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11 THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMInA, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1920. 3 !IH I- TURK CAPITAL GETS MUCH Greeks Continue to Advance and Nationalist Depression Grows Accordingly SCHEME TO OVERTURN ' SOCIAL ORDER SEEN Assailants Repulsed When Barracks at Pisa Are Rushed . by Revolutionists l CONSTANTINOPLE, June 2S. (By The "Associated Press). Constantino-, J pic Is beginning to feel, the effects of the Greek advance. The Creek steam er Yactnthus lias arrived here, having on board slNty nationalist officers cap tured June 23, and Greek refugees are arriving from Black Sea ports and the interior villages between Ismtd and Constantinople. They report that the, Turkish are burning Creek villages, and shooting Greeks. According to the refugees this 13 out a forerunner of a general Moslem at- j tack upon tho Greeks, which is ex-1 pected when the news generally is cir culated through Anatolia of the Greek advance. . , I The Nationalists of Trcbizond pro-, vlnce have begun deportation ofj Greeks into the interior Intending Movement. Tho Greeks have landed forces along the Gulf of Saros, will land additional troops at Rodosto and soon will be gin their movement from Occidental into Oriental Thrace. The Turks arc being nvacuated from the shores of the Bosphorus to make m shipping safe from snipers, and it is SHI expected that a state of siege will be tbM declared at Constantinople to give tno I entente closer control of the civil pop ulation. Cabinet Frames Protest. The Turkish cabinet today framed! ' a protest to the entente against pre- mature occupation of Anatolia while J the treaty is pending. Apparently., however, tho entente holds that a state of war exists, as representatives, of the British and French high com-: missioners visited the Sublime Porte, and announced that they would begin 1 putting tlie treaty terms into cifec-i' promptly. , , , J Mustapha KemaJ Pasha, leader or, the Turkish nationalists, gave his an- proval to the reply of Turkey to the . allied peace treaty The reply abso- lutcly refuses to surrender Smyrna and Thrace to the Greeks. Depression Prevails. Depression prevails in Turkish cir cles over the news that the National-! ists fled in disorder in the first attack against them. The Turkish newspa-, pers do not conceal their fear that the situation is becoming grave owing to ( the reported heav losses of too Aa- tionallst bands in the Ismid region, where they are retiring. Great Rejoicriiur. There is great rejoicing among thej Greeks in Constantinople over the ad-: vance of the Greek army west of Ala Shehr a walled town, the ancient' name of which was Philadelphia. The, Greeks report the Turkish losses Jn ihe capture of Ala-Shehr as $.000 men' killed, wounded or captured. Greeks Iiud Men. j j LONDON, June 'JS. The Greeks j have landed a force at Pandemia on , the south coast of the Soa of Mar-' HB mora, according to a dispatch to Hie, rH Evening News today from Constant!-1 H nople. This forte is intended to op- crate southward against the Nallonal- WM ist forces of Mustapha Kemal Pasha northeast of Smyrna. II 1 FOREIGN BRIEFS I LONDON, June 2S. Two persons ire dead and eighty wounded as a ie- I ull of food riots Mi Hamburg, ue- 1 cording to a Central News dispatch I from Berlin. Many shops were plun-i 1 dercd. The dispatch says order has j I been restored. 1 VIENNA. June 2r. The Hungarian; I mlnlstrv has resigned, said, a tele-' I phone dispatch from Budapest, Count Albert Appony"!. former premier, is re ported head of a new coalition gov-' crnmeut. PRAGUE, June 2C. A serious clash T . occurred between German civilians and Czecho-Slovak troops, in which at least six were killed and many wound ed, at Jlhlava. Moravia, Inst Wcdnes dav. It was the outgrowth of intense i political feeling between the Germans , and native citizens. I GENOA, June 26 The intcrnallon- I al conference of acumen is deadlocked I temporarily over the question of hours I of labor. H WARSAW, June 27. Fierce fight-! N ' ing is proceeding along the entire Pol-i I lsh front and its Intensity is Incrcas- I Ing, says today's Polish communlca- I tion. I The Bolshevlkl, profiling by numerl- I cal superiority and groat masses of I cavalry, arc seeking declulvc results at I all costs, it Is stated. The Bolshevik I reverses in a number of areas arc an- I nounced. I SANTIAGO, Chile, June 26. Troops I were patrolling the streets hero