Newspaper Page Text
Ip ! Carry Home Your June c,as Sa,es Laces June Cash Sales Sr!sMr, , j I S J Tf,. all the clothing for their girls at fl JH I 1 rllTllTBiriGF$ . O prices no low as the unmade mate- f Vs? 7ft SI ft 1HUL JL UXLllllJLlllg& JL fa f0 Q rials. Everything In this depart. j Lj ? &iUlBiHb This list is not complete. You may now buy all laces, rib- B B & JP & ment is cheaper. H 4 l This is a Universal Sale YOU bllV anything bnS' embroideries' neckwear, etc., at lowered .prices. The items here are indications of the general reductions . childrenS of - H I I you want at a lowered price. In most sales Laces Handkerchiefs eVeiy Pah-of shoes in stock is cheaper. - mrau H H i you have the option of buying only the Narrow vemse laces, white and Novelty cotton handkerchiefs, Women's Pumps Wright & Peters Special yac 9 H H " ! thWc arWrticpH Tn fMQ wlp'vmi Qim- cream very dainty patterns for for girls and women, very pret- Women's pumps in black or Wright & Peters' pumps and P1 .. . , G'RLS' hats e M H . thmgS adveitlSecl. Ill this Sale yOU Sim- trimming- voile organdie, etc. ty combinations of colors, Finch brown kid and patent leather, oxfords, patent or kid, welt and Sac I H T ply COme tO the Store and buy JUSt What Values to 35c. Special, hem, fast colors.. Special, 2 leather or wood French heels; turn soles, ah new styles, wood shapes, our ent " H r you need yOU Carry home your Savings. 7 ' '''' ' ' f r ' ' 25 stock; allsizes $10 values or leather French heels, all $10.50. Special S4.95 5 1 Customers who have charge accounts here Eaby flJfJSSSgspattwn, Sale of Laces ' ' ' " ?735 : fi are helping tO make this sale possible by in batiste and Swiss, scalloped Assortment of laces filet clmy, Wfate Pumps Women's Pumps JSlttvuJ'tSilS! S paying Spot Cash for all purchases made and raffled eogc, for slips and torcheon venise and platt vals, Women ut 1 High grade black and brown you cannot buy material for the t , - J Ii A. dresses, valnes to $2. Special, a 1 to 4 inches wide, effective pat- v" "--"ivds pumps wlt nr turn price. ?1.75 values f)5i 9 IH ! SWTn?;i f 1, ,1 ?1-29 ValUGS t0 50 Yard28 Si,ta:X"h2 WiWS: crl, coats i I We adJ hat we have rather crowded flus Net Flouncings Swiss Neckwear n U tSmS - raffJTffi 1 ! page With items and prices, and even at that Net and organdie flouncing-, col- Swiss neckwear for girls and (F,rSt Floor) IP i n -P A a'm materials, sizes 1 to 10 year. I i H S there could have been again as many bar- whit,e and cream, tucks, ruf- women collajs collar sets dain Tongue Pumps w -un!ps ana yxt,orrs Values 10 $12'50, Spec,al 8495 i H "a a j i. j 4.1 fles and lace trimmed, values tilv trimmprl ipw onri ,-ff mi Women s pumps and oxfords m infants' vests HI 1 A B gaillS mentlOnea JUSt as gOOa as tliese. to $5. Special, yard S2.95 svl qPrini I, ine new wngue pump wth mu- black and brown kid and patent infants' summer vests or teething A EPl Come - join the crowds and carry home Velvet Ribbons JT' t:P ?g f 1 your savings. No, we don't mean that you velvet ribbon, colors and white, &mboridery Edges slippers for tiie biff girissizw si)ecial 25 i ' should Carrv home VOUr Dackaes: deliv- dths from y2 to 2 inches wide, Swiss arid cambric embroidery 2y2 to 7. $6 values . . . Jp4.35 (Downstairs) girls' dresses ? pv snoum tdnj nume juui pcudea, ueiiv best quality of silk velvet. Val- edges and insertions, 1 to 5 in- (First Floor) ,P WWtn P mne Girls' dresses in