Newspaper Page Text
H 8 E ,9!9pm ,5JADKPxMlNERi Jny, JUNE 28 T92- H ' For Subscription and Advertising Department, Call Phone No. 56. B RANDOM I 1 REFERENCES mWM Bail Forfeited Jack Wallace, arrest el yesterday for speeding, failed to ap pear before Uie city court this morn ing. His ball, amounting to ?5, was kw declared forfeited. ' Phone 502 for messenger. t : ' Motorists Speedinq Complaint that 1 motorists are exceeding the speed laws Hl in traveling through North Ogden to V tne extent that iheir recklessness is endangering lives, -was made by J. H. H ; Brown of North Ogden, who appeared 7 ' before the board of county commis- H--, sioners. The board announced they I would place extra officers along the H j North Ogden pavement in an endcav- Hp- orto apprehend the guilty motorists. i Back From School Dick Graves, l! son of Fire Chief George Graves, has returned from a year's work at Hj Stanford University. Sailors Here Twenty sailors were Ogden visitors today en route to the naval training station at Chicago where they will complete a course in radio prior to going aboard Uncle f Sam's battleships. The "gobs" arc all i recruits and have' just completed four Hjjjj months of training at the Mare Island Hi training station, at San Francisco. Chief Walter N. Spiro was in charge of , the soldiers of the sea. ! i Por Sale Three-room house, barn, muM chickens and chicken coop. 3939 Wn3h. UmW 3011 Elks Dance Elks of Ogden will r give their third dance at the Lorin ; Farr park Thursday evening at 9 fl , i o'clock. Lillian Thatcher orchestra ; will furnish the music. At this time, Hi ' each Elk may invite one couple, not Hfc ' Undergoes Operation Mrs. P. J. H"i Lammers, Jr., who recently under- Hh went an operation at the Dee Mem Hj i orial hospital has been taken to her home at 1156 Capitol avenue. Mrs. Lammers is improving rapidly. FOR SALE Cottage in Ogden ean yon, phone 1625 or 360. 2973 H Leave for East Mrs. G. S. Watklns flB; and her daughter, Georgia, accompa- MH nied by Mrs. Watklns' mother,' left gj Saturday for the east. They will visit Hff 'J Chicago, New York City and Ontario,! HP Canada. They expect to be gone for MfM two months, and will visit friends and K'j relatives. Hl ! Money to loan, Kelly & Hcrrick. New Realty Company Articles of mWm ( incorporation for . the Commercial , mWM i Trust & Realty company were filed ' today in. the county clerk's office. The mWm statement sets fortn that the company 1 J will engage in the sale, mortgage and ' mWa lease of real estate and loan funds. Hl The capital stock is listed at $30,000, divided into 1000 shares at par value kW of ?30 a share. The stockholders, as contained in the statement, are Pat ' rick Healy, R. A. Moyes, D. A. Smith, H Adam Patterson and A. G. Fell. M. Ogden Typewriter House lor- type- H, j writers and repairs, .1422 Hudson Ate. H ; hone 236. Fail to Appear T. A. Hamlin and Alice Bertha Leonard, arrested last j H j j week by the Ogden police at the insti gation of governmeni authorities, 1 failed to appear before the city court H ' this morning to answer to a charge of HI 1 improper conduct. Their bail, amount- HL : ing to $25 each, was declared forfeited H ) by Judge R. Roberts. H Headquarters for berry cases, cups, HI k fruit boxes and baskets. Grout's Grain H 1 Store, 332 Twenty-fourth street. 2911 H ' Decree of Adoption A decree for HI I the adoption of Hejen Dorothy Rack ham, Joseph Rackham and Jack Rack- H 1 ham, minors, by Joseph J. Bell and i HI j Anna F. Bell, was issued today in the HI i district court. Mr. and Mrs. Bell are! j grandparents of the children. I Electric Wiring and Repairing. Call H Phone 7S7. 2905 I ' . ' . : I Girls From San Diego j Going to Yellowstone; 9 Fifteen young women in hiking at- f& trrc were Ogden visitors for a short d time today en route to Yellowstone A national park, where they will spend B1 six weeks at pleasure. The. young women are all members of the junior. i tlass of the San Diego high school I andare accompanied by Miss Francis I A ilford, in charge of education for I h Is at the school. I on I Seeks Divorce on Non-support Grounds Charging that her husband has re-1 fused to support her and one child since February. 1917, Sallie Favoret Moore today filed suit for divorce in the district court against Thomas Glenn Moore. Mrs. Moore alleges her husband has compelled her to work for her maintenance and asks dissolu tion of the marriage ties. She stated iu her complaint she is financially able to support herself and doe3 not ask alimony. The couple were married December 6, 1913, in Canada. IFOCH TO UN VEIL K. C. STATUE OF LAFAYETTE (By International News Service.) j BOSON. Announcement that the Knights of Coluiribus statue of Lafay j j ette, to be presented to France by the j order, will he unveiled by Marshal j y Foch at Metz in August is made. The 0 statue is the work, of Paul W. Bart 1 i lett, noted American sculptor, of Bos-ton. University of Idaho Expert Says He Has Proof Farmers Are Not Profiteers BOISE, Idaho, June 2S. Proof thnt farhiers