to- I night to prevent possible clashes re- H suiting from excitement which attend - U od the election of a new Chilean pre3i- 1 dent. Rumors were current that a f general strike was about to bo called! I but thero was no confirmation. ' r LOGRONO, Spain. June 27. Prem- I - ler Dato has been requested by the I chamber of commerce and commer- I elal committees to take slops to pro- hlblt the exportation of cotton and I wool. It Is maintained that continued exportation might bring about higher I prices and cause trouble. BERNE. Switzerland, June 27. The Swiss government has decided to raise loan of from $20, 000,000 to ?30,000, 000 in the United States. The rate of interest is to bo from six to 3even per I cent, I I LISBON, June 27. Antonio Maria B da Silva ha3 formed a new cabinet to I replace the government of Ramos I Preto, which resigned June IS. I . I MEXICO CITY. June 27. General I Manuel Pelaez, who has been virtually I Independent ruler of the state of I Tamaullpas, today declared false ru- I mors that his forces were holding the I gulf petroleum district. These forces, I he said, were being disbanded in part 1 and the principal officers transferred. I General Pelaez said his relations t with the war department were cntlrc- i, ly amicablo and expressed belief that I '.no government probably would n- sign him to the Tamplco military If sector. II, ' Next to cotton, more pouls of jute 1 are manufactured each year than ofj any-other .Tiber.' I Bryan Determined To i Get Friends of Rum I In Open at Convention By WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN. Written exclusively for Universal Sery ! ice. Copyright 1920 by W. J. Bryan. SAN FRANCISO. June 27 When i jlhc convention opens it will be con j fronted by Issues which will for a cou j pie of days overshadow booms for can 'di.dates. The issue talked about most is the one involving the prohibition amendment and its enforcement by federal statute. The changes of atti tude by the representatives of the Knights" of Thipst have been kaleido scopic in number and variety, if not in speed. At first we had the cock surp opponents of prohibition led by Governor Edwards and heartily sec onded by Governor Smith. Governor I Edwards wanted to make his homo stale as "wet as the Atlantic ocean" and when Dame Fortune landed him in the executive chair he attempted to moisten all adjacent territory. He 'was3 o emboldened by his lucky strike I that he blossomed out into a candidate for president, and the brewers began j to beat their torn toms throughout ail the swampy sections of the country Governor Smith Joins. Then Governor Smith of New York in a burst of enthusiasm, denounced prohibition as worse than Prussianlsni i and a Democratic state convention j held in New York declared unalterable, if not unmutterable, opposition to the national amendment and pledged the' party to nullify by state statute any federal law enforcing it during the, ; as they hoped, short period that might elapse" between the date of the con vention and the nations' return to the saloons. The men who felt that the right to poison others with alcohol was the only inalienable right guar anteed by the constitution and the right to drink intoxicants tlie only kind or liberty represented by Colum bia, proceeded to tell tlie Democratic; party where to head in on the liquor) question. The wet propaganda received , copious encouragement from a number J of organizations In different parts ofj the country. Even the supreme court decision did not discourage them. They descended on the convention like an army with banners, foaming like a glass of beer and raging like strong drinks. While there Is some rivalry among those who aspire to lead 'this motley host, the Honorable James Nu gent of New Jersey will probably be given the distinction of being flag bearer, his fitness for the place having been attested by his closeness to tho New Jersey brewers and by the fact that he was one of the four Democrat ' members of the resolutions committee i in the St. Louis eomention of 191C who brought in a minority report against admtlting women, the implaca ble foes of the dram shop, to full citi zenship and suffrage. Two of his three compai riots on (hat occasion were an Indiana brewer and a governor of Tex as who has since been impeached. But the "Lights are out in the Capitol," so to speak: the advocates of wine and boor have come up against a stone wall. They have counted noses, regard less of color, and the.