OCR Interpretation

The Ogden standard-examiner. [volume] (Ogden, Utah) 1920-current, June 26, 1920, LAST EDITION - 4 P.M., Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Utah, Marriott Library

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058393/1920-06-26/ed-1/seq-7/

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IH '!
Rcai jjf.wwJ
H $3250 will buy four room new modem
H hunpnloiv. Terms."
f H500 will buy four room modern brtru
HHHHHH bungalow, hardwood floors, run
1 ' hnnemcnt. slocplng porch. etc.
HHHHHT 2250 Washington Avenue
HHHHHl Phones 303-W or 230-J .
H 2375 Hudson Avcnuo
Six rw.m house, lot 50x150. $2300; $600
HHHHH down and balance at $25 per month.
H Four room house, $1500: small payment
Hj tl0Scvcn room house J3200; $500 down and
HHHHH balance on easy terms ,
1 160 acres in Cecho valley, nix room mod-
H qrn house. Rood water right. t
Hl . . 33 acres near town, will sell cheap to
HHHBH the right party. , , m .
H I hare other property nnd fnrmu hero.
HHHBH ind in Idaho. Call and see.
1 3375 Hudson Avenue
' pnone 1037 SMD
1 APARTMENT house clone In on Wnh-
HHHH Jngton nvenue; has nine two and threo
HbH9L'' room apartments. Piirnlheil. ,I""m,c
HHHHr " $225 a month. Price $11,500. Half cash.
HHBHH Might consider part exchr.n&e, Lox u.
B Standard-Examiner.
H EIGHT room modern home; sleeping
H porches. Phono 2S70. 3
HHHHI FIVE room modern brick house and gnr-
H ago. newly painted. 331 Perry avenuo
H ' EIGHT room home, sleeping P01".0.
H Phone 2S70.
HHHH NEW two-roomed furnished house: lights
H ind water; lot 146x75. planted, 3253 Mon
H roc, "
H LOT 100x137 on Oak 'and Jackson to trade
IH 'or auto. Phone 3137-W. 2936
Ej TTRACTIVE modern five room brick.
fH ;hoicc location; Immediate possesion
fiH 27S3-W. S27 Twenty-sixth. -Ji
H P.E VSONABLE; rurnlshcd five room mod-
IHH srn brick; shade trees fruit trees, grapes,
HHHH ferries, garden. East Twelfth street.
Hl floor's Lane. . :
flHH TWO room house, nowly paporcd. lot 33x
IH 132; sewer and sidewalk paid; city Uer,
IlKhta. S850. One-half cash, now vacant
Phone 2?55 W.
fcSHH BY OWNER Seven room modern home
f&H on bench and car line. Phone 1441-J.
tgHH 5500 DOWN, balance monthly, will buy ri
EHHH i.lco six room imxlern home, all specla
taxes paid In full. Choice location, Immc.
RHH dlate poscsslon. E. P. Brats, -.li Lccies
HH building. . . -
1" -APARTMENT house, strictly mortcrn. i flvo
HHl - apartments, fine location on bench. pa3
Hi1 10 per cent net on your Investment nc
HHH to leave town on account of sickness 111
HUM sell cheap. Kelly & Hcrrlck.
HS FIVE room frame house, large lot .on Ec
HH clcs avenue, near corner Twentieth street
UH cheap. "Apply John McCrcad. 4,6 Tnor
HH ty-thlrd. - ,
RH FOUR room house, two porches, lot S0x
150 feet. $1500. 3G0 Franklin. -
HH BY OWNER Seven rom modern ''rick.
H9 largo lot. good location. Terms. Phone
HH V7. .
THREE room cottage, two lota, 3121 Vn-
iHI Ion avenue, cheap. Terms or cash. Phone
iiH 16S0-J.
H 13 ACRES, crops. Implements, horses, on
state highway. mile north Clearfield.
HH Phone ll-R-1.
H Real Estate and Livestock Commission Co
H Idaho farms a specialty. Address -30
W. Lewis street. Pocitcilo. Idaho.
iiil BY OWNER Goo-n sixteen room apart-
ment house, funilshed. sleeping rrches.
gas ranges, finest location In town. $140
a month Income. Good terms. Phone 10-
H LARGE building lots, new addition to
HHHi Eighth street. Oood soli, drainage and Jo
Luuon. 63'J Seventh. Phone 213o-M. .
H SEVEN room molern brlrk house, dou-
lu;n bio garage, paved street Terms on part
P Vlljrs y Whcrrf, 2609 Madison. -345
illH SEVEN room brick,, Havo you some-
thing to trade. Small house preferred.
We can bo of mutual benefit by dCTlInK
direct. Also have Grand r ano. 132v Tv.cn-ty-fitth
street. Phono 1426-R. 2308
HH ONE Uircc room frame house: terms $850.
One six room brick only S3500. Many
other good deals, also reasonable lots. In
5Sro flTVan Braack. 302 Thirty-fifth.
( WE have u. larsa list of JirJga ted farms
for sal or tradti. Vrlte or see ONEb
GR1SWOLD INV. CO.. Curley. Idahoi
W. L. POPTER. Real Estate and Loans
HHH 1 237G Washington avenue. Phono 1S76.
. 12G3
H Bi. OV."ER Corner lot lltfxI'S U t
H Twenty-second and Reeves avenue,
illll Phono 3076. 373
fl Situations
T PAINTING, paper cleaning of all kinds.
j Work guaranteed. Call 2637 R 2035
FLuVSTERING and patching. Call 111
1 Twenty-seventh street. 2004
v FOR cement work or general building
y yx"ontractlng. Phone 2257. 2045
r' PRACTICAL nurse. Call phone 182L-M.
1 SHAWL on Eden road Owner notify
i SUndard. 2062
l ANYONE knowing the whereabouts of
1 t Willie Miller will please communicate
with G. H. Miller, care Standard-Exnmln-
( or Sickness. 2070
t EVERYBODY suffering with piles, fistula. I
H c ulccnttlon, bleeding or itching piles, write I
j t for froo trial, painless pile cure. R. E.
