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V 2 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, IHUKSDAY, JUINL 1U, ' 1 i Southern California Metropo lis Outstrips Golden Gate City By 67,070. LOS ANGELES, 575,480; SAN FRANCISCO 500,410 Five of Twenty Largest Cities in U. S. 1920 Census to Be Heard From. . WASHINGTON', .7unc. San Fran cisco 508,410, Los Angeles f75,180. Pnsadcna. Calif. 15,331. Fresno, Calif. 11,0 i 0. Stockton, Calif. 10,206. Increases San Francisco 01,480. or 119.1 per cent: Los Anseles 250.2S2, or 80.3 par cont: Pasadena 15,043. or 10.7 per cent; Fresno 19,724. or 70i2 per cont; .Stockton 17,043, or 73.3 per cent. WASHINGTON. June 0. l.os An geles has outstripped San Francisco and become the largest city west of St. Louis during- the last ten years, the census bureau announcement of the populations of the two cities vu niht shows. It also has outgrown Buffalo, tenth largest city in the coun try in 1910, as well as Milwaukee, Washington, Newark, Cincinnati ana New Orleans. Los Angclcn now has a population of 575,480, an Increase of 366,202, while San Francieco has 50S,4lO in habitants, Los Angeles' rate or growth was SO. 3 per cent, compared with San Francisco's rate of 21. 'J per cent dur ing the ten years. Announcement tonight of the popu lations of San Franclso and Los An geles, the two largest cities of tho western half of the country, left only five of tho twenty largest cities of the United States to be heard from in tho 1920 census. These five are Chicago, Philadelphia, Cleveland, Detroit, and Kansas City, Mo and mull their populations are made public tho rank ing of the country's twenty largest cities will remain somewhat doubtful San Francisco ranked as eleventh most populous in 1910, with 410,012 Inhabitants, having shown an increase of 74,130, or 21.6 per cent during the decade. Los Angeles ranked as seven teenth city in 1U10, with a population of 315,198, an increase of 16.719, or 211.5 per cent 'during the ton years. San Francisco up to 11)10 made Its most rapid growtn during the decades from 1860 to 18S0, while Los Angoles "made its most rapid strides during tho more recent decades. Of tno twenty two cities of more than 25,000 popu lation, which in 1910 had moro than ooubled their population in tno ten years Los Angeles had the largest growth numerically and stood fifth in its percentage of increase, Pasadena yrza fourth in its percentage of in crease in 1910, its rate being 232.2 per cent. San Francisco ranked juht under Buffalo, N. Y., in ll10, with 4 2,000 less people. Buffalo's 1920 populutlon Is 505, S75; Milwaukee ranked second, just below San Francisco, with 38,000 people less, and now has a popula tion of 457,147. Los Angeles ranked next below Washington, D. C in 1910, with about 12,000 people less and just above Min neapolis, with about IS. 000 more peo ple. Washington's 1920 population is 437,571, and Minneapolis has 3S0.49S. Ii oo Pulitzer Scholarships j Have Been Awarded I NEW YORK, June 9. Tho throe Pulitzer traveling scholarships in jour- nalism, it was announced at Columbia H university tonight, have been award - I ed to Clyde Allen Beals. San Fran- I clsco; Robert Gordon Wasson or New- I ark, and Katherine MacMahon of I Bloomlngton, 111. oo DECISION ON LEVER LAW TO BE APPEALED LINCOLN, Neb., .Tune 9. United States District Attorney T. S. Allen an nounced today he probably would ap peal to the federal circuit court of ap peals from a decision by Federal Judge J. W. Woodrough at Omaha yesterday, holding that that section of the Lever law making it an offense to charge "unjust and unreasonable prices" is unconstitutional, ! HOUSTON SENDS FISCAL REPORT TO BIG BANKERS WASHINGTON, June 9. Secretary Houston, writing todny to the bankers of the country, declared that the com pleted operations of the treasury lor tlyj fiscal year ending with this mouth ".Hlioulcl show little, if any, deficit, the government having about balanced its midget, current receipts against cur rent disbursements, for the first full fiscal car after the fighting stopped. 'Though tho first quarter of tho present Hseal jcar showed a deficit of about 770,000,000," Mr. Houston said, "In the second qunrter there ivas n surplus of over $ir0,000,000, hi the third quarter there was a surplus of nearly $400,00,000, and the fourtn quarter shduld also show a surplus. "The total jyross debt or the United States, which on June 30, 1010, nmouiUcd to nearly 25,500,000,000, and on August 31. 