fl THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1920. , IBIff -Another . -7 Mighty mash to Bring Down High Clothing Prices ! ..EXTRA PANTS ' Suit to Order fflH Prices Reduced to the Lowest v . UNION MADE f xlra Pants Extra Pants j C FREE FREE . Although H sounds too good to be true, the offer is bona fid in every respect. Come and sec the high quality -woolens and - j, judge for yourself what a wonderful offer this is. Quick action is necessary as these suits will sell like hot cakes. ' Howard Williams 2309 Washington Ave. I Society jjai MORMON BATTALION, fejm Daughters of the Mormon Battalion will meet Saturday afternoon at the fH home of Mrs. Eva Greenwell, 2-1 2C liSH Monroe avenue, at 2:30 o'clock. .Jjjiflj y Returns to Ogden Miss Ruth Boyle, rafB ' "'bo bas been attending school in Lara.- tjjMr"' mlv for the past year, arrived in Og- ScuV den during- the early part of the. week. OGDEN GUIiST. f-Kf "MIsa Edna Volker of Salt Lake is' -H a guesl at the home of Miss Flor-once-Tracy. fjM VISIT IN OGDEN. liSH Mrs. J. Victor Berbye, formerly of ffiH Ogden and her guest, Mies 13. Uirbclt, ' fuHl of Chicago, are spending a few days njHI In Ogden. jtH FROM CALIFORNIA. J jjjjHj Miss Catherine Cosgrovo of c.r.l- naiiiiMii mm PimiummjuiwjuiL'"! I fornia, arrived in Ugdon during the early part of the week and ;s a .uest at the home of many of her Ogden friends. Miss Cosgrove canto to Og den to attend the commencement ercljes to be held at Saci'oil Houti academy, where the was graduated in in IS. j JtLTrURNS TO OGDK.V. - J Mlds Ruth Boyle, who has been at- lending school In Laramie for the j past year, arrived in Ogden during the early part of the week. oo TO ISXTRRTAIN. I Miss Florence Tracy and Miss Elix I abeth Browning will entertain at a party Saturday Misa Edna Volker. kThei party will be' given tu the resi dence of Miss Browning. on UAVMOYV KILLS FAIUIEU. j (By International News Service.) ! SIOUX FALLS, S. D. A misstep in j his haymow cost Oscar G. Enga- hardt. twenty-seven, a farmer near' here, his life a few days ago. Tho i : misstep resulted in a fall In which En- ! gahardl fell against a itmber and sua-! itnined internal injuries. lie died on the way lo Sioux Falls hospital. Ig Our Tackle ' eans Good Luck, Pleasure We Issue Licenses. I THE H. C-HANSEN CO. I 2468 Hudson Ave. 1 grMunMi.n iwu'uli hi ii ii ii njiuiajnnji.ujmiiiiiM n ihmii i ii ii ii n p ii i ii i n j ' . I-1 Lasts All the " I Week j ,. 10 Inspirational Lectures; 10 Enjoyable I J Concerts; the Drama "Kindling"; h- the Big Junior j jj? Season tickets save over 200 per cent. J ' Adults, $2.75; Students, $1.65; Children's, $1.10 I . (War tax included) & ; Q?ox sae at a drug stores and at Chautauqua head- i I quarters at Spargo's. 'l,,M,MBM!,B,",,"BBi""iMSM SWEDE RISBERG I OGDEifSITOR Former Union Association 1 t Star En Route to Coast i to Se'e Family i "Swede" Risberg. star shortfieldcr of the Chicago White. Sox was an Ogden visitor for a few -minutes to-; day en route to his home at San Francisco. Sickness in his family js j the reason for the baseball player's ' sudden trip to the coasL j Risberg for a Tow years was a I member of the Ogden club of the old j Union association playing shortstop during the 1911-12 seasons. He later j Joined the Vernon club of the Pa- ' rific Coast league and for (lie "past j four years has been one of the fttaln stays in the White Hose aggregation. I Risberg stated today that Cicotte j was having tough luck getting started and that Williams and Fabcr were carrying the bulk of the pitch- ing burdens. He stated, however, that tho Sox would be up in the top position before many 'wcc"ks pass, i When asked as to the chances of the Cleveland . Indians as pennant winners he stated that Chicago, Washington and New York in his opinion would finish ahead of tho Speaker tribe. Risberg slated that "Ducky" Jones was playing classy hall with " the Tigers despite the fact that he had n finger broken during early season. IMAM BARRICADES SELF IN ROOMING HOUSE; ARRESTED When a landlady in a local rooming house frantically called the police to "come and get a crazy man" this morning at 2 o'clock. Sergeant A. M. Edwards and Chauffeur Ed. Butterfield res ponded and found Robert Ras mussen barricaded behind the i door of his room. i Force was exerted sufficient to j break the lock and shove back . a heavy bedstead before the of ficers entered, Sergeant Edwards stated. Rasmussen, who claim'ed Sacra mento, Cal.. as his home, was hid den under the bed and when told to get nut by the officers, scream ed that he was being followed by some one who Intended killing . hint. . . ! He was taken to the police station, where he is being held pending an Investigation as to his sanity oo Straiigler Lewis Mere En Route to Coast i Ed. "Strangler" Lewis, aspirant for tho , world's heavyweight wrestling title, spent a few hours in Ogden yes terday en route to his home