Tarney. San Jose. Cal. 2707
CARD nnd character reading. 443 Twcn
j ty-slxtlv street. 2633
Miscellaneous 1
H THREE Ohio vacuums In first class con-
I aillon, $1 day. Call J. Barlow, 23S4-J.
1 a 2S77
0 CONCRETE mixer for rent Phone 632
Hl . Anderson. 2703
' OHIO vacumm. $1 day. Phone 314S.
Hb-' 2323
H GOOD pasture for horses, close to Ogdcn.
V Smith & Flinders, Commercial National
bank building. Phone 1147 or 2SGS-W cve
j nlnga. 1784
H1 c STORAGE room for rent. Call Asbesto-
j j; late Products Co.. Phone 141G-W. 3673
H I buSness j
H j1. CHANCE for men who own autos to
j moke money. Box C 12. 2993
GOOD BUSINESS, road house confection-
so- Phone 18-N-l. Ivaysvillc. Coll
rn mornings between 6 und S. 2334
Colors are frequently artificially
Pl produced In agate articles.
H bi i wa?5ted i
tii! AGENTS Large manufacturer wnnts
j lu agents to sell hosiery, underwear, shli-ts.
1 lov dresses, skirts, waists, shoes, clothing,
H' vh olc- Write for free snmpleo. Mndlson
Mills. 503 Broadway. New York Cltv.
Ho. N. Y. 2703
H.t. Sta "
Hic j Board and Room
T ertjr"FOR ono or two gentlemen in private
B, crei modern home. 1054 Twenty-third street
Lrai Phone 2719-M. 2863
Hl Hcnrj' of Navarre Introduced tho
Hj sIlk lndut-0' in France.
'( Furnished
FOUR room house, partly modorn. Rear
335 Twenty-eighth . 2388
FOUR room apartment, nlcelv furnished.
first floor. 2.55 Grant qvenuo. 301S
PLEASANT room In modern home, fine
location. 453 Twenty fourth. 3017
J MODERN sleeDlng and housekeeping
rooms. 2731 Madison. Phone 2029. 3015
FURNISHED apartment, three rooms, pri-1
vate bath, good furniture. 2753 Grant j
avenue. 3016
.TWO room furnished apartment on sec
ond floor. 27S5 Grant avenue 3014
j COMPLETELY furnished nousckeeping
apartments, elevator, phone, lights, gas.
maid service if desired. Plaza Apartments.
TWO partlv furnished tent racks near
Hermitage, Inquire 127 West Twenty.
seventh. 20S9
TWO housekeeping rooms ground floor
2021 Washington. 2390
1 TWO comfortable modern rooms, suitable
for two. 2624 Jefferson. 2972
'COMPLETELY furnished apartment,
ithrco rooms and bath. Call 46-R-l or
881-R. 2
.'TWO furnished room3 for light house-
', keeping. 2550 Orchard. 2991
I THREE room furnished house for rent.
'750 Twenty-sixth street. 2932
ONE housekeeping room. 2220 Lincoln.
FURNISHED room for rent In modem
home, close In. 315 Twenty-seventh
street. 2977
THREE modem housekeeping rooms. 2236
FIVE room house, no children, 50 month.
771 Twenty-fourth street. 204'J
MODERN four room steam hoatcd apart
ment; no children. 560 Twenty third.
FURNISHED sleeping rooms; block from
Washington car. 2946 Grant. 2898
BEDROOM and bath In private fomily:
breakfast If desired. 4C5 Twenty ninth.
Gentlemen preferred. -893
TWO housekeeping rooms on Eighth
street Inqulro 2227 Qulncy avenue. 2S5S
TWO housekeeping rooms. 2353 Monroe.
THREE room furnished house. 164 Twen-
ty second street 2S17
NICELY furnished room with bath. 2560
HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms for
rent. 2210& Washington Ave. -841
ELEGANTLY furnished sleeping rooms
for rent. 56C Twenty fourth St. 2830
2 ROOM furnished and unfurnished apart
ments; gns. $9 month up. Call before
1 p m, G36 Thlrty-flrat St. 2SI3
FURNISHED room for gentleman. 421 '
Twenty-sixth street 2S13
DESIRABLE housekeeping homes. Park
Apartments. 25S3 Grant. 2314
BEDROOM in private family. 2538 Or
chard avenue. Phone 2195-W. Gentlemen 1
preferred. 2S16 j
FURNISHED sleeping and housekeeping!
roo. 2203 Washington avenue. 2G82 j
MODERN bungalow. Ucckcr"s Bridge.
Cnmon Phone 80S. 2760
TWO or three furnished rooms for house
keeping. W. B. Wcdoll. 2468 Washington
avenue. 2152
NICE largo modem rooms, breakfast If.
desired Reference required. 2639 Jeffer- I
.-on. 2o92t
SINGLE or double rooms for sleeping or ;
housekeeping 2468 Washington. 212o
ROOMS for housekeeping. 427 Twonty
fourth. 2013
APARTMENT for rent. 2571 Lincoln.
Transient rooms with bath: weekly
rates 244G Grant avenue. Phono 3050.
i 1372
MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms.
Lucerne Hotel. Phono 3018. 1937
TWO modem housekeeping rooms with
sleeping porch, no children, references rc-
qulrcd, Phone 2257-W 2969
T. O largo front rooms with use of bath.
1339 Capital. Cail after 3 p. m. 2931
4 ROOMS modern housekeeping: close In.
Kellv & Hcrrlck. 1032 j
f " WANTED j,
To Buy i
WE have cash cupiomers tor desirable
city and farm lands. List your property
with reliable people. Kellcy Herricic
WE iiUY all cars, rcgardlcas of condi
tion. Auto Salvage 34S Grant Ave.
Hemstitching, plcot edge, buttons, pink
ing and pleating. Second floor W. H.
right & Sons, Mrs H. Lcyman. 1163
TO salaried people without security, to
others on pianos, furniture, bonda, etc.
?17 Hudson Bldg. Phone 284. 219
MUNiii io loan on improves real cstat?.
