Newspaper Page Text
THE OGDEN STANDARD-EXAMINER, WEDNESDAY. IUNE 30, 1920. 13 FOR SALE IHf Real Estate HpV THK GUARANTY" MORTGAGE CO. H A -110 Twenty-fourth St. Phono 2S0-L'S1 1 S3 150 New five room modern bungalow. 1 Cement basement. Beat of hath fix M Hi rep. To be finished in two week a. 1 lAK-nfd In north part of (own. Lot H 50x150. $S00 ensh. Balance terms S H per crnl Interest. H 30D Five room modern bungalow. Mill j cement basement. Double laundry j tubs. Buill In features. In excellent j condition, located close In on bench. H Terms. j Don't fail to see us In regnrd to scv- H eral new bun pa lows we have no v.- In f course of ronriruetion. 1 TUB GUARANTY MORTGAGE CO M lie Twen'.y-iourth St. Phones 2S0-2S1 H 30i6 H BY OWNER Four room house furnished. B fruit, berries, garden, hip lot. 512 Twelfth t street. $2800. 1000 or more- Call 1801 4 or write 029 Klrkbam atrcct. Oakland Hj CaJL 313, H CONTINENTAL BUILDING. LOAN & 1 INVESTMENT CO. H 4 Ll Twenty-fourth Street Phone-So) 1 We havo picked out from our llrtincs 1 the following .special bargains in homes H for quick sale- You cannot afford to over j look these if you wlih to buy. H J5250 New five room pressed brick. ' M strictly modern, bin lot. pood location on I u' bench; 51700 and $35 monthly Including, IM interest. . $1900 Five room modern good repair, best location in the city. 51000 down. $2400 Five room house, bit; lot on Art- j oms. $400 down. 530 monthly. Don't miss j this one. I 51600 Four room frame on Jefferson; a nice home for the money. 5100 cash and 525 monthly. , r 1 CONTINENTAL BUILDING. LOA & INVESTMENT CO. 411 Twenty-fourth Street Phone 3o3 Ogdcn. Utah 31J0 BY OWNER Five room modern furnljOi ed cottage, near union dopol Phone 26 4 rfffm 21 ACRES Pleasant View, al planted to l grain, water right, small house: will ex Hk ehange for good automobile as part paj- 140 acres good pasture nloso to Ogdcn. 20 acres can be made good farm nn,nnU: now paying good income: at 100 per rjcre. This place is a good buy. 40 acrea improved farm, planted to ai fAlfa. peas. potatoes, otc, S acres pasture, excellent water right, implements and ma chincrv. rmv. pigs, chickens, good six room "brick house, barn and other im provements, electric lights Price- Includ ing crops $12,600: will exchange for good Ogdcn city property aP'jriJP"?!"01"' SMITH & FLINDERS CO. Over Commercial National Bank A SNAP for quick sale' for cash to pri ato parties, richt in the select aiatj"" Cholco lot on Jackson o0 feet front v.Ith 20 feet alley, also n bcaut on Twenty fourth. 33 feet with all Improvements. In quire 1003 Twenty-fourth ?03 FIVE room strlctlv modern brick house on bench. Inquire 3002 Wall avenue. FOUR room modern house with sleeping porch, on bench cheap, with terms. Phono 2447. 312fi HOME BARGAIN. SEVEN room -modern home, close In on paved street, all specials paid : well built home in excellent condition. Best buy In Ogden. Only 53500 $500 cash down, $10 per month. ALFRED E, STRATFORD 2250 Washington Ave. Phones 033-W or 2304 .1 300S THREE room house and six lots, with barn, chickens nnd chicken coop 3393 Washington avenue. ; 303 1 FROERER i FOWLES Real Estate Loans Insurance 2403 Hudson Avenue . Practically now five room modern bncU bungalow located In cholco part of Og den Houso exceptionally well built, with cement basement and built-in features. Ix)t 50x150 feet. This is real value. Price 54500. Reasonable torms. If vou need a family homo sco this sev on room modern home on bench. Fine con dition, largo lot, 65x150 fccL many varl-f-tles of fruit, barn, garage, and basement. Price 53500. Terms 51000. Balance mort gago for 20 vears. " Good six room modern near high school. , East front, basement, lawns, shade trees, j Price $3000. Terms $500. balance ?-0 a n,0nth" -FROERER -ft -FOWLES - "!" Real Estate Inauranco I'f'n5 i 2103 Hudson Avenue Phone 31 3100 SMALL frame house ami 50 foot lot near j railroad district. Price $1000. Terms 5300 t cash and balance monthly Payments to , suit customer. O. A. Kennedy, basement i Utah National building. Phone 913 or. 2213-J 3030 J SMITH-FLINDERS CO. Iuommerciai .auuimi uunr. umt. Phone 1147 Mrs. Saunders. City Department Now four room brick bungalow, close in on bench: large sleeping porch, good basement, hardwood borders, large kitch en cabinet, beautiful' light fixtures, and a good lot. Only 51000; terms. Immediate possession. Two four room modern houses wLn large sleeping porches. Must be sold at once Immediate possession. Two five room modern brick houses lo rated one block from Washlngtn South part of city. Reasonable price and easy terms. , ,, Many other good buys that wo would like to show you, 307o SIX room stucco, six lots with C50 feet front Good for garden or chickens. Irri gating water. Wiy sHI on reasonable terms Inquire Owner 302 Thirty fifth. 