OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, June 11, 1920, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-06-11/ed-1/seq-5/

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H' THE OC-PENjrTA FRIDAY, JUNE 11,1 920. b 5 f I
l3ij, the noted aiithor j
IDcxtl Xcws.
"My Dear Katharine," besan John's
loiter rather formally, a:id I knew
without reading uny further that ho
had something" to say that wa3 not
particularly pleasant.
"I am sending- you a cllpplnf: from
ono of the papers here, which will
tell you the wholo story of your entry
Into the business, and your exit
from It, much better than I can.
"It really reads like a movie. You
see a bunch of crooks came down "here
looking for easy money, and after
looking up titles, of different parcels
of land, they came to the conclu
sion as yours had been neglected for
so many years, that whoever had it
had forgotten all about it. They
bought up all the land around your
, little trad, and much to their sur
prise they did atrllco a gusher on
their own land. Not content to make
money honestly they piped out over to
yours hoping to be able to sell both
I their own and your wells at fabulous
prices. It was at this moment that
'your Cousin Charles turned up, and
having paid the taxes which these two
crooks had neglected to do, ho was
able to prove title for you. Then they J
decided to deflect the oil back to their
own well, and did so and there you
Coming: Hack to John.
"You have never had an oiLwell and j
I don't believe there Is any oil on i
jjour land. So sure 1 am of It. that 1
was offered a thousand dollars for
the acre yesterday, and took It, and I
am coming back to take up my own
Job asain. I have Just paid thl3 thou
sand dollars for bills that have been
made- down here.
"I shall probably be. home the first
of the week. Will not come by way
h ui your ijkicc, uccause i Know iiisu
H there are plenty of things that are
JB waiting my coining at the office. It
H was very foolish of mo to allow you
H to persuade nie to go into this matter
H at. all. I never yet have allowed any-
H one to change my mind about business
jH t3'at 1 haven't been sorry for it. I
'jf draw $L',500 on your bank day before
Hn, yesterday. I wish you roulil send me
jSHfflwTjf? a statement of your account, as I think
jrafffffM 1 "iaVe to use at least ?-',500 more
tt&tttp'rm lo straighten up the house purchase.
InFffV llM "That's another foolish thing for
"K?VtM 'c to do, but you see 1 was almost
Hl pushed Into that by the thought of i
Bjf3 your being a very great heiress and I j
HWrfii knew that you did not want to livoi
Eufill with mother. The property was on the I
! market, at a smaller figure than itj
eVor will be sold again. Frankly, how
jovor, I think I had better keep it for
an Investment, and we'll go right on
Uflng with my mother Juat as we hapc
I been doing. You will see by the paper'
clipping that I have hud the men ar
rested. The Job has created a great
I sensation down here; but I don't like
paviny out five or al:r thousand dollars
I Just to provide the reading public with
a sensation.'
Told by a Tcleprram.
While 1 was rcadln this letter Han-
nah delivered mo a telegram. It was
from John and read: "I have changed
my mind. Will c with you almost as,
soon aa my special delivery letter.
Things are looking rather blue. Since
I have been away the office has let
two large accounts slip away from
them and with the losses made down -hero
and the purchase of that house
there will be considerable cut in our
Income for the next year. I'll tell you
about ft when I see you, Jonn.
I went to the telephone and -called
iup Charles and ho came over immc-
diaicly. I showed him John's letter
and wire.
"Katherine, I believe you are
psychic," he said in surprise. "No one i
could have called the turn ns you
did on this entire business without
having some supernatural power.
I wondered what Charles would
think If I should tell him all the things
1 see. Almost every night, b'efore I
I got to sleep. I can visualize Karl
Shepard out there in Lotus Land and I
I know exactly how he looks and al- ,
most what he Is thinking. I
So Intent was I upon my own task
that I did not realize what Charles
was saying, but after he had read
the letter again he said tp me: "Please
UUI1 L Lllilllv, ja.Ullil.-l IIIU, ma. ..... .......
Ing suggestions which I should not,
but if I wero you I would take out
that 5.500 that you have in your
checking account and put it in a safe
deposit box for a little while."
"Why should I do that, Charles?"
Will Want It Immediately
"Well, don't you see that your hus
band is coming back and he will want
that money immediately to put on that
house, and 1 do think you should have
a. little money of your own that you
can call upon If you wish."
"You know 1 have this little Income t
that I can not touch for the upkeep j
of this house, Charles."
"Yes, I know, but "
Tomorrow John Returns.