sizes h, 16 and 18 . X 5 a erieS are being made as USUal. ues to 40c a yard. Special a ches wide values to 15c Sue r i a. tt. VV mre rumPs ,ears-m t ne quality gingham. B f 11 & vard 1 rial vr' II One Eyelet PumpS Women's white pumps and ox- strictly washable, all new models, g i H I' Sarin" Ribbons Patent leather, one eyelet tier,, fords, all th. new styles, high, V'ST 30lled-vV I Q N ;- Hair Bow Ribbons qJ 'I WW V "aB h al designs, for sashes, camisoles, quality silk for making hair for SS.85 Women's Slippers dark colors, size l to 14 years, most S -v I f- 2 A GOODxPLACE TO TRADE etc., extraordinary values. A bows. Values to 50c. Special, (First Floor) Women's one and two strap o those are samples. Values to 6. H ' : I P! , w --69 yard 39 Black Kid Oxfords fippers, good quality black kid " J; i w a w w F F I Black kid oxfords, hand turn cor meJ , r6 i i w Girls' middy made of splendid qual- I Li Hl 'I wL C -lllTIlP I fV Q h f it soles, leather or wood French a fhoe for solld Tk ity Jeans" whlt0 wKh white braid I U 1 j June Cash Dales un& a&n oaies w ?q 1H i I. ' CJll JTftloWJ'tr (LtOtffSTi Iwflfhn 1S' Mte SliPPerS BarefooanLs aM scuffer ChildrenW 1 v 0 1 M fctf iifffislfK Jr IS i. JJJl Children white canvas Mary nfnrrl. fnr thp bixr P-irk wptt and all the new shades, trimmed c 2 U118 U,WB 1L NnmWw, Jane Slippers, best quality hand with ruflles and sash. Values to bbH r I t jju u i r t j i j matter what your wants are m cottons, the price is turn sole vim 4 to R ?l 45 ?ff x 'u2 ; inese are tne 9, Speclal ...... 4.95 V I In addition to the items here listed, a general reduction j Here are twentv items there a, i? j ?i f? 1 1 15 t 'o ? o .14 shoes for hot weather- $3 val- children's panties 2 I will be made in the prices of all silks. lower, neie are twenty items there, ai 3 sy2t 0 11, ?195 ; llio , to 2 $2.45 ues ?2.35 children's musim panties, made ot I 1 1 A r hundreds ot Others. ( l-loor) (Downstairs) good quality muslin, trimmed with 1 j i Foulard Silks Silk Shirting- Crash Towelina. New percales GirIs' Oxfords Girls' Mary Janes em.broide.r: .... 45c I I BJJr -- Poulard silk, 36 inches wide, Silk shirting, a beautiful line, 9. ,in rroch tn' w w ,i ik , 7 Children's patent or kid ox- Children's patent Marv Jano ! V iffl ! our best quality in a beautiful all the newest patterns and col- f'c and 45t percales, full a6 fords tura or welt soles, a shoe slipners, good heavy soles and Stnvespfd fi ' H t range of Sew patterns and col- ors, your choice of the entire r ached, full 18 mches inches wide all for dress or play, sizes SVo to best" quality patent, sizes 8 to IxOrSefS M 1 . value, foryard ?2.95 . sck, values to $4.60 for the klnd that f "-k colors. n $2g5; lijlto. . ?3.45 11, $2.75 . . $1.95 j ,J TTSwcd "New Voiles ' Pillow Cases Silk Poplins ' v v y wr5".?, m.d. ! j iH i lYiehbdliuefc) Voiles. 32 inches wide, a fine ?3 initialed and embroidered 36 inch silk poplins in a large B $ fg & fjf S of strong coutn, elastic top and me- B H -I 1000 yards taffeta and messa- quality in pretty stripes and Pillow cases, hemstitched or assortment of the latest color. fl M. 3 IK vMdH dium bust, long hip, our usual ?6 c , Ime, all this seasons silks from beck wMf 0 7c vaiue scalloped, 45x36. Pair . $2.50 ings, beautiful finish, regular waSnfr rpa''.fr?2'45 I one of the best makers; most fnr 'i J' ocr , S125 vjiIup VnrH oix W T9 WW warner brassiers ft i all colors, 36 inches wide $3.50 