Newspaper Page Text
I ' WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1920. , tattfttU-jEXttltttty II Small slippers I for little tots I A toy Balloon dS2 1 - free with each C Sturdy little slippers for live White Canvas slippers, in the "if? youngsters.. Brown kid and same models. Keep little feet S-i Black patent leather. Sizes cool and comfortable Sizes L -2V too Easily TP 2' t0 5- $--00 M 1C g worth $2.50 at . . pl.UO values at $1.13 I Barefoot Sandals for Women, I Misses' and Babies fl Ideal to wear around the house. La- 7j r . gv dies' sizeB 2V to G J JQ J , SvSt Popular with Misses for outings. :1 SJ Best thing you can put on the kid 1 1 ( dies' feet in the summer Babies' J ' " sizes, ?1.50 values 98 C I f WHITE CANVAS SHOES CLEANING OUT ! lice and English cut models. WiUte Canvas Keds $1.43 Values 51 and $5. For misses Ideal summer sport shoes and and children. oxfords for men nnd women, Hr,e Sizes. 8 to llli . . $2,75 You will save at this clcan-up r Sizes to 2 $3.25 price. Sies 2's to oi 53.50 Br Clark's shoe repairing adds months' wear., to your old' W I shoes. Best leathers highest class work and lowest prices.' , , For Good. Shoe4 I Chinese Resent Raids , Ca"6n 'City Offjciah Ketcfaum 'Mayor's' Pal I . vCrying persecution and that they aro innocent victims of suspicion of the Ogden police department, a delegation ot Chinese, headed by Charlie Sloan, so-called "mayor of Chinatown," ap peared before Mayor Frank Francis and the board of city commissioners this morning' and complained of tho rough tactics employed by tho offi cers in breaking down the doom dur ing a raid upon a Chinese store at 1Mb 5 Grant avenue last week. The celestials also complained that the officers procured $300 in cash dur ing the raid and asked thai the money be returned to ihem. Mayor Francjs explained that the money was being safely held as evidence In the case and they need not worry over its re turn. The members of the delegation were bitter against the police officers who participated in the raid and were rot backward in saying so. However, they were given a snnrp jolt when ?Inyor Francis, took the floor and ex plained his stand in the matter. j 3Iayor Takes Stand. j "The place which was raided," said Mayor Francis, "has been notorious for years and gambling "has been car ried on in the Chinese quarters. In the past the police offlcei-s have, pcr ' haps, been slightly overlooking infrac-j lions of the law. "As far as I am. concerned I willi not be found lacking In support of the! i police forco in clearing out festering1 sores in this community." I Mayor Francis explained that he' was not employing .tactics of going' about inquiring as to what is taking place in private homes and other so-' eluded places, but he was committed. In the linholdhur nf tho In.w tn thf I extent of bringing to an end any gam-j I bling in which victims are being in- veigled and their money being taken away by professional gamblers. Tho mayor intimated that gambling, in his opinion, was being carried on in tiie Chinese store or the police office j would not have used the tactics they employed. I 1 In cases whero gambling Is being I conducted by professionals, he de- dared It was necessary that thq of fi I ccra employ unusually stern methods I in order to obtain the necessary ei-j donee to gain convictions. He explain-' ( ed that if officers waited until the doors were opened to them they would I have but allm chances of obtaining any evidence that games were being conducted I Orders Investigation.. I J. "Ray Ward, commissioner of pub- j lie safety, told the Chinese he would order a full investigation of tho nffalr nnd would take the matter of the re turn of the $300 up with the board of commissioners at a later date. In order that the Chinese might be given a thorough understanding of the action taken by the police. City Attor ney Wade Johnson was called In. lie said tljat mere suspicion that gambling lis being conducted does not justify of j ficcrs in breaking down rtoors, but i that he realised that officers took I chances and did unusual things, ful lly believing in their Judgment, and feeling they were pursuing the proper course. ; Mr. Johnson advised that in this particular case the circumstances be tnoroughly in estlgatcd and if any in justice has been done there be full j reparation. j During his talk Charlie Sloan ex plained that the Chinese were arrest ed while in the basement of a store , where his friend conducts the sale of i rice and tea. j Heavily Barred, i Mayor Francis called his attention , to the fact that the windows and doors !of the basement were heavily barred and .asked why so much protection be , given such a place. I "Keep lots rice, tea in cellar. Afraid I robber." Charlie answered. Sloan oxplalned that he was not so muqh . . Incensed over the destroyed property as he was over the reflection cast upon him and his friends in being caught in a raid. "Ketchum old Chi nee friend come visit me all wav from ; Park City," Charlie said, "lie caught in raid too. He my guest. Make mei feel like h 1." uu Kirkendai! Itaored byOgdenB.P.OJIs The regular metfng of Ogden lodge B. P. O. Elks, held last night was designated as Klrkendall night, in honor of Past Exalted Ruler P. F. Kirkendall. Appropriate ceremonies were hold in the presentation to 'him of an honorary life membership In the