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THfc. OGDLN S1ANUAKD-EXAMINER. THURSDAY, JUNE IU, IV2P. 7 ffll I Dog-catchers Appointed to ;,. , Scour City and Dispose of f K- Unprotected Animals "I. : With tlio employment this morning i 'of extra men, the campaign o the cltv health department against un muzzled dogs began. The dog-catch-ors will scour the ".Ky and dispose of ovcry unmuzzled dog that is discovcr '; ed. according to J. M. Elliot, city sanitary inspector vho lias charge of the drive. Dr. Elliott was n conference with sfato officials yesterday In Salt Lake 'In i-egard to the growing number of oases of rabies among dogs and upon his arrival in Ogden declared that the campaign will be continued with In t 'l r tensity. ,' ' "Enforce Ordinance "t a Dr. Klllott paid that the enforce- s mcnt of the ordinance for the muz- zling of dogs within the city limits is necessary at this time as a means of protection against Ogden citizens. lie said that three dors have bitten per sons within the past month which have been found to be afflicted with the disease and the lives of those bitten have been in danger. Dr. El liott took another dog's head to Salt y uaKe yesterday ror examination, to e , certain the presence or absence of rabies. The animal had bitten a per son whose name could not be deter mined. Every dog owner of the city is urged to install a muzzle in order that the animals may not be taken up by the dog-catchers. Dr. Elliott said. Im mediate killing of the animals will fol- low their capture where they are found to be unmuzzled, he declared. Dr. Elliott this morning quoted an act of the legislature In regard to the muzzling of dog3 In communities .where rabies are found and the course to pursue when persons or animals have been bitten by the rabid dogs. The act follows. Section 1. Dangerous diseases quarantines rabies and hydrophobia. "Whenever any case or cases of rabies, or other animal dlpcascs dangerous to . the health of human being3, which j , - may be declared by tho state board of health as coming undor the provisions of this act, shall be reported as exist ing in any county, city and county or incorporated city or town in tho state of Utah, the statA board of health shall make, or cause to be made a preliminary investigation as to wheth such disease does exist, and as to the probable area of the state in which the population or animals are thereby endangered. If upon such In vestigation the state board of health shall find that any of the said dis eases docs exist, a quarantine shall be declared against all such animals as may be designated in the quarantine order, and living within tho area specified in said order, ' and If tho quarantines shall be for the purpose of preventing tho spread of rabies or hydrophobia tho declaration (notice) shall contain a warning to the owners of dogs within tho quarantined area to confine closely or to muzzle all such dogs so as effectually to prevent bit ing, and after such notice as afore said any dog found running at large in such quarantine area or known r to havo been removed from or to have escaped from such area, not being I muzzled as aforesaid, may be killed by any person, without liability there- JjP ' Missing Ogden Girl! fM Police arc searching for Gladys! 'iIkH Burnett, 13 years of age. who has iiSfsfl beon missm from her home since Wfl 3:30 'cloclc yesterday afternoon. Al- rSM though the girl Is but 13 years old, idttlH slio appears to be older, It Is stated. uUfcH When last seen, tho girl was in IfH company with another girl of about IlIH 17 or 1 'Gars ot ago. '"ffliM No traco of tne missing girl has i keen found by the police. It is stated. IMi Tbo ton6Ue of a woodpecker is cov- Xflfi red with a sticky saljva for searching VjflM bark crevices. ! IRISH PICKETS BURN BRIM FLAG I WASHINGTON : "zzzzzizzizzzizzzzzz "WASHINGTON. A group of women who have been "picketing" the "White House and capitol urg ing "Freedom for Ireland," onoTune 2 publicly burned a British flag in front of the United