HI 1 Dorothy Dix Talks I
HI ' B,V D0RCmu D1X t,,e World's Highest Paid Woman Writer
I get Innumerable letters from stout
j$QS$$B women of middle age asking for some
KajgW reliable recipe for reducing, so that
Efrffrgl they, may regain their girlish figures.
irarSI Alas, I know no way In which this
iffiffsBk miracle may be accomplished, if I
jgffKfe'EaHl ( had a tormula that would remove!
gM&jjSn even so much as leu pounds, of su-
fijPBH perfluous avoirdupois from a atout
ii?M lady and keep It removed I would
FzES'hueH k Ending money to Mr. Kockeleller, ;
lafl )' - Ior a11 tnat 11 worna" hath will she
W&$fUr ls'or ls lt; wilhu.t reason that worn-'
lSfJW on regard fat as the bane of their e.-j
sl?t-JK istenco. It is the sign and seal that;
W rZU middle age oftenest sets upon them.
JsmBP i 11 13 lne curse that takes the style1
JjyfiijM out of clothes and makes a l'ari3 ere-,
sfcP atlon look dowdy bcsido the hand-me-
jtjSY&ijiB 1 down of .some sum tlapper. It is that'
S9rB which taltes the bloom orf ot beauty.
IM -ifiiH ana tnc gic.e out. ul muu'iuuiu, mm
J flftH causea a woman to walk UKe'a ton" of
U bWm tfficks.
'VNl wonder, then, that women hate
WJUk-M t0 grow stout, and attrlDute all of their
lwfcH tr.oubles to It. No wonder that when
PfM il woman at middle age suddenly
'I ' IflH awakens to the Tact that her husoand
alasH has t'rov,'n niore or less Indifferent to
JJHH i ner and that le0Dle Senerally exhibit
fti'lSBj n0 wIltl desire for her society, that
3'&IBVb fshe beats upon her breast and cries
jjpjBW out that nobody loves a fat woman.
I'lH and forthwith daspes forth in search
HIsVBHI oC sonio method of melting her too
r iWflf solid flesh.
'ftKfll ' Perhaps the reason that growing
- TIkH stbut is such a catastrophe to worn-
MH e11 is not so muCM an increasing belt-
'''rllB measure as a decreasing hat measure.
eMH Vow sad to say, about the same lime
jKH ot life that a woman losses her phy-
f:S-H slcal figure, sho is apt to lose her
mental figure. She not only gets fat
WK ' in body, but fat on the brains. I
(MM , Most young girls are sprightly. Their
'ii'B I w,ls arc ,JlS nlniDle as hcir heels. They
TiA4f I aro receptive to new ideas. Thoy are
f alive to fresh points of view. We
1,ke tnelr society because they aro in
' terest'ed in life, because they are adap-
4PB table, because they are cheerful and
ilP-li bouydnt. They are willowy and elaa-l
tic in mind as well as body. I
jM 1 Tlfe middle aged Woman. ' on- the'
contrary, ls frequently a deadly dull
companion, because opinionated and
S&tSS'M 11 'O"'11 ta'ce a surgical operation'
J&yl to graft a new idea on to the fixed
opinions she already has, and her nioii
Srlll tal processes have become as stiff: as
wWmi her joints. I
Kralc ne 'laa lcl- herself go. She never
ronds, anything but sleepy novels. She
'flf doesn't try lo keep up with the times.
"r.JSaf She has no interest In anything out-
tffwffli side' of her small circle, and she is
iflyl'J positive that overythlug is wrong that1
IJM sho didn't do whon she waa a girl.
Worse still, cho la apt to degenerate
JM into a whlner. Her conversation is a
H, melancholy recital of her various 111-
ucsscs, and trouble she had raising1
. her children, and her husband's lack
; - of appreciation of her. and the wor-'
Hvjii rie3 she has hud with servants.
You may neve have thought of It
I ( heforc, but consider how few and far
-t ye--' between aro tho jolly, alert, and alive
r5 middle aged women you know, how
few arc interesting and interested, and
good to talk to and listen to.
Now, considering that Heaven doesn't
turn out many women who arc under
studies lo tho Venus do Milop or her
present rival In female pulchritude,
the Living Skeleton, Isn't it about
time that tho fair sex realized that
it ls more Important to keep their
mental figures than their physical
For tho ono can be done, and the
other can't. No woman can keep per
petually young and beautiful,, but any
woman can Keep herself interesting
and an agreeable companion. And
mat's what counts after forty. '
If women would spend as much time
and labor massaging the kinks out of
their tempers as they do the wrinkles
out of their taccs they would get more
results. Nobody and assuredly no
U... .,,! ...I....W ....... ... ...I.,.