lodge. Tribute to the work he has done for the order in Ogden were paid by soveral members of the lodge. A handsome engraved life member ship card was presented to him by the committee appointed for the purpose. City's Survey Shows Few In stances Where Goods Fail to Meet Standard Ogden's recent campaign and sur vey of canned goods, -which has been conducted by tho city health depart ment and has resulted in tho investi gation of canned products being sold by all merchants in tho city, has shown but few instances whero tho goods have not been up to standard, according to a report made by Dr. J. M. Elliott, city .sanitary inspector.' A few cans of food products have been found to contain decomposed mater ial, but It Is explained in tho report that no matter how careful a manu facturer is in canning, it Is practical ly impossible to detect tho leakage of air In some of the Containers and as a result the contents become poison ous. Dr. Elliott outlined simple tbss which can be used by tho housewife in detecting spoiled or poisonous food In cans. He said: "Spoiled canned food Is not safe, hp cause the consumer cannot separitr harmless decomposition from poison ous decomposition. No canning scheme is perfect enough to prevent the loss of an occasional can. Con tents of such a can should be destroy : ed not eaten. I "Tnpoisonlng cases it has been re 1 pcatedly shown that tho food con sumed was spoiled and that some of those who handled it recognized Its ! condition. As long 'as people take a chonco in serving food known to ho unsound, deaths from polconing will occasionally occur. "With both commercial and homo- ( cp nncd food, the final responsibility of determining whether it is in a f It i state for human consumption rests with tho person who opens the can. The only difference is 'that the coni-i mercinl product is tested by the whole saler. Jobber, and retailer before It I i reaches the consumer, while th" j home eanner Is frequently responsl-j ; bio for proper precaution in packing ' 1 and for inspection of the product I "A can, the contents of which Is suitable for consumption, when open- ' ed, should be free from smell, or es-1 caplng gas. I "The contents should have thp nro- ! I per color, texture, and. odor for the ' product canned, and should be abso- i lutely free from any foreign or offen- j ' I sive odor. All these things should be i noted before the product is tested." I oo I OGDEMTES LUCKY; ; COLLARS 30 CENTS IN EAST, 25 HERE Ogdenltcs who wear white, stiff collars are the luckiest in the land. This was shown this morn- . ing through a survey which prov ed that while New Yorkers and residents of cities in all parts of the United States have been pay- 1 Ing 30 cents for the neckwear. j Ogden gentlemen have been pay- ' ing but 25 cents. Tho survey was made follow- ing the arrival of a dispatch In Ogden this morning that tho price j of collars in the eastern states I will be reduced from 30 cents to 2G cents, following an announce mnot made by the Cluett, Pea body company of its price reduc tion. Haberdashers here declared that they have hung to the '25-cent price during the. past months, although there has been practical- - ly no profit on sales. It was stat ed by them that they simply did not have the heart to charge more than 25 cents for a collar that formerly sold at two-for-a-quarter. They declared they had lost no money through the holding down of the price, but they did not make a profit. It was stated that the reduciion announced in the east would probably not effect local prices until a further reduc tion came, but would simply allow them to make their legitimate profit. j oo Suit Dismissed; New Action to Be Filed i The caso of N. O. Ogden against Peter Hirlrgaray to recover 5500 for alleged damages to his crops from the straying of sheep belonging to I-Iirar-garay, was dismissed by the plaintiff yesterday in Judge A. E. Pratt's di vision of the district court. In dismissing the action, tho plain tiff stated he had omitted to state cause on which he based the action, in his complaint. It was, intimated that a new complaint would be pre pared and the case brought for trial at a later date. In his complaint Mr. Ogden charged that hl3 wheat fields in Davis county were over-run with the sheep In May, 1'JIO, and damage amounted to $500. !g)cMHamBB zzr J - l"1'' -'mm 1 . 1 - VERY NEWEST ,1 'm 1 Styles Reduced Prices I I . j ter grade, al the ; Pumps of Patent Leather are vorv . f khld th5t wear' size to 1 Short line, Co cn 7 8' ?1'95' 812 t0 U' 1 lc doTOlcc m urio-Uc over these open I ill ; hort lines, 4)8.50 values, . liy2 to 2, $2.65. fl f 4. c , . . V 1 j J throat tics. Same style Cuban heel. I Iy pricec1, bIack Jsfe SoIid comfort in mens low shoes i H J (S " kid $9.95 Lb v Mp for summer, " - Jl II White, also Brown, Kid $10.95 Tan Calf $7.85 S H m .77. " " , White Canvas $5.00 H II m White Canvas Keds-Pumps, with j ah Shorfc lmes real summer P and without strap; also lace ox-J tylk footwear. White canvas ' 1 j II ffi ford, $3.50 values- sizes 2 to 79 sport shoes oxfords rhese are only a few of our many very ffl p and Pumps, $3.95. attractive offerings. g J ft W. J0NESSHOE COMPANY I I 1 Shoes for Men-Women-Children H I 2461 Washington Ave. 1 M II Amalgamated Sugar Company Starts on Comprehensive Improvement Program Improvements totaling more than1 51,000,000 are