OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, June 11, 1920, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

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MP nl
H Standing of Teams.
Hj l.
B Brooklyn 27 17 .595
H Cincinnati 26 19 .678
H St Louis 25 23 .521
H Chicago 24 25 .490
Pittsburg: 20 21 .488
H Boston 20 .478
.Hfct- New York 20 26 .435
P- Philadelphia IS .400
H Yesterday's Resulto.
H Pittsburg 1 at Boston 2.
H 'St. Louis 9 at Brooklyn 3.
H Cincinnati 2 at Now York 1.
H Chicago 8 at Philadelphia 9.
Brooklyn Police Guard 'limps';!
Ruether Wins Close 11- 1
Inning Game
BOSTON", Juno 10. An error by
Caton, an infield out and Maran
vllle's bounding single to center gave
Boston a 2 to 1 victory over Pitts
burg today. Score: j
- Pittsburg 1 2
Boston 1 7 .0
Batteries: Cooper and Schmidt;
Scott and O'Neill.
BROOKLYN, Juno 10. Umpire,
Rlgler had to be escorted from tne.
field by several policemen after St. t
Louia had won today's game, 9 to
3, The crowd took exception to a
decision at the plate in the seventh,
whon Rlgler called Fournlcr safe on
a. close play. The Brooklyn players
disputed the ruling and Miller was
put out of the game. Thereafter the
crowd hooted the umpire and when
the game ended several hundred:
jumped into the field and made a
rush for him. The police protected
him'. Score:
St. Louis 11 M
Brooklyn 3 10 2)
Batteries: Schupp and demons;
Grimes, Mohart and filler. Elliott.
NEW YORK. Juno 10. Ruether i
outpltched two former Cincinnati
pitchers, Douglas and Benton, In a I
pitchers' battle here today, winning!
an U-lnnlng game, : to 1. Score:
Cincinnati 2 9 1,
i New York . 1 -
Batteries; Ruether, Raridcn and
Wingo; Douglas, Benton and Snyder.
PHILADELPHIA.' Jnno 10. Pitcn-i
or Gallia's single won an 11-inningj
battle, 9 to S, for Philadelphia over,
Chicago today. Home runs by Men-,
sel and Tragesser, each with two on
base, gave Causey a lead, but he could
not hold it. Score: I
Chicago S12 2
Philadelphia ... 9 1 2
Batteries: Hendrix, Martin and
Carter; Causey. Welnert. Gallia and
As a young reporter It once fell to
our lot to give a circumstantial anclj
truthful account of a yacht race on;
our local water front. Arriving on j
the dock too late to get a place on thei
judge's boat, wo boarded a Bteamer
that was to follow the craft around ;
the course. When it was loaded to,
the gunwales whatever the gunwales
are we put out to see, so to apeak.
Arriving some two or three miles from
i the yachts, a wild cry went up that the
race had started and all the passcn-
' gers rushed to the forward deck to
get their 50 cents worth. This soi
f weighted down the prow that It all,
but submerged, hoisting the hinder-;
most portion of the boat, technically!
known a3 the stern, so high above the
surrounding wave that the propeller i
revolved in the air Instead of in the ;
water and before the captain, the
mate, the deck hands, the stokers, the.
engineer, the pilot and the gentleman;
who held the refreshment booth con
cession could shoo the passengers
back, the race was over. Then they
all collected aft, as the saying goes,
and then the front of tho boat stood
so high out of the water that she
couldn't bo steered. After getting thej
passengers properly distributed, the
steamer finally got back to the dock
where everyone was in such a hurry to
get home to supper It was now about
dark that the old tub leaned over
against the dock and almost broke
that down. Altogether, a lovely time
was had.
Tho great thing about a yacht race
on the Atlantic these dry days la, how
ever, that a guest boat has a chance
to get beyond the three-mile limit.
W NEWPORT, R. I.. June 11. The
f I f,,?- Vanitie carried off the honors in yes-
t " ' terday's raco with the Resolute, win-
r4' nlng the fifth race of the America's
' cup defense elimination scries. The
i race was a 15 mile thrash to windward
Rnd return, in a ten knot breeze, and
r the Vantie led at the finish by two
i minutes 36 seconds
j, i The time allowance cut the winner's
If i time to 54 seconds.
