H. E.- Seattle 0 2 1- Vernon S112 j Batteries: Demarco and Wilson; J Mitchell and DeVormer. ; IH EIGHT SURVIVORS IN GOLF COMPETITION ' ROCK ISLAND. Ills.. June 9. G-. Decker French, Davenport; Robt. Mc- Kee. Des Moines; H. R. Johnston, Stt- Paul: Francis Dickinson, Des Moines,, Clarence Wolff. St. Louis: Ralph t Ryder. Des Moines; W. II. Van Everv' ' Minneapolis, and Harlow Hurley, To- f peku. tonlsht were survivors In the competition for the championship of i the trans-Mlsslsslppl Golf association. i Tomorrow's pla will be at 30 holes-' ; I to determine semi finals. I The defeat of Ray Ouimet of Kan- j ' sas City, in the morning by C. R. Relllv of Minneapolis, waa a complete IH surprise. The showing of G. Decked IH French of tho Rock Island Arsenal.. club, also caused comment. He de- I i feated E. A. Lorton of Excelsior 1 Springs. Mo.. In the morning round -1 ; 1 and" 3. and came back In the after- ( BB noon against the conqueror of Ouimet, I BBB turning in a 3 nnd 1 victory. French. , BB meets Robert McKee tomorrow. Mt - ' BBB Kee won from John D. Cady of Molina IBBB and Sam W. Reynolds of Omaha, to , BBB get into the semi-finals. BBB oo CYKOWSKI SHOWS , DES MOINES George Cykowski, . i BBB sand-lot pitcher, recently released by , IBBB the Indians to the Des Moines club, is j BB showing tho proper stuff He gets I BBBJ himself into holes and then starts tho i BBBJ strikeout game. krx 1 B There nre no swallows In New Zea- I BBB SAY POP Pop Would Like to Sidestep Those New Crease. ' By C. M. Payne M r i ; FTTiTT r 1 ICTn r F1 t-t! A I f-r-i I. ' umr tave. Tiv& nil CoMe ? h Tcfp'Lt witoHt way WwSm. 1" H bVAI