fr' yar - ' W U' " Towel Sets U Yard 'D B 1 Ml 0 ft V sH OfPFV TT0? brassSr8 i?d SiS? A ' . E H ' j value for, yard ?l.25 New Ratine fancy towel sets in boxes Organdie W&UJ MMU&IGB J dB SUSSS; I . H , J Silk Poplins TTest3 reciJar W6dding -65 Mfl32ffl A good time to supply all of your underwear and hosiery ig ' to " I , i Silk pophn, 36 inches wide, a smooth cotton yam, closely bpeml -6o "q rds in Sod fwt needs as every garment in stock will be cheaper. bandeaus I ! r' 'I fine quality, bright luster, soft woveil $3.oo value, for Muslill Sheets colors Snecia? vard 2 , T n,.T1 , o i Bandeaus made of a summer net X ifl i 5 finish, good range of colors, yard .'!....: . si.95 Ironclad sheets seamless size Special, yard . . .29 Children's Hose Children's Pantie material, front and back fasten all A j J $2.25 value for, yard. ?1.65 Pongee Silks 72x90, made of good sturdy Flowered Batiste Children's medium weight hose, Waists ciai3'. "S.Ua. 1! . ! 50" I fl j "a Radium Silk Pongee silk, 33 inches wide, the muslin, $1.95 values. Spe- 40 inch flowered batiste in beau- black and white, reinforced heei Children's pantie waists, taped sanitary belts I H , . 5 Radium silk, 40 inches wide, in genuine Jap quality, clean cial . . . $1.48 tlful novelties, mill ends, 2 to and toe, all sizes. 50c values. from shoulders, also taped on Sanitary belt and aprons combina- c I 1 dutiful iprmted patterns, all smooth .finish ollr best ?2 00 Utica Sheets ZfytX 39 buttons, sizes 2 to 14, 50c values .SSt.'SSS' $ ' B I i e mos lnt colors, soft value for, yard $1.39 utica eeis one of the best ors- 7 5 values. Yaid . . 4S) Women's Silk HOSe SPeoial 43 value! Special 50d S : & '? ?3.95 v, ,aNeYV-ileSu . ? made in good heavy linen &?W Voltes Women's pure thread silk hose, Children's UlUOnSUitS QoaaJL!ns I . -I yiuu. . . . . . . ipo.o voile, 38 inches wide, a beauti- finish matenal. $3.25 30c voiles in nice dark and me- Wnplr nTllv piactif. mrtPr ton Gossard s nont lace corset, an sizes, h S MeSSalmeS ful quality, made of a fine tight value .....!... ?2.68 dium colors for summer dress- lyt' ?oV si5 lues ? i L3" u.nl0n,sults' J0ddiJ ms0dl8 C Lai va ues to I I . 500 yards tatieta and messaline Uvisted cotton, the long wear- Wh VnilPQ es' smocks' etc" 27 inches de. Sf t0 10 a' $L?5 gl 39 ? f ainsook' for f pecTai .' S2 9 I I I in black and colors, values to ing kind, 65c value for, Tr WaSn .Voes Special, yard 23 Sp6Cial 1'oJ vls' made Woomer knee, &p -y r ?3,5 for, yard .... ?i.05 yard X1iSd Best Voiles Fiber Silk Hose . s HoilSedreSSeS I I 1 If 1 O 1 40 inches wde, for waists, dress- Voiles up to 75c values, 36 to Women's fiber silk lace The entire stock of house dresses, $ f ,) 'H llin A B a 1 A C es etc- 75c quality. Yard 39 40 inches wide, m all the sea- assorted patterns, colors are COys ivnil porch dresses kimonaSf etc, are all 5 f !f ';'! Jr LS. Ii W OLiI UCllCd Amnran PVm son's latest designs and color- black, navy and brown, values UnionSUitS cheaper. j J iH )' -"l -o me.rlCan ntS ings s ecial ed . 59 t0 $li66. Special .... $1.29 Boys ullion suits summer APR0NS 5 ' U iH ' -: I u 9 " Best American print or calico in & Vinov Vnllnc r 5 tt ! I Women's kitchen aprons, made ot c 1 ! 