3046 THREE-acre chicken farm. Phono 2SS'J W 30IS; APARTMENT house close in on Wash- j Ington avenue; ha3 nine two and three, room apartments. Furnished. Income I S22G a month. Price 511-500. Half cash.; Might consider part exchange. Box Is ' Standard-Examiner. ISoC EIGHT room modem home; sleeping; porches. Phone 2S70. 3007 FIVE room modern bi5lck house and gar-' age. newly painted. 331 Perry avenue. I 2DSC ' EIGHT room home, sleeping- porches, j Phone 2870. 238 , NEW two-roomed furnished house; lights ' nnd water; lot 116x75 planted. 3253 Mon ; voe I 2351 j LOT 100x137 on Oak snd Jackson to trail for auto. Phono 3137 W. 2330 REASONABLE: furnished five room mod rn brlel;; shade trees, fruit trees, grapes, berries, garden. East Twelfth street. Moors Lane. 2894 S500 DOWN, balance monthly, will buy a nc six room modem home, all special taxes paid in full. Choice locution, imme diate posCESlon. E F. Bratz. 117 Eccles building. 2889 APARTMENT house, strictly modem, five apartments, fine location on bench, pay.i 10 per cent net on your Investment, Have tn leave town on account of sickness. Will sell cheap. Kolly - Hcrrlck. 2S61 THR.EE room cottage, two lots. 3121 Un J 'ni Hvcnuc, cheap. Terms or cash. Phone 1650 J. 273S m 13 ACRES, crops. Implements, horses, on state highway, z mile north Clearfield. Phono U-R-l. 2760 BY" OWNER Gooa sixteen room apart mcnt house, furnished, sleeping porches. j gas ranges, finest location in town. $110 a month income. Good terms. Phone 102 269 L LARGE building lots, new addition to Eighth street. Good soil, drainage and Jo cation. 633 Seventh. Phono 2135-M. 2493 "5EVEN room modem brick house, dou ble garage, paVcd street. Terms on port. S. W. Wiicro', 2603 Madison. 2345 SEVEN room brick. Have you somc thing to trade. Small houso preferred. Wo can be of mutual benefit by dealing direct. Also have Grand piano. 1325 Twcn-ty-fifth street. Phono 1420-R. 2308 DO R LEV IDAHO FARM LANDS VB havo n. largo list of Irrigated farms for sol or trade. Viito or sco WONES URISWOLD JKV. CO.. Burley. Idaho. 2748 W. L. TORTDR, Real Estate and Loans. 1 ?37C Washington nvenuo. Phono 1876, 1263 bi OWI'ER Corner lot 116xl.-8 fc-t. 1 Twenty-second nnd Rccvco avenue. IJhone 3076. 379 The oil shale- Industry has been in operation In Scotland since I860. l FOR RENT I $ Fumished 'FURNISHED hoiifiekeepfng and sleeping rooms. 2203 Washington. 3151 j SUITE of rooms for MglH honskecplng in Inow bungalow. 2721 Grant avenue. 314 1 APARTMENT and room. 2571 Lincoln. 3161 . FURNISHED house In canyon at Fair Mnont. Phone 2016-M. 3145 TWO rooms for light housekeeping, close I In; no children. Phone 16S6-M. 3150 FURNISHED room. 769 Twenty-fourth, 3143 'NICELY furnished room with bath. 2560 Orchard. Gentlemen preferred, 3113 : FIVE room furnished house. Madison ave nue, near Twenty -seventh street. Inquire I 733 Twenty-seventh strot. 31 17 1 THREE room apartment with sleeping porch for one or two months Reliable I couple only. Apartment 6. The Avon, j 3116 .FURNISHED apartment, sultablo for ! two. 2703 Grant avenue. 3166 TWO housekeeping rooms at 2-I5B Adams' in venue. No children Phono 1637. I 1 3063 (TWO modem sleeping rooms for rent at 214S Jefferson. Bdard If desired. 3113 ROOM. 530 Twenty-third street. 3091 :TWO light housekeeping rooms at 355 Twenty third atrcct. Phone 2113-M. 3112 THREE room moficrn apartments. Call 2C3S Qulnc. avenue Phone 14S3. 3113 TWO rooms for light housekeeping. No children. 512 per month 551 Twcnty thlrd street. 3167 TWO room apartment with sleeping; porch. 566 Twenty-fourth street 310 I THREE room furnished house. 2050 Grn-1 mercy 3112 j FURNISHED apartment. 2566 Washing ton avenue Corey Apartment. 3311 j FURNISHED or unfurnished apartments I for rent. 234S Washington. 3110 , TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. ' Phone 11S3 26-1 Twenty-sixth street. i 30S0 HOUSEKEEPING rooms suitable for fam ily or bachelor: and sleeping rooms. 2210li Washington 30S7 I VERY desirable rooms, reasonable rates, two minutes from postofflce. Gates Ho te 2416 Grant avenue. 3067 TWO room apartments for housekeeping. I also one room suitable for one. lady pre ferred 330 Twenty-third street. Lincoln I Hotel . 306S ; FOUR room furnished house. Rear of 335 Twenty eighth street 307S ROOM. 530 Twenty-third. 3031 ONE or two room!. housekeeping apart- I ments. Sleeping rooms: no children. 22721 Madison. 3041 I I FOUR l-ooin apartment, nlcelv furnished.! I first floor. 27S5 Grant avenue. 301S I PLEASANT room in modern home, fino j location. 45S Twenty fourth. 3017 MODERN sleeping and housekeeping' I rooms. 2731 Madison. Phono 2023. 3015 j iFURNISHED apartment, threo rooms pri ivate bath, good furniture. 27S5 Grant I avenue. 3016 . TWO room furnished apartment on see ond floor. 27S5 Grant avenue. 3014 J COMPLETELY furnished housekeeping I apartments, elevator, phone, lights, gas, meld service if dc3lred. Plaza Apartments. 3013 TWO partly rumlshcd tent racks near Hermitage, Inquire 127 West fwentv- seventh. 