Newspaper Page Text
mmmT , (MB mmml' THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER. FRIDAY, JUNE 1 1 , (920. 7 , j, I' . Pchieago Wholesale Grocery Co. I " " I Phone 486 2376 Washington We ship to all points in Utah, Idaho, Nevada and Wyoming j $1 box No. 10 macaroni ... 85c Laroe Kellogg's corn flakes . . 20c 1 $1 box No. 10 spaghetti "... 85c Medium Kellogg's corn flakes $1 box No. 10 vermicelli ... 85c 2 for , . . . 27c 1 dozen Golden Age macaroni, E. C. corn flakes 10c spaghetti or egg noodles ... 98c 2 Grape Nuts for ...... . 38c 4 cans Sunbrlgfit cleanser . . . 28c Cream of Wheat 30c 7 pounds sal soda 25c Golden Wheat Gems 25c 50c Instant Postum 42c Shredded Wheat Biscuits, 2 I 5 pounds fancy Jap rice . . . 80c for . . 33c I SWIFT'S SILVER LEAF LARD 2Sc bottle Hire's Root' Beer ex I 5 pound pail . 1.60 tract 20c I 10 pound pail ...... $3.15 I PARAWAX AND JAR RUBBERS 20c bottle Fisher's Root Beer ex Jar rubbers, 25c package 21c; tract, 2 for . m 35c I 10c packages, dozen .... 85c $145 Price.s ,emon or vanilla Economy Jar caps 30c; 6 packages extract $1-3Q for 45c Mason' Jar caps 28c; 3 packages 80c Price's lemon or vanilla ex for 25c tract 70c 'yz pounds Blue 2 ds Red 10 pounds Red ,1 - Karo 27c r u 1 pn 5 pounds Blue Karo 34c Karo 51-20 Karo 58CK-nn,.riH, r.h 2JA pounds honey 79c 10 pounds Blue 5 Pounds Red L M Karo $1.07 Karo 65c 5 pounds honey $1.53 PIERCE'S PORK AND BEANS No. 1 cans 11c; No. 2 cans 18c; No I1 cans 22c 6io pound box soda crackers $1.25 ; No. 5 soda crackers 75c ; y2 pounds graham crackers $1-32 J rTTTJTITrmnn rrr , hi. ITrTTHT II I I I I i - After you eat always use FATONIC ljjforFnR tour stomach's SAKEJ Hj one or two tablets eat like candy. InstantlyTelievesHeartburnjBloated j Gassy Feeling. Stops indigestion, foodsouring, repeating, headacheand the many miseries caused, by H Acid-Stomach EATONICisthebe3tremedy,ittakes HH . the harmful acids and gases right out Wfm-r' of the body and, of course, you get SjMW'w well. Tens of thousands wonderfully &Wr benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or mm money refunded by your own drug- ?IM gi3t Cost a trifle. Please try itl I - Shanghai's Notorious 'Wheel' Was Largest in the Far East (Correspondence.) SHANGHAI, June 11. The great ' gambling- establishment in this city notorious for years under the name of "The "Wheel," which originally cost . more than 500,000, is to be convert- jpr ed into a charity hospital. The Chl- 'r nose authorities have announced that they intend to confiscate the huge building which now stands dark and : empty, lis owners, however, threat en to fight this program. Up to about three years ago when the place was closed by Chinese au thorities, "The Wheel" In Shanghai was one of the biggest gambling es tablishments In the Far East. It was located "in Chinese territory on North Honan road, a 15-mlnule automobile ride from the heart of the city. In; ,'tho days when the establishment flourished, three roulette wheels with six layouts, beside l'aro and other 0 games were operated. After this establishment was closed as the result of the efforts of mis sionary interests no open gambling on any largo scale was permitted in Shanghai until last fall when the in terests that formerly operated "The Wheel" opened near it a smaller rou lette establishment which in turn was closed after a few weeks. -f'AlH Experiments have been conducted 'HlMI at Vancouver. B- c- toward building LilftN bouses from marble dust and sawdust, ySH at a cost of about 6 cents a foot. m f ' I NEW 1 m ' HUPMOBILES ma , THE QUALITY CAR Hjl I See the New Model I BURROWS AUTO CO. I J j 432 25th St. Phone 387 I lisi I J-1-.miii i i null" COLLEGE BOYS IN TOUGH LUCK i Five Arrested as Vags Tell Tale That Wins Them Freedom j Another episode of the adventures of the "Prune Pickers Quintette" was registered last night when Detec tives Everett Noble and William Tay lor arrested the five