1 ImATtl ftfrS! ltC light and dark colors large a3- T7 inerVoiIeS Women's Cotton Hose weight, high necks, short sleeve, AmosUeag check, plaIn amI ruffle A ! I 3LJfJ W IIS i3LII S sortment, red, cadet blue, 'navy, Volles llP 95c values in all Women's cotton hose, black, knee length, all sizes, 75c jal- ?1,85 values a U iHi.' ! Q,lfrfl,. ncpnfcW 1 u' Wack and white, gray, etc. the season's latest novelties in white and fancy, elastic hem- ues. Special 08O Special ODL r MM LB I , Sales for the home, presents for June-weddings, house- Yard 25d flowered patterns, plaids, med tops, reinforced heel and Children's Slimmer HOUSE DRESSES I 1' 1 R hold needs everythmg is to be cheaper this month. -r, n checks, stripes, etc. Yard . 75c toe 35c values Snecial 4 tairs "w Women's dark percale house dress- s B ) l JJreSS b-mgnamS TsjAwof Viloo fm.' ' ' Z1 OOX es made of scout percale, long and jj) M !i :'l Cut GlaSS Tea Kettle . 39c dress ginghams in beautiful Voiles up To $1 25 Values ex nu'lA ' ' V Children's summer sox, plain ortSpseX,eS' M Vf? I I jl J Z&Zftol Wagner cast aluminum ware, tleMISti XSXR' SiunS lJtt no A1" f I ! I 1 trous crystal, blanks, assorted colonial shape, large, strong. fvinlG eswide Yard . 0U sleeve. 35c values. Spe- ' values to 45c. Special, 3 pairs made It sXndiquantTtg?ngnam, H I iH 2 vases and bowls, $10 values. $8.50 value. Special . $5.65 Ae . "eviuib u cial 23c for x EOme trimming with organdie collar ,1 iH ' t 3 B Special S6 95 45c gmgnams and cheviots in rmer VOlleS and cuffs, values to $6.50. Spe- . I So 'QiKrnUirnvQ ' Coffee Boilers extra good quality, good fast Voiles up to $1.75 values, extra "jT 1L O 1 cial S2.95 ? I I n vj Ollverwaie colors, all the good patterns. wide, imported stock, some silk I 1 1 n Jpb 5 lO llPC kimonas & K f j Rogers' 1847 50 year plate, con- Gray enameled ware, guaran- Yard . 35r mixtures, etc $1.39 LI II A O II KJ Jl IVO Japanese crepe kimonas, made of H I ,1 tL Z tinental pattern, knives, forks, teed first quality ware, 3 quart ' n plain crQP' beautifully embroidered z ' ! g tablespoons, teaspoons, cream size enameled handle returned T n IWf 11 lkl .1 in high shades, light and dark col- & I ia.UesV, a, half price. ZJT IT TS ' UOWHStaiFS ' IN 6 CI 1 C W OFK euruoONf3'45 ! 1 I ' 1 J ' CUPS and SaUCerS 11 ' j Gingham bungalow aprons, trimmed .A if 1 5 I Beautiful clear white Bavarian Flayer Rolls In the Downstairs Store where prices are always lower, Novelties Stamped Night Gowns orS,rawcayCwainnWea!ii sS Val- t j ; ? china ware decorated with a Large stock of Imperial player the stocks now are offered at still lower prices. Need'lecraft novelties in pack- Women's pink nainsook night ues to $4. Special 1 75 I I :v J neat conventional pattern reg- rolls, instrumental and songs. "D r w , r-i. a ages, consisung of key rackj, gowns, stamped in dainty de- jr r v ? 1 ular tea shape, the set of six Values to $1.25 59 Kag KugS Women's Bib Aprons ladies' vesteeu, manicure cases, signs, easy to embroider, $1.75 Under mUsllTlS I mi 1 ! for - . . S1.8o Rag rugs, size 27x54, in assorted Women's bib aprons, in dark in- etc. 35c values. Special . 5 values. Special .... S1.39 Undergarments of muBiin, of silk, 8 I ilH i? i Suffar and Creamer (jraraen JdOSe colors; these are splendid porch digo blue, neatly trimmed, with n a nx t m i of nainsook, for women and gins, i NH i :? I Sugar tnd creamer set, genuine Goodrich Mexican corded hose ruf f0ro ser $2.00 rick rack braid, a splendid ap- 1 lllOW Lords Stamped Towels all cheaper. L N J 5 Banian china decorated with tffl. values. Special, each 1.45 ron for Mtchen use, our $1 Silk finish blue ros, green. Stamped Turkish towels, with MmTiw T ,v B pink and yellow rose buds, the ular 20c. Special, foot . 