23S3 TWO housekeeping rooms ground floor. ' 2021 Washington. 2390 j TWO comfortable modern room3. suitable ; for two 2C2I Jefferson. 2372 THRICE room furnished house for rent, j 750 Twenty-sixth itreet. 23S2 FURNISHED room lor rent In modem home, clos-- In. 315 Twenty-seventh street. 2377 FIVE room bouse, no children'. 50 monlh. 771 Twenty fourth street. 23-1'J T O housekceplnc rooms. 2353 Monroe, 2S53 THREE room furnished houso, 164 Twcn- ty-sccond street 2S17 MODERN hnngmow. uecker's Bridge. Canyon. Phone SOS. ' ' "3. 2760 , TWO or three furnished rooms for house keeping. W. B. Wcdell. 24 6S Washington avenue. 2152 , ' NICE Inrgu modrm rooms, breakfast i desired. Pefcrcnco required. 2633 Jeffer- i son. 2592 j' SINGLE or double rooms for sleeping1 orj housekeeping. 24CS Warhlngton. 2425 I MODERN furnl-h"d housekeeping rooms. ' r lrll T,aw. 'Ifllt 1017 jj- FOR RENT j j Unfurnished j STRICTLY modem eight room house, two sleeping poiches; gas and coal kltch I on Ktoves Installed- new hot nlr furnace i linoleum on kitchen and hull floors. Ap j ply 566 Tweiuy-fonrih street. 310S iTWO modem rooms. No children. 2769 Volkcr avenue. 3107 SIX room house on bench. 525 month, not j modern 2S66 Monroe. 3121 GOOD modem home for rent to man and wife with no children, good slmdo and garage, for boarding owner. Phone 1250 W after 7 p. m. 3120 T0 largn front ro"oms with use of bath 1339 Capital. Call afUr 3 p. ni. 2331 4 ROOMS, modern housekeeping- close In. Kelly Hcrrlck. 1032 WANTED I ' To Buv HAVE buyer for six room modern house Call 350. 3111 W73 have cush customers lor desirable city and farm lands. List your propercy with reliable people. Kelley Herrick. 3-6-tf v h ULV hi) cuiy iegurdle3s of condi tion. Auto Salvage 2143 Grant Ave. 3197 ON Improved real estate. E. F. Bratz, U7 Eccles BIdg. 3079 TO salaried people without security, to others on pianos, furniture, bonds.' etc. ??7 Hudson BIdg. Phono 284 243 UUiNhi to loan on .mpiwcd zeal eatai?, K'llv A- Hcrrlck. T79 f IvaKted I To Rent j BY THE 1st. three or four room modern unfurnished house, no children Call 3,124 M 3051 j SECOND-HAND GOODS SECOND HAND LUMBER 20 foot lengths. 3 4 pieces GxO. 27 pieces 2x10. 38 plecea 2x12. Phone 1229. 3103 SECOND hand goods bought and sold T C. Ivcreon, 1640 Washington. Phone 49. 291S WE takj your old rango as first payment on any new range, or will buy 3'our old range outright. Home Fiirnlturo Co. 4673 BUSINESS j, i Opportunities J ONE of the best blacksmith shops In county; work for three men the year round, nnd all necessary equipment Best location. Phono .1167 J. 3091 CHANCE for men who own autos to mako money. Box C 12. 2993 Colors aro frequently artificially produced In agate artlclea. Hemstitching, plcot edge, buttons, pink ing and pleating. Second floor W. H Wright & Sons, Mrs. H. Layman. 1163 j TORSALE j j f Miscellaneous ' I IDAHO flour 56.25 per 100 pounds: 500 1 pounds or more. 56.13 per hundred The Star Market, 286 Twenty-second street 3132 WICKER push cart, adjustable back, first class condition. Cheap. Apartment 1 1. 2203 Washington avenue. 3164 I WICKER bay buggy and dining table. 567 Twenty-sixth street. Phono 3250. 3163 CHERRIES. Call evenings or Sundays. Bring boxes, C. A. Jones Ranch, North Ogden. Sco Mr. Bunnell. 312S FOUR burner gas range with largo oven, 515. Call evening. 3lC Twenty first street. 3131 GENUINE Conn cornel for sale cheap. Norman Ccrf. 2170 Washington. 3129 NEW elGht-lnch electric fan andnew hammock. Phone 2257-W, 3133 TWO good milk cows. 2357 Wall 3135 BICYCLE, phonograph, nnd some furni Ituro. 1221 Oak street. Phono 931-J. 3136 IF YOU want a good second hand blcyele. cheap, ca'l nt 3341 Chllda. 3134 TENT. 12x10. almost new. Call after 3 p. m . 1952 Stephens avenue, 31G5 PLAYER piano. Sell or trade for auto 621 Thirty first. Phone 2751-W. 3168 SEWING machine piano. l!brar table, cheap Phone 2315-M. 2554 Brlnkcr 3114 EIGHT piece dining room sot Phone 2061-W. Address 3472 Washington. 3117 RANGE, refrigerator, library table, din Ing room sot, hall tree. etc. G35 Twenty. third. ONE milk goat, one coming fresh, 520. Inquire 2S66 Monrot. 311S LOOSE hay for sale. Call S J-4 307t FREE soil at Tavlor. H block soutb'Vf Twentyfirth street. 3073 GOOD young hor3e for salc 240 West Twentieth street. 3001 DRESSER, library tablo and davcnetle, like new. Room 1, oer 336 Twenty fifth street. 3000 GOOD bicycle. $16 Call between 5 nnd 6 p m. 116 Twenty-third. 3005 SPECIAL prices on new and used gas ranges and plates. Miller Furniture Store. 3003 RANGE for sale. 315 Thirtieth. 299S FURNITURE for three rooms cheap; par ty can rent apartment. Inquire 2315 Lin coln avenue. 23S1 CANARY birds. 2220 Lincoln avenue. 2371 EIGHT-drawcr wooden card file cabinet. 3x5. at Standard Examiner, 2076 EXTRA largo round native cedar posts. Wheelwright's Wood Ynrd. 23 IS Hudson avenue. 23 1 1 TWO nnd one-half shares Wober-Davls water stock. Prlco 5300 per share. Phone. 