Klly & Herrick. 779
waKted I
SMALL store room. Rent must he rea
sonable. Box J. care Standard-Examiner
UNFURNISHED five room house near
gTadc school Phone 14G0-W. 2979
FIVE or six room modem houso on
bench by September 1. Lease ono year.
Box M.. care Standwrd-Examlnor. 2873
SECOND hand goods bought and sold T
C. Iverson, 1640 Washington. Phone 49
p 2918
WE take your old range as first payment
on any new range, or will buy your old
range outright. Homo Fnrnlturo Co. (673
CARTON of glassware between Salt Lako
and Evunaton. Notify Randolph Postof-
fee. 293.1
LARGE pearl sunburst pin. Return to
704 Ecclea building. Phone 119G-W Re-
"'flrd. 2359
ONE pair dark trousers between Ogdcn
und Hermitage. Call R. B. B., phone 4
PLEASE return Waltham watch and 32nd
degree Masonic watch fob with owner's
full name on bar of fob; left In Pullman
Saturday on early morning train from Po
catello to Ogdcn Reward. George W
RIenks, 317 Eccles building, Ogdcn, Utah'
NEW Overland -wheel and tiro between
Salt Lake and Brlgham. Liberal reward
312 South Eighth West, Salt Lako Cltv
Phone- Waa. 4S14-M. 2S7v3
LARGE team of black horses, one has a
large cut on the front of hind leg. Strayed
from Layton. Notlty Albert Trco at Lay
ton. Utah, or E. T. Rice, 320 Thirty-first.
Ogdcn. 2863
LADY'S black patent leather purse con
taining currency, key, calling cards and
wedding ring. Reward. 225G Lincoln Ave
t ml
THREE frosh cows. Flvo coming fresh
soon. Will sell or trade for dry cows
Phone 1854. J. A. Lee. 2937
Mora than 100,000 motor curstnro
stolon annually In the United plates.
The newest kind of mechanical
milkmaid milks flvo cows at once.
i MiBjcejlajriou
DINING room set, two bedsteads and
springs, library table, china closet, chairs,
dresser, parlor table, electric washing ma
chine and other household goods, cheap
for cash. Phono 1200-J. 1185 Twcnty-sev-cnth
street. 3010
GOOD young- horso for sale. 240 West
Twentieth street. 3001
DRESSER, library table and davenctte.
like new. Room 1, over 336 Twenty-fifth
street. 3000
KITCHEN range, kitchen cabinet, uten
sils, book coses, couch and fruit Jaro. 2345
Monroe. 3002
GOOD bicycle, $16. Call between 5 and 6
P. m. 116 Twenty-third. 3005
SPECIAL prices on new and used gas
ranges and plates. Miller Fumlturo Store.
BEAUTIFUL buffet, china closet, daven
eUo and gas range, very reasonable 2668
Jefferson. 2927
RANGE for sale. 315 Thirtieth. 2398
I CHILD'S bed with mattress, almost new:
three hole oil stove with back and oven.
Call 3170-W. 2999
AUCTION of horses ond mulos Monday.
Junc 28. Ogdcn Horse Sale & Commission
Co. 2951
FURNITURE for three rooms cheap; par
ty can rent apartment. Inquire 2315 Lln
coln avenue. 2981
CANARY birds. 2220 Lincoln avenue.
EIGHT-drawer wooden cord file cabinet.
3X5. at Standard-Examiner. 2976
BRASS bed. sanitary couch, small gas
stove. 2331 Adams. Apartment 6. 2951
EXTRA largo round native cedar posts.
Wheelwright's Wood Yard. 2348 Hudson
avenue. 2944
TWO nnd one-half shares Weber-Davis
water stock. Price $300 per share. Phono
926 W. 2939
GRAND piano, seven months old, cost
$800. will sell for $700; costs $1100 now.
Will take Edison phonograph as part pay
ment. Call 3394 from 6 until 3. 203S
WICKER baby buggy, almost new. 2777
Pacific avcnuo. Phono 314Q.J. 2910
RUG. 3x12. In good condition. 3434 Wash
Ington. 2942
191S Harlcy Davidson motorcycle, elec
trically equipped. Will trade for Ford car
or sell for cash. 2539 Grant avenue.
FOUR hole Star Estate range. 210 Thlr
tlcth street Phone 3292.M. 2943
A FEW uncalled for suits, excellently
Dundee tailored. Low priced. Dundee
Woolen Mills, 2431 Hudson avenue.
IRON bed and springs, single mattress,
parlor stand, book shelves, old rug 9x12.
chairs. 2665 Monroe, 9 to 12 a. m. 2928
HOUSEHOLD fumlturo and automobile.
2345 Monroe. 290S
ONE boy's and two men's bicycles, good
as new; cheap. 3341 Chllds avenue.
RED and white cabbago cauliflower
plants. John Bush. 621 "West Twcnty-
first Phone GS4-J, 2905
MOTORCYCLE, Harlcy Davidson, good
condition, a bargain for cash If taken at
once. Cnll for demonstration at 2524
Washington avenue or phone 173. Ask for
Frank Madsen, " 2907
HOSE. tent, organ, tank, counter, blcyclo,
motorcycle, saddles, scales, pump, cage
Phone 333 2347
SANITARY couch, davenport style, with
mattress, almost new. Call 1703-J. 2S21
S FOOT counter candy case. 1003 Twenty.
fourth St. 2S25
3 GOOD milch cows. Comer Seventh St
and Lincoln Ave Phone 2573 W. 2S23
LARGE, fine refrigerator, practically new,
cheap Call Phone 2555-M. 2840b
FOX Terrier puppies. Phone 1148-J. Call
mornings. 2811
YOUNG White Leghorn pullets. Phone
1243. Western Grain Feed Co.. 2354
Washington avenue. 2130
NEWMAN'S pay tho highest prlco for
second hand furniture. Phone 638. 2343
Washington. 2202
FISH poles, 5c and up. 1640 Washington
CALL 82S for kindling wood. 2218
BOHN-SIPHON refrigerator. Whlto en
ameled 75 pounds capacity. Cost $100.
Will sell for $35. Mr. Fowler. Wright's
Basement. 2207
CHOICE tomato plants, ogg plants, pep
pers, cabbage anft cauliflower. At L. P.