H Although the aeries stands 3 to 2 In
fl, favor of the Resolute, it U generally
admitted that one of her victories, In
ifjr i which she drifted across the line only
a few eeconds under the time allowed
I'll' for the race, did not constitute a real
iljttj ' tCBt, Two more races will be sailed
ifsl this week.
I NEW YORK, Juno 10. Directors
I of the International Mercantile Ma
li 1 vine company today declared, in addl
M 1 tion to the regular aoml-annual divl-
! dend of 3 per cent on preferred stock,
I art, extra dividend of C per cent on
I preferred stock, reducing an accumui
fl latlon of 47 per cent in back-divl-1
dends. I
jj ST. PAUL-t-Flvo former St. Paul
' boys have been playing on the Frlnce-
, ton basoball team this spring. Mlch-
" s und has pitched one no-run, no-hit
j " game for tho Tigora. 1
H I DETROIT The Michigan Ihdust-
rial Athletic Association has been
formed by Detroit factories. It will
j I lb a branch of the national body.
Standing of Teams.
W. L. Pet.
Cleveland 31 16 .660
New York 32 17 .653
Boston ....25 18 .581
Washington 24 21 .533
Chicago 25. Jv, 22- .582
St. Louis 18 27 .400
Philadelphia 16 23 .333
Detroit 14 32 .304
Yesterday's Results.
Boston 8 at Chicago 1.
Washington 1 at St.Louis 15. , a
New York 7 at Detroit C.
Philadelphia 2 at Cleveland 7.
Detroit Is Easily Beaten; Ci
cotte and Kerr Are Pounded -by.
DETROIT. June 10. After New
York had scored five runs in the ninth
inning rain stopped the third game
of the series with Detroit and the
score reverted back to where It stood
at the close of the eighth, giving
New York a 7 to 5 victory.
Ruth scored his sixteenth home
run of the season in the third, scor
ing one man ahead of him. Score:
New York 7 10 1
Detroit 5 11 0
Batteries: Mays, and Hannah;
Okey and Alnsmith.
CHICAGO. June 10. Bostoh found
Cicotte and Kerr for eighteen hi to
day and defeated Chicago for tho
third straight time, S to 1. Score:
Boston SIS 1
Chicago 1 9 u
Batteries: Harper, Russell and
Schans; Cicotte. Kerr and Schalk.
CLEVELAND, Juno 10. 'Hasty,,
had a bad Inning today, the fitth,'
and Cleveland ' beat Philadelphia, 7
to 2. Smith hit a home run. Score:
Philadelphia 2 7 1
Cleveland 7 11 0
Batteries: Hasty, Rommell and
Perkins, Styles; Coveleskle and O'
Neill. ST. LOUIS. June 10. St. Louis
swamped Washington' 15 to 1 today,
driving Shaw from tho box and hit
ting Schacht at will. Sisler led In the
attack with four hits, one a home
run. Score: i
Washington 1 7 A
St. Louis 15. 17 1
Batteries: Shaw, Schacht and
Gharrity; Torrer; Davis and Scvereid.
SCHENECTADY. N. Y.. June 10.
Fourteen persons are dead as a result
of a rear-end collision on the New
York Central railroad, threo miles
west of this city, early yesterday, and
hospital physicians said one other
would die. All railroad eiialpmeiit
was found in perfect condition, ac
cording to. railroad officials, leaving
the Inference that Martin Doyle, engi
neer, now dead, had driven his ex
press train past three cautionary and j
danger signal j and into the rear of
the stalled passenger train. i
SOLD FOR $440-000 1
MANITOWOC. Wis.. June 10. The
plant of the Manitowoc Shipbuilding
company was sold to C. C. West for
5440,000. The plant originally cost
about 51.500,000. Mr. West will rcor-1
ganlze the concern and continue oper-!
atlons here.
BOISE. Idaho. June 11. Jack Tay
lor of Casper, Wyoming, and Ad Santel '
of Boise, wrestled (he time limit, two!
and one-half hours, at the Liberty gar-j
dens in this city without either se-1
curing a fall. '
TACOMA A baseball fan here has'
asked that accounts of ball games be!
written in "pure limpid' English with
out slang. One sport scribe will test1
It out. :
no !