926-W, 2933 GRAND piano, seven months old. cost S$nn. Wll sell for S700; costs $1100 now. Will take Edison phonograph as part pa mcnt. Call 3394 from 6 until 3. 293S WICKER baby buggy, almost new, 2777 Pacific avenue Phone 3140-J. 2340 RUG. 9x12. In good condition. 3134 Wash ington. 2942 191S Harley Davidson motorcycle, elec trically equipped. Will trade for Ford cur or sell for cash. 2539 Grant avenue. 2341 FOUR hole Star Estate range. 210 Thlr tleth street. Phone 2202.M. 2343 A FEW uncalled for suits, excellently Dundee tailored. Low priced. Dundee Woolen Mills. 2431 Hudson avenue. 2945 MOTORCYCLE. Harley Davidson, good condition, a bargain for cash If taken at once. Call for demonstration at 2521 V ashington avenue or phono 173. Ask for Frank Madsen. 2907 YOUNG White Leghorn pullet3. Phone 1243 Western Grain & Feed Co.. 2354 Washington avenue. 230 NEWMAN'S pay tho highest price for second hund furnituro. Phono 63S. 23 IS Washington. 2202 FISH poles. 5c and up. 1610 Washington 2263 CALL S28 for kindling wood. 2218 BOHN-SIPHON rofrlgerator. White en ameled. 75 pounds capacity. Coat 5100 , Will sell for 535. Mr. Fowler. Wright's' Basement. 2207 1 PIANOS and other musical lntrumor.ts. Terms without Interest. Pantone. 2874 Hudson. 903 UNCALLED for suits, tailor made: hh? 1 reduction. Gordon's. 211-25 Twcnty-f'f'h Rt Phone 419. tlJ7 PAINTS AND VARNISH Rn vnnr nnlnl t Slmvf.'c nn,t niva money. 1800 Washington avenuo. Phone 6S6-J. 1318 1913 Oldamohllc coupe, like new. sacri I flee. j 1916 Cadillac S. perfect condition 1917 Studebaker touring. A-l 1918 Bulck six touring. like now I 1918 Studebaker ton truck. A-l. 1918 Two ton Nash truck good as now. 1917 Model N Hupmobile. cord tires, winter and summer top. I PACIFIC NASH MOTOR CO. j 2200 Washington Ave. 1 3116 SEVEN passenger Cadillac touring car. excellent condition, cheap. Inquire 813 Twenty-fifth street 3115 1917 model 1' ton Indiana truck. A-l con dition, good for two or three years hard usagv. Cheap for cash. 210 Eccles BIdg.. or Phone 176. 3119 1017 Ford eoupo for sale, or will ex change for five passenger car. Apply 1561 Twenty-fifth streot. 3071 SMALL louring car. good condition. heap. 565 Seventeenth street. 2385 FORD ton truck In good condition. Cush ion and pneumatic tires. Cheap for cash 2336 Washington 2312 SNAP One six cylinder car In excellent shape. Very cheap. Phone 577. 2SS6 LIGHT Cadillac truck. 1314. Hudson. Studebaker 1917. New Franklins. First class auto shop. Barlow Brothers, 2466 Grant avenue. 953 Bulcl; light ilx roadster. Bulck 4. flvo passenger. Overland S5, flvo passenger. Overland 83, flvo passenger. All these cars are guaranteed to be In first clas3 condition. Will sell at a bar gain. HARBERTSON BROTHERS 2614 Washington Avenuo 2768 FOR SALE By owner, good family auto cheap. Phone 1427 2373 FOR SALE OR TRADE Good grain and stock ranch well located, adjoining moun tain range and only four miles from rail road station, water available for stock wheat; dwelling, stables, corralj. seven head of horses, farming implements, all goes, Including crop, if taken before har vest. Will sell on terms or exchange for small place. R. P. Hunter, 131 Twentv fourth street. Phono 1S03 J Price 55000. ' 3138 TWELVE or 24 dozen unused bushel fruit baskets with covers. 52 the dozen, or trade for fruit. Phone 953-M or call 1073 Twenty-first street. 3072 THREE fresh cows Flvo coming fresh soon. Will sell or trado for dry cowa. I Phono 1851. J, A. Lee. 2997 r DIAMOND Javallcr at Lorin Farr park Tuesday afternoon after 3 p. m. Please return to UiIb office. Reward. 3162 ON MONDAY, small bunch of keys NcT tlfy Box 6-A. care Standard Examiner, Reward. 3081 BLACK leather pocketbook containing alKHit 517 or 518, Return to 2620 Wall. Rowurtl. 3Q83 LARGE pearl sunburst pin. Return lo 701 Eccles building. Phone 1105-W. Rc )vard. 2959 PAK1S, June 30. A farewell din ner of the International congress of chambers of commerce was held to night, as the sessions of the congress are about to end. All the American delegates were present. 'j ' WANTED ) L .Maje Help j MEN wanted to unload coal by contract. Ogden Sewer Pipe &. Clay Co 3106 FARM; hand, salary and profit charing proposition. W, K. edell. 216S Wnsh Ington. 3105 t BOOKKEEPER for Pocatello. Apply Mr. Smith. Gem Supply Co.. 2315 Wall avenue. 3101 YOUNG man stenographer to go to Su-, , perlor. Wyo. Apply 528 Eccles BIdg. 3066 EXPERIENCED stenographer young j man preferred. 521 Eccles BIdg. 3012 FIRST class bushclman wanted at Wap-1 Pier's, Twcnty.fourlh and Hudson 2330 ; YOUNG man at American Linen Co., 161 Twenty-sixth street. 2929 ; YOUNG man to do general office work for large manufacturing concern. Address P. , O. Box 707. 2851 WRINGER man and linen checker, U. P. Laundry. 2643 FLYiNG In eight weeks Y. M, C. A.J Auto Schools Los Angeles. 2352 i waiTFed j Female HeJjp lEXPERIENCED waitresses wanted at City Cafe. 110 Twenty-fifth. Phono 824-W. ! 