Stone. 671 Twelfth street. 20S3
PIANOS nnd other musical Inunimcnts.
Terms without Interest. Pantonc. 2874
Hudson 903
UNCALLED for suits, tailor mado; hlg
reduction. Gordon's. 211-25 Twenty-fifth
St Phono -119. 3157
Buy your paint at Stowc's and save
money. 1800 Washington avenue. Phone
6S6-J, 13S
1917 Ford coupe. 1561 Twenty-fifth street.
FORD ton truck In good condition, cush
ion and pneumatic tires, cheap for cash,
2336 Washington avenue, 2984
SMALL touring car. good condition,
cheap. 565 Seventeenth street. 2985
j 131S Studebakcr two passenger, six cylin
der roadster. 2469 Van Buren. Phono
31S2 M 2919
FORD ton truck In good condition. Cush
ion and pneumatic tires. Cheap for cash
2336 Washington. 2912
SNAP One six cylinder car in excellent
shape Very cheap. Phone 577. 2886
FORD touring car for sale. 263S Adams
Avenue. 2838
REO touring, 5-passcnger; new battery;
good condition. Cheap. 4GS Twenty-second
Chalmers touring.
Ford touring
Studebaker touring.
Overland touring.
Cadillac touring.
Model N Hup. touring
Bulck touring.
Studebaker 1 ton truck,
Noah 2 ton truck,
2200 Washington Avenue
LIGHT Cadillac truck, 1911 Hudson.
Studebaker 1917. New Franklins, First
class auto Hhop. Barlow Brothers, 2166
Grant avenue. 959
Bulck light six roadster.
Bulck 4. five passenger.
Overland 85, flvo passenger.
Overland S3, flvo passenger.
All these cars are guaranteed to bo In
first class condition. Will sell at a bar
2G14 Washington Avcnuo
FOR SALE By owner, good family auto
cheap. Phone 1427 2378
JMaleHejp j
EXPERIENCED stenographer; young
man preferred. 521 Ecclea Bldg. 3012
EXPERIENCED farm hand. Young mar
rlcd man preferred, Stewart Eccles, Eden.
Utah. Phone 26-R-l. 2963
EXPERIENCED truck- driver. Ogdcn
Packing & Provision Co. Superintend
onU 29S0
THREE road men for checking commis
saries; must have grocers' experience.
Two men for shipping room, mu.it be re
liable and willing to work. No others
need apply. Thcso places must be filled
by Saturday. 26th. Apply GNN Supply
Company. 2345 Wall avenue. 2958
FIRST class bushclmau wanted at Wap
pier's. Twonty.fourth and Hudson. 2930
YOUNG man at American Linen Co., 164
Twenty-sixth street. 2923
YOUNG man to do general office work for
Iarg manufacturing concern. Address P
O. Pox 707, 2351
YOUNG man to clerk In news stand. Gniv
News Co,. Union depot. 2043
WRINGER man and linen checker. U. P
Laundry. 2613
FLYING in eight weeks. Y. M. C A
Auto jSchools, Los Angeles. 3353
i Male and Female
( CLERKS (men. women), 18 upward, for
postal mall service. $135 month. Exam
llnatlon July 14. Experience unnecessary
I For free particulars, write J. Leonard
i dormer civil service examiner), 837 Eqult
jable Bldg. Washington.
Female Help J
LADY clerk, 6 to 11:30 nights. Sullivan
Drug Co,
HOUSEKEEPER for a widower and
1 three chlldron. 10S5 Tventy-second street.
Phone 1369-M, I will answer calls on tho
24th 26th. 2Sth and 30th. 2876
EXPERIENCED stenographer for large
manufacturing concern. Address P. O.
Box 707, giving references and experience.
Information Borean j
ANYTHING A to Z new or old
bought, sold or tradd. Phono 333.
Bramwell Book' and Stationery. 23fi2
Washington Ave. Phone .160. 2053
Utah Natltcmnl Bank, southeast corner
Twenty-fourth nnd Washington. Phono 61.
F. Strupplck, carpenter and Jobber. 158
Twenty-third. Phone 1018. 2619
K. Van Kttmpcn for upholstering, car
petn cleaned, ultrred nnd laid. Remaking
of mattresses Phone 2752-.T.
Expert carpet cleaning, matfress reno
vating, upholstering, and sprlngn ro
ntretchfd. Cal E. J. Hampton Co.,
Fcathei renovating Phone 26S6-W.
Phone 133. 2258-60 Washington Ave.
Malsuba & Co.. leading Japanese res
taurant in Ogdcn. 273 24th St,
Dressmaking and silk shirts mado to
order. Phone 1035-M. 622 Thirtieth.
DRESSMAKING and silk shirts made to
order. Phone I03G-M. 622 Thirtieth St.
CHILDREN'S sewing. Phone 1440. 2646
Monroo Ave. 2S40
Tho New Method Dentists aro special
Is In al! branches of Dentistry. 246'J
Washington Avcn 220S j
Ogden Engraving Service Co . makers
of flno cuts In ono or more colors. 416
Trventy-fourth street. Phono 463.
Geo. D. Bcnnott. corporation and group
Insurance a spcclnlty. Phono 12 1 -W. 1514
Alex. H. Moycs, resident agent New York
Life Insurance Co., 442 Blnford avenue
I Phone 1467 and 1677-W. 28G7
Western Hide & Junk Co., 2323 Wash
ington Av . Phono 861.
Ogdcn I unk House, 3059 Washington
Ave. Phone 210
Paper honging, pointing, kAlsomlning,
paper cleaning. Reasonable. 3220 R.
Ogden Fixture and Mill Co. Screens,
doors, windows, sash, kitchen cabinet,
store and office fixtures. Roar 145 Twcnr
ty-fourth stroeL Phono 919-W. 2095
WlUard Kay. real estate Rnd loans
2474 Washington Ave. Phono 409. 1874
Garbage ar.d rubbish hauled, cesspools
ond tolleta cleaned. John Chlpp & Co.
Phono S28, 2348 Hudsoi. Avenue. &7.12
Trunk and bap repairing, round cor
ner from Standard Gallachers, T373 Hud
con. 211S
KALSOMINING and paper cleaning. Tel.