on a vagrancy charge. The quintette rendered pouplar melodies behind the bars and disturb ed slumbers for other inmates of "Hotel de Gink" and they sang well, the late shift officers said. This morning, when hailed boforo i Judge D. R. Roberts of the city court, the boys looked like they might have been hoboes of tho worst description. Remnants of army clothing, a pair of bell bottom seaman's trousers, Just plain pants and condescript sweaters and overcoats wore worn by tho men. They were headed for "Uncle Hen ry's" ranch at Douglas, Wyo., and had started out from San Francisco with plenty of money, and a Ford car as a means of locomotion. Tho car pro gressed in an erratic fashion, one of the boys stated. "We would push the Ford up one .side of a hill and then coast down the other side." Finally the hills became too frequent so, aban doning the Ford, they took to the I "bumpers." The boys were expecting money from home today. Three of them were students of the Santa Clara university in Califor nia. TJpon recommendation of City Attorney Samuel Powell they were dismissed. Tho boys who started on the event ful joy ride wore as follows: A. Covert, JohnJ. Henn, Mike Henry, Claude Hall and Harold Halub. oo Ogden Team Plays Honeyville Saturday i The Ogden baseball club of the Wasatcb league will clash with the fast Honeyville aggregation In a reg ular league game at Honeyville tomor row afternoon. Ogden will present several new faces in this contest several of the old heads having re ceived the "pink" slip since the last game. Sunday afternoon the locals will mix with the Wellsvllle club of tho Cache Valley league at Lorln Farr park in what should bo a first rato contest. Allen is slated to heave the Sunday tilt while Lockwood is sched uled to work the mound in tho con test tomorrow. oo PHILADELPHIA WINS CUP IN WOMEN'S GOLF MATCH PHILADELPHIA. Juno 11. Phila delphia won the Grlscom cup by de feating New York in the final series of the trl-city women golf matches at the Philadelphia Cricket club, St, Mar tin's, today. ' egieeiiig HOf . . Many potato dealers have the idea that their poorer pota- Httj toes "will do" for Potato Flakes. We Hn -flffe always refuse their offer of a "bar- Bll tZZ&tt0 ls gain" In potatoes. WzZtt t G 0nly BIG Potatoes will produce the R yii blg M & G flakes large as half vour Bl' 6?TA 1)alm- 0nly PEnFECT potatoes will l rX Cv-v malce golden-colored, even-textured vstelmmit H mW1 jjUL 0nly l'olatoes grown In Rocky Moun- HII HmBivTMWj mti&WjmmjmML tflln altltude and sunlight possess tho Bi jjSffl VhsM KMlwSII MATCHLESS FLAV0R yu ind i Hl I F'"'8 1 BMjaaz&wy por pcnC5 stock up with M &. Q'o at HJ f&l ifc .- () your orocor'a mmPl A"UviDyS Colorado Potato Flake & Mfg. Co. r ' XiX Denver, Colo. mm j ' MU ' LOGAN HAS AUTO GHHPING PARK Site for Public Grounds Lo cated and Will Be Made Ready at Once LOGAN, Juno 11. A site for a pub lic camping ground for Logan City has been, selected by the auto camp ing ground committee of the Cham ber of Commerce and this will be rapidly put Into shape to accommo date tho heavy summer tourist traf fic,, according to Secretary Merlin Ho vey of the Logan Chamber of Com merce. Tho site chosen by tho committee 16 commonly known as Johnson's grove. It Is on tho main paved high way Just south of the Logan river bridge. While final arrangements havo not been mude with tho owners of tho property, these will be com pleted immediately and the grove will be put Into proper condition. Johnson's grovo will maku an ex cellent camping ground for auto tour ists, says Mr. Ho vey. It is well cov ered with luwiifl and large shade trees, has running water and wood for fires available and Is on the state high way entering Logan on the south. Every effort Will be made to make It Ideal for tourist traffic. A permanent auto camping ground for Logan has aleo been decided upon, says Mr. Hovey, but It will bo a year or more before this