being made by the Amalgamated Sugar company at their' Lewiston. Twin Falls and Ogden ! Plants, according to George W. Rienks, j assistant general manager. J Ao the L.ftvfslnn nnd fTivin "Wllo, plants new equipment Is being install ed while at eaeli place a first-class of fice building will go up within due time. The office buildings are no. under construction. i At the local plant the lime kiln and lime house Is being rebuilt while the sugar refining section of the factory is also being gone' over. A new beet ; wheel, beet washor, filler presses, ad ditional heaters and a new engine will also be installed. A new office, for operating men is being arranged at the local plant. Tho manager and agriculturist will be lo- catcd at the factory in the future in stead of at the main office In tho Kc cles building. I) ISTIXCTI VT2 DRESS FOR CH I IxDLrtiSS WJVES URGED (By International Newc Service.) PARIS. Compulsory wearing by." childless wives of uniforms with skull and crosabones painted on them was urged by the provincial section of the Leaguo for Largo Families in the1 chamber of deputies. ' j Holds That Insurance Com i pany Must Pay for Death of 6. W. Eames The supreme court of Utah, in a de cision just handed down, refused to alter the award of the industrial com mission in the case arising out of the death of George W. Fames on De cember 27 last while working for the lj-orgo v. lowc company of Ogden. ;The result of the supreme court's ac jtion will be that tho Aetna Life In jsurance company, insurance carrier .tor the Ogden house, must pay 53199 to Robert J. Eames and Mrs. Lucy K. Eames, parents of the deceased vouth, .residing at Ilarrisville. ) The case was appealed from the J2;V"artl of tno Industrial commission! The supreme court holds that the commission. had ample grounds for de ciding that dependency did exist and jas to the amount of "the award, and that tho omission of the finding of foot as to the ago, under the circum stances, was not prejudicial, and that! the award is just. Sanies died following injuries re ceived when his head was crushed by an elevator in the G. A. Lowe store. oo "THE HAKHOOM FLOOR" (By International Mews Service.) LONDOX The Cambcrwell Arm, a public house, has established a new sort of hall of fame. A tablet has been erected In the barroom listing names of fifty customers who gave their lives' for their country. ' II 01 WEEDS BEGUN M CITT Ordinance Is Resurrected and WIN Be Enforced, Says Sanitary Inspector A campaign against weeds within the city limits is the latest action to be undertaken by the city board of health. , with Dr. J. M. Elliott, city i"""'" .Miotic cu i- ui me ncim. ii nas been shown in a recent investigation that -weeds not only make an unsani tary city, but they are destructive to nearby lawns and unsightly. To give weight to the drive against the weeds a city ordinance was dug up and will be enforced during the campaign, it was announced. Inspectors will now tour the city districts and take note of all lots, fields and yards where patches of unsightly weeds are growing. Notices have been i printed and will he sent to the own ers' of the property which is not up to standard, in the matter of weeds. The notice notifies the property 'own ' er as follows: "You aro hereby notified that you are violating tho following ordinance, section 15, page 394, weeds, rank grasses, growths, brush and rubbish. It shall be unlawful for any owner, agent or tenant of any property, land, real estate, to fail, refuse or neglect to remove or destroy all weeds, rank grass, brush and rubbish from in front of or on any part of such prop erty. In case of failure the cost of removing same shall bo charged Lawn Play Classes ill to Start Tomorrow ' H The children's play hour for the ftll lawn play under the leadership of Ull .Miss Josephine Randall 'will commene'e 11 tomorrow in Lester park at 11 o'clock-. lEH This play is free and children are free- ill ly Invited. WH The class work will commence -'at If 1 9 o'clock and the first classes will 'be held in Madison school, just ooposite r the park. The class and play hour for citv hall park will be held at an evening 'hour ' j and will commence' In a day or tw'o. Announcement will be made of the citv . , hall play hour tomorrow. iflH Case to Quiet Title :' "' l Opens in Loca! Court iH The case of Leroy Barker against ' , I fl Charles VT. Thornton, James Storey, ' Joseph E. Storey, John Storey and W l ber county to quiet title to property, ' opened this morning in Judge A V ' Agoe's division of the district court' .Che complaint, sets forth that "the t Plaintiff is now in possession of pron- 1 erty described as part of northwest H quar - or of section 30. township 7 H north range 1 west, and asks that tho deiendants bG required to set forth H their claims to the property in order Seateouert.tll, b rmincd against said property You will nlen 1 1 1 I' "IN IMMIII II Hill mil BBBsaB HIMiLiTMMWM Will '"i?lSSS v ij I j Y SIGN W j 302 Twenty-fifth Street Next to Carr's Drug Store : i 0" I I GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SAiElil , I Our tables are crowded with new bargains of every description. Men's clothing, men's shoes and men's furnishings, which we are selling 1 Pi II hi at pnCSS f ar beIow today,s wholesale cost. SHOP EARLY AND AVOID THE RUSH. As a special favor to the working men we I ! H