are not profiteers is contained in a study of data collected last winter from 200 Irrigated farms in Twin Falls countv. show that, after tho farmer had received Interest on his In vestment, the average of labor earn ings on these farms for the year was $SDS. On the fifty-six farms that specialized in wheat, the farmers lacked nine cents a bushol of receiv ing a reasonable wage for their labor. These Interpretations of the figures are made by C. C. Taylor, farm man agement demonstrator of tho Univer sity of Idaho extension division. The statistics were collected by Byron Hunter, farm management investigator of the university, In co-operation with the federal offico of farm manage ment. I Eighty-acre farms were the most profitable, -Mr. Taylor's analysis showed. Wheat was most profitable on the largest farms, and unprofitable on the small ones. The cost of pro ducing wheat averaged S 1 .92 a bushol. "Some very valuable information concerning farm profits has just been obtained by the farm management de partment of the University of Idaho through the tabluation of data collect ed last winter from 200 irrigated farms in Twin Falls county," says a sUu. mcnt by Mr. Taj'lor. "The data und conclusions will be published in bul letin form as soon as possible, but meanwhile the Twin Falls county farm bureau will endeavor to have this information presented to the farmers of the county through a series of community meetings while tho fig ures are still new. This will probably be brought about during the coming month. Figures Accurate 'The figures, which arc scientifical ly accurate, as applied to irrigated farms near Twin Falls in 1919, show that the farms about eighty acres in size arc the most profitable in the area. There were three groups small er In size which made smaller profits and one group larger than eighty acres which made smaller profits, on the average. "Farm profits are measured by la bor earr.ngs. being the net amount remaining tor the farmer's labor after deducting all expenses and 7 per cent interest on his investment. Jt in cludes the products contributed by the tarin toward the living of the tanner's family. On the average, the labor earn ings of these 'JUO typical farms was $8'jS. The farms about eighty acres i in size made $1350 while the farms about forty acres in size averaged "The above -information is suffi cient uuiuul of certain statements pub lished In our larger cities Implying that the farmers are a party to the profiteering which became so preval ent. As lurther evidence, the data trom filty-six larms which specializeai in wheat showed that the total cost of producing wheat average $1.92 per busnel. The basic price which tnose farmers received was S1.S3. or 9 cents less than the actual cost. In oilier words, these farmers lacked S cents per bushel of receiving a reasonable wage foi- their labor. Wule Difference "A detailed stuoy or these wheat cost figures showed a wide difference on individual farms, ranging from kss than 51.20 to over $3. GO per bushel. Most of the wheat was produced at from ?1.40 to $2.20 per bushel. Draw ing a line at the 91.53 cost, included only -13 per cent or the wheat farmers and iv i)Oi' cent of the production. Experience has shown" that, normall, irom SO per cent to 90 per cenc ot the production of any product must be at a profit or else production will decrease. Such a limit ia known as the "bulk line cost," and in this case the line Is found to be a.t ?2.20 per j bushel to include SO per cent of the production and at $2. SO per bush-l to include 90 per cent. The pice of $l.S3 received Mast year was onsidcr ably below' either one of these figures. The farmers' on the largejt iarms grew wheat at the lowest cose, aver aging $J.fc'4 per bushel, w'hilo It cost tiie rarmers on the smallest farms an average og $2. S3 per bushel. Fig ured on tne acre batir. the average cost were StJ7 and S'J'l, respectively. As would be expected, this was reflect ed in the farm profits of the whole two hundred farms. Tho farmers on small farms oi about forty ac-oa who nad as much a3 4 0 pnr cent of their crop, land in wheat made" only S247 .rhlle those with le-ss wheat awr.igcd ?4 70. Bui on the farms over eighty acres in size those specializing in wheat made $1612 whiln those with less wheat averaged only ?4J0. Evi dently the men on the small farms, had better let the big farmers g:ow wheat. Facts on Wheat Farms "As a rule, tho farmers who went to the greatest expense in order to receive- the highest yields produced wheat at the lowest cost per buHhel. , The wheat tarms with the lowest yield per acre only expended $62 per acre but the coSt per bushel was $2.16, On the other hand, the wheat farms with the highest yield spent $83 per acre and produced their crop .for $1.76 per bushel. Apparently tho addition al expense was Justified. "The potato growers, although they sold at a comparatively low price last fall, were by far the most profitable group in the area surveyed. The farmers who planted potatoes, even though, only to