- find thai they cannot hepe to poll a majority, prob-1 ably not a third in favor of any wet j plank, no mailer how amb;guous ils terms mipht dp. Ni thins hn ing the odor uf tht vat crn hp' 10 receive! ihe approval of this convention. j They rre now uigg ng a second line: of trenches irom v. nidi they hope to Black Crime to Defeat Treaty, Keynote Says (Continued from page 1.) our immortal souls for selfish pur poses. . We do not turn our backs upon the history of the last three years. We seek no avenuo oi wstreat. We insist that the forward course Is the only righteous course. j Fruit of Victory. "We seek to re-establish the fruits of victory, to reinstate the gooit falih of our country and to restore it to Its rightful place among the nations of the earth. Our caus" constitutes a summons to duty. Tho heart of Ainerica stirs again. The ancient faith revives. The Immortal part of man speaks for us. The services of the past, j the sacrifices of war, the hop' of the I future, constitute a spiritual force gathering about our banners. We shall releaso again the checked Comes of civilization and America, shall take up once more the leadership of llrv world." Peace- Achievements. Peaeo achievements of the Dcmo-j cratlc party, ho assorted, "freo'lj the farmer from the deadening effectr of usurious financial control. Labor was given Its Magna Charta of liber-j ty. Business and finance were re-i leased from the thralldom of uncc.--! talntyand hazard." 1 "The Income tax law," he Bald, "re lieved our law of the reproach of being unjustly burdensome to tho poor. The extravagance and inequi ties of the tariff system were removed and a non-partisan tariff conimh-l slon created. P'an-Amerlcanlsm wa3 encouraged and the bread thu casii upon- Ihe waters came back to us many fold. Alaska was orJened toj commerce and development. Dollar diplomacy was destroyed. A corrupt lobby was driven from the national capltol. An 'effective Seaman's Act was adopted. The federal trade com mission was created. Child labor leg-, bflatlon was enacted. The larcel Pont' and the Rural Free Delivery were de veloped. A good roads bill and a rural credits act wer pare?d. A secretin' of labor was given a scat in the cab lnent of tho president. Right hour laws were adopted. Tho Clayton Amendment to the Sherman anti-trust acl was passed, freeing American la bor and taking It from tho lis' of com modities. The Smith-Lever bill for ihe Improvement of agricultural conditions was passed. A corrupt pracMccs act was adopted. A well considered ware house act was passed. Federal em ployment bureaus were created. Farm loan banks, postal savings banks and the federal reserve system w-ro cslao lished. Federal Reserve System. "The federal reserve system, passed over the opposition of tho leaders of tho Republican party, enabled Ameri ca to withstand IV10 strain of war with out shock or panic an 1 ultimately mndo our country the greatest credb tor nation of ihe world." Turning to the record of tho Repub lican congress since 101S. Mr. Cum mlngs said ll was "barren of achieve ment, shamelesM In waste of time and money and without parallel for Its In competencies, failures and vcpuoia tloha." . ' defend themselves against the attack of the drys who arc already crossing "no man's land." There are some in tho convention thore always are some In a political convention who dodge whenever any issue arises. They would amend the ten commandments If by so doing they could suppress a roll call, for be it remembered that it is impossible to bring a thousand men together without Including a few who "love darkness rather than light," for the old reason so clearly set forth in Holy Writ. Light is as wholesome in politics as it is sanitary. For this reason all legislative bodies provide for a roll call and no one who has ever been .a member of a legislative body needs to be told that the vote on roll call often differs materially from the viva voce vote. I have known a vote ; to adjourn to be carried overwhelm ingly by the voice and defeated over whelmingly on roll call. The dry rely upon the moral strength of their cause and the spirit of those who sent these delegates to the convention. The country is dry even when the men alone vote. It iB parched and bi own when women vote and it seems quite certain that about 20,000,000 of j women will sit in judgment upon the 'candidates presented by the various parties this year. As nearly all of these women can lead note the large percentage of