29-R-ll. W. Alvord. 3861 Adams. 2421
EXPERT window and wall paper clean
Ing, American Window Cleaning. Ph, ES3
Notice Is hereby given by tne board of
commissioners of Ogdcn City. Utah, of tho
Intention of said board of commissioners
to make the following described Improve
i ment. to-wlt: To crcato "F avenue be
tween Twenty-fourth street and the south
cltv limits of Ogdcn City, Utah, as a pav
ing district and to pave the roadway
therein with Portland cement concrete
pavement twenty feet In width, also to
build all culverts. Irrigation and drainage
systems, ond to construct private water
scrvico connections from the main to
the curb lino at tho expense of the Ind!
vldual owners opposite the lots or parts of
lots or houses not now supplied with such
connections. The above named work shall
Include the necessary grading therefor
and all other work necessary to complete
I the whole In a proper manner according
I to the plans, specifications and profiles on
, file In tho office of the city engineer, and
to defray the whole of tho cost and cx
rwnae of tho abuttor's portion thereof by
a levy of a special tax to be assessed
upon tho lots or pieces of ground within
the following described district, being tho
district to be affected or benefited by
such Improvement, namely. "All tho land
lying between the outer boundary lines
of sold street and a line drawn fifty feet
back from and parallel to said outer boun
dary lines on both sides of "F" avcnuo
between Twenty fourth street and the
south city limits of Ogden City. Utah, bo
ing Lots 1 to 12 inclusive. Block S. Brook
lyn addition; Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, Block
9, Brooklyn addition: Lots 1 to 12 In
clusive. Block 10, Brooklyn addition; "Lota
1 to 5 Inclusive. Block 11. Brooklyn addi
tion, Lots 1 to 3 Inclusive. Block 12,
Brooklyn addition; Lots 1, 2. 31 and 32.
Block 13. Brooklyn addition; Lots 1, 2, 31
and 32, Block 14. Brooklyn addition; Lota
I. 2. 31 and 32. Block 15, Brooklyn addi
tion; and Lot 12. Block 14, Wast Ogdcr.
addition, all In Ogden City survey.
The estimated cost of each water con
nection Is $50.00.
The estimated cost as given below docs
not Include tho cost of constructing pri
vate water service connections, which
costs are to be assessed against the prop
erty benefited In addition to the rogular
Tho total cost of said Improvement 13
estimated at fl2,9S0.
AH protests or objections to such Im
provement or to tho currying out of such
Intention must be presented In writing
signed by the owners of abutting property
describing tho same together with tho
number of abutting front foot and be filed
with tho city recorder on or beforo the
7th day of July, 1920.
The board of commissioners at Ita first
regular meeting thereafter, to-wlL tho Sth
day of July. 1920, will consider the pro
posed levy and hear and consider such
protests and objections' to said improve
ment as shall have becri made.
By order of the board of coramislson
era of Ogdon City. Utah.
Dated June 15, 1920.
City Recorder.
First publication Juno 16, 1920.
Lost publication July 6, 1920.
Published In tho Ogdcn Standard-Exam
Paving District No. 133.
Notice to Contractors:
Sealed bids "will be received by tho
Board of Trustees of the village of Soda
Sprlng3. Idaho, up to 8 o'clock p. m June
28. 1920, and then opened, for furnishing
material and labor for the constructing
of approximately ono and one-half miles of
eighteen inch wood pipe, including Ven
ture meter, valves and fittings, together
with concrete catchment basln3, founda
tions, otc.
Plans and specifications may be scon
at tho offlco of the clerk List of mate
rial furnished on application to the engi
neer. Tho board reserves the right to award
separate contracts for labor and for ma
terial or for any part thereof. It also
resorves the right to reject any and oil
bids, and to waive any lnformalties.
By order of the Board of Trustees,
Incd Norstrom, Clerk.
Dated at Soda Springs, Idaho, June 7,
In tho District Court of the Second Judi
cial District. In and for Weber County.
Stato of Utah.
Alfrctta Wright, Plaintiff, vs. Charles J.
Anderson, and the unknown hoirB, d-o-
vleecs. legatees and creditors of .said
I Charles J. Anderson: A J. M. Ander
son, and the unknown nclrs. devisees,
legatees and creditors of said A. J. M.
Anderson; Florence F. NcUon, and the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and
creditors of said Florence F. Nelson:
Anglo Shilling, and tho unknown heirs,
devisees, legatees and creditors of said
Angle Shilllns; Margaret Thompson
McQuarrle Merrill, the widow of Nell
McQuarric. and tho unknown heirs, de
visees, legatees and creditors of Nell
McQuarrle, Mary Boyle, the widow, and
Nettle Boyle Calnc. Mary Boyle Scow-1
croft, Clare Boyle. Lida L. Boyle and
P. Leonard Boyle, the sirvlvlng children
of John A. Boyle, deceased, and the un
known heirs, devisees, legatees and
creditors of said John A, Boyle, de
ceased; Anna Boyle, the surviving wife
nf Tir5n Wnvlt, rl-piisul- son of said
John A. Boyle, deceased, and the un
I known heirs, devisees, legatees and
I creditors of said Lorin Boyle, de
I ceased; Ada Boyle Gale, the widow, and
I Norman Boyle. Ivy Boyle Mosby. Har
vey Boyle, Ada R. Boylo Elgle, Ruth
Viola Boyle. Wlllard Snow Boyle and
John Allen Boyle, surviving children,
of Norman Boyle, a deceased son of 3ald
John A. Boyle, deccasod, and tho un
known helrc devisees, legatees and
creditors of said Norman Boyle, de
ceased: V. H. Ferrec. tho husband of
Rhea Boylo Ferrec, deceased, and tho
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and
creditors of said Rhea Boylo Ferree, a
deceased daughter of said Norman
Boyle, doccascd. Samuel Horrocks, Mar-
Saret Horrocks. Lowcry Leonard,
corgc E. Horrocks and Lcrov Hor
rocks, the surviving children of John
Honocks, deceased, and tho unknown
heirs, devisees, legatees and creditors
of said John Horrocks, deceased; and of
George E, Horrocks, a deceased son o.
said John Horrocks, deceased; Par
ley Moore, tho husnand. and Harold
Moore, Lillian Moore Jarvlnn, Dorothy
Brlggs. Eugene Moorer Glen Moore,
Cora Moore, Eva Taylor, Isabellc Moore
McGnlre, Vera Moore, and Violet Moore,
the surviving children of Elisabeth E.