a limited extent, aver aged $1357 labor earnings, while those without a potato patch averaged onlv 5628. "Beets did not turn out so well last year. They averaged only 9.2 tons per acre and ihe price was only $10 per ton. It I3 evident that gross receipts of $92 per aero from a crop requiring as high an expense as the beet crop does could not result In a verv grati fying profit. The labor earnings of tho farmers who planted sugar boets averaged $630 whilo those without any beet3 averages $100i. "Crop yields had a decided influ ence on farm profits. Those with yields as awhole above averago made $1285 labor earnings while those with yields below average made only $480 on the average "The average yield of potatoes was 137 hundredweight per aero; wheat, 38 buahel; barley, 4 0 bushels; alfalfa, 3.9 tons; cloVer, 1.1 tons; red clover Boed, 286 pounds; alslke clover seed, 318 pounds; beans, 1122 pounds; and sugar beet3, 9.2 tons por aero, "With thin wealth of Information at hand, tho farm management demon strator ahould bo able to render a sorvlce, not only to tho farmers of Twin Falls county, but to farmers In all irrigated districts of southern Idaho." JAP SHIPBUILDING GltOWS. TOKIO. Of all lndiiHtrles in Janan, r.hipbulldlng mad0 tho greatest prog ress durlnc tho war, reports tho de partment of agriculture and com morco, Bofore tho war Japan ranked Blxth among the powers In the num ber of vessels. Lust year she ranked in third plaoo after the United States and Great Britain, ' Funds to Finance Reclamation of Great Sections Wanted ' by Democrats SAN FRANCISCO. June 28. Crea tion by tho federal-go ernmcnt of large revolving funds to finance rec lamation of arid, swamp and cut-over forest lands is urged In proposed Dem ocratic platform planks upon which delegations from far western states and ' territories will pass tomorrow. Drafts of these proposals, made to night by a committee from Pacific coast and Rocky mountain states, Alaska, Hawaii and the Philippine Isl ands, outline an ambitious plan for fed eral assistance in developing hydro electric power and impounding flood waters. The western delegates also will ask thnt 'Alaska and Hawaii be represent ed in congress by a senator and two representatives. It was suggested that the farm loan act bo extended and modified to meet the needs of the west. All moneys advanced by the federal government for the various projocts eventually would bo returned, accord ing to plans put forward. Former service men would be given preference in settlement ( of reclaimed lands. Federal aid for education and crea tion of a federal department of educa tion, the committeemen said, will be urged because of the acute situation in the west they said would be reme died thereby. -oo BRIGHAM SOCIETY , o (Special Correspondent.) BRIGHAM, June 2 7. Dosoret camp of the Daughters of Mie Pioneer? held an opening social Friday evening in tho Fourth jynrd amusement hall in order to reorganize the camp. All pioneers and descendants of pioneers were present for the occasion.- The hall was beautifully decorated with a profusion of red roses. After the preliminary opening. Mr.-j. Jane E. Compton presented eavli of the new officers to the guests. An address of welcome was given bv Mrs. Julius Wright, followed by a pioneer song by Mrs. Martha Ensign. . Mrs. Eliza beth Wright enterriini'-.l with a step dance, and Mrs. M. J. Lund gave a solo.- Miss Lenora Romeo gave a talk on "Why 1 Had Xever Married.' while Mrs. Lottie M. Simonseh told "How Her Husband Proposed." Songs wore rendered by Mrs. Josephine Whittaker and Mrs. Callie L. Kofold. A few remarks wer given by Mrs. Josephine Olson and a piano selection by Mrs. Earl Wright. A dainty tray luncheon was served by the new offi cers with Mrs. Josephine Olson act ing as chairman. About forty-eight persons werp present. Vistors from the Central camp included Mrs. Tane E. Compton. Mrs. J. H. Forsgren. Mrs. N. C. Simonsen and Mrs. Brigham Wright. Miss Edna Graves was guest of honor at a shower given by Mrs. H. D. Sheffield Tuesday evening. A color scheme of pink and white was carried out in the decorations: pink and white flowers and pink Japanese lanterns making a pleasing effect. Many beautiful presents were recolved by the guest of honor, and a dainty luncheon was served. The guests pres ent numbered thirty-five. Tho marriage of Miss Grace Card of Brlngham and Maiben Can d land of Chester. Utah, took place Wednesday in the Salt Lake temple. After the ceremony the young couple returned to Brigham city, where a reception was given them at the home of the bride. Summer flowers -were used as decorations and the evening was spent In games and music. Refresh ments were served by Mrs, William Smith and Miss Helen Card. About fiftepn guests were present. Mr. and Mrs Candland expect to leave today for Chester, where they will 'make their home. Friday ovening Miss Ruthi Hovsley and Mrs. Lee Wright entertained at a parcel shower at the nomc of Miss Hovsley In honor of Miss Delores Roes. a bride of tho present week. Red