States treasury Misunderstanding in Signals Results in Wreck Near Hot Springs The dobut In Ogden yesterday after noon of an airplane flown from Salt Lake by F. II. Olds and A. G. Nelson ended abruptly In a field near tho Uah Hot Springs when in landing the machine ran Into a ditch and smashed tho running gear and propellor. Tho machine Is owned by tho Utah Air piano company, which was formed re cently in Salt Lake. The plane came to Ogden for the purpone of making flights with passengers. Tho occu pants of the machine escaped with out Injury. Evidently due to a misunderstanding of signals, tho machine landed easily on the flying field to the rear of the resort building but continued Its courso across the alkali flat and stopped head-on in a ditch some hundred yards further. The propeller was shattered and some of the landing gear smashed. It was decided to dismantle the plane and ship it back to Salt Lake as tho motor was In need of Its regular ovcrT hauling. The aviators promised to come back in the near future with a new machine expected to arrive this week. Thrt trin in tnn ftnrtiss Oriole, the I property of the Utah Airplane com 1 pany, was made from Salt Lake in forty minutes in the face of a strong wind. According. to. tho pilot, it was un I derstobd that tho large T on tho field should bo pointing In the face of tho wind. Flying high over the city they located the field and descended just over a line of telephone wires. Tho strong breeze on the ground carried i the machine farther than expected. Tho damage done, he said, was trif ling. The wings and fuselage were not Injured. nn I WEST POINT APPOINTMENT. I WASHINGTON. Juno 10. Repre sentative Milton H. Welling of Utah has appointed John J. Williams of Moab to enter the military academy at West Point, July 1. oo The name "satan" in Hebrew means "enemy." -j-- - JUNE INVENTORY ' j 1 In Order to Get Our Stock Down to j I a Minimum by June 30 j 1 I We have on sale 1000 pairs of women's low shoes jj ! I marked down regardless of cost. Values from $7.50 ! 1 to $14.00. i ffljf I Priced m two lots, j HI ' : 1 These consist of black suede, brown suede, Theo ; Hpf' I ties black and brown kid ties, patient and satin, i H f i' white kid and white reincloth oxfords; high and 1 low heels. ' j i ' H MEN, also: Look at our windows and see what I K.ji i ou can or p Ijjj I H Cl j j 2481 Washington Ave. I Funeral Services for I Lorenzo Stoker Sunday ' ''' "' ""' ''m""mu c r I LORENZO STOKER. ! Funeral services for Lorenzo Stoker will be held Sunday at 2 o'clock in tho Roy meeting house. Bishop Martin P. Brown will officiate. Tho body may! be viewed at Llndquists this afternoon and evening and Friday until 2, o'clock, when it will be taken to tho homo In Roy and may bo viewed there Fri day afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, until the time of trte services. Inter ment will be In tho Roy cometory. oo TAX ON ADVERTISING IS CONDEMNED INDIANAPOLIS, June 10. The proposal to put a tax on advertising was condemned by L. B. Williams of Pittsburg, president of the American Newspaper Publishers' association, In telegraphing the appointment of the members of tho national advertising commission from tho nowspaper de partment of tho associated advertis ing clubs of the world in session here. His message follows: "By virtue of authority invested in me as president, I appoint Frank Webb of Baltimore; A.. G. Nowmyer of New Orleans, and Frank Carruth ero of Denver, to represent the A. N. P. A., on nationul advertising com mission. Advertising has come to be one of tho most potent forces of uiod lern times for promoting and s'tablliz ' ing national prosperity. May the ! commission prevent further putting j the brakes on tho business of the country by exerting utmost effort in combatting fallacious proposals to tax advertising." Officers of the women's depart ment chosen for 1921 were an nounccd today as follows: Miss Mary I Wheat, St. Louis, chairman; Miss j Ida Pines, Chicago, vico chairman, and Miss Gane J. Martin, Now