3124 I WAITRESS; Virginia Hotel. 3123 i CHAMBER maid at Reed Hotel 3122 J WOMAN who can cook to work four or i five hours a day. for mall family. In can- i i yon cottage. Apply Commercial Natolnal I i Bank 3032 i ! EXPERIENCED stenographer for large I manuf.-",iurlng concern. Address P. O- j I Box 707, giving references ond experience. 26S0 I ! foiTrS ' Miscellaneous ' ! GARAGE for rent. $5 a month. 11S2 Twcn-ty-rlfth. 3063 THREE Ohio vacuumn In first class con dition. 51 day. Call J. Barlow. 23S4-J. I 2877 I OHIO vucumm, 51 day Phono 314S. j , 2328 GOOD pasture for horses, close to Ogden I Smith A Flinders, Commercial Natlcnul 'bank building. Phono 1H7 or 2S6S-W ove- nlngs. 17S4 i STORAGE room for rent. Call Asbesto- imp Products Co.. Phono 1416-W. 367.- i ' V ANTED 5 ij Situations i I WORK for few hours each evening. Any kind of work. Box 73 care Standard. 3130 , POSITION by yo'ung married man. desir ing to make Ogdcn his home. Willing to work, would like a position with a future. 1 Box R. care Standard-Examiner 3125 I POSITION by a business woman, who is , anxious to locate in Ogdcn. Can give best of references. Address Now York, care Standard. 30S6 ' EXPERIENCED male bookkeeper desirea I position with reliable firm Tel 2495-W. Mr, Hall 253$ Orchard avenue. 3065. PAINTING, paper denning of all kinds. ! Work guaranteed. Call 2637-R. 2395 I PLASTERING and patching. Call 111 ! Twenty seventh street. 2391 ' FOR cement work or general building j contracting. Phone 2257. ,2948 j I EVERYBODY suffering with plies. fl3tula. ulceration, bleeding or Itching piles, write for free trial, painless pile cure R. E. Tarne San Jose. Cal 2707 CARD and character reading. 113 Twen-tv-slxtli street. 2633 Information Bureau $2,00 PER LINE PER MONTH ANYTHING New or Old ANYTHING A to Z now or old bought, sold or traded. Phono 332. GCrOKS AND" STATIONERY BramT.'ell Book nnd Stationery. 2362 Washington Ave. Phono 360. 205? BANKING Utah Kntlf nnnl nmlr .null... . Twenty-fourth and Washington, Phono 61. I CARPENTER AND JOBBER I F, Stnipplck, carpenter and Jobber 15S ! Twenty-third. Phone 101S, 2519 I CARPET CLEANING K. Van Kainpon for upholstering, car- ,pct3 cleaned, altered and la'.d. Remaking I of mattresses. Phone 2752-.T. , Expert carpet cleaning, mattress rcno vntinp. upholstering, and springs rc stretchrd. CaP E. J. Hampton Co,. Fealhei renovating Phono 26SC-W. ! CITY JUNK HOUSE j Phone 133. 225S-60 Washington Avo. 733 CHOP SUEY AND NOODLES Marsuba & Co.. leading Japaneao res taurant In Ogden. 273 21th St. I DRESSMAKING I DRESSMAKING nnd silk shirts mado to order. Phone 1035-M. 622 Thirtieth St ' 2753 CHILDREN'S sewing. Phone 1110. 2646 Monroe Avo. 25 10 j DENTISTS The Now Mothod Dentists aro spoclal Jf,ts JP al branches of Dentistry. 24G'i I Washington Ave. 2203 , ENGRAVING I Ogdcn Engraving Service Co . makers of lino cuts In ono or more colors. 416 I Twenty-fourth street. Phono 463. LIFE INSURANCE Geo. D. Bennett, corporation and group Inauranco a specialty. Phono 121-W. 1514 ,AJcxi H Mo"cs. resident agent Now York Life Insuranco Co . 442 Binford avenue Phone 1467 nnd 1577-W. 2S67 JUNK AND HIDES Western Hide & Junk Co.. 2323 Wash Inchon Ave . Phono 361. Ogden I unk Houso. 2053 Washington Ave. Phono 210 PAPER HANQING Pnpor hanging, painting, kalsomlnlng. paper cleaning. Reasonable. 3220-R "2SC6 REAL ESTATE .YIH?rd. .ICay' rcal catnto and loans 2474 Washington Avo. Phouo 403. 1874 SCAVENOER Garbage and rubbish hauled, cesspools ; ond toilets cleaned. John Chlpp & Co. Phono 828. 2318 Hudson Avenue, 0733 TRUNKS AND BAGS Trunk and bap ronalrlng, round cor ner from Standard. Gallachcr's. .'.373 Hud sen. 211S I WALL PAPER CLEANING KALSOMINING and paper cleaning. Tel. 23-R-ll. W. Alvord. 3861 Adams. 2421 WINDOWS CLEANED EXPERT window and wall paper clean I Ing. American Window Cleaning. Ph C33 , LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING OF STOCKHOLDERS OF HOOPER SUGAR COMPANY. Notice fa hereby given, that pursuant to a resolution of tho board of directors a special meeting of the stockholders of the Hooper Sugar Company will bo held at tho office of tho company, In the Ma sonic Temple building, in the Cltv of Og den. County of Weber and State of Utah, on Monday, tho 12th day of July, A. D 1320, at tho hour of 1 o'clock p m., for the purposo of considering nnd acting upon and confirming or rejecting the ac tion of tho board of directors of tho com pany In having herctoforo sold to Ernest R. Woolley the plant and all of the prop erties, rights, and choscs In action, of ev ery kind and description, for an agreed amount of the capital stock of tho Inter state Sugar Company, a Utah corpora tion, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly como before tho meeting, or an adjournment thereof. Dated: Juno 25. J0Z0. .JAMES II, RILEY, Secretary. Date of first publication, June 20. 