Horrocks Moore, a deceased daughter of
John Horrocks. deceased, and the un
known hclr3, devisees, legatees and
creditors of said Ellzahoth E, Horrocks
Moore : Adam Patterson; John Doe and
Mary Roc, whoso othor and true names
are to plaintiff unknown, and any and
all other persons who have or claim to
have some estate or Interest In and to
all or any part of the property herein
after described. Defendants.
The State of Utah to Said Defendants:
You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of this
summons upon you, if served within
tho county In which thl3 action la
brought; otherwise, within thirty days
after service, and defend tho above en
titled action; and In case of your failuro
so to do. Judgment will be rendered
against you accoi-dlng to the demand of
tho complaint, which has been filed v.'lth
tho clerk of said courL
Thl3 action la brought to obtain a
Judgment and decree adjudging the plain
tiff to bo the owner and quieting her tltlo
against any and all claims of the defend
ants In and lo all of the following de
scribed real estate, to-wlti
A part of Lots Eleven (11), Thirty
six. (36) and Twenty-six (26), in Block
Ten (10) in South. Ogden survey of Og
dcn City Survey; Beginning at the inter
section of tho north line of Thirtieth
street nnd tho west line of Grant ave
nue In said Lot 26. and running thence
north along the west line of Grunt ave
nue 140"58 fceL more or less, to a point
which Is 1S1 96 feet south of the north lln
of eald Lot 11, thenco west 148.91 feet,
more or loss, to a point G.94. chains west
of the cast lino o said Lot 11. thence
south 140.58 feet, more or less, to
the north line of Thirtieth street,
thence cast along said north lino of
Thirtieth street to the place of begin
ning, s'luate In the southeast quarter of
Section 32, Township 6 North, Range 1
West, fait Lake Meridian, U. S. Survey,
In Weber Counry, State of Utah.
That the de'endants, whose names are
U plalnUff unknown, claim an lnt-iicst
In said j-remlscs as to tho owners there
of. anJ that thj same was derived by
convevur.ee or succession from the said
defendants, Charles? J. Anderson. A. J. M.
Anderson. Florence F. Nelson. Anglo
Shilling. Nell McQuarrle, deceased, John
A. Boyle, deceased. John Horrocks. de
ceased, or Adam Patterson
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P O Address: Suite 518 David Eccle3
Buliding. Ogden. Utah.
No 7212
In the District Court of the Second Judi
cial District, in and for Weber County,
State of Utah. , , .
Thomas Auld, Plaintiff, vs. Lamonto Dur
brpw. If not deceased, and If deceased,
his unknown heirs, devisees and cred
itors. Harry M. Durbrow, If not do
ceased, and If deceased, his unknown
heirs, devisees nnd creditors, Clara b.
Durbrow Brlggs. if not deceased, and If
deceased her unknown heirs, devisees
and creditors, and Georgo K. Durbrow,
If not deceased, and If deceased his un
known heirs, devisees and creditors, as
the surviving children of Hetty W. Dur
brow. deceased, and any unknown heirs,
nnd the devisees, legatees and creditors
of snld Hetty W. Durbrow, deceased;
Fanny E Durbrow, Louise W. Dur
brow, Ruthic T. Durbrow, John Doc and
Mary Roe, whose other and true names
arc to plaintiff unknown, and any and
all persons who have or claim to have
some estate or interest In and to all or
any part of the real property hereinaft
er described. Defendants.
The State of Utah to the Said Defend
ants: .
You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of this
summons upon you. if served within the
county In which this action Is brought;
otherwise within thirty days after serv
ice and defend the abovo entitled action;
and In case of your failure so to do. Judg
ment will bo rendered against you accord
ing to the demand of the complaint, which
has been filed with tiro clerk of said
This action is brought to obtain a
Judgment and docrco adjudging the plain
tiff to bo tho owner and quieting his ti
tle against any and ail claims of tho de
fendants In and to all of tho following
described real estate, to-wit:
A part of Lot Eight (S) Block Three
(3) Plat B of Ogdcn City Survey; begin
ning at a point 2 rod3 North of tho South
East comer of said Lot 8, running thence
West 132 feet, thenco North 50 feet,
thence East 132 feet, thenco South 50 feet
to the place of beginning, all sltuato in
Weber County, Utah.
That the defendants, whose names nro
to plaintiff unknown, claim an Interest In
said premises as the owners thereof, and
that tho same was derived by conveyance
or succession from tho said Hetty W.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P O Address; CIS Eccles Bldg., Ogdcn.
Utah. "
In tho District Court of Weber County,
State of Utah.
Nora Russcl. Plaintiff, vs. Lawrcnco S.
Russcl, Defendant.
The State of Utah to Said Defendant.
You arc hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after scrvico of this
allaB summons upon you, If served within
tho county in which this action la brought,
otherwise within thirty days after scrv
ico: and defend the above entitled action;
and In caso of your failure so to do. Judg
ment will be rendered against you accord
ing to tho demand of the complaint, which
haa been filed with tho clerk of said court.
This action Is brought to obtain a Judg
ment and dcarco dissolving tho bonds of
matrimony now nnd heretofore existing
between plaintiff and defendant.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
P. O Address: 314 Col. Hudson Build
ing. Ogdcn City. Weber County. Utah.
In the District Court of Weber County,
Stato of Utah.
Marie Smith. Plaintiff, vs. Frank Smith,
Tho State of Utah to Said Defendant.