MILWAUKEE H In a wel! known!
fact that Willi Jackson and Jack
Sharkey, both .star boxers from Now
York, are unpopular at home. Such
is the fickle public.
NEWARK It was just 24 years ago,
on Memorial day that doctors advised!
Frank Kramer, then a sickly, skinny I
kid, to take np cycling. He rode his'
first race In 1896. I
oo- ;
SAN FRANCISCO The hitting of1
"Scrap Iron" Joe Gcdeon of tho'l
Browns pleases a lot of folks In San I
Francisco. Joe played his first eng
agement with the Seals In 1912.
LOS ANGELES Sam Crawford Is
Ktill on his legs. Mo circled the larieB
for a homer the other day and helped I
the Angles win. Sam ran like a colt. I
j : j
i Bronze Muscled Coast Star
' ' Surprises Eastern Coaches
or cj
is oolna to figure and figure big in 'jmMSl I
the final tryouts for the U. S. Olym- BP ' SnS of PeS?
pic team at the Harvard stadium W x ' 5jB CiUPOeZA J09f
"strength is shifting westward. W&vV. fA8 tSHEi
The .showing made by the Univer wM&'V ''-U ''"i ftmMOmk
a emoreh dashing brand of mettle. ' :
California Americans playground lf J.. 4 f
round, and the work of clever U , 4' " ".J I Tffl s&'ISKm II
coaches is getting results. Former ?53a ' ' if uMHv
U. S Olympic teams have showed WW ' y I
almost a complete dearth of west- "fJ$ 88' jSt
ern men. But right nov it seems . -r i SWyS 'J$J fl
t that they will predominate the firot ( "yWV - V
; string squad which will be selected iiSf ' ' t Xs
I to carry the Stars and .Stripes at) & x Ml''t
j Antwerp in August. T fmt ( . 'pMaros
' '
j When Jack Merchant, University of
California athlete, came out or the
west to meet the eastern cracks, he
kgot a new title.
r He came heralded as Californla'3
greatest all-around star.
But no sooner had Uawson Robert
son, Penn coach, set eyes on tho
j bronze muscles of the Golden Gate
! youth than he remarked:
1 ."Tarssan He is my Idea of Tarzan."
; Merchant's muscles resemble heavy
colls of rope when he Is In action.
I When he strains at the grips of the
! 1G -pound hammer, the event in which
I he excols, the muscles of his arms and
1 legs stand out in great tawny knots.
1 Excels With Hammer.
At the Intercollegiate track cham-
Charley Herzog. Has Not
; Played Entire Game Since
May 4
Few. if any. baseball teams in tho
major leagues have a $10,000 salaried
ball player warming the bench as the
Cubs havo in Charlie Ilerzog. veteran
second baseman, who has not played
in an entire game since May 4 His
: work is being made decidedly soft for
him by tho remarkable ball Zeb Terry
is playing at the keystone sack. And
It will continue to bo easy so long as
the prenent second baseman keeps up
the work that has gained the unlimit
ed admiration of the north side fol
lowers. Should Hcrzog go through the
entire season sitting on the bench it
will probably be the first time In the
history of the sport that a 510.000 ball
player has been allowed such a long
There will be no occasion to put
He'rzog back in the game if Terry con
tinues the brand of ball he has been
playing since he was stationed at
second. It looks like a long vacation
for the veteran. When Manager Mitc
hell removed him from the position
May 4 in Pittsburgh It was believed
to be only for a few days, but Terry
has done so remarkably wjll that it
has been impossible for the manager
to seo where the club would bo bene
fited by putting Hcrzog back In the
batting order. That he has not erred
In hla judgment is shown by tho re
cords of Terry's work and also by his
exhibition of aggressiveness and splen
did fielding at critical moments In the
Cub fans enthused last summer over
the sensational fielding of Hcrzog af
ter he Joined the Cubs, coming from
the Boston club. Inspired by the
change and by being on a good ball
team Herzog set out to give the best
he had and to make himself solid
with the fans. Ho did all of this. His
fielding and popper at second wore of
a high grade and before the season
finished he had set a world's record
for consecutive games without making
an error. Starting on August 9 ho
went through the remaining games on
the schedule without being charged
with a mistake. Ho performed In forty
five games in that time and accoptod
194 chance for a record that will
pionship event, hold In PhiladQlphia.1
Merchant was unable to show to his
best advantage. Having his heart set
j on breaking a few records, he over
taxed himself in tho trlal3 and took
off his edge for tho finals.