1910, amounted to nearly $2(1,01)0,000,000, had been re duced on May 31, 1020, to less than S25.000.000.000." Tho flonliiui debt outstanding (loan and tn.v certificates), which on Juno 30, 1910. amounted to over 3,250, 000,000, and on August 31, 1019, to ncarlv 84,000.000,000. hud been in duced on Mny 31, 1020, to less than I 82.850,000,000. I "The reduced ordinary and public ! debt disbursements have made possl- bio a very important reduction in the amount of net balance In tho general I fund, which has been applied to the reduction or the debt." o j I CHICAGO, June 9 While party 'controversies are going on, the Knoxj boom has been revived, and during ' tho day it, of all the dark horso booms,' soernod to have some now momentum,! always taking Into consideration tho' common idea that the convention will turn to other fields if Johnson, Low den and Wood fail to show strength promising a majority soon after the first few ballots. One story being told In connection with It was characterized by Senator Johnson, through one of his lieuten ants, as "absolutely ridiculous," but was much discussed. Nomination Stories. This story ran that if no nomina tion were reached up to the fifth bal lot, Senator Johnson would lay his candidacy aside, If the convention would grant to him and Senator Borah: unlimited time to discuss the candi dacies and pre-convcntlon campaign I expenditures of Wood and Lowden. The other angle of the story was that Senator Knox would be brought out as a candidate at that Juncture. Coupled with tho general knowledge or close friendship between Senators Johnson "and Knox, and their irrecon cilable position together against a league in any form, this story fur nished the most Interesting piece of . gos3ip of the day, although It was thrown down by Senator Johnson, i Wood Talk Running Stronger. ! Wood talk, which began running in a stronger tide last night, seemed not to disturb the Johnson managers, j&. conference of .a dozen or more John son advisers late today, it was wild, decided on a policy of attempting no tardes or alliances until tho start of a break from Wood or Lowden. for whien they hope. Their strategy, it! was explained, was to leave the wooul and Lowden forces to carry on the.r' own contest and leave tne Johnson! forces ready to take advantage of anyi weaknesses which might develop. The Johnson advisers also predict there; Will bo no hurried break of Johnson instructed delegates away from tho senator after they havo performed their obligations by voting for him on the first ballots. Managers Starting Backfiring. ; Reports that th'e Johnson instructed delegates from Michigan were ready to 3vlng to another candidate if John son failed in the first fow ballots, put , Johnson managors at work starting back fires at home, and some of the Michigan delegates were said to be ; getting telegrams Informing them they were expected to stick to the Californian. The senator's advisers said they were confident he could hold I. his delegates until he released them. on MYSTIC ORDER CITY CHOSEN. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 9. At-' I lantic City, N. J., was chosen as the is next mooting place of the Mystic Or i der of the Veiled Prophets of tho I2n i chanted Realm, by tho supremo coun i cil of tho body, which completed a three-day session hore today. 1 , ! Better Quality j . j And "Worth More Hie superiority of these improved corn flakes win I immediate recognition j because of more attract ive flavor, firmer texture and greater satisfaction in nourishing value, fru'll like these best of all corn flakes and j. ATry Tells Why 4 tfadekjrPotfoim Cereal Ca.IncBattle Creek Mich. ft Forget the heat I listening to the new 1 11$! They are so full of glajinesa that you will lose yourself lPi88 ,n the pure ecstacy of 'ten,no to them. All the novcst m 'fiSaftOT dance pieces by famous Jazzers the latost popular songs jOU by A' JoKOn and h,s companion exclusive Columbia or- tM SHlH tl5tB a"d a few c!l0,ce blts of c,a80ic niuslc to round out j SSlfl t1c Pr0ram ' Ei3 HHM It lo getting to be a habit more and more E with music lovers to come to Glen Bros. m Ht$ for things musical. The answer Is our 1 jjjj j Intelligent and helpful service. Phone-Write or Call 1 TODAY.:.. I M Don't risk disappointment by delaying your " M i order. & Sag I Note: Get your Chautauqua tickets liere. NOMINATION IS 'SEALED WITH A KISS' FEDERAL PENITENTIARY, Atlanta. (Ja. When Syemour Stedman, Socialist nominee for vice president, came here to tell Eu gene V. Debs, serving ten years for alleged sedition, that he had been named the party's candidate for president, Debs kissed Stedman. He kissed him hard and right out in public, too, and meanwhile held Stedman 's hand. Should the Socialists elect their candidates a cabinet meeting might resemble a "decoration day'" in France' vrith Marshal Foch distributing the medals to his soldiers. Thus far, it is said, candidates for Republican and Democratic nominations have not been discovered osculating. DELEGATES T I CHICAGO, June 9. Senator John son gave notice today that ho would take measures of reprisal against any delegate pledged to his support by re sults of. primary election who did not ; stich." I Speaking to newspaper correspond ents, ho declared his opponents wore using means of every kind to shake the allegiance ot some of his support ers, monlionod 'gold," and added that If any delegates broke away, "I'll take his ease to his people." Stoutly Against .ciijjue. Kelterntlng his opposition to the league of. nations, Senator Johnson said that unless the platform