Is always sweet and amiable, and reas-
onable nas crow's feet at the corners
ot her eyes or not. Nobody over
knows, because all they see is the
beautiful soul of her.
Nor does It matter whether a mid
dle aged woman ls a perfect, thlrty-
, Stx or an imperfect fltiy-slx, If her
' gown covers a heart that is full of
sympathy and love for all humanity,
and of understanding and friendliness.
The woman who has aiways palled
with her husband, who has known how
to make excuses, when things went
I wrong, and has checrod hlni on In
times of discouragement, doesn't need
i to worry over nor belt measure. Alter
all, you can't really measuro life with
a corset string.
Women can keep themselves inter-
' estlng. They can keep out of ruts.
They can keep cheerful, and refrain
from telling hard luck stories. They
lean road, and travel, and cultivate an
; Interest In other people, and when they
do, It does not make any difference
whether they are fat or thin.
i A middle aged woman should be at
the most fascinating time of life be-
! cause she In old enough to have ac
quired poise; she is old enough to
j have a wealth of exporlenco behind
her; she n old enough to have learned
' to take a humorous instead of a tragic
view of most things, and sho Is still
young enough to look with Interest at
Ithe closed door of the future
! But sho is only an agreeable com
panion If she has kept her mental fig
ure. The women who has grown fat
witted la a bore from whom we all
pray heaven lo deliver us.
All persons Intending to purchase
season tickets for the Chautauqua thlB
year will confer a favor on the Ogden
committee by phoning their names to
our office, telephone 4 5-1.
Desirable reservations will be made
and tickets hold or, if requested, will
deliver same to any address.
Office In Spargo's Book Store,
Phone 454. W. E. PHILLIPS. SecyJ
"Costume TaiSIep.r??
Is Design From Paris I
, . 1
I New York's I'asltlon Authority.
NEW YORK, Juno 11. Designers!
!of street costumes are providing us
with a new thrill every other day or
two, so whllo the "strictly tailored"
suit Is still highly approved of Fash
Ion, it Is difficult to resist tho appeal
of the gayer, more fanciful models.
Hero is one, for instance, a "cos
umo tall lour," as the Paris designer
calls It, that suggests alluring pos
sibilities for making oer an old suit.
Emily Stevens wears It in "Footloose."
It Is so 3lmpln that It ln.rdly needs
a description Just a straight, narrow
skirt and a boxcoat with three-quarter
sleeves that are jiractically the same
width all tho -way down. Then, by
the way of trimming, thero ls a wide,
flat, black braid marked off with tjvo
narrow bands of dull gold braid.
With this suit Miss Stevens wears a I
round turban that adds immeasurably
to tho ensemble. It consists of a
square "of the same duvetyn of which
the suit is mado draped above a band
composed of three heavy twisted
"Yes," Mrs. Wocdchuck assured
them, "when the sounds of scratching
and thumping came from the kitchen,
"it's" only Wally digging the sassafras
for our tea." And she turned the flame
'up higher under her little copperjtet
tle on the parlor table. So Nancy and
Nick and Tingaling sat down again.
"As I was saying," sho went on,,
j "Wally and I were taking a walk when
j "Thump, thump, thump, scratch,
'scratch," camp the sounds again.
J "That must be pretty tough sassa
Ifras," remarked Tingaling, the fairy
lo make him gve a very good expla-!
nation. .. .
"Perhaps he Is." Mrs. Woodchucl; '
said, answering TingalingJs last words, j
"It's most annoying to have such tough I
sassafras. Mr. Tingaling, couldn't you j
rent us a house next year with tender!
Tingaling started for the kitchen,
then, for tho sounds had stopped and
still no Wally appeared.
"Perhaps I can, Mrs. Waodchuck,"
he said. "Nancy and Nick, you stay
here a minute until I go into the kitch
en and see just how tough that sassa
fras is."
I rag I
landlord. "I didn't know we had such
ough sassafras in the Land-of-Dear-Knows-Where."
"Yes," said Mrs. Woodchuck quickly,
"it is tough. Wally was just saying
(he other day, 'We'll certainly have to
do something about that sassafras to
tender it up ' It's something terrible
to dig."
"Well, he must be tendering it notf,
with a large-sized shovel," said Tinga
ling grimly, looking suspiciously to
ward the kitchen. But remembering
that the Magical Mushroom was play
ing policeman right outside the kitch
en door, ho sat still, feeling pretty
sure that Wally couldn't get out that
The fairyman was still feeling cross
at Wally for putting his children out
of the house, and he was determined '
French Ace to Fly .