1920. Dato of last publication, July 10, 1930. After the-wnr of 1S12, flour Jumped from $7.50 to 100 a barrel. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF INTENTION. , Notice Is hereby given ry me board of commissioners of Ogden City, Utah, of the : Intention of said board of commissioners 1 to make tho following described Improve ment, to-wlt. To create "F' avenuo be tween Twenty-fourth street and tho south city limits of Ogden City, Utah, as a pav ing district and to pavo tho roadwav therein with Portland cement concrete pavement twenty feet In width, also to build all culverts, Irrigation and dralnago i systems, and to construct "private water I service connections from tho main to the curb line at tho expense of tho Indi I vidua! owners opposite the lots or parts of 1 lots or bouses not now supplied with such connections. The above named work shall Include the. necessary grading therefor land all other work necessary to complete, tho whole In a proper manner according to the plans, specifications and profiles on flic In the office of tho city engineer, and to defray the wholo of the cost and ex pense of the abuttor's portion thereof bv a levy of a special tax to bo assessed upon tho lots or pieces of ground within the following described district, being tha district to bo affected or benefited by such Improvement, namely: "All the land lying between the outer boundary line of said street nnd a line Jrawn flftv feet back from and parallel to said outcr boun dary llneG on both sides of "F" avenue between Twenty-fourth 3trcet and lh-- south city limits of Ogden City. Utah, bo Ing Lota 1 to 12 Inclusive, Block 8, Brook lyn addition; Lota 1 to 12 Incluslvo. Blocic 9, Brooklyn addition: Lots 1 to 12 In clusive, Block 10, Brooklyn addition: Lots 1 to 5 Inclusive. Block 11. Brooklyn addl tlon: Lots 1 lo 3 Inclusive, Block 12, Brooklyn addition: Lots 1, 2, 31 and 32, Block 13. Brooklyn addition; Lots 1, 2, 31 ond 32. Block 14. Brooklyn addition; Lots lt 2. 31 and 32. Block. 15. Brooklyn addl-" tlon; and Lot 12. Block 14. West Ogder. addition, all In Ogden City survey. Tho estimated cost of each water con nection In 550.00. The estimated cos as given below does not Include the cost of constructing prl vate water service connections, which costs are to bo assessed against the prop erty benefited In addition to the regular asscsoment. The total cost of eald Improvement is estimated at 512.980. All protests or objections to such lm provemcnt or to tho carrvlnir out nt turh Intention must bo presented In writing 1 signed by tho owners of abutting property describing the sume togothcr with tho number of abutting front feet and. be filed with iho city recorder on or before tho 7th day of July. 1020. The board of commissioners at its first regular meeting thereafter, to-wlt, the sdi day of July. 1920. will consider the pro posed levy and hear and consider such p protests and objectiono to said improve ment as shall have been made. By order of the board of commislson ers of Ogdcn City. Utah. Dated Juno 15. 1920. C. T. MOTES. Cltv Recorder. Urst publication Juno 16, 1320. Last publication July 5. 1920 Published in tho Ogdcn Standard-Examiner. Paving District No 133 I PROBATE AND ! GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES Consult County Clerk or the Re3pco tive Signers for Further Information. I NOTICE. Esnte of Bertha N Isonhart. Deceased I The petition of Frances R. AbbotL for letters of administration, in the above en titled matter, has boon set for hearing before Hon A. E. Pratt. Judge, on Mon day, tho 12th day of July. 1920. at ten (10) o'clock a. m.. at' tho county court house, in the court room of said court. In Ogden City. Wcbcr county, Utah Witness, the clerk of said court, with tho seal thereof affixed, this 30th day of June. 1920. WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk ( hez & Barker, Attorneys for Petitioner! (Seal) NOTICE. Estate and Guardianship of David Eu gene Taylor. Albert E. Taylor and Thcl ma Taylor. Minors. . The petition of Eva Cotroll (formerly Eva Taylor) praying for the appointment of herself as guardian of the persons and estates of David Eugene Taylor. Albert E. Taylor ond Thelma Taylor, minors. In the above entitled matter, has been set for hearing boforc Hon. A. W. Agco. Judge, on Monday, the 12th dav of Julv. 1020. at two (2) o'clock p. m.. at" the coun ty court house. In the court room of said court, In Ogdcn Cltv, Weber County. Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof afMxed. this 30th day of June. 1920. WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk. Harris & Jcnson. Attorneys for Petitioner (Seal) NOTICE Estate of Myra Brown. Minor. The potltlon of Celentla Fcathcrstone I for lettors of guardianship. In the above ' entitled matter, has boon set for hearing 1 before Hon.. A. E. PratL Judge, on Mon-, day. the 12th day of July. 1020. at ten (10) o'clock n. m.. ot the county court house, In the court room of said court, in Ogden City. Weber county, Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, -with tho seal thereof affixed, this 30th dav of June, 1020... WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk. Thnrman & Allen. Attorney for Peti tioner. (Seal) NOTICE. Estate of Chauncey R. Dana. Deceased. Tho potltlon of Mury Ellen Dana for loiters of administration, in the above entitled matter, has been set for hearing before Hon. A. W. Agee, Judge, on Mon day, the 12th day of July, 1920. at two 2) o'clock p. m., at the county court houe, in the court room of said court, in Og den City. Wober Cunty. Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 30th day of June. 1320. WALTER N. FARR. Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Doputy Clerk. W. 11. Rccder, Jr., Attorney for Peti tioner. (Seal) NOTICE. In tho District Court of the Second Judi cial District, In and for Weber County, State of Utah. In Ro Application of Frank Hasson to Change His Name to Frank Von Mohr. The petition of Frank Hasson, praying that tho court make nnd onter Its decrco permitting lilm to chango his name from Frank Hasson to Frank Von Mohr will be- heard by Department 2 of said court on Monday, tho 2nd day of AugusL 1920. at 10 a. m.. in the court room of said court, at Ogdcn City. Utah. Witness my hand nnd the seal of this court hereunto affixed this 29th day of June. 1920. WALTER X. FARR. Clerk. C. R. Holllngsworth, Attorney for Peti tioner NOTICE. Estato of Arthur J. Stalllngs. Deceased. Tho petition of Bortha Stalllngs for let ters of administration to be Issued to Ar thur D. Stalllngs, In tho above entitled matter, has been sot for honriiitz Ivefore. Hon. A. E. Pratt, Judge, on Monday, the 12th day of July, 1920, at ten (10) o'clock a. m., ut the county court house, in the court room of said court, in Ogdcn City, Weber county, Utah. Witness, the clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this 30th day of June. 1920. . WALTER X. FARR, Clerk. By Agnes Smith. Deputy Clerk. W. II. Rccder. Jr., Attorney for Peti tioner. (Seal) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Tho Estate of Jacob P. Gibson. Deceased. Creditors will present their claims, with proper vouchors, to tho undersigned, at office of J. G. Willis, attorney, 315 Hudson building. Ogden. Utah, on or be foro September 1st. 1920. MARSELA S. GIBSON. Administratrix of the estato of Jacob P. Gibson. Deceased. J. G. Willis, Attorney for Administratrix. First publication June 10, 1920. 26S7 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estotc of Janet Mnud Hunter. Doccased, Creditors will proscnt claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at tho law offico of John A. Sneddon. Suite 316 First National bank building, Ogdcn City. We ber county. Utah, on or beforo the 4th day of August, 1920. ANDREW HUNTER. Administrator of Said Estate. John A. Sneddon. Attornoy An adult ishould havo 3000 cubic feet of fresh air an hour. SONG HITS MAKE FORTUNES ' I BUT NOT FOR THE COMPOSERS MRS. THEKLA ANDREW AND JOHNNY BLACK NEW YORK, June 2S. "Dar danella" is one of tho most popular songs ever written in America; Royalties on the piece aro reported j to have reached $250,000. i And Johnnie Black, who composed it got $100. "Madelon" is the most popular song that has been written In France in a generation. " It has made hundreds of thousands of francs for the publishers. The French poilu who wrote It got nothing not a centime! In royal ties. "Aladelon" was written before the war. It was one of a thousand songs that verc heard occasionally. Nobody paid any attention to it. Then the armies were mobilized, the French 'pollus took it up. They demanded it to march to. They sang it. It was played by the bands, over and over and over. It spread all over France. Literally all France sang lt, whistled it, played It, marched to it. Every returned Yank can whistle tit. Since the war the French Cham ber of Deputies has made It an of ficial national song. A French news paper has raised a fund for tho poilu , writer who was glad to give his com position to tho publisher just to see it printed. SHORT AND SOUR j BY "BUGS" IJAEIL (Written Exclusively for Universal I Service. Copyright, 1920. by Uni versal Service.) SAX FRANCISCO, June 29. Wcwds will win this political war. Don't save them. Tho paramount Issue seems to be to chirp "John Brown's Cadaver" to the tunc of "11 Trovatorc." When tho New York bunch ctartod their riot the chairman hnd a gavel. Give every delegate a mallet and even It up. Palmer has slowed up. Sponge up his noac. Something wrong with Bryan. They must havo forgotten to put skid chain on his cradle when ho was young. After this six-day delegate race is over, how about going out to tho Seal rocks for a sensible little chatter with a walrus? The prohibition issue to date. Thoy used to age the