York, woman member of the executive com mittee of tho A. A. C. of W. oo PERSIANS FORM NEW GOVERNMENT AT PESHT LONDON, Juno 10 During tho night of June G a provisional govern ment was formed in Reslit. Persia, sixteen miles southeast of Enzell, head ed by tho revolutionary leader, Mlrza Kutchuk, according to a wireless mes-i Hugo sent out by the Russian soviet government Tuesday. The revolution was warmly greeted by the population, the messago says. The British are hurriedly retreating toward Bagdad. They abandoned Resht without fighting as tho Indian troops woro opposed to fighting against tho revolutionaries. A considerable part of tho Indlun forces is allegod to have gone over to Mlrza Kutchuk. oo- GOV. CATTS DEFEATED IN RACE FOR SENATOR TAMPA, Wla Juno 10. Complete unofficial returns from 520 out of 9C9 precincts In Tuesday's Democratic pri mary as compiled by the Tampa Trib uno showed Senator Fletcher leading Governor Catts for tho senatorial nom ination. The Tribune's figures givo: Fletch er, 19,107;. Catta, 11,987. OO' Special Rates for Initials' Convention Railroad rates on tho Utah-Idaho Central linos and tho Bamberger Elec tric havo boon grunted for the stato convention of tho Mutual Improve ment association ut Salt Luke, Juno 11, 12 and 1?, Tho rates becomo ef fective Juno 10, and aro good until June 15. Tho convention will bo for both the young women and young men of tho organisation- County Commissioners Issue Orders for Straying Livestock The growing number of accidents on county roads and highways duo to tho straying of animals, has resulted in the board of county commissioners sending out orders to supervisors of tho various road districts to rigidly en force an ordinance which calls for the Impounding and disposal of any animal found at large upon any road within tho county limits. The ordlnanco gives tho road super visors authority to take any stray ani mal into custody and after holding for a five-day period to sell the anl malto satisfy the penalty provided In the ordinance and the relmburso the county for costs and expense. Owners of tho animals may claim them within the five-day poriod and re-possess them by paying a penalty of $1 a head, according to the ordln anco The ordinance prohlbts the grazing, picketing or running at large of cattle, horses, sheep, mules, goats or swine upon any public road or highway of Weber county. It also sets forth the fact that tho ownors of the animals aro entirely responsible for accident resulting from straying. UTAH-IDAHO SUGAR CO. AGGRESSIONS PROBED SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 10. Testi mony regarding the alleged absorption of nn independent beet sugar refinery at Grant's Pass, Oregon, by the Utah Idaho Sugar company was given be fore Examiner J. J. Dunham of the federal trade commission, which has accused the Utah-Idaho concern of ab sorbing its competitors in restraint of trade. George E. Sanders of Salt Lake City, who said he financed tho Grant's Pass refinery, was questioned by Henry W. Beer, special counsel for the trade commission. oo CLERGYMEN REFUSE TO GIVE UP TOBACCO ATLANTIC CITY, N. J Juno 10. The use of tobacco will not be sac rificed for the church by the clergy men of tho general synod reformed churches of America, the ministers decided at tho closing session of the synod hero today. A resolution, introduced by tho Ilov. J. Garland Hammer, Jr., of Belleville, N. J., proposing that tho clergymen give up the weed In order to make their church contributions more liberal, was dofeated Gl to 2G. oo U. S. PLAGUE EXPERT TO ASSIST AT VERA CRUZ WASHINGTON, June 10. Dr. Carl Michael, public health sorvlce ex port on bubonic plague, left Key West today on a destroyer for Vera Cruz. Ho has assigned to this detail for the protection of Americans, but will bo prepared to assist the Mexican author ities. oo CALL LEAGUE COUNCIL TO TALK PERSIAN AID PARIS, Juno 10. Tho executlvo council of tho league of nations, it is confirmed, will moot In London on Juno 14 to examino tho