Handicapped by torn ligaments in!
his right leg he easily distanced the
j field In the hammer throw. His fling
I was 159 feet 2 Inches; Ho has dono
I around 1C4 foot in the coast meets
this spring.
Trainers bellove thut with a little
more coaching he will equal the pres
ent standing records of 1G4 feot 10
inches. 'made by Railey of Maine in
: In the broad Jump the Callfornlan
has done over 23 feet, and in the
'dashes he is very fast. lie Creels otr
I probably stand unshattercd for years.
Terry had a chance to equal and
possibly to surpass the brilliant ach-
levement of Hcrzog as he went
through eighteen games played by
j th Cubs without making a blunder.
That Is some achievement. In itself.
Ho broke his fielding streak Tuesday
in the first Inning of the game with
I the Reds. When he booted Duncan's
j grounder, letting two runs score. j
MU1RFIELD, Scotland. June 11.
Robert A. Gardner of Chicago, sur
vived the sixth round and the semi
final round for the British amateur
golf champlor.-.hip today, and in the
final will meet Cyril Tolley, of the
Oxford University team.
After winning his match with Gor
don Lockart of Prostwlck, this morn
ing by a score of one up, Gardner
played with tho honorable Michael
Scott of the Royal St. George's club,
and earned his opportunity to contend
for the championship honors.
Scott won the first hole of the semi
final round and Gardener squared It
u ' 1 -rvjsz-
the century In 10 seconds flat. Also
i he Is the coast's best javelin caster.
I Doesn't Look Big. j
j Merchant Isn't as big as he looks.)
His weight varies around the 170
i pound mark. After a strenuous day
i on tho field he sometimes loses threo!
or four pound3.
As to training, he hasn't any set
I code to go by. Jack simply works
hard and naturo has given him mus-i
clea to make him excel.
Gustavius Klrby. Olympic head, be
lieves Merchant Is a certainty for the
United States Antwerp team, and
Coach Robertson thinks "The Tarzan"
Is the best all-around athlete that has
come to light this season.
And these two fellows ought to
know timber when they give it the
once over.
at the second. Thereafter the Amerl-I
can was never down although he never
led by more than one hole until the
.finish I
MINNEAPOLIS Sawyer, the come
dian nnd second baseman of tho Mln.l
ncapolls club, keeps his senso of hu
mor een when ho strikes out.
ROCK ISfiAND. HI.. June 11. Clar
ence L. Wolfe. SL Louis; Harlow Hur-1
'k'y, Topeka, Kansas; Robert McKee,!
Dcs Moines, and Francis Dickinson.
Des Molncs. yesterday won their way
to tho semi-finals In the Trans-Mis-'
sisslppi golf association on the Rock
Island arsenal links.
The match play at 3G holes resulted
.is follows:
Wolfe defeated Ralph Rider of Des
Moines. 11 and 9; Hurley defeated II.
Van Every of Minneapolis, and 3;
McKoe defeated G. Decker. French of
Davenport. 2 and 1; and Dickinson de
feated IT. R. Johnston of St. Paul. 3
-and 1.
Cleveland will see the child wonder
of rlfledom in August at tho National
Rifle association. She Is. Marjorle
Forsythc Kinder and she comes from
Bridgeport, Conn.
Marjorle is the youngster that made
100 bullseyes at the Caldwell rifle
range last year. This was preceded
by another long string of victories
during the past three years.
And now she Is crowned us the
champion rifle shot of the weaker sex.
This wizard of the rlfle has beon
shooting less than three year?. Con
necticut claims her, and it was thero
she learned to shoot under the guid
ance and direction of her father, R. V.
Kinder. He will be . the chaperon
when she comes to Cleveland, and no;
also takes a large amount of pride In,
his baby's marvelous skill.
Her victories of 1919 and the early
part oC 1920 havo caused her to chal
lenge any one of her sex throughout
the land to a rifle match. For she
has been named' as "Queen of the
Range." i
Pacific Coast League
Standing of Teams.