liquor and now tho liquor ages you. Ought to get a plank In that plat form about tho lady who goes away for tho summer and leaves tho cat LEGAL NOTICES ALIAS SUMMONS. No 6491. In the District Court of Wober County. State of Utah. Warren L. Wnttls. Plaintiff, vs. Emma Mankln. Fred Paiks. J. J. Brummltt. Brummllt Investment Compnnv. R. IT. Douglas, Hyrum Belnap. doing busi- pany, and Hyrum Bohiup Lumber Com pany a Corporation. Defendants. Tho Stato of Utah to said Defendants: You aro hereby summoned to appear within twenty days after servlco of this summons upon you. if served within the county In which this action ia brought; otherwise within thirty days after serv ice, nnd defend tho abovo entitled action; nnd In case of your failure so to do. Judgment will be rendered against you according to the demand of the complaint, which has been filed with tho clerk of said court. This action Is brought to foreclose the plaintiff's mortgago upon tho following tract of land, situato In Wober County, Uiahi All of Lots Nlnctcon (19) and Twenty (20j. Block Two (2) In Brummltfa Addi tion to Ogdcn City. Utah. C. R, ROLLINGS WORTH, Plaintiff's Attornoy. P. O. Address: 51S David Ecclca Bulld Ing. Ogden. Utah. In tho District Court of tho Second Judi cial District In nnd for tho Countv of Weber. State of Utah. In the Matter of tho Estate of Joseph W Arove, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at tho ottlca of W. R. Skeen. 102 Eccles building. Og den, Utah, on or before tho 1st day of September, 1920. DORA A RAVE, Administratrix. W. R. Skeen. Attornoy for Administra trix. Dato of first publication Juno 23. 1920. I, Date of laat publication July 21, 1920. When Johnny Black took "Darda nella" to the publishers, they told him it was unusual. Johnny felt proud. When the publisher offered him a check for $100, he accepted. Then he became aware that every body was singing it and playing it that it wa3 a hit! Now 'he is suing for a share of tho royalties. These cases would seem to prove that song writing by tho "un J known" song writer, is an unprotit j able business. But there are ex Iceptions like Mrs. Thekla Holllngs j worth Andrew of Joplln, Mo. Listening, to a new song hit one I day, she said: "I could write that 'kind of thing." And she did. "Kiss Me, Dear!" she called it. j She went to New York and offered I it to a publisher. jA The trifle he offered made her an cry and she went back to Joplin. jJ Mo., and had it published at her own expense. Eight thousand the entire first edition were sold in no time in that one neighborhood and more thous ands are being printed. But as has been said Mrs. An drew's case is exceptional. "The strangest case we ever heard of, in fact," say the dealers who are han 'dling it. with a jar of condensed milk and no fl can opener. Daniels has his Democratic navy 'here. Palmer has his secret service. Kay Baker brought most of the mint. All right to make use of your depart ments hut suppose Edwards brought all tho rummies? Ohio delegation has taken a strong stand against the placing of rocking chairs In one-arm lunchrooms. jH Cool weather gives women reason tj wear furs all summer, having a rca- son to wear summer furs spoils tho fun of wearing 'cm. IH Motion was proposed Inquiring after the president's health, but cooler heads prevailed. If wo can't get that wet plank, how about just a little dew drop in a splln- Lady delegate, lady delegate, fly away home, a blonde's moved next door and your husband's alone. Simplify matters by sending all the candidates to the White House and let 'cm eat for the championship. Hungarian prophetess says that next president will be blonde and bald. Any man who can be both at the same time deserves to bo president. FARMERS FIND THEIR HOLDINGS SWITCHED MEXICO CITY. June 30. The sec retary of foreign affairs today ordered the boundary commission to InVcstI gate complaints by farmers of OJinuga, state of Chihuahua, that rccont rains had moved tho bed of the Rio Grando southward, leaving lands of Mexicans apparently on the American side. PEAK OF HIGH PRICES IN FURNITURE REACHED CHICAGO. Juno 29. Tho peak of high furniture prices has been reach ed, according to members of the Be tall Furniture association of tho Unit od States, which opened a two-day convention tonight. METAL MARKET jH NEW YORK, June 29 Copper dull; electrolytic spot, Juno and July 19; August and September 19 19 1-1. Iron steady, unchanged. Antimony S.OOc. IH Tin easier; spot and June 49.00; July -iS.00. Lead nominal, spot offered at S.10. Zinc, quiet; East St. Louis delivery spot 7.20, bi(. CENSORSHIP ESTABLISHED. JJH NIEMPS AORES. June 30. Tho Chilian government has established a censorship in connection with dls turbanccs caused by uncertainty over the result of the presidential elections last Friday. Dispatches to news papers have been hK'd up and ii is fourod a serious situation exists In Chile. JM IH