girls In high schools the writing of plalforins becomes an important matter. A convention is made up for the most pnrt of people who have political ambition more or less clearly developed and the fear of the voter is the beginning of wisdom in popular government. Show Up Delegates. '11. maj be stated without fear or successful contradiction that tlie dele gates to ihfs convention will have an opportunity to vote for or against a dry piank. This v-ill give every state a chance to go on 'ecord. And, as ev 3r delegate has .tlie right to demand a pol. of his dele&alion, there 5s no rea son why any delote should lack an opportunity to make his vot- lnown to his constituents or allow a col league to 01 awl in under the brewpry tent without idei'Mfication. In o!hc-r words .those who want nn open plai ffrm '.pniy amved at will be accom modated iiud those who want to hide will act with full knowledge that their sin will lind lhem out. Bryan's Dry Plank. Telcgravc are inuring in from tem perance organizations and church bod ies; there are in sufficient number to 'ofist imluci'Cr of those wnose busmers ii has been for at leaf t tventy centuries n off- the earth to ihosr who will 'all down and worship the evil one. It is e-ijicted, of course, im possible to forecast the cxacl Iangua?i of th- or plank as it will . merge j from Ihe comuiitlci" on resohidon but I shall submit to the conven'ion for ihe consMeraMon ol the members ho following: t "We lnarMy o njjratulate the Demo craliG ;wiiy- on- il r-ple'ndid leadership in the .- remission and ratlficttion of he prohibiioh n.-.i ndment to ihe fi.-I-J oral c nsi'-'iticn '-d we pi i.e li e party irctiv t : 'orceniont of :liJ Volsiad :t. hor.'-r.'ly and i.; g od ; i'ai h. - tut any Ktrease In 'iie al coholic '.oMcnl of p'-nnilted b?v'mgeV and villi iu my Lining of oity oih j or of I ; iro isious." President Wilson's two appeals be-j fore congress for legislnlon dealing j with profiteering, reduction of taxa tion, .aid for soldiers on-1 law to lm- prove relations of capital and labor I wore Ignored, he declared, and "after a year of sterile dcbalf our co;:ntry has neither p&ace nor reconstruction." Attacks on Wilson. He dwelt pariicularlv on attacks made upon tho president. Malice: then followed him to the peace table, he said, and widespread propaganda made it Imperative when ho rolurned j from Paris to "make a struggle for that which had been won at incalcula ble cost. This meant wreck of health, sickness for months on a bed of pain; and worse, tho sickness of heart which comes from the knowledge that politi cal adversaries are savagely destroy ing not merely the work of men's hands, but tho world's hope of settled peace. This as the affliction this the crucifixion." Mr. Cummings continued that In one sense "it is quite Immaterial what people say about the president'. Noth ing we can say can add or detract from the fame that will flow down the unending channels of history." j He cited the Republican and Pro jgresslve platforms of 191C as part of the record placing this country in fa Ivor of the league of nations. I G. O. P. Platform Vogue. "The Ropubllan .platform contains 'a vague promise to establish another : or a differing form of association," he I said. "There Is no mental dishonesty 'more transparent than that which ex I presses fealty to tho league of nations 'while opposing the only leagile that I exists or is over apt to exist. "What nations stand outside? Revo lutionary Mexico. Bolshevik Russia, unspeakable Turkey and the United States. "It Is imt yet too late. Let us stand with the forces of civilization. Tho cholco Is plain. It Is between the Democratic party's support of the league of nations, with Its program of peace, disarmament and world fra ternity, and the Republican party's platfor m or repudiation, provincialism militarism and -world chaos " . 