W. L. PcL
alt Lake 38 25 .603
Ian Francisco ... 37 26 .58? .
"ernon 36 30 .545
.os Angeles :..,.34 30 .531
'ortland .,. 28 29 .491 :
Jacraniento 27 36 .429
)akland ,?...27 .39 .409
battle 24 36 .400
Yesterday's Results.
Salt Lake 5. San Francisco 3.
Seattle 3, Vernon 0.
' Sacramento 1-1, Los Angeles 3-0.
Oakland 5, Portland 3.
' Uhe Series.
Salt Lake 2, San Francisco 1.
Portland 2, Oakland 1.
Vernon 1, Seattle 1. '
Lob Angeles 2, Sacramento 1.
Seals Get More Hits
But Fall Before Bees
SALT LAKE, June 11. Although
the Seals obtalnpi thirteen hits to
eight for Salt LaVc here yesterday,
the locals were" victors In the third
game of thj series, the score being a
to 3. Stroun on tho slab for the Bees
was accorded wonderful support, three
double plays being made by his mates,
thus cutting off Seal runs. Scott and
Lewis worked on the rubber for the
Seals. The score:
R. II. E.
San Francisco 3 13
Salt Lake 5 S 1
Batterlbs: Scott. Lewis and Yelfe;
Stroud and Byler.
oo i
Senators and Angels- j
Split Fast lyiii Bill,
SACRAMENTO. June 11 Thcj
Senators and Ango'ls split a fast twin
hill here yesterday, the locals taking
the first tilt I to 0. and losing the
second contest by a count of. 3 to 1.
The score: '
R. H. E.
Los Angeles 0 4 2
Sacramento .. .v 1 3 1
Batteries: Brown and Bassler;
Brough and Cary.
Second game:
R. H. E
Los angclcs 3 8 0
Sacramento 1 5 1
Batteries: Keating and Lapan;'Flt
tery and Cady.
CHICAGO, June 1. Charles D.I
Saunders of Council Bluffs, Iowa, ai
Junior at Northwestern university, to
day was elected captain of the Purplo
basketball team for next year. Hej
played forward on last year s team.
Victoria Falls, on the Zambezi riven
in Africa, are almost a mile wide.
Seattle Turns About; - H
Tigers Given Shutout, H
LOS ANGELES, June 11. Seattle
reversed the tables on the, Tigors here H
yesterday and defeated them by a H
score of R to 0 In the third tilt of the H
series. Gnrdcncr nn the slab for t-Jje H
winners twirled great ball. The scorej H
' R. 11. Ev,
Seattle ... S 17 ,0a
Yornon 0 -0u 9 i
Batteries: Gardner and Baldwin;, , Bl
Plercey, Dell and DcVormer. . 9
Oaks Rally in Seventh r j H
and Win Over Portland; H
OAKLAND, June 11. Oakland' '
spurted here yesterday and trimmeJ H
the Portland aggregation 5 to 3 ln j'i
ifast tilt. Three runs in the seve'nth l'H
frame by the Oaks put the skids tin-, llH
der the Beavers. The score: lH
Portland 3 t ilH
Oakland 5. 1.1 -l H
Batteries Juncy and Koch lent Hdj,' lH
ling and Mltze. . J. , ! 'H
PRINCETON. N. J.. June , -10. H
! Princeton 9, California o i)H
oo jH
Columbus Wins. . H
COLUMBUS, O., June 10. Score:.'' !
Milwaukee .. 1 S-.lV. ,
l Columbus 3.. 7.':8; 1 H
Batteries Gcarin and Gaston, Ly- , H
ons and Hartley. " i H
Toledo Bents St. Paul. j
TOLEDO. O.. June 10. Score:
R. H. E. JH
St. Paul 2 C tl
Toledo 3 ,7 1H
Batteries Grlner and Hargnive-; , H
Middleton and McNeil. J . 'H
Louisville Beats Kansas City. ,u 'H
LOUISVILLE, Ky.. June 10. Scor.e-i.
v R.H. P.. JH
Kansas City 6 11 -.l jH
I Loulsvlllo .811 ,afl.