roses were used as decorations in the living room and the dining table held as a centerpiece large bowl of pur ple pansies. Musical selections woro rendered by Miss Ruth White of Salt Lake City and Miss Delores Rocs. Many beautiful presents were received by the honored guest after which a dainty luncheon was served by the hostesses. Those present numbered thirty-five. Mrs. Jos. P. Rurt entertained a num ber of friends Thursday evening in cele bration of her sixty-first birthday an niversary. Red and white roses "vore usod as decorations In the Uvlrrg room and also as a centerpiece for the din ing table. At 6:30 an elaborate en dinner was served, after which the evening was spent in music and social chat. Those present $crc: Messrs: and M.esdames Joseph P. liurt, D. P. Burt, Leslie Reeder, Joseph L. i:eedor, D. W. 13urt, Jared Forsgren, J. N. Anderson, Je3Se Knudson, F. A. Vin cent; Mesdames Mary Wight, Bessie Wight. E. S. Burt, Gean Jones, Sarah Ann Kelly, Manerva. Burt. Jack Mun sey: Miss Hazel Burt, Mr. Jos. W. Burt and Mr. Ezra Burt. Birthday greetings were expressed by all and many beautiful gifts were given Mrs. Bui;t by those present. Prior io the departure of the guests ice cream and cake was sorvod. Mrs. Burt was as slste'd In entertaining by Mrs. Jared Forsgren, Mrs. J. X. Anderson and Miss Hazel Burt. The monthly meeting of tho Clvc Improvement club was held In the form of a social Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. O. Knudson During the short business meeting. Mrs. W. A. Colt gave a report of the "Fine Tea" and the following new members werp accepted by the club: Mrs. J. j E. Ryan, Mrs. Anton Jensen, Miss Florence Jones, Miss Maud Forsgren and Miss Grace Forsgren. Several piano selections were rendered by Miss Vera Preston- Tho remainder, of the afternoon was spent in social enjoyment. A dainty two course luncheon was served by the following committee: Miss Nadine Dunn, Miss Hope Fishburn, Miss Rao Knudson, Mrs. J. W. Peters, Mrs. W .O. Knud son and Mrs. Jos. A. West. Guests of the club were Airs E. A. Stranquist, Mrs. W. W. Knudson, Mrs. J. Floyd Knudson, Mrs. LeRoy Shelby, Mrs. .Jack Bowrlng, Miss Cecelia Bott, Miss ir.. ti ' atj i r vciii ricpiuji, iua viicu uoremus, Mrs. Genetha Minoguo and Mrs. J. Edward Taylor club members preaont numbered forty-four. Wednesday afternoon Mm. W. Le Roy Smith entertained at hor home on lHt Baet In honor of her Bister, Mlaa Moll Homor of Salt La'-.o City. Luncheon was served from small ta bles upon tho arrival of tho gueste. A centerpleco of red roses formed tho decoration for each table. The hostess was assisted In serving by her nieces. Misses Karlno and Rosetta Wldlsoo of Salt Lake City. Following the lunch eon tho remainder of tho afternoon waa spent on the lawn, where the guests enjoyed needlework and nodal ohat, hoah present werei Miss Mell Homor, Miss Olivo Jensen; Mendames W. J. Love. W, L. Hoist, Shirley C, "orHley, Euslane K. Harmon, J, W, Peters, George M. Fiser, Frank Hol man, LeRoy B. Young. F. C. Hultqulst, J. Johansen, James Knudson, Abel S. Rich and R. T. Wlllcy. Saturday evening Judge and Mrs, J. D. Call entertained at a welcome home party in honor of thctr son. Justin B. Call, and his young bride, who were recently married. The evening war spent In social activities. Mrs. Justin Call and Miss Crystal Joppson ren dered several piano selections. Miss Florence Jones gave a solo ,and Mr. Warren Knudson entertained the guests With clever stories. A dainty tray luncheon was served at tho close of the evening. Those present num bered sixty-five. The Fourth ward Relief Society en tertained Monday aftcrnon in honor of Mrs. Martha Ensign, who cxppcts to leave for Logan in the near futuro to make her home. Roses were used as decorations and during the affer non the following program was ren dered: Reading, Mrs. Jos. Watklns; solo, Mrs. Martha Ensign; reading, Mrs. John Baird; and solos. Miss Jos ephine Olson, Mrs. O. G. Bargeron, Mrs. Albert Chaston and Mrs. Bowen. Mrs. Ensign was presented with a beautiful crystal banket filled with roses as a gift of appreciation from her fellow workers. Miss Edna Graves of this city was married in the Salt Lake temple' Wed nesday to Oral R. Mathias, also of this city. Miss Graves 1b the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. L Graves, and has been employed for some time with tho Stohl Furniture Co., where sho has made many friends. Mr. Mathias 1b the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. 