00 Wilson Picture Arouses I Crowd to Wild Scene 1 (Continued from page 1.) touch to the picture. A great gold decorated and high backed velvet arm chair placed near tho front of the stage accentuated the cathedral impression. It was explained that the chair was meant for the chairman, but it looked as though it had been built for a potentate. Delegates working for special causes they hope to have recognized In the party platform were busy early cir culating among delegates distributing literature. The leaflets and cards re lated to tho causo of Irish freodom and other questions which are being presented to the resolutions commit tee. The band swung Into a mcdloy of national airs and when it struck "Dixie" the southern delegates got their first chance to let oul tho rebel yell. They ctood on chairs and waved' their banners, boating time with the music. News' of the maneuvering still In progress among the platform, makers on the outside drifted Into the halli with tho ascmbling delegates. H was said that those expecting a hard fight from Bryan on the league of nations Plank would be agreeably disappoint ed, as Mr. Bryan had drafted a league plank which tho administration forces would accept and support. It was also, reported about the convention hall, much lo the relief of some of tne ad-i ministration leaders that Mr. Bryan would not make any fight for a plank j for government ownership of rail- roads. Taggart Arrives i When Tom Taggart arrived in tho ' space set apart lor the Indiana dele gation he got a reception from his own j crowd, -winding up with three chcera and a tiger. ' The Palmer men from Pennsylvania enlivened they roceedlngs between the band selections with a cnorua of songs. Some or tho attorney general's sup porters In another part of the hall re sponded with a roaring P-A-L-M-I3-K. Exactly at 12 o'clocK, the hour at I which the convention was called to convene the color guard of marines j detailed to take part in the opening 1 eremonlea lined up behind the chair man's table. Thero were two buglers,1 a color bearer and two sergeants armed with service rifles and their dress uniforms added another pretty touch of color. Colby Arrives at it: Most of the delegates knew for what purpose the devil dogs had taken I post, and their appearance did not. causo a stir. Balnbrldge Solby, secretary of state, the administration floor leader, ar-j rived promptly at noon and took his scat with the District of Columbia del-, cgatlon. The Palmer delegations seemed to be monopolizing the preliminary dem- onatrations. h.very few minuter a new song for Palmer would burst out from 501110 part of the hall where a group waved Palmer flags and pennants Then it would be answered from a Palmer group in some other corner Meanwhile the aisles were becoming crowded but there still were many empty scats. TlekcLs Arc Missing The galleries particularly nad whole tiers empty and it .- 3 said ihey were slow in ulling be'eause of the close in spection to wnlch all admissions were subjected. There wore reports of whole blocks of tickets having disap peared and tho convention officials were irymg to check up. A good solid table, which looked as though It would stand up undei a great deal of gavel punlsnmont hadl uecn provided for tho conention, chairman, and the little square en-' closure where it stood, jutting out from the front of the platform, looked for all the world like a boxing arena, fenced off with three inch ropes, tied In great frazzling knots at tho corners. ; At 20 mlnuies past 12, platforsu of- ficlals said the delay In starting the convention was due to the contusion around the doors. Chairman Cummings and other oC-, ficlals of the national committee were) in the committee's office back of the siase waiting for the door-keepers- to get the ticket situation stralgntoned. j When the band swung into "I Love j You California." the California dele-j gates and spectators let out a roar of applause and cheers. Just before 12:30 Vice Chairman Bruce Kreiner! ot the Democratic national committee got into position at the desk and made an attempt to call ihe convention to, order. Immediately the shrill, clear notes of the marines' bugle rang ouL . tnrough the hall, and the band and j organ together swung Into. "The Star Spangled 'Banner." A tremendous j ! American flag rolled up high to the celling wan unloosed and rolled down In back of the speaker's platform. The grent audienco Joined in the rolling throbbln noies of the national I anthem. . j . , Plc'lulf! of ."WIlMlll. Then as the slnglrig was concluded,; the flag was rolled un again, dlsclos-: Ing an Immense portrait of President1 Wilson. It was tne signal for an out-! burst of cheering and continued ap Iplause. the delegates standing on clialrs waving flags, shouting and ap- plaudlng. I Cheers, rebel yells and shouts cut I tho air of the big hall as the band whopped up "Hall to the Chler." When I a demonstration had been rolling along for five minutes. Vice Ohalr- man Kremer mado an- attempt toj ! bring the convention to order and go 'ahead with business, but the delegates I would have