17 Fihpr Rllirc? ' $J-.J-J black, finished with silk tassel, pmk and blue borders, beautiful quality muslin, trimmed in lace and H I 4 J set, a $1.25 value . . . 49ci "o0 Girls' DreSSeS $1 value. Special. . . . S5 quality, $1.50 values. embroidery, our usual values to $2. o ": ill Table Tumblers ' Clothes Hampers Fiber rugs in size 27x54 inches, Girls' gingham diesses in sizes Qpwino- AnronQ Sp6Cial $1'29 tV ' 95d i I H ij. Medium heavy standard size a well made w.oven hardwood LX'tfe Sde 2.? " 121. All Stamped Goods -k anTX 3, J 1 ,1 t 1 tumbler, your choice of four splint hamper, reinforced bot- Jiea paxtern , xnese are spienaia plain solid colors, neatly trim- Women s sewing aprons, stamp- -f made extra good quality Bmie Burk 6 I i l styles. The set of six 39? torn andi ver S2 value SI 59 fr Pches and canyon homes. med, values to $3. Special, ed for darning stitch, made with All stamped goods, 20 per cent style, ail sizes, our usual R values 1 M fl : j "y-A torn ana covei, !?z value il.59 Special J?1.35 each .......... S2.25 large pockets, $1.75 values. Spe- off. This will include linen and Special 81.85 2 I jl 1 "RvnimTia t x t,, a,. cial 79 crash center pieces, scarfs and silk underwear I H ! 5 I COUPON Brooms Remnants Bungalow Aprons -.mi pillows in white and ecru, baby Silk chemise bloomers. Jersey vesta, ! fl 3 1 S J The very best Scoville broom. Remnants of batiste in the pink Women's bungalow aprons in b tamped lOWelS dresses, gowns, towels, luncheon hTavvrrnH i 1 J Namo J. medium weight, made of the color, with a floral design; this plaid, gingham and dark per- stamped huck towels, simple, sets, tea and fudge aprons, also ues To l Special' Ur " 2 ? I j 5 : 5 best green corn $1.19 is splendid quality material, 45c cales neatly trimmed ; these ai e i degi fQr ' all Artimo package goods, val- muslin underwear S f a ! J Address J , values. Special, yard ... 35 rJ ' SpeCiaL or to embroider, 35c values. Spe- 35c to $4- All 20 per cent i Muslin chemise gowns and skirts 9 . tt I 5 J Enamelware each ?2.35 ci&1 ; 3g . 0ff. made of pink and white batiste x M IS 5 : ; Enamel ware, first quanty blue Women's Dresses Bungalow Aprons ' pn" , ' ' " "wq Finished Pieces mvi W ! s i ... . in ... 5 and white anc1 white ware wat Women's gingham house dress- Women's gingham bungalow Forch FlllOWS ruuwieu rietes Speclftl H 5 " S K.iro0!1;1),!. rC-m?ri J n i7 ' k jvi. ' 10 es in assortec. sizes and made in aprons in assorted sizes in plaid Porch pillows, made of tan Finished models of discontinued bloomers and drawer'? I l t J J and one Varnish Brush. (Only J er S) . r ,?an3'. " assorted stripes neatly trimmed, colors, neatly trimmed; our crash, with floral cretonne cor- stamped pieces, in the lot are 2mJf,? bl0m1fs and drawers, pink 2 I': 3 1 one of each to each purchaser.) J quart preserving kettle,, rice our $2.45 values. Special, $2.75 values. Special, ners, size 16x21. 40c values, children's dresses, centers, pil- J,16, ra"slin, elastic waist and .' ! S 1 boilers. Values to $1.95 $1.19 each . S1.95 each S2.25 Special 26 lows, etc., half price and less. values to ?i04g0qdnS?tierIa1'' U9uaI " V sH I S I fecial . . 5Q c lsH H - ( () m'I V 9 '- "-c H siH I ' sH HH , iaiBMiiiiiSlBIIB ISSliBMBllllllMBWBWBBWBllWBlMBMBlllllBiBW "MBS? IslsilllllsB .1. iMMjiiiSllrfsslllBllllllllllllllllllllllllMBBlllllllllllll