You arc hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after so'rvlce of this
alias summons upon you, If served within
the county in which this action is brought,
otherwise within thirty days after serv
icer nnd defend the abovo entitled action;
and In case of vour failure so to do, Judg
ment will be rendered against you accord
ing to tho demand of the complaint, which
has been filed with the clerk of said
This action In brought to obtain a Judg
ment and decrco dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now and hcrotofore existing
between plaintiff and defendant,
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
P. O Addrcsa: 314 Col. Hudson Build
ing, Ogdcn City, "Wcbor County, Utah.
In tho Dlctrict Court of Weber County.
Stato. of Utah.
Maudo Potot. Plaintiff, V3. George M. Pe-
tet. Defendant.
The State of Utah to Said Dcfondant:
You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days aftor scrvico of this
summons upon you. If servod within the
county in which this action Is brought;
otherwise within thirty days otter service,
and defend the above entitled action: and
In case of your failure at to do. Judg
ment will bo rendered against you ac
cording to the demand of tho complaint,
which has been filed with the Clerk of
said Court.
This action Is brought to obtain a
Judgment of the court ulosolvlng the
bonds of matrimony now and hitherto ex
isting between you and the plaintiff, and
for the custody of tho minor child, and
for all such other relief us may be prop
er in said action.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
P. O. Address: Suito 605 Eccles Build
ing. Ogdon City. Utah.
In tho District Court of Weber County,
State of Utah.
C. V. Saltsgavor, Plaintiff, vs. Lllllo Salts-
gavcr. Defendant.
Tho State of Utah to Said Defendant;
You arc hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of tills
summons upon you. If servod within the
county In which this action is brought;
otherwlso within thirty days after serv
ice, and defend the abovo entitled action;
and In case of your failure so to do, Judg
ment will bo rendered against you accord
ing to the demand of the complnlnt, which
has been filed with the clerk of said court.
Tho above entitled action has been
commenced and Is being prosecuted for
the purpose of severing tno bonds of mat
rimony now and heretofore existing be
tween plaintiff and defcndanL
RIOTT, Plaintiff's Attorneys.
P. O, Address: Commercial National
Bank Bldg.. Ogden. Utah.
No. 700.
In the City Court of Ogdcn City. County
of Weber, State of Utah.
Merchants' Credit Bureau, Plaintiff, vs.
H. R. Prouty, doing business under the
name and stylo of Proutys Auto Hos
pital Company, Defendant.
The State of Utah to the Said Defend
ant: You are hereby summoned to appear
within ten days after service of this sum
mons upon you, if served within tho coun
ty in which this action Is brought; oth
erwise, within twenty days after this
service, and defend tho abovo entitled ac
tion; and In case of your failure r,o to do,
tho plaintiff In this action will apply to
tho court for the relief demanded In the
complaint of which a. copy Is hereto at
tached and herewith served upon you, and
will take Judgment against you for the
sum of ?213.83, with legal Interest there
on from February 29. 1920. together with
plaintiff's costs and disbursements herein,
for the recover)' of which Judgment thin
action Is brought.
Plaintiff's Attorney.
P. O Address: Eccles Building, Ogden,
Dated Ogdon Citv. Weber County, Utah,
this 27th day of May, 1920.
In the District Court of "Weber County,
Stato of Utah.
Mamie Steele. Plaintiff, vs. John Wesley
Steele. Defendant.
The State of Utah to Said Defendant?
You are hereby summoned to appear
within twenty days after service of this
alias summons upon you. If served with
in the county In which this action is
brought: otherwise within thirty days aft
er sorvlce, and defend the above entitled
action; and in case of your failuro so to
do. Judgment will bo rendered against
you according to the demand of the com
plaint, which has been filed with the
clerk of said court
This action Is brought to recover a
Judgment and decree dissolving, tho bonds
of matrimony now and hitherto existing
between plaintiff and defendant, and for
general relief.
Plaintiff's Attorneys.
P. O. Address: Suite 313 Col. Hudson
Building. Ocden City. Utah.
Consult County Clerk or xne Respec
tive Signers for Further
Eatate of Eldesta P Brown, Deceased.
Thxs petition of Efflc B. Spencer for
letters of administration of the cstato of
Eldesta P. Brown, deceased, in tho abovo
entitled matter, has been sot for hearing
before Hon. A, W. Agec, Judge, on Mon
dav. the 28th day of June. 1920. at two (2)
o'clock p. m., at the county court house.
In the court room of said court. In Og
don City, Weber County, Utah.
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 16th day of
June. 1920.
By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk.
Chez & Barker, Attorneys for PlalntlfL
Estate of MIna Mary Brownson. De
ceased. The petition of "William W. Brownson.
praying for tho Issuance to himself of
letters of administration, in the above en
titled matter, haj been set for hearing
beforo Hon. A. W. Agec, Judge, on Mon
day, the 2Sth day of June, 1920. at two
(2) o'clock p. m. at the County Court
House, In the court room of said court.
In Ogden City. Weber County, Utah.
Witness, tho clerk of said court, with
the seal thereof affixed, this 16th day of
June, 1920.
By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk
Arthur "Woolley, Attorney for Petitioner.
Estate of Emily Champncys, Deceased.
Tho petition of Rlllon Chnmpneys. for
letters of administration lo bo issued to E.
A. Loxkin, in the ab&vo entitled matter,
has been set for hearing beforo Hon. A. E.
Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the 28th day
of June, 1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. m. at
tho County Court House, In tho court
room of said court, In Ogdcn City, Wcbcr
County, Utah.
Witness, tho clerk of said court, with
, the seal theroof affixed, this 16th day of
' June. 1920.
By Agnes Smith, Deputy Clerk
T J Mnglnnis. Attorney for Petitioner.
Estate of William Drysdalo, Deceased.
The potltlon of Sarah Drysdalo, for Is
suancc of herself of letters of adminis
tration, In tho above entitled matter, has
been set for hearing beforo Hon. A. E.
Pratt. Judge, on Monday, the 28th day
of Juno. 1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. m
at the County Court House, In tho court
room of said court. In Ogdcn City, Weber
County, Utah.
Witness, the clerk of said court, with
tho seal thereof affixed, this 16th day of
June. 1920.
By Agnes Smith. Deputy "Clerk.