none of it. The applause! and cheers kept on coining In rolling waves and tho repeated rapping of the gavel was only answered with cries of "Sit down!" and "Hurrah for Wil son!" Noise Continues. Standards were puilcd up from the 1 places marking the delegations on the1 floor and the demonstrationists began j organizing a procession aobut the aisles such as always takes place in ai convention hall when a candidate Is! being placed In nomination. Mr. Kre mer rather rravo up the idea of get ting the convention in order while It wanted to demonstrate for Woodrow Wilson, so he smilingly stood at his desk and let the noVe go on. After a fow more minutes assisted by tho band, Kremer made another uttcmpt to quiet the tumult and got the con-' entlon going. He was only answered by more rolling choruses of shouts of "Hurrah for Wilson!" While thej demonstration was going on, tho gal leries sat In an Interested way, but took little part In It. The whooping, roaring delegates parading on the floor, however, drowned out the band at times. I Roosevelt Gets In Bad. Whllo tlie demonstration was at its height, Franklin D. Roosevelt, assist ant secretary of tho navy, picked up the standard of the New York delega tion and got into the Wilson parade. Other members of the delegation ob-j Jccted and there was a scramble. In 1 which a policeman took the part of the delegates who tried to stop Roose velt. There was a lively scramble for a moment in which Roosevelt won out and went off with tho standard, join ing the demonstration. Fists flew thick and fast for tho moment and It looked as if .oinobody was going to be- hurt. As it turned out no damage' was done. .More attempts at order and more car-smashing whackln of the gavel brought only more cheers. The dele gates evidently wanted to demonstrate for Wilson and did not Intend to be stopped until they had finished. At 12: -15 o'clock the demonstration began dying away find the vice chalr jman gave the orders to the scrgeants-jat-arms lo clear tho aisles. I Mr. Kremer finally succeeded In I making himself heard and Monslgnor j Ryan, vicar general of San Francisco, offered a prayer. SAN FRANCISCO. June 2S. An In novation for the opening of the Dem jocratlc national convention was tho silencing great gathering by a bugle call instead of the usual pounding with the gavel. A detachment of marines In front ot the platform wore to raise the national colors and present arrps while tho band played Tho Star Spangled Banner. The arrangement was made by Sec retary of tho Navy Daniels at the sug gestion of First Sergeant II. Horn bostcl, chief of the secretary's per sonal escort. SAN FRANCISCO, June 2S. Wil liam Jennings Bryan, under tho cover of a "wot und dry" contest, has opened a fight upon Senator Carter Glass of Virginia, itho administration choice for chairman of tho resolutlonn committee of lb- Democrat conven tion. He is striving to band all antl 'admlnlalralion forces together. Ii LORIN FARR PARK . I I I -TUESDAY, JUNE 29 ' . J 1 I OLD FOLKS' DAY I I Demonstrations Daily at Our Store Jsl 1 H SllfSW" LONG IN S. F.; I i Runyon Described Some of, ' Bay's Attractions to Delegates I By DAMON RUNYON. Written Kxclu.-hely tor Universal Sen Ice. ' I Copyright, 1020. by Universal Service. SAN FRANCISCO. June 27. Ono 'record has already been established by this Democratic convention anyway. Less standing around has been donoj I to dato than at any othqr polltlca' ; gathering in years past. . I In the first place it Is practically Impossible to stand around 'for any length of time, especially in the hotel I lobbies, because the congestion io so I great, lhatthe natural ebb and flow (keeps a man moving; -J . You pick out a nice spot to do a bit of standing around in, and almost 'immediately you are dislodged by the 'violent impact of some prominent gen tleman. This morning we are knocked loosp from throe separate and distinct moorings as follows: (a) From the cigar counter by Mr. Burleson, the postmaster general. (b) From the cashier's window by Mr. Ray Baker, the director of the mint. (c) From the soft drink bar by Riley Wilson, of Charleston. W. Va. Peeved at Uurlesuii. . Of the three collisions we resented jthat of Mr. Burleson most. We felt ithat It might have been due to Mr. Burleson's more or less well known animus towards newspapers, and that he sensed the fact that we have a newspaper connection. It Is easy enough to tell newspaper people around here. Dumber people !than Mr. Burleson find