73. Mathias and at present Is employed with tho Utah Power and Light company at Wheelon, where the young couple ex pect to make their home. Miss Dolores Roes, of this city, and James L. Bush of Ogden, were mar ried Wednesday in the Salt Lake tem ple. Mlsa Rees is tho daughter of Mr. , and Mrs. D. L. Rees. and has been employed as a teacher in our public school during the past year. Mr. Bush is a prominent young man of Ogden. They will make their home in Junction city. Thursday evening Mrs. William Sor ensen entertained at a farewell party prior to her departure Sunday for Idaho Falls, where she will make her home. Miss Evelyn Sorenson gave several piano selections and a pleasant Informal evening was' spent. Lunch eon was served In the dining room. Those present were: Mesdames Maud Dredges John Mathias, Lana Thomp son, Lyle Richardson, J. R. Evans and E. P. Horsley; Misses. Sarah Mathias, Laura Mathias. Trieste Box, Nellie Jensen, Mable Harris, Ada Johnson and Evelyn Sorenson. A family dinner was held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Georre May in honor of their daughter, Alice, whose marriage to Wallace W. Johnson of Salt Lake City takes place today In the Salt Lake temple. Covers wcro laid for thirty seven guests. Wednesday, in the Salt Lake tcmplp Miss Florence Larson of this city as married to Mr. Frederick R. Jones of Malad. Miss Larson Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Larson, and is wel known in this community. Mr. Jones is a resident of Malad. They 'ill leave for that city Sunday to mi'tu their home. nn Olympic Candidates in Ogden Next Week Fortv-two candidates for the Ulym-fv pic team from the west will be (Jgden visitors next week en route to the finals at Harvard stadium, according to information given out at the rail road offices todny. The nien will travel in two special cars alul are ex pected to bring home the bacon. The party will include Robert S. Weaver, president of the Southern Pa cific association of the A. A. U.; Coach Walter Christie of the University of California, together with the following noted stars; Marchant, who was high point man at the meet last Saturday; Kirksey. of the Olympic club, sprinter; Charlie Paddock, who copped both sprints; Williams, who took aplace in each sprint; Haymond, Ogden A. A. star; Richards, Ogden A. A.; Larson, Ogden A. A.; Templeton, Stanford; Sprott. University of California, Splan, Oregon, miler; Ted Johnson and Hun ter, distance stars, and several others. They' will be met at the Union sta tion by local athletic followers and shown the sights before departing for the east. oo Duke Kahasiomoka May Swim in Ogden Arrangements are now being com-j pletcd by representath es of a local swimming resort to have Duke Kahan omoka of Honolulu compete in a num ber of exhibition swimming contests heio during the fore part of July. Kahanomoka is regarddd as one of the world's greatest water dogs and is the holder of several world's recordB. He shattered a world record at San Fran cisco in the 100-meter swim yesterday when he paddled over the distance Mn 1 minute and 1-5 seconds, breaking the former record held by Norman Ross. The duke is regarded as one of the best bets for the American team to the Olympic swimming gumes and if arrangements are completed local funs will have an opportunity of see ing one of the world's greatest swim ming stars perform. Other noted swimmers from the west will accom pany him here If he is booked for Ogden. oo Semi-pro Slugger Joins Ogden Team Charlie Kaefer, fornerly a star flrst sacker in tho old Unfon association, but still able to cavort around the diamond with considerable pepper has been signed to hold down the far cor ner for the Ogden club of the Wasatch leaguo. Kaefor is one of the best semi-pro players in the state and plays all cor ners of the diamond to perfection. He is a eluggor of the Cobb variety. While in tho Union association and tho old state league ho waa one of tho lead ing sluggers. His acquisition adds considerable strength to tho Ogden club. Saturday afternoon tho Ogdonltes cross bats with tho Bountiful aggie gatlon in what should be a fast contest. DO SECURE YAXIUuE 'PHONES. BUE.N'OS AIRES. Tho automatlo telephone will bo lntroducod in Buo nos Aires in 1922 under a contract signed botwoon tho city authorities and an Amorlcan conoorn which has agreed to Install th ayatom. Tho olty already poBBtfaaea two telephone sys tems operated in the ordinary way, but there is a shortage of tolephone Instruments. Concerns ' establishing now bliHlneeaoa here havo had groat difficulty in obtaining thorn and some have been obliged to forego them. Many peraans have profited by sur rendering their apparatus to others at a high price, A . . The Japaneao are not great mea eatora, ' Veteran Utah Runner Elimin ates Rival From Olympic Finals The old adage "youth will be serv ed" was dealt a death blow at Pasa dena last Saturday in the 10, 000-moter run in the western trials for the Am erican Olympic team. Robert Martin, western distance champion, and rated as one of the winners In the event, mot defeat at the hands of another Utahn, Ted Johnson, former western cham pion, In a raco which, according to the dope sheet, was a record-breaker. One year ngo this month Martin and Johnson clashed for the first time In the annual Llttletpn-to-Denver mar athon and Interest was at a high pitch. Johnson was the champion and Mar tin was endeavoring to stage a come back after more than five years of rest from the track. The result was that Martin won hands down, Johnson