com mittee took a corresponding stand ho would "ask tho convention and tho people of tho United States to reject" Its prbpoSals. "The convention is tightening up more and moro," tho senator declared. "It will get to balloting day after to morrow, and as the time approaches my confidence increases. "I think thero'll be quite a number of ballots. We'll not endeavor to start with a tremendous number, but as the ballots aro taken, I think you'll ob serve later that we'll movo along." net. HUERTA'S ILLNESS DELAYS OATHS MEXICO CITY, Juno 0. (By the Associated Preas.) Tho illness of Provisional Prealdent Adolfo do la Huerta prevented General Pasqual Or tiz, who will succeed General Salvador Alvarado as secretary of the treasury, and General Antonio Vlllnreal, who will bo seoretary of agriculture and development, from taking the oath of office today. It is believed that Presi dent dc la Huerta will bo compelled to submit to an operation speedily. S. P. ORDERED TO DELIVER 1,000 CARS PORT "WORTH, Tex., June 9. The interstate commerce commission today ordered the Southern Pacific railway to deliver to tho RocK Island system at Galveston immediately one thou sond freight earn for use in relieving the wheat congestion in Oklahoma and the Tpxujj panhandle, It wan an nounced at the. Rock Island general officoa. 6 BAR SILVER TAKES VIOLENT DROP ON N. Y. EXCHANGE NEW YORK, June 9. 13ar silver experienced another violent decline abroad and in the local market today. The JjOndon quotation added 2 pence to yesterday's break of slightly ! more than sixpence and brought the price down to 45 pence per ounce, i This is just a fraction .moro than ono- half tho high record price for the metal last Fobruary. J In this market the price was ac I lower at SI cents. ! nn ) Suffrage Alliance . Will Be Contmned GENEVA. June 9. The Interna- tlonal Woman Suffrage Alliance con- i gresa today decided that tho alliance l should be continued to secure suffrage i and equaj rights with men for tho women of all nations. This decision f was put in tho form of an amendment'! to article 11 of the constitution. 1 1 '5 STRENGTH AM I ENDURANCE Mid-Month List Now on Sale "fj ''A Ted Lewis akes f. 1 Tlt 4feSIp a -ae Cuba I 0UH find 'lt Pure delight to dance to V" I rCSe tW0 tantan& ox-trots. Melo- I Sffij dious incidental whistling by Ted Lewis - I IpHF himself makes "I'll See You in C-U-B-A" I S a sure-fire hit. Coupled with "The Moon I Shines on the Moonshine," by these same ! I (7 exclusive Columbia artists. j I 'CD A-2927 $1.00,1 . j I Nora Bayes Sings 'M i I of Boyiiood X?ys Ww9 - &l -J No one can carry you back to boy- JIM ) w It hood as convincingly as Nora Bayes. WKl 1 "Patches" makes. you'ache to wear those ' W S y; ' badges of boyhood once agajn. Coupled J with the song "Without You," this ex- J$ M 1 ' f elusive Columbia artist's leading feature j y U &d 1 . 'dtes First. A-2921-koO . ' f f Sfo " -f c r? : ' f!t An Hickman Hits , f j gffll'1 j fmK Oriental Fox-trots 4 1 MM i "Rose of Mandalay" and "Along the , ' '.I 4 felf AWnJ I Way t0 Damascus" are two Oriental . J J 4JllfwI fox-trots by Art Hickman's. Orchestra r.-L from e St. Francis Hotel, San X hi WpKPP Francisco. They'll fill you with all -the 'f f P rhythmic fire for which these exclusive "1. JjjSjrf Columbia artists are justly famous from MW ... coast to coast. A-2917 $1.00 " A Few More Mid-Month Hits M Roie of Wnthington Square Shadow Campbell and BurrlA-2920 Mist Henr Burr 1-2898 Sunshine Roso George Mcadcr $1.00 B Tired of Me. . Lcwii James J HinwBtha'n Melody of Love IS PiUfP N,cdIcy WaItz li fijtRfiAS Railroad Bines Fox-trot j Prince's Orchestra ( A-61 50 tFTn VerLes' Southern Five A-2929 Beoutiful Hwuiian Lotc $1-25 flgg M$ Shuke Your Little Shoulder ( 51.00 Medley Waltz v rOT I '7- Fox-rror . . The Happy Six Prince's Orchestra J Ira I Edjl H1 f (1 Ge the. Now Columbia Novelty Record Booklet lf y H Every Columbia Dealer Ha It 1" COLUMBIA CRAFONOLAS Colombia Record on Sale at Alt Colombia DeaUrs th t Oth and 20th of Eamry Month mWK Y VoS'ZTt COLUMBIA GRAPHOPHONE COMPANY. New York M - SI P " Through our Phonograph Department, ve offer you h tvice each month all the latest and most 'pleasing musical li II onrenngs- or the day. fj! i , COLUMBIA RECORDS made by the many exclusive Hi I ! Columbia artists are here to entertain you in a most H jL delightful manner. Columbia records offer you the world's Btfll latest musical creations in a variety of selections not M I y equalled anywhere else. 9iH I S Twice each month at our salesroom we entertain you Mffl I M with the New Columbia Records the moment they are MM I . M7 w.e ail to dl names on our mailing schedule H I H the Columbia Record List" which gives all of the new H I 1 records as they come out. If you are not already receiving H I A this list each month please call in and ask us to place your II 1 "ame and "J8". on "Columbia" mailing schedule so II "at you will receive all future announcements. MM j QAotonlruj ftjuy f I a 2451 HUDSOK AVt. jC roM. I Bwi I 1 row evcinv oul llQ f H r M