It easy. Every I person who Isn't a delegate is bound I lo be a newspaper party. In the second place, reverting back I to this paucity of standing around, thore are too many places to seo In San Francisco for anyone to waste time standing around. There are also things to seo. In fact the places break about even with the things. Much of tho glory of San Francisco may have departed, to hear the graybeards mumble It, but It Is still a great old town. Bill Irwin once I wrote a story about "The City That Was." He ought to be here today to (write about "The City That Is." Barbar.v Coast Dying. Chinatown has faded, and th,c Bar bary Coast is moce or less of a mem ory, but anyone who thinks that thero Is nothing doing in . San Francisco nowadays is. in the classic language of the "roaring forties," full of prunes. California prunes. Part of the convention evaporated today, although you could scarcely notice It from the hotel lobbies. They were jammed several ways from the Jack, but even so they lacked that full-iln-the-face expression of the day bc fore. and last night, j The delegates had taken their wives land gone out to tho benches, or across the bay, or down tho state. This is ono of the greatest bring-your-own-wlfc conventions that tho world has over seen. The ladles .-dd much to tho natural color, and beauty of the city. Tho assemblage is tak ing On tho ospect of a family affair, and naturally the women folks want lo see something of this part of the world of which they have heard so much. Tho weather has been delightful for the past few day3. It has been sunny. et cool enough for comfort. The delegates who have never been here before are so enthusiastic about San Francisco weather that vc would bo tlie last to reveal the secret which ev ery loyal son of the Golden Gate Is carrying locked in his bosom. However, if these delegates keep on Inquiring: "Where's that fog, and wind. I heard you had here at this time of year?"; if they persist In that qery to the ex tent that Ihey make it appear as a reproach that they haven't had the advertised weather condiments, why. then San Francisco is apt to produce something to that effect before tho week is out. For your San Franciscan Is nothing if not hospitable. He strives to please. Ho has been pouring out sunshine with bountiful hand, feeling that Is what tho delegates want, but. If Ihey are dead set on fog and wind, he will see that they hnve fog and wind, and may bo a dash of rain or two. no JIJDGI? IS DliXI) GRAND RAPIDS, Mich, June 2$. Judgs R. M. Montgomery, for tho last ten years of the United States court of customs appeals, and for twenty years previously a justice of tha state supreme court, died suddenly hoije to day, aged 71 years. - SEE THE DELEGATE AND HIS BADGES ) By "Bugs" Bacr Copyright. 1920. by Universal Service. SAN FRANCISCO. June 27. This convention is booked solid for this week with matinee on Saturday, In stead of having visiting days Tuesday and Thursday like any other sanitar ium. After the political mountain has la bored and brought forth a candidate tlie delegates will dlsentregate and, sneak back to tho enveloping sha''owsi of home cooklngx There will ensue. !our more lean, starving badgcless years of( existence. A delegate without his; badges Is an awful thing. j Rob the peacock of his tall, strip J the Smith brothers of thoir whiskers, j swindle Woodrow Wilson of his dally veto, but don't touch a hair on one of these delegates badges. Like the crown Jewels of the czars, they speak, glories of the Democratic past, the anxiety of the present and the hopc- j les3iiess of the future. Yea bo. i The convention opens deadlocked. The league Of nations is dead and-the wine cellar Is locked. If that ain't a deadlock, then Solomon was a bache lor. In an extra pink edition, the Pollco Gazette has come out strongly against Lew Dockstader. so it looks as If the Democratic leaders will have to pick a candidate out of Pantages circuit. The Hagerstown almanac Is non partisan, but In an Impassioned ap peal to four taxlcab drivers, the editor of Sears, Roebuck catalogue steps out for Nicky Arnsteln for secretary of treasury. This naturally tics up the tableaux vlvant like a sore toe. In case, tho j Hawaiian delegates try to stampede I the works towards a ukulele player. the Sears Roebuck catalogue will con j cede nothing, claim everything and de i mand a recount. This is one cata logue that Is abso on the up and up and totally unsubaldlzed. With the millions