finishing second. In the winning Martin also sot a new record for the course, shattering Johnson's old record. Johnson, how ever, ran seven miles of the distance with cramps and 'duo to that fact lost tho race. At ibs meet Saturday the two run ners, Johnson a veteran of fourteen years, running and Martin, still a youth, clasped hands. Martin at that time held four victories over the vet eran Johnson, Johnson always grab bing second place. The story was re versed, however, in the trials, John son easily winning from Martin and : qualifying for the western team. He ran under the colors of the Los Ange les Athletic club, while Martin repre sented the Salt Lake Elks. In the race Martin finished a poor fiftli with Johnson third, finishing Inches behind the second place win ner. Johnson will be remembered as the star that finished second in the Armis tice day games in the six-mile run here last fall. His one ambition before he discards the "unles" was to defeat the cham pion Martin. With it accomplished a nil with the Olympic games 'nearing an end, Johnson will, in all probabil ity, say adieu to the track game. to I CENSUS REPORT WASHINGTON', Jun 2S. Walla Walla. Wash.. 15,500. decrease, 3. SCI, or 19.9 per cent. ' Oklahoma City, Okla.. 91.25S; in crease, 27.053, or -V2.1 per cent. State of Delaware. 223,003; increase, 20,tiSl. or 1 0.2 per cent. Newcastle county, Delaware, includ ing Wilmington. 11S.239; increase, 25,- ,051, or 20.3 per cent. SENATOR HARDING ATTENDS CHURCH RARITAX, X. J.. June 27. Sena tor Harding. Republican presidential nominee, today enjoyed. his first day of rest since he was nominated two weeks ago. He is at the country home of his frlei d and colleague, Senator J. R. Frelinghuysen. , Fatigued after several months hard work in the senate, Interspersed with a strenuous pre-conventlon campaign and numerous conferences since ho was nominated. Senator Harding has given up all political work during his stay here and Is devoting most of his time to relaxation. The senator and Mrs. Harding attended the Third Dutcli reformed church, a small quaint, colonial type structure on tho main street of the village of Rarltan today. Senator Frelinghuysen's father was one of the founders of the church, which was built in 1S51, and Senator Frelinghuysen himself Is an elder there. ' Apparently but few persons In town were aware of the presence of their distinguished visitor. There was no departure from hc usual church service. An American flag at the right of the pulpit was the only decoration. The Rev. J. A. Lumley, the pastor, chose for his text the Tenth chapter of Romans, first verse. "Brethren, My Heart's Desire and Prayer to God for Israel Is, That they Might Be Saved." ou Greeks Fight; One in Hospital; Other in Jail Nick Panos, alleged to have cut Andrew Steffas In a fight yesterday morning, will 1 appear before the city court tomorrow on a misde meanor hacgre. Steffas is at the hospital recover ing from sundry bruises and a se vere gash In his left forearm. Panos, it is claimed, reported that Steffas had been gambling. Tho re port was made to the police. Steffas is said to havo appeared several times before the city court on a gambling charge. . Sunday morning, Steffas and Panos met and a fight j ensued. Both men battered each other considerably and Panos finally drew a knife, with which he at tacked Steffas, says the police. He claims that he drew the knife in self defense, having failed to pro tect himself against the onslaught of Steffas. ou Paulson vs. Chambers' Case Is Continued The case of A. J. Paulson against Fred W. Chambers, which was sched uled to opon this week in the district court was continued this morning un til tho next court term. Mr. Paulson, as plaintiff, asks division of profits and a complcto statement of business alleged to havo boon transacted dur ing an alleged partnership between himaclf and Mr. Chambers. In hla answer to tho complaint Mr. Chambers sots forth that during tho spring of 1918 Mr. PaulBon and him self wore selling stock and assisting oach other With sales with tho under standing there should be a division of profits. Ho alleges that on November 13, 1D1S, the ugreoment was dissolved and a settloment was mado In which Mr, Paulson waa given funds. Mr. Cham bers further alleges that ho overpaid Mr. Paulson $350 and still holds an automobile which waa formerly owned 1y tho plaintiff and defendant. General Trend of Market Downward; Activity In creases Slightly The demand for mining stocks this morning on the Salt La'ko Stock & Mining Exchange was very light, al though It was a little more active than it has been for the past few days. The general trend of the market was slightly downward, it being moat no ticeable In Columbus Rexall and Sells, the former opening at -17 cents and selling as low ag -lu cents, it closing with only 45 cents bid for It, while the latter opened at Svi cents and sold off rapidly to G c.onta, It closing with only j5 cents bid and 10 cents asked. Tlntlc Standard sold ns low as $2.921,-f:, It closing with $2.90 bid and 32.95 asked. This slock was ex-dlvldend this morn ing. Alta Consolidated sold as low as 00, Eureka Lily brought .