at San Jose, Cal. Lowis recently met Joe Steelier for the world title but met defeat after three hours of mat work. Lewis stated that he was out for a return match with tho champion at any tlnto or any place for any amount. He appeared to lc In the pink of condition. PLAGUE SERUM FROM U. S. REACHES VERA CRUZ VERA CRUZ. June 10. Or four suspects examined during the last two days, two were foi'ud to be suffering with bubonic plague. One of the ten persons confined on quarantine Island has died of the disease. One recovery is reported and Hit other eight wore found not to be affected. An American des'roycr arrived from" New Orleans today with enough serum for 7.500 injections, and other medi cine. Serum for .".ono injections, pre pared In Mexico City, has also arrived. It is planned to begin vaccination today. ALHAMBRA TODAY, TOMORROW A Shows CHARLES RAY "PARIS GREEN" THE FIELD AND STREAM PATHE'S WEEKLY COMING SUNDAY DOUG FAIRBANKS LATEST 'MOLLYCODDLE' 'MOTHER OF FIVE LEADS FIGHT 1 OF SUFFRAGE FOR 36TH STATE A -A. I t i - .Mrs. TliouuiH N. Hepburn, slate rhairniau of Hit National Woman's 1'ariy of Coiuice.tit'iiii. and (lie yoiuigeM of her five children. N, E. A. Staff Correspondent. HARTFORD. Conn.. June 12. Tho stubborness of Gov. Marcus II. Holcomb Is exasperating, To every appeal made to him to call a special session of I he legislature to ratify the woman suffrage amendment, he re plies: "I still do not believe that a special emergency exists." This answer In the face of the fact that nearly 17.000.000 women will be disfranchised unless one more legisla iluro ratifies the Anthony amendment j Perhaps Governor Ilolcontb would l agree with anti-suffrage, politicians who say "nobody wants equal suffrage except a few uhildless women." If he was not being pursued by a woman who has five bright little ones, and who knows the need of the ballot in tho hands of all the women to protect all thee hlldren of the nation. On Trail uf Exeemlxe This woman lc Mrs. Thomas N. llep ilMirn. Connectiouit state chairman of the National Woman's Party, who has Ibeen hot on the trail -of the chief exe cutive for several months. Mrs. Hepburn has proved to "this obstinate governor that suffragists do I have children, and that the more they I have, the 'harrier they 'fight for bettor jf,overnment and more freedom. She I has kfpt the governor busy explaining jhis frail reason for not ailing a spe LHi TO JOT Athlete to Wear Ogden Colors, Will Enter Los Angeles Trials Clinton Larson, national high jump champion and holder of the world's record in the aerial event at G feet . 7 and 7-S Inches' will depart for Los Angeles during the coming week' to compete In tho western trials for j the American track jind j field team- at Pasadena, June 2Cth. Larson will' wear the colors of the Ogden Ath-' letlc association. j He la regarded as the . 'greatest ! jumper in the world today and should 1 I bo able to bring honors galore to j Ogden. Iarson will be met at Los Angeles by Creed Haymond. sprint j champion, and Alma Richards, one. of America's greatest stars. I , The three will wear the colors of j the local organization. Coast news-, : writers are boosting tho stars and1 I unless all promotions fall they Willi I easily make tho team that will depart) for the finals at Harvard Stadium! ! early m July. .1 i FOUR KILL SELVES ! : AFTER ACCIDENT I ON U.S. TRANSPORT- i i WASHINGTON. June 11. I Four persons on board the army transport Mount Vernon com mitted suicide utter one of the ship's propellors broke off the Virginia coast, according to a ra dio dispatch received here today. Their names or the circumstances 1 were not given, j Tho transport has aboard 1.000 ! C'ccho-Slovak troops who are be- j ing taken to their native land from Siberia. 900 Gorman war 1 prisoners under a United States 1 army guard, and "50 women and I children. She Is heading for Nor- folk and la due there tomorrow. j DEATH OF CARDS ; EXPERT PUZZLES I NEW YORK POLICE NEW YORK. June 11. Mys tery surrounded the death here today of Joseph Elwell, a wldel? known whist expert and author of several books on auction and bridge. Elwell was found by his house keeper seated In n chair In his bedroom with a bitllot wound In his forehead. Detectives pro nounced the caso ono of murder. Elwnll'a money, - Jewelry and many vuluable Ironb'Os were im ' "touched."" ' ' r Tfj .-',.