From Paris to Warsaw
PARIS, June 10. Lieutenant Henri
Rogot, tKe French aco who recently
completed a round trip flight acro&s
tho Mediterranean, took tho air this
morning in an attempt to make a non
stop flight from Paris to Warsaw.
This Journey is the first leg of an
"around Europe" trip, Lloutonant Ro
bot's itinerary being Paris, Warsaw,
Bucharest. Constantinople. Athens,
Rome .and Paris. He expects to make
the trip In seven days.
Reported Offering Him 2d
Place With Senator Knox
as Leader on Ticket
(By "Universal Service.)
CHICAGO, Juno 10. The situation
at inld-nlght with respect to the presi
dential nomination finds the old guard
leaders still undetermined aa to who
their final choice will be. Indications
point strongly to Philander Knox of
Pennsylvania, as the man upon whom
they'wlll concentrate after their strat
egy has put other candidates out oi
the running.
The old guard is boasting tonight
that It lias Johnson beaten. Tho
adoption of a treatv plank acceptable
to him is to be followed In their opin
ion, with his elimination from further
consideration as a candidate..
Fear Johuson's Strength
Nevertheless, fearing Johnson's
etrength as they do, they are continu
ing their efforts to compel Johnson to
accept second placo on the ticket with
Johnson's only reply to these over
tures is that he ls a candidate for
president only; lie refuses absoluloly
to listen to any suggestions that he
take second place, ven with as good
a friend as Senator Knox, for whom
ho has tho highest regard.
Though thoy are still claiming loud
ly that they have put Johnson out of
the race, they have not as yet made
up their minds definitely as to tho
man upon "whom thoy will concentrate
for this purpose.
Tomorrow's balloting, which will
start some time In the afternoon will
undoubtedly give some Insight into
what the old guard has In mind.
Course Pvcdicted
Tho strategy of the leaders for to
morrow will be to take not more than
i three ballots before adjourning. On
fthe first ballot they will permit every
lone of the twenty or" more "favorite
jjons" to receive the complimentary
! votes from the states which desire thus
to compliment them.
J On the second ballot some changes
l may be made. Several of the unlm
l portant "favorite sons" will be allowed
jlo drop quietly out filled with tho
(satisfaction that they have been slg
'nally honored by their own slates.
J The third ballot Is expected to wit
ness the first real breaks. It is on
this ballot that the Wood . managers
expect to start the big smash for their
I candidate. Thoy claim they will be
I able to show 400 votes for Wood on
Ithls ballot. They evpect to break Into
jthe New York delegation and into
: other delegations.
I oo
CHICAGO, June 3 0. Discussing the
convention fight, Senator Harding de
clared today that talks of bolts prob
ably were not authorized, "but that
certainly no minority should be per
mitted lo control through threats."
"Those who arc ready to bolt the
party or assail It after a majority de
cision is recorded," he added, "should
have no voice in its deliberations."
! CHICAGO. June 10. William C.
IMcAdoo, accompanied by Mrs. Mc
Adoo, stopped over here to attend the
afternoon session df the convention.
Thej' have boon on avcatlon in the
west and arc on tholr way cast.
"I think national conventions are
very Interesting," Mr. McAdoo said.
"We are going to tho Coliseum ' this
afternoon and sit through to the end."
The Leo Company has purchased
the grocery storo of Kim Loo Yong
at 2462 Lincoln avenue. Parties hav
ing accounts against this store will
please prcsont them at 12 o'clock
noon, Juno 15, for settlement.
Advertisement. 2264
til I '
"Exquisite" is just the
right word for tea.
For the right tea.
For Schilling's. .
Money back if you
want it. s
A Schilling & Company
San Francisco
j Sister Mary's Kitchen 1
Although both sugar and fruit may
be scarce and high thla summer every
housekeeper feels the urge to 'put up"
a few cans of fruit and Jars of pro
serves. Even with the high cost of the raw
materials there Is no doubt but that
homo-preserves made of the choicest
fruit one jnust pay fpr the labor and
ca'Te that the home canner does her
self. Tho question of risk of spoiling in
volved In home canning Is to bo con
sidered nnd unless a housekeeper is
willing to give Inflnito care and pa
tience, the cvhances arc that her fruit
will spoil and sugar and fruit be a
total loss.
BREAKFAST Halves of grape
fruit. French toast, syrup, coffee.
LUNCHEON Nut balls, baking
powder biscuit, "sunshine" straw
berry preserves, tea.
DINNER Spanish steak, mashed
potatoes, dandelion greens, asparagus
salad, jellied prunes, cookies, coffee.