$7. Col umbus Rexall sold off to A5, Howell went at .05, New Qulncy was active at .05, Emma Sliver changed hands at .07. Prince Consolidated waa prac tically the only Htotk on tho board Ito show any strength whatever, it opening at 3 5 cents and selling as high as 37 cents, it closing strong with 363 cents bid, Silver King Consolidat ed changed hands nt $1.40 and $1.422 and Walker Mining changed hands at $3.05. (Quotations furnished over private wiro of J. A. Jloglc & Co., Ecclcs Bui kilns.) Bid Ask Alta Con $ .00V6 $ .00 Albion 06 .07V2 American Con 01 .02 Alta Tunnel .05 0G Beavor Copper 00 V: .01 Big Hill 04 .06 Bullion 03 .04 Black Metals 05l,2 .OS Columbus Rexall .45 .46 Crown Point .' .04 .07 Colorado Con 04 .07 Central Eureka 01 .01'. Cardiff . . 1.30 1.40 Daly West 4.00 5.0U East Crown Point 02 .02 East Tin. Coal 0194 ... East Tin. Con 05 .07?; Eureka Mines .Cj 04V .05 Eureka Lily 07 'A .08 Eureka Bullion . . .-. . .OS'A .09 Emma Silver .07- .07Vt Empire Mines . ..... .04 ... Gold Chain .0 6 .10 Grand Central ,53 Howell- .05 05 U Iron Blossom .26 ,30 Iron King 22 ... Judge Mining 3 . 50 4 .26 Keystone "L5 .S6 Leonora .OOv't .02 Lehi Tintic OS .OS1- May Day 01 .02 Miller. Hljl .02 Michigan-Utah . .... .QSY2 .04 North Stan .03 New Quincy . ....... ".04 .05 Uhio Copper ,. ... .35 Opohongo "... , .'00 .01 Nail Driver .. ....... .64 .70 Plutus ,v 2S Pripco Con , .36 .37 Provo . .. .04 .04 1'alonia .03 Rico Argentine 01 .03 Rico Wellington . . . . .10 .20 Sells ; . . . .05 .10 Silver King Coal'h. .. 1.35 1.45 Silver KingjCon. . , . . 1.40 1.45 Sioux Com 7. .-. .-.';.;. ;d3 .05 South llecia Vr:w.-.";- Di"- 1 . 00 South Standard .12 .17 Silver Shield .311,- .33 Tar Baby 03 .O lVi Tintic Central OlVs .02 Tintic Standard ..... 2.30 2.05 Utah Cons. . . . -.01 Victor '.. Q2V: .03 Union Chief 05 .07 West Toledo . .04 .OS Walker 3.05 Z.QlYz Wood lawn .' .' .10 Yankee 02. .03 Zuma 17 .IS Empire Copper 30 '.50 Opening Sale's. Alta Con., 3.SO0 at lc. Columbus Rexall, 200 at 46c, 200 at 4 7c, 1,200 nt 46V-C. East Tintic Coal., 4,000 at 2c. Howell. 3,000 at 5c. Iron Blossom, 400 at 30c, seller 10 days. May Day, 2,000 at 2c. Eureka Mines, 2,000 at 5c, 500 at oy,c. , imma Oliver, l.uoo at 7c. Prince Con.. 500 at SSc, 2,300 at 3CJ2c. 1,300 at 36c. Sells, 2,000 at SUc, 2,000 at Sc, 1,000 at "(Vzc. Tintic Standard, 100 at ?2.95, 400 at $2.921,A. 9 j Zuma, 500 at 17c. i i Closing Sales. Alta Con., 1,000 at lc, 2,100 at c Eureka Lily. 250 at 7c, 1,000 at "Wa. oouuiiuua 1-i.eaii, iuu at -itc, jou at 450. East Crown Point. 1.000 it 214c New Quincy. 5,000 at 5c. Plutus, 100 at 27c, 400 at 2Sc. Prince Con., 2,400 at 37c. Sells. 1,000 at Sc, 500 at 6c. Silver Shield, 500 at 32Yc. South Standard 500 at 15c Walker Mining, 900 at 53.05. OGDEN LIVESTOCK MARKET."" Cattle Receipts, 4 6S, choice heavy steers, $10. 00) 11.50; good steers, ?9.0010.00; fair steers, $7.50S.50; choice feeder steers, $7.00 (8. 50; choice cows and heifers, $S 509.50; fair to good cows and heifers, ?7.00 S.00; cutters, 54.50 6,00; canners, ?3.00054.00; choice feeder cows, $5.60 6.50; fat bulls, $5.005 25; bologna bulls, $4.00(5)5.00; veal calveB, ?10.00 512.00. Hog Receipts, 91; choice fat hogs, 175 to 250 pounds, $14.16 14.90; bylk of sales, $14.40(g14.65; feeders, $10.00 11.00. Shoop Receipts, 193; choice lambs, $12.0013.00; wethers, $9.0010.00; fat ewes, $7.00 7.50; feeder lambs, $10.00611.00. ' Arrivals H. Mecham, Soda Springs, Idaho, carload of hogs; Sim Tullett, Roberts, Idaho, carload of lambB; Union Land & Cattlo company, Doeth, Nevada, three cars calves; Calton Murnan, Hollister, Calif., eleven cars cattle. -ou CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. ' CHICAGO, Juno 2ST. Cattle Re ceipts, 20,000; beef steers opened I slow; bulk early sales, steady; $17.00 paid for yearlings and heavy steers; cowa, cutters and handy butchers bulls, steady, bolognas, 25 cents low er; veal calves, 25 to 50c lower; stock ora and feoders, steady to strong. Hogs Receipts. 40.000; mostly 10 to 25c higher; better grades active, others slow; top, $16.30; bulk light $15.9016.25; bulk, 2-50 "pounds and over, $14.40 15.90; pigs, 25c higher. Shoop Receipts, 15,000; lambs, steady; yearlings and shoop. steady to higher. WALL STREET. NEW YORK, Juno 28. Develop ments over tho week end, especially tho poor showing of tho federal ro uorvo banks and tho railroad labor situation. Invited ronewed selling of leading 1b3uob at tho opening of to day'g stock market. Several of the prominent Industrial, rails and spe cialties roacted ono to ono and a half points, Dlntlnat pressure was shown by Crucible and Schloss-Shofflold Chancellor of Mew Government Outlines Program to Reich- stag Members BERLIN, June 2S Chancellor Kon slant Fehrenbach, head of the new' German government, read In the rcichs'tag todny the declaration of. the government's program. "Germany, having accepted tho treaty of