question of the lnt6rvontion of tho leaguo In the matter of tho entry of tho bolshevik! into Persia. oo YES MAM WE HAVE A I -fV I PLENTY OF SUGAR I W SELLING AT TH OLD PRICE yr ., WX l3)clSt& o-o-o f FRIDAY . A cooDVfe to trade SATURDAY I j Summer xiats ill Transparent 1 Values ' ValUeS I 1 1 Seeks to Recover j on Promissory Note E. R. Dumke this morning filed suit In the district court to recover $1650 alleged to be due him on a promissory note signed by H. R. Prouty. Tho com plaint sets forth that tho money wa3 loaned February 22, 1920, and that no part of It has been paid. Tho note has-been lost, Mr. Dumke claims, and diligent search has failed to bring it to light In the meantime he alleges that Mr. Prouty has left the city. He asks tho court for foreclo sure of office furniture owned by the defendant consisting of desks, safe, adding machine and other articles. uu Rockefeller, Jr., and Family Due Mere Soon John D. Rockefeller. Jr., and party will pass through Ogden, Monday, June 15, en routo to the coast, ac-. cording to word given out at tho Union depot today. The party havo been spending Bevcral days in Colorado and will, no doubt, spend a day In this city prior to departing for the west. They arc traveling In a(spcclal car. oo Weber Lodge No. 6 Free & Accepted Masons Special meeting, Thursday, Juno 10th. 7:30 p. m., for work in M. M. Dogroe. By order the W. M. F. E. NICHOLS. Secy. THERE'S SURELY ' ENOUGH WATER FOR SUCH AS THIS "Real citizenship" of a nature that showed intense civic Interest, was displayed last night." said As sistant City Attorney Sam Powell this morning. "A woman called me at my home last night at nearly midnight and asked If her son could turn on the water tap long enough to pro cure water to wash his teeth. I told her yes, that tho boy could even go to the extent of washing bis nock and ears if he so desired." oo Unsettled Weather, . Showers, Is Forecast I "Unsettled with showers tonight orj Friday. Strong west winds," was the prediction of the United States weath er bureau for tho Ogden district which ! arrived here this morning j Yesterday's maximum temperature was 83 degrees, with a minimum of 55 degroes. This morning the mercury reached the same minimum point. oo 12 KILLED WHEN MOBS ATTEMPT LIVES OF JEWS GRATZ. June 8. Twolvo persons woro killed by bullets In yesterday's riots. The nowspapcrs declare tho riots were duo to anti-Semitic and monarchic agencies. ' Freight Traf c Here Jt Shows Large Increase Freight traffic ovor all lines enter- VH Ing Ogdon is from 10 to 15 per cent 'H heavier than at tho same time last year according to railroad officials at the local terminal. From all sections 'H of the United States the trains are carrying additional freight. 'H The embargo placed on freight dur- j-JiH ing tho month of April is said to havo B a great deal to do with the increase 1 duo to the fact that for many weeks in many parts of the country tho freight was halted. With all lines now open the situation has cleared and from present indications the movomont throughout the country will continue , to break records rmtdc in 1919. Transient Dies on 1 I Union Pacific Train I Mrs. William Grace, a transient, died of heart failure yesterday on Union Pacific train No. 10, shortly before arriving at North Platte, Nebraska, It Was announced today by railroad of- ficlals. JH Mrs. Grace was en route to Los An- tH geles when she passed away. No traco jJ of her home -address could be located 1 among her property She boarded tho train at Chicago and rail officials arc endeavoring to locate relatives there. She was 74 years of age. VM N01CE 1 Brlcklayors special meeting on Frl day night at S o'clock, sharp. All bricklayers be there. JH 2493 W. B. JONES, Secy. BEGINS MONDAY I j I lgg BIG SUMMER ATTRACTION I I GREAT PROGRAM OF MUSIC, ENTERTAINMENTS I I 1 AND LECTURES I I I Twenty-one numbers, single admissions, total $7.80. A I I season ticket for adults for $2.75; students, $1.65, chil- j Chautauqua Office: SPARGO'S BOOK STORE I j I Tejlephn