! Batteries Bolden and Brook; Long,. JH
Wright and Cochcr. -) iH
Millers Defeat Indianapolis. jH
INDIANAPOLIS, June 10. Score: fM
R. XL E- jM
Minneapolis S 14 1 ,
Indianapolis 7 16 i2 'jH
Batteries Robertson, Lowdcrmilk ,H
and Mayer; Cavet and Henley. H
J NEW YORK, June 10. Twenty- vH
; one members of the Union Boat club H
of Boston, virtually all of whom are f tH
Harvard men, sailed from here today i -,H
on tho steamer Rotterdam to compete I :.H
in the Henley regatta In England. 'H
ST. LOUIS Tommy Sullivan. onLftJ- '
time topnotch featherweight, will tal. I aJH
a string of boxers from here on air f
eastern junket. They'll show In New I H
York. , . m
I Heron-hawking was a favorite sport1 J
in falconry.
1 do not liho the caddy'a Job vBc: tfife)) !
Of lugging round the sticks, ra - A Uhff "l" l
And whenever I am caddy i- t- y4yr ,
You'll hear a lot of kicks. "I .r '
Tol.do Is not quite ready to aii-J
nounco that It will win the American
association pennant as yet, but the
town Is gathering confidence. Roger
Bresnahan feels suro of his pitching
staff. The Duke says:
"Stryker Is as green as grass, but
has a world of stuff, especially wnen
he throws the knuckle ball. He lacks
a first motion, and the runners get a
big lead on him, but he is being taught
the movement. In Dubuc and Middle
ton. Toledo has by far the two smart
est pitchers In the association. They
hav. control and know what to ao
with tho ball."
A pair of coast league scouts are
out looking for timber. They are the
best of friends and neighbors, too. out
when they get to work each Is going
to be for himself. They arc "Doc"
Strub of the Seals and Cal Ewlng or
I the Oaks. Strub says.
"I'll lose Ewing just as soon as we
I reach Chicago.. I'm afraid that Ew- ' IH
I ing will give that old sympathy stuff H
about his club needing players lr wo
work together. Of course I'd like to f
see his team up in the race, but that- jl
doesn't mean anything to me when dt
comes to strengthening my own team. IH
! I'm going east after players and. at- IH
doesn't matter to mo whether Cal gets' .
any or not." IH
j Hal Chase, the boy who went to the
I big show and made the world call him
Prince Hall greatest first baseman i
I of the game Is now watching tho
I coast league teams play from the- 1 JH
j stands. His sudden retirement from , 1
tho Giants has never been explained'. J f H
'Hal says: H
' "They could give me a ball club H
back east and I wouldn't report." , B
Rheumatism Comes j H
From Tiny Pcdn Demons- i!
Disease Caused by Germs In the
First of all, get it firmly fLed in
your mind that all the liniments In tho
world have no effect whatever on
Rheumatism. You may use them by
the gallon, and rub the painful parts
by the hour, getting possibly some
temporary relief from the torturing
pains, but yui arc making no headway
whatever toward reaching the cause
of tho disease.
Medical scientists differ as to the
causes of every form of rheumatism,
but agree that when caused by n tiny
disease germ, the only effective meth
od of treatment is to attack tho dls
case at its source, and cleanse the
blood of its cause.
The most common form of Bheuma; jH
tism is caused by millions of tiny dis jH
case germs which infest the blood. The '
one and only sensible treatment, there- I . jH
fore, is one which cleanses the blood I ' JH
of these germs, and routs them entire.- jH
ly out of the circulation.
This is why S. S. S., the greatest- IH
known blood purifier is so successful IH
in the treatment of Rheumatism. It-
is a powerful cleanser of the blood, and jH
will remove the disease germs that
cause your Rheumatism, affording re- IH
lief that is genuine.
S. S. S. is sold by all druggists. Free '
literature and medical advice can bI i
had by writing to Chief Medical Ad
viser, 601 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta.
SAY POP Ambrose Suffers a Stitch of Pain. By C. M. Payne ,
r - ' I j r tijuiiiuii I : : -Z " ' h IH
' " " 'f&,m. ' fiO. jf-m f-tB, - ' ' '''' j--- . .. ' ' , , .qui- ' t

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