can bo made ready. The permanent camp Is to bo on Logan's main fltreet, one block from the business district, near tho post office, garages and laundries, and tho proposed site for the city hall and Carnegie public library. It will be sown to grass, trees will be planted, water mains laid and washing sta tions, lavatories, etc., will be install ed. Lights will bo arranged for and electric power for cooking, oil will also be available. "We could not have found a better place for a permanunt camping ground than tho one selected," says Mr. llo vey. "It will be close to town, an excellent point from which sido trips can be made to the Utah Agricultur al college, Logan and Blacksmith Fork canyons, and' will be on the through road to Yellowstone Nation al paTk. The Chambor of Commerce and the Logan City commission will co-operato in putting tho camping ground in shape. We expect to havo one of tho most beautiful little spots In the state when v,c arc through." Swimming Tourney Planned for Summer Swimmers of Ogdon will have nn opportunity to show their wares' dur ing the coming summer in competi tion with teams of this city and Salt Lake if plans now being con sidered mature. The present plans are being worked out by the Utah Hot Springs, Ogden Sanitarium, La goon and Bock's and it is expected that clubs from each organization will have representative teams in the limelight during the season. The clubs will be open to both men and women swimmers nnd every sort of water sport will bo encour aged. It is the plan of the officials to have team matches," individual races, water polo, and other sports on the mantle. During the latter part of the season tho officials are planning a state championship meet between the four clubs mentioned and other clubs and Individuals. oo . Electrical Worker Gets Severe Shock Henry Clilpp, olectrical worker, who received a severe shock yester day morning whllo wiring at the Washington Market, is recovering today, it is reported. Chlpp, an employe of the "Light house," was standing on wet cement and was installing a 110 volt wire. In some manner tho wire came in contact with his body and because of the dampness of the cement, gave him a severe shock. He sustained, in addition to the shock, a sprained ankle. Dr. Relnhold Kanzler and Dr. C. J. Cragun attended tho injured man. JJ Chicago Colored Ball Team Going to Idaho Fifteen colored athletes, members of the famous Chicago Giants, were in Ogden today for a few hours en route to Idaho, Montana, and other ounea iu engage in contests with clubs of that section of tho country. Tho club is under tho management of Robert Watltins, one of tho most famous diamond players in tho world in the colored class. Watkln, for a number of years managed a professional team in the south and tor three years copped tho bunting in succession. Games Villi the Ogden club will be arranged when tho crew roturns from the Northwest en route east. oo Tank at Experimental Farm Injured by Frost Notwithstanding the fact that tho concrete tank at the Great Basin ex periment station near Ephrlam had been built of the best concrete, and re inforced with steel wire, it has been damaged by frost, according to infor mation received from Dr. D. A. Samp son, In charge of tho station. The tank is 12 inches thick at the base and tapers to eight inches at the top and in addition to tho steel wire, contained a number of smooth and twisted iron Tods. It is reported that an expenditure of at least $400 will bo necessary to cover expenses of the damage. uu BIG PRICE FOR COAIi. MOBILE, Ala.. Juno 10. Constan tinople Is offering $100 for Alabama coal. The Turkish capital is willing to pay thut much for fuel delivered from tho Birmingham district, but coal operators havo been forced to re ject all orders because they cannot ' guarantee deliveries. asw i mm .'. ' Hi H m R H H MIMI))W hi nil,, i in V'ri.'i:iJ. I 1 V will be interested isi this "l 1' m i ;:' of Hart Schaffner & Marx."