W. R. Skecn, Attorney for Petitioner,
Estate of Thomas Swaby and Asenath
Swaby. sometimes called Ascaneath
Swaby, Deceased,
The petition of E. S. Baggs. praying for
his appointment as administrator of the
above entitled estate. In tho above entit
led matter, has been set for hearing beforo
Hon A, E. Pratt. Judge, on Monday, tho
2Sth day of June. 1920. at ten (10) o'clock
h m , at the county court house, In the
court room of said court, in Ogden City,
Weber County, Utah.
Witness, tho clerk of said court, with
thfl seal thereof affixed, this ISth day of
June. 1920. WA1rER N FArr. Clerk.
Uy Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk,
A. G Horn, Attorney for Pctltloncr."
MEXICO CITY. June 26. :Luls Ca
brera, who was minister of finance In
tho cabinet of former President Car
ranza, Is reported to have reached
United States soli and to bo present
at Texas City, near Galveston.
Movements of Luis Cabrera slnco
the death of Vcnustlano Carranza have
been shrouded with considerable mys
tery. Cabrera is said to havo large
sums of money on deposit In New
York banking; houses and in Europe.
Tho whlto wolf of Greenland is
gradually dlsappoarlnsf.
Senator Watson of West Vir
ginia After Nomination for
President at S. F. j
Senator C. M. Watson and a party H
of 25 West Virginia delegates to tho H
Democratic convention at San Fran- H
Cisco were Ogden visitors for a short B
time last night. In the same train
I with the West Virginians v.' ere 50
delegates from Tennessee and 50 H
delegates from Minnesota. They en- H
tered Ogden and departed on a spe- H
According to W. L. Adair of West
Virginia Senator Watson is looked on H
ns the dark horse in the Democratic H
convention which will convene at jH
San Francisco next week. H
One hundred and twenty-five Mlchi-
gan delegates will arrive in Ogdcn to- H
day shortly after 3 o'clock. A spe- H
cial train consisting of five stand- , H
ards, one observation, one diner and
one baggage car is rushing thedele- H
gates to the const. With the arrival jH
of the Michigan delegation the rear jH
guard of the Democrats headed west- IH
ward through Ogden was closed. jH
Deaths and Funerals H
I STEPHENS Funeral services for
Ameriam Stephens, wife of Clinton H
Stephens will be held Monday at 1
o'clock at the Harrisvillc mating . 1
house. Bishop Roy Brown vill of
ficlate. The body may be viewed at
the homo Sunday and Mondaj until
the time of the services. JnteWnent
will bo made In the Ogden city
cemetery. Flowers may ho left at
Lindquist's until 11 o'clock Monday.
PETERSON Lelith Peterson, died
at 4 o'clock this morning at the H
home of her grandmother, Mrs.
Sophia Schade, in Huntsville after1 iH
three years' Illness of heart trouble.
She was born In Huntsville, January IH
IS, 1906, and was the daughter of
Lawrence and Elizabeth Schade Pe- tH
terson. She Is survived by her grand- r
mother, her father .and mother, one !
brother, Basil and one sister, Bernice
Peterson. The family have made their
home at both Provo and Huntsville.
Funeral services will be announced '!!
00 jm
men's hats, plain or adorned, are
necessities of life under the mean-
Ins of that term, as used in the
Lever act, Howard FIgg, special
assistant to the attorney-general,
ruled today. Mr. Flgg's ruling
was in reply to an Inquiry from
the national Retail Merchants' as-
soclatlon as to whether women's
hats come within the range of tho
act under which the department
of justico is authorized to prose-
cute for profiteering in nccessi-
WASHINGTON. June 26. After a H
thorough discussion, the Czecho-Slo- 1
vak national nssernbly has voted in 1
favor of the proposed plebiscite in the
Teschen district to determine wheJicr
that district shall be under CzeoTjot
Polish rule, according to offlclalnad-
vices received here today b?r. the ' .
Czecho-Slovak legation. yrnoa
NEW YORK. June 2C. The bat- HH
tleships Pennsylvania, Arizona, North
Dakota and Oklahoma of the Atlan-
tic fleet arrived hero today, having -
completed big gun practice off tht
Virginia capes.
After being paid off, it is under- Hl
stood the crews will bo given a lone i
shore leave. IH
00 HHi
NEW YORK. June 26. The brok.
en Halifax-Bermuda cable has been
repaired, restoring direct telegraphic
communication to Bermuda, Turk's Is-
land and the West Indies, the Com-
mercial Cable company announced
here today.
TOKIO. June 2-1. Three more sUu HH
dents havo been arrested for com-
pliclty in the sale of war maps, fox
which a law student named Seklzawa
and an alleged accomplice named Oy-
ama were taken Into custody yesterday
Copies of the maps are said to b
already In the possession of the Bol. i
WASINGTON. Juno 26. Bubonic
plague has appeared at Catania, ItiJy.
several cases having: been reported ol
which two proved fatal, the state de- IflH
partmcnt was advised today by tb.6 H
American consul thoro.
Notice la hereby frfven. that pursuant HH
to a resolution of the hoard of director HH
a special meeting of tho stockholders ol i
tho Hooper Susnr Company will ho hold HHI
at tho offlco of the company, In the Ma- HHI
sonic Temple hulldlng. In tho City of Op HHI
den, County of Weber and State of Utah HH
on Monday, the 12th day of Jul A. D HH
1020, at the hour of -i o'clock p. m.. foi HH
the purpose of considering nnd acting HHI
upon nnd confirming or rejoctlng' the ac HHI
tion of tho board of directors of the com- HHI
pnnv In having heretofore sold to Ernes! HHi
R. Woolloy tho plant and all of the prop- HHi
ortles. rights, nnd choses in action, of nv HHi
cry kind and description, for an nprped HHi
amount of the capital stocll of the Inter HHi
state Sugar Company, a Utnh corpora HH
Hon, nnd for tho transaction of such other HHI
business ns mar propcrlr come hefora HH
thu meeting, or on adjournment thereof HH
Dated. June 25. 1920. HH
JAMES H. RILEY, Secretary HHi
Date of first publication. Juna 2fi. I0'n H
Date of last publication, July 10, 1020. H
-- - ----JhhB

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