Versailles, cannot so long as the country's former enemies do not consent to modifications, do other H than mako every effort to execute tho engagements taken insofar as that Is H possible," ho said. jM Referring to tho anniversary of tho M signing of the treo.ty of Versailles the - vw' -HUH chancellor continued: "Germany must also fulfill the I measures of disarmament and devote H herself to the work of reparations H loyally and unreservedly. jV "If Germany has not fulfilled liter- Sf ally al the clauses of the .treaty it is jm due not to bad faith but to clrcum- H stances stronger than our good faith, H among which is the deep distrust which continues toward Germany H among our adversaries. It will bo the duty of this government, with the proofs in hand, to show the Spa con- i jHj ferenco all that Germany has already j SEL done to fulfill Its obligations under the J Versailles treaty." jv! TENNESSEE WILL CALL I W SUFFRAGE SESSION NASHVILLE. Tonn., June 2$. The ! i legislature will be called to meet Aug- i 1 ust 9 to consider the federal suffrage ,- It I amendment, it was stated todav at t i I the capitol. ( I nn l M CONVENTION WEATHER. I M SAN FRANCISCO, June 2S. Con- , I vention week opened in San Francisco fl with overcast skies and temperature of ' . N fl 56 degrees, which mount ;d to over 60 .when the convention was called to H order. H The clouds cleared during the morn- H ing and a mild, perfect day greeted H the convention throngs. H no "MODERN" WOVEN DREAD JB OBJECT, SAYS PRELATE tiH (By International News Service.) 'VH TOLEDO. The so-called "moden,, 0 woman with advanced ideas was H scored by Mgr. J. T OX'ouncll when I he addressed the graduating class fl of St. Ursula's Academy here. I " 'Woman was a poser when she H was Eve," he declared, "and she is a H poser when she is Fanny Hurst, more " HI concerned about what she wants than H what she is, ready to run in the wake H of her additional betrayers. We havo ' II but to scan shamefacedly woman's II amusements, iter ventures and her II associations to know what frivolity, II vanity and unworthy trust have made II her not a being to be revered, but. H an object of contemptuous dread." VI ALASKA AROUSED BY Ml "RED MENACE" TALK " II (By International News Service ) l SEWARD. Alaska. Considerable l ill-feeling has bceu aroused inVvarl-r H ous parts of Alaska over the rc- ill marks of Governor Thomas Kiggs, II Jr., concerning an alleged red men- ill ace in Alaska. Newspapers here and HI in other Alaskan towns are venting IH their disapproval editorially while . Hfl others have come to his support. H The objectionable statements are H said to have been uttered by liiggs II during a tour through the United States. "There are not a dozen II Bolshevik reds in all south-eastern II Alaska," a Juneau district writer rc- CI i -" Vl -MUCH BAD MOSKY. MM BUDAPEST. The government an- P I nounces that the illegal monjy is- ' sued by the Bela Kuhn (Communist) i givernment amounted to 3.719,000.000 I crowns. steels, Baldwin Locomotive, Illinois Am Central and Barrett company fl Trading during the morning estals lislied a new record for dullness. Thi I first hour's business of about 65 00 II shares was attended by further reac- r H Hons in steels, equipments, oils and III specialties comprising tho chemical J group, which fell one to two points under Saturday's ciobinrr nrlrnc t-v,0o. losses were extended -efore noon, 17 B when Motors and Ralls participated in H the further reaction. Call monev ! opened at 9 per cent. ( ' Itepresontative oils and equipments H led another rally at midday, the shorts covering when call money failed- to H rise above Its Initial rate. BUTTER AND EGGS. I CI11CAL.O. Juna 2S. Butter, high- H or; creamery. 4356c. ' Eggs, steady: receipts. 14. -no mh,c- 1 firsts. 3Sfc39fcc; ordinary firs 36c; at mark, cases Included, 37 3Sc; storage packed extras, 4lV-c- H jstorago packed firsts, 40-11 'ic. MM GRAIN MAKKJ3T. MM CHICAGO, June 2S. Opening quotations, which ranged Tro 1,1 lc higher, with July $1-75 to 1 77 1 September $1.70 to 1.70 w-erl V lollowed by moderate further ga?ns H and then a decided reaction. Altel MM opening tol cent higher, including 1 September at-S7Vi to 87 oat??f still more before beginning to react H Provisions reflected the strength of 1 grain and hogs. , , sin or JH SUGAR. 5 IIH NEW YORK, Juno 28 Raw suirar IIH ' nominal; centrifugal, 18.31- ref in --H , 8tady; fine granulated, 22.00 jffi JM CHT?!SLV,G QUOTATIONS. CHICAGO, June 28 Close: 1.27i?JU,y' 1'77: Septemher, j Portjulv VJ:f tem,,or' 8S' " m f urK juij, 33, 6o; SeDtcmhpf en Lard-July. 20.42 SejteSber 1? JHH Ribs-July, 18.00; September, .lo! mA ha?" 2.7?' G Wlleat-.. 2 3 ShUaTr No. jH Ryc No- 2.14 V2 25 IIH 5iar,C& Ca3h 1--51".53. ' ll I mothy seed. 10.00 12 00 Hll Clover seed. 25.00 35.00 IIH Pork, nominal. JallH Lard, 20.22. ailill Hlbs, 1 7.25 18.25. 'iHH , nvr, IfOO.V SILVEfn. ' H LONDO.N, June 2H p BHBl Per ounce. '.MoSoy per iSSr?d ilH count rates, short bills fit! ent D,R- IIIH three months bill,, U-lsVreS?11