-: I I - 9m WMM I and Society "Brand Clothes I I jl style for style, woolens for woolens, tailoring for tailor- B 1 m ing this sale offers every man greater value than he has I I n had in years, here are suitsfresh from the tailor shops, -m 9 the products of foremost designers and expert workmen--- I I I selling at less than today's market cost. I I i regularly retailed regularly retailed regularly retailed I I at $40 at $50 at $60 I ' I STATE BMKEIIS ID m HEBE Sessions Will Be Held at Weber Club June 18 and 19 Bankers from all parts of Utah -will attend tho Twolfth annual convention of tho Utah Bankers' association, which will bo held hero Friday and Saturday, Juno 18th and 10th, The roomn of tho Wober club havo boon placed at tho dlnpoaal of tho associa tion, in which all sessions will bo held and headquarters established. Four sessions will bo on the pro gram and E. O. Howard, president of tho association, will deliver tho ad dress of welcome at 10 o'clock Sat urday morning. Tho first session will consist largoly of the president's addrosa, report of tho secretary-treasurer and standing and special commit tcoa. There will also be Included in this session an nddress by Joel B. Farrlsh on "Personality In Banking. banquot and danco will be hold In "tho Ilermltago hotel, Friday even ing, June IS, In honor of the visiting delegates and association members. Deaths and Funerals COAVXiISITAAV. Funeral services for Ltflo Cowllshaw wore held yester day at 2 o'clock at tho Larkln fun oral chapol with Bishop Counsellor Desmond Barker officiating. Four little girls sang, "Jesus Wnnta. Jlo For a Sunbeam." "I Nood Thee Kv cry Hour," and "The Christian's Good Night" was sung by Artlo S. Blaka lcv. The speakers at the sorviccs woro Joseph Bldwcll, E. A, Larkm and Desmond Barkor. Interment wa.-j made in the Ogden City cemolory with Lylo Y. Larkln dedicating the grave. oo SILVER QUOTATIONS IN LONDON ARE IMPROVING LONDON, June 11 The silver mar ket quotation rose today to ClVid per ounco nfter having been down to 4Gd on June 7. Tho market has been sub jected to unusual fluctuations slnco May 2G when the prica whs 59 d. Motorcycle Riders on Outing Sunday More than one hundred motorcycle riders and their wives arc expected to be on hand next Sunday morning and afternoon In Ogden canyon when tho Annual Gypsy tour of motor riders Is started. Tho Gipsy tour will include riders from Salt Lako, Provo and Ogden, Athletic stunts with motorcycles and other entertaining features are being prepared by tho Ogden repre sentatives. " Tho sport card will he j on deck at tho Hermitage. Ogden Golfers Go to Salt Lake on Sunday The championship golf match be tween Dr. F. W. Baker and W. M. Budlger for .tho president's cup will, bu played on tho green at the Ogden mum country club next week, according to mmm information given out today. Both IH mon have been practicing hard of late ' EmwM and a flashy game Is cxpocted when mEWM tho men clash. mmm Sunday morning more than "fifty IH golfers of tho local club will motor to Salt Lake to mix with tho Salt ' IH Bakers on tho green. Tho following mwM Sunday a return match will bo played WM on the local grounds. 1 FLASH WORD OVER TEXAS ' H ON SLACKER BERGDOLL j DENISON, Tex., Juno 11. Warn- Ing to bo on tho lookout for Grovor I. MWm Cleveland Bcrgdoll, millionaire droit V jH evader from Philadelphia, was flashed jmWM to officers all over north Texas today IH by federal officials hero today follow- IH ing receipt of information that a man ; IH answering Borgdoll's description pass- N jH od Dcnison last night 1 IH ASSERT EBERT WILL NOT ! H TRY FOR SECOND TERM BERLIN, Juno 11. The Lokal An- , zelgor declares today that President Ebcrt will not present himBolf again IH as a candidate for tho prosldoncy bo- I cauue of persoual objections laised j H ngainaL him within hia own parly ranks, which ho resents. H