When fruit ls mado into preserves
there is less danger of the fruit sooll-
lng than in mere canning. Susar is a""
preservative and Is used In Iarsc quan
tities for prcsorvod fruit. If I have
preserves for luncheon T seldom serve,
a desert. If your family demands des-i
scrt. it will not pay you to use the
amount of sugar necessary to make
the sunshine preserves. i
Select large, perfect berries. Hull
and -wash carefully. Weigh. Usa pound ,
for pound of sugar and fruit. Put a
layer of fruit in a porcelain prescrv-'
ing kettle, add layer of sugar, then;
borrles and continue until all arc used.
Let stand over night. In tho morning
bring to boll and simmer 5 minutes.
Pour out onto big plattors, cover with
glasa or mosquito netting and put out
doors In the sun until the syrup is '
thick. SUr occasionally, being carefu! , )
not to break the fruit. Twelve hours 'i V
of hbt direct sunshine will cook the W
syrup enough. If glass is used It must , i
bo removed and dried frequently. Sea" HI
in Jelly glasses or pint Jars. ' Kl
i cup cold cooked meat H
(finely chopped) IW
1-4 cup finely chopped ; Hfl
blanched almonds , HI
l-'J tea-spoon salt H
I- S teaspoon pepper "-,''. , H
1 egg ' 1 H
I Mix thoroughly and form into small H
j balls the size of a walnut. H
II- 2 cup strained tomato Juice H
i tahcapoon butter : H
1 scant tablespoon flour H
Salt, pepper and celery pepper 0 H
Make a sauce by melting butter stir-- H
I ring in flour and adding tomato juice ' H
1 slowly. Season. Put balls in a baking''
jdlsh, pour over sauce and bake in a S
moderate oven for 20 minutes. H
Tho moal that's seasoned with '.con- fl
tentment and eaten with the sauce of; ' H
cheerfulness never causes an attack fl
j of Indigestion. H
Special Rates for ' , il
Muiuals' Convention Jl
Railroad rates on the Utah-ldahD ' I jjfl
Central lines and tho Bamberger Elcc- I H
trie have been granted for the state J s H
convention of the Mutual Improve- H
ment association at Salt Lake, .Juui H
11, 12 and 13, The rates become ef- 1 tfS
fective June 10, and are good until
June 15. The convention will be for Hj
both the younjj women and young ineii: jiH
of the organization. Advertisement. I H
ri NEXT TUE8MY fal I
W 15TH 1920 : ' I
Is the opening of the fishing season. Yovrhave been is !l
v waiting for that day for months. Now it is only a . 3)
few days off. A - 1
i I 7 There are always a lot of items ) ; .
l::::7r, f tackle that you need' Ifc is hard
' Uy j to tbiuk of them all, but a visit to '
vS?3$iour store surelv helP yu t0
7 TOuf arrange for your needs in a most ' '
thorough and pleasing way. (
' ( REMEMBER, our stock of fishing
--OCr'x ta06 is the largest, best assorted ; "
and most select in the west. For j
J Lcife over years our store has been . , 1
j of Ogden and Weber county. This j
ildililiillfel sttn t0 serye you as in the past,
g with Browning Standards of qual- v
I Get it while the getting is good, and be sure to get the I
9 The Best Storage Coal on Earth 1 j
1 Twenty-second and Twenty-third Wall Avenue I
Phones 345 and 518 - I '
TOOTS AND CASPER -If Chickens Are Stock, Then Casper Gets a Few Tips, By J. E. Murphy
H! ' I cspee-i e WHEEI II noome i& looking-- II : it - 1 i
Wt ' 6V -fltc PPETNVoO'Ve GlVQO Th 15 15 THE OFFICE Tll PUhtfT THl5 ' AOow m liTcA 'WASN'T THftT 5WEU- f
Jj , . WHeRE F) rmt ME a GREAT OfTHE RICHE5T- Ar n cm PHoN HME U, SI PET r -CHICKEN M THE B0RLE500E ninf
l ' ' j- 1 ' " " ' ''' : jju(3PH ' o
Your Liver Is I
Clogged Up I
Thai's Why You're Tired OdJ I
oS Sorls Have No Appetite H
will put you right in i
a few days. dHP
ughgently117 CARTER S ' I
and give na- EBTTILE l
ture a chance 78 "V E v
3TTS JjPjjyiS
rectconstipa- I IH
Uon, biliouansss, indigestion and sick JH
Small Fill Small Dose Small Prlca
great nen-u and blood tonic for ' IH
Antmla, Rltemuntlsni, Nervousness, )
Sleeplessness and Feuale Weakness.
(Jtailnt BBJltiir sliatlare r-&reC '

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