of installment inhabitants in back of It. they can sure make the leaders walk pretty. It looks from tho nickel seats, as If the paper bathing suiit and the barbed wire sox will go to a compromise can- jdldate. With Bryan,-Wilson and Bill Lyons, the pie-eyed piper, all tangled I up In a private quarrel In public, there is no way out but by the compromise route. A compromise candidate Is a guy you don't like but you accept him. f. o. b. convention, because you know the other guys don't Ilka him either. What could be fairer? That's the way the works stand now with everybody cutting out paper kew. pies and watching he other party like a bartender piking a hokey inching over toward tho free lunch counter. The Issue rests on Bill Bryan's open j ing chorus. Bill s a linguist- who speaks from all corners of the mouth and If he happens to accidentally say I something sensible, there ain't no say 1 Ing what will happen. j He may grab another nomination for his trophy room and use the ant ' lers for a bookmark. Farmer Killed and Four Men Wounded DUBLIN. Ga , June 2711. E. Jenkins wealthy farmer r.nd former mnyor of Cadweil, twenty miles from here .is hilled and four other men were wound led in a pistol duel between members of rival political factions Saturday (night, according to reports received tin I day. The wounded include Hiram Mul-, 11ns, mayor of Cadweil, and c. C. Cad-, well , a farmer, neither of whom are, expected to llvo Residents of the town said the con troversy started scn.e ycar ngo o r the location o the railroad station. SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 2S. Ser-j vlco men among convention delegates today perfected plaus for obtaining the endorsement of the Democratic, party for bonus legislation. Klclmed Seelyo Jones, chairman of. the Washington stato dologatlon: Major Bennett Clark of Missouri,' son of Representative Chump Clark; Col- oncl Barry of Tennessee and E. W. Robertson of Spokane. AVash., worq ao- lecLcd to appear before the rcsolu-i i lions committee. V SlOSLL 1 Vice President Says He Will Do H Anything to Aid Demo- H cratic Party H SAN FRANCISCO. Juno 27. Tho . 'Indiana delegation has decided to pre- 'sent Vice President Marshall's name to the convention for president. Mr. I Marshall in a speech told the lioosicr j delegates they had his consent, al- IH though he did not wish to make tho i fight, even with assurances of noml I nation, but desired to aid stale and IH national Democracy. ! Me. Marshall said: i "I have told Senator Taggart and jH Governor Ralston and told them j truthfully, that I had no desire to bo . nominated for tho presidency; that my one political desire was to restore Indiana to tho Democratic column; ; that I was not sufficiently conversant with the situation in Indiana to know what would best aid In bringing about that result. 1 said if Governor Ral ston desired tho nomination for vice president I would gladly go down the line for him. Then I said if it would help the Democratic cause in Indiana I tho delegates had my permission to I vote for me in convention for prcsl- i dent. "I repeat that statement to you. I ' honestly do not want lo make tho fight, even though I could be noml- H nated. but I do desire to do all I can for the Democracy of Indiana. I do not. however, propose to -bo .charged with bad faith In having secretly ! sought the nomination. You are free I to do as you please, with this one pro I vlso. that you arc doing it for the good H , of tho party In Indiana and not for IH ! mopcrsonally, nor at my solicitation." The Indiana delegation placed the IH ! vice president on the committee on IH resolutions. He is preparing a plat form declaration In favor of ratlflca tion of the Versailles treaty, including 1 the league covenant, without modiflca- IH , lions, but with the proviso that if, IH ' after a fair trial of the agreement it IH I should prove to bo detrimental to jH j American interests and rights this country should demand amendments I or withdraw. He takes tho position ! ; that ll cannot bo determined In ad- 'aM 'vance what, if any. provisions of tho' covenant will Impair American rights IH and that the only practical test Is a IH trial of the agreement by actually put ting it into operation. ,H .TODAY l Marion Davies in "April Folly" and "Petticoats and Pants" MAR I ON DA VI ES in. COSMOPOLITAN production, f APRIL FOLLY PARAMOUNT A3TCRAFT PICTUR5 COMING THURSDAY TO SATURDAY ll Robert Warwick in "Thou Art tlu Man." 10c and 20c jH