-- icial session. Following are some of 'the things she has found time, after taking good care of her children, to .engineer: Had ManV-Activities Made a canvass of the state last fall land got a majority of the legislators to petition the governor for a special 'session. i Caused the Republican Central com mittee to strongly urge the governor' ; to convene the legislature. Caused the Republican state con vention to adopt a resolution urging the governor to call the legislature to gether. Organized n Men's Republican Rati fication Committee, to holding a hear ing before the governor which recom mended to him it was for the part' rgood thai he eH a special session, i Brought about numerous mass 'meettings of both men and women who urged Governor Holcomb to wak' up. To each request Governor Holcomb tus replied. "There's no , special i emergency." ; "We still believe that the national ! Republican ksadevs can ntaku Gover "nor Holcomb see this einerjcencv If jthey will just be firm with hlm. ' de 'cl.ireri Mrs. Hepburn. Mrs. Hepburn's husband is a well-know n physician I hero. on siK Many From Here Will Attend Convention to Be Held at Portland Shriners of Ogden are departing by rail and by automobile for Portland where they will attend the national convention which will bo held In that city June 21 to 2fi inclusive. The an nual Portland Rose Carnival will also be bold during the convention and many features have been planned to entertain the visitors according to Og donltes. P. C. Richardson and family will loave during the present wcok by au tomobile for Portland. They expect Jo reach their destination during 'the fore part of the coming woek. , More than forty Shrlncrs en route to the convention vlaSan Francisco were in Ogden fora few hours today. One member of'the party stated that nine special trains have been char tered to make tho journey from Chi cago" and other points. These trains have been chartered over the Union Pacific while a number have been en gaged for the northern route, the Northern Pacific. PaisiJs Sale Sign on Sidewalk; Find $20 Samuel Miller painted a large sign on his sidewalk In front of his place of business advertising his wares. Of ficer Michael Shaubhnessy strolling Keep 'the Hot Sun Out! fl Let thq Cool Breezes In! H Keep your sun.expoaed porches 10 degrees cooler on hottest - 'jvl days. Add delightful, r.iry outdoor rooms to your hme. . 1 We carry a complete line of Aerolux. Most artistic, dur. - ) fll able economical shades you have ever seen. -V lil j Sizes- to fit any porch opening Also an interesting show. -j. j Other Porcli Furniture l-ifl j At Real Price Concessions il We are distributors B for the Famous - p1- H Murphy 1 ' Partly Cloudy Tonight and Saturday Forecast j "Partly cloudy tonight and Saivr ' clay, warmer Saturday." This wa t the weather prediction contained in i the report which reached Ogden this morning from the United Sta'tesj weather bureau. Yesterday was a cool day wheiti compared with the first days of tnoi week, the mercury reaching only 75' degrees at the maximum point. The'. ' minimum yesterday was 55 degrees. i 'This morning the mercury fell to .55' I degrees at the lowest point. i ! - oo - . Red Cross Meeting j to Be Held Saturday To decide whether or not the Peace time program of the Red Cross will be adopted and carried out by the Red Cross in this city, the executive com mittee of the organ ialion will meet tomorrow at the Rod Cross rooms In the First National bank building. It is expected that tho peace time program will be adopted, practically all Ogden social welfare organizations having been reported as being in favor of iL along his boat, got paint on his shoes and told Miller that the sign was a I violation of a city ordinance and should be moved. Miller washed the sign with water and with lye and promised the officer that on a certain day the paint would be entirely ob literated. The abovo story was told by witnesses in tho city court this morning when Miller appeared for trial. Judge D. R. Roberts found tho 'defendent guilty and fined hint $20 Rockefeller, Jr., May ; I Fish in Ogden Canyon I John D. Rockefeller. Jr., and par- . JH ty will arrive In Ogden next Tuesiho IH morning at S o'clock en route to the west coast. The party will spend more than seventeen hours in Ogden,. departing front Ogden for the west I IH at 1:55 on the morning of Juno 1. Railroad officials this morii'd;? j IH stated that young Rockefeller va an 'ardent lover of outdoor sports and that plans would, no doubt, b'l completed for a fishing trip to oni or the nearby canyons. The party '-1 will arrive In Ogden from Bennex on a special train i By aiding the proeeTuU" lion the blood is enriched, the ML, IH wastes and poisons are rc- hBvZ moved and the whole JmHm -' system is (jlr0Dft"'ir .hRm' ' J&K2 catarrh aalti- j icM$( ygsjjr flammation o mueouy "f H SwpK'; SSm' membranes lining the :3C3fj!S otoaiach, bowels, ccae, ' 1 rtfyjrimft' throator other orcans. Good C ' H for couclis, colds, effects of IH TSufeVy Cn'P or Spanish Flu and ca- IH 3?SWEMEi Urrhoi conditions generally. IB 3f3 vw Etjy to take in either ' jOTjI mjet orliguld forca Md " Jl wv- cd' by two Generations of &$J The right taedieinofor all ; Bpr catarrhal conditions. - M EVEfVinrVHEBg j tlie-M'9 Out o! the High I 1 Cost of Clothes.. I I I Special Reductions lor Saturday Only I H I COME IN AND BE CONVINCED I I I LOOK FOR W Of 17 M 252'25th I I 1 THE SIGN S3 VUni-jll STREET i H